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Summary The reducing sugars, glucose, and ethanol produced during growth of the anaerobes Clostridium thermocellum and Acetivibrio cellulolyticus on cellulose were assayed. Zymomonas mobilis was grown under similar conditions and could ferment glucose to ethanol. The ethanol production by the cellulolytic bacteria alone and in co-culture with Zymomonas is described. Approximately 27% of a 1% cellulose substrate could be converted to ethanol by this co-culture.  相似文献   

A fundamental question in RNA folding is the mechanism of thermodynamic stability. We investigated the equilibrium folding of a series of sequence variants in which one to three motifs of a 255-nucleotide mesophilic ribozyme were substituted with the corresponding motifs from its thermophilic homologue. Substitution of three crucial motifs individually or in groups results in a continual increase in the stability and folding cooperativity in a stepwise fashion. We find an unexpected relationship between stability and folding cooperativity. Without changing the folding cooperativity, RNAs having a similar native structure can only achieve moderate change in stability and likewise, without changing stability, RNAs having a similar native structure can only achieve moderate change in folding cooperativity. This intricate relationship must be included in the predictions of tertiary RNA stability.  相似文献   

Summary A mesophilic cellulolytic Clostridium has been isolated and coculture of this Clostridium and Clostridium acetobutylicum was established. In 9 days, 7 g/l of Solka Floc were fermented by the monculture. During the same time of incubation, 20 g/l of Solka Floc were degraded by the coculture, and 27 g/l in 8 days in a fed batch fermentation. Only the first phase of the acetone butanol fermentation (acid formation) was observed.  相似文献   

Zymomonas mobilis and a mesophilic cellulolytic clostridium (strain C7) were grown in coculture in a medium containing cellulose as fermentable substrate. The coculture was stable through at least ten serial transfers and produced markedly higher amounts of ethanol than monocultures of the cellulolytic clostridium. Glucose and cellobiose, derived from the breakdown of cellulose, accumulated in strain C7 monocultures, but not in cocultures. The molar ratio of ethanol to acetate was higher in cocultures than in monocultures of strain C7. The cellulolytic clostridium was relatively ethanol-tolerant, inasmuch as it grew and fermented cellulose in media containing up to 7 g of ethanol/100 ml. Cellulase (Avicelase) activity of strain C7 was inhibited by cellobiose, but not by glucose.  相似文献   

During the growth of Bacteroides cellulosolvens in media containing cellulose, the accumulation of unutilized sugars in the culture broth occurred mainly during the stationary phase of growth. Cells harvested during the stationary phase of growth continued to convert both cellulose and hemicellulose to cellobiose, glucose, and xylose. These three sugars caused feedback inhibition. Continuous removal of these sugars during the incubation of cells with cellulose at pH 5 accumulated ca. 32 g/L of sugars as compared to ca. 17 g/ produced under batch conditions of growth. Sugar formation by resting cells also increased with increasing cell concentration and did not require any nutrient.  相似文献   

A microbial colony that contained a marked amount of cellulose was isolated from vineyard soil. The colony was formed by the associated growth of two bacterial strains: a cellulose-producing acetic acid bacterium (st-60-12) and a lactic acid bacterium (st-20). The 16S rDNA-based taxonomy indicated that st-60-12 belonged to Gluconacetobacter xylinus and st-20 was closely related to Lactobacillus mali. Cocultivation of the two organisms in corn steep liquor/sucrose liquid medium resulted in a threefold higher cellulose yield when compared to the st-60-12 monoculture. A similar enhancement was observed in a coculture with various L. mali strains but not with other Lactobacillus spp. The enhancement of cellulose production was most remarkable when sucrose was supplied as the substrate. L. mali mutants for exocellular polysaccharide (EPS) production were defective in promoting cellulose production, but the addition of EPS to the monoculture of st-60-12 did not affect cellulose productivity. Scanning electron microscopic observation of the coculture revealed frequent association between the st-60-12 and L. mali cells. These results indicate that cell–cell interaction assisted by the EPS-producing L. mali promotes cellulose production in st-60-12.The nucleotide sequences of 16S rDNA that are reported in this paper were submitted to GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ under the accession numbers AB016864 (st-20) and AB016865 (st-60-12).  相似文献   

Sixteen batch experiments were performed to evaluate the stability, kinetics, and metabolic paths of heat-shocked digester (HSD) sludge that transforms microcrystalline cellulose into hydrogen. Highly reproducible kinetic and metabolic data confirmed that HSD sludge could stably convert microcrystalline cellulose to hydrogen and volatile fatty acids (VFA) and induce metabolic shift to produce alcohols. We concluded that clostridia predominated the hydrogen-producing bacteria in the HSD sludge. Throughout this study the hydrogen percentage in the headspace of the digesters was greater than 50% and no methanogenesis was observed. The results emphasize that hydrogen significantly inhibited the hydrogen-producing activity of sludge when initial microcrystalline cellulose concentrations exceeded 25.0 g/L. A further 25 batch experiments performed with full factorial design incorporating multivariate analysis suggested that the ability of the sludge to convert cellulose into hydrogen was influenced mainly by the ratio of initial cellulose concentration (So) to initial sludge density (Xo), but not by interaction between the variables. The hydrogen-producing activity depended highly on interaction of So x (So/Xo). Through response surface analysis it was found that a maximum hydrogen yield of 3.2 mmol/g cellulose occurred at So = 40 g/L and So/Xo = 8 g cellulose/g VSS. A high specific rate of 18 mmol/(g VSS-d) occurred at So = 28 g/L and So/Xo = 9 g cellulose/g VSS. These experimental results suggest that high hydrogen generation from cellulose was accompanied by low So/Xo.  相似文献   

Optimization of fed-batch conversion of lignocellulosic hydrolyzates by the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was studied. The feed rate was controlled using a step response strategy, in which the carbon dioxide evolution rate was used as input variable. The performance of the control strategy was examined using both an untreated and a detoxified dilute acid hydrolyzate, and the performance was compared to that obtained with a synthetic medium. In batch cultivation of the untreated hydrolyzate, only 23% of the hexose sugars were assimilated. However, by using the feed-back controlled fed-batch technique, it was possible to obtain complete conversion of the hexose sugars. Furthermore, the maximal specific ethanol productivity (q(E,max)) increased more than 10-fold, from 0.06 to 0.70 g g(-1) h(-1). In addition, the viability of the yeast cells decreased by more than 99% in batch cultivation, whereas a viability of more than 40% could be maintained during fed-batch cultivation. In contrast to untreated hydrolyzate, it was possible to convert the sugars in the detoxified hydrolyzate also in batch cultivation. However, a 50% higher specific ethanol productivity was obtained using fed-batch cultivation. During batch cultivation of both untreated and detoxified hydrolyzate a gradual decrease in specific ethanol productivity was observed. This decrease could largely be avoided in fed-batch cultivations.  相似文献   

The yeast Pachysolen tannophilus was entrapped in calcium alginate beads to ferment D-xylose on a continous basis in the presence of high cell densities. Experimental operating variables included the feed D-xylose concentration, the dilution rate, and the fermentor biomass concentration. Under favorable operating conditions, cultures retained at least 50% of their initial productivity after 26 days of operation. The specific ehanol production rate was dependent on the substrate level in the fermentor, passing through an optimum when the D-xylose concentration was between 28 and 35 g/L. Consequently, reactor productivity increased with dilution rate and feed D-xylose concentration until a maximum was reached. The ethanol content of the effluent always decreased with increasing dilution rate, but excessive dilution rates diminished the ethanol content without increasing productivity. Unlike production rate, ethanol yield declined monotonically from 0.35 g/g as the fermentor substrate concentration increased. The yield was 69% of that theoretically possible when the D-xylose concentration was near zero, as opposed to 42% when it was in the range supporting the optimum specific rate of ethanol production. As long as D-xylose was supplied to cells faster than they could consume it, productivity increased with the mass of cells immobilized. The effectiveness factor associated with the calcium alginte beads used in this system was 0.4, indicating that only 40% of the entrapped biomass was effective in converting D-xylose to ethanol because of diffusion limitations.  相似文献   

Summary Aqueous two-phase systems composed of dextran and poly (ethylene glycol) have been successfully used for glucose fermentation, cellulose hydrolysis and bioconversion of cellulose to ethanol. The biocatalysts are confined in the bottom phase whereas the products are extracted by the top phase.  相似文献   

The metabolic pathway shift between only ethanol consumption to both sugar/ethanol consumption was measured by on-line analysis of respiratory quotient of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The experiments were carried out in a fed-batch culture under aerobic conditions. During the transition phase, respiratory quotient (RQ) profile shows that sugar can be metabolized through the fermentative pathway even to values of RQ lower than 1.  相似文献   

The metabolic pathway shift between only ethanol consumption to both sugar/ethanol consumption was measured by on-line analysis of respiratory quotient of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The experiments were carried out in a fed-batch culture under aerobic conditions. During the transition phase, respiratory quotient (RQ) profile shows that sugar can be metabolized through the fermentative pathway even to values of RQ lower than 1.Revisions requested; Revisions received 9 September 2004  相似文献   

Photoproduction of h(2) from cellulose by an anaerobic bacterial coculture   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cellulomonas sp. strain ATCC 21399 is a facultatively anaerobic, cellulose-degrading microorganism that does not evolve hydrogen but produces organic acids during cellulose fermentation. Rhodopseudomonas capsulata cannot utilize cellulose, but grows photoheterotrophically under anaerobic conditions on organic acids or sugars. This report describes an anaerobic coculture of the Cellulomonas strain with wild-type R. capsulata or a mutant strain lacking uptake hydrogenase, which photoevolves molecular hydrogen by the nitrogenase system of R. capsulata with cellulose as the sole carbon source. In coculture, the hydrogenase-negative mutant produced 4.6 to 6.2 mol of H(2) per mol of glucose equivalent, compared with 1.2 to 4.3 mol for the wild type.  相似文献   

Summary A saprophytic filamentous fungus, Monilia sp., isolated from bagasse compost was found to utilize many polysaccharides (including cellulose) and to produce cellulases and hemicellulases. Monilla sp. also fermented glucose, xylose and cellulosic materials to ethanol. Over 60% of the solid cellulose substrate added to Monilia sp. cultures was converted to ethanol as the major fermentation product. These results indicate that Monilia sp. is a potential organism for the direct conversion of cellulosic biomass to ethanol.  相似文献   

The direct fermentation of cellulosic biomass to ethanol has long been a desired goal. To this end, we screened the environment for fungal strains capable of this conversion when grown on minimal medium. One strain, identified as a member of the genus Trichoderma and designated strain A10, was isolated from cow dung and initially produced about 0.4 g ethanol l(-1). This strain cannot grow on any substrate under anaerobic conditions, but can ferment microcrystalline cellulose or several sugars to ethanol. Ethanol accumulation was eventually increased, by selection and the use of a vented fermentation flask, to 2 g l(-1) when the fermentation was carried out in submerged culture in minimal medium. The highest levels of ethanol, >5.0 g l(-1), were obtained by the fermentation of glucose. Little ethanol was produced by the fermentation of xylose, although other fermentation products such as succinate and acetate were observed. Strain A10 was also found to utilize (aerobically) a wide range of carbon sources. In addition, auxotrophic mutants were generated and used to demonstrate parasexuality by complementation between auxotrophs and between morphological mutants. The ability of this strain to use a wide variety of carbohydrates (including crystalline cellulose) combined with its minimal nutrient requirements and the availability of a genetic system suggests that the strain merits further investigation of its ability to convert biomass to ethanol.  相似文献   

Cotton cellulose was treated with 1 and 3 m sodium hydroxide at 170–190°C under oxygen pressure of 200 and 400 kPa. About 60–70% of the cellulose was converted into low molecular weight carboxylic acids, which were analysed by capillary gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. In all 60 acids were identified, of which formic, glycolic, lactic, oxalic, 2,3,4-trideoxyhexaric and 3,4-dideoxyhexaric acids were the main compounds. Several C7−C10 hydroxy dicarboxylic acids were also detected, but these remained mainly unidentified.  相似文献   

Inhibition of the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose by ethanol   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ethanol inhibits the cellulase from Trichoderma reesi progressively and linearly up to 65 g/L. The inhibition of this magnitude presents a potential problem in the simultaneous saccharification and fermentation, presently a norm of the process scheme in ethanol production from biomass.  相似文献   

Summary Two strains of Zymomonas mobilis were tested for their ability to ferment sucrose to ethanol at elevated temperatures (30–42.5°C). The optimal temperature for efficient sucrose to ethanol conversion was 35°C with 22–27 h fermentation time and 75% conversion efficiency. Increases in magnesium concentration improved one of the strains at 40°C from 38 to 76% ethanol yield efficiency.  相似文献   

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