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In a verbal model, Trivers and Willard proposed that, whenever there is sexual selection among males, natural selection should favor mothers that produce sons when in good condition but daughters when in poor condition. The predictions of this model have been the subject of recent debate. We present an explicit population genetic model for the evolution of a maternal-effect gene that biases offspring sex ratio. We show that, like local mate competition, sexual selection favors female-biased sex ratios whenever maternal condition affects the reproductive competitive ability of sons. However, Fisherian sex-ratio selection, which favors a balanced sex ratio, is an opposing force. We show that the evolution of maternal sex-ratio biasing by these opposing selection forces requires a positive covariance across environments between the sex-ratio bias toward sons (b) and the mating success of sons (r). This covariance alone is not a sufficient condition for the evolution of maternal sex-ratio biasing; it must be sufficiently positive to outweigh the opposing sex-ratio selection. To identify the necessary and sufficient conditions, we partition total evolutionary change into three components: (1) maternal sex-ratio bias, (2) sexual selection on sons, and (3) sex-ratio selection. Because the magnitude of the first component asymmetrically affects the strength of the second, biasing broods toward females in a poor environment evolves faster than the same degree of bias toward males in a good environment. Consequently, female-biased sex ratios, rather than male-biased sex ratios, are more likely to evolve. We discuss our findings in the context of the primary sex-ratio biases observed in strongly sexually selected species and indicate how this perspective can assist the experimental study of sex ratio evolution.  相似文献   

Costs of reproduction are expected to be ubiquitous in wild animal populations and understanding the drivers of variation in these costs is an important aspect of life-history evolution theory. We use a 43 year dataset from a wild population of red deer to examine the relative importance of two factors that influence the costs of reproduction to mothers, and to test whether these costs vary with changing ecological conditions. Like previous studies, our analyses indicate fitness costs of lactation: mothers whose calves survived the summer subsequently showed lower survival and fecundity than those whose calves died soon after birth, accounting for 5% and 14% of the variation in mothers'' survival and fecundity, respectively. The production of a male calf depressed maternal survival and fecundity more than production of a female, but accounted for less than 1% of the variation in either fitness component. There was no evidence for any change in the effect of calf survival or sex with increasing population density.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory predicts that mothers of different condition should adjust the birth sex ratio of their offspring in relation to future reproductive benefits. Published studies addressing variation in mammalian sex ratios have produced surprisingly contradictory results. Explaining the source of such variation has been a challenge for sex-ratio theory, not least because no mechanism for sex-ratio adjustment is known. I conducted a meta-analysis of previous mammalian sex-ratio studies to determine if there are any overall patterns in sex-ratio variation. The contradictory nature of previous results was confirmed. However, studies that investigated indices of condition around conception show almost unanimous support for the prediction that mothers in good condition bias their litters towards sons. Recent research on the role of glucose in reproductive functioning have shown that excess glucose favours the development of male blastocysts, providing a potential mechanism for sex-ratio variation in relation to maternal condition around conception. Furthermore, many of the conflicting results from studies on sex-ratio adjustment would be explained if glucose levels in utero during early cell division contributed to the determination of offspring sex ratios.  相似文献   

How mothers allocate resources to offspring is central to understanding life history strategies. High quality mothers are predicted to favour investment in sons over daughters when to do so increases inclusive fitness. This is the case in ungulates with polygynous mating systems, where reproductive success is more variable among males than females, but information is scarce on sex allocation in less polygynous species. Here, for the weakly dimorphic roe deer, we show that as maternal capacity to invest increases, mothers increase allocation to daughters more than to sons, so that relative allocation to daughters increases markedly with increasing maternal quality. This cannot be explained by a between sex difference in growth priority, hence we conclude that this is evidence for active maternal discrimination. Further, we demonstrate that condition differences between offspring persist to adulthood. For high quality mothers of weakly polygynous species, daughters may be more valuable than sons.  相似文献   

Genomic conflicts between heritable elements with different modes of inheritance are important in the maintenance of sex and in the evolution of sex ratio. Generally, we expect sexual populations to exhibit a 1:1 sex ratio. However, because of their biology, parasitoid wasps often exhibit a female-biased sex ratio. Sex-ratio distorters can further alter this optimum, sometimes leading to the complete loss of sexual reproduction. In the parasitoid wasp Trichogramma kaykai ca. 4-26% of females in field populations are infected with a bacterial sex-ratio distorter, Wolbachia, allowing virgin mothers to produce daughters. In some micro-Hymenoptera these infections have led to the complete loss of sex, but in field populations of T. kaykai the proportion of individuals infected remains relatively stable. We tested several hypotheses to explain this low infection level, including inefficient and horizontal transmission of Wolbachia, suppressor genes negating the effect of Wolbachia and the presence of male-biasing sex-ratio distorters. Here, a male-biasing sex-ratio distorter, a parasitic B chromosome, causing females to produce only sons, keeps the frequency of Wolbachia low. The male-biasing factor of T. kaykai is the second known case of a B chromosome manipulating the reproduction of a parasitoid wasp.  相似文献   

In polygynous, sexual dimorphic species with higher variance in male reproductive success compared with females, females are expected to invest more heavily in sons than daughters within the constraints imposed by their physical condition (Science 1973; 179:90). Mothers in good condition, usually those of high rank, should produce more sons than females in poor condition or of low rank. We investigated sex allocation and sex‐biased maternal investment in a population of wild Hanuman langurs using rank and group size as approximations of female physical condition. Our results show that reproductive costs of sons were higher with both significantly longer interbirth intervals following male births and longer lactational periods for sons. Not in all groups did analyses of rank‐dependent sex allocation reveal the expected pattern of high‐ranking mothers producing more sons. However, sex ratio was significantly influenced by group size, with females from larger groups, i.e., in worse physical condition, producing a daughter‐biased sex ratio. In fact, only females of population‐wide superior physical condition can be expected to produce sons, because in Hanuman langurs males disperse and compete population‐wide. Thus, our results support the Trivers–Willard model and may explain the mixed evidence accruing from studies of single groups. We present a graphical model of how group size and dominance‐related differences in energy gain may influence sex allocation under different competitive regimes relative to overall resource availability. Tests of adaptive sex allocation models should consider whether reproductive competition of the preferred sex takes place primarily within a group or within the population.  相似文献   

Mothers would often benefit from producing more offspring of one sex than the other. Although some species show an astonishing ability to skew their sex ratio adaptively, the trends found in many studies on vertebrates have proved inconsistent. Furthermore, evidence for a mechanism by which such a bias is achieved is equivocal at best. Here, we examine sex-ratio variation over 30 years, both at an individual and a population level, in the highly polygynous, size-dimorphic springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis). Many previous studies of similar species have shown that mothers in superior condition preferentially produce sons, whereas those in poorer condition produce more daughters. We found the opposite to be true in springbok, perhaps because daughters provide mothers in superior condition with a more rapid and secure fitness return. This theory was supported by the findings that earlier-conceived offspring tended to be female and that an increased proportion of daughters were produced with increasing rainfall (which was likely to reduce nutritional stress). We also show that selective reabsorption of embryos is unlikely to be the main mechanism by which deviations from an equal sex ratio are achieved. Hence, either differential implantation occurs or females are able to influence the sex of the sperm fertilizing an egg.  相似文献   

We tested two models of adaptive offspring sex-ratio that predict opposite optimal reproductive strategies for female white-tail deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Trivers and Willard's model predicts that does (females) in particularly good condition should produce sons, and Williams refined their model to make specific predictions about optimal offspring number/sex choices. Verme's model results in very different predictions because of very different assumptions about which sex of offspring can best benefit from high levels of maternal resources. We found clear support for the Trivers and Willard/Williams model when we analyzed data from road-killed does, and we furthermore question several of the assumptions of the Verme model.  相似文献   

Theory predicts the optimal timing of sex change will be the age or size at which half of an individual''s expected fitness comes through reproduction as a male and half through reproduction as a female. In this way, sex allocation across the lifetime of a sequential hermaphrodite parallels the sex allocation of an outbreeding species exhibiting a 1∶1 ratio of sons to daughters. However, the expectation of a 1∶1 sex ratio is sensitive to variation in individual condition. If individuals within a population vary in condition, high-condition individuals are predicted to make increased allocations to the sex with the higher variance in reproductive success. An oft-cited example of this effect is seen in red deer, Cervus elaphus, in which mothers of high condition are more likely to produce sons, while those in low condition are more likely to produce daughters. Here, we show that individual condition is predicted to similarly affect the pattern of sex allocation, and thus the allocation of reproductive effort, in sequential hermaphrodites. High-condition sex-changers are expected to obtain more than half of their fitness in the high-payoff second sex and, as a result, are expected to reduce the allocation of reproductive effort in the initial sex. While the sex ratio in populations of sequential hermaphrodites is always skewed towards an excess of the initial sex, condition dependence is predicted to increase this effect.  相似文献   

In haplodiploids, females can produce sons from unfertilized eggs without mating. However, virgin reproduction is usually considered to be a result of a failure to mate, rather than an adaptation. Here, we build an analytical model for evolution of virgin reproduction, sex‐allocation, and altruistic female helping in haplodiploid taxa. We show that when mating is costly (e.g., when mating increases predation risk), virginity can evolve as an adaptive female reproductive strategy. Furthermore, adaptive virginity results in strongly divergent sex‐ratios in mated and virgin queen nests (“split sex ratios”), which promotes the evolution of altruistic helping by daughters in mated queen nests. However, when helpers evolve to be efficient and increase nest production significantly, virgin reproduction is selected against. Our results suggest that adaptive virginity could have been an important stepping stone on the pathway to eusociality in haplodiploids. We further show that virginity can be an adaptive reproductive strategy also in primitively social haplodiploids if workers bias the sex ratio toward females. By remaining virgin, queens are free to produce sons, the more valuable sex in a female‐biased population. Our work brings a new dimension to the studies linking reproductive strategies with social evolution.  相似文献   

The life history of ungulates is affected by factors such as climate, population density and resource availability. With focus on the muskoxen Ovibos moschatus living in Kangerlussuaq in western Greenland, Jameson Land in north-eastern Greenland and on Banks and Victoria Islands in northern Canada, we tested spatial variation in life-history traits measured by mandibular growth. In accordance with expectations, we found that muskoxen in the southernmost and low Arctic area (Kangerlussuaq) grew faster, matured earlier, reproduced earlier, reached larger adult size and additionally had a higher reproduction than muskoxen living in the more northern areas. In the Kangerlussuaq population, mandible lengths in adult males changed temporally with density, with significant smaller adult males present in high population densities in western Greenland. It was especially the male mandible lengths that responded to environmental factors. In females, spatial differences were less pronounced than in males and is probably explained by females facing a trade-off between investment in own growth and reproduction, whereas a large body size is more important for the males, which are exposed to sexual selection. This explanation was, furthermore, supported by the fact that the calf percentage was higher in western Greenland than in any of the other studied areas in spite of the density-dependent effects detected within the male gender.  相似文献   

We propose a model for sex-ratio adjustment complementary to that of Trivers and Willard. In addition to the three basic assumptions of the Trivers-Willard model, our model assumes that the sex with more variable reproductive success (normally male) is also the sex less constrained for reproduction. This assumption seems realistic, because several studies have demonstrated that poor-condition males may adopt alternative mating strategies and sire some offspring, whereas females have physiological constraints for gestation or egg production that cannot be avoided. Thus, under these circumstances, sons of both poor and good condition would be more valuable for parents than daughters, whereas daughters would be relatively more valuable than sons at intermediate condition. This model predicts, therefore, a U-shaped relationship between parental condition and offspring sex ratio. We present a case study for the monogamous lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) that fulfills the assumptions and predictions of the model. The minimum body condition for breeding, measured as pectoral thickness, was lower for sons than for daughters. Below this minimum, males had a higher chance of breeding than females. Above this minimum, however, the lifetime reproductive success was condition dependent in males but not in females. Thus, males in better body condition attain, on average, higher reproductive success than females. Offspring sex ratio varied with the size of the father's ornaments and mother condition according to the U-shaped pattern predicted by the model.  相似文献   



Natural selection should favour the ability of mothers to adjust the sex ratio of offspring in relation to the offspring''s potential reproductive success. In polygynous species, mothers in good condition would be advantaged by giving birth to more sons. While studies on mammals in general provide support for the hypothesis, studies on humans provide particularly inconsistent results, possibly because the assumptions of the model do not apply.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here, we take a subset of humans in very good condition: the Forbe''s billionaire list. First, we test if the assumptions of the model apply, and show that mothers leave more grandchildren through their sons than through their daughters. We then show that billionaires have 60% sons, which is significantly different from the general population, consistent with our hypothesis. However, women who themselves are billionaires have fewer sons than women having children with billionaires, suggesting that maternal testosterone does not explain the observed variation. Furthermore, paternal masculinity as indexed by achievement, could not explain the variation, since there was no variation in sex ratio between self-made or inherited billionaires.


Humans in the highest economic bracket leave more grandchildren through sons than through daughters. Therefore, adaptive variation in sex ratios is expected, and human mothers in the highest economic bracket do give birth to more sons, suggesting similar sex ratio manipulation as seen in other mammals.  相似文献   

Trait decay may occur when selective pressures shift, owing to changes in environment or life style, rendering formerly adaptive traits non-functional or even maladaptive. It remains largely unknown if such decay would stem from multiple mutations with small effects or rather involve few loci with major phenotypic effects. Here, we investigate the decay of female sexual traits, and the genetic causes thereof, in a transition from haplodiploid sexual reproduction to endosymbiont-induced asexual reproduction in the parasitoid wasp Asobara japonica. We take advantage of the fact that asexual females cured of their endosymbionts produce sons instead of daughters, and that these sons can be crossed with sexual females. By combining behavioral experiments with crosses designed to introgress alleles from the asexual into the sexual genome, we found that sexual attractiveness, mating, egg fertilization and plastic adjustment of offspring sex ratio (in response to variation in local mate competition) are decayed in asexual A. japonica females. Furthermore, introgression experiments revealed that the propensity for cured asexual females to produce only sons (because of decayed sexual attractiveness, mating behavior and/or egg fertilization) is likely caused by recessive genetic effects at a single locus. Recessive effects were also found to cause decay of plastic sex-ratio adjustment under variable levels of local mate competition. Our results suggest that few recessive mutations drive decay of female sexual traits, at least in asexual species deriving from haplodiploid sexual ancestors.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that mothers should adjust their sex-specific reproductive investment in relation to the predicted fitness returns from sons versus daughters. Sex allocation theory has proved to be successful in some invertebrate taxa but data on vertebrates often fail to show the predicted shift in sex ratio or sex-specific resource investment. This is likely to be partly explained by simplistic assumptions of vertebrate life-history and mechanistic constraints, but also because the fundamental assumption of sex-specific fitness return on investment is rarely supported by empirical data. In short-lived species, the time of hatching or parturition can have a strong impact on the age and size at maturity. Thus, if selection favors adult sexual-size dimorphism, females can maximize their fitness by adjusting offspring sex over the reproductive season. We show that in mallee dragons, Ctenophorus fordi, date of hatching is positively related to female reproductive output but has little, if any, effect on male reproductive success, suggesting selection for a seasonal shift in offspring sex ratio. We used a combination of field and laboratory data collected over two years to test if female dragons adjust their sex allocation over the season to ensure an adaptive match between time of hatching and offspring sex. Contrary to our predictions, we found no effect of laying date on sex ratio, nor did we find any evidence for within-female between-clutch sex-ratio adjustment. Furthermore, there was no differential resource investment into male and female offspring within or between clutches and sex ratios did not correlate with female condition or any partner traits. Consequently, despite evidence for selection for a seasonal sex-ratio shift, female mallee dragons do not seem to exercise any control over sex determination. The results are discussed in relation to potential constraints on sex-ratio adjustment, alternative selection pressures, and the evolution of temperature-dependent sex determination.  相似文献   

The local-resource-competition hypothesis predicts that where philopatric offspring compete for resources with their mothers, offspring sex ratios will be biased in favour of the dispersing sex. This should produce variation in sex ratios between populations in relation to differences in the availability of resources for philopatric offspring. However, previous tests of local resource competition in mammals have used indirect measures of resource availability and have focused on sex-ratio variation between species or individuals rather than between local populations. Here, we show that the availability of den sites predicts the offspring sex ratio in populations of the common brushtail possum. Female possums defend access to dens, and daughters, but not sons, occupy dens within their mother's range. However, the abundances of possums in our study areas were determined principally by food availability. Consequently, in food-rich areas with a high population density, the per-capita availability of dens was low, and the cost of having a daughter should have been high. This cost was positively correlated with male bias in the sex ratio at birth. Low per capita availability of dens was correlated with male bias in the sex ratio at birth.  相似文献   

In the twig‐nesting carpenter bee, Ceratina calcarata, body size is an important component of maternal quality, smaller mothers producing significantly fewer and smaller offspring than larger mothers. As mothers precisely control the sex and size of each offspring, smaller mothers might compensate by preferentially allocating their investment towards sons. We investigated whether variation in maternal quality leads to variation in sex allocation patterns. At the population level, the numerical sex ratio was 57% male‐biased (1.31 M/F), but the investment between the sexes was balanced (1.02 M/F), because females are 38% larger than males (1.28 F/M). Maternal body size explained both sex allocation pattern and size variation among offspring: larger mothers invested more in individual progeny and produced more female offspring than smaller mothers. Maternal investment in offspring of both sexes decreased throughout the season, probably as a result of increasing maternal wear and age. The exception to this pattern was the curious production of dwarf females in the first two brood cell positions. We suggest that the sex ratio distribution reflects the maternal body size distribution and a constraint on small mothers to produce small broods. This leads to male‐biased allocation by small females, to which large mothers respond by biasing their allocation towards daughters.  相似文献   

Female-biased sex-ratio distortion is often observed in hosts infected with vertically-transmitted microsporidian parasites. This bias is assumed to benefit the spread of the parasite, because male offspring usually do not transmit the parasite further. The present study reports on sex-ratio distortion in a host-parasite system with both horizontal and vertical parasite transmission: the microsporidium Octosporea bayeri and its host, the planktonic cladoceran Daphnia magna. In laboratory and field experiments, we found an overall higher proportion of male offspring in infected than in uninfected hosts. In young males, there was no parasite effect on sperm production, but, later in life, infected males produced significantly less sperm than uninfected controls. This shows that infected males are fertile. As males are unlikely to transmit the parasite vertically, an increase in male production could be advantageous to the host during phases of sexual reproduction, because infected mothers may obtain uninfected grandchildren through their sons. Life-table experiments showed that, overall, sons harboured more parasite spores than their sisters, although they reached a smaller body size and died earlier. Male production may thus be beneficial for the parasite when horizontal transmission has a large pay-off as males may contribute more effectively to parasite spread than females.  相似文献   

There are only a few recent studies that have demonstrated senescence in ungulates and nothing is known regarding how patterns of senescence may vary as a function of density Senescence in general is linked to the cost of reproduction, which probably increases with density in ungulates and may differ between the sexes. Further, senescence in ungulates is also regarded to be a function of tooth wear rates. As density dependence and sexual differences in food choice have been well documented, this may lead to different tooth wear rates and, thus, possibly density-dependent and sex-specific patterns of senescence. We therefore investigated the effects of age, sex, density and their possible interactions on the variability of body weight in 29,047 red deer harvested during 1965-1998 from Norway, out of which 380 males and 1452 females were eight years or older. There was clear evidence that spatio-temporal variation in density correlated negatively with body weights. In addition, there was evidence of senescence in both male and female red deer. Age at onset of senescence in females was after 20 years of age and independent of population density. In males, the onset and rate of senescence increased with increasing population density. The onset of senescence for males was at ca. 12 years of age at low density, but decreased to approximately ten years of age at high density. The pattern of density-dependent senescence in males, but not that in females, can be explained if (i) the cost of reproduction increases with density more strongly in male than in female red deer, and/or (ii) tooth wear rates are density dependent in males, but not in females. We discuss the ability of these two different, not mutually exclusive hypotheses in explaining the observed pattern of senescence.  相似文献   

Sex, so important in the reproduction of bigametic species, is nonetheless often ignored in explorations of the dynamics of populations. Using a growth model of dispersal-coupled populations we can keep track of fluctuations in numbers of females and males. The sexes may differ from each other in their ability to disperse and their sensitivity to population density. As a further complication, the breeding system is either monogamous or polygamous. We use the harmonic mean birth function to account for sex-ratio-dependent population growth in a Moran–Ricker population renewal process. Incorporating the spatial dimension stabilizes the dynamics of populations with monogamy as the breeding system, but does not stabilize the population dynamics of polygamous species. Most notably, in populations coupled with dispersal, where the sexes differ in their dispersal ability there are rarely stable and equal sex ratios. Rather, a two-point cycle, four-point cycle and eventually complex behaviour of sex-ratio dynamics will emerge with increasing birth rates. Monogamy often leads to less noisy sex-ratio dynamics than polygamy. In our model, the sex-ratio dynamics of coupled populations differ from those of an isolated population system, where a stable 50:50 sex ratio is achievable with equal density-dependence costs for females and males. When sexes match in their dispersal ability, population dynamics and sex-ratio dynamics of coupled populations collapse to those of isolated populations.  相似文献   

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