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The stelar structure ofAsplenium obtusifolium and its related species (A. repandulum, A. riparium, A. triquetrum, A. volubile, A. purpurascens, A. ortegae, A. delitescens, A. hoffmannii, andA. laetum) in the New World tropics was observed and compared to that of Asian species ofAsplenium sect.Hymenasplenium. Both of the groups were found to share peculiar stelar structures: steles with two meristeles, a broader ventral and a narrower dorsal, each providing one of the two leaf traces; leaf gaps arranged in two rows between the dorsal and ventral strands, which are connected by thin meristeles, delimiting the leaf gaps. These structures are distinct from the radial symmetrical ones general inAsplenium. Together with cytological evidence, this strongly indicates that the New and Old World groups are closely related. Thus, these Neotropical species should be included in sect.Hymenasplenium.  相似文献   

Leaf architectural pattern has been studied in 27 genera and 35 species of the Acanthaceae. The major venation pattern conforms to pinnate camptodromous with eucamptodromous or festooned brochidodromous secondaries, pinnate craspedodromous inAcanthus ilicifolius and acrodromous inLepidagathis trinervis. Intersecondary veins are common. The marginal ultimate venation is looped. The areoles are variable in size. The vein endings are usually simple, linear or cuved or divide once or twice dichotomously. Isolated vein endings, tracheids, isolated free vein endings and extension cells are observed. Transfusion tracheids are seen inDicliptera verticillata. Miniature vessel elements with simple perforation plates are noticed lying free in the areole or at the end of tracheids inSeriocalyx scaber andThunbergia grandiflora.Elytraria acaulis, Nelsonia canescens andStaurogynae zeylanica exhibit venation pattern shown by majority of the taxa studied, of the Acanthaceae.  相似文献   

The gametic chromosome numbers of sevenHymenasplenium (Aspleniaceae) species from Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Prov., China, were investigated. All the examined individuals ofH. obscurum, H. cheilosorum andH. latipinnum were sexual diploids with n=39 chromosomes. Intraspecific cytological variation was found inH. excisum, which has a sexual diploid (n=39) and a tetraploid (n=78). Only a triploid apogamous cytotype (n=ca.117) was found inH. laterepens. Hymenasplenium apogamum showed the most complicated intraspecific variation and included a sexual diploid (n=39), a sexual tetraploid (n=78) and an apogamous triploid (n=ca.117). This work reports for the first time the sexual diploids ofH. cheilosorum andH. apogamum, which are only apogamous elsewhere in east Asia, Himalayas and Indochina. These results may indicate that this area is one of the diversity centers ofHymenasplenium. Most of the above species have chromosome numbers based on x=39. In contrast,H. costarisorum contains a sexual diploid (n=36) and a sexual tetraploid (n=72), indicating that its basic number is x=36.  相似文献   

Dr. Karl Kleemann 《Facies》1994,31(1):131-139
Summary The fossil record of coral and boring mytilid bivalves IS investigated. Middle Miocene associations from Austria, Hungary, and Turkey are described. As host corals,Montastrea, Porites, Siderastrea, Solenastrea, andTarbellastraea can be noted. Eocene (Waschberg Zone) and Upper Cretaceous (Gosau Formation) examples are presented from Austria only. As host corals,Favia andMontastrea, respectivelyAstrocoenia and an unidentified branching coral are recorded. The associated bivalve species are all mytilidLithophaga, includingL. laevigata (Quoy & Gaimard) inTarbellastraea, a new Middle Miocene species inMontastrea, andL. alpina (Zittel) inAstrocoenia, the latter two from Styria, Austria. Thecharacteristic features of the coral-bivalve relationships include (in massive corals): Boreholes more or less in the direction of coral growth, radially arranged, elongate boreholes, produced by keeping pace with coral growth. Bivalves were not only present near the surface, but deep inside the skeleton, representing successive generations in the same host colony. After the death of borers, their tunnels were closed by coral overgrowth. Cup-shaped false floors in the boreholes are correlated to reduced coral growth, indicating individual longevity of bivalves. The spacing of the floors mirrors the growth rate of the host coral (like its density bands), their number representing the minimal age of the respective bivalve. In branching corals, boreholes of the associated smallsizedLithophaga tended to turn into the axes of branchlets, when space was limited. Elongated boreholes and false floors were usually not developed, as bivalve growth obviously exceeded lateral growth of branchlets and specimens were rather short-lived. References to probable associations of coral and mytilid boring bivalves are given. It is quite likely that they have occurred since Jurassic times and probably since the Upper Triassic. So far, they have been ascertained since the Upper Cretaceous in massive and branching corals.  相似文献   

In all of the 32 species studied the chromatin in one of the daughter nuclei produced by microspore division was found to diffuse earlier than the chromatin of the other. The former developed into a vegetative nucleus and the latter into a generative nucleus. The stage at which this difference between daughter nuclei was first found appeared to vary widely among species. The earliest was found to be at mid-anaphase observed inHemerocallis thunbergii andMagnolia denudata, and the latest at early interphase observed inLilium japonicum, Pogonia japonica andEpipactis thunbergii. InNarcissus jonquilla and 4 other species the nuclear differentiation started at late anaphase, inHaplopappus gracilis and 13 other species at early telophase, and inTradescantia paludosa and 7 other species at mid-telophase.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi on Japanese semi-natural grasslands were investigated at three adjacent sites with different vegetation. The predominant grasses at the three sites were 1)Pleioblastus chino, 2)Miscanthus sinensis andArundinella hirta (M. sinensis/A. hirta), and 3)Zoysia japonica, respectively. The degree of colonization was higher inM. sinensis/A. hirta than inP. chino andZ. japonica. AM fungi were recovered by spore extraction and by pot cultures started from soil inoculum or from transplanting of field plants. Total spore number obtained by the spore extraction method was highest in the rhizosphere ofM. sinensis/A. hirta and lowest in that ofP. chino. AGlomus sp. resemblingG. geosporum predominated in association withM. sinensis/A. hirta andP. chino. FromZ. japonica, three species,Acaulospora gerdemannii, Glomus leptotichum, and a species resemblingG. clarum, were isolated by pot culture from soil and two species,A. longula andScutellospora cerradensis, by pot culture from transplanting ofZ. japonica. FromM. sinensis/A. hirta, one species,A. longula, was found by pot culture from soil. FromP. chino, no AM fungus was detected by either method. Single-spore culture confirmed thatG. leptotichum andA. gerdemannii are conspecific.  相似文献   

Claes Persson 《Brittonia》2003,55(2):176-201
Agouticarpa, a new genus of the informalAlibertia group (Rubiaceae), is described and illustrated. It comprises six species, and occurs from Costa Rica to Bolivia. Three species are here described as new:Agouticarpa grandistipula, A. hirsuta, andA. velutina. Additionally, three new combinations are made:A. curvifolia andA. williamsii (previously inGenipa) andA. isernii (previously inAlibertia). Agouticarpa is characterized by being dioecious, having elliptic to abovate, membranaceous stipules, male flowers in a branched dichasial or thyrse-like inflorescence, a poorly developed cup-shaped calyx, pollen grains with 3–7 apertures, and large globose fruits.  相似文献   

The floral vasculature in three allied genera,Plagiorhegma, Jeffersoria andAchyls is investigated, and the results are compared with those ofEpimedium andVancouveria which are related closely toPlagiorhegma andJeffersonia. The vasculature in the receptacle ofPlagiorhegma andJeffersonia is similar, but that ofAchlys is much simpler. Slightly different trace patterns are observed in the sepals ofPlagiorhegma andJeffersonia. InJeffersonia, the 3-trace condition leaving 2 or 3 gaps is most frequently observed, but inPlagiorhegma traces of a double nature leaving a single gap are more frequent. The traces to the innermost sepals, petals and stamens are usually of a double nature leaving a single gap in both genera. Regular division and fusion are not observed in the receptacular stele. The vascular differentiation between sepals and petals is more advanced inPlagiorhegma andJeffersonia than inEpimedium andVancouveria. InAchlys, the traces are all staminal and single throughout their course. Two parts recognized in the pistils ofPlagiorhegma, Jeffersonia andAchlys are traversed by independent vasculature. The comparisons of pistil morphology including vasculature ofPlagiorhegma, Jeffersonia, Achlys, Epimedium andVancouveria lead to the interpretation that the pistils are based on the same morphological plan. The probable evolutionary trend in pistil is then suggested in these five genera.  相似文献   

Social organization and reproductive behavior were studied in 4 species of ostraciid fishes.Lactoria fornasini andLactoria diaphana from Japan andAcanthostracion polygonius from the western Atlsnyiv were usually found in single male, haremic social groups, although the latter 2 species usually included only 2 females per harem, and individuals in all 3 species foraged solitarily. Elements of both “resource defense” and “female defense” (Emlen & Oring 1977) were evident in the 2Lactoria species, and female defense appeared particularly intense inL. diaphana. Resource defense was apparent inA. polygonius. Lactophrys triquetor occurred in lek-like breeding assemblages at Curacao (Netherlands Antilles) and on the Atlantic coast of Panama. These variations in social organization are discussed and a relationship with feeding habits is suggested. All 4 species appear to be gonochores (demonstrated inLactoria by Moyer 1979). The 2Lactoria spp. showed operational sex ratios (OSR: Emlen & Oring 1977) approaching 1∶1 and a high degree of female spawning synchrony. The occurrence of polygyny in species with 1∶1 OSRs and female spawning synchrony is discussed with reference to the Knowlton (1979) model which predicts monogamy to occur in such situations.  相似文献   

Three pioneer tree species —Salix humboldtiana, Cecropia latiloba, Senna reticulata — form monospecific stands in the Central Amazonian white-water flood plain. In contrast toterra firma forests where species composition is unpredictable even for pioneer species, in Central Amazonianvárzea the occurrence of the main colonizing species seems to be predictable. This predictability is linked to characteristic habitat conditions and the low number of pioneer species. This preference for different habitats is reflected by different germination and early growth, by the structural and physiological characteristics, as well as by the reproductive and morphological adaptations of the three main species. The germination rate was above 90% in all species, and the duration until germination ranged between one day inSalix and 14 days inCecropia. Stem elongation was more than 10 cm per month inSalix andCecropia, and about 50 cm per month inSenna. Wood specific gravity ranged from 0.33 g cm−3 inCecropia to 0.45 g cm−3 inSenna. The annual wood increment increased by 1.20 (Cecropia), 1.23 (Salix) to 2.14 cm per year (Senna). All species produced adventitious roots, lenticels and/or stem hypertrophy. Leaf photosynthesis was between 17 and 20 μmol m−2s−1, and reached a maximum of 30 μmol m−2s−1 inSenna. Flowering and fruiting inSalix occurred throughout the year, whereas inCecropia andSenna they were concentrated in the flooded period.Salix humboldtiana occurs mainly at low sites subjected to long periods of inundation and high sedimentation rates. OnceSalix has formed dense forest stands, sedimentation and water currents are reduced at these sites andCecropia latiloba may take over. This species grows on low to middle elevations in the flooding gradient at sites with lower current and sedimentation rates.Senna reticulata does not tolerate submergence and colonizes habitats that may have strong currents and high sedimentation on higher levels in the flooding gradient.  相似文献   

Mangrove species more tolerant to salinity may function with less efficient water transport, which may be related to more conservative water use. To test the hypothesis, we investigate the gas exchange and hydraulic properties of three mangrove species: Rhizophora mangle L., Laguncularia racemosa Gaert and Avicennia germinans (L.)L. Experiments were performed with adult plants growing naturally in the field under a salinity of 35‰. Gas exchange parameters showed that A. germinans had significantly higher photosynthetic rates, and lower stomatal conductance and transpiration rates, compared to the other two mangroves. In concert with this, instantaneous water use efficiency was significantly high in A. germinans, intermediate in L. racemosa and lowest in R. mangle. The hydraulic parameters of the three mangrove species were in the lowest end of the range reported for tropical trees. However, the three mangrove species exhibited measurable differences in hydraulic parameters related to the control of water requirements for maintenance of carbon gain. L. racemosa and A. germinans showed less efficient water transport at shoot level but were the more efficient species in water use at the leaf level in comparison to R. mangle. Received: 7 April 1999 / Accepted: 25 July 1999  相似文献   

A preliminary account of Entolomataceae from Costa Rica is presented. Three new taxa are described, two inClitopilus, one inRhodocybe, and three new combinations are proposed inInocephalus. Five taxa ofClitopilus are reported for the first time from Costa Rica and a key to species is provided. Four species ofRhodocybe are discussed and a key to the six species known from Costa Rica is also provided.Alboleptonia earlei, Inocephalus murraii, Inocephalus quadratum, Rhodocybe incarnata andRhodocybe pseudonitellina are now known to occur in Costa Rica.  相似文献   

Synopsis Although hybridization of terrestrial and freshwater organisms has been well-studied, very little work has focused on hybridization among coral reef fish species. In the present paper, eleven examples of probable hybrids between marine angelfishes (Pomacanthidae) are reviewed. Evidence is presented which strongly suggests that the nominal speciesApolemichthys armitagei is invalid and that specimens previously identified as this species represent hybrids betweenA. trimaculatus andA. xanthurus. Of the remaining ten probable pomacanthid hybrids, five are inCentropyge (C. eibli x C. flavissimus, C. eibli x C. vrolikii, C. flavissimus x C. vrolikii, C. loricu0lus x C. potteri, andC. multifasciatus x C. venustus); one inHolacanthus (H. bermudensis x H. ciliaris), and four inPomacanthus (P. arcuatus x P. paru, P. chrysurus x P. maculosus, P. maculosus x P. semicirculatus, andP. sexstriatus x P. xanthometapon). An additional five examples of possible pomacanthid hybrids are described, two inCentropyge, two inChaetodontoplus and one inPomacanthus. Examination of hybrids may provide clues on reproductive behavior, dispersal capabilities, and phylogenetic relationships of species. More studies on hybridization in coral reef fish species, particularly those involving molecular techniques, are needed.  相似文献   

Amblyomma americanum andA. maculatum were studied to determine if genital sex pheromones were present, as reported inDermacentor species. Chemical analysis of methanol extracts of the anterior reproductive tracts (source of the genital sex pheromone) ofA. americanum andA. maculatum confirmed the presence of the same fatty acids that act as components of the genital sex pheromone inDermacentor variabilis andD. andersoni. In bothAmblyomma species, removal of the anterior reproductive-tract of fed females eliminated the male copulatory response. ForA. americanum, use of anterior reproductive tract extracts made with water, methanol, ether and hexane elicited significant probing and copulatory responses by conspecific males. However, inA. maculatum, use of anterior reproductive-tract extracts made with water, methanol, ether, chloroform: methanol (41), hexane and pentane did not restore mating response by males. Treatment with known components ofDermacentor genital sex pheromones elicited weak but significant responses inA. americanum, but did not restore male mating responses inA. maculatum. These results indicate that genital sex pheromones exist inA. americanum and are not restricted to the genusDermacentor. Characteristics of theAmblyomma genital sex pheromone, however, do differ considerably from those inDermacentor. No genital sex pheromone was present inA. maculatum.  相似文献   

Centromeric repetitive sequences were isolated from Arabidopsis halleri ssp. gemmifera and A. lyrata ssp. kawasakiana. Two novel repeat families isolated from A. gemmifera were designated pAge1 and pAge2. These repeats are 180 bp in length and are organized in a head-to-tail manner. They are similar to the pAL1 repeats of A. thaliana and the pAa units of A. arenosa. Both A. gemmifera and A. kawasakiana possess the pAa, pAge1 and pAge2 repeat families. Sequence comparisons of different centromeric repeats revealed that these families share a highly conserved region of approximately 50 bp. Within each of the four repeat families, two or three regions showed low levels of sequence variation. The average difference in nucleotide sequence was approximately 10% within families and 30% between families, which resulted in clear distinctions between families upon phylogenetic analysis. FISH analysis revealed that the localization patterns for the pAa, pAge1 and pAge2 families were chromosome specific in A. gemmifera and A. kawasakiana. In one pair of chromosomes in A. gemmifera, and three pairs of chromosomes in A. kawasakiana, two repeat families were present. The presence of three families of centromeric repeats in A. gemmifera and A. kawasakiana indicates that the first step toward homogenization of centromeric repeats occurred at the chromosome level.Communicated by W. R. McCombie  相似文献   

From recent isolates of microfungi on soil materials collected at several localities in the world, five new taxa of the Onygenales are described and illustrated. A new monotypic genus,Kraurogymnocarpa lenticulospora, is proposed. New species are described inAmauroascus, Aphanoascus, andArachnomyces. A new variety ofPseudogymnoascus roseus is also proposed.  相似文献   

Summary Highest uptake of32P by young shoots of three plant species was observed and lowest by old ones. The uptake of32P was highest inHydrilla shoots, followed byVallisneria andPotamogeton.Kinetin (0.23 mM) pretreatment (24 h) increased the uptake of32P, while 0.69 mM ethrel or 0.075 mM ABA decreased it in all species.32P was transported to the largest extent to the young shoots of the submerged plants and to the smallest extent to the old ones by kinetin pretreatment. Kinetin enhanced the uptake of32P most inHydrilla shoots, followed byVallisneria andPotamogeton. Ethrel diminished32P uptake most inPotamogeton shoots and to the smallest extent inHydrilla, while ABA lowered it most inHydrilla shoots and to the smallest extent inPotamogeton. Kinetin, ethrel and ABA can modify the uptake of32P of these aquatic plants.  相似文献   

The detectability of preprophase bands (PPBs) by antibody to PSTAIR sequence, which is found in cyclin-dependent kinases and is perfectly conserved in the p34 cdc2 kinase from all known sources, was compared among root tip cells of 12 plant species and cultivars. Although more than 80% of prophase cells in all species examined had PPBs of microtubules (MTs), the detectability of PPBs by anti-PSTAIR varied from 0% to 88% depend on species examined. The detectability of PPBs by the antibody to PSTAIR was as high as that by antibody to tubulin inAllium cepa, A. fistulosum andA. tuberosum. InTriticum andPisum, the detectability varied greatly among cultivars. Only few faint PPBs could be detectable inChrysanthemum, and no PPBs were seen inHibiscus using anti-PSTAIR. The PSTAIR antibody recognized single (Hordeum, Triticum Zea) or multiple (Allium, Hibiscus, Pisum) bands around 34 kDa on protein blots of root tip exracts. PPBs of anti-PSTAIR cross reactive molecules were detectable in one fourth of the prophase cells ofPisum (cv. Snack) by the conventional method. However, the detectability of PPBs inPisum increased to 80% when the method for the PSTAIR-fluorescence was modified, suggesting that the low detectability of PPBs by anti-PSTAIR may not be due to genuine differences between species or cultivars, but may be the result of variable staining.  相似文献   

The embryo sac formation, endosperm formation, and embryo development in all species of JapaneseMitella andM. diphylla of North America were studied. Monosporic 8-nucleate embryo sac formation of thePolygonum type was found in all the species. In endosperm formation, the Cellular type was found in all species of sect.Mitellaria, and the Helobial type inM. nuda, M. diphylla, andM. integripetala. The Helobial type inM. integripetala was somewhat aberrant and approximated to the Cellular type. In embryo development, three types were distinguishable in sect.Mitellaria: Type A (most of the species), Type B (M. acerina) and Type C (M. pauciflora andM. furusei var.furusei). Type B is an intermediate type between A and C.Mitella integripetala also shows Type A, and the types ofM. nuda andM. diphylla are similar to Type A, except for the shape of suspensor. From outgroup comparison, Type A is suggested to be primitive and Type C to be most derivative in sect.Mitellaria. The affinity of some species in sect.Mitellaria is discussed from the embryogenic data obtained.  相似文献   

Summary Three dorsal ocelli are present inCaenis robusta (Ephemeroptera), Trichostegia minor, Agrypnia varia, andLimnephilus flavicornis (Trichoptera). The dioptric apparatus of the ocelli differs between the four species. InTrichostegia andAgrypnia a biconvex corneal lens is present, inLimnephilus the corneal lens is convexo-concave complemented by an underlying haemocoelic space, whereas a cellular vitreous body is found between the cuticle and the retinal layer in the ephemerid. In the three trichopteroid species the ocelli are surrounded by an array of longitudinally arranged tracheoles; inCaenis a layer of screening pigments is found in this position. In this species the rhabdoms formed by microvilli of neighbouring retinula cells have a randomly arranged meshwork pattern; in the three trichopteroid species the rhabdoms are isolated, built up of four retinula cells. Cells with basally situated nuclei and lamellar extensions between the retinular cells are found in the ocelli ofTrichostegia, Agrypnia, andLimnephilus.  相似文献   

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