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The translocation of Pi, malate, -oxoglutarate, and citrate across the inner membrane of rat-liver mitochondria has been studied. Investigation on the effect of pH on anionic substrate translocation across the mitochondrial membrane shows that their distribution across the inner membrane can be governed by transmembrane pH difference. However, evidence is presented that the translocation of Pi, but not that of malate, -oxoglutarate, or citrate can bedirectly coupled to an OH counterflux (H2PO 4 –OH exchange-diffusion). and malate-tricarboxylate exchange-diffusion reactions is directly demonstrated. The study of the effect of uncouplers on the efflux from mitochondria of substrate anions, in the absence of counteranion, and on the anion exchange-diffusions shows that uncouplers act in at least two ways: they promote the efflux of Pi from mitochondria and inhibitdirectly the exchange-diffusion reactions. The kinetics of this inhibition are described. These results are discussed in the light of previous work on the effect of uncouplers on the distribution of substrate anions across the inner membrane of isolated mitochondria. Coupling mechanisms in substrate anion translocation and aspects of the energetics of anion translocation are discussed.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of the centrifugation speed on the behavior of rat-liver mitochondria during isopycnic centrifugation in an isoosmotic medium. The gradient was made with a macromolecular compound, glycogen dissolved in 0.25 M aqueous sucrose. The distribution curves of several mitochondrial enzymes change when the centrifugation reaches a certain speed: they are shifted toward regions of lower density. The results are plausibly explained by supposing that the inner mitochondrial membrane becomes permeable to sucrose at high centrifugation speeds, and that the granules swell. The main causal agent of the phenomenon is the hydrostatic pressure the mitochondria are subjected to during centrifugation. Morphological observations show that mitochondria are markedly deteriorated when centrifuged at high speed in the glycogen gradient; they are swollen and the outer membrane is broken; also frequently, a large electron-dense granule is seen in the matrix near the inner mambrane.  相似文献   

We have investigated the intracellular distribution of several enzymes on homogenates of late foetal, early postnatal and adult rat livers. Homogenates were subjected to differential centrifugations in 0.25 M sucrose and four fractions were isolated which corresponded to the N (nuclear) ML (total mitochondrial) P (microsomal) and S (soluble) fractions of de Duve et al. (1955). In general the age of the animal did not significantly affect the distribution pattern. Reference enzymes of mitochondria, lysosomes and peroxisomes were mainly recovered in the total mitochondrial fraction (ML). Glucose-6-phosphatase and esterase, both located in the endoplasmic reticulum, were chiefly associated with the microsomal fraction P together with galactosyltransferase (a reference enzyme of the Golgi apparatus). 5'-Nucleotidase, (a plasma membrane enzyme) exhibits a bimodal distribution and is mainly recovered in the N and the P fractions. Such results indicate that the membrane composition of the fractions isolated by the fractionation scheme was used, does not appreciably differ for the late foetal, early postnatal and adult rat livers. An analytical fractionation of the mitochondrial (ML) fraction of livers at different stages of development was performed by isopycnic centrifugation in sucrose gradients and in glycogen gradients using sucrose solutions of various concentrations as the solvents. The distribution of mitochondria, lysosomes and peroxisomes were assessed by establishing the distribution of their reference enzymes. Some physical characteristics of the particles were deduced from the manner in which the distributions were influenced by the sucrose concentration of the centrifugation medium. The distribution of liver mitochondrial enzymes one day prenatal differs strikingly from that of enzymes one day postnatal; foetal mitochondria seem characterized by a high osmotic space and a high hydrated matrix density; neonatal mitochondria seem devoid of an osmotic space and the density of their hydrated matrix is markedly lower than that of the foetal mitochondria. As ascertained by the distribution of mitochondrial enzymes in a sucrose 2H2O gradient, the high density of a foetal mitochondria matrix does not mainly originate from a lower amount of hydration water. The behavior of lysosomal enzymes in media with increasing concentrations of sucrose suggests that lysosomes originating from late foetal rat liver are endowed with a very small osmotic space. As for the peroxisomes, our results do not display significant behavior differences in centrifugations that would indicate physicochemical changes of these particles during the perinatal period.  相似文献   

Summary Chloroplasts and mitochondria ofChlamydomonas were examined by electron microscopy to determine if cytoplasmic ribosomes were associated with the envelopes of these organelles. Cells were treated with cycloheximide to prevent polypeptide chain completion, and resultant dissociation of envelope-ribosome associations. No extensive association of cytoplasm ribosomes with envelopes of chloroplasts, or mitochondria was detected in intact cells or in damaged cells in which cytoplasm was partly removed. Our results indicate that association of cytoplasm ribosomes with envelopes of chloroplasts or mitochondria is not an essential requirement for transport of polypeptides from cytoplasm to organelle.  相似文献   

The preprotein translocase of the inner membrane of mitochondria (TIM23 complex) is the main entry gate for proteins of the matrix and the inner membrane. Tim50 is a major receptor in TIM23 complex, which spans the inner membrane with a single transmembrane segment and exposes a large hydrophilic domain in the intermembrane space. In this study, we expressed and purified the intermembrane space (IMS) domain of human Tim50 (Tim50(IMS)), and investigated its structural characteristics and assembly behaviors. The far-UV CD spectra of Tim50(IMS) in native and denatured states revealed that the protein has a significantly folded secondary structure consisted of α-helixes and β-sheets. Size exclusion chromatography showed that Tim50(IMS) is a monomer. Furthermore, the results showed, by intrinsic fluorescence, ANS binding, fluorescence anisotropy and fluorescence quenching, that Tim50(IMS) forms a compact structure in the range of pH 8.0-5.0; and it is more compact at pH 8.0 than pH 7.0; when pH decreases below 5.0, the protein is gradually denatured.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent anion channels in the outer mitochondrial membrane are strongly regulated by electrical potential. In this work, one of the possible mechanisms of the outer membrane potential generation is proposed. We suggest that the inner membrane potential may be divided on two resistances in series, the resistance of the contact sites between the inner and outer membranes and the resistance of the voltage-dependent anion channels localized beyond the contacts in the outer membrane. The main principle of the proposed mechanism is illustrated by simplified electric and kinetic models. Computational behavior of the kinetic model shows a restriction of the steady-state metabolite flux through the mitochondrial membranes at relatively high concentration of the external ADP. The flux restriction was caused by a decrease of the voltage across the contact sites and by an increase in the outer membrane potential (up to +60 mV) leading to the closure of the voltage-dependent anion channels localized beyond the contact sites. This mechanism suggests that the outer membrane potential may arrest ATP release through the outer membrane beyond the contact sites, thus tightly coordinating mitochondrial metabolism and aerobic glycolysis in tumor and normal proliferating cells.  相似文献   

Induction of the nonselective cyclosporin-sensitive pore in the inner mitochondrial membrane under conditions of complete dissipation of ion gradients and transmembrane potential was studied. This approach allows the kinetics of Ca2+-dependent pore opening and the preceding processes of induction to be studied separately. The effects of mitochondrial heterogeneity were also minimized. We found that the kinetics of pore opening can be described by a minimal two-step scheme where only the rate constant at the first step depends on Ca2+ concentration. Oxidation of pyridine nucleotides in the matrix caused a slow transition in the pore complex and decreased the apparent dissociation constant of the Ca2+-binding site from >1 mM to approximately 30 microM. N-Ethylmaleimide (but not disulfide-reducing agents) prevented and slowly reverted the pore induction process. Data suggesting allosteric modulation of the pore by pyridine nucleotides are presented.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the discovery of a protein kinase activity associated with the inner membrane of mammalian mitochondria. The enzyme does not respond to addition of cyclic AMP or cyclic GMP and has a preference for whole histone as phosphate acceptor. Some standard assay systems for the cyclic nucleotide-dependent cytosol protein kinases would be unable to pick up this activity of the orthophosphate concentration is higher than 25 mM and the pH or the assay lower than pH 6.5. The enzyme described here has an apparent pH optimum of 8.5. Activity in liver mitochondria is not evident unless the mitochondria are disrupted by either sonication or freezing and thawing. Distribution of kinase activity in centrifugal fractions of both liver and heart mitochondrial sonicates was parallel to that of the two inner membrane marker enzymes succinic dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase and quite different from that of the matrix enzyme malic dehydrogenase. Experiments with preparations enriched in outer or inner membranes confirmed the contention that this enzyme is located on the inner membrane. Since disruption of the inner membrane by a freeze-thaw treatment (after the outer membrane had been disrupted by swelling in phosphate) was necessary for full expression of activity by this enzyme, the tentative conclusion was reached that substrate is accepted only from the matrix side of the inner membrane.  相似文献   

The oxidation of NADH or succinate by Jerusalem-artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) mitochondria in the presence of chlortetracycline induced an increase in chlortetracycline fluorescence. Any treatment that prevented the formation of a transmembrane potential (as monitored by changes in safranine absorbance, A511-A533), e.g. uncoupling with carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone, inhibition of dehydrogenase activity or electron transport, anaerobiosis or depletion of substrate, prevented the increase in chlortetracycline fluorescence or caused it to disappear. Changes in chlortetracycline fluorescence were always slower than changes in the safranine absorbance. The increase in chlortetracycline fluorescence caused by succinate oxidation had an excitation maximum at 393 nm, indicating that a Ca2+-chlortetracycline complex was involved. The increase in fluorescence was observed even in the presence of EDTA, which removes all external bivalent cations, indicating that internal Ca2+ is mobilized. Although NADH and succinate oxidations gave the same membrane potential and qualitatively had the same effect on chlortetracycline fluorescence, NADH oxidation caused a much larger (over 3-fold) increase in chlortetracycline fluorescence than did succinate oxidation. It is possible that this is connected with the Ca2+-dependence of NADH oxidation. In the presence of 2 mM external Ca2+, chlortetracycline collapsed the transmembrane potential and uncoupled succinate and duroquinone oxidation.  相似文献   

A new method was devised for the isolation of foetal and neonatal rat lvier mitochondria, giving higher yields than conventional methods. 2. During development from the perinatal period to the mature adult, the ratio of cytochrome oxidase/succinate-cytochrome c reductase changes. 3. The inner mitochondrial membrane of foetal liver mitochondria possesses virtually no osmotic activity; the permeability to sucrose decreases with increasing developmental age. 4. Foetal rat liver mitochondria possess only marginal respiratory control and do not maintain Ca2+-induced respiration; they also swell in respiratory-control medium in the absence of substrate. ATP enhances respiratory control and prevents swelling, adenylyl imidodiphosphate, ATP+atractyloside enhance the R.C.I. (respiratory control index), Ca2+-induced respiratory control and prevent swelling, whereas GTP and low concentrations of ADP have none of these actions. It is concluded that the effect of ATP depends on steric interaction with the inner mitochondrial membrane. 5. When 1-day pre-partum foetuses are obtained by Caesarean section and maintained in a Humidicrib for 90 min, mitochondrial maturation is "triggered", so that their R.C.I. is enhanced and no ATP is required to support Ca2+-dependent respiratory control or to inhibit mitochondrial swelling. 6. It is concluded that foetal rat liver mitochondria in utero do not respire, although they are capable of oxidative phosphorylation in spite of their low R.C.I. The different environmental conditions which the neonatal rat encounters ex utero enable the hepatic mitochondria to produce ATP, which interacts with the inner mitochondrial membrane to enhance oxidative phosphorylation by an autocatalytic mechanism.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial inner membrane possesses an anion channel (IMAC) which mediates the electrophoretic transport of a wide variety of anions and is believed to be an important component of the volume homeostatic mechanism. IMAC is regulated by matrix Mg2+ (IC50=38 µM at pH 7.4) and by matrix H+ (pIC50=7.7). Moreover, inhibition by Mg2+ is pH-dependent. IMAC is also reversibly inhibited by many cationic amphiphilic drugs, including propranolol, and irreversibly inhibited byN,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. Mercurials have two effects on its activity: (1) they increase the IC50 values for Mg2+, H+, and propranolol, and (2) they inhibit transport. The most potent inhibitor of IMAC is tributyltin, which blocks anion uniport in liver mitochondria at about 1 nmol/mg. The inhibitory dose is increased by mercurials; however, this effect appears to be unrelated to the other mercurial effects. IMAC also appears to be present in plant mitochondria; however, it is insensitive to inhibition by Mg2+, mercurials, andN,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. Some inhibitors of the adenine nucleotide translocase also inhibit IMAC, including Cibacron Blue, agaric acid, and palmitoyl CoA; however, atractyloside has no effect.  相似文献   

Patch-clamp experiments on swollen mitochondria of human, mouse and rat origins have revealed activity by an approximately 400 pS (in 150 mM KCl), voltage-dependent and anion-selective channel. This channel is located in the inner membrane, as shown by experiments with mitochondria from cells expressing a fluorescent mitochondrial tag protein and by the co-presence of the 107 pS channel and of the permeability transition pore (PTP). The frequency of appearance was inversely related to the presence of the PTP. This and the comparison of its electrophysiological characteristics with those of the PTP indicate that it is closely related to the latter, possibly corresponding to a monomeric unit whose dimer constitutes the full PTP. The channel is similar but not identical to isolated-and-reconstituted mitochondrial porin, and it is present also in mitochondria from cells lacking porin isoforms. Its identification with porin is therefore to be excluded. It most likely coincides instead with the "maxi-chloride channel" characterized in the plasma membrane of various cell types.  相似文献   

Patch-clamp experiments on swollen mitochondria of human, mouse and rat origins have revealed activity by an approximately 400 pS (in 150 mM KCl), voltage-dependent and anion-selective channel. This channel is located in the inner membrane, as shown by experiments with mitochondria from cells expressing a fluorescent mitochondrial tag protein and by the co-presence of the 107 pS channel and of the permeability transition pore (PTP). The frequency of appearance was inversely related to the presence of the PTP. This and the comparison of its electrophysiological characteristics with those of the PTP indicate that it is closely related to the latter, possibly corresponding to a monomeric unit whose dimer constitutes the full PTP. The channel is similar but not identical to isolated-and-reconstituted mitochondrial porin, and it is present also in mitochondria from cells lacking porin isoforms. Its identification with porin is therefore to be excluded. It most likely coincides instead with the “maxi-chloride channel” characterized in the plasma membrane of various cell types.  相似文献   

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