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Keyes BE  Yellman CM  Burke DJ 《Genetics》2008,178(1):589-591
The anaphase promoting complex (APC) targets proteins for degradation to promote progression through the cell cycle. Here we show that Clb5, an APCCdc20 substrate, is degraded when the spindle checkpoint is active, while other APCCdc20 substrates are stabilized, suggesting that APCCdc20 inhibition by the spindle checkpoint is substrate specific.  相似文献   

E J Schott  M A Hoyt 《Genetics》1998,148(2):599-610
We identified an allele of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CDC20 that exhibits a spindle-assembly checkpoint defect. Previous studies indicated that loss of CDC20 function caused cell cycle arrest prior to the onset of anaphase. In contrast, CDC20-50 caused inappropriate cell cycle progression through M phase in the absence of mitotic spindle function. This effect of CDC20-50 was dominant over wild type and was eliminated by a second mutation causing loss of function, suggesting that it encodes an overactive form of Cdc20p. Overexpression of CDC20 was found to cause a similar checkpoint defect, causing bypass of the preanaphase arrest produced by either microtubule-depolymerizing compounds or MPS1 overexpression. CDC20 overexpression was also able to overcome the anaphase delay caused by high levels of the anaphase inhibitor Pds1p, but not a mutant form immune to anaphase-promoting complex- (APC-)mediated proteolysis. CDC20 overexpression was unable to promote anaphase in cells deficient in APC function. These findings suggest that Cdc20p is a limiting factor that promotes anaphase entry by antagonizing Pds1p. Cdc20p may promote the APC-dependent proteolytic degradation of Pds1p and other factors that act to inhibit cell cycle progression through mitosis.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation level of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cdc28 protein remained invariant under conditions that resulted in cell cycle arrest in the G1 phase and loss of Cdc28-specific protein kinase activity when the activity was assayed in vitro. These results are in contrast to the proposed regulation of the homologous Cdc2 protein kinase of Schizosaccharomyces pombe.  相似文献   

Polo-like kinase-1 (Plk1) performs multiple essential functions during the cell cycle. Here we show that human Plk1-deficient cells are unable to separate their centrosomes, fail to form a bipolar spindle, and undergo a Mad2/BubR1-dependent prometaphase arrest. However, electron microscopy demonstrates that kinetochore-microtubule interactions can be established in cells lacking Plk1. In addition, co-depletion of Plk1 and survivin allows mitotic exit. This indicates that Plk1 depletion does not prevent microtubule attachment, but specifically interferes with the generation of tension, as a consequence of a failure to form a bipolar spindle. Moreover, we find that after silencing of the spindle assembly checkpoint, degradation of cyclin B1 is unaffected in cells lacking Plk1. These data indicate that activation of the anaphase promoting complex or cyclosome (APC/C)-Cdc20 complex that is under control of the spindle assembly checkpoint does not require Plk1 activity. Finally, we find that translocation of chromosome passengers and initiation of cleavage furrow ingression is unaffected in cells depleted of Plk1. Thus, our data confirm an important role of Plk1 in bipolar spindle formation, and also demonstrate that Plk1 is dispensable for APC/C-Cdc20 activation and the initiation of cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Akiyoshi B  Biggins S 《Genetics》2010,186(4):1487-1491
The budding yeast Cdc14 phosphatase reverses Cdk1 phosphorylation to promote mitotic exit. Although Cdc14 activity is thought to be restricted to anaphase, we found that dephosphorylation of the Dsn1 kinetochore protein in metaphase requires Cdc14. These data suggest that there is a nonnucleolar pool of active Cdc14 prior to anaphase.  相似文献   

Polo-like kinases are important regulators of multiple mitotic events; however, how Polo-like kinases are spatially and temporally regulated to perform their many tasks is not well understood. Here, we examined the subcellular localization of the budding yeast Polo-like kinase Cdc5 using a functional Cdc5-GFP protein expressed from the endogenous locus. In addition to the well-described localization of Cdc5 at the spindle pole bodies (SPBs) and the bud neck, we found that Cdc5-GFP accumulates in the nucleus in early mitosis but is released to the cytoplasm in late mitosis in a manner dependent on the Cdc14 phosphatase. This Cdc5 release from the nucleus is important for mitotic exit because artificial sequestration of Cdc5 in the nucleus by addition of a strong nuclear localization signal (NLS) resulted in mitotic exit defects. We identified a key cytoplasmic target of Cdc5 as Bfa1, an inhibitor of mitotic exit. Our study revealed a novel layer of Cdc5 regulation and suggests the existence of a possible coordination between Cdc5 and Cdc14 activity.  相似文献   

Reimann JD  Freed E  Hsu JY  Kramer ER  Peters JM  Jackson PK 《Cell》2001,105(5):645-655
We have discovered an early mitotic inhibitor, Emi1, which regulates mitosis by inhibiting the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC). Emi1 is a conserved F box protein containing a zinc binding region essential for APC inhibition. Emi1 accumulates before mitosis and is ubiquitylated and destroyed in mitosis, independent of the APC. Emi1 immunodepletion from cycling Xenopus extracts strongly delays cyclin B accumulation and mitotic entry, whereas nondestructible Emi1 stabilizes APC substrates and causes a mitotic block. Emi1 binds the APC activator Cdc20, and Cdc20 can rescue an Emi1-induced block to cyclin B destruction. Our results suggest that Emi1 regulates progression through early mitosis by preventing premature APC activation, and may help explain the well-known delay between cyclin B/Cdc2 activation and cyclin B destruction.  相似文献   

Progression through and completion of mitosis require the actions of the evolutionarily conserved Polo kinase. We have determined that the levels of Cdc5p, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae member of the Polo family of mitotic kinases, are cell cycle regulated. Cdc5p accumulates in the nuclei of G2/M-phase cells, and its levels decline dramatically as cells progress through anaphase and begin telophase. We report that Cdc5p levels are sensitive to mutations in key components of the anaphase-promoting complex (APC). We have determined that Cdc5p-associated kinase activity is restricted to G2/M and that this activity is posttranslationally regulated. These results further link the actions of the APC to the completion of mitosis and suggest possible roles for Cdc5p during progression through and completion of mitosis.  相似文献   

Whereas the Cdc28 protein kinase of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae plays an essential role in cell cycle progression during the G1 interval, a function in the progression from the G2 interval into M phase has been inferred for its homologs, including the Cdc2Hs protein kinase of humans. To better understand these apparently disparate roles, we constructed a yeast strain in which the resident CDC28 gene was replaced by its human homolog, CDC2Hs. This transgenic yeast strain was able to perform the G1 functions attributed to the Cdc28 protein kinase, including the ability to grow and divide normally, to respond to environmental signals that induce G1 arrest, and to regulate the Cdc2Hs protein kinase appropriately in response to these signals.  相似文献   

Cell cycle lengths vary widely among different cells within an animal, yet mechanisms of cell cycle length regulation are poorly understood. In the Caenorhabditis elegans embryo, the first cell division produces two cells with different cell cycle lengths, which are dependent on the conserved partitioning-defective (PAR) polarity proteins. We show that two key cell cycle regulators, the Polo-like kinase PLK-1 and the cyclin-dependent kinase phosphatase CDC-25.1, are asymmetrically distributed in early embryos. PLK-1 shows anterior cytoplasmic enrichment and CDC-25.1 shows PLK-1-dependent enrichment in the anterior nucleus. Both proteins are required for normal mitotic progression. Furthermore, these asymmetries are controlled by PAR proteins and the muscle excess (MEX) proteins MEX-5/MEX-6, and the latter is linked to protein degradation. Our results support a model whereby the PAR and MEX-5/MEX-6 proteins asymmetrically control PLK-1 levels, which asymmetrically regulates CDC-25.1 to promote differences in cell cycle lengths. We suggest that control of Plk1 and Cdc25 may be relevant to regulation of cell cycle length in other developmental contexts.  相似文献   

At the onset of anaphase, a protease called separase breaks the link between sister chromatids by cleaving the cohesin subunit Scc1. This irreversible step in the cell cycle is promoted by degradation of the separase inhibitor, securin, and polo-like kinase (Plk) 1-dependent phosphorylation of the Scc1 subunit. Plk could recognize substrates through interaction between its phosphopeptide interaction domain, the polo-box domain, and a phosphorylated priming site in the substrate, which has been generated by a priming kinase beforehand. However, the physiological relevance of this targeting mechanism remains to be addressed for many of the Plk1 substrates. Here, we show that budding yeast Plk1, Cdc5, is pre-deposited onto cohesin engaged in cohesion on chromosome arms in G2/M phase cells. The Cdc5-cohesin association is mediated by direct interaction between the polo-box domain of Cdc5 and Scc1 phosphorylated at multiple sites in its middle region. Alanine substitutions of the possible priming phosphorylation sites (scc1-15A) impair Cdc5 association with chromosomal cohesin, but they make only a moderate impact on mitotic cell growth even in securin-deleted cells (pds1Δ), where Scc1 phosphorylation by Cdc5 is indispensable. The same scc1-15A pds1Δ double mutant, however, exhibits marked sensitivity to the DNA-damaging agent phleomycin, suggesting that the priming phosphorylation of Scc1 poses an additional layer of regulation that enables yeast cells to adapt to genotoxic environments.  相似文献   

In meiosis, accumulation of recombination intermediates or defects in chromosome synapsis trigger checkpoint-mediated arrest in prophase I. Such 'checkpoints' are important surveillance mechanisms that ensure temporal dependence of cell cycle events. The budding yeast Polo-like kinase, Cdc5, has been identified as a key regulator of the meiosis I chromosome segregation pattern. Here we have analysed the role of Cdc5 in the recombination checkpoint and observed that Polo-like kinase is not required for checkpoint activation in yeast meiosis. Surprisingly, depletion of CDC5 in the Drad17 checkpoint-defective background resulted in nuclear fragmentation to levels even higher than that observed inDdmc1 Drad17 cells that bypass the checkpoint arrest despite accumulating DNA double-strand breaks. The spindle morphology of Cdc5-depleted cells included short, thick metaphase I spindles in mononucleate cells and disassembled spindles in binucleate and tetranucleate cells, although this phenotype does not appear to be the cause of the nuclear fragmentation. An exaggeration of chromosome synapsis defects occurred in Cdc5-depleted Drad17 cells and may contribute to the nuclear fragmentation phenotype. The analysis also uncovered a role for Cdc5 in maintaining spindle integrity in Ddmc1 Drad17 cells. Further analysis confirmed that adaptation to DNA damage does occur in meiosis and that CDC5 is required for this process. The cdc5-ad mutation that renders cells unable to adapt to DNA damage in mitosis did not affect checkpoint adaptation in meiosis, indicating that the mechanisms of checkpoint adaptation in mitosis and meiosis are not fully conserved.  相似文献   

Ascospore formation in yeast is accomplished through a cell division in which daughter nuclei are engulfed by newly formed plasma membranes, termed prospore membranes. Closure of the prospore membrane must be coordinated with the end of meiosis II to ensure proper cell division. AMA1 encodes a meiosis-specific activator of the anaphase promoting complex (APC). The activity of APCAma1 is inhibited before meiosis II, but the substrates specifically targeted for degradation by Ama1 at the end of meiosis are unknown. We show here that ama1Δ mutants are defective in prospore membrane closure. Ssp1, a protein found at the leading edge of the prospore membrane, is stabilized in ama1Δ mutants. Inactivation of a conditional form of Ssp1 can partially rescue the sporulation defect of the ama1Δ mutant, indicating that an essential function of Ama1 is to lead to the removal of Ssp1. Depletion of Cdc15 causes a defect in meiotic exit. We find that prospore membrane closure is also defective in Cdc15 and that this defect can be overcome by expression of a form of Ama1 in which multiple consensus cyclin-dependent kinase phosphorylation sites have been mutated. These results demonstrate that APCAma1 functions to coordinate the exit from meiosis II with cytokinesis.  相似文献   

The polo-box domain of the budding yeast polo kinase Cdc5p plays an essential role for targeting the catalytic activity of Cdc5p to spindle pole bodies (SPBs) and cytokinetic neck-filaments. Here, we report the isolation of Bbp1p as a polo-box interacting protein by a yeast two-hybrid screen. Bbp1p localizes to the periphery of the central plaque of the SPB and plays an important role in SPB duplication. Similarly, Cdc5p localized to the cytoplasmic periphery of the SPB. In vitro binding studies showed that Cdc5p interacted with the N-terminal domain of Bbp1p (Bbp1pDeltaC), but apparently not with Mps2p, a component shown to form a stable complex with Bbp1p. In addition, Bbp1p, but likely not Mps2p, was required for proper localization of Cdc5p to the SPB. The C-terminal coiled-coil domain of Bbp1p (Bbp1p(243-385)), which is crucial for both the homodimerization and the SPB localization, could target the localization-defective Cdc5pDeltaC to the SPB and induce the release of Cdc14p from the nucleolus. Consistent with this observation, expression of CDC5DeltaC-BBP1(243-385) under CDC5 promoter control partially complemented the cdc5Delta defect. These data suggest that Bbp1pDeltaC interacts with the polo-box domain of Cdc5p, and this interaction is critical for the subcellular localization and mitotic functions of Cdc5p.  相似文献   

It is known that nonsense suppression efficiency in yeast is controlled both genetically and epigenetically. As many components of translation machinery are represented by phosphoproteins, it depends, in particular, on the activity of kinases and phosphatases. The Ppz1p/Hal3p complex is among them. In this complex, the Ppz1p phosphatase is a catalytic subunit and Hal3p negatively regulates its function. The aim of this work was to study mechanisms which relate the activity of Ppz1p/Hal3p complex to nonsense suppression efficiency. In this study we used a genetic approach consisting of the analysis of nonsense suppression phenotype of strains over-expressing HAL3 or PPZ1 genes and also bearing deletions or mutant alleles of genes which presumably could participate in the manifestation of these over-expressions. We have shown that Hal3p inhibits not only Ppz1p, but also the homologous phosphatase Ppz2p. Our data indicate that Ppz2p is also involved in the control of nonsense suppression efficiency. In the course of search for Ppz1p target protein, it was shown that Ppz1p dephosphorylates at least two proteins participating in translation. Moreover, Ppz1p affects nonsense suppression efficiency not only due to its phosphatase activity but also due to another mechanism triggered by its interaction with Hsp70 chaperones.  相似文献   

Mutagenesis was used to probe the interface between the small GTPase Cdc42p and the CRIB domain motif of Ste20p. Members of a cluster of hydrophobic residues of Cdc42p were changed to alanine and/or arginine. The interaction of the wild-type and mutant proteins was measured using the two-hybrid assay; many, but not all, changes reduced interaction between Cdc42p and the target CRIB domain. Mutations in conserved residues in the CRIB domain were also tested for their importance in the association with Cdc42p. Two conserved CRIB domain histidines were changed to aspartic acid. These mutants reduced mating, as well as responsiveness to pheromone-induced gene expression and cell cycle arrest, but did not reduce in vitro the kinase activity of Ste20p. GFP-tagged mutant proteins were unable to localize to sites of polarized growth. In addition, these point mutants were synthetically lethal with disruption of CLA4 and blocked the Ste20p-Cdc42p two-hybrid interaction. Compensatory mutations in Cdc42p that reestablished the two-hybrid association with the mutant Ste20p CRIB domain baits were identified. These mutations improved the pheromone responsiveness of cells containing the CRIB mutations, but did not rescue the lethality associated with the CRIB mutant CLA4 deletion interaction. These results suggest that the Ste20p-Cdc42p interaction plays a direct role in Ste20p kinase function and that this interaction is required for efficient activity of the pheromone response pathway.  相似文献   

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