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A stable propidium iodide staining procedure for flow cytometry   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A propidium iodide (PI) staining procedure is described in which 50 micrograms/ml PI in 10(-2) M Tris, pH 7.0, with 5 mM MgCl2 is used to stain murine erythroleukemia cells (MELC) grown in suspension culture as well as single cell suspensions derived from rat kidney adenocarcinoma and human prostatic carcinoma. Specificity of staining of nuclear DNA is achieved by enzymatic removal of RNA using RNAse in the staining solution. Virtually identical histograms, with the same G1 peak height and closely similar coefficients of variation (CVs), are obtained using a wide range of RNAse concentrations on replicate samples of MELC if the incubation times are sufficiently prolonged when employing the lower enzyme concentrations. For 1 mg/ml RNAse on logarithmically growing MELC, 30 min incubation at 37 degrees C is needed to obtain a maximum G1 peak height and optimal CV and there is no significant change in the histogram if the incubation is prolonged to 4 hr. For every 4-fold decrease in RNAse concentration, the incubation time at 37 degrees C must be doubled to obtain the same maximal G1 peak height and optimal CV. Unfixed cell preparations, whether derived from suspension or monolayer cultures or from solid tumors, are stable for 2 or more weeks if stored at 4 degrees C between flow cytometric analyses and histograms are usually only minimally altered if the stained cell samples are stored for 1-2 months at 4 degrees C. Sample decay is associated with bacterial contamination. If sterile preparative techniques are used initially, subsequent contamination of the stained preparations may be minimized by adding sodium azide to the stained samples at 0.1% without influencing fluorescence intensity. Glycerine may be added to 10% and the samples slowly frozen for storage without altering DNA histogram shapes. The simplicity of sample preparation and the stability of the resulting stained cell samples makes this procedure suitable for repetitive comparative sampling of tissue and cell populations over prolonged time spans.  相似文献   

Since its introduction, the propidium iodide (PI) flow cytometric assay has been widely used for the evaluation of apoptosis in different experimental models. It is based on the principle that apoptotic cells, among other typical features, are characterized by DNA fragmentation and, consequently, loss of nuclear DNA content. Use of a fluorochrome, such as PI, that is capable of binding and labeling DNA makes it possible to obtain a rapid (the protocol can be completed in about 2 h) and precise evaluation of cellular DNA content by flow cytometric analysis, and subsequent identification of hypodiploid cells. The original protocol enhanced the capacity for a rapid, quantitative measure of cell apoptosis. For this reason, since its publication, the PI assay has been widely used, as demonstrated by the large number of citations of the original paper and/or the continuous use of the method in many laboratories.  相似文献   

We studied the in situ binding of propidium iodide to DNA in fixed human lymphocytes, using flow cytometry. Experimental data of fluorescence emission vs dye concentration and vs cell concentration were obtained. Data were interpreted by means of two different mathematical models specific for the staining reaction, and the binding parameters were obtained by "best-fitting" of the data. A model based on two classes of binding sites with different affinity constants gave the most satisfactory fitting. The accessibility of the in situ chromatin turned out to be reduced with respect to the non in situ accessibility for ethidium bromide as reported in the literature. The present study shows the usefulness of the flow-cytometric technique for probing DNA structure in intact cells.  相似文献   

Bertuzzi  A.  D’Agnano  I.  Gandolfi  A.  Graziano  A.  Starace  G.  Ubezio  P. 《Cell biochemistry and biophysics》1990,17(3):257-267
We studied thein situ binding of propidium iodide to DNA in fixed human lymphocytes, using flow cytometry. Experimental data of fluorescence emission vs dye concentration and vs cell concentration were obtained. Data were interpreted by means of two different mathematical models specific for the staining reaction, and the binding parameters were obtained by “best-fitting” of the data. A model based on two classes of binding sites with different affinity constants gave the most satisfactory fitting. The accessibility of thein situ chromatin turned out to be reduced with respect to the nonin situ accessibility for ethidium bromide as reported in the literature. The present study shows the usefulness of the flow-cytometric technique for probing DNA structure in intact cells.  相似文献   

A flow cytometric analysis of DNA structural changes induced by cleavage with nucleases was performed on isolated HeLa nuclei by assessing changes in stainability with the DNA-specific fluorochrome propidium iodide (PI). After mild digestion with DNAse I, micrococcal nuclease, or with the single-strand-specific S1 and Neurospora crassa nucleases, fluorescence intensity of nuclei stained with PI increased by about 15-30% above the value of undigested control samples. No significant modifications were observed with the restriction enzymes Eco RI, Alu I, and Not I. The DNAse I-induced increase in fluorescence intensity was also observed with the non-intercalating dye Hoechst 33258, but not with mithramycin. Nuclease-induced fluorescence intensity changes as determined with PI were found to be dependent on the dye concentration. A constant increase (about 20%) was measured at dye/DNA-P ratios greater than 0.11. Below this value (2 micrograms/ml PI), the fluorescence intensity of digested samples was 15-30% lower than that of undigested controls. This behaviour towards intercalating dyes is similar to that of the relaxed (nicked) vs. the supercoiled (intact) form of circular DNA. These results suggest that conformation- but not sequence-specific nucleases induce a relaxation of DNA supercoils.  相似文献   

Modified Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) acid-fast stain is the usual method for detection of Cryptosporidium oocysts in feces. Propidium iodide permitted us to stain free or intra-oocyst sporozoites. With the ZN method only 3-5% of the oocysts purified from three human and one experimentally infected lamb dichromate-preserved feces were stained by carbol fuchsin. These fuchsin-stained oocysts were free of intact sporozoites as identified by propidium iodide staining. Treatment with 10% formalin or 0.5% sodium hypochlorite increased the percentage of acid-fast stained oocysts and thus the sensitivity of acid-fast staining. Treatment with sodium hypochlorite induced intra-oocyst sporozoite alterations as demonstrated by flow cytometric analysis of the oocysts' DNA content. Propidium iodide staining of fixed oocysts is a simple and rapid method to visualize sporozoites and to assess oocyst preservation after different treatments.  相似文献   

Mithramycin and propidium iodide were used to stain HeLa cells, human lymphoma cells, and phytohemagglutinin-stimulated lymphocytes for flow microfluorometric analysis of cellular DNA. The stains provided similar estimates for the proliferative fraction of the populations. However, significant differences in the relative fluorescent intensity were demonstrated in the three cell populations. Fluorescent intensity of HeLa and lymphoma cells stained with mithramycin was higher than matched propidium iodide-stained cells. Normal lymphocytes showed greater fluorescent intensity when stained with propidium iodide. Differences in the staining behavior of these two dyes may prove to be highly informative probes of chromatin structural differences.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To study the apoptotic process in time, we used the following flow cytometric (FCM) techniques: phosphatidylserine (PS) translocation by Annexin-V (AnV), DNA fragmentation by in situ end labeling (ISEL), and propidium iodide (PI) staining. Because PS translocation is assumed to be an early feature of programmed cell death (PCD), we questioned if AnV positivity implies inevitable cell death. METHODS: Apoptosis was induced in Jurkat cells by gamma-irradiation, incubation with camptothecin (CPT), or cytosine beta-D-arabinofuranoside (Ara-C). At different time intervals, PCD was quantified by AnV/PI and ISEL. To analyze the influence of cell handling procedures on PCD, we applied these three FCM techniques on CD34+ bone marrow (BM) stem cells after selection and after a freeze-thaw procedure. Various AnV/PI- CD34+ fractions were cultured in a single-cell single-well (SCSW) assay. RESULTS: Jurkat cells under three different detrimental conditions showed essentially the same pattern of apoptosis in time. Initially developed AnV+/PI- cells subsequently (within 1 h) showed ISEL positivity, after which they turned into AnV+/PI++ cells with even higher levels of ISEL positivity (80-90%). Eventually, they lost some of their PI and ISEL positivity and formed the AnV+/PI+ fraction. Cell handling of CD34+ cells caused high and variable AnV+/PI- fractions (overall range 23-62%). Within total AnV+ and AnV+/PI- populations, only a minority of CD34+ cells showed ISEL positivity (range 4-8% and 0.8-6%, respectively). Different fractions of AnV+/PI- CD34+ cells did have clonogenic capacity. CONCLUSIONS: PCD of cell suspensions in vitro can be followed accurately in time by these three FCM techniques. PS translocation is followed rapidly (within 1 h) by oligo-nucleosomal DNA fragmentation, after which cell (and nuclear) membrane leakage occurs. Detection of PS asymmetry by AnV-fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) is not always associated with (inevitable) apoptosis, as can be concluded from the proliferative capacity of AnV+ /PI- CD34+ cells in the SCSW assay.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Measuring genome size by flow cytometry assumes direct proportionality between nuclear DNA staining and DNA amount. By 1997 it was recognized that secondary metabolites may affect DNA staining, thereby causing inaccuracy. Here experiments are reported with poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) with green leaves and red bracts rich in phenolics. METHODS: DNA content was estimated as fluorescence of propidium iodide (PI)-stained nuclei of poinsettia and/or pea (Pisum sativum) using flow cytometry. Tissue was chopped, or two tissues co-chopped, in Galbraith buffer alone or with six concentrations of cyanidin-3-rutinoside (a cyanidin-3-rhamnoglucoside contributing to red coloration in poinsettia). KEY RESULTS: There were large differences in PI staining (35-70 %) between 2C nuclei from green leaf and red bract tissue in poinsettia. These largely disappeared when pea leaflets were co-chopped with poinsettia tissue as an internal standard. However, smaller (2.8-6.9 %) differences remained, and red bracts gave significantly lower 1C genome size estimates (1.69-1.76 pg) than green leaves (1.81 pg). Chopping pea or poinsettia tissue in buffer with 0-200 microm cyanidin-3-rutinoside showed that the effects of natural inhibitors in red bracts of poinsettia on PI staining were largely reproduced in a dose-dependent way by this anthocyanin. CONCLUSIONS: Given their near-ubiquitous distribution, many suspected roles and known affects on DNA staining, anthocyanins are a potent, potential cause of significant error variation in genome size estimations for many plant tissues and taxa. This has important implications of wide practical and theoretical significance. When choosing genome size calibration standards it seems prudent to select materials producing little or no anthocyanin. Reviewing the literature identifies clear examples in which claims of intraspecific variation in genome size are probably artefacts caused by natural variation in anthocyanin levels or correlated with environmental factors known to induce variation in pigmentation.  相似文献   

Disseminated neoplasia (DN) is a disorder referred to as hemic neoplasia (HN) in the soft-shell clam Mya arenaria. Traditionally, diagnosis is performed by hematocytology or histology. The intensity of the disease is generally given as the percentage of transformed neoplastic cells out of total number of hemocytes. Flow cytometry techniques have found a field of application in diagnosis of HN with analysis of ploidy. Hemocytes of the soft-shell clams with HN display tetraploid DNA content, as shown by propidium iodide staining. This feature makes difficult HN diagnosis in the soft-shell clam, especially for early stages of the condition, since the percentage of normal circulating cells undergoing mitosis, which also are tetraploid, remains unknown in molluscs. Use of specific monoclonal antibodies in a flow cytometry assay was foreseen as a way to overcome the difficulty. The purpose of this study was to develop a double staining protocol using propidium iodide for hemocyte cycle analysis and the MAb 1E10 for staining of HN cells. Our results showed a correlation between tetraploid and MAb 1E10-stained hemocytes in a single clam with moderate HN. This protocol offers some potential for further investigation of this cell disorder. However, a validation step will be necessary to confirm our preliminary results.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Spectral interference (overlap) from phagocytosed green-yellow (GY) microspheres in the flow cytometric, red fluorescence emission measurement channel causes errors in quantifying damaged/dead alveolar macrophages by uptake of propidium iodide. METHODS: Particle burdens of uniform GY fluorescent microspheres phagocytosed by rat alveolar macrophages and the discrimination of damaged/dead cells as indexed by propidium iodide uptake were assessed with conventional and phase-sensitive flow cytometry. RESULTS: The fluorescence spectral emission from phagocytosed microspheres partly overlapped the propidium iodide red fluorescence emission and interfered with the measurement of damaged/dead cells when using conventional flow cytometry without subtractive compensation. This caused errors when estimating the percentage of nonviable, propidium iodide-positive, phagocytic macrophages. The interference was eliminated by employing phase-sensitive detection in the red fluorescence measurement channel based on differences in fluorescence lifetimes between the fluorescent microspheres and propidium iodide. Intrinsic cellular autofluorescence, whose fluorescence lifetime is approximately the same as that of the phagocytosed microspheres, also was eliminated in the phase-sensitive detection process. Because there was no detectable spectral interference of propidium iodide in the green fluorescence (phagocytosis) measurement channel, conventional fluorescence detection was employed. CONCLUSIONS: Phase-resolved, red fluorescence emission measurement eliminates spectral overlap errors caused by autofluorescent phagocytes that contain fluorescent microspheres in the analyses of propidium iodide uptake.Cytometry 39:45-55, 2000. Published 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The neutral comet assay was devised to measure double-stranded DNA breaks, but it has also been used to measure apoptosis based on its characteristic DNA fragmentation patterns. There is still uncertainty about the reliability of this method. By comparing the comet assay with a flow cytometry method that uses Annexin V binding to apoptotic cells, we have provided further evidence for evaluating the usefulness of the comet assay for detecting apoptosis. METHODS: Apoptosis was induced in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) by ionizing radiation and measured using the comet assay and a flow cytometry method that measures Annexin V and propidium iodide (PI) staining. RESULTS: The Annexin V flow cytometry assay distinguished among early apoptosis, late apoptosis, and an apoptotic or necrotic phase in which the cells were labeled with both Annexin V and PI. The comet assay detected only the latter two phases of apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: The comet assay is a useful tool for measuring the late stages of apoptosis whereas the Annexin V assay measures higher amounts of apoptosis because it can detect cells in an earlier stage of the apoptotic pathway.  相似文献   

We report the first calorimetrically-derived characterization of the thermodynamics of ethidium bromide (EB) and propidium iodide (PI) binding to a series of nucleic acid host duplexes. Our spectroscopic and calorimetric measurements yield the following results: 1) At low salt (16mM Na+) and 25 degrees C. PI binds more strongly than EB to a given host duplex. The magnitude of this PI preference depends only marginally on base sequence, with AT base pairs showing a greater PI preference than GC base pairs. 2) The enhanced binding of PI relative to EB at low salt and 25 degrees C reflects a more favorable entropic driving force for PI binding. 3) The PI binding preference diminishes at higher salt concentrations (216mM). In other words, the binding preference is electrostatic in origin. 4) The salt dependence of the binding constants (delta lnKb/delta ln[Na+]) reveal that PI binds as a dication while EB binds as a monocation. 5) PI and EB both exhibit impressive enthalpy-entropy compensations when they bind to the deoxy homopolymers poly dA.poly dT and poly dA.poly dU. We have observed a similar enthalpy-entropy compensation for netropsin binding to the poly dA.poly dT homopolymer duplex. We therefore conclude that the compensation phenomenon is an intrinsic property of the host duplex rather than reflecting a property of the binding ligand. 6) When either PI or EB bind to the corresponding ribo homopolymer (poly rA.poy rU) we do not observe the enthalpy-entropy compensation that characterizes the binding to the deoxy homopolymer. 7) EB and PI both bind more strongly to poly d(AT).poly d(AT) than to poly d(AU).poly d(AU). Specifically, the absence of the thymine methyl group in poly d(AU).poly d(AU) reduces the binding constant of both drugs by a factor of four. This reduction in binding is due to a less favorable entropy change. In this paper we present and discuss possible molecular origins for our observed thermodynamic and extra-thermodynamic data. In particular, we evoke solvent effects involving both the drugs and the host duplexes when we propose molecular interpretations which are consistent with our thermodynamic data.  相似文献   

The antibody Ki-67, which detects proliferating cells, was used in combination with propidium iodide, a DNA-specific dye. The double-staining method allowed discrimination of cells in the phases of the cell cycle as well as the recognition of Ki-67 staining characteristics. Suspension cultures of U937 cells were measured in exponential growth and plateau phase in nutritional deprivation. The fraction of Ki-67 positive cells was nearly 100% 2 days after dilution and 46% 7 days after dilution of the cultures. Stathmokinetic measurements with colchicine and flow cytometry measurements with the BrdU-Hoechst technique yielded close to 100% proliferation at day 2 but only 18% and 6%, respectively, at day 7. The discrepancy between Ki-67 results and the results of the two other methods is considered to be a characteristic of nutritionally deprived cells.  相似文献   

Abstract. The antibody Ki-67, which detects proliferating cells, was used in combination with propidium iodide, a DNA-specific dye. The double-staining method allowed discrimination of cells in the phases of the cell cycle as well as the recognition of Ki-67 staining characteristics. Suspension cultures of U937 cells were measured in exponential growth and plateau phase in nutritional deprivation. The fraction of Ki-67 positive cells was nearly 100% 2 days after dilution and 46% 7 days after dilution of the cultures. Stathmokinetic measurements with colchicine and flow cytometry measurements with the BrdU-Hoechst technique yielded close to 100% proliferation at day 2 but only 18% and 6%, respectively, at day 7. The discrepancy between Ki-67 results and the results of the two other methods is considered to be a characteristic of nutritionally deprived cells.  相似文献   

In order to better characterize the new rapid staining method for flow cytofluorometry proposed by Krishan, we have tested its stability and several other properties, and have carried out a quantitative comparison of the fluorescence histograms obtained using propidium iodide or the acriflavine-Feulgen staining procedure. Using a human hematopoietic cell line in the logarithmic phase of growth, and analyzing the data by means of a mathematical method we have devised, we found that the fluorescence intentsity of cells stained with propidium iodide remains stable for at least 48 h; it is insensitive to dye concentration between 0.025 and 0.10 mg/ml (37-150 muM); it is not affected by incubation with ribonuclease before staining; propidium iodide in 0.1% sodium citrate remains stable for at least 20 days; and quantitative estimates of the fractions of cells in the different phases of the cell cycle are in good agreement with those obtained from acriflavine-Feulgen staining and from autoradiography after pulse labeling with tritiated thymidine. We conclude that this method is useful for the measurement of relative DNA content by flow cytofluorometry, although modifications in the technique are necessary for some cell types which grow in monolayers.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Viability measurements of individual bacteria are applied in various scopes of research and industry using approaches where propidium iodide (PI) serves as dead cell indicator. The reliability of PI uptake as a cell viability indicator for dead (PI permeable) and viable (PI impermeable) bacteria was tested using two soil bacteria, the gram(-) Sphingomonas sp. LB126 and the gram(+) Mycobacterium frederiksbergense LB501T. METHODS: Bacterial proliferation activities observed viaDAPI and Hoechst 33342 staining were linked to the energy charge and the proportion of dead cells as obtained by diOC(6) (3)-staining and PI-uptake, respectively. Calibration and verification experiments were performed using batch cultures grown on different substrates. RESULTS: PI uptake depended on the physiological state of the bacterial cells. Unexpectedly, up to 40% of both strains were stained by PI during early exponential growth on glucose when compared to 2-5% of cells in the early stationary phase of growth. CONCLUSIONS: The results question the utility of PI as a universal indicator for the viability of (environmental) bacteria. It rather appears that in addition to nonviable cells, PI also stains growing cells of Sphingomonas sp. and M. frederiksbergense during a short period of their life cycle.  相似文献   

The use of flow cytometry in microbiology allows rapid characterization of cells from a nonhomogeneous population. A method based on flow cytometry to assess the effects of lethal agents and the bacterial survival in starved cultures through the use of membrane potential-sensitive dyes and a nucleic acid marker is presented. The use of propidium iodide, rhodamine, and oxonol has facilitated the differentiation of cells of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium of various states of vitality following various treatments (heat, sonication, electroporation, and incubation with gramicidin) and during starvation in artificial seawater. The fluorescence intensity is directly correlated with viable cell counts for rhodamine 123 labelling, whereas oxonol and propidium iodide labelling is inversely correlated with viable counts. The distribution of rhodamine and oxonol uptake during starvation-survival clearly indicates that single-species starved bacteria are heterogeneous populations, and flow cytometry can be a fundamental tool for quantifying this heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Apoptosis and necrosis represent two different mechanisms by which cells die. The dynamics of cellular lesions in these two processes differ. In particular we demonstrate that plasma membrane damage, occurring as a primary event during necrosis represents, on the contrary, a delayed but massive phenomenon during apoptosis. In consequence there are different kinetics of propidium iodide incorporation by necrotic and apoptotic thymocytes. This represents the basis for the flow cytometric identification of different cellular subsets. Analysis of these subsets after sorting showed that clearly apoptotic cells, which are not able to exclude propidium iodide for long incubation periods, do not show any morphologically detectable membrane damage. The kinetics of propidium iodide incorporation in vivo in isolated rat thymocytes can therefore be used in flow cytometric analysis. This technique can be used instead of DNA staining of ethanol-treated cells or nick translation to recognize apoptotic cells, and distinguish apoptosis from necrosis, without killing the cell.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The quality of bull sperm is a key factor in the field of controlled reproduction. Viability-testing is an important aspect of sperm quality definition, especially after cryopreservation where multiple factors such as handling, freeze-thaw cycle, and preservation media, have an impact on the metabolic and functional state of sperm cells. METHODS: We investigated the commonly used SYBR-14/propidium iodide (PI) assay to obtain functional information about sperm-dye and dye-dye interactions. After optimizing filter settings, dye concentrations and incubation times we used these dyes for an interruption free flow cytometric kinetic analysis of a mixture of viable and dead bovine sperm. RESULTS: For the sensitivity of this method and the separation of the different cellular subpopulations fluorescence quenching of SYBR-14 by PI is mainly responsible. Together with a spectral overlap of the two emission spectra of about 5%, even for a wavelength greater than 700 nm, this quenching effect has to be taken into account for a quantitative understanding of the observed fluorescence intensity signals. The fraction of a temporary "intermediate" population to be observed between the viable and dead cells in an SYBR-14/PI-dot-plot diagram becomes greater after stress on the sperm cells caused by cryopreservation. The temporary fraction of "intermediate" cells is maximal at about 6 min after staining and disappears after about 15 min by shifting towards the dead sperm population. The estimation of this "intermediate" population may be a good indicator for handling and storage induced detrimental effects on bovine sperm cells. CONCLUSION: The SYBR-14/PI assay is a fast, reliable and sensitive method to assess the membrane integrity of bull sperm and to separate viable, dead, and "intermediate" sperm subpopulations.  相似文献   

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