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Aliesterase was found in all stages of Blattella germanica (L.) with the activity of oothecae being approximately 24% that of newly emerged adults. In both mated and unmated females aliesterase activity was cyclical. When applied topically to newly emerged adults, both triortho-cresyl phosphate (TOCP) and its solvent, methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) reduced aliesterase activity. Although the data were variable, it is probable that increasing the dosage from 90 to 180 g TOCP per insect increased the degree of inhibition of aliesterase. TOCP, and MEK, increased the period required by a female to produce an ootheca, increased the duration of pregnancy and decreased the hatch of nymphs from the ootheca. In these respects the effect of 90 g TOCP was greater than that caused by MEK, but increasing the dosage of TOCP to 180 g per insect had no additional effect. It is hypothesised that aliesterase(s) is associated with production of oothecae and with vitellogenesis. There was a peak of aliesterase activity in male insects approximately 14 days after emergence, but the level of activity at this time was significantly higher in mated than in unmated males.
Zusammenfassung Aliesterase wurde in allen Stadien von Blattella germanica (L.) gefunden mit einer Aktivität der Ootheken von ungefähr 24% derjeniger frisch gehäuteter Imagines. In gepaarten wie ungepaarten Weibchen verlief die Aliesterase-Aktivität cyclisch. Sowohl Triorthokresolphosphat (TOCP) wie sein Lösungsmittel, Methyläthylketon (MEK), setzten bei topischer Applikation auf frisch gehäutete Erwachsene die Aliesterase-Aktivität herab. Obwohl die Werte schwankten, ist es wahrscheinlich, daß eine Erhöhung der TOCP-Dosis von 90 auf 180 g je Schabe den Grad der Aliesterase-Hemmung verstärkte. TOCP und MEK verlängerten die Periode, die für ein Weibchen zur Bildung einer Oothek erforderlich ist, erhöhten die Dauer der Trächtigkeit und verminderten den Schlupf der Larven aus der Oothek. Dabei war die Wirkung von 90 g TOCP in allen Fällen größer als die von MEK verursachte, aber eine Steigerung der TOCP-Dosis auf 180 g pro Schabe hatte keine zusätzliche Wirkung. Es wird vermutet, daß Aliesterase(n) mit der Bildung der Ootheken und der Dotterbildung verknüpft ist (sind). Bei männlichen Schaben besteht etwa 14 Tage nach der Häutung ein Gipfel der Aliesterase-Aktivität, jedoch liegt das Niveau der Aktivität zu dieser Zeit bei verpaarten Männchen signifikant höher als bei ungepaarten.

This work was supported by research funds from the University of Queensland.  相似文献   

Incubation of small unilamellar vesicles consisting of dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine-dioleoyl phosphatidylethanolamine (3:1) and 2 mol% [3H]dolichol-19 with postheparin plasma from rat resulted in the formation of dolichyl oleate. Normal plasma or heat-treated postheparin plasma contained no activity and, hence, the results indicate the presence of a cell surface associated dolichol acyltransferase that can be released into the blood by heparin. The reaction is strongly stimulated by phosphatidylethanolamine and Ca2+, whereas no stimulation with triglycerides or acyl-CoA was observed. Together with the fact that the only product formed was dolichyl oleate, these results strongly suggest that a transacylation mechanism from the phospholipids to dolichol is operative in the liposomes. Gel chromatography of postheparin plasma yielded a molecular mass of about 350 kilodaltons for the active enzyme and density gradient centrifugation indicated that this high molecular mass complex consists mainly of proteins. Finally, we conclude that this enzyme is not unique to the rat, but is also present in human postheparin plasma.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to establish a hepatic lipase (HL) assay method that can be applied to automatic clinical analyzers. Seventy-four hyperlipidemic subjects (men/women 45/29) were recruited. Lipase activity was assayed measuring the increase in absorbance at 546 nm due to quinonediimine dye production. Reaction mixture R-1 contained 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 9.5), 0.5 mM glycerol-1,2-dioleate, 0.4% (unless otherwise noted) polyoxyethylene-nonylphenylether, 3 mM ATP, 3 mM MgCl(2), 1.5 mM CaCl(2), monoacylglycerol-specific lipase, glycerol kinase, glycerol-3-phosphate oxidase, 0.075% N,N-bis-(4-sulfobutyl)-3-methylaniline-2 Na, peroxidase, ascorbic acid oxidase. Reaction mixture R-2 contained 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH9.5), 0.15% 4-aminoantypirine. Automated assay for activity was performed with a Model 7080 Hitachi analyzer. In the lipase assay, 160 microl of R-1 was incubated at 37 degrees C with 3 microl of samples for 5 min, and 80 microl of R-2 was added. Within-run coefficient of variations was 0.9-1.0%. Calibration curve of lipase activity was linear (r = 0.999) between 0 and 320 U/l. Analytical recoveries of purified HL added to plasma were 96.6-99.8%. HL activity in postheparin plasma measured in this method had a closer correlation with HL mass by a sandwich ELISA (r = 0.888, P < 0.0001) than those in the conventional method using [(14)C-]triolein (r = 0.730, P < 0.0001). This assay method for HL activity can be applied to an automatic clinical analyzer.  相似文献   

Cytidine triphosphate (CTP) synthase is one of the key enzymes in pyrimidine nucleotide anabolic pathways. The activity of this enzyme is elevated in various malignancies including acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). In this study we investigated the activity of CTP synthase in various human blood cells isolated from healthy volunteers by density centrifugation and elutriation centrifugation. We also investigated the mRNA expression of CTP synthase in lymphocytes and monocytes. The highest activity of CTP synthase was found in thrombocytes (6.48 nmol CTP x mg(-1) x h(-1)), followed by that of monocytes (2.23), lymphocytes (1.69), granulocytes (0.52) and erythrocytes (0.42). The activity of CTP synthase in whole blood samples was at an intermediate level (1.27). The mRNA expression of CTP synthase in monocytes was comparable to that observed in lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Tyrosine-specific protein kinase (ATP: protein phosphotransferase, EC activity was measured in normal human nonadherent peripheral blood lymphocytes using synthetic peptide substrates having sequence homologies with either pp60src or c-myc. A high level of tyrosine-specific protein kinase activity was found associated with the cell particulate fraction (100 000 × g pellet). High-pressure liquid chromatography and phosphoamino acid analysis of the synthetic peptide substrates substantiated the phosphorylation of tyrosine residues by the particulate fraction enzyme. The human enzyme was also capable of phosphorylating a synthetic random polymer of 80% glutamic acid and 20% tyrosine. Enzyme activity was half-maximal with 22 μM Mg·ATP and had apparent Km values for the synthetic peptides from 1.9 to 7.1 mM. The enzyme preferred Mg2+ to Mn2+ for optimal activity and was stimulated 2–5-fold by low levels (0.05%) of some ionic as well as non-ionic detergents including deoxycholate, Nonidet P-40 and Triton X-100. The enzyme activity was not stimulated by N6;O2′-dibutyryl cyclic AMP (100 μM), N6;O2′-dibutyryl cyclic GMP (100 μM), Ca2+ (200 μM), insulin (1 μg/ml) or homogeneous human T-cell growth factor (3 μg/ml) under the conditions used. Alkaline-resistant phosphorylation of particulate proteins in vitro revealed protein bands with Mr 59 000 and 54 000 suggesting that there are endogenous substrates for the human lymphocyte tyrosine protein kinase.  相似文献   

The chemosterilant metepa, administered orally and topically to adult M. domestica, was found to reduce aliesterase activity, to reduce the hatch of eggs, and when administered orally it also prolonged the pre-ovipositional period. Orally administered DDT had little effect on aliesterase but did reduce egg viability. Selection of a strain of M. domestica with diazinon, in an attempt to increase its resistance to diazinon, had the unexpected result of the flies becoming more susceptible but concomitantly their level of aliesterase was significantly increased. The aliesterase level of the immature stages of M. domestica is reported.
Zusammenfassung Es wurde festgestellt, daß das Chemosterilisans Metepa bei oraler oder topischer Applikation bei erwachsenen Stubenfliegen die Aliesterase-Aktivität herabsetzt, die Schlüpfrate der Eier vermindert und bei oraler Anwendung auch die Präovipositionszeit verlängert. Oral verabreichtes DDT hat wenig Einfluß auf die Aliesterase, setzt aber die Lebensfähigkeit der Eier herab. Die Selektion einer Linie von Musca domestica durch Diazinon mit dem Ziel, ihre Resistenz gegen Diazinon zu erhöhen, hatte das unerwartete Ergebnis, daß die Fliegen empfindlicher wurden, zugleich aber ihr Aliesterase-Spiegel signifikant anstieg. Der Aliesterase-Spiegel der nicht erwachsenen Stubenfliegen-Stadien wird angegeben.

Opioid peptides are present in peripheral blood, and may bind to human lymphocytes. In order to determine their influence on human lymphocytes we studied the effect of endogenous opioid peptides on human lymphocyte natural killer function. Beta-endorphin and several analogues (i.e., gamma-endorphin) are shown to enhance human peripheral blood natural killer function. The enhancement of natural killing by these opioid peptides was dose-dependent and naloxone (an opiate antagonist) reversible. In studying various analogues of beta-endorphin, beta-lipotropin and gamma-endorphin were approximately 3-5 times more effective at enhancing peripheral blood NK function than Leu-enkephalin and -endorphin. In addition, we observed that naloxone reversed human fibroblast interferon mediated enhancement of human blood lymphocyte natural killer function. These observations suggest that circulating endogenous opioid peptides may have a physiologic role in regulating human blood lymphocyte natural killing.  相似文献   

An assay using radioactive substrates is described that permits rapid determinations of glycerophospholipid-hydrolyzing activity in postheparin plasma or its fractions. Optimal conditions are described for hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine. A minimum of only 2 mul of normal postheparin plasma is used and no extraction of the reaction products is required before their separation by thin-layer chromatography. We found that after an optimal heparin dose of 60 units/kg body weight the rate of hydrolysis for diacyl glycerophosphocholine and diacyl glycerophosphoethanolamine is 1.16 mumoles/ml per hr and 22.4 mumoles/ml per hr, respectively.  相似文献   

Prolyl hydroxylase activity in normal and diseased human liver.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Prolyl hydroxylase activity was determined in liver biopsy samples obtained from 10 patients. The liver prolyl hydroxylase values in patients with active hepatitis distribute into two numerical populations based on the extent of elevation over control. The first of these groups includes those with enzyme levels elevated approximately 2.5-fold over normal. Included in this group are patients with active (but nonagrressive) hepatitis and patients where advanced portal fibrosis is already established. The second group where prolyl hydroxylase is elevated approximately nine-fold is comprised of two patients with advanced clinical symptoms of active alcoholic hepatitis with evidence of aggressive cirrhosis but with only early minimal evidence of existing fibrosis.  相似文献   

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