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Calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase: a developmental study   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
E A Tallant  W Y Cheung 《Biochemistry》1983,22(15):3630-3635
Calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase, one of the major calmodulin-binding proteins in bovine brain, dephosphorylates casein with a specific activity of 15 nmol mg-1 min-1 at 30 degrees C. The stimulation of phosphatase activity by calmodulin is reversed by ethylene glycol bis (beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid or trifluoperazine, a calmodulin antagonist. Antibodies raised in rabbit against the phosphatase inhibit the enzyme activity. The levels of the protein in brain extracts from various animals, determined by a radioimmunoassay, range from 20 micrograms/g of tissue in chick and fish brains to 143 micrograms in rat cerebrum. The ontogeny of the phosphatase was studied in nervous tissues from rat and chick, animals in which synaptogenesis takes place at different times during their development. The levels of the protein increased significantly in rat cerebrum and cerebellum and in chick brain and retina during the periods corresponding to major synapse formation. In rat cerebrum, the enzyme appeared to be equally distributed between the cytosol and the particulate fraction; the level in both compartments increased during the major period of synapse formation. Thus, the development of calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase closely parallels synaptogenesis, implicating a role in some synaptic function.  相似文献   

Tubulin was measured through [3H]colchicine-binding in membrane and soluble components of chick retinal subcellular fractions. Total tubulin content was concentrated in the synaptosomal and rod outer segment fractions. Although in total retinal homogenate only 20% of total tubulin was associated to the membrane, in synaptosomes and photoreceptor outer segments, up to 50% of tubulin was bound to the membrane fraction. Results raise the possibility of tubulin participation in transmembrane phenomena which are common to transmitter release and photoexcitation.  相似文献   

1. Human platelets contain a calmodulin-dependent phosphatase (calcineurin) that has many properties similar to those of bovine brain calmodulin-dependent phosphatase. 2. The activity of calcineurin phosphatase accounts for a small fraction of the total phosphatase activity in human platelets. 3. Labeling of human platelets with 32P yielded many phosphoproteins. 4. Incubation of a lysate of the 32P-labeled platelets with bovine brain calmodulin-dependent phosphatase led to preferential dephosphorylation of a 28 kDa protein (P28), a minor component of platelet proteins. 5. P28 is one of several proteins that were rapidly labeled upon stimulation of platelets with thrombin. 6. Even though the enzyme is known to catalyze the dephosphorylation of many substrates in vitro, its apparent preference for P28 suggests that its activity is highly selective.  相似文献   

The most simple pineal complex (the pineal and parapineal organs of lampreys), consists of saccular evaginations of the diencephalic roof, and has a retina-like structure containing photoreceptor cells and secondary neurons. In more differentiated vertebrates, the successive folding of the pineal wall multiplies the cells and reduces the lumen of the organ, but the pattern of the histological organization remains similar to that of lampreys; therefore, we consider the histological structure of the pineal organ of higher vertebrates as a 'folded retina'. The cell membrane of several pineal photoreceptor outer-segments of vertebrates immunoreact with anti-retinal opsin antibodies supporting the view of retina-like organization of the pineal. Some other pineal outer segments do not react with retinal anti-opsin antibodies, a result suggesting the presence of special pineal photopigments in different types of pinealocytes that obviously developed during evolution. The chicken pinopsin, detected in the last years, may represent one of these unknown photopigments. Using antibodies against chicken pinopsin, we compared the immunoreactivity of different photoreceptors of the pineal organs from cyclostomes to birds at the light and electron microscopic levels. We found pinopsin immunoreaction on all pinealocytes of birds and on the rhodopsin-negative large reptilian pinealocytes. As the pinopsin has an absorption maximum at 470 nm, these avian and reptilian immunoreactive pinealocytes can be regarded as green-blue light-sensitive photoreceptors. Only a weak immunoreaction was observed on the frog and fish pinealocytes and no reaction was seen in cyclostomes and in the frontal organ of reptiles. Some photoreceptors of the retina of various species also reacted the pinopsin antibodies, therefore, pinopsin must have certain sequential similarity to individual retinal opsins of some vertebrates.  相似文献   

The formation of laminae within the retina requires the coordinate regulation of cell differentiation and migration. The cell adhesion molecule and member of the immunoglobulin superfamily, receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase Mu, PTPmu, is expressed in precursor and early, differentiated cells of the prelaminated retina, and later becomes restricted to the inner plexiform, ganglion cell, and optic fiber layers. Since the timing of PTPmu expression correlates with the peak period of retinal lamination, we examined whether this RPTP could be regulating cell adhesion and migration within the retina, and thus influencing retinal development. Chick retinal organ cultures were infected with herpes simplex viruses encoding either an antisense sequence to PTPmu, wild-type PTPmu, or a catalytically inactive mutant form of PTPmu, and homophilic adhesion was blocked by using a function-blocking antibody. All conditions that perturbed PTPmu dramatically disrupted retinal histogenesis. Our findings demonstrate that catalytic activity and adhesion mediated by PTPmu regulate lamination of the retina, emphasizing the importance of adhesion and signaling via receptor protein tyrosine phosphatases in the developing nervous system. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that an Ig superfamily RPTP regulates the lamination of any neural tissue.  相似文献   

Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three multifunctional protein kinases, cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, protein kinase C, and calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II, are involved in signal transduction in response to their respective second messengers, cyclic AMP, diacylglycerol, and Ca2+. This review will summarize the key findings on calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II.  相似文献   

One of the most important mechanisms for regulating neuronal functions is through second messenger cascades that control protein kinases and the subsequent phosphorylation of substrate proteins. Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM-kinase II) is the most abundant protein kinase in mammalian brain tissues, and the alpha-subunit of this kinase is the major protein and enzymatic molecule of synaptic junctions in many brain regions. CaM-kinase II regulates itself through a complex autophosphorylation mechanism whereby it becomes calcium-independent following its initial activation. This property has implicated CaM-kinase II as a potential molecular switch at central nervous system (CNS) synapses. Recent studies have suggested that CaM-kinase II is involved in many diverse phenomena such as epilepsy, sensory deprivation, ischemia, synapse formation, synaptic transmission, long-term potentiation, learning, and memory. During brain development, the expression of CaM-kinase II at both protein and mRNA levels coincides with the active periods of synapse formation and, therefore, factors regulating the genes encoding kinase subunits may play a role in the cell-to-cell recognition events that underlie neuronal differentiation and the establishment of mature synaptic functions. Recent findings have demonstrated that the mRNA encoding the alpha-subunit of CaM-kinase II is localized in neuronal dendrites. Current speculation suggests that the localized translation of dendritic mRNAs encoding specific synaptic proteins may be responsible for producing synapse-specific changes associated with the processing, storage, and retrieval of information in neural networks.  相似文献   

The ultracytochemical localization of acid phosphatase was studied in oogonia and oocytes of the chick embryo left ovary. The reaction products are evident in lysosomes of various types and, in some cells, in the GERL as well. Furthermore, from the onset of the meiotic prophase, the enzymatic reaction also appears in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Non-incubated sections of the same stages were observed, with the aim of identifying and describing the structure of the organelles, in particular lysosomes which appeared positive in incubated sections. The significance of the presence of the enzyme is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Zeins, the seed storage proteins of maize (Zea mays L.), are synthesized by membrane-bound polyribosomes and transported into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum in developing endosperm, where they assemble into protein bodies. To better understand the organization of protein bodies and the mechanism by which zeins are assembled, we have used immunolocalization to study their distribution within isolated protein bodies. In sections stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate, the protein body matrix consists of light- and dark-staining regions with the darker stain predominating at the periphery and the lighter stain in the central region. Immunogold staining of the storage proteins in isolated protein bodies reveals a distinct segregation with -zein localized in the light-staining region and - and -zein localized in the dark-staining regions. However, the relative amounts and distribution of these proteins varies substantially among different protein bodies. These results indicate a more complex internal organization than has been previously observed, and suggest that spatial and/or temporal differences in zein synthesis account for this complexity.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - IgG immunoglobulin G - PB phosphate buffer - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - TTBS Tween-20/tris-buffered saline - TBS-T Tris-buffered saline/Tween-20 - TBS-T-B Tris-buffered saline/Tween-20/bovine serum albumin  相似文献   

Summary Cysteine-proteinases such as cathepsin B and G were localized in rat osteoclasts, by an indirect protein A-immunogold labeling technique, on post-embedded ultrathin sections. In osteoclasts, specific immunogold labeling of both anti-cathepsin B and G was localized in Golgi vesicles, lysosomes, pale vacuoles of various sizes, and the extracellular canals of ruffled borders; no immunoreactivity was seen in the cytoplasmic matrix, mitchondria, cisterns of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, or nuclei. The presence of immunolabeling of cathepsins in osteoclasts and in the subosteoclastic compartment suggests that these enzymes are involved in the extracellular degradation of collagen and other noncollagenous bone matrix proteins.  相似文献   

Adherons are high molecular weight glycoprotein complexes which are released into the growth medium of cultured cells. They mediate the adhesive interactions of many cell types, including those of embryonic chick neural retina. The cell surface receptor for chick neural retina adherons has been purified, and shown to be a heparan sulfate proteoglycan (Schubert, D., and M. LaCorbiere, 1985, J. Cell Biol., 100:56-63). This paper describes the isolation and characterization of a protein in neural retina adherons which interacts specifically with the cell surface receptor. The 20,000-mol-wt protein, called retinal purpurin (RP), stimulates neural retina cell-substratum adhesion and prolongs the survival of neural retina cells in culture. The RP protein interacts with heparin and heparan sulfate, but not with other glycosaminoglycans. Monovalent antibodies against RP inhibit RP-cell adhesion as well as adheron-cell interactions. The RP protein is found in neural retina, but not in other tissues such as brain and muscle. These data suggest that RP plays a role in both the survival and adhesive interactions of neural retina cells.  相似文献   

Summary N-acetyltransferase activity has similar circadian rhythms controlled by environmental lighting in the eyes and pineal glands of chicks (Gallus domesticus). The interactions of the two eyes and the pineal gland were examined by using patches of black tape to reduce the intensity of light reaching the eyes and/or the pineal gland. Suppression of N-acetyltransferase activity (normally 80%) by extending the light into the dark-time was used to test the effects of light. On the basis of the test, the eyes respond to light independently of each other and of the pineal gland; the pineal gland, however, responds to light perceived by the eyes.  相似文献   

Docking protein (or SRP receptor) is an integral membrane protein essential for translocation of nascent polypeptides across the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Anti-docking protein antibodies were used to localize this protein in situ in thin frozen sections using protein A-gold detection methods. The majority of gold particles was restricted to ribosome-studded membranes, whereas particles were rarely seen in areas rich in smooth ER. Quantitative evaluation of labeling suggests that there is one molecule of docking protein for roughly 10 to 20 bound ribosomes. On the basis of these results we conclude that docking protein is the first functionally-characterized integral marker protein specific for the rough membranes of ER.  相似文献   

Summary The levels of melatonin and the activities of two enzymes of the melatonin biosynthetic pathway, serotonin N-acetyltransferase (NAT) and hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase (HIOMT), were measured throughout the light-dark cycle in the retina of a teleost fish, the pike. HIOMT activity did not display significant variations, whereas NAT activity and melatonin content showed a daily rhythm, high levels occurring during the night. The profiles of the latter two rhythms did not closely match one another and differed from those previously described in the pineal organ of the same species. These results are discussed with respect to a possible paracrine role of retinal melatonin. Melatonin-like immunoreactivity was found in the photoreceptor cell layer and in the Müller cells of the inner nuclear layer. The intensity of the melatonin-like immunoreactivity varied throughout the 24 h light-dark cycle, in good correlation with the variations in the melatonin level as measured by radioimmunoassay.This article is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Klaus Hoffmann  相似文献   

Nuclear localization of the PEP protein tyrosine phosphatase.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
PEP is an intracellular protein tyrosine phosphatase expressed primarily by cells of hematopoietic origin that can be divided structurally into a catalytic domain and a large carboxy-terminal domain. The carboxy-terminal domain is enriched in proline, glutamic acid, serine, and threonine residues (PEST sequences) and contains a nonperfect tandem repeat sequence enriched in proline residues and a carboxy terminus enriched in basic amino acids. Here we show that PEP is diffusely expressed in lymphoid tissues, consistent with expression by many different cell types. Analysis of the PEP protein identifies a nuclear localization sequence within the extreme carboxy terminus. Transfer of 18 amino acids from the carboxy terminus of PEP to beta-galactosidase conferred nuclear localization, indicating that this sequence was sufficient for nuclear localization. Proteins enriched in PEST sequences are often rapidly degraded. However, pulse-chase analysis indicates that PEP has a half-life of greater than 5 h.  相似文献   

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