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The microscopic anatomy and ultrastructure of a Polian vessel have been studied in the sipunculan Thysanocardia nigra Ikeda, 1904 from the Sea of Japan using the methods of histology and electron microscopy. We describe ultrastructural features of the inner and outer coelothelium, which is constructed of podocytes and multiciliary cells. Between the processes of the podocyte cells, we found double diaphragms that are considered characteristic macromolecular filters. We conclude from an analysis of the ultrastructural features of the vessel wall that coelomic fluid may be filtered from the tentacular coelom to the trunk coelom via the wall of the Polian vessel.  相似文献   

This research is part of a study on the ultrastructure of coelomocytes and cellular complexes from the body cavity of sipunculans. New free-swimming elements called microvillar cells in the trunk coelom of Thysanocardia nigra Ikeda, 1904 are examined using transmission electron microscopy. The cell harbors a giant vesicle filled with a fibrous matrix and rosettes of minute osmiophilous granules. The nucleus is peripheral, and a few cell organelles are situated between the cell membrane and the vesicular membrane. The cell membrane bears numerous microvilli with enlarged apical points. Numerous small microvillar vesicles swimming in the coelomic fluid separate from the microvillar cells. The functional morphology of coelomocytes and cellular complexes is discussed.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Biologiya Morya, Maiorova, Adrianov.  相似文献   

Free-floating coelomocytes in the tentacular coelomic cavity of the sipunculan Thysanocardia nigra Ikeda, 1904, were studied using light interference contrast microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The following coelomocyte types were distinguished: hemerythrocytes, amoebocytes, and two morphological types of granular cells. No clusters of specialized cells that had been reported to occur in the trunk coelom of Th. nigra were found in the tentacular coelom. The corresponding types of coelomocytes from the tentacular and trunk coelomic cavities were shown to differ in size. These two coeloms are completely separated in sipunculans.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural characteristics of coelomic cell complexes in the coelomic fluid were investigated with the use of transmission electron microscopy on the example of Japanese sipunculid. In the sipunculid coelom, complexes consisting of several cells were found for the first time: the central glandular cell and the outer layer of podocytes. Peculiar cell complexes (urns), comprising by ciliary and granular cells, were described in Thysanocardia for the first time. It had been proposed that both types of coelomic cell complexes dissociated from extensive chloragogenic tissue clusters on the intestine surface of Th. nigra. The variety of cell complexes in the coelom of other sipunculid is discussed.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the tentacles was studied in the sipunculid worm Thysanocardia nigra. Flexible digitate tentacles are arranged into the dorsal and ventral tentacular crowns at the anterior end of the introvert of Th. nigra. The tentacle bears oral, lateral, and aboral rows of cilia; on the oral side, there is a longitudinal groove. Each tentacle contains two oral tentacular canals and an aboral tentacular canal. The oral side of the tentacle is covered by a simple columnar epithelium, which contains large glandular cells that secrete their products onto the apical surface of the epithelium. The lateral and aboral epithelia are composed of cuboidal and flattened cells. The tentacular canals are lined with a flattened coelomic epithelium that consists of podocytes with their processes and multiciliated cells. The tentacular canals are continuous with the radial coelomic canals of the head and constitute the terminal parts of the tentacular coelom, which shows a highly complex morphology. Five tentacular nerves and circular and longitudinal muscle bands lie in the connective tissue of the tentacle wall. Similarities and differences in the tentacle morphology between Th. nigra and other sipunculan species are discussed.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Biologiya Morya, Maiorova, Adrianov.  相似文献   

The development and arrangement of the tentacular apparatus of Thysanocardia nigra (Ikeda, 1904) and Themiste pyroides (Chamberlin, 1920) are described and illustrated using scanning electron microscopy. In T. nigra, the tentacular apparatus is composed of two crowns: the nuchal arc enclosing the nuchal organ and a crown of numerous oral tentacles arranged in U-shaped festoons. In early juveniles, two dorsal horn-like protrusions develop into the first, or primary, pair of tentacles of the nuchal arc. The second pair of tentacles of the nuchal arc develops dorsolaterally on the bases of the primary tentacles. Two ventrolateral lobes of the oral disk grow and become subdivided by the longitudinal ciliary groove into anlages of one set of dorsal and one set of ventral tentacles, thus forming a first oral festoon. Later, a pair of dorsolateral lobes develop between the first festoons and the nuchal arc to form a second pair of oral festoons. The third and following pairs of oral festoons develop in the dorsolateral growth zones lateral to the borders of the nuchal arc, where they meet the oral crown. The growing festoons extend down the oral disk and run alongside the head. A new oral tentacle appears directly at/on the base of the previous tentacle, thus giving rise to a typical sympodium with an alternating arrangement of tentacles. In T. pyroides, a second pair of tentacles develops from two ciliary lobes that are ventrolateral outgrowths of the circumoral ciliary field around the terminal mouth opening. The third pair of tentacles appears from the dorsolateral lobes at the base of primary tentacles, between the first two pairs of tentacles. These six tentacles determine the position of six main stems of the tentacular apparatus designated the first tentacles in the corresponding stems. The second tentacle in every stem appears as a ventrolateral outgrowth at the base of the first tentacle. The third and following tentacles in the stem are developed between the two previous tentacles according to a sympodial pattern. In both species, the distinct sympodial pattern in the arrangement of tentacles in the tentacular apparatus is well evidenced by the outlines of the ciliary oral grooves. The branched stems of T. pyroides may be homologized structurally and functionally to the oral festoons of T. nigra. J. Morphol. (c) 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Only species belonging to the bryozoan subtaxon Phylactolaemata possess an epistome. To test whether there is a specific coelomic cavity inside the epistome, Fredericella sultana, Plumatella emarginata, and Lophopus crystallinus were studied on the ultrastructural level. In F. sultana and P. emarginata, the epistome contains a coelomic cavity. The cavity is confluent with the trunk coelom and lined by peritoneal and myoepithelial cells. The lophophore coelom extends into the tentacles and is connected to the trunk coelom by two weakly ciliated coelomic ducts on either side of the rectum. The lophophore coelom passes the epistome coelom on its anterior side. This region has traditionally been called the forked canal and hypothesized to represent the site of excretion. L. crystallinus lacks an epistome. It has a simple ciliated field where an epistome is situated in the other species. Underneath this field, the forked canal is situated. Compared with the other species, it is pronounced and exhibits a dense ciliation. Despite the occurrence of podocytes, which are prerequisites for a selected fluid transfer, there is no indication for an excretory function of the forked canal, especially as no excretory porus was found. J. Morphol. 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The process of mouth and coelom formation in exogastrulae of the starfish, Pisaster ochraceus, induced by LiCl, has been studied with the light microscope, scanning and transmission electron microscopes. Bending and segmentation of the exogastrulated archenteron with the formation of either single or double coelomic pouches follows the same schedule as the control. In addition, a region of the exogastrular ectoderm, which corresponds to the area of the mouth in controls, undergoes invagination. Early morphogenesis of the archenteron and invagination of the ectoderm during mouth formation appear to be intrinsic properties of these structures.

At the time of mouth formation in the controls, a discrete region adjacent to the distal end of the exogastrulated archenteron becomes sticky. Examination of this region shows that the surfaces of the archenteron cells are relatively smooth and that processes of the mesenchyme cells extend between them. The evidence suggests that the mesenchyme cells are responsible for the stickiness, and that they may guide the archenteron and ectoderm into contact and maintain the contact during normal mouth formation.  相似文献   

Abstract. The hypothesis of a common ancestry of the lophophorate taxa Brachiopoda, Bryozoa, Phoronida, and the Deuterostomia can be traced back to the late 19th century when Masterman recognized a tripartite organization of the body consisting of pro-, meso-, and metasome, along with coelomic body cavities in each compartment, as characteristic for Echinodermata, Pterobranchia, Phoronida, and Brachiopoda. This idea became quite popular under the name "archicoelomate" concept. The organization of the phoronids, and especially of their transparent actinotroch larva, has for a long time been used as a touchstone for the validity of this concept. As a coelomic lining can reliably be recognized only on the ultrastructural level, this technique has been applied for adults of Phoronis ovalis , which is assumed to be a sister species to all other phoronids. Phoronis ovalis contains only two coelomic compartments, a posterior coelom inside the trunk (metasoma), occupying the space between the trunk epidermis and the digestive epithelium, and an anterior lophophoral coelom inside and basal to the tentacular crown (mesosoma). There is no coelomic cavity inside the epistome (prosoma). This part of the body is filled with myoepithelial cells, which are continuous with the epithelial lining of the lophophore cavity. These cells form a lumenless bilayer and possess long, tiny myofilamentous processes, which are completely embedded in an extracellular matrix. A comparison with data on P. muelleri shows that there is no need to assume three different coelomic cavities in Phoronida, in contrast to the predictions of the archicoelomate concept. At least for this taxon, a correspondence to the situation in deuterostomes can hardly be found.  相似文献   


The process of spermiogenesis and the ultrastructure of the spermatozoa in the peanut worm, Themiste pyroides, from the Sea of Japan were observed with electron microscopy (SEM and TEM). The testes are composed of groups of spermatogonia and are covered by peritoneal cells. Clusters of spermatocytes are released from the testes into the coelomic fluid. Connected by intercellular bridges, the spermatocytes within a given cluster develop asynchronously. Proacrosomal vesicles and a flagellum appear in spermatocytes. Spermatids in the clusters retain the intercellular connections. During spermiogenesis, the acrosomal vesicle, formed by coalescence of small proacrosomal vesicles in the basal part of the spermatid, migrates to the apical part of the cell to form a conical-shaped acrosome. The basal concavity lying above the nucleus is filled with subacrosomal substance. The midpiece contains four mitochondria, two centrioles, and some residual cytoplasm with dark glycogen-like granules. A peculiar annulus structure develops around the base of the flagellum. The distal centriole has a pericentriolar complex consisting of radially oriented elements. Before the spawning process, the spermatozoa are filtered throughout the ciliary nephrostomal funnel into the excretory sac of paired nephridia where they are stored for a short time. The sperm are released into the sea water via nephridiopores. Spermatozoa remaining in the coelomic fluid after spawning are resorbed by amoebocytes. This species from Vostok Bay is characterized by a prolonged spawning period from June to early October. The reproductive strategy of T. pyroides is discussed in comparison with that of Thysanocardia nigra, the latter having a unique pattern of packaging of the spermatozoa, resulting in the formation of spermatozeugmata, as a reproductive adaptation to the very short spawning period.  相似文献   

The structure and location of the diaphragm (gular membrane) was studied in five families of Terebelliformia: Terebellidae, Trichobranchidae, Pectinariidae, Ampharetidae and Alvinellidae, using dissections, histology, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Position, shape, and structure of the diaphragm differ in these taxa. In Terebellidae and Pectinariidae the diaphragm is straight. In Trichobranchidae, Ampharetidae and Alvinellidae it is funnel-shaped. Diaphragm possesses two contractile sacs in Terebellidae and Pectinariidae, one in Alvinellidae and none at all in Trichobranchidae. The relative size and form of the sacs varied. Representatives of the family Ampharetidae have one or two sacs or none at all. Four kinds of the diaphragm can be distinguished: strait with two sacs, funnel-shaped with two sacs, funnel-shaped with one sac, funnel-shaped without sacs. In some Alvinellidae, the diaphragm is fenestrated, while in all other taxa it is continuous. The wall of the sacs is more muscular than the wall of the remaining diaphragm. The diaphragm is attached to the body wall at different levels: between the third and fourth segments in pectinariids or between the fourth and fifth in terebellids, ampharetids, alvinellids and trichobranchids. In most cases, the diaphragm contains two coelothelial layers with a well-developed extra-cellular matrix in between, and one or two muscle layers. The maximum development of the muscle fibres occurs in Terebellidae; probably related to the length of buccal tentacles. Significance of morphological and ultrastructural peculiarities of the diaphragm is discussed.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of sperm in seven species of bivalves, the representatives of six families, Arcidae (Anadara broughtonii, Arca boucardi), Anomiidae (Pododesmus macrochisma), Tellinidae (Macoma tokyoensis), Ostreidae (Crassostrea gigas), Myidae (Mya japonica) and Trapezidae (Trapezium liratum) is described. All the studied sperm were typical tail sperm, adapted to external insemination, which, however, had a specific structure. Differences were revealed in the form of head, acrosome structure and number of mitochondria. The studied species of the above families had their specific morphology, the Arcidae species had a bullet- or barrel-shaped head with four or five mitochondria in the middle part; the Anomiidae had conic head, the acrosome with periacrosome material and four mitochondria (a basic feature of sperm is the axial core entering periacrosome material and consisting of bundle of actin filaments); the Myidae had a curved conic head and four mitochondria; in the Tellinidae the head was bullet-shaped, the periacrosome material contained a fibril component and four mitochondria; the Trapezidae had sperm of a conic form with spherical acrosome. The spherical sperm of C. gigas were similar to sperm of Saccostrea commercialis and Crassostrea virginica, but with some distinctions in the acrosome substructure. The morphology of sperm testified to the correct attribution of the Crassostreidae family as a synonym to the Ostreidae family.  相似文献   

The organization of the body cavities is an important morphological trait that can be used for establishing the phylogenetic relationships between different groups of animals. In the present study, the hemocoel and coelomic systems of 10‐hr‐old juveniles and adults of the hermaphroditic oikopleurid Oikopleura gracilis were examined using light and transmission electron microscopy. The trunk hemocoel in 10‐hr‐old juveniles was represented by small clefts containing layers of extracellular matrix of adjacent tissues or interstices with migrating primordial germ syncytium. The wide hemocoel in the tail contained extracellular strands, subdividing the hemocoel into hemal sinuses. In adults, a large hemocoel appeared in the trunk and tail, and also contained extracellular strands. The hermaphroditic gonad was surrounded by its own lining, separating it from the hemocoel. The gamete‐filled cavity in the ovary and testis appeared only at late‐stage gonadogenesis, when the pre‐spawning reduction of syncytium occurred in the gonads. The true coelom in 10‐hr‐old juveniles and adults was represented by the pericardium. The lining of the pericardium consisted of myoepithelial and peritoneal cells. In the myoepithelial cells of 10‐hr‐old juveniles, myofibrils had been formed. The myoepithelial cells of adults had several parallel rows of completely differentiated myofibrils. The substantial reduction of the coelomic and circulatory systems in O. gracilis evidently results from the extreme shortening of ontogeny in appendicularians. Development in O. gracilis from early juvenile to adult involves the following steps, which also suggest how the tunicate heart may have evolved: a single‐layered coelomic sac gives rise to a grooved pericardium with an open hemal sinus (simple heart). In ascidians, this simple heart in turn gives rise to a closed tubular, double‐layered heart–pericardial complex, with a separate pericardial cavity and a closed heart, whose wall is formed by specialized myocardium.  相似文献   

Nishikawa T 《Zoological science》2002,19(10):1175-1180
Examination of thin sections of trunk wall in an old specimen of Ikeda taneioides from Misaki, Sagami Bay revised previous false information about the wall musculature, actually consisting of outer circular, middle longitudinal, and inner-most oblique layers, like all other echiurans. This finding, together with the reexamination of relevant museum specimens, led to some taxonomic changes. These include that the definition of the genus Ikeda was amended to be a senior synonym of Prashadus; the family Ikedidae was regarded as a junior synonym of the family Echiuridae; and the order Heteromyota, erected virtually for I. taenioides, was abolished. Non-discovery of males and some other features in the amended genus Ikeda were noted with reference to its possible relationship with the family Bonelliidae.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the sperm of the common bivalve species Mercenaria stimpsoni and Mactra chinensis from Peter the Great Bay is described. The sperm structure is typical for animals with external insemination. The sperm consists of a head, middle part, and flagellum. The sperm head of M. stimpsoni has a curved crescent form and includes the nucleus and acrosome; the head length is 9.8 μm. The acrosome is subdivided to the acrosome granule and the periacrosomal material. There are 4 mitochondria of about 0.8 μm in size in the middle part of the spermatozoon. The mitochondria surround the centriolar apparatus, which consists of proximal and distal centrioles located at a right angle. The axoneme originates from the distal centriole. The sperm of M. chinensis is barrel-shaped, with a head length of 3.2 μm. The acrosome is relatively larger, and its height is 1–1.2 μm. There are also 4 mitochondria 0.6–0.8 μm in the middle part of the spermatozoon. The sperm structure of the described species is typical of the families to which the mollusks belong, with insignificant variations.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of spermatozoa of Cucumaria japonica and a congeneric morphologically similar deep-sea species was studied. The spermatozoa of both C. japonica and C. conicospermium are similar to those of other holothurians: the acrosome is composed of an acrosomal granule and periacrosomal material; the centrioles lie at an acute angle to one another; and the proximal centriole is connected to the nuclear envelope by a flagellar rootlet. The spermatozoa of C. japonica differ from those of C. conicospermium in the shape of the head and the dimensions and position of the acrosome. In C. japonica, the acrosome is completely embedded in the nuclear fossa and measures 0.7 m. In C. conicospermium, only one-third of the acrosome is embedded in the nuclear fossa; this acrosome measures 1.3 m. A correlation between the structure of the sperm acrosome and that of the egg envelope is discussed.  相似文献   

The regional and cyclic changes in the murine genital epithelium were studied by transmission and scanning electron microscopy to provide a morphological standard to serve as a basis for investigation of host-parasite relationships in genital infections. Thus, we examined not only mucosal epithelial cell changes, but also surface mucus, normal flora and inflammatory cells. Ultrastructurally, at proestrus/estrus, we found uterine and most cervical epithelial cells covered with microvilli overlaid with mucus-like secretions and evidence of internal secretory activity. There was little normal flora anywhere in the tract. At early metestrus, we found squamous cervicovaginal epithelial cells with low discontinuous microrugae, extensive normal flora and many neutrophils beginning to migrate through the epithelium. The flora and neutrophils could explain the relative lack of susceptibility to infection at that time. At diestrus the appearance of a newly regenerated epithelium and lack of normal flora suggested that initiation of infection could occur at this stage; however, the presence of large numbers of neutrophils ready to phagocytize invading bacteria indicated a deterrent to infection. This study of cyclic changes in flora, mucus, neutrophils and epithelial cells provided ultrastructural evidence to support an earlier hypothesis that the greatest susceptibility to gonococcal infection in mice occurred at proestrus/estrus.  相似文献   

Stomach cells of female Asplanchna sieboldi are specialized for absorption and intracellular digestion of nutrients. Evidence is presented to show that electron-opaque colloidal substances, present in the medium and within digestive vacuoles of the prey (Paramecium), are taken up by the stomach cells at the apical cell membrane and sequestered within food vacuoles which contain hydrolases working in both the acid and alkaline pH range. The stomach cells are also implicated in the absorption of molecules below the resolving power of the electron microscope. In rotifers possessing a complete digestive tract, this task is presumed to be handled by the intestine.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of oogenesis in the bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ovarian ultrastructure of the Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) was investigated during the reproductive season with the aim of improving our understanding of the reproductive biology in this species. The bluefin, like the other tunas, has an asynchronous mode of ovarian development; therefore, all developmental stages of the oocyte can be found in mature ovaries. The process of oocyte development can be divided into five distinct stages (formation of oocytes from oogonia, primary growth, lipid stage, vitellogenesis, and maturation). Although histological and ultrastructural features of most these stages are similar among all studied teleosts, the transitional period between primary growth and vitellogenesis exhibits interspecific morphological differences that depend on the egg physiology. Although the most remarkable feature of this stage in many teleosts is the occurrence of cortical alveoli, in the bluefin tuna, as is common in marine fishes, the predominant cytoplasmic inclusions are lipid droplets. Nests of early meiotic oocytes derive from the germinal epithelium that borders the ovarian lumen. Each oocyte in the nest becomes surrounded by extensions of prefollicle cells derived from somatic epithelial cells and these form the follicle that is located in the stromal tissue. The primary growth stage is characterized by intense RNA synthesis and the differentiation of the vitelline envelope. Secondary growth commences with the accumulation of lipid droplets in the oocyte cytoplasm (lipid stage), which is then followed by massive uptake and processing of proteins into yolk platelets (vitellogenic stage). During the maturation stage the lipid inclusions coalesce into a single oil droplet, and hydrolysis of the yolk platelets leads to the formation of a homogeneous mass of fluid yolk in mature eggs.  相似文献   

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