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Increasing recognition is being given to the concept of ‘ecosystem engineers’, which alter the physical nature of the environment and thereby influence other species by means that are neither competitive nor trophic. This paper examines a case study of such effects, in which negative correlations between the abundances of the sandprawn Callianassa kraussi and the eelgrass Zostera capensis imply mutual exclusion because Z. capensis stabilises sediment and inhibits burrowing by C. kraussi, whereas sandprawn bioturbation smothers eelgrass. To test this, we undertook manipulative experiments in which Z. capensis was transplanted into sandflats where C. kraussi was either left undisturbed or eliminated by defaunation. This demonstrated that (1) Z. capensis thrived and expanded in sandflats in the absence of bioturbation but deteriorated and disappeared if C. kraussi was present. (2) In the short term, introduction of Z. capensis reduced densities of C. kraussi, and in established beds of eelgrass, C. kraussi was rare. (3) The mudprawn Upogebia africana was largely restricted to treatments that contained Z. capensis, and its densities were greater in the absence of C. kraussi than in its presence. The presence of eelgrass and the exclusion of C. kraussi also diminished sediment penetrability, suspension of particles and surface burial rates compared to the situation in undisturbed Callianassa-dominated sandflats. These results confirm a mutually negative interaction between C. kraussi and Z. capensis and strengthen the belief that the underlying mechanisms are the antagonistic effects of bioturbation by C. kraussi versus sediment stabilisation by Z. capensis. U. africana seems to benefit directly from Z. capensis but possibly also benefits indirectly from the exclusion of C. kraussi by Z. capensis, since its filter-feeding mode of life requires sufficient sediment stability to maintain semi-permanent U-tubes.  相似文献   

The faunal composition of high-shore beds of eelgrass Zostera capensis versus unvegetated sandflats dominated by the sandprawn Callianassa kraussi was investigated by experimentally transplanting plots of eelgrass into sandflats where the sandprawn was either left unmanipulated or eliminated by prior faunal suffocation. After 12 months, multidimensional scaling defined five faunal clusters that were dictated primarily by the presence or absence of eelgrass rather than sandprawns. By 18 months, eelgrass and sandprawns played equal roles in defining faunal clusters. After 30 months, sandprawns had displaced the eelgrass transplants and faunal composition converged on that of sandflat control plots.Most species were either ‘eelgrass-associated’ or ‘sandflat-associated’, but three had unique responses to the treatments: two high-shore species (Assiminea globulus and Hydrobia sp.) that were abundant in eelgrass beds never appeared in the eelgrass transplants, whereas another eelgrass-occupant, Siphonaria compressa, became superabundant on the transplants for 18 months.Unexpectedly, the eelgrass fauna was never more rich or diverse than that of unvegetated sandflats, although abundance was greater in the eelgrass. As hypothesised, the sandflats were disproportionally populated by burrowers and eelgrass by non-burrowers, but a second hypothesis that these habitats should support mainly hard-bodied and soft-bodied animals respectively was rejected.The distinctively different faunas of eelgrass and unvegetated sandflats are seemingly respectively maintained by sediment stabilisation by eelgrass versus bioturbation by sandprawns. The transplants of eelgrass into sandflats developed an eelgrass-associated fauna provided sandprawns were excluded, but ultimately reverted to a sandflat fauna once sandprawns reinvaded.  相似文献   

The northern geographic limit for Halophila johnsonii and Halophila decipiens has been reported as Sebastian Inlet, within the Indian River Lagoon, Florida. Surveys conducted in August 2007 determined the new northern limit to be 21.5 km north of the previously known limit. This new northern limit is a 10% range extension for H. johnsonii, a federally threatened species. We conclude that these range extensions are recent, based on (1) the small size of patches; (2) unusually good water clarity conditions due to a recent drought; (3) recent mild/warmer winters; and (4) a recent mechanism for transporting propagules, the numerous hurricanes of 2004. Although this recent range extension is considered ephemeral, similar range extensions may have occurred in the past and may occur again in the future under favorable conditions given the high capacity of these two species for dispersal to favorable sites. The northern limits of these species should not be viewed as static locations; rather, they must be considered dynamic features.  相似文献   

Herein I compare the relative importance of preference for structurally complex habitat against avoidance of competitors and predators in two benthic fishes common in the Gulf of Mexico. The code goby Gobiosoma robustum Ginsburg and clown goby Microgobius gulosus (Girard) are common, ecologically similar fishes found throughout the Gulf of Mexico and in the southeastern Atlantic Ocean. In Florida Bay, these fishes exhibit habitat partitioning: G. robustum is most abundant in seagrass-dominated areas while M. gulosus is most abundant in sparsely vegetated habitats. In a small-scale field survey, I documented the microhabitat use of these species where their distributions overlap. In a series of laboratory experiments, I presented each species with structured (artificial seagrass) versus nonstructured (bare sand) habitats and measured their frequency of choosing either habitat type. I then examined the use of structured versus nonstructured habitats when the two species were placed together in a mixed group. Finally, I placed a predator (Opsanus beta) in the experimental aquaria to determine how its presence influenced habitat selection. In the field, G. robustum was more abundant in seagrass and M. gulosus was more abundant in bare mud. In the laboratory, both species selected grass over sand in allopatry. However, in sympatry, M. gulosus occupied sand more often when paired with G. robustum than when alone. G. robustum appears to directly influence the habitat choice of M. gulosus: It seems that M. gulosus is pushed out of the structured habitat that is the preferred habitat of G. robustum. Thus, competition appears to modify the habitat selection of these species when they occur in sympatry. Additionally, the presence of the toadfish was a sufficient stimulus to provoke both M. gulosus and G. robustum to increase their selection for sand (compared to single-species treatments). Distribution patterns of M. gulosus and G. robustum likely result from a synthesis of various biotic and abiotic filters, including physiological tolerances to environmental factors, dispersal ability of larvae, and availability of food. Selection for structural complexity, competition, and presence of predators may further define the resulting pattern of distribution observed in the field.  相似文献   

Xingfeng Zhao  Weibang Sun 《Flora》2009,204(6):463-470
Michelia coriacea (Magnoliacae) is a critically endangered tree, endemic to Southeast Yunnan province, China. Most of the individuals in the extant populations normally bear flowers, but fruit set and fertile seed production rates were only 6.7% and 0.2%, respectively. To identify possible causes of reproductive barriers, the following studies were carried out: examination of stamen and pistil development; experiments using controlled pollination; observations of behavior and frequency of floral visitors in both cultivated and natural populations. The results revealed that about 60% of pollen was abnormal and approx. 70% of ovules had delayed development. Hand pollination could effectively enhance the fruit set (F4,25=35.139, P<0.0001) and seed set per fruit (F4,25=85.022, P<0.0001). Both cultivated and wild M. coriacea had an extremely low frequency of floral visitors. Some beetles, a few species of Andrenidae and some Bombus sp. are likely to be the effective pollinators. The fruit set and seed set per fruit from controlled self-pollination and cross-pollination were significantly different (P<0.05), and thus it is inferred, that inbreeding depression may be a contributing factor in the very low seed production. It appears that low seed set in M. coriacea is due to a combination of factors: abnormalities in pollen and ovules, low number of effective pollinators, and inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

Starch grains are a ubiquitous component of plants that have been used in tandem with phytoliths, pollen, and macrofossils to reconstruct past floral diversity. This tool has yet to be fully explored for aquatic plants, specifically seagrasses, which lack phytoliths and are rarely preserved as macrofossils or pollen. If starch grains in seagrasses are morphologically distinct, this method has the potential to improve seagrass identification in the fossil record in such cases where its starch is preserved (e.g. scratches and occlusal surfaces of tooth enamel from seagrass consumers). The goals of this study were twofold: (1) to determine if starch is present in seagrass material and (2) to assess how starch grain morphology differs between different seagrasses.This study focused on four abundant and ecologically distinct seagrasses from the Caribbean: Halodule wrightii, Ruppia maritima, Syringodium filiforme, and Thalassia testudinum. Starch grains were observed in all species except S. filiforme. Grains from H. wrightii are typically observed in side-on orientation, are sub-round to angular, and are fairly small (3-19 μm, end-on). Grains of R. maritima are small spherical grains (4-8 μm) that have a centric hilum and a straight extinction cross with a median angle between the arms of 90°. Grains from T. testudinum are large (9-31 μm, end-on), conical in side-on and round/sub-round in end-on orientation, have a slightly eccentric hilum with an obvious particle, and prominent lamellae.Visual assessment and comparative statistics demonstrate that the morphology of starch grains from T. testudinum, R. maritima, and H. wrightii are significantly different. With more extensive research, there is potential for the positive identification of starch grains from an unknown seagrass. The ability to identify seagrass from starch grains could facilitate the identification of seagrasses in the fossil record and supply information on seagrass evolution and distribution, climate effects on seagrass distribution, and the diets of seagrass consumers.  相似文献   

Field observations and experimental evidence have shown that bioturbation by the southern African sandprawn Callianassa kraussi may significantly influence the abundance and distribution of the filter-feeding bivalve Eumarcia paupercula and the grazing gastropod Nassarius kraussianus. It was hypothesized that (1) sediment reworking by C. kraussi negatively affects microalgal growth on the sediment surface, leading to a reduction in food intake by N. kraussianus, (2) sediment deposited by C. kraussi will also diminish the food uptake of E. paupercula by interfering with its filtration mechanism. To test these hypotheses, manipulative field and laboratory experiments were undertaken in which N. kraussianus and E. paupercula were added to treatments with and without C. kraussi, and their survival and gut chlorophyll-a content measured. The effects of C. kraussi on sediment erodability and on condition of E. paupercula (tissue mass/shell length) were determined in a second experiment. In the presence of C. kraussi, (1) microalgal consumption by both N. kraussianus and E. paupercula was halved; (2) condition and survival of E. paupercula were significantly reduced but survival of N. kraussianus was unaffected; and (3) sediment erodability was increased. A significant negative relationship was established between sediment erodability and condition of E. paupercula. Evidently C. kraussi exerts a strongly negative influence on the feeding of E. paupercula and N. kraussianus, and this may explain the scarcity of these organisms in areas containing high densities of C. kraussi.  相似文献   

We investigated the relative importance of above- and below-ground competition by reeds (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud) on the growth rate of Eriocaulon carsonii F.Muell. subsp. carsonii, an endangered plant threatened by reeds on artesian springs in Australia. Soil-filled buckets containing E. carsonii were frequently watered to simulate artesian spring conditions and subject to three treatments: (1) no Phragmites (control), (2) Phragmites (ABG), and (3) Phragmites with shoots tied back (BG). After thirteen months, Phragmites mean below-ground biomasses had increased to c. 3 kg m−2 and mean above-ground biomasses to c. 1 kg m−2. After the same period, mean root biomass of E. carsonii plants was significantly lower in buckets subject to both Phragmites treatments compared with control plants, as was E. carsonii foliage area. Comparison of the two Phragmites treatments indicated that below-ground competition was the primary cause of this reduced growth in E. carsonii. The vulnerability of E. carsonii to competitive exclusion by P. australis is in part due to the highly synchronized phenologies of the two species.  相似文献   

Developmental variation in some Achnatherum species was evaluated for two kinds of groups, (1) species pairs that do or do not hybridize and (2) rare and common species. Variation was assessed in two different ways, one that captures developmental events expressed in an individual and one reflecting developmental events that are part of the information systems of a species. The former captures the effect of the environment on development; the latter expresses developmental variation without the information controlling ontogenetic events being filtered through the environment. Development variation is lower for species pair that hybridizes when the effect of development in an individual is expressed. When that variation is of the species information system, the non-hybridizing species pair shows a lower level of developmental variation, likely the effect of greater similarity between those species. It is lower for rare species when variation in development is that of the information system of a species. The lower level of developmental variation seen in species pairs that hybridize likely reflects the necessity of compatible developmental programs in order for a hybrid to appear. Lower variation in development in rare species is expected. Here, though, the lower variation is a property of the species and not of the environment.  相似文献   

中国珍稀濒危孑遗植物珙桐种群的保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈艳  苏智先 《生态学报》2011,31(19):5466-5474
珙桐(Davidia involucrata Baill.)为我国特有的珙桐科单型种,第三纪孑遗植物,素有"活化石"之称,是国家一级重点保护珍稀濒危植物,其特殊的分类地位决定它在全球生物多样性保育中具有不可替代的作用。从珙桐濒危状况和原因、保育技术、保护策略3个方面回顾和总结了珙桐种群保护的研究,并对未来研究方向提出一些建议。  相似文献   

Buddleja davidii is a widespread shrub in Asia while B. yunnanensis is a narrowly endemic species limited to Yunnan Province, China. To explore whether floral volatiles, morphological characters of flower and seed and breeding system are correlated with their distributions, we measured length and width of corolla, trichome density at corolla throat, level of stigma/anthers relationship, seed size and weight. The results indicated that these characteristics were significantly different between the two species (P < 0.01). Bagging experiments revealed that B. davidii is a self-incompatible plant while B. yunnanensis is self-compatible. Thick trichome density at the corolla throat may reduce out-crossing in B. yunnanensis. Autogamy plays an important role in fruit production of this species while B. davidii requires pollinators for fruiting. Scents were collected using dynamic headspace adsorption method and identified with coupled gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. In total, 27 floral scent compounds were identified. The volatile composition in the two species was very different. We attempted to determine if these features, associated with commonness and with rarity found in these two taxa, could also help to explain the distribution pattern of other species of the genus Buddleja.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of the species, Potamogeton lucens subsp. sinicus var. teganumensis, which is critically endangered in Japan, was investigated. This species now occurs in only two known localities in Japan. One is a native population (Oitoike population), but the other (Teganuma-Okahotto population) is found in a small artificial pond that was dug in 1998. It is considered that the Teganuma-Okahotto population grew from a soil seed bank. Based on RAPD variation, we compared the genetic diversity of the two populations of P. lucens var. teganumensis in Japan and one population of P. lucens subsp. sinicus var. sinicus in China. The Teganuma-Okahotto population showed RAPD variation, suggesting that it may be derived from more than one seed buried in old sediments. This population also had the highest value of Shannon's Information Index among the three study populations. This finding suggests that seeds buried in sediments can contain genetic variability, and may be used to conserve the genetic diversity of rare and endangered plants.  相似文献   

Inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers were used to assess the genetic diversity and population structure in five populations of Astragalus nitidiflorus, a critically endangered species endemic to southeast Spain. Eight primers amplified 78 bands with 40 (51.3%) being polymorphic. Statistical results indicated a low genetic diversity at the population and species level, with percentages of polymorphic bands (PPB) ranging from 28.2 to 37.2% (an average of 31.8%), and means of gene diversity (HE) of 0.129 and 0.171 respectively. The Shannon’s index (SI) ranged from 0.160 to 0.214 at the population level and was 0.260 at the species level. A low level of genetic differentiation among populations was detected, based on the Shannon’s information index (0.297), the coefficient of genetic differentiation between populations (GST = 0.2418) and AMOVA analysis (ΦST = 0.255). The estimated gene flow (Nm) was 0.789. The high genetic connectivity found among populations of A. nitidiflorus is an evidence of a recent habitat fragmentation. In addition, a bottleneck event in the past has been revealed, with a subsequent reduction of population size and a loss of genetic variation. Based on these results, the conservation strategy of A. nitidiflorus was proposed.  相似文献   

At least part of the invasive success of the slipper limpet, Crepidula fornicata, in European waters must be due to reproductive characteristics, yet the events underlying the easily-observed brooding and non-brooding periods have not yet been studied in this species. The reproductive system dynamics were therefore investigated using topological histology and quantitative histological techniques. Specimens were sampled twice monthly for 18 months from Bourgneuf Bay, France, a mid-latitudinal point in the European distribution of C. fornicata. Both the testicles and ovaries showed active and resting phases, corresponding to the brooding and non-brooding periods, respectively. Maximum spermatozoan production corresponds to the female brooding period (female incubation of oviposited eggs, mid-March to late August), and allows males to possess full spermatozoan stocks at the height of fresh mature oocyte availability. The year-round presence of mature oocytes in the female gonad is misleading, since the histological aspect reveals that they are vestigial oocytes which slowly degenerate during the brooding period, possibly providing metabolites for the developing oocytes that become increasingly abundant during this period. A complete scheme of the C. fornicata reproductive cycle is presented, showing the events in the major reproductive organs.The seminal vesicle shows high inter-month variability in sperm presence, suggesting year-round copulation and sperm storage in the seminal receptacle. The seminal receptacle shows a uniform covering of spermatozoa throughout the year, suggesting rapid renewal after fertilization, again in line with multiple copulation throughout the year. Given the limited available space on the seminal epithelium, against which all spermatozoa abut, as well as polyandrous copulation, it is postulated that sperm competition may take place.  相似文献   

食物蛋白含量和限食对雌性东方田鼠生理特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱俊霞  王勇  张美文  李波  杨玉超 《生态学报》2011,31(24):7464-7470
为了研究食物蛋白含量和限食对雌性东方田鼠生理特性的影响,实验以成年雌性东方田鼠为对象,在控制其他因子一致的条件下,依据食物条件设置4个处理组:20%蛋白质+自由取食、20%蛋白质+70%限食、10%蛋白质+自由取食、10%蛋白质+70%限食.经过4周的食物驯化,测定了动物体重、动情周期、雌激素(雌二醇、孕酮、卵泡刺激素)和内脏器官(脾脏、肝脏、肾脏、子宫)湿重等指标.结果发现:(1)限食70%使东方田鼠体重减少,动情期缩短,脾脏、肝脏、肾脏及子宫湿重均显著减轻.(2)10%蛋白含量降低了脾脏湿重和肝脏湿重,但未显著影响体重、肾脏湿重和子宫湿重.(3)蛋白和限食均未影响雌二醇、孕酮、卵泡刺激素的含量及动情周期的长短.实验结果表明,在食物资源不理想的情况下,成年雌性东方田鼠通过降低体重来维持基本生存,内脏器官重量也相应地减轻,但是与繁殖相关的生理特性变化不显著.相对与食物蛋白含量,可获得的食物量的多少是引起东方田鼠生理变化的主要因素.实验结果反映出食物资源对成年雌性东方田鼠的生理特性产生了影响,但这些影响对其繁殖行为的调控强度及季节性的种群波动的作用还需结合其他相关方面做进一步探究.  相似文献   

To clarify the relationship between two genera, Draba and the narrow genus Coelonema, endemic to the QilianMountains of the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, phylogenetic analyses were conducted using nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS, and the chloroplast DNA trnL, from Coelonema draboides and 30 species of Draba representing eight sections, including 25 species of Chinese Draba, seven of which were endemic to the study region. The results unambiguously support several previously published proposals to unite Coelonema with Draba and accommodate C. draboides in the latter genus on the basis of morphological re-examination. Our molecular data presented here also provide evidence that these two genera should be combined as a monophyletic group with high support. In addition, it is estimated that Draba may have originated about 1.36–2.71 Mya, with C. draboides diverging from Draba about 0.15–0.31 Mya, based on the molecular calibration of ITS datasets. The assumed speciation and rapid expansion of these two genera is likely to have occurred in the eastern edge of the QilianMountains area according to molecular phylogeny and estimated divergence times, which correspond well with the known geological and paleobotanical histories of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

Germinoma is a gonadal neoplasm originating from progenitor cells in germinal epithelium. Frequently described in some populations of bivalve molluscs, to our knowledge, germinoma has never been reported in gastropods so far. In this paper we describe the histopathological findings of some atypical cellular masses, originating in the undifferentiated germ cell layer in the male gonads of a limpet (Patella coerulea), whose morphological appearance resembled that of a germ cell tumor. The abnormal, and independent growth with no evidence of maturation of the undifferentiated and atypical germ cells, the limited number of follicles involved (n < 10%) and the absence of tissue invasion, supported a diagnosis of Stage 1 germinoma.  相似文献   

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