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Earth mites are major winter pests of a variety of crops and pastures in southern Australia. Competition between four earth mite species was investigated using field and shadehouse experiments. The influence of different plant hosts on the frequency and intensity of competitive interactions also were examined. This information is important, because control attempts that eradicate one species of mite could be directly followed by an increase in abundance of another earth mite species. There were strong effects of intraspecific competition on the reproductive rate of species, while interspecific interactions between Halotydeus destructor (Tucker) and Penthaleus species and between the three Penthaleus species also were detected. Competitive abilities were altered on the different plant types. On pasture, the competitive advantage swayed between Penthaleus major (Dugés), H. destructor, and Penthaleus falcatus (Qin & Halliday). Penthaleus sp. x was the strongest competitor in a mixture of wheat, Triticum aestivum (L.), and oats, Avena sativa (L.), whereas on canola, Brassica napus (L.), and bristly ox-tongue, Picris echioides (L.), P. falcatus, and H. destructor were superior competitors. These results suggest that competition is a strong force influencing the abundance of earth mites in the field and that host plant factors are important in shaping the type of interactions. This highlights the importance of identifying mite species when considering control options and suggests that effective control recommendations need to be developed for each individual species.  相似文献   

Blue oat mites, Penthaleus spp., and redlegged earth mites, Halotydeus destructor (Tucker) are major winter pests of a variety of crops and pastures. In southern Australia earth mites exhibit a facultative egg diapause to survive unfavorable summer conditions. The initiation of diapause egg production in earth mites was investigated using field and shade-house experiments. Species differed in their timing of diapause. H. destructor mainly produced diapausing eggs towards the end of the active mite season in spring, although small numbers were also produced in winter. In contrast, Penthaleus major (Dugés) produced diapause eggs almost immediately after emergence in autumn and continued producing these eggs throughout the season. Penthaleus falcatus (Qin and Halliday) also produced diapause eggs in early winter, although the first appearance of these eggs was slightly later in the season than for P. major. The diapause response of an undescribed species was also somewhat later than in P. major and P. falcatus, but earlier than in H. destructor. Electrophoresis of P. major samples indicated that clones of this parthenogenic species may differ in their timing of diapause egg production, providing another potential selective factor contributing to the maintenance of clonal diversity within this group. The results highlight the importance of determining species composition when devising control strategies for earth mite outbreaks.  相似文献   

Integrated pest management programs seek to minimise reliance on pesticides and provide effective long-term control of pests. Cultural control strategies, such as crop rotations, trap and border crops, and weed management, require a thorough understanding of pest host associations. This paper examines the effects of different plant hosts on the persistence and reproduction of blue oat mites, Penthaleus spp., and the redlegged earth mite, Halotydeus destructor (Tucker), which are major agricultural pests in southern Australia. Field and shade-house experiments were conducted testing several crop and plant types. All species survived and reproduced from one mite season to the next when confined to pasture. Canola and a common weed, 'bristly ox-tongue', were suitable hosts for H. destructor and Penthaleus falcatus (Qin and Halliday), whereas Penthaleus sp. x and Penthaleus major (Dugés) failed to persist on these plants. A mixture of wheat and oats sustained P. sp. x and H. destructor, but not P. falcatus or P. major. Lentils were generally a poor host plant for all mite species. These findings show that earth mite species differ in their ability to persist on different plant types, highlighting the importance of distinguishing mite species before implementing control strategies. Results are discussed with respect to cultural control options for the management of these winter pests.  相似文献   

Earth mites are major pests of pastures and crops within southern Australia. While the biology and ecology of the redlegged earth mite (Halotydeus destructor) have been studied extensively, the blue oat mite (Penthaleus major) and its recently discovered relative, Penthaleus falcatus, have received little attention. The distribution of H. destructor, P. major and P. falcatus is described in Victoria, Australia, and the inland borders in central New South Wales are re-described. A new undescribed Penthaleus species identified from mallee samples is recognized, and its restricted distribution in Victoria is mapped. Electrophoretic data and the complete absence of males indicate that all Penthaleus species are obligate thelytokous parthenogens. The three Penthaleus species differ in clonal diversity. All species are pests of pastures and/or crops, however the preferred plant hosts of P. major and P. falcatus differ. Tolerance of a commonly used pesticide (omethoate) differs between the species. P. falcatus shows the highest LC50, and may be responsible for pesticide control failures. Rearing methods for P. major and P. falcatus are described. The large differences between these blue oat mite species point to difficulties in interpreting early published data that failed to distinguish them.  相似文献   

Control methods in pest earth mites and other mites often depend on low dispersal rates, yet there are no experimental estimates of these rates. To rectify this, adult movement rates were estimated in the earth mite Halotydeus destructor Tucker and the winter grain mite, Penthaleus major (Duges), using mark-release-recapture techniques. Mean square dispersal distances were used to estimate diffusion coefficients. In pasture, coefficients were in the range 0.3-1.3 for these species. This suggests that 90% of the population moves < 5-11 m in a 10-d period, or 7-16 m within their adult lifetime. Releases of mites in adjacent pea/wheat crops indicated directional movement toward the more favored pea host. However, there was no directional movement when adjacent plots of peas and lupins were compared, even though lupins are poor hosts. These results indicate that broad border sprays or border culturing will be needed to prevent mite movement from adjacent paddocks.  相似文献   

Environment and seedling community under isolated trees in pastures are different from those in the open pasture. The effect of the pasture trees on the soil nutrients and on the seedling growth were investigated. Seven isolated trees and eight plots were selected in two pastures of 12-yr and 32-yr old derived from a lowland rain forest with nutrient-rich soil at Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. The soil concentrations of total N, P Bray, K+, Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+, plus others physical and chemical characteristics, were compared between the pasture trees and the open-pasture. An experiment was done to test the hypothesis that soil from under the pasture trees was better for seedling growth than soil from the open pasture. Seedlings of two native tree species and two domesticated species were grown in soil from the two different sites in a shade-house. The dry weight of the shoot and root/shoot ratio were compared. Only total N, P and Na+ differed slightly in concentrations between the sites, but did not promote more seedling biomass. It seems that the soil at this location is sufficiently nutrient-rich even in the open pastures and over-ride any effect of the pasture trees on nutrient availability.  相似文献   

A prediction for the onset of a summer diapause in the eggs of the redlegged earth mite, Halotydeus destructor, was developed for Australia. In this species diapause eggs pass the summer in the cadavers of adult female mites. Adult female mites were collected for several weeks from pastures in spring at 18 sites in south-western Australia and dissected to determine the timing of the production of diapause eggs. Some sites were sampled for several years between 1990 and 1997. A model was developed to predict the time for onset of diapause. The week at which 90% of eggs were in diapause was predicted best by daylength (80.1% of the variability), then by duration of the long-term plant growing season (10.4%, of variability), leaving 9.5% due to other factors. A single chemical spray in spring 2 weeks before the production of 90% diapause eggs resulted in 99% fewer mites present in autumn 7-8 months later at three sites. The timing of the spring spray was the factor leading to successful control. This model was tested at 17 sites across the whole geographical distribution of the redlegged earth mite in Australia between 1998 and 2001. The observed week of 90% diapause was within 1 week of the predicted week on 81% of occasions, and 2 weeks earlier on 15% of occasions. A database was created for the predicted date of onset of 90% diapause for the whole distribution of the redlegged earth mite in southern Australia on a 10 km(2) grid. Australian farmers are using this for timing a spring spray to control mites in the following autumn.  相似文献   

Redlegged earth mite, Halotydeus destructor, is a major pest of pastures and crops in Australia, and also feeds on lower plants on the soil surface. Feeding behaviour is reviewed, and the role of Arctotheca calendula, capeweed, in determining occurrence and abundance in pastures is investigated. Mites fed more and produced more progeny on Trifolium subterraneum (subclover) than on capeweed in non-choice experiments. In pastures with mixed species three times more mites were feeding on subclover than on capeweed foliage. However, twice as many mites were found on the soil surface under pasture patches consisting mainly of capeweed than of subclover. Patches were selected on the basis of pasture height, irrespective of plant composition. Twice as many mites were found in populations under patches of tall than short pasture. The daytime relative humidity was higher in tall than short patches, and the temperature slightly lower, making tall patches a more favourable niche for these mites. Ninety per cent of H. destructor were on the soil surface, while 10% were feeding on the upper canopy of pasture. The proportion of each population that was feeding was greater on subclover than capeweed, and subclover was a more suitable food. In Australia H. destructor occurs in regions with mixed pasture species, grown in rotation with grain crops. The ability of H. destructor to utilize foliage of a range of plant species of differing suitability for food, while living mostly on the soil surface in niches favourable for survival, has enabled it to become very abundant.  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of pasture management options (sowing introduced legumes and grasses, timber treatment, applying fertilizer, cultivation before sowing, and stocking rate) on species diversity were measured at two experimental sites (Hillgrove and Cardigan) near Charters Towers, northeast Queensland. Species were divided into three groups (sown, native and exotic) and diversity was measured as species density (number of species recorded in each plot and number of species/quadrat) annually from 1982 to 1992. The responses of individual native and naturalized species to treatment were also determined. All management options affected diversity but the responses varied with site and season, and with the different measurement scales. The density of sown species either increased or was unaffected by all the management options; there were no significant decreases. The density of native species showed both positive and negative responses; it increased at high stocking rates and with tree killing at Hillgrove, and decreased with pasture sowing and cultivation. The density of exotic species increased as stocking rate was increased and decreased when pastures were sown (although not at the quadrat scale at Hillgrove). Overall the most diverse vegetation was on plots grazed at high stocking rates; at the plot scale these were native pastures but at the quadrat scale the sown pastures had more species. Among the native and naturalized species, only Portulaca spp. were more frequent on the oversown plots than the native pasture plots; 48% (Hillgrove) and 68% (Cardigan) of the species were less frequent on the oversown plots. Fertilizer application had little effect on species frequencies, while timber treatment resulted in both increases and decreases in frequency of a small number of species. The species were divided into four groups on the basis of their responses to stocking rate: a grazing-sensitive group (e.g. Themeda triandra), two grazing-tolerant groups which either slightly decreased (e.g. Chrysopogon fallax) or slightly increased (e.g. Sida spinosa) in frequency as stocking rate increased, and a fourth group of species which were frequent only at high stocking rates (e.g. Bothriochloa pertusa). There were no close relationships between herbage yield and species density.  相似文献   

Sminthurus viridis (lucerne flea) is a major crop and pasture pest throughout southern regions of Australia that experience a Mediterranean type climate. It is particularly problematic at the establishment phase, and chemicals are currently the main option available to farmers for their control. Few studies have assessed the currently registered pesticides for the control of S. viridis , and rates of application are generally similar to the frequently co-occurring red-legged earth mite, Halotydeus destructor , despite few comparisons between species for their susceptibility being made. Here, we examine the response of S. viridis to six pesticides (α-cypermethrin, bifenthrin, omethoate, methidathion, chlorpyrifos and phosmet) and then directly compare them with H. destructor . S. viridis displayed similar dose–response curves for bifenthrin, omethoate, chlorpyrifos and phosmet. It had greater sensitivity to methidathion and greater tolerance to α-cypermethrin. S. viridis was found to be significantly more tolerant than H. destructor to all pesticides tested, with the exception of chlorpyrifos. This indicates that rates of application for control of S. viridis should be greater than H. destructor and that the organophosphates are likely to provide the most effective control of this pest.  相似文献   

When sown over consecutive years at two sites in the Western Australian wheatbelt, a maximum of 34.5% of viable Chondrilla juncea seeds gave rise to emerged seedlings. During the early winter months at one site, waterlogging on a duplex soil type led to an almost complete failure of emergence. Very low levels of seed persistence (maximum 3.1%) between years were noted. The protection provided by stubble enhanced the survival of C. juncea seedlings which emerged during May, but for seedlings which emerged later, the effects of stubble upon seedling survival were strongly dependent upon the abundance of the red-legged earth mite (Halotydeus destructor) At the observed densities of winter annuals, the presence of seedlings and young plants appeared to reduce seedling mortality in C. juncea. Young plants of C. juncea were highly susceptible to simulated cultivation practices until 12 weeks following emergence. It is argued that seedling establishment of C. juncea is most likely to occur during the pasture phase of crop/pasture rotations in the Western Australian wheatbelt and that pastures immediately following cropping years are most prone to invasion.  相似文献   

The Pantanal is the largest Neotropical seasonal freshwater wetland on Earth. Extensive livestock production has been the dominant economic land use activity of the Pantanal, where approximately 80 % of the land is occupied by native and introduced pastures. However, the impact of native pasture conversion into introduced pasture on the biodiversity of this biome is little understood. Here we evaluate the effect of native pasture to introduced pasture conversion on dung beetle communities. We sampled dung beetles in July 2011 (dry season) and January 2012 (rainy season), at four native pasture sites and four introduced pasture sites in Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The sampling was carried out using pitfall traps baited with three different bait types: carrion, cattle dung, and human feces. We sampled 7086 individuals, belonging to 32 species of 16 genera and six tribes of dung beetles. The abundance was similar among the pasture types. However, a higher species richness was found on the native pasture. Species composition also differed between the two pasture types in each sampling season. Additionally, the dominant functional guilds were different in the two landscapes. The result shows that the conversion of native grasslands into introduced pasture results in a decrease of species number and changes in species composition. These findings highlight the importance on native pasture to the conservation of dung beetle biodiversity in this ecosystem.  相似文献   

Halotydeus destructor and Penthaleus major are species of earth mite commonly found at high densities in agricultural fields in Australia and other parts of the world. These mites pose a risk to a range of winter crops and pastures when seedlings emerge in autumn. In order to predict likely mite pressure, we investigated whether autumn densities in pastures can be determined from agronomic and environmental field variables. For H. destructor, field densities showed little association with a range of vegetation variables but could largely be explained using the variable field type, with high densities present when fields had mixtures of grass, clover and weeds. For P. major, we found a regional effect. In the region where most data were available, P. major field densities were associated with grass abundance, whereas an association with field type was significant but different to that found for H. destructor. For both species, densities were not associated with rainfall, but there was a weak association with soil moisture capacity. We discuss how these results can help in managing these important pest mites.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activity, such as conversion and degradation of habitats, is causing global biodiversity declines. However, our understanding of how local ecological communities are responding to these changes taxonomically and functionally is still limited. The effects of the replacement of native by introduced pastures on biodiversity are some of those examples with limited understanding. Here, we sampled dung beetles in native and introduced pastures using standardised sampling protocols during the dry and rainy seasons in the Brazilian Pantanal. We used multifaceted β-diversity partitioning of taxonomy-, abundance- and trait-based approaches to evaluate spatial (i.e. between pasture types) and temporal (i.e. between seasons) patterns of dung beetle changes in composition, abundance and species traits. Spatially, we found no effects of pasture type, season and their interaction on taxonomy-based β-diversity and its components. For abundance-based β-diversity and its components, pasture type had effects on both Bray-Curtis dissimilarity and balanced variation in abundance. Higher values of both metrics were found in native pastures. For functional-based β-diversity, Sorensen dissimilarity with higher values in the dry season, while pasture type also had an effect on functional nestedness, where higher values of functional nestedness were found in introduced pastures. Seasonally, we also found no effects of pasture type, season and their interaction on taxonomy-based β-diversity and its components. However, pasture type had effects on Bray-Curtis dissimilarity, with higher values found in introduced pastures. No effects on balanced variation in abundance and abundance gradients were found. Pasture type influenced the functional turnover, but not functional dissimilarity or nestedness. Higher values of functional turnover were found in native pastures. In summary, we demonstrate that the type of pastures and climatic seasonality have effects on abundance- and functional- but not on taxonomy-based β-diversity patterns of dung beetles in the Brazilian Pantanal.  相似文献   

Background: Forest succession in tropical pastures usually starts from woody vegetation patches. Patches may arise within the grass matrix at microsites with favourable soil conditions or through facilitation by established nurse plants.

Aims: We report the formation of woody vegetation patches in tropical pastures after investigating whether patch formation was associated with micro-scale terrain features and whether facilitation was important for patch initiation.

Methods: The study was conducted in three pasture sites in the Atlantic forest domain of Brazil. We compared soil, terrain and species abundance patterns among pairs of woody patch and open pasture plots.

Results: The effect of variation in soil physical and chemical attributes was limited. Some species were able to establish in the grass matrix and survive disturbance from grazing and fire, while other species only established in patches, under other already established trees or shrubs. Some of these species were exotics, which are commonly eliminated in restoration efforts.

Conclusions: Allowing the establishment of species capable of withstanding pasture environments, including exotics, can accelerate succession. Furthermore, the abilities to endure competition from grasses and survive fire are key features of species suitable for the initial stages of forest restoration in tropical pastures.  相似文献   

The loggerhead shrike (Lanius ludovicianus) is a grassland bird species whose preferred nesting habitat in eastern Canada is pastureland. This species has been extirpated from much of its historical range in this region, and breeding habitat loss is suspected to be an important cause of this decline. We evaluated the availability of suitable breeding habitats in Québec using satellite imagery. Because this species no longer breeds in Québec, we established habitat selection criteria from known nesting sites in the adjacent province of Ontario, from analysis of a Landsat-TM satellite image, and applied these criteria to Landsat-TM images covering southern Québec. We developed regional landscape criteria in 100 km2 plots and patch indices criteria at the pasture level. Spatial analyses were conducted to characterize plots and pastures on the basis of pasture availability and spatial distribution. Pastures suitable for nesting loggerhead shrikes were those fulfilling patch criteria at the pasture level and located in plots fulfilling regional landscape criteria. Overall, 310 out of 1700 plots located in the historical breeding range of the loggerhead shrike in Québec fulfilled landscape criteria, supporting 3988 pastures that fulfilled patch criteria. More than 500 of these pastures were visited to validate their current status. The Outaouais region would be the most suitable region for nesting loggerhead shrikes in southern Québec, where suitable breeding habitat still remains because more than two-thirds of visited sites were still pastureland, hawthorns were well-distributed in the region, and pastureland fragmentation was lowest. We conclude that the availability of breeding habitat does not limit the establishment of a breeding population of loggerhead shrike in southern Québec, as we estimated that thousands of hectares of suitable habitat still remain in that province.  相似文献   

Macroclimatic niche properties derived from species distribution ranges are fundamental for projections of climate change impacts on biodiversity. However, it has been recognized that changes in regional or local distribution patterns also depend on interactions with land use. The reliability and transferability of large scale geographic predictions to small scale plant performance need to be tested experimentally. Thus, we asked how grassland plant species pairs with different macroclimatic niche properties respond to increased spring temperature and decrease summer precipitation in three different land‐use types. An experiment was carried out in the framework of the German Biodiversity Exploratories simulating climate change in 45 experimental plots in three geographical regions (Schorfheide‐Chorin, Hainich‐Dün, Schwäbische Alb) and three grassland management types (meadow, pasture, mown pasture). We planted six plant species as phytometers, each two of them representing congeneric species with contrasting macroclimatic niches and recorded plant survival and growth over 1 year. To quantify the species macroclimatic niches with respect to drought tolerance, the species’ distribution ranges were mapped and combined with global climate data. The simulated climate change had a general negative effect on plant survival and plant growth, irrespective of the macroclimatic niche characteristics of the species. Against expectation, species with ranges extending into drier regions did not generally perform better under drier conditions. Growth performance and survival was best in mown pastures, representing a quite intensive type of land use in all study regions. Species with higher macroclimatic drought tolerance were generally characterized by lower growth rates and higher survival rates in land‐use types with regular mowing regimes, probably because of reduced competition in the growing season. In conclusion, plant species with similar climatic niche characteristics cannot be expected to respond consistently over different regions owing to complex interactions of climate change with land use practices.  相似文献   

Norops polylepis is a common anoline lizard that occupies both forest and pasture habitats at various elevations in southern Costa Rica. Previous studies have documented significant spatial variation in mite loads (Eutrombicula chiggers) on N. polylepis. My objective was to investigate whether mite load has a negative impact on growth rates and body condition. Growth rates were estimated in three sites using mark‐recapture with three intensive sampling periods over 12 mo. Nine hundred and forty lizards were captured and 200 individuals were recaptured across sampling periods. Mite load was significantly higher in forests than in pastures, and varied significantly among study sites. Males grew faster than females, and females and juveniles had higher body condition than males. I was unable, however, to detect any influence of mite load on growth rates or body condition. I conclude that Eutrombicula chiggers are either largely benign for N. polylepis or, if they do exert a negative effect on fitness, it is mediated through a trait other than growth or body condition.  相似文献   

Soil-dwelling mites of four plots under organic management were investigated in April and December 1998 and in December 1999. Their populations were compared with mite populations in a pasture and forest in the vicinity. It was observed that there was always an initial reduction in the populations of soil mites and in the activity of the epigeic forms whenever a plot was opened up and disturbed mechanically in preparation for cultivation, irrespective of previous organic inputs. With time, the densities and activities of mites recovered under organic management. The uropodine and oribatid mites in particular benefited more from organic management than gamasine and actinedid mites. Uropodine mites increased tremendously under banana where there was fresh cow dung manure. Oribatid mite species Nothrus seropedicalensis and Archegozetes magnus were dominant in organic plots where the soil was moist and temperatures were lower than the ambient. Protoribates rioensis was dominant in organic plots where the soil was drier and temperatures were higher than the ambient. Galumna was the most active oribatid taxon on the floor of all plots, with the highest activity recorded under maracuja and in pasture plots. The results suggest that while densities and activities of soil mites increased in the organic plots, the community structure and recruitment period of oribatid mites were altered. Oribatid mite diversity was higher in the organic plots than in the pasture but lower than in the forest, where Belba sp. and many Eremobelboid brachypiline genera were present, but absent in the organic plots and pasture.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We recorded telemetry locations from 1,129 radiotagged turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo intermedia) on 4 study areas in the Texas Panhandle and southwestern Kansas, USA, from 2000 to 2004. Analyses of telemetry locations indicated both sexes selected riparian vegetative zones. Females did not select grazed or nongrazed pastures for daily movements. However, females did select nongrazed pastures for nest sites on 2 study areas and males selected for grazed pastures at one study area during the breeding season. We compared nest sites (n = 351) to random sites using logistic regression, which indicated height of visual obstruction, percent canopy cover, and percent bare ground provided the highest predictive power (P ≤ 0.003) for characteristics describing nest-site selection. Nest-site vegetative characteristics between vegetative zones differed primarily in composition: upland zone nest sites had more (P ≤ 0.001) shrubs and riparian zone nest sites had more (P ≤ 0.001) grass. There were no differences in measured nest site vegetative characteristics between pasture types, but there were differences between available nesting cover in grazed and nongrazed pastures. Random plots in grazed pastures had less grass cover (P ≤ 0.001) and more bare ground (P = 0.002). Because of cattle impacts on average grass height and availability, grazing would likely have the highest impact on nesting in riparian zones due to turkey use of grass as nesting cover. An appropriate grazing plan to promote Rio Grande turkey nesting habitat would include grazing upland zones in the spring, when it likely has little impact on nesting-site selection, and grazing riparian zones following breeding season completion. Grazing at light to moderate intensities with periods of rest did not affect male turkey pasture use and may have continued to maintain open areas used by male turkeys for displaying purposes.  相似文献   

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