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重金属胁迫下内生菌对宿主植物的解毒机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用内生菌联合植物修复是土壤重金属污染修复理论研究和应用实践的新思路。较之根际促生菌,内生菌因生存环境稳定且与植物联系更加紧密,在实际应用中具有更大价值。在重金属胁迫下,部分具有特定功能的细菌可进入植物体内成为内生菌,这些内生菌通常在重金属吸收、耐受和解毒方面具有优良的特性,而且可以协同宿主植物耐受重金属胁迫,表现在直接或间接降低植物体内重金属胁迫强度和提高植物本身对重金属的耐受性两方面。系统分析了内生菌对宿主植物的解毒机制,综述了近年来内生菌增强植物重金属耐受性的研究,展望了重金属胁迫下植物和内生菌互作机制的研究思路和方向。  相似文献   

Quantitative changes in protein expression of cadmium-exposed poplar plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cadmium (Cd) pollution is a worldwide major concern having, among others, deleterious effects on plants. In the present work, the effects of a 20 microM Cd exposure in hydroponics culture during 14 days were evaluated in young poplar leaves. Proteins were analysed by 2-D DIGE, followed by MALDI-TOF-TOF identification. Additionally, growth and other physiological parameters were monitored during the experiment. Treated plants exhibited an inhibition of growth and visual symptoms appeared after 7 days. A significant accumulation of Cd in all organs was recorded by ICP-MS analysis. A number of changes in the expression of proteins with various functions were identified; in particular a decreased abundance of oxidative stress regulating proteins, whereas pathogenesis-related proteins showed a drastic increase in abundance. Furthermore, a large number of proteins involved in carbon metabolism showed a decrease in abundance, while proteins involved in remobilizing carbon from other energy sources were upregulated. In conclusion, the negative effect of Cd could be explained by a deleterious effect on protein expression from the primary carbon metabolism and from the oxidative stress response mechanism. Accumulation of Cd in stems of poplar, coupled with a low impact of Cd on physiological parameters, promotes the use of poplar trees for phytoremediation purposes.  相似文献   

Soil bacterial communities were analyzed in different habitats (bulk soil, rhizosphere, rhizoplane) of poplar tree microcosms (Populus tremulaxP. alba) using cultivation-independent methods. The roots of poplar trees regularly experience flooded and anoxic conditions. Therefore, we also determined the effect of flooding on microbial communities in microcosm experiments. Total community DNA was extracted and bacterial 16S rRNA genes were amplified by PCR and analyzed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis, cloning and sequencing. Clone libraries were created from all three habitats under both unflooded and flooded conditions resulting in a total of 281 sequences. Numbers of different sequences (<97% similarity) in the different habitats represented 16-55% of total bacterial species richness determined from the nonparametric richness estimator Chao1. According to the number of different terminal restriction fragments (T-RFs), all of the different habitats contained approximately 20 different operational taxonomic units (OTUs), except the flooded rhizoplane habitat whose community contained less OTUs. Results of cloning and T-RFLP analysis generally supported each other. Correspondence analysis of T-RFLP patterns showed that the bacterial communities were different in bulk soil, rhizosphere and rhizoplane and changed upon flooding. For example OTUs representing Bacillus sp. were highest in the unflooded bulk soil and rhizosphere. Sequences related to Aquaspirillum, in contrast, were predominant on the poplar roots and in the rhizosphere of flooded microcosms but were rarely found in the other habitats.  相似文献   

根际酸化作用对杨树无性系磷营养效率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用土培盆栽技术,研究了杨树P营养效率的无性系差异与根际酸化作用的关系。P处理设4个水平,分别为0、40、80和120mg·kg-1(P2O5),每个处理重复3次。各用土40kg,随机排列.结果表明,在缺P胁迫下,P营养高效型无性系S17、S19和105的根际pH值明显降低,最大为1.32个单位。降幅均在10%以上;而P营养低效型无性系106、797、I-69、1388和3244的根际pH值的降低则很小。最大的仅为0.21个单位,降幅均在2.5%以下。高效型无性系的根际pH值。随缺P胁迫的增加而逐渐降低。一旦缺P胁迫缓和,根际pH值随之增高,低效型无性系则不具有这种反应机理。S17、S19和105在缺P胁迫环境下,根际有效磷分别为2.64、3.27和3.28mg·kg-1,根际有效磷的积累率均在60%以上;而无性系106、797、I-69、1388和3244的根际有效磷均不足2.00mg·kg-1,根际有效磷的积累率不足10%。高效型无性系在缺P胁迫环境下对P的吸收量显著高于低效型无性系,统计分析也证明,缺P胁迫条件下。无性系根际有效磷的积累与根际pH值降低呈显著相关。说明根际酸化作用是根际有效磷增加的原因。  相似文献   

Dark septate endophytes (DSEs) are abundant in stressful environments, including trace element (TE)-enriched soils. However, knowledge about the effects of DSEs on plant growth in such soils is poor compared to the well-known mycorrhizal fungi. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of three DSE strains isolated from TE-contaminated soils on the growth and mineral nutrition of Betula pendula and Populus tremula x alba grown on two contrasting TE-polluted soils. The three DSEs evenly colonized the two plant species in both soils. Nevertheless, plant responses to DSE inoculation varied from neutral to beneficial depending on soil properties. Depending on fungal strain and plant species, different factors seemed to contribute to plant growth promotion. Phialophora mustea Pr27 and Leptodontidium Pr30 decreased lipid peroxidation in birch shoots. Chlorophyll, K, and P concentrations increased in the shoots of Leptodontidium Pr30-inoculated trees, whereas Cd concentration decreased in Cadophora Fe06-inoculated birch. The absence of a general DSE-mediated plant growth–promoting behavior could represent a limiting factor for a generic use of DSEs in the tree-based phytomanagement of TE-contaminated soils. Our results suggest that the selection of strains adapted to particular edaphic conditions should not be overlooked within the framework of phytomanagement.  相似文献   

The populations of the general microflora (bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi) in the rhizosphere and their corresponding non-rhizosphere soil samples of Ginkgo biloba L. of two age groups (Group A, <25 years-young trees; Group B, >60 years-old trees) growing under a temperate location of Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) have been determined. Observations were also made for the diversity, distribution and colonization of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and occurrence of endophytes in roots of G. biloba. The population of general microflora was found to be higher in the rhizosphere of Group B trees, more clearly reflected in terms of rhizosphere: soil (R:S) ratios. Contrary to this, per cent colonization and spore densities of AM fungi were higher in the rhizosphere of Group A trees as compared to the rhizosphere of Group B. AM fungal colonization was observed mostly in form of loose coils. All the spores detected, belonged to the genus Glomus with five different types. Presence of endophytes (both bacteria and fungi) was observed in the cortical cells of G. biloba roots, more profound in case of Group B trees. Data suggest that, while the species of Glomus dominated the rhizosphere of G. biloba, an inverse correlation exist between the colonization of general microflora and the colonization of AM fungi including endophytes.  相似文献   

杨树人工林下根系的氮素循环与动态特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
研究了辽宁沈阳地区人工林杨树细根及林下草本植物根系的N循环、积累和动态变化特征。结果表明,杨树人工林分条件下活细根中N储量为20.3kg·h^-2,净积累量10kg·hm^-2,吸收量14.7kg·hm^-2,年存留量和归还量分别为9.6和5.1kg·hm^-2周转期4年,整个生长季节杨树细根中N含量与土壤中水解N、NH3-N无明显相关,杨树细根中N浓度与活细根生物量的变化趋势大体一致,两者呈显著正相关。根据杨树活细根中N含量可以估测杨树活细根生物量,该林分下的草本植物根系主要吸收NH3-N,草根中N含量浓度变化与土壤中NH3-N的变化趋势相同,两者呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) is commonly believed to function as an effective antiherbivore defense in plants. PPO is induced in plants following herbivory, and insect performance is often negatively correlated with PPO levels. However, induced defenses create numerous changes in plants, and very little work has been done to test the direct effects of PPO on insect herbivores separately from other changes. This study examined the impacts of high levels of PPO on the performance of two species of tree-feeding caterpillars (Lymantria dispar and Orgyia leucostigma) on poplar. Transgenic PPO-overexpressing poplar (Populus tremula × Populus alba) was used as a source of elevated-PPO leaves, thereby controlling for the multiple effects of induction. In addition, the impacts of treating poplar foliage with high levels of purified mushroom PPO were examined on the two caterpillar species. Contrary to expectation, in several cases increased PPO levels had no significant effect on insect consumption or growth rates. Although one of the mechanisms by which PPO is believed to impact herbivores is via increased oxidative stress, the ingestion of large amounts of PPO had little or no effect on semiquinone radical and oxidized protein levels in the gut contents of lymantriid caterpillars. PPO activity in caterpillars is likely limited by the low oxygen and high ascorbate levels commonly found in their gut contents. This study questions whether induced PPO functions as an effective post-ingestive defense against tree-feeding caterpillars, and indicates that controlled, mechanistic studies are needed in other plant–herbivore systems to test for a direct effect of PPO on insect performance.  相似文献   

Recovery of transgenic trees after electroporation of poplar protoplasts   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Protoplasts from leaflets ofin vitro cuttings were electroporated in osmotically adjusted and buffered solutions containing plasmid DNA: pABD1, carrying thenptII gene for resistance to neomycin; pGH1, carrying a mutant acetolactate synthase gene,als, for resistance to sulfonylurea; and pGSFR781A, carrying a synthetic phosphinothricin acetyltransferase (pat) for resistance to phosphinothricin (Basta). Gene transfer was repeatedly efficient, without use of carrier DNA, in the range of one transformant for 105 to 104 protoplast-derived cell colonies. This was probably due to the high plating efficiency (30%) of protoplasts in our culture process. Selection for expression of foreign genes was applied in liquid medium and repeatedly achieved with 30 M paromomycin for NPTII, 200 nM chlorsulfuron for the mutant ALS ofArabidopsis and 25 M phosphinothricin for PAT expression. Integration of foreign genes into genomic DNA of resistant poplar trees was demonstrated by Southern blot hybridizations, which revealed that for some transformants practically no other part of the vector plasmid than the selected gene was integrated.Effective processes for protoplast culture, efficient selection at the cell colony stage and gene transfer will provide new possibilities in poplar breeding.  相似文献   

Motile and non-motile strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 were constructed using different combinations of the lacZY, xylE and aph marker genes which allowed their detection and differentiation in soil, root and seed samples. The survival of motile and non-motile strains was investigated in both non-competitive and competitive assays in water and non-sterile soil. Although there was no difference between strains in water, the motile strain survived in significantly greater numbers than the non-motile strain after 21 days in soil. There was no significant difference between competitive assays, where motile and non-motile cells were co-inoculated into soil, and non-competitive assays where strains were inoculated separately. Bacterial survival decreased as matric potential increased from -224 to -17 kPa but matric potential had no significant effect on motile compared to non-motile strains. Vertical spread of both motile and non-motile strains was detected 6.4 mm from the inoculum zone after 14 days in the absence of percolating water. There was no significant difference, for either strain, in distance moved from the inoculum zone after 14, 26 or 40 days. The motile strain had a significant advantage in attachment to sterile wheat roots in both non-competitive and competitive studies. When the spatial colonisation of wheat root systems was assessed in non-sterile soil, there was no significant difference between the motile and non-motile strain from either seed or soil inoculum. However, when the whole root system was assessed as one sample unit, differences could be detected. Bacterial motility could contribute to survival in soil and the initial phase of colonisation, where attachment and movement onto the root surface are important.  相似文献   

Plants cover their need for sulfur by taking up inorganic sulfate, reducing it to sulfide, and incorporating it into the amino acid cysteine. In herbaceous plants the pathway of assimilatory sulfate reduction is highly regulated by the availability of the nutrients sulfate and nitrate. To investigate the regulation of sulfate assimilation in deciduous trees we used the poplar hybrid Populus tremula × P. alba as a model. The enzymes of the pathway are present in several isoforms, except for sulfite reductase and -glutamylcysteine synthetase; the genomic organization of the pathway is thus similar to herbaceous plants. The mRNA level of APS reductase, the key enzyme of the pathway, was induced by 3 days of sulfur deficiency and reduced by nitrogen deficiency in the roots, whereas in the leaves it was affected only by the withdrawal of nitrogen. When both nutrients were absent, the mRNA levels did not differ from those in control plants. Four weeks of sulfur deficiency did not affect growth of the poplar plants, but the content of glutathione, the most abundant low molecular thiol, was reduced compared to control plants. Sulfur limitation resulted in an increase in mRNA levels of ATP sulfurylase, APS reductase, and sulfite reductase, probably as an adaptation mechanism to increase the efficiency of the sulfate assimilation pathway. Altogether, although distinct differences were found, e.g. no effect of sulfate deficiency on APR in poplar leaves, the regulation of sulfate assimilation by nutrient availability observed in poplar was similar to the regulation described for herbaceous plants.  相似文献   

Abstract: Efficient colonization of the plant root is thought to be crucial for the plant-beneficial effect of particular Pseudomonas strains. Since root colonization is often the limiting step for successful plant growth stimulation, this process needs improvement. It is therefore important to acquire more information as regards (i) the conditions in the rhizosphere, and (ii) the bacterial traits that are involved in colonization. This review discusses some recent studies that focus on these two issues.  相似文献   

Entophytic bacteria (EBs) are very diverse and found in virtually all plant species studied. These natural EBs live insides the host plant and can be used to maximize crop and fruit yield by exploiting their potential. In this paper, EBs characterization from various citrus genotypes and their influence on the morphological and physiological functioning of sour orange (Citrus aurantium) seedlings are described. To assess the influence of 10 distinct EBs, three different techniques (injection, soil mix, and spray) were applied for single and mixed inoculation on sour orange (C. aurantium) seedlings. The selected strains were identified as firmicutes (Enterococcus faecalis, Bacillus safensis, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus megaterium, Brevibacillus borstelensis & Staphylococcus haemolyticus), and gamma Proteobacteria (Enterobacter hormachaei, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, & Pseudomonas sp.) by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. To investigate the influence of these EBs on host plant morphology, different parameters (morphometric) were recorded after five WOI (weeks of inoculation), including shoot/root length, shoot/root fresh and dry biomass, and biophysical analyses i.e., relative water content (RLWC). Physiological markers such as chlorophyll & carotenoid content, protein content, proline content, phenolics, and flavonoids were also analyzed to determine the influence of endophytes on sour orange seedlings. Five strains such as SM-34, SM-20, SM-36, SM-68, and SM-56 significantly improved the development and physiology of sour orange seedlings. Bacillus cereus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa produced the best outcomes in terms of plant growth. The relative quantification of bacterial inoculums was determined using real-time PCR. A rise in the number of bacterial cells in inoculated treatment suggests that bacterial strains survived and colonized successfully, and also shown their competitiveness with native bacterial community structure. As per the results of inoculation methods, soil mixing, and injection methods were determined to be effective for bacterial inoculation to plants but a variable trend was found for different parameters with test bacterial strains. After testing their impact on field conditions, these strains can be applied as fertilizers as an alternative to conventional chemical fertilizer, although in the context of mixed inoculation of bacterial strains, 5 M and 6 M performed best and enhanced plant growth-promoting activity.  相似文献   

放射诱导调控腺病毒介导gfp报告基因在肿瘤细胞内的表达   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
为建立放射诱导基因表达调控系统并用于肿瘤的基因治疗,利用PCR技术克隆出放射诱导基因Egr-1基因启动子,经测序证实后与报告基因gfp连接,并利用新型、高效的细菌内同源重组腺病毒载体制备方法制备出重组腺病毒AdEgr-GFP。感染腺病毒的肿瘤细胞给予不同剂量的γ射线照射,体外采用FACS方法检测GFP的表达发现,照射可明显提高GFP表达,并呈剂量依赖性,Western印迹检测也显示类似的结果,为进行体内实验,瘤内注射AdEgr-GFP腺病毒后48h,肿瘤局部接受不同剂量的γ射线照射,8h后制备肿瘤组织标本用于分析GFP的表达。肿组织图像分析结果显示,γ射线照射可显著提高肿瘤组织中GFP的表达,并呈剂量依赖性,结果说明,放射经Egr-1启动子可有效调控腺病毒介导gfp基因的肿瘤细胞内表达。  相似文献   

A group of isolates of the genus Luteimonas was characterised, which represented a specific component of the healthy core microbiome of Fraxinus excelsior in forest districts with a high infection rate of H. fraxineus, the causal agent of ash dieback. Based on phylogenomic and phenotypic analyses, a clear differentiation from related Luteimonas species was shown. Comparisons of the overall genome relatedness indices with the closest phylogenetic neighbours resulted in values below the recommended species cut-off levels. In addition, differences in several physiological and chemotaxonomic traits allowed a clear demarcation from the type strains of closely related species. Conclusively, the strain group was considered to represent a novel species in the genus Luteimonas, for which the name Luteimonas fraxinea sp. nov. is proposed, with strain D4P002T (=DSM 113273T = LMG 32455T) as the type strain. A functional analysis of the genome revealed features particularly associated with attachment, biofilm production and motility, indicating the ability of D4P002T to effectively colonise ash leaves. In nursery trials, ash seedlings inoculated with this strain showed suppression of the pathogen over a period of three years. This effect was accompanied by a significant shift in the bacterial microbiome of the plants. Altogether, the exclusive occurrence in the microbiome of tolerant ash trees, the genetic background and the results of the inoculation experiment suggest that strain D4P002T may suppress the penetration and spreading of H. fraxineus in or on ash leaves via colonisation resistance or trigger a priming effect of plant defences against the pathogen.  相似文献   

植物促生菌提高植物重金属耐受性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
霍伟  蔡庆生 《微生物学通报》2010,37(9):1374-1378
近年来植物修复技术因其独特的优势而被广泛关注。许多植物被认为是有价值的利用资源, 然而, 最有实际使用价值的植物对重金属的耐受性有限, 实际应用中变得越来越困难。植物促生菌资源对环境无污染, 具有独特的多样性和巨大的潜力。随着资源的开发和技术的发展, 微生物调控将会使植物修复技术变得更加可行和更有价值。回顾近年来新兴的微生物调控技术, 主要是植物促生菌的筛选、鉴定和应用价值。  相似文献   

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