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The response of 5 anterior pituitary hormones to single injections of naloxone, morphine and metenkephalin administration was measured in male rats. Morphine and met-enkephalin significantly increased serum prolactin and GH concentrations, and significantly decreased serum LH and TSH concentrations. Naloxone reduced serum prolactin and GH concentrations, increased serum LH and FSH, but had little effect on serum TSH concentrations. Concurrent injections of naloxone with morphine or met-enkephalin reduced the response to each of the drugs given separtely. These results suggest that endogenous morphinomimetic substances may participate in regulating secretion of anterior pituitary hormones.  相似文献   

Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats, maintained under a controlled photoperiod of LD 14:10 (white lights on at 06:00 h, CST), were injected with lithium chloride and changes in the levels of plasma and pituitary homogenates of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and prolactin (PRL) were examined to evaluate the effects of this anti-manic drug on reproductive function. Two groups of rats were injected with lithium chloride intraperitoneally, twice daily at 09:00 and 16:00 h, for 2 and 7 days at a dosage of 2.5 meg/Kg body weight. Plasma and pituitary levels of LH, FSH and PRL were measured by radioimmunoassay. Plasma levels of LH were significantly (P<0.05) increased after 2 days of lithium treatment. In contrast, a significant (P<0.005) reduction in plasma levels of LH was evident when lithium injections were continued for 7 days. The plasma levels of FSH remained unaffected by lithium treatment by either time period. Lithium administered for 2 days did not bring about any significant alteration in the plasma levels of PRL, although there was a significant (P<0.002) reduction in plasma PRL levels after 7 days treatment. The concentrations of pituitary LH, FSH and PRL remained unchanged after 2 and 7 days of lithium treatment.  相似文献   

Plasma FSH and LH response to a synthetic GnRH analog was measured in adult ovariectomized pony mares (OVX) and in pony foals (<70 days of age) during late spring (May-June). FSH and LH responded in a similar fashion (200% increase) in the OVX mare, which is different from other reports for intact mares. There was a greater mean response to a comparable dose of GnRH in the prepubertal foal for both FSH (500%) and LH (900%) than in the OVX mare. There was a positive correlation between age and the maximum FSH response to GnRH in male and female foals. The LH response was positively correlated with age in male foals, but not in females. The response to GnRH in the prepubertal foals was consistent with the previously observed patterns of gonadotropin secretion during this age period.  相似文献   

Prostaglandins have been shown to modulate the secretion of several pituitary hormones, suggesting that therapeutic doses of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may change basal hormone levels. In this study, plasma levels of prolactin, follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, thyrotropin and beta-endorphin were determined in 6 healthy men after administration of diclofenac, a prostaglandin synthesis inhibitor. The subjects were given 75 mg intramuscularly and 50 mg orally at 08.00 h the first day, 50 mg orally at 08.00, 12.00 and 20.00 h the second day and an additional 50 mg orally at 08.00 h the third day. Blood samples were collected throughout these 3 days. Diclofenac resulted in a significant and sustained decrease in plasma level of prolactin (p less than 0.005). The other hormones did not demonstrate significant change following diclofenac administration. These data suggest that administration of a prostaglandin synthesis inhibitor, such as diclofenac, selectively alters basal pituitary secretion of prolactin in humans without a detectable effect on plasma levels of other pituitary hormones. This study supports the hypothesis that prostaglandins are necessary for maintaining basal level of prolactin secretion in man.  相似文献   

Naturally cycling white faced ewes were utilized to study the effects of continuously elevated environmental temperature and/or humidity on plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin (PRL), progesterone (P4) and testosterone (TE) during the estrous cycle. Fourteen ewes were randomly allocated on the day of estrus (day 0) to either thermoneutral conditions (21.1 degrees C, 65% relative humidity) or elevated ambient temperature/humidity conditions (36.1 degrees C, 71% relative humidity) producing an average 1.4 degrees C hyperthermia. Animals remained in their respective environments and blood samples were collected daily until the next estrus or day 20, whichever occurred first. Starting at noon on day 14, blood was sampled every 2 hours. Concentrations of LH, PRL, P4 and TE were quantified using validated radioimmunoassays. Hyperthermic ewes exhibited 1) a significant decrease (P<0.05) in the incidence of behavioral estrus and a preovulatory LH surge at the expected time of the estrous cycle, 2) significantly lower (P<0.05) plasma P4 between days 7 and 13 of the cycle, 3) a six-fold increase of PRL levels (P<0.01). Plasma levels of TE were not significantly affected by hyperthermia. The only two experimental ewes which exhibited estrus and an LH surge also showed an unusual and significant peak in plasma P4 two days before estrus. These results confirm that elevated environmental temperatures that result in hyperthermia can induce endocrine imbalances in the ewe which may contribute to decreased reproductive efficiency in the heat-stressed female.  相似文献   

The effects of several doses of progesterone on FSH and LH concentrations were used to study the role of the gonadotropins on deviation in growth rates of the two largest follicles during the establishment of follicle dominance. Progesterone was given to pony mares at a daily dose rate of 0 mg (controls), 30 mg (low dose), 100 mg (intermediate dose), and 300 mg (high dose). All follicles > or = 6 mm were ablated at Day 10 (Day 0 = ovulation) to initiate a new follicular wave; prostaglandin F(2alpha) was given to induce luteolysis, and progesterone was given from Days 10 to 24. The low dose did not significantly alter any of the ovarian or gonadotropin end points. The high dose reduced (P < 0.05) the ablation-induced FSH concentrations on Day 11. Maximum diameter of the largest follicle (17.2 +/- 0.6 mm) and the second-largest follicle (15.5 +/- 0.9 mm) in the high-dose group was less (P < 0.04) than the diameter of the second-largest follicle in the controls (20.0 +/- 1.0 mm) at the beginning of deviation (Day 16.7 +/- 0.4). Thus, the growth of the two largest follicles was reduced by the high dose, presumably through depression of FSH, so that the follicles did not attain a diameter characteristic of deviation in the controls. The intermediate dose did not affect FSH concentrations. However, the LH concentrations increased in the control, low, and intermediate groups, but then decreased (P < 0.05) in the intermediate group to pretreatment levels. The LH decrease in the intermediate group occurred 2 days before deviation in the controls. The maximum diameter of the largest follicle was less (P < 0.0001) in the intermediate group (27.3 +/- 1.8 mm) than in the controls (38.9 +/- 1.5 mm), but the maximum diameter of the second-largest follicle was not different between the two groups (19.0 +/- 1.1 vs. 20.3 +/- 1.0 mm). Thus, the onset of deviation, as assessed by the second-largest follicle, was not delayed by the decrease in LH. Diameter of the largest follicle by Day 18 in the intermediate group (23.1 +/- 1.6 mm) was less (P < 0.05) than in the controls (28.0 +/- 1.0 mm). These results suggest that circulating LH was not involved in the initiation of dominance (inhibition of other follicles by the largest follicle) but was required for the continued growth of the largest follicle after or concurrently with its initial expression of dominance.  相似文献   

Basal concentrations of prolactin but not luteinizing hormone were elevated in ewes by 8--10 h of heat stress given daily during the first 11 days of their oestrous cycle. However, the prolactin and luteinizing hormone responses to thyrotrophin releasing hormone and gonadotrophin releasing hormone were unaffected.  相似文献   

Serum gonadotropin concentrations were high and variable and fluctuated episodically in short and long term ovariectomized ewes. Treatment with solid silastic implants releasing progesterone (serum levels 1.81 +/- 0.16 ng/ml) had no consistent effect. Treatment with implants releasing estradiol-17beta significantly depressed mean serum gonadotropin concentrations and peak height to values usually seen in intact ewes. This occurred regardless of implant size and serum estradiol-17beta concentrations (range 11 +/- 0.3 pg/ml to 98 +/- 12.8 pg/ml). Progesterone and estradiol-17beta together significantly depressed the frequency of peaks in LH concentration. Following progesterone removal, 95% of the ewes treated with progesterone and estradiol-17beta implants experienced a transient increase in serum LH concentrations similar to the preovulatory surge in intact ewes. Eighty-four percent of the LH surges were accompanied by a surge in serum FSH concentrations. However, following progesterone removal, 5.1 +/- 2.1 FSH surges were observed over six days. Gonadotropin surges occurred regardless of estradiol-17beta implant size and with or without the influence of supplemental estradiol-17beta.  相似文献   

Hemicastration of Holstein bulls at 3 months of age resulted in increased (P<0.005) testicular weitht and testis sperm cell content at 330 days after treatment, but did not alter sperm cell concentration in the remaining hypertrophied testis. Radioimmuroassay of blood hormones at 1, 6, 12, and 24 weeks after treatment revealed that unilateral castration did not alter (P>0.1) basal levels or GnRH response profiles of either LH or testosterone compared to intact bulls. Hemicastration caused FSH to be elevated (P<0.01) compared to intact bulls at all sampling periods in both unstimulated and GnRH stimulated bulls. Prolactin varied with season and was greater (P<0.001) in hemicastrated bulls than in intact bulls at 1 and 6 weeks after treatment. Results indicate that unilateral castration at 3 months of age caused testicular hypertrophy of both steroidogenic and gametogenic function and this phenomena may be triggered by increased FSH or prolactin secretion, or both. Further, results indicate different testicular regulation mechanisms exist for pituitary LH and FSH release in bulls.  相似文献   

The effect of a commonly used anaesthetic, ketamine/xylazine and/or carbon dioxide (CO(2)) on plasma luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) and testosterone concentrations was determined in male Sprague-Dawley rats. These values were compared with values obtained from pre-anaesthetic control samples. Ketamine/xylazine treatment did not significantly affect testosterone concentrations. In contrast, LHRH started to decrease one hour after ketamine/xylazine administration and continued to significantly decrease after 24 h. In addition, in the CO(2) euthanasia-only group, LHRH concentrations were also significantly decreased. These results suggest that ketamine/xylazine anaesthesia followed by CO(2) euthanasia 24 h later is exerting a significant effect on LHRH concentrations 24 h after anaesthetizing, while only having a slight effect on testosterone, and that CO(2) is exerting an immediate significant effect on LHRH. In conclusion, LHRH analysis should be avoided after ketamine/xylazine anaesthesia and CO(2) euthanasia.  相似文献   

The endocrine control of compensatory hypertrophy was investigated in 12 Morgan stallions, four each at one, two and three years of age. Half were assigned to be unilaterally castrated (UC) in January and half to remain intact (IN). Nine blood samples were taken from each stallion at half-hour intervals 30, 90, and 150 d after unilateral castration for radioimmunoassay of serum concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and testosterone. Mean serum LH concentration was greater (P<0.06) in UC than IN stallions; however, the difference was greatest at 30 d and least at 150 d. Serum LH was greater (P<0.01) in two- and three-year-olds than in one-year-olds. The mean log(10) for serum FSH concentration was greater (P<0.06) in UC than IN stallions. Mean serum testosterone concentrations were similar in UC and IN stallions for all sample days, suggesting that the single testes of the UC stallions produced as much testosterone as the two testes of the IN stallions. Two- and three-year-old stallions had greater (P<0.01) serum testosterone than one-year-old stallions. Unilateral castration of stallions was associated with a significant increase in serum LH and FSH concentrations and, perhaps, higher intratesticular testosterone, which may explain, in part, the compensatory hypertrophy noted in the remaining testis.  相似文献   

Pregnant pony mares in Group A (n = 4) received i.m. injections at 07:00 and 17:00 h of 0.8 mg bromocriptine/kg body weight 0.75 per day beginning on Day 295 of gestation and continuing until parturition. Group B (n = 4) was treated similarly, but perphenazine was administered orally at 0.375 mg/kg body weight twice a day beginning on Day 305 of gestation and continuing until parturition. Mares in Group C (n = 3) received i.m. injections of saline. Mean plasma prolactin and progesterone concentrations were greater (P less than 0.05) for mares in Group C than in Groups A and B from 295 to 309 days of gestation. From 305 days of gestation, plasma prolactin and progesterone concentrations were greater (P less than 0.05) in Group B and C than in Group A mares. Progesterone and prolactin concentrations increased over this period for Group B and Group C mares, but remained constant in Group A mares. From 10 days pre partum through foaling, mares in Group A had lower progesterone (P less than 0.05) and prolactin (P less than 0.01) concentrations than Group B and C mares. All mares in Group A were agalactic at foaling, while all mares in Groups B and C had normal milk secretion. Gestation was longer (P less than 0.05) in Group A than in Group C mares. In Group A, 2 mares retained the placenta for greater than 3 h, 3 mares had dystocia and all 4 mares had thickened, haemorrhagic placentae.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

These experiments tested the hypothesis that administration of steroid hormones to ovariectomized (OVX) mares during the vernal transition to the breeding season would influence LH and FSH secretion. Circulating gonadotropin concentrations, response to exogenous GnRH, and pituitary gonadotropin content were monitored. Experiments 1 and 2 were conducted, beginning 10 March, and 3 February, respectively, utilizing a total of 30 long-term OVX pony mares. In experiment 1, mares were administered vehicle (n = 5) or estradiol-17 beta (E2, n = 5, 5 mg/3 ml sesame oil), twice daily for 16 days. Blood samples were collected daily for assessment of circulating LH and FSH concentrations. On Day 10 of treatment, 400 micrograms GnRH were administered to all mares. LH increased significantly over days of treatment in the estradiol-treated group, but pituitary response to GnRH tended to be less than in control mares. Circulating FSH tended to decline over days of treatment in estradiol-treated mares, and the pituitary response to GnRH was significantly reduced. Pituitary LH, but not FSH, was increased on Day 16 of treatment with estradiol. In experiment 2, 20 OVX mares received, twice daily, vehicle (n = 5), E2, n = 5; 5 mg), progesterone (P4, n = 5; 100 mg), or progesterone plus estradiol (P4/E2, n = 5; 100 + 5 mg). Treatment continued for 14 days. GnRH (100 micrograms) challenges were administered on Days 6 and 13 of treatment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to determine the effect of sampling interval on serum concentrations of LH, FSH, and prolactin (PRL) in prepubertal, ovariectomized, and cycling gilts. In all experiments, blood samples were drawn at 2-min intervals for 4 h from indwelling jugular catheters. Mean serum hormone concentrations, mean number of peaks, and mean and maximum peak heights of LH, FSH, and PRL were calculated using values reflecting 2-, 6-, 10-, 20-, 30-, and 60-min sampling intervals. For LH, FSH, and PRL, mean serum concentrations can be obtained through blood samples drawn at hourly intervals. Since LH peaks are very distinct in pigs, the number of secretory peaks and mean peak height can be obtained via samples drawn at 20-min intervals. Since FSH and PRL peaks are less well defined, a more frequent sampling interval (10 min) is needed to determine number of peaks and mean peak height. To obtain the maximum peak height or the number of minutes for LH, FSH, or PRL to rise from its nadir to zenith, blood samples need to be drawn at 2-min intervals. Regardless of reproductive state, these data indicate that the sampling interval needed to characterize serum concentrations of LH, FSH, and PRL in the gilt is dependent upon the parameter in question.  相似文献   

Finnish Landrace x Southdown ewes were ovariectomized (OVX) and subjected to daily photoperiods of 16L:8D (Group I) or 8L:16D (Group II) for 84 days. Ewes were then either adrenalectomized (ADX) (N = 5 for Group I; N = 4 for Group II) or sham ADX (N = 6 for Groups I + II). After surgery, ewes in Group I were subjected to 8L:16D for 91 days and 16L:8D for 91 days whereas ewes in Group II were exposed to 16L:8D for 91 days and 8L:16D for 91 days. Oestradiol implants were inserted into all ewes on Day 148. Sequential blood samples were taken at 28, 56, 91, 119, 147 and 168 days after surgery to determine secretory profiles of LH and prolactin. Photoperiod did not influence LH release in Group I in the absence of oestradiol. Although photoperiod influenced frequency and amplitude of LH pulses in Group II before oestradiol treatment, adrenalectomy did not prevent these changes in patterns of LH release. However, in Group II the increase in LH pulse amplitude during exposure to long days was greater (P less than 0.01) in adrenalectomized ewes than in sham-operated ewes. Mean concentrations of LH increased in ADX ewes on Days 91 (P = 0.07) and 119 (P less than 0.05). Adrenalectomy failed to influence photoperiod-induced changes in mean concentrations of LH, amplitude of LH pulses and frequency of LH pulses in the presence of oestradiol. Concentrations of prolactin were influenced by photoperiod. In Groups I and II concentrations of prolactin increased (P less than 0.01) after adrenalectomy, but the magnitude of this effect decreased over time.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Modulation of reproductive functions is one of the multiple effects of growth hormone (GH). To investigate effects of reproductive functions on GH release in the horse, plasma GH concentrations in ovary-intact (n = 7) and ovariectomized (n = 8) mares during the anovulatory and breeding seasons and in pregnant mares (n = 6) at various stages of gestation were determined. To analyze an opioidergic regulation of GH release, repeated blood samples were taken over 3 h, and mares were injected with the opioid antagonist naloxone (0.5 mg/kg i.v.) or saline. GH was determined by RIA with an antiserum raised against porcine GH and equine GH as standard. In ovariectomized and ovary-intact, cyclic mares, GH concentrations were low and not different between the two groups in November and December. GH concentrations increased significantly (P < 0.05) in cyclic mares during May and June but were not affected by stage of the cycle and were low in ovariectomized mares. In pregnant mares, plasma GH concentrations remained high throughout pregnancy and did not decrease during winter but increased significantly (P < 0.05) postpartum. Naloxone induced a significant GH release in ovary-intact mares; this response was most pronounced (P < 0.05) during the breeding season. Naloxone did not affect GH in ovariectomized mares. During pregnancy, naloxone induced a significant release of GH around Day 280 (P < 0.05) but not at other times of pregnancy. In conclusion, GH release is influenced by season. The seasonal changes depend on ovarian factors, are absent in ovariectomized mares, and can be modulated by pregnancy. GH release is regulated at least in part by opioidergic pathways.  相似文献   



The daily pattern of nursing of the rabbit pup by the doe is the most important event in the day for the newborn and is neatly anticipated by them. Such anticipation presumably needs a close correlation with changes in hormones that will allow the pups to develop an appropriate behavior. Although a number of circadian functions have been examined in newborn rabbits, there is no information on 24-h pattern of gonadotropin release or on possible sex-related differences in gonadotropin or prolactin (PRL) release of pups. This study examined the 24-h changes of plasma luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and prolactin (PRL) in 11 days old suckling female and male rabbits left with the mother or after short-term (i.e., 48 h) doe-litter separation.  相似文献   

The in vitro incorporation of [3H]leucine into immunoprecipitable follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) was assessed for pituitaries from pony mares treated with testosterone propionate (TP) or oil (controls). Mares were treated every other day with TP (n = 4) at 350 micrograms/kg of body weight or with an equivalent volume of oil (n = 4). One day following the sixth injection of TP, each mare received an intravenous injection of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) at 1.0 micrograms/kg body weight and was bled frequently for 4 h. Treatment of mares with TP reduced FSH (P less than 0.05) and LH (P less than 0.01) concentrations in daily blood samples and increased (P less than 0.01) the amount of FSH secreted in response to GnRH compared with control mares. Incorporation of [3H]leucine into immunoprecipitable FSH was also greater (P less than 0.01) in pituitaries from TP-treated mares compared with control mares on both a per mg tissue and per anterior pituitary basis. The amount of LH secreted after GnRH, the amount left in the pituitary and the incorporation of [3H]leucine into LH were not affected by treatment. These results confirm earlier conclusions drawn from indirect evidence that androgens increase the production of FSH in the mare.  相似文献   

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