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Summary The existence of a neural crest cell migration pathway from occipital levels of the hindbrain into the heart was suspected in mammalian embryos because it had previously been identified in avian embryos and because the Di George anomaly, an association between craniofacial and cardiac malformations, is most easily explained on the basis of abnormal neural crest cell migration to all of the affected structures. In order to demonstrate the existence of this pathway, neural crest cells were labelled in situ in rat embryos with the fluorescent dye DiI, and the embryos cultured for up to 48 h. Cells labelled between occipital somites 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 migrated within and dorsal to the third and fourth pharyngeal arches and into the outflow tract of the heart (conus cordis and truncus arteriosus). The cardiac labelling was in individually visible cells, in contrast to the mass of fluorescence seen in the pharyngeal and dorsal mesenchyme. Within the outflow tract wall, the labelled cells were enmeshed by strands of alcian blue-stained extracellular matrix. There was no labelling of cardiac cells following injections just rostral to, or just caudal to, somites one and four. This study establishes the existence and precise levels of origin of the cardiac neural crest in a mammalian embryo.  相似文献   

The method of embryonic tissue transplantation was used to confirm the dual origin of avian cranial sensory ganglia, to map precise locations of the anlagen of these sensory neurons, and to identify placodal and neural crest-derived neurons within ganglia. Segments of neural crest or strips of presumptive placodal ectoderm were excised from chick embryos and replaced with homologous tissues from quail embryos, whose cells contain a heterochromatin marker. Placode-derived neurons associated with cranial nerves V, VII, IX, and X are located distal to crest-derived neurons. The generally larger, embryonic placodal neurons are found in the distal portions of both lobes of the trigeminal ganglion, and in the geniculate, petrosal and nodose ganglia. Crest-derived neurons are found in the proximal trigeminal ganglion and in the combined proximal ganglion of cranial nerves IX and X. Neurons in the vestibular and acoustic ganglia of cranial nerve VIII derive from placodal ectoderm with the exception of a few neural crest-derived neurons localized to regions within the vestibular ganglion. Schwann sheath cells and satellite cells associated with all these ganglia originate from neural crest. The ganglionic anlagen are arranged in cranial to caudal sequence from the level of the mesencephalon through the third somite. Presumptive placodal ectoderm for the VIIIth, the Vth, and the VIIth, IXth, and Xth ganglia are located in a medial to lateral fashion during early stages of development reflecting, respectively, the dorsolateral, intermediate, and epibranchial positions of these neurogenic placodes.  相似文献   

The neural crest is a highly migratory cell population, unique to vertebrates, that forms much of the craniofacial skeleton and peripheral nervous system. In exploring the cell biological basis underlying this behavior, we have identified an unconventional myosin, myosin-X (Myo10) that is required for neural crest migration. Myo10 is highly expressed in both premigratory and migrating cranial neural crest (CNC) cells in Xenopus embryos. Disrupting Myo10 expression using antisense morpholino oligonucleotides leads to impaired neural crest migration and subsequent cartilage formation, but only a slight delay in induction. In vivo grafting experiments reveal that Myo10-depleted CNC cells migrate a shorter distance and fail to segregate into distinct migratory streams. Finally, in vitro cultures and cell dissociation-reaggregation assays suggest that Myo10 may be critical for cell protrusion and cell-cell adhesion. These results demonstrate an essential role for Myo10 in normal cranial neural crest migration and suggest a link to cell-cell interactions and formation of processes.  相似文献   

We have isolated a new chicken gene, cBarx2b, which is related to mBarx2 in sequence, although the expression patterns of the two genes are quite different from one another. The cBarx2b gene is expressed in craniofacial structures, regions of the neural tube, and muscle groups in the limb, neck and cloaca. Perturbation of anterior muscle pattern by application of Sonic Hedgehog protein results in a posteriorization of cBarx2b expression.  相似文献   

The segmental pattern of peripheral ganglia in higher vertebrates is generated by interactions between neural crest and somite cells. Each mesodermal somite is subdivided into at least two distinct domains represented by its rostral and caudal halves. Most migratory pathways taken by neural crest cells in trunk regions of the axis, as well as the outgrowth of motoneuron fibers are restricted to the rostral domain of each somite. Experimental modification of the somites, achieved by constructing a mesoderm composed of multiple rostral half-somites, results in the formation of continuous and unsegmented nerves, dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and sympathetic ganglia (SG). In contrast, both neurites and crest cells are absent from a mesoderm composed of multiple-caudal half somites. However, the mechanisms responsible for gangliogenesis within the rostral half of the somite, appear to be different for DRG and SG. Vertebral development from the somites is also segmental. In implants of either multiple rostral or caudal somite-halves, the grafted mesoderm dissociates normally into sclerotome and dermomyotome. However, the morphogenetic capabilities of each somitic half differ. The lateral vertebral arch is continuous in the presence of caudal half-somite grafts and is virtually absent in rostral half-somite implants. Therefore, the rostrocaudal subdivision of the sclerotome determines the segmental pattern of neural development and is also important for the proper metameric development of the vertebrae.  相似文献   

Hindbrain neural crest cells were labeled with DiI and followed in ovo using a new approach for long-term time-lapse confocal microscopy. In ovo imaging allowed us to visualize neural crest cell migration 2-3 times longer than in whole embryo explant cultures, providing a more complete picture of the dynamics of cell migration from emergence at the dorsal midline to entry into the branchial arches. There were aspects of the in ovo neural crest cell migration patterning which were new and different. Surprisingly, there was contact between neural crest cell migration streams bound for different branchial arches. This cell-cell contact occurred in the region lateral to the otic vesicle, where neural crest cells within the distinct streams diverted from their migration pathways into the branchial arches and instead migrated around the otic vesicle to establish a contact between streams. Some individual neural crest cells did appear to cross between the streams, but there was no widespread mixing. Analysis of individual cell trajectories showed that neural crest cells emerge from all rhombomeres (r) and sort into distinct exiting streams adjacent to the even-numbered rhombomeres. Neural crest cell migration behaviors resembled the wide diversity seen in whole embryo chick explants, including chain-like cell arrangements; however, average in ovo cell speeds are as much as 70% faster. To test to what extent neural crest cells from adjoining rhombomeres mix along migration routes and within the branchial arches, separate groups of premigratory neural crest cells were labeled with DiI or DiD. Results showed that r6 and r7 neural crest cells migrated to the same spatial location within the fourth branchial arch. The diversity of migration behaviors suggests that no single mechanism guides in ovo hindbrain neural crest cell migration into the branchial arches. The cell-cell contact between migration streams and the co-localization of neural crest cells from adjoining rhombomeres within a single branchial arch support the notion that the pattern of hindbrain neural crest cell migration emerges dynamically with cell-cell communication playing an important guidance role.  相似文献   

Vertebrates possess paired cranial sensory ganglia derived from two embryonic cell populations, neural crest and placodes. Cranial sensory ganglia arose prior to the divergence of jawed and jawless vertebrates, but the developmental mechanisms that facilitated their evolution are unknown. Using gene expression and cell lineage tracing experiments in embryos of the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, we find that in the cranial ganglia we targeted, development consists of placode‐derived neuron clusters in the core of ganglia, with neural crest cells mostly surrounding these neuronal clusters. To dissect functional roles of neural crest and placode cell associations in these developing cranial ganglia, we used CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing experiments to target genes critical for the development of each population. Genetic ablation of SoxE2 and FoxDA in neural crest cells resulted in differentiated cranial sensory neurons with abnormal morphologies, whereas deletion of DlxB in cranial placodes resulted in near‐total loss of cranial sensory neurons. Taken together, our cell‐lineage, gene expression, and gene editing results suggest that cranial neural crest cells may not be required for cranial ganglia specification but are essential for shaping the morphology of these sensory structures. We propose that the association of neural crest and placodes in the head of early vertebrates was a key step in the organization of neurons and glia into paired sensory ganglia.  相似文献   

Smad4 is required to regulate the fate of cranial neural crest cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ko SO  Chung IH  Xu X  Oka S  Zhao H  Cho ES  Deng C  Chai Y 《Developmental biology》2007,312(1):435-447
Smad4 is the central mediator for TGF-β/BMP signals, which are involved in regulating cranial neural crest (CNC) cell formation, migration, proliferation and fate determination. It is unclear whether TGF-β/BMP signals utilize Smad-dependent or -independent pathways to control the development of CNC cells. To investigate the functional significance of Smad4 in regulating CNC cells, we generated mice with neural crest specific inactivation of the Smad4 gene. Our study shows that Smad4 is not required for the migration of CNC cells, but is required in neural crest cells for the development of the cardiac outflow tract. Smad4 is essential in mediating BMP signaling in the CNC-derived ectomesenchyme during early stages of tooth development because conditional inactivation of Smad4 in neural crest derived cells results in incisor and molar development arrested at the dental lamina stage. Furthermore, Smad-mediated TGF-β/BMP signaling controls the homeobox gene patterning of oral/aboral and proximal/distal domains within the first branchial arch. At the cellular level, a Smad4-mediated downstream target gene(s) is required for the survival of CNC cells in the proximal domain of the first branchial arch. Smad4 mutant mice show underdevelopment of the first branchial arch and midline fusion defects. Taken together, our data show that TGF-β/BMP signals rely on Smad-dependent pathways in the ectomesenchyme to mediate epithelial-mesenchymal interactions that control craniofacial organogenesis.  相似文献   

Cranial neurogenic placodes and the neural crest make essential contributions to key adult characteristics of all vertebrates, including the paired peripheral sense organs and craniofacial skeleton. Neurogenic placode development has been extensively characterized in representative jawed vertebrates (gnathostomes) but not in jawless fishes (agnathans). Here, we use in vivo lineage tracing with DiI, together with neuronal differentiation markers, to establish the first detailed fate-map for placode-derived sensory neurons in a jawless fish, the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus, and to confirm that neural crest cells in the lamprey contribute to the cranial sensory ganglia. We also show that a pan-Pax3/7 antibody labels ophthalmic trigeminal (opV, profundal) placode-derived but not maxillomandibular trigeminal (mmV) placode-derived neurons, mirroring the expression of gnathostome Pax3 and suggesting that Pax3 (and its single Pax3/7 lamprey ortholog) is a pan-vertebrate marker for opV placode-derived neurons. Unexpectedly, however, our data reveal that mmV neuron precursors are located in two separate domains at neurula stages, with opV neuron precursors sandwiched between them. The different branches of the mmV nerve are not comparable between lampreys and gnatho-stomes, and spatial segregation of mmV neuron precursor territories may be a derived feature of lampreys. Nevertheless, maxillary and mandibular neurons are spatially segregated within gnathostome mmV ganglia, suggesting that a more detailed investigation of gnathostome mmV placode development would be worthwhile. Overall, however, our results highlight the conservation of cranial peripheral sensory nervous system development across vertebrates, yielding insight into ancestral vertebrate traits.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells in the cranial region of the chick embryo initially migrate into a cell-free space between the head ectoderm and mesoderm. The primary objective of the present study was to define the nature of the matrix in this cell-free space. In ovo administration of various labeled compounds showed that the cell-free space became heavily labeled with glucosamine between stages 9 and 10 with little or no incorporation of fucose or sulfate. The results obtained by autoradiography and biochemical analysis of labeled macromolecules selectively extracted from this cell-free space suggest that hyaluronic acid is a major component. The appearance of hyaluronic acid correlates with an increase in size of the cell-free space and crest cell migration.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells are a transient stem-like cell population that forms in the dorsal neural tube of vertebrate embryos and then migrates to various locations to differentiate into diverse derivatives such as craniofacial bone, cartilage, and the enteric and peripheral nervous systems. The current dogma of neural crest cell development suggests that there is a specific hierarchical gene regulatory network (GRN) that controls the induction, specification, and differentiation of these cells at specific developmental times. Our lab has identified that a marker of differentiated neurons, Tubulin Beta-III (TUBB3), is expressed in premigratory neural crest cells. TUBB3 has previously been identified as a major constituent of microtubules and is required for the proper guidance and maintenance of axons during development. Using the model organism, Gallus gallus, we have characterized the spatiotemporal localization of TUBB3 in early stages of development. Here we show TUBB3 is expressed in the developing neural plate, is upregulated in the pre-migratory cranial neural crest prior to cell delamination and migration, and it is maintained or upregulated in neurons in later developmental stages. We believe that TUBB3 likely has a role in early neural crest formation and migration separate from its role in neurogenesis.  相似文献   

An increasing number of genes are known to show expression in the cranial neural crest area. So far it is very difficult to analyze their effect on neural crest cell migration because of the lack of transplantation techniques. This paper presents a simple method to study the migratory behavior of cranial neural crest cells by homo- and heterotopic transplantations: Green fluorescent protein (GFP) RNA was injected into one blastomere of Xenopus laevis embryos at the 2-cell stage. The cranial neural crest area of stage 14 embryos was transplanted into the head or trunk region of an uninjected host embryo, and the migration was monitored by GFP fluorescence. The transplants were further examined by double immunostaining and confocal microscopy to trace migratory routes inside the embryo, and to exclude contaminations of grafts with foreign tissues. Our results demonstrate that we developed a highly efficient and reproducible technique to study the migratory ability of cranial neural crest cells. It offers the possibility to analyze genes involved in neural crest cell migration by coinjecting their RNA with that of GFP. Received: 28 September 1999 / Accepted: 17 November 1999  相似文献   

By RNA in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical analyses of early stage mouse embryos, we find that alpha 4 integrin gene is expressed in migratory cranial neural crest cells originating from the presumptive forebrain, midbrain, and rhombomeres 1 and 2 of the presumptive hindbrain. alpha 4 is also expressed in epicardial progenitor cells in the septum transversum that migrate to the heart.  相似文献   

The types of mouse parthenogenones obtained in a medium modified with respect to Ca2+ and/or Mg2+ ions were investigated in “spontaneously” activating eggs after culturing cumulus masses in vitro for 5 hr. The second meiotic division was affected in eggs cultured in medium lacking Ca2+ and Mg2+ or Ca2+ alone, resulting in suppression of second polar body extrusion in a high proportion of cases, giving rise to two pronuclear eggs or eggs that underwent immediate cleavage. Extrusion of the second polar body occurred normally when the cumulus mass was cultured in complete medium and, in a high proportion of eggs, when Mg2+ alone was lacking in the medium. The results are discussed with reference to the second meiotic division. The method provides an efficient way for obtaining a large number of different types of parthenogenetic embryos.  相似文献   

Neural crest (NC) cells migrate exclusively into the rostral half of each sclerotome, where they avoid the dermomyotome and the paranotochordal sclerotome. F-spondin is expressed in these inhibitory regions and throughout the caudal halves. In vitro bioassays of NC spreading on substrates of rostral or caudal epithelial-half somites (RS or CS, respectively) revealed that NC cells adopt on RS a fibroblastic morphology, whereas on CS they fail to flatten. F-spondin inhibited flattening of NC cells on RS. Conversely, F-spondin antibodies prevented rounding up of NC cells on CS. Addition of F-spondin to trunk explants inhibited NC migration into the sclerotome, and treatment of embryos with anti-F-spondin antibodies yielded migration into otherwise inhibitory sites. Thus, somite-derived F-spondin is an inhibitory signal involved in patterning the segmental migration of NC cells and their topographical segregation within the RS.  相似文献   

Clinical observations have demonstrated that isotretinoin (13-cis-retinoic acid; cis-RA) is a human teratogen causing primarily heart and craniofacial malformations. Isotretinoin exposure to the early postimplantation mouse embryo in culture results in specific defects in craniofacial development that may be due to an interference in the early migration of cranial neural crest (CNC) cells [Goulding and Pratt, 1986]. The present study was designed to test this hypothesis by examining the migration of these cells in whole embryo culture. Day 8 CD-1 mouse embryos were cultured for 6-48 hr in the presence or absence of cis-RA at 2 X 10(-6) to 2 X 10(-5) M. Embryos either were fixed for light microscopy using Nichols' method for localization of CNC cells or were processed for scanning and transmission electron microscopy. At the light microscopic level, CNC cells in the mid-brain region of control embryos had migrated to the region of the first and second visceral arches after 6 hr in culture. Cis-RA interfered with this migration; CNC cells in treated embryos either did not leave the neuroepithelium (NE) or were aggregated near the NE. Autoradiographic studies indicated that cis-RA did not affect the overall viability or DNA synthesis of the CNC cells. However, at the TEM level, there was a dramatic increase in the number of cellular blebs in the CNC cells. Our results demonstrate a direct effect of 13-cis-RA on the CNC cells and suggest that this effect is due to alterations in the cell surface.  相似文献   

The cranial neural crest has been shown to give rise to a diversity of cells and tissues, including cartilage, bone and connective tissue, in a variety of tetrapods and in the zebrafish. It has been claimed, however, that in the Australian lungfish these tissues are not derived from the cranial neural crest, and even that no migrating cranial neural crest cells exist in this species. We have earlier documented that cranial neural crest cells do migrate, although they emerge late, in the Australian lungfish. Here, we have used the lipophilic fluorescent dye, DiI, to label premigratory cranial neural crest cells and follow their fate until stage 43, when several cranial skeletal elements have started to differentiate. The timing and extent of their migration was investigated, and formation of mandibular, hyoid and branchial streams documented. Cranial neural crest was shown to contribute cells to several parts of the head skeleton, including the trabecula cranii and derivatives of the mandibular arch (e.g., Meckel's cartilage, quadrate), the hyoid arch (e.g., the ceratohyal) and the branchial arches (ceratobranchials I-IV), as well as to the connective tissue surrounding the myofibers in cranial muscles. We conclude that cranial neural crest migration and fate in the Australian lungfish follow the stereotyped pattern documented in other vertebrates.  相似文献   

Most of the bone, cartilage and connective tissue of the lower jaw is derived from cranial neural crest cells (NCCs) arising from the posterior midbrain and hindbrain. Multiple factors direct the patterning of these NCCs, including endothelin-1-mediated endothelin A receptor (Edn1/Ednra) signaling. Loss of Ednra signaling results in multiple defects in lower jaw and neck structures, including homeotic transformation of lower jaw structures into upper jaw-like structures. However, since the Ednra gene is expressed by both migrating and post-migrating NCCs, the actual function of Ednra in cranial NCC development is not clear. Ednra signaling could be required for normal migration or guidance of NCCs to the pharyngeal arches or in subsequent events in post-migratory NCCs, including proliferation and survival. To address this question, we performed a fate analysis of cranial NCCs in Ednra-/- embryos using the R26R;Wnt1-Cre reporter system, in which Cre expression within NCCs results in permanent beta-galactosidase activity in NCCs and their derivatives. We find that loss of Ednra does not detectably alter either migration of most cranial NCCs into the mandibular first arch and second arch or their subsequent proliferation. However, mesenchymal cell apoptosis is increased two fold in both E9.5 and E10.5 Ednra-/- embryos, with apoptotic cells being present in and just proximal to the pharyngeal arches. Based on these studies, Ednra signaling appears to be required by most cranial NCCs after they reach the pharyngeal arches. However, a subset of NCCs appear to require Ednra signaling earlier, with loss of Ednra signaling likely leading to premature cessation of migration into or within the arches and subsequent cell death.  相似文献   

M Satoh  H Ide 《Developmental biology》1987,119(2):579-586
Quail neural crest cells were treated in vitro with alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) or dibutyryl cyclic AMP (dbcAMP) plus theophylline. These treatments increased the proportion of melanocytes to total cells in crest cell outgrowth cultures. Pigmentation of neural crest cell clusters proceeded more rapidly when cultures were treated with alpha-MSH or dbcAMP plus theophylline than when untreated. In clonal cell cultures, the proportion of pigmented colonies to total colonies was increased by MSH treatment. From these results, MSH seems not only to accelerate melanogenic differentiation but also to affect the state of commitment of neural crest cells to melanogenic differentiation in vitro, and this action of MSH appears to be mediated by cAMP.  相似文献   

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