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The osmoregulatory capabilities of 6-month-old juvenile obscure puffer Takifugu obscurus, transferred directly from fresh water to different salinities (0‰, freshwater control; 10‰; 20‰ and 30‰), were studied over an 8-day period. After transfer, plasma osmolality of the fish at 30‰ was significantly higher than those at all other salinities throughout the experiment. The Na+/K+ ATPase activity in the gills of the fish treated with various salinities increased significantly, peaking at 48 h, then decreased gradually to the control level at 192 h. Similar fluctuation trends of the Na+/K+ ATPase activity were observed in the kidneys. Modified Gaussian model provided accurate fits for the time-course changes in the Na+/K+ ATPase activities after abrupt salinity challenge. The results demonstrated that obscure puffer has strong capacity to tolerate abrupt salinity changes and can osmoregulate well over a wide range of salinities even in juvenile stage.  相似文献   

Changes in salinity are known to alter the morphology of protists, and we hypothesized that these changes subsequently alter also the predatory behavior of the dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina. Oxyrrhis was grown in media of 33, 25, 20, and 10% of the regular salinity of f/2 medium (31–32‰). In all cases, the cells discharged trichocysts and swelled. Cell surfaces and volumes increased with decreasing salinity, such that cell surface area at least doubled at 10% and the cell volume increased approximately fourfold. After 1 h, the cells started to regain their regular shape, which was almost completed after 24 h. Oxyrrhis immediately regained its regular shape when culture medium was added 5–10 min after the osmotic stress. When incubated with Pyramimonas grossii as prey, those short-term stressed cells showed no significant different prey uptake in comparison to non-stressed cells. In contrast, 24 h after the addition of prey, short-term stressed Oxyrrhis cells had, with weak statistical significance, more Pyramimonas cells engulfed than non-stressed cells. These results indicated that (1) trichocysts were most likely not involved in prey capture and (2) salinity-stressed Oxyrrhis either enhanced its capability to capture more prey, or its digestion apparatus was hampered.  相似文献   

The Gulf killifish, Fundulus grandis, is a euryhaline teleost which has important ecological roles in the brackish-water marshes of its native range as well as commercial value as live bait for saltwater anglers. Effects of osmoregulation on growth, survival, and body condition at 0.5, 5.0, 8.0 and 12.0‰ salinity were studied in F. grandis juveniles during a 12-week trial. Relative expression of genes encoding the ion transport proteins Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA), Na+/K+/2Cl cotransporter(NKCC1), and cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl channel was analyzed. At 0.5‰, F. grandis showed depressed growth, body condition, and survival relative to higher salinities. NKA relative expression was elevated at 7 days post-transfer but decreased at later time points in fish held at 0.5‰ while other salinities produced no such increase. NKCC1, the isoform associated with expulsion of ions in saltwater, was downregulated from week 1 to week 3 at 0.5‰ while CFTR relative expression produced no significant results across time or salinity. Our results suggest that Gulf killifish have physiological difficulties with osmoregulation at a salinity of 0.5‰ and that this leads to reduced growth performance and survival while salinities in the 5.0-12.0‰ are adequate for normal function.  相似文献   

Planktonic larvae of estuarine crabs are commonly exported to the continental shelf for development and then return to coastal and estuarine areas as postlarvae (megalopae). Megalopae returning to estuaries must be adapted to survive in brackish water whereas those of coastally distributed species should not need such adaptations. We investigated 1) whether megalopae of the estuarine crab Callinectes sapidus and the coastal crab Callinectes similis undergo changes in salinity tolerance upon entry into an estuary and 2) what factors induce those changes. Megalopae were collected at a coastal site and a nearby estuarine site and exposed to a range of salinities (5, 10, 15, 20 and 30) for 6 h. Percent survival was determined after 24 h reintroduction to the collection site water. We also investigated 1) whether increased salinity tolerance was induced by reduced salinity or estuarine chemical cues, 2) the time to acclimation and 3) the salinity necessary for acclimation. C. sapidus megalopae from the estuarine site were more likely to survive exposure to low salinities than those from the coastal site. C. sapidus megalopae from the coastal site exhibited increased survival after acclimation to salinities of 27 and 23 for 12 h. Estuarine chemical cues had no effect on salinity tolerance. C. similis megalopae were less likely to survive at low salinities and did not exhibit an acclimation response upon exposure to reduced salinities. These results suggest that megalopae of C. sapidus are physiologically adapted to recruit to estuaries whereas megalopae of C. similis are unable to acclimate to low salinity conditions.  相似文献   

In many fish and reptiles, gastric digestion is responsible for the complete breakdown of prey items into semi-liquid chyme. The responses of the stomach to feeding and to periods of fasting are, however, unknown for many lower vertebrates. We inserted data loggers into the stomachs of free-swimming captive adult blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus) to quantify gastric pH, motility and temperature during fasting and following ingestion of food. Gastric acid secretion was continuous, even during long periods of fasting, with a mean pH of 1.66 ± 0.40 (± 1 SD) when the stomach was empty. Stomach contractions were greater following meals of mackerel than for those of squid. Gastric motility following feeding on mackerel, was positively influenced by ambient temperature, and followed a quadratic relationship with meal size, with maximum motility occurring after meals of 0.8-1.0% body weight. Diel changes in gastric motility were apparent, and were most likely caused by diel changes in ambient temperature. Gastric digestion in blacktip reef sharks is affected by both biotic and abiotic variables. We hypothesize that behavioral strategies adopted by sharks in the field may be an attempt to optimize digestion by selecting for appropriate environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The salinity tolerance, and hydromineral regulation capabilities of three size groups (small 110–170 g; medium 230–290 g, large 460–700 g; n=48 for each group) of 13-month-old juvenile Gulf of Mexico sturgeon were investigated. Fish (n=6 for each salinity) were transferred directly from freshwater (FW) to a series of experimental salinity treatments (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 parts per thousand (ppt)). Fish were also acclimated in brackish water (20 ppt) for 2 weeks and transferred to a salinity of 34 ppt. In this condition juvenile Gulf of Mexico sturgeon adapted to saltwater (SW) and maintained their hydromineral balance. FW adapted sturgeon (n=6) had an average blood hemotocrit of 28.2±0.8%, plasma osmolality of 260.7±1.6 mOsm kg−1 H2O, and plasma ion concentrations of 135.7±1.2 mM l−1 Na+, 106.9±1.9 mEq l−1 Cl, and 2.9±0.1 mM l−1 K+. In SW adapted sturgeon (n=8) blood parameters averaged 26.9±0.7% for hematocrit, 294.2±2.3 mOsm kg−1 H2O for osmolality, 152.0±1.7 mM l−1 Na+, 149.2±1.4 mEq l−1 for Cl, and 3.1±0.1 mM l−1 K+. The method of transfer (abrupt or slow acclimation) directly affected fish survival and the time they took to achieve ionic and osmotic regulation. This SW adaptation appears to be related to body size, the larger the fish the easier the adaptation process. A threshold size of about 170 g was apparent for the fish to adapt to saltwater after 2 weeks of acclimation. Chloride cells were present in both FW and SW adapted sturgeon with SW and brackish water fish having chloride cells significantly (P<0.05) more numerous (561±53 and 598±45 cells mm−2) and larger in size (41.0±3.85 and 34.2±4.49 μm2) than FW adapted sturgeon (10±1.0 cells mm−2 and 22±2.53 μm2). Few chloride cells were observed in the opercular membrane, however, none were found in the pseudobranch and spiracle.  相似文献   

Nymphs of Paragnetina media were able to tolerate a range of salinities in the external media up 1.1% NaCl (~ 354 mOsm/l.) Nymphs maintained in distilled water showed excellent osmoregulation by producing hyposmotic urine. In a range of salinities, 0.4–0.95% NaCl, nymphs maintained their baemolymph concentration hyperosmotic to the external media. A breakdown in osmotic regulation occurred at 1.1% NaCl. There was no significant change (P > 0.01) in the oxygen consumption, indicating that metabolic energy demand for the osmoregulation was not affected.  相似文献   

Blood respiratory, acid-base, and ionic changes in response to hyperosmotic shock were studied in vivo and in vitro in the European flounder. One primary aim was to evaluate regulatory changes in red blood cell (RBC) volume and its interrelationship with blood O2 transporting properties. An acute increase in the ambient salinity from 10 to 30 ppt caused small but significant increases in extracellular osmolality (<20 mosM kg−1), [Na+], and [Cl], which were corrected within 48 h. RBC volume was not significantly changed 3 h after the in vivo exposure to elevated salinity. A small metabolic acidosis was fully developed within 3 h, and this acidosis seemed responsible for a modest decrease in blood O2 affinity (i.e., increased P50-O2 tension at 50% O2 saturation). RBC organic phosphates were unchanged. In vitro elevation of whole blood extracellular osmolality by 60 mosM kg−1 caused immediate RBC shrinkage. The subsequent regulatory volume increase (RVI) showed a graded dependency on blood O2 saturation (SO2). At SO2 values of 0% and 20%, there were full RBC volume recoveries within 120 min, RVI was partial at SO2 values of 45% and 55%, and RVI was absent at a SO2 of 100%. SO2 and P50 did not change significantly during RBC shrinkage and RVI. Thus, the up-concentration of cellular haemoglobin and organic phosphates in hyperosmotically shrunken RBCs had minimal influence on blood O2 transporting properties. The degree of cell shrinkage and time needed for RVI were positively correlated with the magnitude of the rise in extracellular osmolality. The RVI proceeded via elevation of cellular [Na+], [Cl], and to some extent also [K+]. Cell volume regulatory mechanisms are only needed to correct minor volume disturbances in vivo, because changes in extracellular osmolality were limited by an efficient osmotic regulation at the epithelial interface between extracellular compartment and environment.  相似文献   

Juvenile Pacific herring, Clupea pallasi, were exposed both acutely (96 h) and chronically (9 weeks) to three concentrations of the water-soluble fraction (WSF) of North Slope crude oil. Mean (± S.E.) total PAH (TPAH) concentrations at the beginning of the acute exposure experiment were: 9.7 ± 6.5, 37.9 ± 8.6 and 99.3 ± 5.6 μg/L. TPAH concentrations declined with time and the composition of the WSF shifted toward larger and more substituted PAHs. Significant induction of hepatic cytochrome P450 content, ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase and glutathione-S-transferase activities in WSF-exposed fish indicated that hydrocarbons were biologically available to herring. Significant but temporary, elevations in plasma cortisol (4.9-fold and 8.5-fold increase over controls in the 40 and 100 μg/L groups, respectively), lactate (2.2-fold and 3.1-fold over controls in the 40 and 100 μg/L groups) and glucose (1.3-fold, 1.4-fold and 1.6-fold over controls in the 10, 40 and 100 μg/L groups) occurred in fish exposed acutely to WSF. All values returned to baseline levels by 96 h. Similar responses were seen with the first of several sequential WSF pulses in the chronic exposure study. Subsequent WSF pulses resulted in muted cortisol responses and fewer significant elevations in both plasma lactate and glucose concentrations. Hematocrit, leucocrit, hemoglobin concentration and liver glycogen content were not affected by acute or chronic WSF exposure. Plasma [Cl], [Na+] and [K+] were significantly higher in the 100 μg/L WSF-exposed group by 96 h compared to control fish, and continued to be elevated through the entire chronic exposure period. Unlike the measured stress parameters, ionoregulatory dysfunction was not modulated by WSF pulses. The results of this study suggest that chronic exposure to WSF affects at least two important physiological systems in herring: the ability of fish to maintain ion homeostasis and the interrenally-mediated organismal stress response.  相似文献   

Researchers examining the mechanisms of ichthyotoxicity of Pfiesteria shumwayae have come to different conclusions about the role of toxin in this process. Some attribute fish mortality solely to direct attack by these pedunculate dinoflagellates on exposed fish tissue while others have provided evidence for a role of a soluble toxin. Detection of toxin, especially in low concentrations, is a function of the sensitivity of the selected bioassay methods and the various groups addressing this question have utilized different methods. One notable difference in fish bioassay methods utilized to detect Pfiesteria-associated toxin (PfTx) is the species of fish tested. Studies that have not detected PfTx in bioassays generally have used Cyprinodon variegatus (sheepshead minnow) as the test fish while those that have detected toxin generally used Oreochromis spp. (Tilapia). In this study response of these two fish species was compared to determine their relative sensitivity to physical attack by P. shumwayae and to PfTx. The results indicate that Oreochromis niloticus is more susceptible to P. shumwayae and its associated toxin than C. variegatus and implicate differences in the ability these species to osmoregulate as a contributing factor for this phenomenon. Salinity stress enhanced susceptibility of O. niloticus to PfTx and thus improved the sensitivity of the bioassay. The observation that salinity stress enhances toxicity to O. niloticus provides additional information regarding the mechanism of PfTx toxicity although the conditions utilized are not representative of the natural habitat of these freshwater fish.  相似文献   

Yin F  Peng S M  Sun P  Shi Z H 《农业工程》2011,31(1):55-60
Silver pomfret (Pampus argenteus) is an important fish species in China, whose fatality is strongly affected by marine salinity. To better understand the tolerance of sliver pomfret to varying environmental salinity at its early developmental stages, the influence of salinity on the activities of five antioxidant enzymes – superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPX), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), and glutathione reductase (GR) – in the kidney and muscle of juvenile silver pomfret was investigated in this study. Divided groups A, B, C, D at random, the juvenile silver pomfrets were then treated with different salinity levels of 25, 20, 15, and 10 with time periods of 24, 48, 96, and 120 h respectively. Generally speaking, the results show that the renal and muscular SOD as well as the renal CAT activities first rise then drop (P < 0.05), while the muscular CAT activity increases with the elapse of treatment time (P < 0.05) and peaked at 96 h, then decreased at 120 h, while the muscular CAT activity in group D increased consistently and peaked at 120 h. The renal GPX activity decreases significantly (P < 0.05) as the salinity drops and treatment time prolongs with its lowest level occurring at 96 h in group D, while the muscular GPX activity increases first then decrease (P < 0.05); moreover the renal and muscular GPX activities vary reversely in compensation. On a whole, the renal and muscular GST and GR activities first rise then drop (P < 0.05) with the drop of salinity and elapse of time. To sum up, the results acquired from study indicate that the salinity decrease could effectively stimulate and enhance the antioxidant enzyme activity in the kidney and muscle of the juvenile silver pomfrets, thus effectively eliminating the excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) and minimizing the body damage. Characterized by certain sequentiality and tissue specificity, the activation of the antioxidant enzymes could also be inhibited when the salinity varies beyond the tolerance range of the body.  相似文献   

Ammonia-N toxicity to early Portunus pelagicus juveniles at different salinities was investigated along with changes to haemolymph osmolality, Na+, K+, Ca2+ and ammonia-N levels, ammonia-N excretion and gill Na+/K+-ATPase activity. Experimental crabs were acclimated to salinities 15, 30 and 45‰ for one week and 25 replicate crabs were subsequently exposed to 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 mg L− 1 ammonia-N for 96-h, respectively. High ammonia-N concentrations were used to determine LC50 values while physiological measurements were conducted at lower concentrations. When crabs were exposed to ammonia-N, anterior gill Na+/K+-ATPase activity significantly increased (p < 0.05) at all salinities, while this only occurred on the posterior gills at 30‰. For crabs exposed to 20 and 40 mg L− 1 ammonia-N, both posterior gill Na+/K+-ATPase activity and ammonia-N excretion were significantly higher at 15‰ than those at 45‰. Despite this trend, the 96-h LC50 value at 15‰ (43.4 mg L− 1) was significantly lower (p < 0.05) than at both 30‰ and 45‰ (65.8 and 75.2 mg L− 1, respectively). This may be due to significantly higher (p < 0.05) haemolymph ammonia-N levels of crabs at low salinities and may similarly explain the general ammonia-N toxicity pattern to other crustacean species.  相似文献   

Previous studies on non-diadromous euryhaline teleosts introduced a hypothesis that the lowest level of gill Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) activity occurs in the environments with salinity close to the primary natural habitats of the studied species. To provide more evidence of the hypothesis, two medaka species, Oryzias latipes and O. dancena, whose primary natural habitats are fresh water (FW) and brackish water (BW) environments, respectively, were compared from levels of mRNA to cells in this study. The plasma osmolalities of O. latipes and O. dancena were lowest in the FW individuals. The muscle water contents of O. latipes decreased with elevated external salinities, but were constant among FW-, BW-, and seawater (SW)-acclimated O. dancena. Expression of NKA, the primary driving force of ion transporters in gill ionocytes, revealed different patterns in the two Oryzias species. The highest NKA α-subunit mRNA abundances were found in the gills of the SW O. latipes and the FW O. dancena, respectively. The pattern of NKA activity and α-subunit protein abundance in the gills of O. latipes revealed that the FW group was the lowest, while the pattern in O. dancena revealed that the BW group was the lowest. Immunohistochemical staining showed similar profiles of NKA immunoreactive (NKIR) cell activities (NKIR cell number × cell size) in the gills of these two species among FW, BW, and SW groups. Taken together, O. latipes exhibited better hyposmoregulatory ability, while O. dancena exhibited better hyperosmoregulatory ability. Our results corresponding to the hypothesis indicated that the lowest branchial NKA activities of these two medaka species were found in the environments with salinities similar to their natural habitats.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in the prolactin cells of the euryhaline marine teleosts Gillichthys mirabilis and Platichthys stellatus were studied by light and electron microscopy after transfer from sea water to fresh water. In seawater fish the secretory granules were smaller and the cellular organelles poorly developed. Within 3 hours after transfer to fresh water, the prolactin cells of Gillichthys exhibited definite functional activation: exocytosis of granules and development of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), Golgi systems and mitochondria. Concurrently, plasma sodium fell from about 172 meq/l to about 133 meq/l.As adaptation to fresh water progressed, prolactin cells of Gillichthys showed greater prominence of cellular organelles but granule storage was not detected even 10 days after transfer. Platichthys adapted to fresh water for 10 days showed RER in an expanded state containing irregular electron-dense material which was not seen in Gillichthys. Plasma sodium levels were much lower than in the controls. These results were in contrast to those obtained from euryhaline freshwater fishes such as Poecilia and Oryzias. Although the prolactin cells of euryhaline marine fish exhibited intense secretory activity when transferred into fresh water, the secreted prolactin per se appeared to be insufficient to maintain plasma sodium at seawater levels.We thank Dr. R. Foster for providing the acclimated starry flounders caught by the staff of the Bodega Marine Laboratory. Thanks are also due Mr. J. Underhill for photographic assistance, Mrs. A. Mos for microtechnical assistance, and Mrs. E. Reid for preparation of the graphs. This study was aided by NIH grant CA-05388 and NSF grant GB-23033.  相似文献   

We tested the effects of salinity and water temperature on the ecological performance of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) in culture-experiments to identify levels that could potentially limit survival and growth and, thus, the spatial distribution of eelgrass in temperate estuaries. The experiments included eight levels of salinity (2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35‰) and seven water temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 27.5 and 30 °C). Low salinity (i.e. 5 and 2.5‰) increased mortality (3–6-fold) and had a strong negative effect on shoot morphology (number of leaves per shoot reduced by 40% and shoot biomass reduced by 30–40%), photosynthetic capacity (Pmax—reduced by 30–80%) and growth (production of new leaves reduced by 50–60%, leaf elongation rate reduced by 60–70% and production of side-shoots reduced by 40–60%), whereas eelgrass performed almost equally well at salinities between 10 and 35‰. The optimum salinity for eelgrass was between 10 and 25‰ depending on the response parameter in question. Extreme water temperatures had an overall negative impact on eelgrass, although via different mechanisms. Low water temperatures (5 °C) slowed down photosynthetic rate (by 75%) and growth (production of new leaves by 30% and leaf elongation rate by 80%), but did not affect mortality, whereas high temperatures (25–30 °C) increased mortality (12-fold) and lowered both photosynthetic rate (by 50%) and growth (production of new leaves by 50% and leaf elongation rate by 75%). The optimum water temperature for eelgrass appeared to lie between 10 and 20 °C. These results show that extreme conditions may affect the fitness of eelgrass and, thus, may potentially limit its distribution in coastal and estuarine waters.  相似文献   

We used a central composite rotatable experimental design and response surface methodology to evaluate the effects of temperature (18–37 °C), salinity (0–20‰), and their interaction on specific growth rate (SGR), feed efficiency (FE), plasma osmolality, and gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity in GIFT tilapia juveniles. The linear and quadratic effects of temperature and salinity on SGR, plasma osmolality, and gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity were statistically significant (P<0.05). The interactive effects of temperature and salinity on plasma osmolality were significant (P<0.05). In contrast, the interaction term was not significant for SGR, FE, and gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity (P>0.05). The regression equations for SGR, FE, plasma osmolality, and gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity against the two factors of interest had coefficients of determination of 0.944, 0.984, 0.966, and 0.960, respectively (P<0.01). The optimal temperature/salinity combination was 28.9 °C/7.8‰ at which SGR (2.26% d1) and FE (0.82) were highest. These values correspond to the optimal temperature/salinity combination (29.1 °C/7.5‰) and the lowest plasma osmolality (348.38 mOsmol kg−1) and gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity (1.31 µmol Pi. h−1 g−1 protein), and resulted in an energy-saving effect on osmoregulation, which promoted growth.  相似文献   

Synopsis Juvenile bluegill,Lepomis macrochirus, collected from Mississippi coastal drainages were held at 0, 5, and 10% S and fed diets containing 0, 2, and 4% dietary NaCl. Over a 58 day period, fish from each of the nine treatments (salinity x diet) were fed ad libitum twice daily for 5 min. Mean treatment growth rates did not differ when adjusted for initial wet weights. Hematocrit and intestinal Na+/K+-ATPase activity also did not differ. All fish maintained in 0% S had a marginally lower plasma osmolality compared to fish held in 5 and 10% S. Plasma Cl concentration of fish held in 0% S receiving the 0% NaCl diet was lower than that of the other eight treatments. Results indicate that coastal juvenile bluegill can exploit waters up to 10% S while consuming prey items containing up to 4% NaCl with no influence on growth or certain osmoregulatory characteristics.  相似文献   

Impact of long-term salinity and subsequent oxidative stress was studied on cellular antioxidants, proline accumulation and lipid profile of Artemisia annua L. (Sweet Annie or Qinghao) which yields artemisinin (Qinghaosu), effective against cerebral malaria-causing strains of Plasmodium falciparum. Under salinity (0.0–160 mM NaCl), in A. annua, proline accumulation, contents of ascorbate and glutathione and activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), glutathione reductase (GR) and catalase (CAT) increased, but the contents of reduced forms of glutathione (GSH) and ascorbate declined. The fatty-acid profiling revealed a major salinity-induced shift towards long-chain and mono-saturated fatty acids. Myristic acid (14:0), palmitoleic acid (16:1), linoleic acid (18:2) and erucic acid (22:1) increased by 141%, 186%, 34% and 908%, respectively, in comparison with the control. Contents of oleic acid (18:1), linolenic acid (18:3), arachidonic acid (22:0) and lignoceric acid (24:0) decreased by 50%, 17%, 44% and 78%, respectively. Thus, in A. annua, salinity declines ascorbate and GSH contents. However, increased levels of proline and total glutathione (GSH + GSSG), and activities of antioxidant enzymes might provide a certain level of tolerance. Modification in fatty-acid composition might be a membrane adaptation to long-term salinity and oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Thermotolerance (CTMax) was determined in L. vannamei in three salinities and five acclimation temperatures 20, 23, 26, 29 and 32 °C. In white shrimp, the CTMax was not significantly affected by salinity (P>0.05). A direct relationship was obtained between CTMax and acclimation temperature. The end point of the CTMax in L. vannamei exposed to different combinations of temperature and salinity was defined as the loss of the righting response (LRR). The acclimation response ratio (ARR) for the juveniles of white shrimp ranged from 0.42 to 0.49; values in agreement with other crustaceans from tropical and sub tropical climates. The osmotic pressure of the hemolymph was measured in control organisms and in organisms exposed to CTMax; significant differences were found in organisms maintained in 10 and 40 psu, but there were no significant differences in hemolymph osmotic pressure in those that were acclimated to 26 psu.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, salinity, and irradiance on the growth of the dinoflagellate Akashiwo sanguinea were examined in the laboratory. The irradiance at the light compensation point (I0) was 14.40 μmol m− 2 s− 1 and the irradiance at growth saturation (Is) was 114 μmol m− 2 s− 1. We exposed A. sanguinea to 48 combinations of temperature (5-30 °C) and salinity (5-40) under saturating irradiance; it exhibited its maximum growth rate of 1.13 divisions/day at a combination of 25 °C and salinity of 20. A. sanguinea was able to grow at temperatures from 10 to 30 °C and salinities from 10 to 40. This study revealed that A. sanguinea was a eurythermal and euryhaline organism; in Japan it should have formed blooms in early summer, when salinity was relatively low. In addition, it was noteworthy that A. sanguinea had markedly cold-durability, retaining the motile form of vegetative cells for more than 50 days at 5 °C and at salinities of 25-30.  相似文献   

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