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The enantioselective binding sites on bovine serum albumin were examined by HPLC using 19 racemic 5-N, N-dimethylamino-1-naphthalenesulfonyl derivatives of alpha-amino acids (dansyl amino acids) as chiral probes. On a bovine serum albumin bonded chiral stationary phase, seven L-forms eluted faster than their D-forms, while ten D-forms eluted before their L-forms. It was speculated that either two classes or two different binding sites exist on bovine serum albumin which can be distinguished by N-dansyl-L-proline and N-dansyl-D-norvaline. This was confirmed by fluorometric experiments where non-fluorescent 1-naphthalenesulfonyl derivatives were synthesized and competitive adsorption experiments were performed.  相似文献   

Binding of laurate and myristate anions to human serum albumin has been studied over a range of temperatures, 5-37 degrees C, at pH 7.4. The binding curves indicate that the strength of binding of the first few molecules of fatty acid to albumin (r less than 5) decreases with increasing temperature, whereas binding of the following molecules seems to proceed independently of temperature. Binding data were analyzed according to the general binding equation yielding several sets of acceptable binding constants within a probability limit of 0.75. From the temperature dependence of the first step constant, it was possible to calculate values for the changes in enthalpy and entropy during the initial binding step. For the medium-chain fatty acids, laurate and myristate, binding of the first molecule to albumin appeared to be enthalpic, with a tendency to an increasing contribution of entropy to binding energy with increasing chain length of the fatty acid.  相似文献   

Structural basis of the drug-binding specificity of human serum albumin   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Human serum albumin (HSA) is an abundant plasma protein that binds a remarkably wide range of drugs, thereby restricting their free, active concentrations. The problem of overcoming the binding affinity of lead compounds for HSA represents a major challenge in drug development. Crystallographic analysis of 17 different complexes of HSA with a wide variety of drugs and small-molecule toxins reveals the precise architecture of the two primary drug-binding sites on the protein, identifying residues that are key determinants of binding specificity and illuminating the capacity of both pockets for flexible accommodation. Numerous secondary binding sites for drugs distributed across the protein have also been identified. The binding of fatty acids, the primary physiological ligand for the protein, is shown to alter the polarity and increase the volume of drug site 1. These results clarify the interpretation of accumulated drug binding data and provide a valuable template for design efforts to modulate the interaction with HSA.  相似文献   

Resveratrol (Res), a polyphenolic compound found largely in the skin of red grape and wine, exhibits a wide range of pharmaceutical properties and plays a role in prevention of human cardiovascular diseases [Pendurthi et al., Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 19, 419-426 (1999)]. It shows a strong affinity towards protein binding and used as inhibitor for cyclooxygenase and ribonuclease reductase. The aim of this study was to examine the interaction of resveratrol with human serum albumin (HSA) in aqueous solution at physiological conditions, using a constant protein concentration (0.3 mM) and various pigment contents (microM to mM). FTIR, UV-Visible, CD, and fluorescence spectroscopic methods were used to determine the resveratrol binding mode, the binding constant and the effects of pigment complexation on protein secondary structure. Structural analysis showed that resveratrol bind non-specifically (H-bonding) via polypeptide polar groups with overall binding constant of K(Res) = 2.56 x 10(5) M(-1). The protein secondary structure, analysed by CD spectroscopy, showed no major alterations at low resveratrol concentrations (0.125 mM), whereas at high pigment content (1 mM), major increase of alpha-helix from 57% (free HSA) to 62% and a decrease of beta-sheet from 10% (free HSA) to 7% occurred in the resveratrol-HSA complexes. The results indicate a partial stabilization of protein secondary structure at high resveratrol content.  相似文献   

Flavonoid binding to human serum albumin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dietary flavonoid may have beneficial effects in the prevention of chronic diseases. However, flavonoid bioavailability is often poor probably due to their interaction with plasma proteins. Here, the affinity of daidzein and daidzein metabolites as well as of genistein, naringenin, and quercetin for human serum albumin (HSA) has been assessed in the absence and presence of oleate. Values of the dissociation equilibrium constant (K) for binding of flavonoids and related metabolites to Sudlow’s site I range between 3.3 × 10−6 and 3.9 × 10−5 M, at pH 7.0 and 20.0 °C, indicating that these flavonoids are mainly bound to HSA in vivo. Values of K increase (i.e., the flavonoid affinity decreases) in the presence of saturating amounts of oleate by about two folds. Present data indicate a novel role of fatty acids as allosteric inhibitors of flavonoid bioavailability, and appear to be relevant in rationalizing the interference between dietary compounds, food supplements, and drugs.  相似文献   

The binding constants and per cent binding of twelve cephalosporins to human serum albumin were determined using a fluorescence probe method. Binding is enhanced by hydrophilic substitutions on the basic molecules.  相似文献   

Gavrilov VB 《Biofizika》2001,46(1):39-42
The constant of binding of a new fluorescent probe pyrrone red to human serum albumin (Kb = 4.7.10(5) M-1) and the number of binding sites (N = 2) were determined by the method of double fluorimetric titration at a Fex/Fem intensity ratio of 560/625 nm. The affinity of pyrrone red for albumin was by 20% lower than that of 8-anilinonaphthalenesulfonate and 2.4 times higher than that of another probe K35. Thus, pyrrone red is almost identical to amlinonaphthalenesulfonate in affinity for albumin and can be considered as a long-wavelength "red" analogue of anilinonaphthalenesulfonate.  相似文献   

Binding sites of bile acids on human serum albumin were studied using various probes: dansylsarcosine (site I probe), 7-anilinocoumarin-4-acetic acid (ACAA, site II probe), 5-dimethylaminonaphthelene-1-sulfonamide (DNSA, site III probe), cis-parinaric acid (probe for fatty acid binding site) and bilirubin. Bile acids competitively inhibited the binding of dansylsarcosine to human serum album whereas bile acids enhanced the binding of ACAA, DNSA, cis-parinaric acid and bilirubin. Considering the concentrations of bile acids required to inhibit the binding of dansylsarcosine to human serum albumin, the secondary binding site of bile acids may correspond to site I. Dissociation constants (Kd) of the primary binding sites of lithocholic and chenodeoxycholic acid to human serum albumin were approximately 0.2 and 4 μM, respectively, which was measured by equilibrium dialysis at 37° C. All the bile acids and their sulfates and glucuronides inhibited the binding of chenodeoxycholic acid to human serum albumin. Lithocholic and chenodeoxycholic acid and their sulfates and glucuronides exhibited more inhibition than cholic acid and its conjugates. In conclusion, bile acids may bind to a novel binding site on human serum albumin.  相似文献   

Glycosylation of human serum albumin was conducted by its long incubation with the excess either of D-glucose or D-glucose-6-phosphate at 37 degrees C. The glycosylated fractions were isolated by the cation-exchange chromatography on CM-cellulose. The quantity of glucose bound covalently with protein was determined by thiobarbituric acid. The glucose-modified human serum albumin forms stable adducts with amino acids. These complexes are, evidently, produced as a result of the Schiff's base formation between the carbonyl group of the ketoamine adduct of glucose with protein and primary amino group of amino acid further followed by the Amadori rearrangement.  相似文献   

Chuang VT  Otagiri M 《Chirality》2006,18(3):159-166
Stereoselectivity in binding can have a significant effect on the drug disposition such as first-pass metabolism, metabolic clearance, renal clearance, and protein and tissue binding. Human serum albumin (HSA) is able to stereoselectively bind a great number of various endogenous and exogenous compounds. Various experimental data suggested that the two major drug-binding cavities, namely, site I and site II, do not seem to be the stereoselective binding sites of HSA. Stereoselective binding of HSA under disease conditions such as renal and hepatic diseases was found to be enhanced. In addition, site-to-site displacement of a site II-specific drug by another site II-specific drug was found to be stereoselective, too. Endogenous compounds such as long-chain fatty acids and uremic toxins are likely to cause combined direct and cascade effects that contribute to the preferential binding of a particular drug enantiomer. Taking together the findings of other studies, it is highly possible that the stereoselective binding site exists at the interface of the subdomains.  相似文献   

Doxorubicin continues to be one of the most widely used anticancer agents in the clinic despite its dose-limiting side-effects. Many of doxorubicin's dose-limiting toxicities occur due to its generation of toxic oxygen species, resulting in oxidative stress. Some clinical observations have suggested that doxorubicin may have greater toxicity in older patients. The studies presented here compare basal and doxorubicin-induced antioxidant enzyme activities in brain, heart, kidney and liver tissues of Fisher 344 rats of different ages to determine whether differences in these enzymes can account for the age-dependent differences observed in doxorubicin-induced toxicity. Three groups of animals were tested, young animals (2-months-old), adult animals (10-months-old) and old animals (18-months-old). The results of these studies show that in general young and adult animals have similar levels of antioxidant enzyme activity while the older animals have less. Only in the young animals is antioxidant enzyme activity significantly increased following doxorubicin treatment suggesting that enzyme induction occurs only in the young group of animals. Lipid peroxidation is shown to have the greatest increase in the old animals following doxorubicin treatment while the young animals have the smallest increase. The results from these studies suggest that there is an increase in doxorubicin-induced oxidative damage with age and that these differences may be due to basal and drug-induced differences in tissue antioxidant enzyme activities.  相似文献   

In this study, high-performance affinity chromatography was used to characterize the binding of carbamazepine to an immobilized human serum albumin (HSA) column. Frontal analysis was first used to determine the association equilibrium constant and binding capacity for carbamazepine on this column at various temperatures. The non-specific binding of carbamazepine within the column was also considered. The results indicated that carbamazepine had a single binding site on HSA with an association equilibrium constant of 5.3 x 10(3)M(-1) at pH 7.4 and 37 degrees C. This was confirmed through zonal elution self-competition studies. The value of DeltaG for this reaction was -5.35 kcal/mol at 37 degrees C, with an associated change in enthalpy (DeltaH) of -6.45 kcal/mol and a change in entropy (DeltaS) of -3.56 cal/molK. The location of this binding region was examined by competitive zonal elution experiments using probe compounds with known sites on HSA. It was found that carbamazepine had direct competition with l-tryptophan, a probe for the indole-benzodiazepine site of HSA, but allosteric interactions with probes for the warfarin, tamoxifen and digitoxin sites. Changes in the pH, ionic strength, and organic modifier content of the mobile phase were used to identify the predominant forces in the carbamazepine-HSA interaction.  相似文献   

Binding of carbenicillin (CBPC) epimers to human serum albumin (HSA) was found to be stereoselective. Epimer-epimer interaction was also observed in the binding to HSA. There were at least three binding sites on HSA for CBPC epimers, one of which (stereoselective site) was more in favor of S-CBPC than R-CBPC. At the stereoselective site, the binding constant of S-CBPC was approximately 4-fold greater than that of R-CBPC. The affinities to other binding sites (non-stereoselective sites) were similar between the epimers, and the affinity of S-CBPC of the non-stereoselective sites was much smaller than that for the stereoselective site. R-CBPC and S-CBPC appeared to displace each other at all the binding sites, i.e., the binding of the epimers was competitive at the non-stereoselective sites as well as at the stereoselective site. By using site marker ligands, it was revealed that CBPC epimers may bind to Site I (warfarin binding site), but not to Site II (diazepam binding site). A binding model with an assumption of competitive interactions at all the binding sites simulated the binding characteristics of CBPC epimers fairly well. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The binding of warfarin to human serum albumin was studied by equilibrium dialysis at pH 7.4 in a 67 mM sodium phosphate buffer at 37 degrees C. The equilibrium data were analysed using a computer program for curve fitting. The analysis was made fitting the data to equations for one, two and three classes of binding sites with one, two and three sites at the primary binding site (n(1)=1, 2 or 3). The data fitting was acceptable for two and three classes of binding sites but the best fit was obtained with the equation for two classes of binding sites, allowing us to define the binding by a model with two independent classes of binding sites on the serum albumin molecule.  相似文献   

Stereoselective binding of etodolac to human serum albumin.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The protein binding of etodolac enantiomers was studied in vitro by equilibrium dialysis in human serum albumin (HSA) of various concentrations varying from 1 to 40 g/liter, by addition of each enantiomer at increasing concentrations. In the 1 g/liter solution, at the lowest drug levels, the (R)-form is more bound than its antipode, the contrary being observed at the highest drug levels. For higher albumin concentrations, S was bound in a larger extent than R. Using the displacement of specific markers of HSA sites I and II, studied by spectrofluorimetry, it was suggested that R and S are both bound to site I, while only S is strongly bound to site II.  相似文献   

Parkinson GN  Ghosh R  Neidle S 《Biochemistry》2007,46(9):2390-2397
Maintenance of telomere integrity is a hallmark of human cancer, and the single-stranded 3' ends of telomeric DNA are targets for small-molecule anticancer therapies. We report here the crystal structure of a bimolecular human telomeric quadruplex, of the sequence d(TAGGGTTAGGG), in a complex with the quadruplex-binding ligand 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(N-methyl-4-pyridyl)porphyrin (TMPyP4) to a resolution of 2.09 A. The DNA quadruplex topology is parallel-stranded with external double-chain-reversal propeller loops, consistent with previous structural determinations. The porphyrin molecules bind by stacking onto the TTA nucleotides, either as part of the external loop structure or at the 5' region of the stacked quadruplex. This involves stacked on hydrogen-bonded base pairs, formed from those nucleotides not involved in the formation of G-tetrads, and there are thus no direct ligand interactions with G-tetrads. This is in accord with the relative nonselectivity by TMPyP4 for quadruplex DNAs compared to duplex DNA. Porphyrin binding is achieved by remodeling of loops compared to the ligand-free structures. Implications for the design of quadruplex-binding ligands are discussed, together with a model for the formation of anaphase bridges, which are observed following cellular treatment with TMPyP4.  相似文献   

Competition for zinc among serum albumin and amino acids   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

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