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Nanocrystalline ceria possesses a unique complex of physical and chemical properties making it highly bioactive material. In this review, modern data on the action of nanocrystalline ceria on cells, micro- and macroorganisms are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the factors affecting protective properties of CeO2 with respect to the living systems.  相似文献   

Poly-lactic acid synthesis for application in biomedical devices - a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bioabsorbable polymers are considered a suitable alternative to the improvement and development of numerous applications in medicine. Poly-lactic acid (PLA,) is one of the most promising biopolymers due to the fact that the monomers may produced from non toxic renewable feedstock as well as is naturally occurring organic acid. Lactic acid can be made by fermentation of sugars obtained from renewable resources as such sugarcane. Therefore, PLA is an eco-friendly product with better features for use in the human body (nontoxicity). Lactic acid polymers can be synthesized by different processes so as to obtain products with an ample variety of chemical and mechanical properties. Due to their excellent biocompatibility and mechanical properties, PLA and their copolymers are becoming widely used in tissue engineering for function restoration of impaired tissues. In order to maximize the benefits of its use, it is necessary to understand the relationship between PLA material properties, the manufacturing process and the final product with desired characteristics. In this paper, the lactic acid production by fermentation and the polymer synthesis such biomaterial are reviewed. The paper intends to contribute to the critical knowledge and development of suitable use of PLA for biomedical applications.  相似文献   

The application of stable isotopes in biomedical research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many of the ways in which isotopes are used in biomedical research are reviewed. The use of stable isotopes in stable isotope dilution assays, for metabolite identification and in pharmacokinetic studies, is discussed and relevant examples are given to illustrate the various points made. Isotope effects and their implications for future drug design are considered. Some of the toxicity problems associated with the use of stable isotopes are also considered. Finally, a brief subjective view of possible future advances is made.  相似文献   

Nanoparticles (NPs) have various applications in biomedicine and drug delivery carriers and also are widely used in cosmetics. However, the preparation of biocompatible and non-toxic nanomaterials is a very important issue as most of the starting materials are synthesized using toxic chemical reagents. This review introduces the preparation of biocompatible NPs in a range of their concentrations using phytochemicals for biomedicine and biotechnology. Phytochemicals are natural products that are extracted from plants, vegetables, and fruits. Phytochemicals serve as reducing agents and stabilizers during NP synthesis to convert metal ions to metal NPs in water. Possible applications of such nanomaterials in biomedical sciences are also described in this review.  相似文献   

基因编辑猪在生物医学研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄耀强  李国玲  杨化强  吴珍芳 《遗传》2018,40(8):632-646

近年来抗生素耐药性问题日趋严重,患癌人数也在逐年增加,亟需开发新型药物。嗜盐微生物作为一类特殊的极端环境微生物,具有代谢多样性丰富、营养需求较低和能适应恶劣条件等特点,是发现新型药物的希望。目前,国内外学者已从嗜盐微生物中分离出了多种代谢产物和酶,具有明显的抗菌和/或抗肿瘤等活性。文中综述了嗜盐微生物及其相关产物在抗菌、抗炎、抗肿瘤、抗氧化、生物医学材料以及药物载体等生物医学方面的作用,尤其对近年来在嗜盐微生物中发现的新型抗菌和抗肿瘤物质以及嗜盐微生物特有的代谢产物四氢嘧啶等进行了总结,并对其后续在生物医药领域的开发和产业化应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

重组胶原蛋白作为天然动物组织胶原的替代物具有广泛应用于生物材料、生物医学等领域的潜力。种类繁多的重组胶原蛋白类型及其衍生体在多种表达系统中可实现一定规模的产业化生产,为探索和拓展重组胶原蛋白的临床应用奠定了基础。文中简述了重组胶原蛋白的不同表达体系,如大肠杆菌、酵母、植物、昆虫、哺乳动物和人类细胞表达体系,重组胶原蛋白的优势及潜在的应用和局限。着重介绍了目前重组胶原蛋白生产,包括不同表达体系的构建策略和重组胶原蛋白羟基化修饰等方面的研究进展,总结了重组胶原蛋白在生物医药领域的应用及应用基础研究和应用前景展望。  相似文献   

We report the preparation of a non-polymer coated superparamagnetic nanoparticle that is stable and biocompatible both in vitro and in vivo. The non-polymer, betaine, is a natural methylating agent in mammalian liver with active surface property. Upon systemic administration, the nanoparticle has preferential biodistribution in mammalian liver and exhibits good reduction of relaxivity time and negative enhancement for the detection of hepatoma nodules in rats using MRI. Our data demonstrate that the non-polymer coated superparamagnetic nanoparticle should have potential applications in biomedicine.  相似文献   

激光扫描共聚焦显微镜近年来得到了迅速发展,是近代最先进的细胞生物医学分析仪器之一。通过它可以对观察样品进行无创断层扫描和成像,在生物学和医学研究诊断的各个方面都得到了广泛的应用。本文主要介绍了激光扫描共焦显微镜的基本原理和发展状况,并着重介绍了在共焦荧光显微镜中采用薄荧光层和切片成像特性图来表征成像状态的功能。这种方法一般用于表征共聚焦和多光子显微镜的成像特性,是比较显微镜切片成像条件、成像质量等相关性能的重要依据。  相似文献   

We have developed X-ray refraction-based computed tomography (CT) that is able to visualize soft tissue in between hard tissue. The experimental system consists of Si(220) diffraction double-crystals and is called the DEI (diffraction-enhanced imaging) method, in which the object is located between the crystals and a CCD camera to acquire data as 360 X-ray images. The X-ray energy used was 17.5 keV. The algorithm used to reconstruct CT images was developed by A. Maksimenko and colleagues. We successfully visualized articular cartilage and the distribution of bone marrow, which are inner structures. Our method has much higher contrast compared to the conventional absorption-based CT system.  相似文献   

目的总结水溶性壳聚糖抗菌生物医用膜凝胶剂(商品名:凯舒林)对人体II度烧伤创面的治疗作用和安全性,并探索后期创面色素沉着、瘢痕增殖的机制。方法选择II度烧伤患者60例,用药前均用生理盐水清洁创面、去腐皮,于创面上均匀涂壳聚糖抗菌生物医用膜治疗,观察记录创面成痂、止痛、感染及痂下愈合时间,追踪随访6个月后创面色素沉着及瘢痕增殖程度。结果本组60例使用壳聚糖抗菌生物医用膜治疗的烧伤患者,创面全部自行愈合。治愈时间:浅Ⅱ度患者平均8.5 d;深Ⅱ度患者平均19 d。创面愈合后随访6个月,浅Ⅱ度创面患者3个月内有轻度色素改变,3个月后逐步恢复正常;深Ⅱ度创面患者3个月后部分患者有散在的点样色素脱失改变;部分患者有散在的扁平瘢痕。随访6个月,创面色素沉着和瘢痕增生程度明显减轻,功能明显改善,未见瘢痕疙瘩增殖。结论壳聚糖抗菌生物医用膜用于烧伤创面具有良好的组织相容性,止痛效果好,创面成痂快,兼有控制创面感染,促进愈合,减轻瘢痕增殖的作用,无明显不良反应,安全性好。  相似文献   

特殊理化微环境的构建及其在生物医学领域的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
于炜婷  薛伟明  王为  刘袖洞  雄鹰  马小军 《生命科学》2003,15(2):104-107,78
生物医学领域中的微环境是指在实质细胞周围参与组织细胞生理及病理过程的微小特殊区域,它对于调控细胞的运动、增殖、分化、分泌及代谢功能具有重要作用。本文在介绍体内微环境及其组成的基础上,重点阐述了体外微环境构建技术及其在生物医学领域的应用,展望了微环境生理作用机制研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

宁乡猪为脂肪型猪种,具有遗传性稳定、食用价值高、生长快、适应性强及繁育力强等特征,已逐渐被应用于生物医学研究领域。本文对宁乡猪在封闭群培育、近交系培育、生物学特性及在生物医学研究领域中的应用等研究进展进行了综述。实验宁乡猪已封闭繁殖14年,可能是研究动脉粥样硬化、糖尿病有利模型。  相似文献   

Two-photon microscopy (TPM), which uses two photons of lower energy as the excitation source, is a vital tool in biology and clinical science, due to its capacity to image deep inside intact tissues for a long period of time. To make TPM a more versatile tool in biomedical research, we have developed a variety of two-photon probes for specific applications. In this mini review, we will briefly discuss two-photon probes for lipid rafts, lysosomes, mitochondria, and pH, and their biomedical applications. [BMB Reports 2013; 46(4): 188-194]  相似文献   

电纺技术在生物医学中的应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电纺技术已经成为结合多组分化合物与织造技术的关键工具,可改变电纺丝材料的化学、物理和生物特性,使其与不同的应用环境相适应。通过电纺技术制作的功能化纳米电纺丝材料,在组织工程、创伤敷料、酶的固定化和药物(基因)载体等生物医学方面得到了广泛的应用。新型的电纺技术可以进一步优化纳米电纺丝的特性,如同轴电纺、二相电纺技术;电纺丝膜的修饰也为调控电纺丝的各向异性和多孔性提供了有效的方法。该文将概述功能化电纺丝的纺织技术及修饰方法在生物医学领域的研究与应用进展。  相似文献   

Biomedical research in human beings is largely restricted to in vitro studies that lack complexity of a living organism. To overcome this limitation, humanized mouse models are developed based on immunodeficient characteristics of severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) or recombination activating gene (Rag)null mice, which can accept xenografts. Peripheral constitution of human immunity in SCID or Ragnull mice has been achieved by transplantation of mature human immune cells, foetal human thymus, bone marrow, liver tissues, lymph nodes or a combination of these, although efficiency needs to be improved. These mouse models with constituted human immunity (defined as humanized mice in the present text) have been widely used to investigate the basic principles of human immunobiology as well as complex pathomechanisms and potential therapies of human diseases. Here, elements of an ideal humanized mouse model are highlighted including genetic and non-genetic modification of recipient mice, transplantation strategies and proposals to improve engraftments. The applications of the humanized mice to study the development and response of human immune cells, human autoimmune diseases, virus infections, transplantation biology and tumour biology are reviewed as well.  相似文献   

数字信号处理在生物医学工程中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
娄智 《生物学杂志》2006,23(6):38-40
数字信号处理技术一诞生就显示了强大的生命力,展现了极为广阔的应用前景.主要讨论数字信号处理技术中小波分析、人工神经网络、维格纳分布在生物医学工程中的应用,并对数字信号处理技术在生物医学工程中的应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

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