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Cytokeratin expression in squamous metaplasia of the human uterine cervix   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The expression of cytokeratin polypeptides in squamous metaplasia of the human uterine cervix was investigated by immunocytochemical labeling with polypeptide-specific antibodies against cytokeratins. Immunofluorescence microscopic examination of cervical tissues using various monoclonal antibodies indicated that squamous cervical metaplasia expresses a unique set of cytokeratin polypeptides, this being distinctively different from that expressed by all of the normal epithelial elements of the exo- and endocervix. The development of metaplastic foci was accompanied by the expression of cytokeratin polypeptide no. 13, which is commonly detected in stratified epithelia, and by a reduction in the level of polypeptide no. 18, which is typical of simple epithelia. The 40-kilodalton cytokeratin (no. 19) described by Moll et al., which is abundant in the columnar and reserve cells of the endocervix, was found throughout the metaplastic lesions. Only in 'well-differentiated' metaplasias did we detect polarity of cytokeratin expression reminiscent of the staining patterns in the exocervix. This was manifested by the exclusive labeling of the basal cell layer(s) with antibodies KB 8.37 and KM 4.62, which stain the basal cells of the exocervix. Furthermore, a comparison of cervical metaplasia with squamous areas occurring within endometrial adenocarcinomas pointed to a close similarity in the cytokeratin expression of the two. We discuss the use of cytokeratins as specific markers of squamous differentiation, the relationships between squamous metaplasia and cervical neoplasia, and the involvement of reserve cells in the metaplastic process.  相似文献   

The carbohydrate molecules Sialyl Lewis X (SLeX), Sialyl Lewis A (SLeA), Lewis Y (LeY) and Thomsen-Friedenreich antigen (TF) are known to mediate the adhesion between tumor cells and endothelium. They are used as serum markers in diagnosis and treatment in a broad spectrum of human carcinomas, but their expression profile and role in the development of cervical cancer remains unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of SLeX, SLeA, LeY and TF in normal cervical squamous epithelium, cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer. Slides of paraffin-embedded tissue were fixed and incubated with monoclonal antibodies against SLeX, SLeA, LeY and TF. Immunohistochemical staining was evaluated by using a semi-quantitative score (IRS Score). We found a significant difference of SLeA expression in invasive cervical cancer compared to normal epithelium (p=0.006) and all grades of dysplasia (p=0.002). The expression of SLeX in normal epithelium was less intense than in carcinoma in situ (p=0.036). Staining for LeY showed the weakest results of the investigated markers. Significant differences were found when normal epithelium was compared to CIN I (p=0.011), to CIN II (p=0.013) and to invasive cervical cancer (p=0.005). For TF, significant differences were found in normal epithelium compared to CIN I (p=0.011), CIN II (p=0.013) and compared to invasive cervical cancer (p=0.005). This is the first study on the expression of SLeA, SLeX, LeY and TF in normal cervical endothelium, cervical dysplasia, carcinoma in situ and invasive cervical cancer. Further studies and higher numbers are desirable.  相似文献   

Langerhans cells (LCs) were shown up in normal cervical tissue obtained from 32 women whose age ranged from 25 to 68 years, using immunohistological methods. LCs were detected in metaplastic and native squamous epithelium of the cervix; they were positive to Dako-LC and OKDR antibodies and those located in the basal-suprabasal epithelial layers were also OKT6-positive. The density of the LCs was higher during the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle. The investigation into the lymphocytes present in the stroma and in the squamous epithelium showed a population of T-lymphocytes identified as predominantly T-cytotoxic/suppressor cells, sometimes in contact with LCs. The significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

The human esophagus is lined by stratified squamous epithelium (ESSE), and in some subjects with reflux disease the distal esophagus becomes lined by Barrett's specialized columnar epithelium (BSCE). ESSE and BSCE differ both histologically and functionally, the latter evident by differences in their in vivo transmural electrical potential difference (PD), ESSE averaging -15 mV and BSCE being greater than -25 mV. In this report we examine the basis for this difference in PD. This is done by mounting endoscopic biopsies of ESSE from 25 subjects without esophageal disease and BSCE from 19 with Barrett's esophagus in mini-Ussing chambers for electrical recordings basally and after bathing solution ion replacement. The results show that the PD of human ESSE reflects a low level of active ion transport (5.1 +/- 0.8 muA/cm(2)) combined with a high level of tissue (electrical) resistance (344 +/- 34 Omega.cm(2)) and that of BSCE reflects a high level of active transport (43.6 +/- 11.6 muA/cm(2)) combined with a low level of resistance (69 +/- 8 Omega.cm(2)). Furthermore, active transport in ESSE was principally due to sodium absorption whereas in BSCE it was equally divided between sodium absorption and anion (chloride/bicarbonate) secretion, the latter through an apical membrane, 4-acetamido4'-isothiocyano-2,2'-stilbenedisulfonic acid-sensitive anion channel. As an anion-secreting tissue with bicarbonate secretory capacity more than fivefold greater than ESSE, BSCE is better suited than ESSE for defense of the esophagus against reflux disease.  相似文献   

At the initial phase of embryo implantation, the trophoblast must have acquired competence for adhesion to the uterine epithelium, a condition whose cell biological basis is far from understood. In the present study, trophoblast-type cells (BeWo, JAr, and Jeg-3 choriocarcinoma cell lines) were treated with retinoic acid, methotrexate, dibutyryl-cAMP, or phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate in order to modulate their ability to adhere to uterine epithelial cells (RL95-2). In an established model, multicellular spheroids of choriocarcinoma cells were transferred onto the surface of monolayer cultures of RL95-2 cells followed by a centrifugal force-based adhesion assay. In controls, about 45% of BeWo and JAr cell spheroids and 75% of Jeg-3 spheroids adhered to uterine monolayers within 30 min. Pretreatment of spheroids with either of the agents stimulated differentiation as indicated by the rate of chorionic gonadotropin secretion, but consistently reduced the adhesion to the endometrial monolayer in all three choriocarcinoma cell lines. While previous investigations had shown that invasiveness of trophoblast cells (into extracellular matrix) does not seem to be linked to the differentiation program in a simple manner, the present data suggest that such an (inverse) link may indeed exist with respect to the ability to initiate an adhesive interaction with the uterine epithelium. These observations support the view that epithelial cell interactions as typical for the initial phase of embryo implantation are regulated in a way that is clearly different from cell-matrix interactions governing later phases of trophoblast invasion into the endometrial stroma.  相似文献   

Thioglycolate medium, rich in peptides, causes an inflammation reaction in mice upon i.p. injection. It induces from the 2nd to the 6th day an increase in aminopeptidase, an enzyme bound to the plasma membrane of macrophages. This increase is up to 30-fold per cell and is due to a 10–20-fold increase in enzyme concentration per unit area of the membrane.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate angiogenesis as an independent prognostic factor and to determine the correlation between the angiogenic index (AI) and histologic grade of the neoplastic process in patients operated on for invasive carcinoma of the uterine cervix. Angiogenesis was assessed with immunohistochemical technique using a monoclonal antibody against human factor VIII--(F8/86 M0616, DAKO, Denmark). A positive correlation was revealed between the intensification of angiogenesis and the incidence of lymph node involvement and survival rate.  相似文献   

The distribution of calcyclin in human tissues was studied using polyclonal antibodies against this protein. In all organs examined (breast, heart, intestine, kidney, liver, ovary, placenta, stomach, thymus, and uterus) only epithelial cells and fibroblasts were stained. This suggests that calcyclin expression is related either to proliferation rate or secretion activity. The data show that calcyclin might be considered as a marker of some human epithelial cells and fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Rabbit tracheobronchial epithelial cells (RbTE) can undergo squamous cell differentiation under defined culture conditions and, therefore, have been used as a model to study the regulation of squamous cell differentiation markers. In the present study, we identified a 20-kDa protein, designated rSQ20, in the serum-free growth medium conditioned by RbTE cells undergoing squamous cell differentiation. The protein was also found in extracts of squamous differentiated cells. rSQ20 was labeled by cells incubated with [35S]methionine but not with [3H]glucosamine, suggesting that it is not a glycoprotein. Undifferentiated cells did not produce this protein. rSQ20 was detected in the conditioned medium of RbTE cells after they reached a confluent and growth-arrested state, and thereafter its level increased markedly and concurrently with an increase in type I (epidermal) transglutaminase, an established marker of squamous cell differentiation. rSQ20 found in concentrated conditioned medium of squamous differentiated RbTE cells was eluted from a gel filtration column as a protein of 20 kDa, similar to that found by gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions, suggesting that it is not a multimeric protein. A protein with an apparent molecular weight of 16 kDa (rSQ16), probably the product of partial proteolysis of rSQ20, was often found in various amounts in the conditioned medium of differentiated RbTE cells. beta-All-trans retinoic acid and other vitamin A analogues (retinoids), which suppress squamous cell differentiation, inhibited the expression of rSQ20 in RbTE cells. RbTE cells immortalized by transfection with SV40 large T antigen as well as malignantly transformed derivatives obtained from the immortalized cells by further transfection with v-Ha-ras secreted SQ20 and SQ16 when grown to high cell densities although their squamous differentiation was impaired. An analogous protein with an apparent molecular weight of 16 kDa, designated hSQ16, was detected in the medium of differentiated normal human bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cells and normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEK). No such protein could be detected in the medium in which undifferentiated NHBE or NHEK cells were grown. These results suggest that rSQ20 and hSQ16 are new markers of squamous cell differentiation.  相似文献   

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