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Macroalgae possess different defense mechanisms in response to herbivory. Some species produce anti-herbivore secondary metabolites, but production of these substances can be costly. Therefore, algae may produce defensive metabolites only in response to herbivory (inducible defense) or defend particular parts of the alga differentially (within-alga variation). In the present study, we examined whether two species of brown algae from the SE-Pacific show evidence of inducible chemical defense (non-polar compounds) or within-alga variation of defense, which we estimated in form of palatability of differently treated algae to amphipod grazers (with live algae and agar-based food containing non-polar algal extracts). In Glossophora kunthii (C. Agardh) J. Agardh, we observed an increase in palatability after algae were acclimated for 12 days without grazers. Subsequent addition of grazers for 12 days then resulted in a reduction of palatability indicating the existence of inducible defense. After removal of grazers for 12 days, these induced effects again disappeared. The reaction of G. kunthii was triggered even by the mere presence of grazers, which suggests that this alga can respond to waterborne cues by reducing palatability. Effects were only found for agar-based food containing non-polar extracts, but not for live algae, suggesting that some parts of the algae are undefended. Our second experiment on within-alga variation confirmed that only apical (growth region) and basal parts (near the holdfast region) of G. kunthii are defended against herbivores. For the second species, Macrocystis integrifolia Bory, the first experiment revealed no induction of defense, while the second experiment on within-alga variation showed that amphipods avoided basal parts and in particular stipes of M. integrifolia but only in live algae. Although both studied algal species differed substantially in their defensive strategies, their reaction was independent of the presence or absence of UV radiation. Thus, it appears that UV effects play only a minor role in anti-herbivore defense, which is in accordance with most previous studies.  相似文献   

Recent morphology-based investigations of freshwater Arctic diatoms suggest that many species remain to be discovered, reflecting a unique polar flora. During a survey of the freshwater diatom flora of northern Billefjorden, including the Petuniabukta fjord region (Spitsbergen), several morphodemes belonging to the Achnanthidium minutissimum species complex were recorded. Molecular phylogenies based on rbcL, 28S and 18S sequences, including single cells from Canada and strains from Marion Island (sub-Antarctica) and GenBank revealed the presence of 12 distinct A. minutissimum complex lineages, of which three contained strains from Spitsbergen. One Arctic lineage is described as a new species. Achnanthidium digitatum sp. nov. is morphologically characterized by narrow, linear to only slightly lanceolate valves and usually two areolae per stria. The two remaining Arctic lineages are in need of a more complete morphological and molecular comparison with other representatives of the A. minutissimum complex to clarify their taxonomic identity. It is argued that implementation of molecular data in the taxonomy of Achnanthidium will be essential to solve the taxonomic problems associated with this group, eventually resulting in a better understanding of the biogeography and niche differentiation of different species belonging to the A. minutissimum complex. Ideally, this should be based on more variable genes than the currently widely used 18S, which does not have a species level resolution in the A. minutissimum complex.  相似文献   

We investigated temporal patterns of recolonisation and disturbance in a benthic hard bottom community in high-arctic Kongsfjorden from 1980 to 2003 through annual photographic surveys. A manipulative sampling design was applied, where half of the study area (treatment areas) was cleared at the beginning of the study. Twenty-three different taxa and groups of benthic epifauna were found in the photographs. The benthic community structures of treatments and controls converged within the first decade, but significant differences prevailed until ≤13 years after the start of the study. We could distinguish between three different time intervals with increased inter-annual changes. While the observed differences during the first two intervals could be attributed to recolonisation and succession, the changes in interval 3 were mostly due to increased external forcing and characterised by low inter-group and high inter-annual differences. During this interval, brown algae (mainly Desmarestia) and the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis emerged in high densities, while sea anemone populations declined. Different recolonisation patterns for individual species were related to life span, rate of maturity, predators and larval settlement. We could not find a climax stage in the succession for the benthic community at Kvadehuken, presumably due to the constant level of disturbances at the site.  相似文献   

Macrozoobenthic soft-sediment communities of central Arctic Kongsfjorden inhabiting six depth zones between 5 and 30 m were sampled using SCUBA-diving during June–August 2003 and analysed comparatively. About 63 taxa were found, nine of which had not been reported for Kongsfjorden and four for Svalbard. Suspension feeding or surface and sub-surface detritivorous polychaetes and deposit-feeding amphipods were dominant. Only 11 of the 63 taxa (45 species and additional 18 families not further identified) inhabited the complete depth range. Biomass ranged from 3.5 to 25.0 g ash free dry mass m−2 and mean Shannon diversity (Log e) was 2.06. Similarity clustering from abundance and biomass data showed a significant difference between the shallow station (5 m) and the rest. The latter formed two sub-groups (10–20 and 25–30 m). Depth is irrevocably correlated with ice-scouring. Thus the differences in diversity together with the predicted iceberg scour intensity support the ‘intermediate disturbance hypothesis’ indicating that habitats impacted by moderate iceberg scouring enable higher diversity. In contrast, biotopes frequently affected only host pioneer communities, while mature, less diverse assemblages dominate depths of low impact.  相似文献   

Synopsis The diets of four species of Etheostoma (E. spectabile, E. caeruleum, E. flabellare and E. nigrum) were investigated from ten Order 3 streams in the White River drainage of southern Indiana. All species fed mainly on insect larvae, primarily chironomids, ephemeropterans and plecopterans. Dietary proportions, as frequency of occurrence, were compared using cluster analysis based on matrices of values of Spearman rank correlation, Schoener index, Jaccard association, and Pearson's r. Certain species and, in some cases, stream pairs within species clustered closely in all analyses or in three of the four. Most clusters do not show closer intraspecific than interspecific similarity and specific streams had more influence than species in forming the logic of some clusters. It can be concluded that these fishes are opportunistic predators.  相似文献   

Marenzelleria bastropi, a new species of Spionidae (Polychaeta) from the brackish water Currituck Sound, North Carolina, is described. The new species is characterized by the great number of chaetigers between the first neuro- and notopodial hooded hooks, the extension of the nuchal organ up to the end of chaetiger 2/middle of chaetiger 3 and the presence of about 60–90 branchiate chaetigers. Marenzelleria bastropi sp. nov. is closely related to M. neglecta (Sikorski and Bick, 2004) and Marenzelleria viridis (Verrill, 1873). Marenzelleria wireni Augener, 1913 is described here for the first time from western Spitsbergen. Adult specimens are investigated and compared with specimens from other areas of distribution. A key for subadult and adult specimens of all Marenzelleria species is provided.  相似文献   

We describe the isolation and development of 12 polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite loci for Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus). In a sample of 46 fish, we observed between three and 20 alleles per locus. All 12 of these loci were also polymorphic in at least one of the following Thymallus species and subspecies: T. burejensis, T. amurensis, T. thymallus, T. brevirostris, T. grubii, T. arcticus baicalensis and T. arcticus pallasi. These loci will aid in our understanding of the population genetics, behaviour and conservation of grayling species throughout the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

We studied the interpecific competition between 2 species of predatory aquatic bugs, Diplonychus japonicus and D. major by conducting a field experiment. We set up 3 types of experimental plots in the paddy fields where D. major predominated. The two plots contained single species of either D. japonicus or D. major, respectively, and one plot had both species in equal number. We compared the development and the reproductive performance between plots in each species. In D. japonicus, the number of eggs and early instar nymphs were significantly smaller in the plots containing both species than in the monospecific plots. However, the numbers of late instar nymphs and newly emerged adults were not significantly different between plots. The proportions of starved nymphs in both plots were larger than those in the D. japonicus's natural habitats. The final densities of adults in both plots were lower than those in the natural habitats. These results suggest that lower density of D. japonicus in these paddy fields is due to the lack of available food for nymphs rather than the effects of interspecific competition with D. major. In D. major, significant differences were not found in the number of eggs, each instar nymphs and adults. These results suggest that the effects of interspecific competition did not affect the reproductive performance of D. major.  相似文献   

Euchone analis, the type species of its genus, was collected in high densities and in different size classes from Kongsfjorden, west Spitsbergen. This material has provided the basis for an investigation of the size dependence of characters. Almost all characters used in diagnoses were highly variable, especially the number of abdominal chaetigers forming the anal depression and the shape of the depression. The only relatively constant features are the number of chaetigers anterior to the anal depression and the branchial crown‐to‐body length ratio. A branchial skeleton extension of the radiolar appendages of the dorsal lips was found for the first time within Euchone, and this character has been added to the diagnosis of Euchone. Oriopsis liefdefjordensis and small specimens of E. analis agree in all characters, and O. liefdefjordensis is proposed to be a junior synonym of E. analis. Characters found in O. ingelorae are in accordance with those described for Chone, and we propose assigning O. ingelorae to this genus. The significance of ontogenetic character variations in the Sabellidae is discussed.  相似文献   

Despite geographical isolation and widespread phenotypic polymorphism, previous population genetic studies of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus , have detected low levels of intra- and interpopulation variation. In this study, two approaches were used to test the generality of low genetic diversity among 15 Arctic charr populations from three major drainages of the central Alpine region of Europe. First, a representative subsample of each drainage was screened by PCR–RFLP analysis of mtDNA using 31 restriction enzymes. All individuals but one shared an identical haplotype. In contrast, microsatellite DNA variation revealed high levels of genetic diversity within and among populations. The number of alleles per locus ranged from six to 49, resulting in an overall expected heterozygosity from 0.72 ± 0.09 to 0.87 ± 0.04 depending on the locus. Despite evidence for fish transfers among Alpine charr populations over centuries, genetic diversity was substantially structured, as revealed by hierarchical Φ statistics. Eighteen per cent of total genetic variance was apportioned to substructuring among Rhône, Rhine, and Danube river systems, whereas 19% was due to partitioning among populations within each drainage. Cluster analyses corroborated these results by drainage-specific grouping of nonstocked populations, but also revealed damaging effects of stocking practices in others. However, these results suggest that long-term stocking practices did not generally alter natural genetic partitioning, and stress the importance of considering genetic diversity of Arctic charr in the Alpine region for sound management. The results also refute the general view of Arctic charr being a genetically depauperate species and show the potential usefulness of microsatellite DNAs in addressing evolutionary and conservation issues in this species.  相似文献   

The North Pacific Ocean has been of great significance to understanding biogeography and speciation in temperate faunas, including for two species of char (Salmonidae: Salvelinus) whose evolutionary relationship has been controversial. We examined the morphology and genetics (microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA) of Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) and Dolly Varden char (Salvelinus malma) in lake systems in western Alaska, the eastern and western Arctic, and south of the Alaskan Peninsula. Morphologically, each lake system contained two forms: one (Arctic char) largely confined to lake habitats and characterized by greater numbers of pyloric caeca, gill rakers, and shallower bodies, and another (Dolly Varden) predominated in adjacent stream habitats and was characterized by fewer pyloric caeca, gill rakers, and deeper bodies. MtDNA partial (550 bp) d-loop sequences of both taxa were interspersed with each other within a single 'Bering' clade and demographic inferences suggested historical gene flow from Dolly Varden to Arctic char had occurred. By contrast, the taxa were strongly differentiated in sympatry across nine microsatellite loci in both lakes. Our data show that the two taxa are highly genetically distinct in sympatry, supporting their status as valid biological species, despite occasional hybridization. The interaction between these species highlights the importance of the North Pacific, and Beringia in particular, as an evolutionary wellspring of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Comparing patterns of diversity and divergence between populations at immune genes and neutral markers can give insights into the nature and geographic scale of parasite-mediated selection. To date, studies investigating such patterns of selection in vertebrates have primarily focused on the acquired branch of the immune system, whereas it remains largely unknown how parasite-mediated selection shapes innate immune genes both within and across vertebrate populations. Here, we present a study on the diversity and population differentiation at the innate immune gene Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) across nine populations of yellow-necked mice (Apodemus flavicollis) and bank voles (Myodes glareolus) in southern Sweden. In yellow-necked mice, TLR2 diversity was very low, as was TLR2 population differentiation compared to neutral loci. In contrast, several TLR2 haplotypes co-occurred at intermediate frequencies within and across bank vole populations, and pronounced isolation by distance between populations was observed. The diversity and differentiation at neutral loci was similar in the two species. These results indicate that parasite-mediated selection has been acting in dramatically different ways on a given immune gene in ecologically similar and sympatric species. Furthermore, the finding of TLR2 population differentiation at a small geographical scale in bank voles highlights that vertebrate innate immune defense may be evolutionarily more dynamic than has previously been appreciated.  相似文献   

Four sites on each of two southeastern Wyoming streams, Medicine Bow River (MBR) and Rock Creek (RC), were investigated during the summer and autumn of 2001 and 2002. This investigation resulted in inventories of benthic insect communities being obtained from these two streams. It also resulted in twelve metrics being calculated from benthic insect communities, and these metrics were compared between two spatial units at different local scales. Of the metrics used, five indicated taxa richness, four indicated relative abundance, two indicated diversity, and one involved a biotic index for organic pollution. More specifically, we used each metric to compare the montane with the plains sub-basin, as well as to compare two distinctly different types of substrates within each of the sub-basins. Also, metrics were compared between the two streams. Results indicated that few differences were observed between naturally-occurring substrates within sub-basins. In addition, few differences were observed between the two streams. In contrast, however, several differences were observed between the montane and plains sub-basins. Such differences were caused from naturally-occurring variations in hydraulic and ecological conditions. These findings suggest that the spatial scale should be carefully considered when selecting metrics for use in monitoring programs that are designed to detect anthropogenic disturbances in lotic systems. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

Phlorotannins are metabolites found only in the Phaeophyceae (brown algae) and have a variety of metabolic roles, including both primary (e.g. cell wall construction) and secondary (e.g. herbivore defence and UV protection). This study aimed to establish the level of variation of phlorotannins in two species of dominant Antarctic macroalgae (Desmarestia anceps and D. menziesii). Thirteen samples were taken from specific locations throughout the thallus of multiple individuals at two depths at three locations near Anvers Island, Antarctica. Overall average concentrations were 0.117±0.003 g g–1dwt in D. anceps and 0.052±0.002 g g–1dwt in D. menziesii. Concentrations varied greatly at the 13 sampling locations in each individual, but not in any consistent manner. Significant variation occurred between locations in both species and between depths in D. anceps.  相似文献   

Homo erectus is notable for its taller stature and longer lower limbs relative to earlier hominids, but the selective pressures favoring such long limbs are unclear. Among anthropoid primates, patas monkeys (Erythrocebus patas) and extant hominids share several extreme characteristics involved with foraging and movement, including the relatively longest lower limb proportions, longest daily travel distances and largest home ranges for their body or group size, occupancy of some of the driest habitats, and very efficient thermoregulatory systems. We suggest that patas monkeys are an appropriate behavioral model with which to speculate on the selective pressures that might have operated on H. erectus to increase lower limb length. Here, in a comparison of the locomotor activities of patas monkeys and sympatric, closely related vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops), we provide evidence for the hypothesis that patas use their long stride more to increase foraging efficiency while walking than to run, either from predators or otherwise. Am J Phys Anthropol 105:199–207, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The fish genus Astyanax is widespread throughout the Neotropical region and is one of the most species-rich genera of the Characiformes. Cytogenetic studies of Astyanax have revealed marked intra- and interspecific diversity, with the identification of various species complexes. In this report, we describe the karyotypic structure of two sympatric species of Astyanax (Astyanax sp. and Astyanax aff. fasciatus) from the Middle Contas River basin in the northeastern Brazilian state of Bahia. Both species had 2n = 48 but differed in their karyotypic formulae. Small heterochromatic blocks and multiple nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) were identified in both species. Terminal CMA3+/DAPI signals were observed in Astyanax sp. and A. aff. fasciatus, mostly coincident with NORs. These results show that chromosomal markers can be used to identify species in this fish complex. These markers can provide useful information for evolutionary studies and investigations on the mechanisms of chromosomal diversity in Astyanax.  相似文献   

Gray DA  Huang H  Knowles LL 《Molecular ecology》2008,17(17):3836-3855
Species pairs that differ primarily in characters involved in mating interactions and are largely sympatric raise intriguing questions about the mode of speciation. When species divergence is relatively recent, the footprint of the demographic history during speciation might be preserved and used to reconstruct the biogeography of species divergence. In this study, patterns of genetic variation were examined throughout the geographical range of two cryptic sister taxa of field crickets, Gryllus texensis and G. rubens; mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) was sequenced in 365 individuals sampled from 48 localities. Despite significant molecular divergence between the species, they were not reciprocally monophyletic. We devised several analyses to statistically explore what historical processes might have given rise to this genealogical structure. The analyses indicated that the biogeographical pattern of genetic variation does not support a model of recent gene flow between species. Instead, coalescent simulations suggested that the genealogical structure within G. texensis, namely a deep split between two geographically overlapping clades, reflects historical substructure within G. texensis. Additional tests that consider the concentration of G. rubens haplotypes in one of the two G. texensis genetic clusters suggest a model of speciation in which G. rubens was derived from one lineage of a geographically subdivided ancestor. These results indicate that, despite the contemporary sympatry of G. texensis and G. rubens, the data are indicative of an peripatric origin in which G. rubens was derived from one of the two historical partitions in the species currently recognized as G. texensis. This proposed model of species divergence suggests how the interplay of geography and selection may give rise to new species, although this requires testing with multilocus data. Specifically, the model highlights how that geographical partitioning of ancestral variation in the past may augment the selectively driven divergence of characters involved in the reproductive isolation of the species today.  相似文献   

Carabidae beetles (Coleoptera) were sampled by flight intercept traps (FITs) and hand sampling in the understory of a lowland rainforest in eastern Ecuador. Sampling occurred in June and July of 2011 and 2012 at 24 sites within temporarily flooded forest (FP) and non-flooded terra firme (TF) forest. A total of 674 Carabidae (excluding Cicindelinae) individuals, representing 18 tribes, 50 genera and 133 morphospecies, were collected. Significantly more individuals were collected by hand compared to FITs, particularly by hand in FP forests. After correction through sample-based rarefaction there are no significant differences in species richness between sampling methods and forest types. Ordination and dissimilarity analysis show FITs and hand sampling target different portions of the Carabidae community. Understanding sampling biases for various sampling methods and how it may be affected by forest type will result in more accurate and efficient surveys in tropical forests.  相似文献   

Summary Cocultures of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (ECV304) and rat glioma cells (C6) from two commercial sources, American Type Culture Collection and European Collection of Animal Cell Cultures, were evaluated as an in vitro model for the blood-brain barrier. Monolayers of endothelial cells grown in the presence or absence of glial cells were examined for transendothelial electrical resistance, sucrose permeability, morphology, multidrug resistance-associated protein expression, and P-glycoprotein expression and function. Coculture of glial cells with endothelial cells increased electrical resistance and decreased sucrose permeability across European endothelial cell monolayers, but had no effect on American endothelial cells. Coculture of European glial cells with endothelial cells caused cell flattening and decreased cell stacking with both European and American endothelial cells. No P-glycoprotein or multidrug resistance-associated protein was immunodetected in endothelial cells grown in glial cell-conditioned medium. Functional P-glycoprotein was demonstrated in American endothelial cells selected in vinblastine-containing medium over eight passages, but these cells did not form a tight endothelium. In conclusion, while European glial cells confer blood-brain barrier-like morphology and barrier integrity to European endothelial cells in coculture, the European endothelial-glial cell coculture model does not express P-glycoprotein, normally found at the blood-brain barrier. Further, the response of endothelial cells to glial factors was dependent on cell source, implying heterogeneity among cell populations. On the basis of these observations, the umbilical vein endothelial cell-glial cell coculture model does not appear to be a viable model for predicting blood-brain barrier penetration of drug molecules.  相似文献   

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