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Demand for an ethical supply of human tissue for research in the commercial biomedical sector is increasing substantially. This article sets out to review ethical issues specifically relating to acquisition of tissue from patients in a publicly funded national health service (NHS), for research use in a commercial setting. Some of the background to recent high profile Inquiries in England is discussed and is used to illustrate legal and ethical differences between living and dead people. Issues relating to patient consent are investigated and the case is made for a clear distinction between tissue acquisition and tissue processing. Future possibilities for regulation are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Predator-prey interactions are a primary structuring force vital to the resilience of marine communities and sustainability of the world's oceans. Human influences on marine ecosystems mediate changes in species interactions. This generality is evinced by the cascading effects of overharvesting top predators on the structure and function of marine ecosystems. It follows that ecological forecasting, ecosystem management, and marine spatial planning require a better understanding of food web relationships. Characterising and scaling predator-prey interactions for use in tactical and strategic tools (i.e. multi-species management and ecosystem models) are paramount in this effort. Here, we explore what issues are involved and must be considered to advance the use of predator-prey theory in the context of marine fisheries science. We address pertinent contemporary ecological issues including (1) the approaches and complexities of evaluating predator responses in marine systems; (2) the 'scaling up' of predator-prey interactions to the population, community, and ecosystem level; (3) the role of predator-prey theory in contemporary fisheries and ecosystem modelling approaches; and (4) directions for the future. Our intent is to point out needed research directions that will improve our understanding of predator-prey interactions in the context of the sustainable marine fisheries and ecosystem management.  相似文献   

Redox regulatory mechanisms in cellular stress responses   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
BACKGROUND: Reactive oxygen species are produced in a highly localized and specific pattern in biological stress responses. The present review examines the redox regulatory aspects of a number of molecular stress response mechanisms in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. SCOPE: The present review provides examples representing both the cytoplasmic stress response, often studied as the heat shock response, as well as the stress response of the endoplasmic reticulum, known as the unfolded protein response. The examples have been selected to illustrate the variety of ways that redox signals mediate and affect stress responses. CONCLUSIONS: Redox regulatory mechanisms are intricately embedded in both the cytoplasmic and endoplasmic reticulum stress responses at multiple levels. Many different stimuli, both internal and external, activate endogenous production of reactive oxygen species as a necessary part of the intracellular communication system that activates stress responses.  相似文献   

Rcs双组分调节系统对细菌环境应答的分子调控研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荚膜异多糖酸合成调节(Regulator of Capsule Synthesis,Rcs)系统是存在于许多肠杆菌科细菌中非典型的双组分调节系统,由3种核心蛋白(跨膜感应激酶RcsC、跨膜蛋白RcsD和响应调节剂RcsB)及多种辅助蛋白共同构成.Rcs系统能整合环境信号、调节基因表达并改变细菌的生理行为.近年来,对细菌...  相似文献   

《“健康中国2030”规划纲要》将生物医药列为重点规划发展领域,上海也将生物医药列为重要新兴支柱产业。生物医药产业的快速发展对人才需求提出了更高要求。华东理工大学生物工程学院秉承交叉融合、互惠发展、传承创新的思路,将生物工程专业和制药专业有机融合,从“三位一体”标准体系构建、“三融合、三衔接”课程体系重构和“三全育人”创新人才培养等方面进行新工科专业改革和人才培养实践,提出了“价值引领、知识体系、技术和非技术核心能力素养”三位一体的生物医药新工科人才培养标准,构建了“课内课外全过程、学生培养全覆盖、课程思政全方位”的三全育人创新人才培养模式,并建立了“课程与培养目标、通识课与专业课、拔尖人才培养体系与培养方案的”有效衔接,在智能生物制造新工科教学成果基础上进一步推进面向生物医药新工科的专业建设,为生物工程一流本科专业建设提供思路。  相似文献   

We synthesized information on selected contaminants in the Upper Mississippi River, summarized regulatory measures enacted to reduce pollution, and described biotic and ecosystem responses to regulatory actions. Contamination of the river with mercury and lead rapidly followed settlement of the basin by European immigrants in the mid-1800s. Metal contamination peaked in the 1960s and has since decreased substantially. DDT, its degradation product DDE, and PCBs biomagnified to concentrations that adversely affected wildlife in upper trophic levels. National (U.S.A.) environmental regulations enacted from 1972 to 1991 reduced discharges of wastes from point sources, improved wastewater treatment, and reduced or banned the production or usage of certain chemicals, such as DDT, PCBs, and lead. Responses to these regulatory measures include reductions in ecosystem contamination, reductions in biotic exposure, and recovery of affected wildlife populations. Recovery from pollution has been slow, however, and we conclude that proactive approaches focusing on prevention are highly preferable to reactive approaches in management of toxic substances. Past successes in reducing point-source pollution, which is greatest near urban areas, do not extend to nonpoint-source pollution, given that the existing regulatory framework does not adequately address nonpoint sources. The river continues to receive hundreds of recently synthesized chemicals, and the behavior and effects of most of these compounds in aquatic ecosystems are largely unknown. Emerging contaminants and recently discovered mechanisms of adverse biological effects, such as endocrine disruption, pose continuing challenges to scientists and environmental managers concerned with the ecological health of this riverine ecosystem.  相似文献   

RNA interference is one of the most important mechanisms regulating gene expression. Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) play an essential role in cell defense against virus infection or retrotransposons. The use of siRNAs gives wide opportunities for treating virus infections and cancer. RNA interference allows rapid construction of monogenic functional knockouts, thereby providing a convenient tool for researchers. The review considers the current views of the mechanisms of RNA interference and modern approaches to its practical application.  相似文献   

Evolution of regulatory responses to feeding in snakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Do animal species that normally consume large meals at long intervals evolve to down-regulate their metabolic physiology while fasting and to up-regulate it steeply on feeding? To test this hypothesis, we compared postfeeding regulatory responses in eight snake species: four frequent feeders on small meals and four infrequent feeders on large meals. For each species, we measured factorial changes in metabolic rate, in activities and capacities of five small intestinal brush border nutrient transporters, and in masses of eight organs that function in nutrient processing after consumption of a rodent meal equivalent to 25% of the snake's body mass. It turned out that, compared with frequent feeders, infrequent feeders digest that meal more slowly; have lower metabolic rates, organ masses, and nutrient uptake rates and capacities while fasting; have higher energy expenditure during digestion; and have higher postfeeding factorial increases in metabolic rate, organ masses, and nutrient uptake rates and capacities. These conclusions, which conform to the hypothesis mentioned above, remain after phylogeny has been taken into account. The small organ masses and low nutrient transporter activities during fasting contribute to the low fasting metabolism of infrequent feeders. Quantitative calculations of partial energy budgets suggest that energy savings drive the evolution of low mass and activities of organs during fasting and of large postfeeding regulatory responses in infrequent feeders. We propose further tests of this hypothesis among other snake species and among other ectotherms.  相似文献   

Marine mollusc production contributes to food and economic security worldwide and provides valuable ecological services, yet diseases threaten these industries and wild populations. Although the infrastructure for mollusc aquaculture health management is well characterized, its foundations are not without flaws. Use of notifiable pathogen lists can leave blind spots with regard to detection of unlisted and emerging pathogens. Increased reliance on molecular tools has come without similar attention to diagnostic validation, raising questions about assay performance, and has been accompanied by a reduced emphasis on microscopic diagnostic expertise that could weaken pathogen detection capabilities. Persistent questions concerning pathogen biology and ecology promote regulatory paralysis that impedes trade and which could weaken biosecurity by driving commerce to surreptitious channels. Solutions that might be pursued to improve shellfish aquaculture health management include the establishment of more broad-based surveillance programmes, wider training and use of general methods like histopathology to ensure alertness to emerging diseases, an increased focus on assay assessment and validation as fundamental to assay development, investment in basic research, and application of risk analyses to improve regulation. A continual sharpening of diagnostic tools and approaches and deepening of scientific knowledge is necessary to manage diseases and promote sustainable molluscan shellfish industries.  相似文献   

In recent years, a renewed interest in malaria elimination and eradication hasemerged and seems to be rooting in the minds of the scientific community, publichealth specialists, funding bodies, policy makers and politicians. Malariaeradication will certainly benefit from improved and innovative tools;notwithstanding novel knowledge in fields ranging from basic science to mathematicalmodelling and health systems research. However, the elimination of malaria alsoencompasses a broad range of essential aspects that countries and other actors needto consider when thinking of embarking on such an adventure, including theimplementation of innovative strategies, the ability to incorporate the mostup-to-date evidence into policy, the integration of malaria into the broader healthagenda, the strengthening of surveillance and health systems, capacity building,funding, advocacy and, very importantly, research. While in some cases thisenthusiasm is clearly justified, some countries are still a long way fromrealistically advancing towards elimination. This paper attempts to provide guidanceon all the necessary issues that should be considered when initiating a malariaelimination program.  相似文献   

The purpose of this statistical analysis is to determine what factors are the major contributors to bacterial contamination of recovered human cadaveric tissue. In this study we analyzed factors that could contribute to an increased bacterial bioburden from recovered tissues using the following independent variables: (1) the physical recovery environment; (2) recovery before or after an autopsy; (3) the length of time from death to recovery; (4) the cause of death; (5) the length of time to complete recovery; (6) the number of staff involved with the tissue recovery; and (7) the impact of organ and skin recovery on musculoskeletal contamination rates.In these analyses we used analysis of variance of main effects on data from seven tissue banks. The scale of the analysis included 1036 donors each having multiple cultures to better control for the inherent large variation in this type of data. We looked at several dependent variables. The dependent variable that was most useful was percent positive cultures.The results of the combined data differed from analyzing the tissue banks individually. The differences in each tissue bank's procedures and techniques were responsible for most of the variability. Depending on how the data was organized, statistically significant increases in bioburden were seen with: (1) recoveries after autopsy; (2) location of the recovery; (3) length of time taken for a recovery; (4) size of the recovery team; and (5) the impact of organ and skin recovery on musculoskeletal contamination rates.In conclusion, statistical analysis of recovery cultures can be a powerful tool that may be used to indicate problems within any bank's recovery procedures or techniques.  相似文献   

Increases in international travel and migratory flows have enabled infectious diseases to emerge and spread more rapidly than ever before. Hence, it is increasingly easy for local infectious diseases to become global infectious diseases (GIDs). National governments must be able to react quickly and effectively to GIDs, whether naturally occurring or intentionally instigated by bioterrorism. According to the World Health Organisation, global partnerships are necessary to gather the most up-to-date information and to mobilize resources to tackle GIDs when necessary. Communicable disease control also depends upon national public health laws and policies. The containment of an infectious disease typically involves detection, notification, quarantine and isolation of actual or suspected cases; the protection and monitoring of those not infected; and possibly even treatment. Some measures are clearly contentious and raise conflicts between individual and societal interests. In Europe national policies against infectious diseases are very heterogeneous. Some countries have a more communitarian approach to public health ethics, in which the interests of individual and society are more closely intertwined and interdependent, while others take a more liberal approach and give priority to individual freedoms in communicable disease control. This paper provides an overview of the different policies around communicable disease control that exist across a select number of countries across Europe. It then proposes ethical arguments to be considered in the making of public health laws, mostly concerning their effectiveness for public health protection.  相似文献   

The hydroxylation of phenylalanine to tyrosine by the liver enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase is regulated by the level of phenylalanine. Whether there is a distinct allosteric binding site for phenylalanine outside of the active site has been unclear. The enzyme contains an N-terminal regulatory domain that extends through Thr117. The regulatory domain of rat phenylalanine hydroxylase was expressed in Escherichia coli. The purified protein behaves as a dimer on a gel filtration column. In the presence of phenylalanine, the protein elutes earlier from the column, consistent with a conformational change in the presence of the amino acid. No change in elution is seen in the presence of the non-activating amino acid proline. 1H–15N HSQC NMR spectra were obtained of the 15N-labeled protein alone and in the presence of phenylalanine or proline. A subset of the peaks in the spectrum exhibits chemical shift perturbation in the presence of phenylalanine, consistent with binding of phenylalanine at a specific site. No change in the NMR spectrum is seen in the presence of proline. These results establish that the regulatory domain of phenylalanine hydroxylase can bind phenylalanine, consistent with the presence of an allosteric site for the amino acid.  相似文献   

Because diabetics are prone to the development of neuropathy and microvascular disease, abnormalities of cardiovascular reactivity and capillary permeability in response to acute exercise and/or an increase in environmental temperature might presage the development of clinically overt complications. In the present study insulin-dependent diabetics without evidence of microangiopathy or neuropathy and controls matched for the same level of physical fitness performed cycle ergometer exercise for 20 minutes at 65 percent VO2 max in a temperature maintained at 35 percent C. Ther rise in heart rate (82-85 beats min-1), the fall in plasma volume (11-13 percent), and the increase in total serum proteins (13-16 percent) induced by exercise were the same in the two groups. Furthermore, comparable increments in skin blood flow (two- to threefold) and in core and skin temperatures were observed. The relationship between increases in body core temperature and increases in skin blood flow and the vasodilatory threshold (37.0 percent C) were also the same in the diabetics and controls.  相似文献   

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