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The effect of diet (made from either animal or plant material) on the partitioning of energy in small (8-16 mm test diameter (td)) and large (29-37 mm td) Psammechinus miliaris was examined. Diet significantly affected ingestion, digestion and growth of both size groups. Assimilation rates of the different types of feed varied and they supported differential development of the body parts. Urchins fed on an algal diet showed poorer absorption efficiency, assimilation, gonadal and somatic growth than individuals fed on an artificial sea urchin diet (mixed plant and animal material) or on the animal based diets. Small urchins fed on a diet of salmon food utilised proteins as the primary energy source rather than carbohydrates or lipids as indicated by low O/N atomic ratios, and salmon diet promoted a higher energetic investment in reproductive development in both size classes. A negative energy balance resulted when large urchins were fed on the algal diet. Energy losses due to ammonia excretion were negligible and the metabolic losses of assimilated energy, measured as oxygen consumption, were between 0.2% and 1.5% with the different diets. A diet made of mussel flesh stimulated ingestion, gave the highest assimilation rates and best overall growth performance. Such detailed information should assist in the design of diets for the cultivation of sea urchins.  相似文献   

Gamete cryopreservation is a biotechnology that can guarantee a continuous supply of gametes, regardless of the seasonal reproductive cycle. In this study we developed a protocol for the cryopreservation of the sea urchin Paracentrotuslividus spermatozoa, with a view to the creation of cryobanks of semen to be used as a model system in laboratory research and ecotoxicological tests. All the key phases of the procedure were separately considered and the effect on sperm motility was evaluated by means of computer assisted analysis. The best results were obtained using 7% dimethylsulfoxide in 1% NaCl plus 0.04 M trehalose as the extender, at a freezing rate of −20 °C/min. On thawing, in semen samples cryopreserved in accordance with this protocol the velocity parameters of the sub-population of rapid sperm (best performing spermatozoa) did not significantly differ from semen on collection; in addition also the fertilization ability was restored, and about 50% of normal developed plutei larvae were obtained by thawed semen. The developed protocol is rapid and easy-to-perform; moreover, the use of gametes from reared urchins makes it unnecessary to continuously collect specimens from natural populations, making this procedure a promising starting point for the creation of alternative and more sustainable methodologies in laboratory research on sea urchin gametes and embryos.  相似文献   

Gravid females of Caligus rogercresseyi were collected from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from a farm located at Chiloe Island (42°40′S73°15′W), Chile, to obtain information about the reproductive output of this parasite in vitro. The egg strings removed from the females were incubated under controlled conditions to obtain virgin adult females. One female which had mated only once produced eleven generations of eggs strings in a period of 74 days. The first egg strings of the females obtained in vitro were produced at 389 degree days (°D) after egg incubation, while the next generations of eggs strings were produced with a periodicity between 4 and 6 days dependent on the water temperature. The average length of the egg string was 3.1 mm and the mean number of eggs per string was 31. The values recorded in captivity for the egg string length and the number of eggs per string, were lower than the values recorded in gravid females from the field. One female survived for 79 days and males, maintained separately from the females, survived for 60 days.  相似文献   

This investigation was designed to compare the differential stress tolerance in young thalli of two similar intertidal red seaweeds, Grateloupia turuturu Yamada and Palmaria palmata Kuntze, and to identify whether the invasive alga G. turuturu was more stress tolerant than P. palmata to cope with adverse environmental conditions. To do so, we measured the production of reactive oxygen caused by methyl viologen (MV) by assessing the oxidation of dichlorohydrofluorescein (DCFH) to dichlorofluorescein (DCF), the activities of reactive oxygen scavenging enzymes and the changes of the optimal fluorescence quantum yield (Fv/Fm) when the thalli of the two species were exposed to oxidative stresses caused by the addition of MV, H2O2, 3(3, 4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea (DCMU), heavy metal, changes of salinities, heat and freezing. Results demonstrated that the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD) in G. turuturu were much higher than in P. palmata. Fv/Fm in G. turuturu was less sensitive than that in P. palmata to MV, H2O2, DCMU, heavy metal, salinity and heat stress, indicating that G. turuturu could be better acclimatized to changing environments and thus had a higher threshold for oxidative stress than P. palmata. G. turuturu was shown to be more sensitive to freezing treatment (− 20 °C), which explained why the appearance of G. turuturu was rarely reported in colder water environments.  相似文献   

To assess sex differences in reproductive effort, we examined the biochemical composition and energetic content of the principal body components of the broadcast spawning sea star Asterias vulgaris in the Mingan Islands in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence, eastern Canada. The body wall was the most stable body component, showing no variations in mass or in lipid and protein content (and total energetic content) between sexes or during spawning. Patterns in the gonads differed between sexes and with spawning. The lipid, protein and carbohydrate content of the ovary dropped during spawning, while only the protein content of the testis decreased significantly. Reproductive effort, expressed as loss of energy in the gonads during spawning for an individual weighing 10 g in underwater mass (8.2 cm in radius), was six times greater in females (49.5 kJ) than males (7.9 kJ). The energetic content of the pyloric caeca also decreased during spawning, by 17.7 kJ in females and 21.5 kJ in males, mainly due to a decrease in lipids. If this decrease is included as reproductive effort, it lessens the gender difference. The caecum decrease possibly represented expenditures due to formation of aggregations or the expulsion of gametes during spawning. Effectively, we observed aggregations during a massive spawning in this population. The sex ratio did not differ from 1:1 in all size classes sampled. This suggests that, unless males suffer higher mortality, females manage to allocate as much energy to somatic growth as males, possibly by feeding at higher rates to compensate for their higher reproductive effort. Stomach protein content tended to be higher in females than males and may indicate greater muscular development to facilitate digestion.  相似文献   

Ecologically, sea urchins are an important species in marine habitats around the world. Economically, sea urchins are prized for their gonads (uni). With fisheries declining worldwide, intensive sea urchin culture has been proposed. For urchins in commercial culture, any factor that affects survivorship negatively should be addressed to maximize cost benefit. One potential obstacle to optimizing culture of sea urchins is cannibalism. Approximately 2000 adult and juvenile Lytechinus variegatus (1 g-45 g) were collected from Port Saint Joseph Peninsula State Park, FL between June and September 2009. Urchins were held in recirculating tanks at different sizes, densities, and feeding regimes for 4 weeks. Starvation and high density contributed to the highest level of cannibalism among small (12-21 g) urchins (percent cannibalism = 18.8%), whereas fed, high density conditions contributed to the highest level of cannibalism among large (32-37 g) urchins (percent cannibalism = 18.4%). These results suggest that (1) small urchins cannibalize at higher rates than large urchins, and (2) increased density is an important contributing factor leading to cannibalism. We quantified stress, defined as a decrease in production as a result of environmental conditions, by evaluating weight gain within each treatment and suggest that weight loss or minimal weight gain is an indicator of stress. We hypothesize increased stress caused by competitive interference can lead to increased cannibalism and decreased growth rates, even when food is not limiting. Ecologically, there are no reports of cannibalism of urchins in wild populations. Consequently, the role of cannibalism in regulating sea urchin community structure is not known. However, factors affecting cannibalism of L. variegatus in the laboratory may provide insight into the conditions that could result in cannibalism in wild populations. From an aquaculture perspective, it is important to determine those factors that contribute to the incidence of cannibalism in sea urchins so that the appropriate culture conditions can be maintained to reduce the incidence of cannibalism.  相似文献   

Seagrasses are considered important indicators of decline in water quality resulting in increased light attenuation that negatively influences their growth and survival. Chronic light-limitation interspersed with unpredictable acute attenuation events have had poorly understood effects on seagrass recovery dynamics. Zostera marina (eelgrass) and Halodule wrightii (shoalgrass) were subject to a matrix of light-deprivation events followed by recovery periods to mimic repeated acute shading events. Plant survival, morphology, biomass, chlorophyll content, and Fv/Fm were assessed over time to determine recovery. At the end of the experiment, all plants were harvested and species-specific treatment effects were determined. Significant differences due to treatments were noted in all parameters measured. In general, responses were similar for both life-stages and between species, suggesting similar physiological tolerance to repeated acute light-attenuation events. Only plants in treatments where light-deprivation was followed by a recovery interval of at least the same duration showed signs of long-term survival. Chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) was an important metric for assessing recovery, but it failed to detect the onset of mortality in many plants. Other metrics of plant condition need to be assessed and coupled with chlorophyll fluorescence data to assess seagrass “health”. This is of particular importance in field studies, where the history of the plants is largely unknown.  相似文献   

Isolation of meristematic tissue of the red alga Palmaria palmata by a freezing-thawing method and further maintenance of the tissue in culture showed the existence of groups of meristematic cells in superficial cortical layers of thallus forming wart-like outgrowths. For the first time, proliferations (plantlets) were obtained from meristematic tissue of sporophytic and male gametophytic fronds and tetraspores from submeristematic tissue of sporophytic fronds within a short period (6 weeks). Tissue fragments (1 × 1 mm2) from upper margins of fresh thalli and cell aggregates (10−100,000 cells) from marginal meristem and meristematic warts of fresh thalli and thalli after the freezing-thawing procedure were cultured for getting plantlets. Tissue fragments (TF) and cell aggregates (CA) from submeristematic tissue of fresh thalli were cultured for obtaining tetraspores. For mass getting proliferations (plantlets) and tetraspores we recommend to use CA from marginal tissue of fresh fronds because of fast growth, high numbers of proliferations and simple techniques of the method. The freezing-thawing method allows also to identify meristematic tissue and to obtain plantlets of red algae with apical meristem (e.g., Gelidium spp.).  相似文献   

Variability in infaunal bivalve abundance in the Wadden Sea is largely determined by recruitment variability. Post-settlement, but pre-recruitment bivalve mortality is high and related to the occurrence of their most abundant predator, the brown shrimp Crangon crangon. To investigate if the mortality patterns of newly settled bivalves can be explained by the foraging behavior of brown shrimp, we carried out experiments on shrimp functional response to three size classes of juveniles of the Baltic Tellin Macoma balthica. The functional response curves for all three prey sizes (0.62 mm, 0.73 mm, and 0.85 mm) were the hyperbolic Holling's type II. The attack rate was highest for the smallest prey size (a = 0.31, medium and large prey a = 0.22); the handling time was longest for the largest prey size (Th = 29 s, small and medium prey Th = 15 s). Thus, a large body size is advantageous for the bivalves over the whole density range. Knowledge of individual foraging behavior is needed to model predation mortality of bivalves. The consumption rates in the experiment were theoretically high enough to account for M. balthica mortality in the field.  相似文献   

Variation among individuals is substantial for spermatozoa concentration in fresh milt in sea trout (Salmo trutta m. trutta L.). The objective of the present study was to examine effects of spermatozoa concentration in this species on subsequent cryopreservation success. Milt with high spermatozoa concentration was diluted with seminal plasma to obtain concentrations ranging between 6 and 24 × 109 mL−1 with steps of 2 × 109 mL−1. Diluted milts were cryopreserved in 0.25-mL straws with extender (0.3 M glucose) containing 10% methanol and 10 % (vol/vol) supplement of hen egg yolk. The dilution ratio was 1:3 (milt:cryomedium). Cryopreservation efficacies were assessed according to evaluation of motility of frozen/thawed spermatozoa and quantification of fertilizing ability. Percentage of motility of frozen/thawed spermatozoa was influenced by spermatozoa concentration in the cryomedium (P < 0.05). The highest motility was observed in samples with 3.0 to 4.0 × 109 spermatozoa per mL of cryomedium, which corresponds to 12 to 16 × 109 spermatozoa per mL in fresh milt. Higher sperm concentrations and lower sperm concentrations in cryomedium reduced the effectiveness of cryopreservation when compared with the optimum. Cryopreservation success measured according to fertilization rate was in agreement with results for motility of frozen/thawed spermatozoa, but the optimum could not be determined with statistical precision because of differences in fertilization rate among individual donor males. However, a significant positive correlation was found between postthaw motility and fertilization rate and between cryopreserved spermatozoa velocity and fertilization rate (P < 0.05). In sea trout, cryopreservation efficiency is influenced by spermatozoa concentration in cryomedium. Individual adjustment of the dilution ratio, based on initial spermatozoa density, is recommended in the freezing protocol. Maximum cryoresistance of the cell was obtained when spermatozoa concentration in cryomedium ranged from 3.0 to 4.0 × 109 mL−1.  相似文献   

Current strategies for marine pollution monitoring are based on the integration of chemical and biological techniques. The sea urchin embryo-larval bioassays are among the biological methods most widely used worldwide. Cryopreservation of early embryos of sea urchins could provide a useful tool to overcome one of the main limitations of such bioassays, the availability of high quality biological material all year round. The present study aimed to determine the suitability of several permeant (dimethyl sulfoxide, Me2SO; propylene glycol, PG; and ethylene glycol, EG) and non-permeant (trehalose, TRE; polyvinylpyrrolidone, PVP) cryoprotectant agents (CPAs) and their combination, for the cryopreservation of eggs and embryos of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. On the basis of the CPAs toxicity, PG and EG, in combination with PVP, seem to be most suitable for the cryopreservation of P. lividus eggs and embryos. Several freezing procedures were also assayed. The most successful freezing regime consisted on cooling from 4 to −12 °C at 1 °C/min, holding for 2 min for seeding, cooling to −20 °C at 0.5 °C/min, and then cooling to −35 °C at 1 °C/min. Maximum normal larvae percentages of 41.5% and 68.5%, and maximum larval growth values of 42.9% and 60.5%, were obtained for frozen fertilized eggs and frozen blastulae, respectively.  相似文献   

The chemical structure and interactions of the cell wall polysaccharides from the red edible seaweed Palmaria palmata were studied by liquid-like magic-angle-spinning (MAS) and cross-polarization MAS (CPMAS) solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy. The liquid-like MAS and CPMAS 13C NMR spectra of the rehydrated algal powder revealed the presence of beta-(1-->4)/beta-(1-->3)-linked D-xylan with chemical shifts close to those observed in the solution 13C NMR spectrum of the polysaccharide. Observation of mix-linked xylan in the liquid-like MAS 13C NMR spectrum indicated that part of this cell wall polysaccharide is loosely held in the alga. The CPMAS NMR spectrum of the dry algal powder alcohol insoluble residue (AIR) showed broad peaks most of which corresponded to the mix-linked xylan. Hydration of AIR induced a marked increase in the signal resolution also in the CPMAS NMR spectra together with a shift of the C-3 and C-4 signals of the (1-->3)- and (1-->4)-linked xylose, respectively. Such modifications were present in the spectrum of hydrated (1-->3)-linked xylan from the green seaweed Caulerpa taxifolia and absent in that of (1-->4)-linked xylan from P. palmata. This result emphasizes the important role of (1-->3) linkages on the mix-linked xylan hydration-induced conformational rearrangement. The mix-linked xylan signals were observed in the CPMAS NMR spectrum of hydrated residues obtained after extensive extractions by NaOH or strong chaotropic solutions indicating strong hydrogen bonds or covalent linkages. T(1 rho) relaxations were measured close or above 10 ms for the mix-linked xylan in the dry and hydrated state in AIR and indicated that the overall xylan chains likely remain rigid. Rehydration of the mix-linked xylan lead to a decrease in the motion of protons bounded to the C-1 and C-4 carbons of the (1-->4)-linked xylose supporting the re-organization of the xylan chains under hydration involving junction-zones held by hydrogen bonds between adjacent (1-->4)-linked xylose blocks. The CPMAS NMR spectrum of both dry and rehydrated residues obtained after NaOH and HCl extractions demonstrated the presence of cellulose and (1-->4)-linked xylans. The structures of the different polysaccharides are discussed in relation to their interactions and putative functions on the cell wall mechanical properties in P. palmata.  相似文献   

Echinometra lucunter, (Pindá) is a sea urchin encountered in the Brazilian coast and exposed to high and low temperatures related to low and high tides. Despite their great distribution and importance, few studies have been done on the biological function of their coelomocytes. Thus, Echinometra lucunter perivisceral coelomocytes were characterized under optical and transmission electron microscopy. Phagocytic amoebocytes in the perivisceral coelom were labelled by injecting ferritin, and ferritin labelled phagocytic amoebocytes were found in the peristomial connective tissue after injecting India ink into the tissue, indicating the amoebocytes ability to respond to an inflammatory stimulus. Results showed that the phagocytic amoebocytes were the main inflammatory cells found in the innate immune response of E. lucunter. While other works have recorded these phenomena in sea urchins found in moderate and constant temperature, this study reports on these same phenomena in a tropical sea urchin under great variation of temperature, thus providing new data to inflammatory studies in invertebrate pathology.  相似文献   

Following a disease outbreak that caused mass mortality of green sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia in September 1999, changes in growth and reproduction were monitored over 3.75 years as surviving individuals migrated from deep water to repopulate the shallow subtidal zone at a wave-exposed site. Urchins were sampled at 4 depth strata: at 24 m on a boulder field where the population was unaffected by the disease, at 12 and 16 m on a steeply sloping bedrock ramp, and at 8-10 m along the lower margin of a kelp bed (Laminaria digitata) where urchins formed a grazing front by January 2002. Urchins migrating shoreward from the deep-water refuge responded rapidly to increased algal productivity in the shallows through increased growth and reproduction. Measures of annual increments of skeletal elements (rotules) from urchins across the depth gradient indicated that the fastest growing individuals from the source population formed the grazing front. Urchins in the front reached a larger asymptotic size and produced larger gonads than urchins lower on the ramp. The annual cycle in gonad index showed a pronounced spring spawning period across all depths; a secondary fall spawning was evident at the front and 12 m. The presence of mature, fertilizable ova and short response time to spawning induction in both spring and fall supported the occurrence of two spawning periods.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of substrate (glass bottom, sand, granule, pebble) on predation of juvenile sea scallops (Placopecten magellanicus) by sea stars (Asterias vulgaris) and rock crabs (Cancer irroratus) at two prey sizes (11-15 mm and 24-28 mm shell height), and two prey densities (10 and 30 scallops per aquarium) in laboratory experiments. Specifically, we quantified predation rate and underlying behaviours (proportion of time a predator spent searching for and handling prey, encounter rate between predators and prey, and various outcomes of encounters). We detected a significant gradual effect of particle size of natural substrates on sea star predation: specifically, predation rate on and encounter rate with small scallops tended to decrease with increasing particle size (being highest for sand, intermediate for granule, and lowest for pebble). Substrate type did not significantly affect predation rates or behaviours of sea stars preying on large scallops or of rock crabs preying on either scallop size classes. Other factors, such as prey size and density, were important in the scallop-sea star and scallop-rock crab systems. For example, predation rate by sea stars and crabs and certain sea star behaviours (e.g. probability of consuming scallops upon capture) were significantly higher with small scallops than with large scallops. As well, in interactions between small scallops and sea stars, predation rate and encounter rate increased with prey density, and the proportion of time sea stars spent searching was higher at low prey density than high prey density. Thus, substrate type may be a minor factor determining predation risk of seeded scallops during enhancement operations; prey size and prey density may play a more important role. However, substrate type still needs to be considered when choosing a site for scallop enhancement, as it may affect other scallop behaviours (such as movement).  相似文献   

Germinoma is a gonadal neoplasm originating from progenitor cells in germinal epithelium. Frequently described in some populations of bivalve molluscs, to our knowledge, germinoma has never been reported in gastropods so far. In this paper we describe the histopathological findings of some atypical cellular masses, originating in the undifferentiated germ cell layer in the male gonads of a limpet (Patella coerulea), whose morphological appearance resembled that of a germ cell tumor. The abnormal, and independent growth with no evidence of maturation of the undifferentiated and atypical germ cells, the limited number of follicles involved (n < 10%) and the absence of tissue invasion, supported a diagnosis of Stage 1 germinoma.  相似文献   

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