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The carboxyl-terminal region of theras oncogene-encoded p21 protein is critical to the protein's function, since membrane binding through the C-terminus is necessary for its cellular activity. X-ray crystal structures for truncated p21 proteins are available, but none of these include the C-terminal region of the protein (from residues 172–189). Using conformational energy analysis, we determined the preferred three-dimensional structures for this C-terminal octadecapeptide of the H-ras oncogene p21 protein and generated these structures onto the crystal structure of the remainder of the protein. The results indicate that, like other membrane-associated proteins, the membrane-binding C-terminus of p21 assumes a helical hairpin conformation. In several low-energy orientations, the C-terminal structure is in close proximity to other critical locales of p21. These include the central transforming region (around Gln 61) and the amino terminal transforming region (around Gly 12), indicating that extracellular signals can be transduced through the C-terminal helical hairpin to the effector regions of the protein. This finding is consistent with the results of recent genetic experiments.  相似文献   

Ch21 protein, a developmentally regulated chick embryo protein of 21,000 apparent molecular weight, was purified from culture medium of hypertrophic chondrocytes. The purification method included a DEAE cellulose chromatography column, a CM cellulose chromatography column and a HPLC molecular sieve column. The amino acid sequence of the amino terminal end of the protein was determined. Computer assisted analysis showed significant homology between this sequence and the amino terminal sequences of proteins that belong to the superfamily of the low molecular weight binding proteins sharing a basic framework for the binding and transport of small hydrophobic molecules. Determination of the amino terminal sequence of the chicken retinol binding protein excluded identity between this protein and the Ch21.  相似文献   

Ccr4d is a new member of the Ccr4 (carbon catabolite repression 4) family of proteins that are implicated in the regulation of mRNA stability and translation through mRNA deadenylation. However, Ccr4d is not believed to be involved in mRNA deadenylation. Thus, its biological function and mechanistic activity remain to be determined. Here, we report that Ccr4d is broadly expressed in various normal tissues, and the expression of Ccr4d is markedly down-regulated during cell cycle progression. We showed that Ccr4d inhibits cell proliferation and induces cell cycle arrest at G(1) phase. Our experiments further revealed that Ccr4d regulates the expression of p21 in a p53-independent manner. Mechanistic studies indicated that Ccr4d strongly bound to the 3'-UTR of p21 mRNA, leading to the stabilization of p21 mRNA. Interestingly, we found that the expression of Ccr4d is down-regulated in various tumor tissues. Collectively, our data indicate that Ccr4d functions as an anti-proliferating protein through the induction of cell cycle arrest via a p21-dependent and p53-independent pathway and suggest that Ccr4d might have an important role in carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the phosphocarrier protein, HPr, from Bacillus subtilis has been determined by analysis of two-dimensional (2D) NMR spectra acquired for the unphosphorylated form of the protein. Inverse-detected 2D (1H-15N) heteronuclear multiple quantum correlation nuclear Overhauser effect (HMQC NOESY) and homonuclear Hartmann-Hahn (HOHAHA) spectra utilizing 15N assignments (reported here) as well as previously published 1H assignments were used to identify cross-peaks that are not resolved in 2D homonuclear 1H spectra. Distance constraints derived from NOESY cross-peaks, hydrogen-bonding patterns derived from 1H-2H exchange experiments, and dihedral angle constraints derived from analysis of coupling constants were used for structure calculations using the variable target function algorithm, DIANA. The calculated models were refined by dynamical simulated annealing using the program X-PLOR. The resulting family of structures has a mean backbone rmsd of 0.63 A (N, C alpha, C', O atoms), excluding the segments containing residues 45-59 and 84-88. The structure is comprised of a four-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet with two antiparallel alpha-helices on one side of the sheet. The active-site His 15 residue serves as the N-cap of alpha-helix A, with its N delta 1 atom pointed toward the solvent to accept the phosphoryl group during the phosphotransfer reaction with enzyme I. The existence of a hydrogen bond between the side-chain oxygen atom of Tyr 37 and the amide proton of Ala 56 is suggested, which may account for the observed stabilization of the region that includes the beta-turn comprised of residues 37-40. If the beta alpha beta beta alpha beta (alpha) folding topology of HPr is considered with the peptide chain polarity reversed, the protein fold is identical to that described for another group of beta alpha beta beta alpha beta proteins that include acylphosphatase and the RNA-binding domains of the U1 snRNP A and hnRNP C proteins.  相似文献   

Although the considerable progress against gastric cancer, it remains a complex lethal disease defined by peculiar histological and molecular features. The purpose of the present study was to investigate pRb2/p130, VEGF, EZH2, p53, p16(INK4A), p27(KIP1), p21(WAF1), Ki-67 expressions, and analyze their possible correlations with clinicopathological factors. The expression patterns were examined by immunohistochemistry in 47 patients, 27 evaluated of intestinal-type, and 20 of diffuse-type, with a mean follow up of 56 months and by Western blot in AGS, N87, KATO-III, and YCC-2, -3, -16 gastric cell lines. Overall, stomach cancer showed EZH2 correlated with high levels of p53, Ki-67, and cytoplasmic pRb2/p130 (P < 0.05, and P < 0.01, respectively). Increased expression of EZH2 was found in the intestinal-type and correlated with the risk of distant metastasis (P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively), demonstrating that this protein may have a prognostic value in this type of cancer. Interestingly, a strong inverse correlation was observed between p27(KIP1) expression levels and the risk of advanced disease and metastasis (P < 0.05), and a positive correlation between the expression levels of p21(WAF1) and low-grade (G1) gastric tumors (P < 0.05), confirming the traditionally accepted role for these tumor-suppressor genes in gastric cancer. Finally, a direct correlation was found between the expression levels of nuclear pRb2/p130 and low-grade (G1) gastric tumors that was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Altogether, these data may help shed some additional light on the pathogenetic mechanisms related to the two main gastric cancer histotypes and their invasive potentials.  相似文献   

The structural effects of amino acid substitutions at positions 12 and 16 in the amino-terminal segment (Tyr 4-Ala 18) of the ras-oncogene-encoded P21 proteins have been investigated using conformational energy analysis. The P21 protein with Val at position 12 and Lys at position 16 is known to have high transforming ability, while the P21 protein with Val at position 12 and Asn at position 16 is known to have poor transforming ability, similar to that of the normal protein (with Gly at 12 and Lys at 16.) The current results demonstrate a significant conformational change at position 15 induced by the substitution of Asn for Lys at position 16, which could explain this alteration in transformation potential. These findings are consistent with previous results suggesting the existence of a normal and a malignancy-causing conformation for the P21 proteins and suggest that the critical transforming region may encompass residues 12–15.  相似文献   

A complete three-dimensional structure for the ras-gene-encoded p21 protein with Gly 12 and Gln 61, bound to GDP, has been constructed in four stages using the available alpha-carbon coordinates as deposited in the Brookhaven National Laboratories Protein Data Bank. No all-atom structure has been made available despite the fact that the first crystallographic structure for the p21 protein was reported almost four years ago. In the p21 protein, if amino acid substitutions are made at any one of a number of different positions in the amino acid sequence, the protein becomes permanently activated and causes malignant transformation of normal cells or, in some cell lines, differentiation and maturation. For example, all amino acids except Gly and Pro at position 12 result in an oncogenic protein; all amino acids except Gln, Glu and Pro at position 61 likewise cause malignant transformation of cells. We have constructed our all-atom structure of the non-oncogenic protein from the x-ray structure in order to determine how oncogenic amino acid substitutions affect the three-dimensional structure of this protein. In Stage 1 we generated a poly-alanine backbone (except at Gly and Pro residues) through the alpha-carbon structure, requiring the individual Ala, Pro or Gly residues to conform to standard amino acid geometry and to form trans-planar peptide bonds. Since no alpha-carbon coordinates for residues 60-65 have been determined, these residues were modeled by generating them in the extended conformation and then subjecting them to molecular dynamics using the computer application DISCOVER and energy minimization using DISCOVER and the ECEPP (Empirical Conformational Energies for Peptides Program). In Stage 2, the positions of residues that are homologous to corresponding residues of bacterial elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) to which p21 bears an overall 40% sequence homology, were determined from their corresponding positions in a high-resolution structure of EF-Tu. Non-homologous loops were taken from the structure generated in Stage 1 and were placed between the appropriate homologous segments so as to connect them. In Stage 3, all bad contacts that occurred in this resulting structure were removed, and the coordinates of the alpha-carbon atoms were forced to superimpose as closely as possible on the corresponding atoms of the reference (x-ray) structure. Then the side chain positions of residues of the non-homologous loop regions were modeled using a combination of molecular dynamics and energy minimization using DISCOVER and ECEPP respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The dicentric isochromosome 21 described in this paper was formed by fusion of the terminal parts of the long arms of two chromosomes 21. No interstitial telomeric AGGGTT repeats could be detected at the fusion point, but G-banding, comparative genomic hybridization, and fluorescence in situ hybridization with painting probes for 21qter revealed no loss of other terminal DNA sequences at the fusion point. Thus, only the telomeric repeats seem to have been lost prior to, or as a consequence of, isochromosome formation. Both short arms of the isochromosome were intact with complete NORs, and staining for alpha-satellite DNA showed that the DNA content of the two centromeres was the same. Antibody staining for the centromeric proteins CENP-C and CENP-E and for topoisomerase IIalpha and IIbeta demonstrated that these proteins were localized predominantly or exclusively at the centromere in the primary constriction. A novel functional in situ assay for topoisomerase activity in vivo similarly demonstrated enzyme activity exclusively at the primary constriction centromere.  相似文献   

Deuterolysin (EC; formerly designated as neutral proteinase II) from Aspergillus oryzae, which contains 1 g atom of zinc/mol of enzyme, is a single chain of 177 amino acid residues, includes three disulfide bonds, and has a molecular mass of 19,018 Da. Active-site determination of the recombinant enzyme expressed in Escherichia coli was performed by site-directed mutagenesis. Substitutions of His(128) and His(132) with Arg, of Glu(129) with Gln or Asp, of Asp(143) with Asn or Glu, of Asp(164) with Asn, and of Tyr(106) with Phe resulted in almost complete loss of the activity of the mutant enzymes. It can be concluded that His(128), His(132), and Asp(164) provide the Zn(2+) ligands of the enzyme according to a (65)Zn binding assay. Based on site-directed mutagenesis experiments, it was demonstrated that the three essential amino acid residues Glu(129), Asp(143), and Tyr(106) are catalytically crucial residues in the enzyme. Glu(129) may be implicated in a central role in the catalytic function. We conclude that deuterolysin is a member of a family of Zn(2+) metalloendopeptidases with a new zinc-binding motif, aspzincin, defined by the "HEXXH + D" motif and an aspartic acid as the third zinc ligand.  相似文献   

Protein kinase CK2 is a ubiquitous protein that phosphorylates multiple substrates and is composed of catalytic (alpha, alpha') and regulatory (beta) subunits. Abundant evidence relates CK2 to the regulation of cell division. p21(WAF1/CIP1) is a potent inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases and of DNA replication and acts as a key inhibitor of cell cycle progression. In this work we examine the relation between these two important proteins. The interaction between the CK2 beta regulatory subunit of CK2 and p21(WAF1/CIP1) has been confirmed. Using a pull-down assay and fusion constructs of glutathione transferase with fragments of CK2 beta and other mutants, it was possible to define that the N-terminal (1-44) portion of CK2 beta contains a p21(WAF1/CIP1) binding site. CK2 reconstituted from recombinant alpha and beta subunits can phosphorylate p21(WAF1/CIP1) in vitro. This phosphorylation is greatly enhanced by histone H1. p21(WAF1/CIP1) can inhibit the phosphorylation of substrate casein by CK2. This inhibition, however, seems to be due to competition by p21(WAF1/CIP1) as an alternate substrate since in order to observe inhibition it is necessary that the concentration of p21 be of the same order of magnitude as the casein substrate concentration. This competition is not related to the binding of p21(WAF1/CIP1) to CK2 beta because it can also be observed when, in the absence of CK beta, CK alpha is used to phosphorylate casein in the presence of the p21.  相似文献   

A peptide (S4) of the rat brain sodium channel has been synthesized, studied by high-resolution NMR and its secondary structure modelled by distance geometry and restrained molecular dynamics techniques.  相似文献   

Theneu oncogene is frequently found in certain types of human carcinomas and has been shown to be activated in animal models by nitrosourea-induced mutation. The activating mutation in theneu oncogene results in the substitution of a glutamic acid for a valine at position 664 in the transmembrane domain of the encoded protein product of 185 kda (designated p185), which, on the basis of homology studies, is presumed to be a receptor for an as yet unidentified growth factor. It has been proposed that activating amino acid substitutions in this region of p185 lead to a conformational change in the protein which causes signal transduction via an increase in tyrosine kinase activity in the absence of any external signal. Using conformational energy analysis, we have determined the preferred three-dimensional structures for the transmembrane decapeptide (residues 658–667) of the p185 protein with valine and glutamic acid at the critical position 664. The results indicate that the global minimum energy conformation of the decapeptide from the normal protein with Val at position 664 is an α-helix with a sharp bend (CD* conformation at residues 664 and 665) in this region, whereas the global minimum conformation for the decapeptide from the mutant transforming protein with Glu at position 664 assumes an all α-helical configuration. Furthermore, the second highest energy conformation for the decapeptide from the normal protein is identical to the global minimum energy conformation for the decapeptide from the transforming protein, providing a possible explanation why overexpression of the normal protein also has a transforming effect. These results suggest there may be a normal and a transforming conformation for theneu-encoded p185 proteins which may explain their differences in transforming activity.  相似文献   

Summary The transforming protein coded for by the Ki-ras oncogene, v-p21, localizes at the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane. A method is presented whereby the appearance of v-p21 in Kirsten murine sarcoma virustransformed cells can be detected by flow cytometry, using a monoclonal antibody to v-p21 and methods modified from immunofluorescence microscopy. The method is sufficiently sensitive to differentiate between cellular and viral p21 levels, to detect small subpopulations of virus-transformed cells, and to monitor changes in p21 expression in response to physiologic variables. The method provides a rapid, quantitative means to investigate the expression of an intracellular transforming protein in heterogeneous cell populations. Supported by studentships to D. F. from the B. C. Cancer Foundation, by a grant and a research associateship to N. A. from the National Cancer Institute of Canada, and by MRC grants ME 8456 and #68-7824 to the FACS committee at the University of British Columbia.  相似文献   

Summary Two members of the human zinc finger Krüppel family, ZNF 12 (KOX 3) and ZNF 26 (KOX 20), have been localized by somatic cell hybrid analysis and in situ chromosomal hybridization. The presence of individual human zinc finger genes in mouse-human hybrid DNAs was correlated with the presence of specific human chromosomes or regions of chromosomes in the corresponding cell hybrids. Analysis of such mouse-human hybrid DNAs allowed the assignment of the ZNF 12 (KOX 3) gene to chromosome region 7p. The ZNF 26 (KOX 20) gene segregated with chromosome region 12q13-qter. The zinc finger genes ZNF 12 (KOX 3) and ZNF 26 (KOX 20) were localized by in situ chromosomal hybridization to human chromosome regions 7p22-21 and 12q24.33, respectively. These genes and the previously mapped ZNF 24 (KOX 17) and ZNF 29 (KOX 26) genes, are found near fragile sites.  相似文献   

We have studied the cleavage efficiency of the protease enterokinase (EK) using the novel vector pESP4. pESP4 is a yeast expression vector equipped with ligation-independent cloning sites, a GST purification tag, and a FLAG epitope tag. EK is used to cleave the FLAG and GST tags leaving the protein of interest without any extraneously added amino acids. We have found that EK is relatively permissive of the amino acid residue downstream of the recognition sequence (the P'1 position). This makes EK an ideal choice to use as a protease to cleave any protein of interest cloned within the pESP4 yeast expression vector.  相似文献   

Theneu oncogene is frequently found in certain types of human carcinomas and has been shown to be activated in animal models by nitrosourea-induced mutation. The activating mutation in theneu oncogene results in the substitution of a glutamic acid for a valine at position 664 in the transmembrane domain of the encoded protein product of 185 kda (designated p185), which, on the basis of homology studies, is presumed to be a receptor for an as yet unidentified growth factor. It has been proposed that activating amino acid substitutions in this region of p185 lead to a conformational change in the protein which causes signal transduction via an increase in tyrosine kinase activity in the absence of any external signal. Using conformational energy analysis, we have determined the preferred three-dimensional structures for the transmembrane decapeptide (residues 658–667) of the p185 protein with valine and glutamic acid at the critical position 664. The results indicate that the global minimum energy conformation of the decapeptide from the normal protein with Val at position 664 is an -helix with a sharp bend (CD* conformation at residues 664 and 665) in this region, whereas the global minimum conformation for the decapeptide from the mutant transforming protein with Glu at position 664 assumes an all -helical configuration. Furthermore, the second highest energy conformation for the decapeptide from the normal protein is identical to the global minimum energy conformation for the decapeptide from the transforming protein, providing a possible explanation why overexpression of the normal protein also has a transforming effect. These results suggest there may be a normal and a transforming conformation for theneu-encoded p185 proteins which may explain their differences in transforming activity.  相似文献   

The GTP-binding p21 protein encoded by the ras-oncogene can be activated to cause malignant transformation of cells by substitution of a single amino acid at critical positions along the polypeptide chain. Substitution of any non-cyclic L-amino acid for Gly 12 in the normal protein results in a transforming protein. This substitution occurs in a hydrophobic sequence (residues 6-15) which is known to be involved in binding the phosphate moities of GTP (and GDP). We find, using conformational energy calculations, that the 6-15 segment of the normal protein (with Gly 12) adopts structures that contain a bend at residues 11 and 12 with the Gly in the D* conformation, not allowed energetically for L-amino acids. Substitution of non-cyclic L-amino acids for Gly 12 results in shifting this bend to residues 12 and 13. We show that many computed structures for the Gly 12-containing phosphate binding loop, segment 9-15, are superimposable on the corresponding segment of the recently determined X-ray crystallographic structure for residues 1-171 of the p21 protein. All such structures contain bends at residues 11 and 12 and most of these contain Gly 12 in the C* or D* conformational state. Other computed conformations for the 9-15 segment were superimposable on the structure of the corresponding 18-23 segment of EFtu, the bacterial chain elongation factor having structural similarities to the p21 protein in the phosphate-binding regions. This segment contains a Val residue where a Gly occurs in the p21 protein. As previously predicted, all of these superimposable conformations contain a bend at positions 12 and 13, not 11 and 12. If these structures that are superimposable on EFtu are introduced into the p21 protein structure, bad contacts occur between the sidechain of the residue (here Val) at position 12 and another phosphate binding loop region around position 61. These bad contacts between the two segments can be removed by changing the conformation of the 61 region in the p21 protein to the corresponding position of the homologous region in EFtu. In this new conformation, a large site becomes available for the binding of phosphate residues. In addition, such phenomena as autophosphorylation of the p21 protein by GTP can be explained with this new model structure for the activated protein which cannot be explained by the structure for the non-activated protein.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes are independent organelles found in virtually all eukaryotic cells. Genetic studies have identified more than 20 PEX genes that are required for peroxisome biogenesis. The role of most PEX gene products, peroxins, remains to be determined, but a variety of studies have established that Pex5p binds the type 1 peroxisomal targeting signal and is the import receptor for most newly synthesized peroxisomal matrix proteins. The steady-state abundance of Pex5p is unaffected in most pex mutants of the yeast Pichia pastoris but is severely reduced in pex4 and pex22 mutants and moderately reduced in pex1 and pex6 mutants. We used these subphenotypes to determine the epistatic relationships among several groups of pex mutants. Our results demonstrate that Pex4p acts after the peroxisome membrane synthesis factor Pex3p, the Pex5p docking factors Pex13p and Pex14p, the matrix protein import factors Pex8p, Pex10p, and Pex12p, and two other peroxins, Pex2p and Pex17p. Pex22p and the interacting AAA ATPases Pex1p and Pex6p were also found to act after Pex10p. Furthermore, Pex1p and Pex6p were found to act upstream of Pex4p and Pex22p. These results suggest that Pex1p, Pex4p, Pex6p, and Pex22p act late in peroxisomal matrix protein import, after matrix protein translocation. This hypothesis is supported by the phenotypes of the corresponding mutant strains. As has been shown previously for P. pastoris pex1, pex6, and pex22 mutant cells, we show here that pex4Delta mutant cells contain peroxisomal membrane protein-containing peroxisomes that import residual amounts of peroxisomal matrix proteins.  相似文献   

Substitutions of amino acids for Gly 12 or Gly 13 in theras oncogene-encoded P21 proteins have been demonstrated to produce unique structural changes in these proteins that correlate with their ability to produce cell transformation. For example, the P21 proteins with Arg 12 or Val 13 are both known to be actively transforming. Recent site-specific mutagenesis experiments on the transforming Arg 12 protein have found that the substitution of Val for Gly 10 has no effect on transforming activity whereas the substitution of Val for Gly 13 led to a loss of transforming activity. In this study, we examine the structural effects of these substitutions on the amino terminal hydrophobic decapeptide (Leu 6-Gly 15) of P21 using conformational energy analysis. The results show that the transforming proteins with Gly 10 and Arg 12 or Val 10 and Arg 12 can both adopt the putative malignancy-causing conformation, whereas, for the nontransforming protein with Arg 12 and Val 13, this conformation is energetically disallowed. These results further support the theory that due to structural changes the transforming P21 proteins are unable to bind to some regulatory cellular element which may be the recently identified binding protein responsible for the induction of increased GTPase activity in normal P21 compared with transforming mutants.  相似文献   

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