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When cultured in vitro in the presence of serum from a number of sheep infected with Echinococcus granulosus cysts, varying proportions of oncospheres died within 24 h. Of the survivors, some died during reorganization into cysts; others were able to develop normally but showed evidence of precipitates in the outer layers of the cyst. The lethal effects were removed by heating the serum to 56°C for 30 min and could be restored by the addition of freshly-collected normal sheep serum. In the presence of serum from sheep immunized against E. granulosus, most oncospheres were dead within 24 h, and few or none of the survivors were able to reorganize into cysts.  相似文献   

Reisin I.L., Rabito C.A. and Cantiello H.F. 1981. Water and electrolyte balance in protoscoleces of Echinococcus granulosus incubated in vitro: effect of metabolic inhibitors. International Journal for Parasitology 11: 405–410. The effects of metabolic inhibitors on the Na+, K+, Cl? and water balance of protoscoleces of Echinococcus granulosus (sheep strain) were studied in vitro. The protoscoleces were incubated at 37°C in Ringer Krebs solution for 3 h in the presence of iodoacetate, 3 mM (IA); potassium cyanide, 3 mm (KCN); 2?4 dinitrophenol, 0.2 mm (DNP); ouabain, 10?M or ethacrynic acid 0.5 mm. The effects of IA and/or KCN on the water and electrolyte balance were tested at high (0.95 × 105Pa) and low (0.05 × 105 Pa) oxygen tensions. Inhibitors produced a decrease in K+ as well as an increase in Na+ contents. At both high and low O2 tensions the Na+ balance was greatly altered by IA, the action of which could be already observed during the first hour of treatment. The cations did not reach a steady state balance during 3 h of incubation. At high oxygen tension Na+ and K+ balance was also altered by KCN or DNP though their actions were not as marked as that of IA. Ouabain affected the Na+ and K+ contents that reached new steady state distribution between 1.5 and 3 h of treatment while water and electrolyte contents were not modified by ethacrynic acid. In all the experiments no changes in Cl? and water contents were observed. It is concluded that the energy required to maintain the Na?K balance mechanisms within protoscoleces is largely provided by the anaerobic glycolytic pathway and that the aerobic oxidative pathway contribution to the energy balance is only accessory.  相似文献   

Marchiondo A. A. and Andersen F. L. 1984. Light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy of the in vitro evagination process of Echinococcus multilocularis protoscolices. International Journal for Parasitotogy14:151–157. During histogenesis of the protoscolices of Echinococcus multilocularis, the apical portion of the protoscolex consisting of the suckers, rostellum and hook region develops as an introversion and invagination within the tissue of the basal portion. In vitro incubation of protoscolices in evagination fluid stimulates the emergence of the apical portion. The initiation of evagination is first detected by a surface change in the basal portion. The smooth contour of this surface which lacks microtriches becomes transformed into tegumental indentations that form transverse and longitudinal furrows within the basal tegument as the protoscolices contract and expand, respectively. An orifice formed at the site or junction where the apical portion is invaginated begins to expand laterally in order to allow emergence of the suckers. The hooks are arranged within the invaginated protoscolex with blades directed towards the basal orifice, the handles directed towards the peduncle and the guards directed laterally. This arrangement persists throughout the evagination of the suckers and rostellum until the apical dome of the hook region emerges, thereby rotating the blades laterally in the direction of the peduncle and rotating the handles and guards medially to assume a coronal arrangement. Evagination is an asynchronous event and therefore allows observation of individual protoscolices in various stages of emergence.  相似文献   

Mice infected with Echinococcus granulosus were given one dose of 15 mg kg?1 of 14C-mebendazole by gavage. Blood, hydatid cyst fluid and membranes were collected and counted at varying intervals thereafter. Radioactivity in blood peaked by 16 h and declined rapidly thereafter. Activity in hydatid cyst fluid paralleled that in blood but in amounts of only 5–10%. While levels of radioactivity in hydatid cyst membranes for the most part paralleled those of blood, in several samples they remained stable or increased from 16 to 48 h while those in blood had decreased to baseline. Protoscolices lost all signs of viability by 48 h after treatment.  相似文献   

The propagation of adult conifer trees by tissue culture has been studied for the last twenty years, but problems related to the juvenile to adult phase change of trees have limited the practical applications of these tissue culture procedures. This paper describes a micropropagation protocol for the in vitro propagation of mature Scots pine trees. In this study, dormant shoot buds, which had not started to elongate, were collected from twenty-one adult Pinus sylvestris trees (> 15 years old) during the winter. The sampled buds were cut transversely into slices of 0.5 to 1 cm in thickness and were cultured on three types of culture media (DCR, WP and LPm) supplemented with four cytokinins (BA, mT, Tdz and Z), at two different concentrations (25 and 50 µM), except for Tdz, whose concentrations were diluted to 5 µM and 2.5 µM. The evaluated culture media did not show significant differences in the bud organogenesis capacity. In fact, the highest organogenic response was obtained with buds cultured on DCR and WP media and by explants cultured on medium supplemented with 25 µM meta-topolin. This protocol is a successful and efficient biotechnological approach to the micropropagation of adult P. sylvestris trees.  相似文献   

In autumn 2006, a study of the age-dynamics of Echinococcus granulosus cyst abundance was undertaken from an abattoir study of 1081 sheep slaughtered in Naryn Province in central Kyrgyzstan, an area endemic for echinococcosis. The results demonstrated approximately 64% of sheep were infected with the prevalence increasing markedly with age. The mean abundance was 3.8 cysts per sheep. From established models, an infection pressure of 1.33 cysts per year was estimated. In addition all cysts were recovered from infected sheep and the numbers of protoscoleces was evaluated in each cyst. A new model was developed that examined the variation in numbers of protoscoleces per infected sheep with age. This demonstrated that young sheep aged 1-2 years had very few protoscoleces, but there was a massive increase as the sheep aged. The best-fitting model assumed that the number of protoscoleces in a sheep was proportional to the volume of the cysts. In this model, the radius of the individual cyst increased linearly with the age of the cyst and hence the volume increased with the cube of the cyst age. This combined with the linear increase in numbers of cysts with age resulted in a massive accumulation of protoscoleces with the age of sheep. When the model was parameterised it demonstrated that 80% of protoscoleces were present in sheep aged 4 years and older and this represented just 28% sheep slaughtered. An average sheep at 6 or more years of age has an abundance of over 9700 protoscoleces, whilst in a young sheep of 1 year of age an average of just 16 protoscoleces could be found. The average for the sampled population across all ages was 1562 protoscoleces per sheep. The maximum number of protoscoleces in a single cyst was just 482 for sheep aged 1 year rising to 92,000 for sheep aged 6 years or older. The mean volume of cysts containing protoscoleces increased from approximately 0.7 ml at 1 year of age to 8.8 ml at 6 years of age. Cysts containing protoscoleces ranged from a diameter of 0.5-8 cm with a volume of fluid ranging from 0.2 to 50 ml. It is hypothesised that removal of old sheep through a culling programme could substantially improve the control of cystic echinococcosis.  相似文献   

In this study, 112 Echinococcus granulosus isolates from different livestock of Iran were genotyped by PCR amplification of ribosomal DNA-internal transcribed spacer 1 (rDNA-ITS1) region followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) with the enzyme RsaI. The possibility of intra-genotype variation was also investigated using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. Isolates from sheep, goats, cattle and the majority of camels (12 of 18; 66.7%) were identified as the G1 genotype and a few camel isolates (6 of 18; 33.3%) belonged to the G6 genotype. Overall G1 and G6 genotypes were identified in 94.6% (106 of 112) and 5.3% (6 of 112) of all isolates, respectively. RAPD analysis based on 15 separate primers showed 7-14 bands of 200-3000 bp for strain G1. Considering each individual primer, no differences observed among isolates from different hosts and between livers and lungs. This study confirmed the existence of G1 and G6 genotypes in Iran. Moreover, G1 is much more prevalent even in camels, indicating the importance of sheep-dog cycle in public health. Studying intra-genotypic variation of E. granulosus warrants more research using other primers and methods.  相似文献   

Reisin I.L. and Rotunno C.A. 1981. Water and electrolyte balance in protoscoleces of Echimcoccus granulosus incubated in vitro: General procedures for the determination of water, sodium, potassium and chloride in protoscoleces. International Journal for Parasitology11: 399–404. Protoscoleces of E. granulosus (sheep strain) were incubated in vitro at 37°C in Ringer Krebs solution (RKS) for up to 3 h. When they were briefly washed in sucrose 0.3 M at 4°C, the water and electrolyte contents were: 1.768 ± 0.034 mlg?1 d.w. for water content and 123 ± 2, 209 ± 2 and 78 ± 2 μmolg?1 d.w. for Na+, K+ and Cl? respectively. When protoscoleces were not washed in sucrose solution but were spun down from RKS, the K+ content suffered a very small change but larger values for Na+ and Cl+ contents were obtained. These higher Na+ and Cl? contents are attributed to the RKS ions retained in the trapping space. The steady state distribution of Na+ and K+ in the protoscoleces incubated at 37°C indicates the activity of an active transport mechanism.  相似文献   

Studies in reproductive biotechnology techniques have been minimal in South American camelids (SAC). Complex reproductive characteristics of these species contribute to slow progress. Nevertheless, some techniques, such as in vitro fertilization, intracytoplasmic sperm injection and nuclear transfer have been applied and have produced advances in knowledge on embryo environment and in vitro conditions necessary for development. Embryo production may have a high impact in both domestic and wild camelids population. Studies addressed to improve in vitro embryo production and oocyte collection could be a potential key to develop IVF and embryo production as a routine procedure in camelids.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the molecular characteristics of cerebral Echinococcus cysts. A total of 10 specimens of cerebral Echinococcus cysts, including six formalin-fixed paraffin blocks and four intact cerebral cysts, were used for this study. The target DNA was successfully amplified from eight samples and sequenced. BLAST analysis indicated that sequenced isolates belong to the Echinococcus granulosus (G6) genotype. All of the eight sampled brain cysts belonged to the G6 genotype, while all of the eight liver cysts belonged to G1. This is a strong indication that G6 has a higher affinity for the human brain than G1.  相似文献   

Microsomes from two species of parasitic Hymenoptera, Exeristes roborator and Itoplectis conquisitor, exhibited little or no de novo glyceride synthesis but actively acylated endogenous mono- and diacylglycerides. It is suggested that this lack of de novo synthesis is related to the fact that the fatty acid composition of these parasitoid species closely resembles that of the hosts on which they are reared. Microsomes from three other species of parasitic Hymenoptera, Aphaereta pallipes, Brachymeria lasus, and Hyposoter exigua, whose fatty acid compositions are little influenced by the host species, exhibited active de novo glyceride synthesis as well as acylation of endogenous mono- and diacylglycerides. Radiotracer studies indicated that E. roborator microsomes and cytosol did not contain noncompetitive or uncompetitive inhibitors of glycerophosphate acyltransferase. E. roborator microsomes acylated exogenous phosphatidic acid but not dihydroxyacetone phosphate or glycerol. The maximum rate of glycerophosphate acylation was less than 0.1 nmole/min/mg microsomal protein after 15 min incubation. The incorporation was subject to rapid lipolysis on further incubation. The addition of bovine serum albumin (BSA) reduced the ability of E. roborator microsomes to acylate mono- and diacylglycerides with endogenous acyl groups. In the absence of BSA, palmitoyl-CoA was a more effective substrate than stearoyl-CoA for both mono- and diacylglyceride acyltransferases.  相似文献   

Radio active morphine (14C- and 3H-labelled) was fed in vitro to freshly collected samples of capsules and stem latex of Papaver somniferum and it was shown that some of it was converted to radioactive N-oxide. Although metabolic activity and variation between samples of latex collected at different times were much less marked than those previously found using in vivo methods, the results do confirm that the isolated latex is a metabolically viable tissue.  相似文献   

E3 ubiquitin (Ub) ligases play diverse roles in cellular regulation in eukaryotes. Three homologous AtRmas (AtRma1, AtRma2, and AtRma3) were recently identified as ER-localized Arabidopsis homologs of human RING membrane-anchor E3 Ub ligase. Here, auxin binding protein 1 (ABP1), one of the auxin receptors in Arabidopsis, was identified as a potential substrate of AtRma2 through a yeast two-hybrid assay. An in vitro pull-down assay confirmed the interaction of full-length AtRma2 with ABP1. AtRma2 was transiently expressed in tobacco (Nicotiana benthamiana) plants through an Agrobacterium-mediated infiltration method and bound ABP1 in vivo. In vitro ubiquitination assays revealed that bacterially-expressed AtRma2 ubiquitinated ABP1. ABP1 was poly-ubiquitinated in tobacco cells and its stability was significantly increased in the presence of MG132, a 26S proteasome inhibitor. This suggests that ABP1 is controlled by the Ub/26S proteasome system. Therefore, AtRma2 is likely involved in the cellular regulation of ABP1 expression levels.  相似文献   

Blood forms of Trypanosoma musculi were grown at 37°C in media containing adherent peritoneal cells from normal or from T. musculi immune mice. Rat peritoneal cells and Hela cells supported growth equally well which was surprising in view of the strict mouse-host specificity of this parasite in vivo. Cultures showed a 12- to 46-fold increase in numbers over the inoculum during periods up to 23 days whereas control (cell-free) media did not promote growth, the inoculated organisms merely surviving for about 7 days. Sub-culture through several passages was successful and cultured trypanosomes remained fully infective to mice. Foetal calf serum was an essential constituent of the medium.  相似文献   

Kassis A. I. and Tanner C. E. 1976. The role of complement in hydatid disease: in vitro studies. International Journal for Parasitology6: 25–35. Fresh sera from normal humans, guinea pigs, sheep, cotton rats, B10.D2/n Sn mice or infected cotton rats lyse viable protoscoleces of Echinococcus granulosus and E. multilocularis in vitro. This protoscolecidal activity can be abolished by heating at 56°C, EDTA or incubating with cobra venom factor, suggesting that complement proteins participate in this lytic process. Crude unfiltered hydatid fluid, as well as complement-lysed dead protoscoleces, are anticomplementary in vitro and, as such, probably protect viable protoscoleces in vivo against the action of complement. This anticomplementary activity was found to be associated with the calcareous corpuscles. A hypothesis is presented which relates these in vitro findings to the development of the parasite in vivo. It is suggested that the use of formalin during surgery to kill the parasite should be replaced by fresh serum.  相似文献   

Activated oncospheres of T. hydatigena within filtration membrane diffusion chambers implanted intraperitoneally into dogs developed into larvae 3 mm in dia possessing a scolex anlage without hooks. Exogenous antigens released by developing T. hydatigena larvae failed to stimulate any measurable resistance in the dogs to challenge infection with E. granulosus protoscolices.  相似文献   

Microsomal fractions from developing shoots of adult white clover plants (of genotype AcAc) and cotyledons of dark germinated clover seedlings can synthesize 2-hydroxy-2-methylpropanenitrile and 2-hydroxy-2-methylbutanenitrile, the aglycone precursors of the cyanogenic glucosides, linamarin and lotaustralin, from various precursors in the presence of NADPH. l-Valine, 2-methylpropanal oxime, and 2-methylpropanenitrile are converted to 2-hydroxy-2-methylpropanenitrile and are detected as cyanide and acetone. l-Isoleucine and 2-methylbutanal oxime are converted to 2-hydroxy-2-methylbutanenitrile and are detected as cyanide and 2-butanone. At least two steps in these conversions are missing in microsomes from plants of genotype acac.  相似文献   

Information on the structural characteristics and inhibitory activity of the pacifastin family is restricted to a handful of locust pacifastin-related inhibitors. In this report the optimization of a bacterial recombinant expression system is described, resulting in the high yield production of pacifastin-like inhibitors of the desert locust. Subsequently, the relative inhibitory activity of these peptides towards mammalian, locust and caterpillar digestive peptidases has been compared. In general, the enzyme specificity of locust pacifastin-like inhibitors towards trypsin- or chymotrypsin-like peptidases corresponds to the nature of the P1-residue at the reactive site. In addition, other structural characteristics, including specific core interactions, have been reported to result in a different affinity of pacifastin members towards digestive trypsin-like enzymes from mammals and arthropods. One remarkable observation in this study is a specifically designed pacifastin-like peptidase inhibitor, which, unlike other inhibitors of the same family, does not display this specificity and selectivity towards digestive enzymes from different animals.  相似文献   

Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a pro-fibrotic mediator acting via specific receptors (LPARs) and is synthesized by autotaxin, that increases with obesity. We tested whether LPA could play a role in adipose tissue (AT)-fibrosis associated with obesity. Fibrosis [type I, III, and IV collagens (COL), fibronectin (FN), TGFβ, CTGF and αSMA] and inflammation (MCP1 and F4/80) markers were quantified: (i) in vivo in inguinal (IAT) and perigonadic (PGAT) AT from obese-diabetic db/db mice treated with the LPAR antagonist Ki16425 (5 mg/kg/day ip for 7 weeks); and (ii) in vitro in human AT explants in primary culture for 72 h in the presence of oleoyl-LPA (10 μM) and/or Ki16425 (10 μM) and/or the HIF-1α inhibitor YC-1 (100 μM). Treatment of db/db mice with Ki16425 reduced Col I and IV mRNAs in IAT and PGAT while Col III mRNAs were only reduced in IAT. This was associated with reduction of COL protein staining in both IAT and PGAT. AT explants showed a spontaneous and time-dependent increase in ATX expression and production of LPA in the culture medium, along with increased levels of Col I and III, TGFβ and αSMA mRNAs and of COL protein staining. In vitro fibrosis was blocked by Ki16425 and was further amplified by oleoyl-LPA. LPA-dependent in vitro fibrosis was blocked by co-treatment with YC1. Our results show that endogenous and exogenous LPA exert a pro-fibrotic activity in AT in vivo and in vitro. This activity could be mediated by an LPA1R-dependent pathway and could involve HIF-1α.  相似文献   

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