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The tegumental ultrastructure of juvenile and adult Echinostoma cinetorchis (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) was observed by scanning electron microscopy. Three-day (juvenile) and 16-day (adult) worms were harvested from rats (Sprague-Dawley) experimentally fed the metacercariae from the laboratory-infected fresh water snail, Hippeutis cantori. The worms were fixed with 2.5% glutaraldehyde, processed routinely, and observed by an ISI Korea DS-130 scanning electron microscope. The 3-day old juvenile worms were elongated and ventrally curved, with their ventral sucker near the anterior two-fifths of the body. The head crown was bearing 37-38 collar spines arranged in a zigzag pattern. The lips of the oral and ventral suckers had 8 and 5 type II sensory papillae respectively, and between the spines, a few type III papillae were observed. Tongue or spade-shape spines were distributed anteriorly to the ventral sucker, whereas peg-like spines were distributed posteriorly and became sparse toward the posterior body. The spines of the dorsal surface were similar to those of the ventral surface. The 16-day old adults were leaf-like, and their oral and ventral suckers were located very closely. Aspinous head crown, oral and ventral suckers had type II and type III sensory papillae, and numerous type I papillae were distributed on the tegument anterior to the ventral sucker. Scale-like spines, with broad base and round tip, were distributed densely on the tegument anterior to the ventral sucker but they became sparse posteriorly. At the dorsal surface, spines were observed at times only at the anterior body. The results showed that the tegument of E. cinetorchis is similar to that of other echinostomes, but differs in the number and arrangement of collar spines, shape and distribution of tegumenal spines, and type and distribution of sensory papillae.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to observe tegumental ultrastructure of Echinoparyphium recurvatum according to developmental stages. Worms (1, 3, 5 and 15-day old) were recovered from chicks experimentally infected with metacercariae from Radix auricularia coreana. One-day old worms were elongated and ventrally concave, and covered with peg-like tegumental spines except the adjacent areas of the head crown and excretory pore. Type I sensory papillae were distributed on the lip of the oral sucker, and grouped ciliated papillae were around the oral sucker. Peg-like tegumental spines were densely distributed on the anterior surface of the ventral sucker level. The ventral sucker had an aspinous tegument and no sensory papillae. Tegumental spines on the posterior surface of the ventral sucker level were sparsely distributed and disappeared posteriorly. In 3 and 5-day old worms, the tegument around the oral sucker was aspinose and wrinkled concentrically. The ventral sucker had a wrinkled tegument and many bulbous papillae. Type I sensory papillae were distributed between the bulbous papillae. Tegumental spines were spade-shaped with a terminal tip. A total of 45 collar spines including 4 end group ones on both ventral corners was alternately arranged in 2 rows. The 15-day old worms were very stout and their tegumental spines were tongue-shaped without a terminal tip. From the above results, it is confirmed that the surface ultrastructure of E. recurvatum was generally similar to that of other echinostomatid flukes. However, some features, i.e., morphological change of tegumental spines and appearance of sensory papillae on the ventral sucker according to development, and number, shape and arrangement of collar spines, were characteristic, which may be of taxonomic and bioecological significance.  相似文献   

The echinostome metacercariae encysted in Cipangopaludina sp. snails that were purchased from a market in Vientiane Municipality, Lao PDR, were identified as Echinostoma macrorchis (Digenea: Echinostomatidae) through recovery of adult flukes after experimental infection to rats and a cat. The metacercariae were round, 113-128 (121)×113-125 (120) µm, having a thick cyst wall, a head collar armed with collar spines, and excretory granules. The adult flukes recovered from the rats and cat at day 14 and 30 post-infection, respectively, were elongated, ventrally curved, and 3.9-6.3×0.7-1.1 mm in size. The head collar was distinct, bearing 43-45 collar spines with 5 angle spines on each side. Two testes were large (as the name implies), tandem, and slightly constricted at the middle, with irregular margins. Eggs were operculated, ovoid to elliptical, and 88-95×56-60 µm. In scanning electron microscopy, the head collar was prominent, with 43-45 collar spines. Scale-like tegumental spines were densely distributed on the ventral surface between the oral and ventral suckers. Sensory papillae were distributed mainly on the tegument around the 2 suckers. It is confirmed that E. macrorchis is distributed in Lao PDR using Cipangopaludina sp. snails as the second intermediate host.  相似文献   

The surface morphology of Stictodora tridactyla recovered from a kitten that was fed the killifish, Aphanius dispar, naturally infected with the metacercariae was studied using scanning electron microscopy. The body comprised a rounded head, elongate neck, and widely pyriform hind-body. The head bore a circular oral sucker on the ventral side, and concentric rows of peg-like cephalic spines on the dorsal side. The oral sucker was armed with pre-oral spines similar in shape and size to the cephalic spines. The neck and hind-body were densely covered with scale-like multipointed spines, the size and density of which decreased from anterior to posterior parts of the body. Ciliated dome-shaped papillae were found solitarily or as conjugated groups on the head apex and lips of the oral sucker. Non-ciliated dome-shaped papillae were restricted to the lower lip of the oral sucker. The body was devoid of a ventral sucker. The genital opening appeared as a round depression of the tegument at about the anterior third of the body. This is the first record of the occurrence of S. tridactyla in the Arabian Gulf region and A. dispar is a new second intermediate host.  相似文献   

The tegumental ultrastructure of juvenile and adult Acanthoparyphium tyosenense (Digenea: Echinostomatidae) was observed by scanning electron microscopy. One- to 3-day-old juveniles and 10-day-old adults were harvested from chicks experimentally fed metacercariae from a bivalve, Mactra veneriformis. The juvenile worms were minute, curved ventrally, and had 23 collar spines characteristically arranged in a single row. The lips of the oral sucker had 7 single aciliated sensory papillae and 4 grouped uniciliated sensory papillae. The ventral sucker had 25 aciliated round swellings on its lip. The anterolateral surface between the 2 suckers was densely packed with tongue-shaped tegumental spines, and the ventral surface just posterior to the ventral sucker was covered with peg-like spines. Retractile, peg-like spines were seen on the anterolateral surface, whereas scale-like spines with round tips and broad bases were sparsely distributed posterior to the ventral sucker. The cirrus was characteristically protruding and armed with minute spines. The surface ultrastructure of A. tyosenense was unique, especially in the number and arrangement of collar spines, shape, and distribution of tegumental spines and in distribution of sensory papillae.  相似文献   

The external surface of the redial body of Fasciola hepatica is provided with microvillus-like projections or short lamellae, and short cilium-like structures are common anteriorly. The anterior part of the cercarial body possesses a pattern of regularly arranged small depressions each containing a spine. Both long and short cilium-like structures occur anteriorly. The tail is spineless and provided with dorsolateral folds. The outer cyst wall is formed by granules secreted from the tegument all over the body apart from the ventral sucker. Most granules transform into fibrillae which form the thick outer spongy layer. The precursor of the inner cyst wall is at the beginning closely attached to the metacercarial surface, but later the membrane-like cyst wall extends, and when fully formed the metacercaria lies free in the flattened circular inner cyst. The ventral plug is formed by the ventral sucker. The tegument of newly excysted metacercariae is provided with simple pointed spines, but later during migration in the mouse the spines become flattened and multipointed. Very young migratory stages may be attached with host cells.  相似文献   

A scanning electron microscopic study was performed to observe surface ultrastructures of excysted metacercariae and adults of Metagonimus miyatai. Metacercariae were collected from the scale of the pale chub (Zacco platypus), and adult flukes were harvested 1-4 weeks after infection to rats. In excysted metacercariae, the oral sucker was devoid of tegumental spines and had type I and type II sensory papillae. Anteriorly to the ventral sucker, spines were dense and digitated into 5-7 points, whereas near the posterior end of the body spines were sparse and digitated into 2-3 points. In one-week adults, 7 type II sensory papillae were arranged around the lip of the oral sucker, and at inner side of the lip one pair of small and two pairs of large type 1 sensory papillae were seen on each side. The distribution of tegumental spines was similar to that of metacercariae, but they were more differentiated with 9-11 pointed tips. In two- to four-week old adults, the surface ultrastructure was nearly the same as in one-week old adults, however, sperms were frequently seen entering into the Laurer''s canal. Conclusively, the surface ultrastructure of M. miyatai was generally similar to that of M. yokogawai, however, differentiation of tegumental spines and distribution of sensory papillae around the oral sucker were different between the two species, which may be of taxonomic significance.  相似文献   

A new Himasthlinae species, Curtuteria arguinae, is described as metacercariae from the cockle Cerastoderma edule (L.), collected at Banc d'Arguin (southwestern France). These metacercariae encysted preferentially in the mantle and also in the foot of cockles. Encysted and chemically excysted metacercariae were studied by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, respectively. Excysted metacercariae were elongated and curved ventrally. They bore a 33-spine circumoral collar. Sensory papillae were arranged around the oral sucker and also symmetrically along the ventral surface body, from the collar to the acetabulum. The dorsal and ventral tegument surfaces were densely packed with similar pointed spines. The posterior end of the body was without any spines. Among the Curtuteria species described previously, only Curtuteria haematopodis Smogorjewskaja and Iskova, 1966 had the same number of circumoral collar spines. A 6-yr field survey showed that the cockle population at Banc d'Arguin was subjected to a summer infection of C. arguinae. Curtuteria arguinae phenology of infection is characterized by interannual variability and seasonality (beginning in July-August and maximum in autumn). The first intermediate and final hosts remain unknown.  相似文献   

The tegumental ultrastructure of juvenile and adult Himasthla alincia (Digenea: Echinostomatidae) was observed by scanning electron microscopy. One-, 5- (juveniles) and 20-day-old worms (adults) were harvested from chicks experimentally fed metacercariae from a bivalve, Mactra veneriformis. The juvenile worms were elongated and curved ventrally. The head crown bore 31 collar spines, arranged in a single row. The lip of the oral sucker had 12 paired, and 3 single type I sensory papillae, and the ventral sucker had about 25 type II sensory papillae. The anterolateral surface between the two suckers was densely packed with tegumental spines with 4-7 pointed tips. The adult worms were more elongated and filamentous, and had severe transverse folds over the whole body surface. On the head crown and two suckers, type I and II sensory papillae were more densely distributed than in the juvenile worms. Retractile brush-like spines, with 8-10 digits, were seen on the anterolateral surface, whereas claw-shaped spines, with 2-5 digits, were sparsely distributed posteriorly to the ventral sucker. The cirrus characteristically protruded out, and was armed with small spines distally. The surface ultrastructure of H. alincia was shown to be unique among echinostomes, especially in the digitation of its tegumental spines, the distribution of sensory papillae and by severe folds of the tegument.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural observations were made on the tegument of juvenile and adult stages of Heterophyopsis continua using scanning electron microscopy. On the surface posterior to the ventral sucker, the tegumental processes were bandlike in the metacercariae, cobblestonelike in the flukes 2 days postinfection (PI), and velvety at 3 days PI. The anterior surface between the oral and ventral suckers of the metacercariae was packed densely with tegumental spines having a 10- to 14-pointed tip. In flukes 6 days PI, the number of points increased to 15-17. The tegumental spines immediately behind the ventral sucker on the metacercariae surface possessed 5-7 points; posteriorly the points were reduced in size and in number. Ciliate sensory papillae (type I), as single or clumped forms of 2 or 3, were abundant around the oral and ventral suckers of metacercaria and adult worms. The clumped papillae appeared bilaterally symmetrical on the dorsal and ventral surfaces. The ciliate papillae may function in tango-, rheo-, and/or chemoreception. On the lip of the ventral sucker, 6-7 aciliate domed papillae (type II) were arranged in an equidistant manner. At 2 days PI each type II papilla became a clumped form having 2 or 3 papillae. Type II papillae may function as tango- and/or pressure-receptors. The structure and distribution of papillae suggest that the ventral sucker likely functions as a holdfast organ and the oral sucker as a probing organ involved in feeding.  相似文献   

A scanning electron microscopic study was performed to observe the tegumental ultrastructures of Paragonimus iloktsuenensis according to its developmental stages. The metacercariae were obtained from the liver of the brackish water crab, Sesarma dehaani. Juvenile and adult P. iloktsuenensis were recovered from the experimental rats on 2, 4 and 8 weeks after infection. The findings were summarized as follows: 1. The excysted metacercariae were characteristically gourd-shape, with their whole body surface beset with numerous spade-shape spines. The large, type II sensory papillae (non-ciliated round swellings) were arranged along the rim of the oral and ventral suckers, 11-12 and 6-8 in numbers respectively. 2. Two-week old juvenile worms, recovered chiefly from the liver of the experimental rats, were slender in body shape, with their ventral sucker near the anterior one-third level. The distribution of tegumental spines was less dense than in the excysted metacercariae. The spines were with 1-2 pointed tips and 3-4 longitudinal splits. Numerous ciliated knob-like, type I papillae were observed in both sides of the oral sucker, and 6 large, type II papillae were arranged along the rim of the ventral sucker. 3. Four-week old worms, recovered from the thoracic cavity and/or lung parenchyme of the experimental rats, were thicker than wide in body configuration, and their ventral sucker was located near the anterior one-fourth level. The tegumental spines at ventral surface were grouped, each group with 3-5 aggregated ones. The type I and type II papillae (small-sized) were distributed chiefly around the rim of two suckers. 4. Adult (eight-week old) worms, recovered from the capsules in the lung parenchyme, were very stout, and covered densely with bearfoot-like spines. At dorsal surface, cobblestone-like cytoplasmic processes were well-developed, with many tegumental spines embedded in them. It was observed in this study that the tegument of P. iloktsuenesis continued to change and differentiate as the worms grew to be adults.  相似文献   

A new 23-collar-spined cercaria and metacercaria are described from intertidal molluscs of the coast of New Zealand. The new cercaria found emerging from the mud snails Zeacumantus subcarinatus (Sowerby) (Prosobranchia: Batillariidae) is characterized mainly by the number and arrangement of the cephalic glands, the size of the suckers, and the size and number of the collar spines. The cercaria encysts in the cockle Austrovenus stutchburyi (Wood) (Bivalvia: Veneridae) which lives in sympatry with the first intermediate host throughout New Zealand. Laboratory infections of cockles by cercariae from naturally infected snails resulted in metacercariae identical to those found in naturally infected cockles. The main features of the cercaria and metacercaria are the presence of a reniform collar with 23 spines, two pairs of small cephalic glands at the oral sucker level, another two pairs of much longer ones posterior to the pharynx, and the excretory vesicle Y-shaped with the main collecting canals extending to the anterior level of the ventral sucker. Each of the main collecting canals had 10-11 pairs of bilateral diverticula between the anterior edge of the ventral sucker and anterior body end. A brief discussion of its possible life cycle and ecology is also provided.  相似文献   

Metacercarial cysts of Mantrema arenaria were subjected to a solution containing trypsin and bile salts at 41°C. This treatment induced intense metacercarial activity and after 15 min metacercariae burst through their cyst walls and emerged. Electron microscopy demonstrated that during the process of excystment the inner layer of the cyst wall changed from a compact to a loose fibrous state. Experiments showed that only cysts containing viable metacercariae underwent this change whereas cysts which had been forcibly vacated before treatment did not. This indicated that the structural change of the inner layer of the cyst wall could not be attributed to the excystment medium. Also there was much less acid phosphatase activity in and on the surface of newly excysted metacercariae compared with encapsulated specimens. It was concluded that the excystment medium induced physical activity in, and the release of enzymic material by, the metacercariae. Together these activities rendered the cyst wall soft and susceptible to rupture by physical pressure.  相似文献   

A scanning electron microscopic study was performed on the surface ultrastructure of metacercariae and adults of Metagonimus takahashii. Metacercariae were collected from the scale of crucian carp (Carassius auratus), and adult flukes were harvested 1-4 weeks after infection to rats. In excysted metacercariae, the oral sucker had type I (numerous) and type II (seven in total) sensory papillae. Tegumental spines were dense and digitated into 5-7 points on the surface anterior to the ventral sucker, but became sparse and less digitated posteriorly toward the end of the body. In adults, seven type II sensory papillae were characteristically arranged around the lip of the oral sucker, and on the inner side of the lip four small and two large type I sensory papillae were symmetrically seen on each side (12 in total). Tegumental spines on anterior two-thirds of the body, were digitated with 9-12 tips ventrally and 8-13 tips dorsally. Sperms entering into the Laurer's canal were observed. The results show that the surface ultrastructure of M. takahashii is generally similar to those of M. yokogawai and M. miyatai except for the digitation of tegumental spines.  相似文献   

Metacercariae of Acanthoparyphium marilae Yamaguti, 1934 (Digenea: Echinostomatidae) were discovered in an intertidal clam, Mactra veneriformis, in a southwestern coastal area of the Republic of Korea. A total of 128 metacercariae were detected from 10 clams examined. They were round, 320 microm in average diameter, with 23 collar spines. They were fed experimentally to chicks, and 10 days later adult flukes were obtained. The adults were morphologically characterized by the head collar with a single row of 23 dorsally uninterrupted spines, without special end group spines, a round ventral sucker, 2 round and tandem testes, and vitellaria extending at lateral fields from the posterior extremity not beyond the middle level of the posterior testis. The most characteristic feature of this species was the limited distribution of vitellaria, which differs from Acanthoparyphium tyosenense Yamaguti, 1939, the metacercariae of which are encysted in the same mollusk species. This is the first report in which the metacercariae of this species were detected, and the intertidal bivalve, M. veneriformis, has been identified as a second intermediate host for A. marilae.  相似文献   

The present study concerned the morphology and surface ultrastructure of a plagiorchid, Glossidium pedatum, from bagrid fish of the river Nile in Egypt. Adult G. pedatum have an elongate body, tapered towards the anterior and posterior ends. Their oral sucker is small, sub‐terminal and rounded, measuring 0.200 mm in diameter. Sensory papillae around the oral sucker usually occur in small clusters of three to eight each. The ventral sucker is large, situated at the anterior end of the second third of the body, 0.299 mm in diameter, and is surrounded by three pairs of sensory papillae. Both suckers have rounded rims covered by tegumental spines. On the anterior part of the ventral surface of the body tegumental spines are small, pointed and closely spaced. A small triangular area of tegument anterior to the ventral sucker is devoid of spines. Tegumental spines on the mid‐region of the body slightly increase in size and number, especially towards the lateral aspects and posterior to the ventral sucker. Towards the posterior end of the body the spines progressively decrease in both size and number. The dorsal side exhibits similar surface features but the spines are less numerous and slightly smaller.  相似文献   

Petasiger islandicus n. sp. is described and figured from a demographically isolated population of the horned grebe Podiceps auritus auritus (L.) in Lake Myvatn (Iceland). This new species belongs to the group of species with 19 collar spines which possess a large elongate-oval cirrus-sac, well-developed pars prostatica and massive bulb-like cirrus. Within this group, P. islandicus appears most similar to P. oschmarini Kostadinova & Gibson, 1998, a form with similar body dimensions described from the same host, but differs in having a larger head collar, collar spines, oral sucker, pharynx, testes and sucker-width ratio, and a smaller cirrus-sac, cirrus and eggs. Two Nearctic species resemble P. islandicus in general morphology but differ as follows: P. pseudoneocomense Bravo-Hollis, 1969 has a larger body and collar width, notably shorter collar spines, smaller testes and sucker-width ratio, and a shorter but much wider cirrus-sac which is also smaller relative to the ventral sucker and almost entirely anterior to it; and P. caribbensis Nassi, 1980 has a smaller body, shorter collar spines and a seminal vesicle which is small in relation to the cirrus-sac, vitelline fields reaching anteriorly to the level of the genital pore and the intestinal bifurcation is located more anteriorly.  相似文献   

The morphology of juvenile and adult stages of Acanthostomum spiniceps and A. absconditum, from bagrid fish of the river Nile in Egypt, was studied with both light and scanning electron microscopy. In early juveniles, circumoral spines are absent and the entire body surface is covered with tegumental spines. Late juveniles show gradual differentiation of the circumoral tegument into a collar of spines associated with a reduction in density of tegumental spines at the posterior extremity of the body. Genital primordia appear when juveniles are about 1.75 mm long. The distributions of tegumental spines on adult A. spiniceps and A. absconditum are similar. Spines are denser on the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the anterior and middle parts of the body and less dense towards the posterior end. The tegumental fold surrounding the ventral sucker of A. absconditum has spines while the fold of A. spiniceps lacks them. The most important morphological features differentiating both species are the number of circumoral spines, body shape, ratio of body length to width, sucker sizes, and the presence or absence of spines on the ventral sucker.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy was used to study encysted metacercariae and newly excysted juveniles of Fascioloides magna. The outer cyst was rough, coarse and discontinuous in the ventral aspect; the inner cyst was smooth. The newly excysted metacercaria was plump and contained numerous tegumentary spines; large dome-shaped papillae were prominent around the oral sucker and on the rim of the acetabulum. Encysted metacercariae with outer cysts were excysted in an alkaline bile salts-trypsin medium at an elevated temperature in the absence of acid saline or acid pepsin pretreatment. Pretreatment in acid saline slightly decreased subsequent excystation, while pretreatment in acid pepsin slightly enhanced subsequent excystation in the alkaline bile salts-trypsin medium.  相似文献   

A re-examination of three sets of trematodes collected in two species of grebes, Podiceps grisegena and P. auritus, from the Kamchatka region of eastern Russia, previously identified as Petasiger neocomense, revealed that they actually represent a new species, which is named Petasiger oschmarini. Characteristic morphological features of the new species include: a head collar possessing a constant number of 19 spines; a large cirrus-sac comparable in size to the ventral sucker, containing a bipartite seminal vesicle and a well-developed pars prostatica; a large bulb-like cirrus similar in size to the testes; a long forebody; a long oesophagus; testes situated obliquely or symmetrically; and lateral vitelline fields which are not confluent in the forebody. The new species is distinguished from all Palaearctic and Nearctic members of Petasiger which possess 19 collar spines. The material described by Oschmarin (1950) as P. neocomense is considered to be conspecific.  相似文献   

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