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Detection of lateral gene transfer among microbial genomes   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
An increasingly comprehensive assessment is being developed of the extent and potential significance of lateral gene transfer among microbial genomes. Genomic sequences can be identified as being of putatively lateral origin by their unexpected phyletic distribution, atypical sequence composition, differential presence or absence in closely related genomes, or incongruent phylogenetic trees. These complementary approaches sometimes yield inconsistent results. Not only more data but also quantitative models and simulations are needed urgently.  相似文献   

Liu QH  Guo ZG  Ren JH 《遗传》2012,34(7):907-918
多基因系统发育研究方法是系统发育分析中的一个重要手段,基因树冲突已成为分子系统发育研究中日益突出的问题。烯醇化酶基因(eno)及其编码的蛋白广泛存在于五界系统中,烯醇化酶为糖酵解途径中重要酶类。文章选取原核生物已注释的eno基因序列进行了系统发育分析。对其中的138个模式菌株的eno基因序列进行系统发育分析和同源性搜索,发现19个模式菌株的eno基因是通过水平转移而来;并通过核苷酸组成、密码子偏好性和基因排列等基因特征分析,进一步验证了水平转移基因的外源性。结果表明:原核生物eno序列具有较高保守性,其大小适中,是研究原核生物系统发育的良好材料。文章在对基因水平转移的供体和受体菌株生活习性、进化历史以及烯醇化酶的结构和功能的研究过程中提供重要参考价值。  相似文献   

水平基因转移(horizontal gene transfer, HGT)是生物体获得遗传信息的方式之一,对生物体进化起重要作用。近年来,越来越多昆虫中的水平基因转移现象被报道,如在鳞翅目(如家蚕、甜菜夜蛾、小菜蛾、斜纹夜蛾)、半翅目(如柑橘粉蚧、烟粉虱)、鞘翅目(如咖啡果小蠹、米象、光肩星天牛)、膜翅目(如金小蜂)、双翅目(如果蝇、白纹伊蚊)等昆虫中广泛存在水平转移基因,且不同的水平转移基因对昆虫的营养合成与共生、吸收与消化、毒素产生与解毒、生长和发育、体色改变等方面有着重要作用。本文结合国内外专家学者的相关报道,就HGT的研究步骤与技术方法、评判HGT发生的方法、昆虫HGT的供体与功能几个方面进行了总结和讨论,以期更加深入地了解水平基因转移现象,为探究水平基因转移的作用机制、理解昆虫的进化、遗传和行为、并将水平基因转移应用到农业生产中为农业害虫的绿色防治提供更多思路。  相似文献   

The mitochondrial genome of grape (Vitis vinifera), the largestorganelle genome sequenced so far, is presented. The genomeis 773,279 nt long and has the highest coding capacity amongknown angiosperm mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs). The proportionof promiscuous DNA of plastid origin in the genome is also thelargest ever reported for an angiosperm mtDNA, both in absoluteand relative terms. In all, 42.4% of chloroplast genome of Vitishas been incorporated into its mitochondrial genome. In orderto test if horizontal gene transfer (HGT) has also contributedto the gene content of the grape mtDNA, we built phylogenetictrees with the coding sequences of mitochondrial genes of grapeand their homologs from plant mitochondrial genomes. Many incongruentgene tree topologies were obtained. However, the extent of incongruencebetween these gene trees is not significantly greater than thatobserved among optimal trees for chloroplast genes, the commonancestry of which has never been in doubt. In both cases, weattribute this incongruence to artifacts of tree reconstruction,insufficient numbers of characters, and gene paralogy. Thisfinding leads us to question the recent phylogenetic interpretationof Bergthorsson et al. (2003, 2004) and Richardson and Palmer(2007) that rampant HGT into the mtDNA of Amborella best explainsphylogenetic incongruence between mitochondrial gene trees forangiosperms. The only evidence for HGT into the Vitis mtDNAfound involves fragments of two coding sequences stemming fromtwo closteroviruses that cause the leaf roll disease of thisplant. We also report that analysis of sequences shared by bothchloroplast and mitochondrial genomes provides evidence fora previously unknown gene transfer route from the mitochondrionto the chloroplast.  相似文献   

We suggest a likelihood-based approach to estimate an overall rate of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in a simplified setting. To this end, we assume that the number of occurring HGT events within a given time interval follows a Poisson process. To obtain estimates for the rate of HGT, we simulate the distribution of tree topologies for different numbers of HGT events on a clocklike species tree. Using these simulated distributions, we estimate an HGT rate for a collection of gene trees representing a set of taxa. As an illustrative example, we use the "Clusters of Orthologous Groups of proteins" (COGs). We also perform a correction of the estimated rate taking into account the inaccuracies due to gene tree reconstructions. The results suggest a corrected HGT rate of about 0.36 per gene and unit time, in other words 11 HGT events have occurred on average among the 44 taxa of the COG species tree. A software package to estimate an HGT rate is available online (http://www.cibiv.at/software/hgt/).  相似文献   

Bacterial genomes evolve through mutations, rearrangements or horizontal gene transfer. Besides the core genes encoding essential metabolic functions, bacterial genomes also harbour a number of accessory genes acquired by horizontal gene transfer that might be beneficial under certain environmental conditions. The horizontal gene transfer contributes to the diversification and adaptation of microorganisms, thus having an impact on the genome plasticity. A significant part of the horizontal gene transfer is or has been facilitated by genomic islands (GEIs). GEIs are discrete DNA segments, some of which are mobile and others which are not, or are no longer mobile, which differ among closely related strains. A number of GEIs are capable of integration into the chromosome of the host, excision, and transfer to a new host by transformation, conjugation or transduction. GEIs play a crucial role in the evolution of a broad spectrum of bacteria as they are involved in the dissemination of variable genes, including antibiotic resistance and virulence genes leading to generation of hospital 'superbugs', as well as catabolic genes leading to formation of new metabolic pathways. Depending on the composition of gene modules, the same type of GEIs can promote survival of pathogenic as well as environmental bacteria.  相似文献   

Pneumococcal surface adhesin A (psaA) gene is universally confirmed as one of the Streptococcus pneumoniae adhesion genes, but it is disputed whether the psaA gene is a Streptococcus pneumoniae species‐specific gene. In the present study, the presence of the psaA gene in 34 streptococcus mitis group isolates was identified by the PCR approach and a comparison of sequencing PCR products (Streptococcus pneumoniae R6 as the control strain). Also, the evolutionary scenarios of these psaA genes in these streptococcus mitis group isolates were analyzed by a phylogenetic tree based on the housekeeping genes (sodA and rnpB) and psaA genes. As a result, a high degree of conservation of open reading frame sequences in all six Streptococcus pneumoniae strains (100% similarity) and in the other species of the streptococcus mitis group (92.6–100% similarity) was revealed. Further genetics research based on housekeeping genes and psaA gene phylogenies showed that the psaA gene was of vertical inheritance only in Streptococcus pneumoniae; however, high‐frequency horizontal psaA gene transfer and recombination occurred in the other species of the streptococcus mitis group. These findings confirmed that the psaA gene was not a Streptococcus pneumoniae species‐specific gene, and high‐frequency HGT and recombination events may explain the presence of the psaA gene in the other species of the streptococcus mitis group.  相似文献   

As the Human Genome Project and other genome projects experience remarkable success and a flood of biological data is produced by means of high-throughout sequencing techniques, detection of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) becomes a promising field in bioinformatics. This review describes two freeware programs: T-REX for MS Windows and RHOM for Linux. T-REX is a graphical user interface program that offers functions to reconstruct the HGT network among the donor and receptor hosts from the gene and species distance matrices. RHOM is a set of command-line driven programs used to detect HGT in genomes. While T-REX impresses with a user-friendly interface and drawing of the reticulation network, the strength of RHOM is an extensive statistical framework of genome and the graphical display of the estimated sequence position probabilities for the candidate horizontally transferred genes.  相似文献   

While there is compelling evidence for the impact of endosymbiotic gene transfer (EGT; transfer from either mitochondrion or chloroplast to the nucleus) on genome evolution in eukaryotes, the role of interdomain transfer from bacteria and/or archaea (i.e. prokaryotes) is less clear. Lateral gene transfers (LGTs) have been argued to be potential sources of phylogenetic information, particularly for reconstructing deep nodes that are difficult to recover with traditional phylogenetic methods. We sought to identify interdomain LGTs by using a phylogenomic pipeline that generated 13 465 single gene trees and included up to 487 eukaryotes, 303 bacteria and 118 archaea. Our goals include searching for LGTs that unite major eukaryotic clades, and describing the relative contributions of LGT and EGT across the eukaryotic tree of life. Given the difficulties in interpreting single gene trees that aim to capture the approximately 1.8 billion years of eukaryotic evolution, we focus on presence–absence data to identify interdomain transfer events. Specifically, we identify 1138 genes found only in prokaryotes and representatives of three or fewer major clades of eukaryotes (e.g. Amoebozoa, Archaeplastida, Excavata, Opisthokonta, SAR and orphan lineages). The majority of these genes have phylogenetic patterns that are consistent with recent interdomain LGTs and, with the notable exception of EGTs involving photosynthetic eukaryotes, we detect few ancient interdomain LGTs. These analyses suggest that LGTs have probably occurred throughout the history of eukaryotes, but that ancient events are not maintained unless they are associated with endosymbiotic gene transfer among photosynthetic lineages.  相似文献   

The determination and analysis of complete genome sequences has led to the suggestion that horizontal gene transfer may be much more extensive than previously appreciated. Many of these studies, however, rely on evidence that could be generated by forces other than gene transfer including selection, variable evolutionary rates, and biased sampling.  相似文献   

The history of euglenoids may have begun as early as ~2 bya. These early phagotrophs ate cyanobacteria, archaea, and eubacteria, and the subsequent appearance of red algae and chromalveolates provided euglenoids with additional food sources. Following the appearance of green algae, euglenoids acquired a chloroplast via a secondary endosymbiotic event with a green algal ancestor. This endosymbiosis also involved a massive transfer of nuclear‐encoded genes from the symbiont nucleus to the host. Expecting these genes to have a green algal origin, this research has shown, through the use of DNA‐sequences and the analysis of phylogenetic relationships, that many housekeeping genes have a red algal/chromalveolate ancestry. This suggested that many other endosymbiotic/horizontal gene transfers, which brought genes from chromalveolates to euglenoids, may have been taking place long before the acquisition of the chloroplast. The investigation of the origin of the enzymes involved in the tetrapyrrole synthesis pathway provided insights into horizontal gene transfer in euglenoids and demonstrated that the euglenoid nuclear genome is a mosaic comprised of genes from the ancestral lineage plus genes transferred endosymbiotically/horizontally from green, red, and chromalveolates lineages.  相似文献   

Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) spreads genetic diversity by moving genes across species boundaries. By rapidly introducing newly evolved genes into existing genomes, HGT circumvents the slow step of ab initio gene creation and accelerates genome innovation. However, HGT can only affect organisms that readily exchange genes (exchange communities). In order to define exchange communities and understand the internal and external environmental factors that regulate HGT, we analyzed approximately 20,000 genes contained in eight free-living prokaryotic genomes. These analyses indicate that HGT occurs among organisms that share similar factors. The most significant are genome size, genome G/C composition, carbon utilization, and oxygen tolerance.  相似文献   

Incongruence between gene trees is the main challenge faced by phylogeneticists in the genomic era. Incongruence can occur for artefactual reasons, when we fail to recover the correct gene trees, or for biological reasons, when true gene trees are actually distinct from each other, and from the species tree. Horizontal gene transfers (HGTs) between genomes are an important process of bacterial evolution resulting in a substantial amount of phylogenetic conflicts between gene trees. We argue that the (bacterial) species tree is still a meaningful scientific concept even in the case of HGTs, and that reconstructing it is still a valid goal. We tentatively assess the amount of phylogenetic incongruence caused by HGTs in bacteria by comparing bacterial datasets to a metazoan dataset in which transfers are presumably very scarce or absent.We review existing phylogenomic methods and their ability to return to the user, both the vertical (speciation/extinction history) and horizontal (gene transfers) phylogenetic signals.  相似文献   

Wu DD  Zhang YP 《Genomics》2011,98(5):367-369
Horizontal gene transfer, the movement of genetic materials across the normal mating barriers between organisms occurs frequently and contributes significantly to the evolution of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes. However, few concurrent transfers of functionally related genes implemented in a pathway from eukaryotes to prokaryotes are observed. Here, we did phylogenetic analyses to support that the genes, i.e. dihydrofolate reductase, glycine hydroxymethyltransferase, and thymidylate synthase involved in thymidylate metabolism, in Hz-1 virus were obtained from insect genome recently by independent horizontal gene transfers. In addition, five other related genes in nucleotide metabolism show evidences of horizontal gene transfers. These genes demonstrate similar expression pattern, and they may have formatted a functionally related pathway (e.g. thymidylate synthesis, and DNA replication) in Hz-1 virus. In conclusion, we provide an example of horizontal gene transfer of functionally related genes in a pathway to prokaryote from eukaryote.  相似文献   

Aphelenchoides besseyi is a plant-parasitic nematode (PPN) in the family Aphelenchoididae capable of infecting more than 200 plant species. A. besseyi is also a species complex with strains exhibiting varying pathogenicity to plants. We present the genome and annotations of six Aphelenchoides species, four of which belonged to the A. besseyi species complex. Most Aphelenchoides genomes have a size of 44.7–47.4 Mb and are among the smallest in clade IV, with the exception of A. fujianensis, which has a size of 143.8 Mb and is one of the largest. Phylogenomic analysis successfully delimited the species complex into A. oryzae and A. pseudobesseyi and revealed a reduction of transposon elements in the last common ancestor of Aphelenchoides. Synteny analyses between reference genomes indicated that three chromosomes in A. besseyi were derived from fission and fusion events. A systematic identification of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) genes across 27 representative nematodes allowed us to identify two major episodes of acquisition corresponding to the last common ancestor of clade IV or major PPNs, respectively. These genes were mostly lost and differentially retained between clades or strains. Most HGT events were acquired from bacteria, followed by fungi, and also from plants; plant HGT was especially prevalent in Bursaphelenchus mucronatus. Our results comprehensively improve the understanding of HGT in nematodes.  相似文献   

Horizontal gene transfer is accepted as an important evolutionary force modulating the evolution of prokaryote genomes. However, it is thought that horizontal gene transfer plays only a minor role in metazoan evolution. In this paper, I critically review the rising evidence on horizontally transferred genes and on the acquisition of novel traits in metazoans. In particular, I discuss suspected examples in sponges, cnidarians, rotifers, nematodes, molluscs and arthropods which suggest that horizontal gene transfer in metazoans is not simply a curiosity. In addition, I stress the scarcity of studies in vertebrates and other animal groups and the importance of forthcoming studies to understand the importance and extent of horizontal gene transfer in animals.  相似文献   

Dollo’s law posits that evolutionary losses are irreversible, thereby narrowing the potential paths of evolutionary change. While phenotypic reversals to ancestral states have been observed, little is known about their underlying genetic causes. The genomes of budding yeasts have been shaped by extensive reductive evolution, such as reduced genome sizes and the losses of metabolic capabilities. However, the extent and mechanisms of trait reacquisition after gene loss in yeasts have not been thoroughly studied. Here, through phylogenomic analyses, we reconstructed the evolutionary history of the yeast galactose utilization pathway and observed widespread and repeated losses of the ability to utilize galactose, which occurred concurrently with the losses of GALactose (GAL) utilization genes. Unexpectedly, we detected multiple galactose-utilizing lineages that were deeply embedded within clades that underwent ancient losses of galactose utilization. We show that at least two, and possibly three, lineages reacquired the GAL pathway via yeast-to-yeast horizontal gene transfer. Our results show how trait reacquisition can occur tens of millions of years after an initial loss via horizontal gene transfer from distant relatives. These findings demonstrate that the losses of complex traits and even whole pathways are not always evolutionary dead-ends, highlighting how reversals to ancestral states can occur.  相似文献   



It is generally agreed that horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is common in phagotrophic protists. However, the overall scale of HGT and the cumulative impact of acquired genes on the evolution of these organisms remain largely unknown.


Choanoflagellates are phagotrophs and the closest living relatives of animals. In this study, we performed phylogenomic analyses to investigate the scale of HGT and the evolutionary importance of horizontally acquired genes in the choanoflagellate Monosiga brevicollis. Our analyses identified 405 genes that are likely derived from algae and prokaryotes, accounting for approximately 4.4% of the Monosiga nuclear genome. Many of the horizontally acquired genes identified in Monosiga were probably acquired from food sources, rather than by endosymbiotic gene transfer (EGT) from obsolete endosymbionts or plastids. Of 193 genes identified in our analyses with functional information, 84 (43.5%) are involved in carbohydrate or amino acid metabolism, and 45 (23.3%) are transporters and/or involved in response to oxidative, osmotic, antibiotic, or heavy metal stresses. Some identified genes may also participate in biosynthesis of important metabolites such as vitamins C and K12, porphyrins and phospholipids.


Our results suggest that HGT is frequent in Monosiga brevicollis and might have contributed substantially to its adaptation and evolution. This finding also highlights the importance of HGT in the genome and organismal evolution of phagotrophic eukaryotes.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-729) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Deciphering the evolutionary history and transmission patterns of virulence determinants is necessary to understand the emergence of novel pathogens. The main virulence determinant of most pathogenic proteobacteria is the type three secretion system (T3SS). The Xanthomonas genus includes bacteria responsible for numerous epidemics in agroecosystems worldwide and represents a major threat to plant health. The main virulence factor of Xanthomonas is the Hrp2 family T3SS; however, this system is not conserved in all strains and it has not been previously determined whether the distribution of T3SS in this bacterial genus has resulted from losses or independent acquisitions. Based on comparative genomics of 82 genome sequences representing the diversity of the genus, we have inferred three ancestral acquisitions of the Hrp2 cluster during Xanthomonas evolution followed by subsequent losses in some commensal strains and re‐acquisition in some species. While mutation was the main force driving polymorphism at the gene level, interspecies homologous recombination of large fragments expanding through several genes shaped Hrp2 cluster polymorphism. Horizontal gene transfer of the entire Hrp2 cluster also occurred. A reduced core effectome composed of xopF1, xopM, avrBs2 and xopR was identified that may allow commensal strains overcoming plant basal immunity. In contrast, stepwise accumulation of numerous type 3 effector genes was shown in successful pathogens responsible for epidemics. Our data suggest that capacity to intimately interact with plants through T3SS would be an ancestral trait of xanthomonads. Since its acquisition, T3SS has experienced a highly dynamic evolutionary history characterized by intense gene flux between species that may reflect its role in host adaptation.  相似文献   

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