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The Portuguese oyster, Crassostrea angulata, is taxonomically close to the Pacific oyster, C. gigas, but there are clear genetic and phenotypic differences between these taxa. Among those differences, the faster growth of C. gigas compared with C. angulata has often been observed in the field. Crosses between C. angulata and C. gigas were performed to investigate the relationship between growth variation and somatic aneuploidy at the individual level in the two taxa and their reciprocal hybrids. The different progenies were reared in Ria Formosa (Portugal) under standard farming conditions. Growth rate and survival were significantly higher in C. gigas than in C. angulata, and the hybrids showed intermediate performances. Significant differences were also observed in the proportion of aneuploid cells (PAC) and of missing chromosomes (PMC) between the two taxa, C. angulata showing the highest values. Intermediate values of PAC and PMC were observed in the hybrids, supporting additive genetic bases of these parameters. Our results also confirm the negative correlation between somatic aneuploidy and growth rate at the individual level, as previously reported in C. gigas.  相似文献   

The effects of season and qualitative selection capacity on trophic relationships between two sympatric invasive suspension-feeders, Crepidula fornicata and Crassostrea gigas, were investigated in Bourgneuf Bay (France) from January 2003 to June 2004. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopic deviations, δ13C and δ15N, of common Atlantic slippersnails and Pacific oysters were analysed relative to isotopic composition and availability of end-members.Slippersnail deviations were less variable over the sampling period compared with those of oysters. Significant differences between δ13C and δ15N of C. fornicata and C. gigas were found from winter to early summer, and linked to major isotopic changes in oysters. We identified three distinct seasonal periods: January to March when oysters were 15N-enriched compared to slippersnails and to themselves at other times of the year, April to June-July when oysters showed a 15N-depletion and a more marked 13C-depletion compared to slippersnails and to themselves at other times of the year, and July-August to December when both species presented similar carbon and nitrogen deviations. Species-specific differences in qualitative selection capability may explain these seasonal differences in isotopic deviations. Whereas the isotopic composition of the indiscriminate suspension-feeding slippersnails reflects the composition of the seston throughout the year, the oyster is capable of qualitative selection. The oyster isotopic compositions are consistent with a facultative activation of selection mechanisms under conditions of qualitative and quantitative food limitation, notably the preferential ingestion and assimilation of the dominant organic source in the suspended pool.We conclude that C. fornicata and C. gigas are trophic competitors only in winter and spring at this site, where detrital end-members are major POM components. These results underscore (1) the importance of long-term (annual) studies in the evaluation of potential trophic competition, and (2) the necessity to include the qualitative selection capacities of suspension-feeders in future interpretations of trophic relationships in marine coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation of sperm from tetraploid organisms (the possession of four chromosome sets) is essentially unexplored. This is the first cryopreservation study to address sperm from tetraploid Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas, and addresses the commercial production of triploid oysters (three chromosome sets). Initial motility, refrigerated storage of undiluted sperm, osmolality of extender solutions, sperm concentrations, equilibration time, and cryoprotectants of propylene glycol and dimethyl sulfoxide were evaluated with sperm from diploid and tetraploid oysters. Unlike most teleost fishes, in which the duration of active motility is typically brief, the motility of sperm from oysters lasts for hours. The present study showed that responses to treatment effects by sperm from tetraploids were different from diploids. The majority of tetraploid experiments resulted in less than 10% motility after thawing and less than 5% fertilization. The highest fertilization obtained for thawed sperm was 96% for sperm from diploid oysters and 28% for sperm from tetraploid oysters. Differential responses to treatments by sperm from tetraploid and diploid oysters may be due to differences in gonadal development. However, the use of cryopreserved sperm from tetraploid Pacific oysters produced 100% triploid offspring by fertilization of eggs from diploid females as determined by flow cytometry of larvae. This study demonstrates that sperm from tetraploid oysters can be collected, frozen, and stored for production of triploid offspring.  相似文献   

Several Vibrio species are known to be pathogenic to the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Survival varies according to pathogen exposure and high mortality events usually occur in summer during gametogenesis. In order to study the effects of gametogenetic status and ploidy (a factor known to affect reproduction allocation in oysters) on vibriosis survival, we conducted two successive experiments. Our results demonstrate that a common bath challenge with pathogenic Vibriosplendidus and Vibrio aestuarianus on a mixture of mature, spawning and non-mature oysters can lead to significant mortality. Previous bath challenges, which were done using only non-mature oysters, had not produced mortality. Immunohistochemical analyses showed the affinity of Vibrio for gonadic tissues, highlighting the importance of sexual maturity for vibriosis infection processes in oysters. Mortality rate results showed poor repeatability between tanks, however, in this bath challenge. We then tested a standardized and repeatable injection protocol using two different doses of the same combination of two Vibrio species on related diploid and triploid oysters at four different times over a year. Statistical analyses of mortality kinetics over a 6-day period after injection revealed that active gametogenesis periods correspond to higher susceptibility to vibriosis and that there is a significant interaction of this seasonal effect with ploidy. However, no significant advantage of triploidy was observed. Triploid oysters even showed lower survival than diploid counterparts in winter. Results are discussed in relation to differing energy allocation patterns between diploid and triploid Pacific oysters.  相似文献   

Oysters and mussels are among the most farmed species in aquaculture industry around the world. The aim of this study was to test the toxicity of cryoprotective agents to trochophore larvae from two different species of bivalves and develop an improved cryopreservation protocol to ensure greater efficiency in the development of cryopreserved trochophores (14 h old oyster larvae and 20 h old mussel larvae) to normal D-larvae for future developments of hatchery spat production. The cryopreservation protocol producing the best results for oyster trochophores (60.0 ± 6.7% normal D-larvae) was obtained by holding at 0 °C for 5 min then cooling at 1 °C min−1 to −10 °C and holding for 5 min before cooling at 0.5 °C to −35 °C, holding 5 min and then plunging into liquid nitrogen (LN), using 10% ethylene glycol. For mussel experiments, no significant differences were found when cooling at 0.5 °C min−1 or at 1 °C min−1 for CPA combinations with 10% ethylene glycol and at 0.5 °C min−1. Using these combinations, around half of trochophores were able to develop to normal D-larvae post-thawing (48.9 ± 7.6% normal D-larvae).  相似文献   

Bivalve molluscs, in common with consumers in general, use behavioral and physiological mechanisms to balance metabolic requirements with available nutrients. This study considered how the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, meets the demands of growth and maintenance, measured in terms of carbon and nitrogen, in a variable food environment. Stoichiometry theory helped to evaluate: a) whether feeding behaviour modifies the intake of C and N given seasonal variability in food quality: b) how rates of metabolism and excretion, and C and N growth efficiencies, respond to mismatch between nutrient intake and the oysters' needs. Two field experiments in the Port Stephens estuary, near Sydney, Australia, measured feeding behaviour, metabolic and growth rates relative to seasonal changes in food supply. In a laboratory experiment, relationships between physiological rates and growth were measured to test a model of growth as a function of absorption of C and N. Potential metabolic targets for compensation were the C/N ratios of body tissues, maintenance and/or of soft tissue added as growth. C/N of whole soft issues varied little during the year (mean 5.4). In July (a time of low food availability of poor quality) growth was negligible and the C/N (maintenance) target was 6.7. In March (abundant food of high quality) growth was rapid with a high N-demand; the C/N of growth was 3.9. In November (medium food quality) there was an enhanced C-demand for glycogen storage; the C/N of growth was 7.9. Feeding behaviour changed the balance between C and N intake across months, primarily due to changes in the selection efficiency for nitrogen, which was highest at low filtration rates on particles of high C/N ratio. Nitrogen intake was favoured over C in July. In November, C-intake increased relative to N. In March, when abundant food nitrogen coincided with a high demand for growth, feeding behaviour was neutral with respect to C/N ratios. In all cases C/N of absorbed matter was greater than the C/N of growth. Growth efficiencies for carbon declined with increased C/N of ingested matter due to higher metabolic increments (SDA) when feeding on lower food quality; the metabolic costs of growth did not vary. In contrast, growth efficiencies for nitrogen did not alter with C/N for ingested matter, due in part to increased nitrogen losses, relative to tissue nitrogen content, when feeding on low C/N food. Nitrogen was therefore conserved metabolically relative to C. Both feeding and metabolic processes contributed to compensation for the mismatch between seasonally variable food quality and the demands of growth.  相似文献   

Within the framework of a national scientific program named “MORtalités ESTivales de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas” (MOREST), a family-based experiment was developed to study the genetic basis of resistance to summer mortality in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. As part of the MOREST project, the second generation of three resistant families and two susceptible families were chosen and pooled into two respective groups: “R” and “S”. These two groups of oysters were conditioned for 6 months on two food levels (4% and 12% of oyster soft-tissue dry weight in algal dry weight per day) with a temperature gradient that mimicked the Marennes-Oléron natural cycle during the oyster reproductive period. Oyster mortality remained low for the first two months, but then rapidly increased in July when seawater temperature reached 19 °C and above. Mortality was higher in “S” oysters than in “R” oysters, and also higher in oysters fed the 12% diet than those fed 4%, resulting in a decreasing, relative order in cumulative mortality as follows; 12% “S” > 12% “R” > 4% “S” > 4% “R”. Although the observed mortality rates were lower than those previously observed in the field, the mortality differential between “R” and “S” oysters was similar. Gonadal development, estimated by tissue lipid content, followed a relative order yielding a direct, positive relationship between reproductive effort and mortality as we reported precedently by quantitative histology. Regarding hemocyte parameters, one of the most striking observations was that reactive oxygen species (ROS) production was significantly higher in “S” oysters than in “R” oysters in May and June, regardless of food level. The absence of known environmental stress under these experimental conditions suggests that the ROS increase in “S” oyster could be related to their higher reproductive activity. Finally, a higher increase in hyalinocyte counts was observed for”S” oysters, compared to “R” oysters, in July, just before mortality. Taken together, our results suggest an association of genetically based resistance to summer mortality, reproductive strategy and hemocyte parameters.  相似文献   

From 1955 to the mid 1980s the loads of both nitrogen and phosphorus from the river Rhine to the Dutch coastal area, the Wadden Sea included, increased. Since 1985 the phosphorus loads has decreased significantly, while the nitrogen load remained about the same.Annual primary production in the western Dutch Wadden Sea has increased fromc. 40 g C m–2 (1950) to 150 (mid 1960s) and over 500 g C m–2 (1986). The biomass of macrozoobenthos has more than doubled since 1970. Simultaneously, the meat yield of cultured blue mussels (Mytilus edulis), has increased since the 1960s. Previously, it was indicated that the increase in primary production of the phytoplankton over the period 1950 to 1986 was stimulated by the load of dissolved inorganic phosphate from Lake IJssel, a reservoir supplied by Rhine water. Since 1990, however, primary production has been higher than was expected from decreased phosphate loads from Lake IJssel. It is argued that this lack of response may have been caused by increased concentrations of dissolved inorganic phosphate at sea originating from increased inflow from a.o. the Strait of Dover, which compensate for the decrease in phosphate from the rivers, possibly in combination with a significant improvement of the light conditions of the water in the Wadden Sea.  相似文献   

As biological basis for the monitoring programme for the commercially exploited stock(s) of mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) in the Danish Wadden Sea, samples of mussels have been collected regularly since 1986, both from sub-tidal and inter-tidal mussel beds. These samples are the basis for the estimation of total biomass. They also provide data on size frequency distributions, which have been analysed for cohort identification resulting in length at age data, which again have been used for estimating parameters (L and K) for the von Bertalanffy growth equation (VBGE) as well as mortality parameters. By applying these in the Beverton & Holt model, estimates of average biomass and annual production (P) of the mussels have been obtained together with possible fisheries yields from the beds. The growth and mortality parameters and the figures for annual production and P/B are compared with figures from other investigations. These analyses have been the basis for annual assessments of the mussel stocks, which again are used in the current management of mussel fishery in the Danish Wadden Sea.  相似文献   

Five families of gynogenetic diploid Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) were induced by inhibiting the second polar body in meiotic cell division of eggs fertilized with UV-irradiated sperm. Segregation patterns of eight microsatellite loci were investigated in the gynogenetic diploid offspring; the proportion of heterozygous progeny was used to estimate microsatellite-centromere (M-C) distances. Mendelian inheritance was confirmed for the eight loci by examining the genotypic segregation in the control crosses. Three of the eight microsatellite loci showed the existence of null alleles in four control crosses. All gynogenetic offspring only possessed the alleles of the mother, indicating 100% success level for the five families. The M-C recombination frequency estimates ranged from 0.62 to 0.77 (0.72 mean), comparable to those in the oyster based on allozyme markers and suggesting that meiotic gynogenesis does not appear to be a very efficient inbreeding method in the oyster. Recombination frequencies observed were often higher than the theoretical maximum of 0.67, indicating the existence of positive interference after a single chiasma formation in some chromosomes. Information on the positions of centromeres in relation to the microsatellite loci will represent a contribution toward assembly of genetic maps in C. gigas.  相似文献   

The oyster ovarian parasite Marteilioides chungmuensis has been reported from Korea and Japan, damaging the oyster industries. Recently, Marteilioides-like organisms have been identified in other commercially important marine bivalves. In this study, we surveyed Marteilioides infection in the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum, Suminoe oyster Crassostrea ariakensis, and Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, using histology and Marteilioides-specific small subunit (SSU) rDNA PCR. The SSU rDNA sequence of M. chungmuensis (1716 bp) isolated from C. gigas in Tongyoung bay was 99.9% similar to that of M. chungmuensis reported in Japan. Inclusions of multi-nucleated bodies in the oocytes, typical of Marteilioides infection, were identified for the first time in Suminoe oysters. The SSU rDNA sequence of a Marteilioides-like organism isolated from Suminoe oysters was 99.9% similar to that of M. chungmuensis. Marteilioides sp. was also observed from 7 Manila clams of 1840 individuals examined, and the DNA sequences of which were 98.2% similar to the known sequence of M. chungmuensis. Unlike Marteilioides infection of Pacific oysters, no remarkable pathological symptoms, such as large multiple lumps on the mantle, were observed in infected Suminoe oysters or Manila clams. Distribution of the infected Manila clams, Suminoe oysters and Pacific oysters was limited to small bays on the south coast, suggesting that the southern coast is the enzootic area of Marteilioides infection.  相似文献   

Many studies on the biology of bivalves have focused on identifying the importance of various environmental factors in regulating feeding behaviour in order to predict ingestion and growth responses in a variety of habitats. When taking into consideration the diversity of studies undertaken and the variety of methodologies employed, it is perhaps not surprising that there have been inconsistencies in both interspecific and intraspecific comparisons. In order to compare and contrast the way in which feeding activities of a mussel species (Mytilus edulis) and a scallop species (Placopecten magellanicus) respond to environmental factors and seston characteristics, we exposed both species simultaneously to a fluctuating assemblage of natural particles found in their local environment. Similar sizes of mussels (40-73 mm) and scallops (40-88 mm) were held in flow through chambers at two different sites in Atlantic Canada on four separate occasions, during which environmental conditions, including seston characteristics, were monitored and individual clearance rates were measured. Because the same individuals were measured over time, repeated-measures statistical procedures were used to analyze the data. Results indicate that weight standardized clearance rates of mussels were significantly higher than those of scallops only at the highest concentration tested (12.8 mg l− 1), which translates into almost 3 times more material being filtered. Scallops appeared to respond to fluctuations in environment parameters and suspended food particles more consistently than mussels. These data suggest that the feeding behaviour of these two species is mediated differently by the same environmental parameters. Our study also demonstrates the importance of selecting appropriate statistical tests (e.g., repeated measures) for the analyses of data obtained from repeated sampling of the same individuals over time, and the need to consider species-specific feeding responses when developing models that predict the influence of bivalve feeding on ecosystem function.  相似文献   

The marine alga Caulerpa taxifolia Vahl (C. Agardh), recognized globally as one of the most prolific non-native species introductions, has been introduced to several temperate locations from where it has since rapidly expanded. C. taxifolia is protected by a toxin (terpenoid) in its tissues that limits grazing by native herbivores. Sacoglossan molluscs of the genus Elysia are among the few organisms that graze C. taxifolia; however, little is known about their feeding ecology. In the current study, we quantified the grazing rates of Elysia tomentosa on native C. taxifolia (Moreton Bay, Queensland) and introduced C. taxifolia (Botany Bay and Lake Conjola, New South Wales). Grazing rates were similar at Moreton Bay sites and Botany Bay; however, they were significantly lower in Lake Conjola. At the maximum observed grazing rate, slugs ate their body weight in C. taxifolia (dry weight) every 18–24 h. Differences in grazing rates between locations may be explained by differences in C. taxifolia morphology rather than native or introduced origin. Handling editor: J. Padisak  相似文献   

Blue mussel hemocytes (cells with immunoresponse activities) are suggested as indicators of anthropogenic contamination. We compared hemocyte numbers, granulocytoma (aggregated hemocytes), and parasites among populations of mussels from different areas of Skagerrak (a north and a south), seasons (summer and autumn), and impact levels (close or far from industrial activities). Seasonal hemocyte numbers were larger in the north compared to the south. Northern unimpacted populations had higher hemocyte numbers than populations close to industries, while no differences were found in the south. More uneven tissue distributions were found in populations far from industries in the north area and in populations close to industries in the south area. Parasites were more common in northern mussels than in southern, but no relationship to impact level was found. Mussels with granulocytoma, however, were found in all populations from the impacted sites while in none of the other populations suggesting granulocytoma as a possible indicator of industrial impact.  相似文献   

Marteilioides chungmuensis is an ovarian parasite that causes nodule-like structures to appear on the gonads of female Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas. It is known that the prevalence of infection increases in summer and decreases from autumn to spring. To investigate the decrease in prevalence of infection and pathogenicity of the parasite, a biopsy method was developed to detect infected oysters, which were then monitored to calculate the mortality rate. Mortality of infected oysters was recorded monthly and changes in reproductive development observed histologically. Compared with control groups, a significant difference in mortality was observed in infected oysters in September and October. Histological observations showed that infected oysters produced oocytes continuously, even in autumn when healthy oysters were reproductively inactive. This prolonged spawning activity of infected oysters resulted in nutritional wasting and mortality. From December onwards, however, almost all infected oysters survived, though the infection persisted. Infection intensity decreased gradually from December. Histological observations revealed that, in winter, infected oysters released infected and uninfected oocytes through the genital canal. The gonad subsequently degenerated and was replaced with connective tissue, as in normal, healthy spent oysters. The results revealed that prevalence of infection decreased from September to May. It is hypothesised that the decline in prevalence within the epizootic area in autumn occurred because infected oysters died and that the winter decrease was due to recovery from infection.  相似文献   

Marteilioides chungmuensis, a protozoan paramyxean parasite, infects the oocytes of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. The effects of infection on the reproductive cycle of C. gigas were investigated over two consecutive years at Okayama Prefecture, Japan. In male oysters, gonadal development began during February/March, maturity was achieved in June and spawning activity extended from July to September. In November and December, male oysters were not seen, probably because their gonads regressed to connective tissue and they transformed into undifferentiated oysters. By contrast, female oysters, in which parasite spore formation occurred, were still carrying oocytes until the following March and the spawning process of female oysters took 5 months longer than that of males in epizootic areas. The prevalence of M. chungmuensis infection increased from July to September, when most female oysters had their spawning period, and declined from October to the following April when oysters were at the spent stage. The prevalence of infection increased again in May of the following year and high prevalence was observed in the following July. When prevalence was compared between oysters of different age classes, higher prevalence was detected in older than in younger oysters. Histological examination showed that infected oysters produced oocytes continuously and spawned repeatedly from October to March, during which period healthy oysters were reproductively inactive. Parasites can infect the oocytes of infected oysters throughout the longer spawning period. These observations suggest that M. chungmuensis extends the reproductive period of infected oysters for its own reproductive benefit.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the effect of dietary eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3) on hemocyte parameters such as hemocyte concentration, phagocytosis, and non-stimulated reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas, as well on proximate biochemical and fatty acid compositions. One-year-old oysters (C. gigas) were fed T-Isochrysis aff. galbana (T-Iso), which is low in 20:5n-3, either alone or with supplements of a lipid emulsion rich in 20:5n-3 at 1%, 10% or 50% (dry weight of the algal ration) for up to 7 weeks. Changes in gill fatty acid composition demonstrated that the lipid emulsion was well ingested by oysters during the dietary conditioning. Biochemical analysis indicated that oysters fed supplements of 50% and, to a lesser extent, 10% lipid emulsions had a higher total lipid content compared with oysters fed other diets, suggesting a more advanced reproductive status for the oysters fed high doses of lipid emulsion. Moreover, some oysters in these two treatment groups spawned during the last three weeks of the seven-week feeding experiment. Lipid supplements had a significant influence on hemocyte concentration, phagocytic index and non-stimulated hemocyte ROS production. After 4 weeks, highest hemocyte concentrations were found in oysters fed on a supplement of 50% lipid emulsion compared with those fed on other diets but the hemocytes derived from these oysters had the lowest short-term phagocytic index. After 7 weeks of dietary conditioning, the ROS production in non-stimulated hemocytes of oysters fed 10% and 50% lipid emulsion declined. These results suggested that 20:5n-3, and perhaps its eicosanoid metabolites, affected oyster hemocyte functions; however, the reproductive status of oysters may also have interfered with the 20:5n-3 dietary effect.  相似文献   

The life histories of oysters in the genus Crassostrea, like those of most marine bivalves, are typified by high fecundity and low survival in nature. Rearing conditions in hatcheries however ensure optimized density, diet, and temperature. Hatcheries are becoming increasingly important for the production of juveniles in aquaculture, and their culture practices often include culling of slow growing larvae to reduce and synchronize the time taken to reach settlement. Because previous studies have found substantial genetic variation for early life developmental traits in Crassostrea gigas, these culling practices are likely to cause highly different selective pressures in hatcheries from those in the natural environment. We studied the phenotypic and genetic impact of such culling practices in a factorial cross between 10 males and 3 females subjected to progressive culling of the smallest 50% of larvae, compared with a non-culled control. Measurements were made on larval growth, survival, time taken to attain pediveliger stage and settlement success. Culling had a larger effect on the variance of these larval traits than on their means. The larvae in culled cultures were approximately 10% larger than those in controls, whereas the coefficient of variation was reduced by 30-40%. Culling also reduced the mean time to settlement by 12% and its variance by 55%. Using a multiplexed set of microsatellite markers to trace parentage, we also estimated the variance in reproductive success in a controlled experiment to quantify the consequences of intensive hatchery rearing practices. We also focused on changes in effective population size and genetic structure over time (and developmental stages). Our results show a loss of genetic diversity following removal of the smallest larvae by culling, as well as temporally varying genetic structure of the larval population. This supports the existence of genetic variability in early life developmental traits in C. gigas. Culling in hatcheries, like size-related selective pressures in the wild, are likely to have a significant genetic impact, through their effects on the timing of settlement.  相似文献   

Field surveys (dating back to 1950) and aerial photograph series (dating back to 1966) were evaluated to determine sites of intertidal blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) beds at the Wadden Sea coast of Lower Saxony. Maps were prepared indicating sites of blue mussel beds during the last decades. A table gives additional information on the presence (or absence) of blue mussel beds at each site at the time of large-scale surveys. Altogether 187 sites of M. edulis beds were recorded in the investigation area. In spring 1996, there were still only 19 sites where mussel beds still occurred, although at 51 sites residual mussel-bed structures were present, e.g. shell bases of former beds or protruding patches (which had been occupied by M. edulis before the beds vanished) and open spaces. At that time, the majority of the sites contained neither mussel beds nor mussel-bed structures. The analysis of recent data confirmed that mussel larvae have preferred to settle in sites of present mussel beds and sites with bases of former mussel beds. There was no preferential selection of one of these categories (settled beds vs. shell bases). On the other hand, the presence of mussel beds or mussel bed structures is not obligatory for settlement, because sites without those structures were also re-settled by the spatfall in 1996, even though on a smaller scale.  相似文献   

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