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Influence of Wavelength on the Light Response of Excised Wheat Roots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Physiological recordings were made from 136 slowly adapting (SA) fibers in the median and ulnar nerves that innervate the glabrous skin of the raccoon. It was found that wetting the skin produced large increases in fiber responsiveness and decreases in threshold. Their responses decreased rapidly with slight displacements of the stimulus away from the center of the receptive field. Responses also decreased with increases in the diameter of the tip of the stimulus probe. The length of time that an SA fiber responded to a prolonged indentation was related to the magnitude of the indentation, and was greater after wetting of the skin. The absence of any clear and consistent grouping of fibers into moderately SA (MSA) and very SA (VSA) units argues against the existence of two types of SA receptors differing in this property. However, the distinction between SA I and SA II fibers that has been made in other species was confirmed in the raccoon.  相似文献   

在选育核桃优良单株时一般利用实生苗繁殖,由于自然杂交,常易丧失优良品种的性状。核桃扦插不易生根,嫁接繁殖因接口处易发生氧化褐变,因而成活率较低。为了利用组织培养技术进行核桃的快速无性繁殖,我们(1984)曾从核桃的不同  相似文献   

The varitint-waddler mutation A419P renders TRPML3 constitutively active, resulting in cationic overload, particularly in sustained influx of Ca2+. TRPML3 is expressed by inner ear sensory hair cells, and we were intrigued by the fact that hair cells are able to cope with expressing the TRPML3(A419P) isoform for weeks before they ultimately die. We hypothesized that the survival of varitint-waddler hair cells is linked to their ability to deal with Ca2+ loads due to the abundance of plasma membrane calcium ATPases (PMCAs). Here, we show that PMCA2 significantly reduced [Ca2+]i increase and apoptosis in HEK293 cells expressing TRPML3(A419P). The deaf-waddler isoform of PMCA2, operating at 30% efficacy, showed a significantly decreased ability to rescue the Ca2+ loading of cells expressing TRPML3(A419P). When we combined mice heterozygous for the varitint-waddler mutant allele with mice heterozygous for the deaf-waddler mutant allele, we found severe hair bundle defects as well as increased hair cell loss compared with mice heterozygous for each mutant allele alone. Furthermore, 3-week-old double mutant mice lacked auditory brainstem responses, which were present in their respective littermates containing single mutant alleles. Likewise, heterozygous double mutant mice exhibited severe circling behavior, which was not observed in mice heterozygous for TRPML3(A419P) or PMCA2(G283S) alone. Our results provide a molecular rationale for the delayed hair cell loss in varitint-waddler mice. They also show that hair cells are able to survive for weeks with sustained Ca2+ loading, which implies that Ca2+ loading is an unlikely primary cause of hair cell death in ototoxic stress situations.Varitint-waddler (Va) mice express a mutant isoform (A419P) of the transient receptor potential channel TRPML3 (murine gene symbol, Mcoln3) that results in profound hearing loss, vestibular defects (circling behavior, imbalance, head bobbing, waddling), pigmentation deficiencies, sterility, and perinatal lethality in homozygous animals (1). A second Mcoln3 variant (VaJ) that arose in the Va background carries two mutations (I362T and A419P) and shows a phenotype with reduced severity, particularly in heterozygous animals (1). The A419P mutation in Va and VaJ mice is located in transmembrane-spanning domain 5(TM5)3 of TRPML3, where it leads to a constitutively open channel, resulting in highly elevated [Ca2+]i (2-5). In contrast to the effect of the A419P mutation on TRPML3 channel activity, the single I362T mutation does not appear to affect [Ca2+]i (3, 5). When combined with the A419P mutation, as found in VaJ mice, the constitutive activity of this mutant TRPML3 isoform is comparable with that of A419P alone (2-5).Here, we show that HEK293 cells expressing TRPML3-(A419P) or TRPML3(I362T/A419P) undergo rapid apoptosis. This apoptosis is suppressed by coexpression of plasma membrane calcium ATPase type 2 (PMCA2). In varitint-waddler mice, sensory hair cells survive for weeks after birth (6), which raised the question of whether this survival could be the result of the hair cells'' ability to deal with normally transient and localized Ca2+ influx, a feature that is centered around the high levels of mobile Ca2+ buffers and PMCA isoforms found in sensory hair cells (7-10). We decided to test this hypothesis in vivo by utilizing deaf-waddler mice that carry a mutation (G283S) in the Atp2b2 gene encoding mutant PMCA2. Mice homozygous for PMCA2(G283S) (Atp2b2dfw/dfw) are deaf and have poor balance (11). Compared with Atp2b2 knock-out mice, deaf-waddler mice display a milder phenotype because PMCA2(G283S) retains 30% of its biological activity compared with the wild-type isoform (12). We found that sensory hair cell loss, hearing loss, and vestibular dysfunction were aggravated in mice carrying varitint-waddler and deaf-waddler alleles compared with animals carrying the single mutant alleles. Our results reveal that the Ca2+-buffering and Ca2+ extrusion abilities of hair cells are powerful enough to prevent cell death for weeks, even in the presence of constitutively active TRPML3(A419P), which is able to induce rapid apoptosis in other cells.  相似文献   

The Venus flytrap has long been regarded as one of the most amazing examples of movement in the plant kingdom. The trapping ability of the flytrap consists of three unique features. First, trap closure represents one of the fastest movements in the plant kingdom. Second, a decision-making stage allows the plant to "decide" whether to completely close or open the trap, based on stimuli provided from the trapped object. Finally, the Venus flytrap contains a "memory function" that requires two mechanical stimuli within about 30 seconds to initiate trap closure. The movement involved in trap closure consists of nonlinear dynamics that have not been well understood. By understanding the movement, through nonlinear dynamics analysis, it will be possible to better understand this biological process. A mathematical model describing the movement of the Venus flytrap was first proposed by the authors in Yang et?al., Plant Signal. Behav. 5(8), 968-978 (2010). In the current work, the earlier research has been advanced and an in-depth nonlinear and control analysis of the dynamic process has been provided.  相似文献   

H Fluxes in Excised Samanea Motor Tissue : II. Rhythmic Properties   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Homogeneous groups of cells were excised at regular intervals from opposing (extensor and flexor) motor tissue of Samanea saman (Jacq) Merrill maintained in white light for 34 hours. H+ fluxes between the tissue and bathing solution were then monitored during 30 minutes of darkness. Flux rates in both cell types vary with circadian rhythms. Flexor cells secrete H+ to the medium during two-thirds of the circadian cycle and take up H+ during the remainder of the cycle, while extensor cells take up H+ from the medium during the entire cycle.  相似文献   

In embryo axes excised from mature horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) seeds, both freshly-fallen and subjected to cold stratification, the ability for growth was studied. While excised axes were kept on water at 28°C for 3 days, their fresh weight and length increased, the polypeptide composition of soluble proteins changed, the content of some heat-stable polypeptides decreased, and the capacity for protein synthesis in vivo retained. All these processes were similar to those in the axes of intact seeds during stratification until radicle protrusion. Growth of excised axes accelerated with the increasing duration of stratification. Cycloheximide (50 mg/l) and -amanitin (7 mg/l) inhibited axis growth, but an inhibitor of ABA synthesis fluridone (5 mg/l) and a natural cytokinin dihydrozeatin (10–5 M) did not influence the growth rate. The growth capacity of axes excised from dormant and germinating horse chestnut seeds indicates the absence of dormancy in the axes of mature seeds. ABA (10–5 M) suppressed completely the growth of axes detached from seeds experiencing cold stratification but still not germinating, although protein synthesis was not inhibited. The axes excised from the seeds after radicle emergence were insensitive to ABA and grew actively in its presence. ABA-induced growth inhibition might be related to the suppressed synthesis of minor polypeptides required for growth or to the activated synthesis of some growth-retarding proteins. The conclusion was drawn that the excised axes could be used as a model for studying the processes preceding visible germination of recalcitrant seeds.  相似文献   

Children born to mothers with substantial alcohol consumption during pregnancy can present a number of morphological, cognitive, and sensory abnormalities, including hearing deficits, collectively known as fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). The goal of this study was to determine if the zebrafish lateral line could be used to study sensory hair cell abnormalities caused by exposure to ethanol during embryogenesis. Some lateral line sensory hair cells are present at 2 days post-fertilization (dpf) and are functional by 5 dpf. Zebrafish embryos were raised in fish water supplemented with varying concentrations of ethanol (0.75%–1.75% by volume) from 2 dpf through 5 dpf. Ethanol treatment during development resulted in many physical abnormalities characteristic of FAS in humans. Also, the number of sensory hair cells decreased as the concentration of ethanol increased in a dose-dependent manner. The dye FM 1-43FX was used to detect the presence of functional mechanotransduction channels. The percentage of FM 1-43-labeled hair cells decreased as the concentration of ethanol increased. Methanol treatment did not affect the development of hair cells. The cell cycle markers proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) demonstrated that ethanol reduced the number of sensory hair cells, as a consequence of decreased cellular proliferation. There was also a significant increase in the rate of apoptosis, as determined by TUNEL-labeling, in neuromasts following ethanol treatment during larval development. Therefore, zebrafish are a useful animal model to study the effects of hair cell developmental disorders associated with FAS.  相似文献   

The organ of Corti (OC) is the auditory epithelium of the mammalian cochlea comprising sensory hair cells and supporting cells riding on the basilar membrane. The outer hair cells (OHCs) are cellular actuators that amplify small sound-induced vibrations for transmission to the inner hair cells. We developed a finite element model of the OC that incorporates the complex OC geometry and force generation by OHCs originating from active hair bundle motion due to gating of the transducer channels and somatic contractility due to the membrane protein prestin. The model also incorporates realistic OHC electrical properties. It explains the complex vibration modes of the OC and reproduces recent measurements of the phase difference between the top and the bottom surface vibrations of the OC. Simulations of an individual OHC show that the OHC somatic motility lags the hair bundle displacement by ∼90 degrees. Prestin-driven contractions of the OHCs cause the top and bottom surfaces of the OC to move in opposite directions. Combined with the OC mechanics, this results in ∼90 degrees phase difference between the OC top and bottom surface vibration. An appropriate electrical time constant for the OHC membrane is necessary to achieve the phase relationship between OC vibrations and OHC actuations. When the OHC electrical frequency characteristics are too high or too low, the OHCs do not exert force with the correct phase to the OC mechanics so that they cannot amplify. We conclude that the components of OHC forward and reverse transduction are crucial for setting the phase relations needed for amplification.  相似文献   

The molecular composition of the hair cell transduction channel has not been identified. Here we explore the novel hypothesis that hair cell transduction channels include HCN subunits. The HCN family of ion channels includes four members, HCN1-4. They were orginally identified as the molecular correlates of the hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide gated ion channels that carry currents known as If, IQ or Ih. However, based on recent evidence it has been suggested that HCN subunits may also be components of the elusive hair cell transduction channel. To investigate this hypothesis we examined expression of mRNA that encodes HCN1-4 in sensory epithelia of the mouse inner ear, immunolocalization of HCN subunits 1, 2 and 4, uptake of the transduction channel permeable dye, FM1-43 and electrophysiological measurement of mechanotransduction current. Dye uptake and transduction current were assayed in cochlear and vestibular hair cells of wildtype mice exposed to HCN channel blockers or a dominant-negative form of HCN2 that contained a pore mutation and in mutant mice that lacked HCN1, HCN2 or both. We found robust expression of HCNs 1, 2 and 4 but little evidence that localized HCN subunits in hair bundles, the site of mechanotransduction. Although high concentrations of the HCN antagonist, ZD7288, blocked 50–70% of the transduction current, we found no reduction of transduction current in either cochlear or vestibular hair cells of HCN1- or HCN2- deficient mice relative to wild-type mice. Furthermore, mice that lacked both HCN1 and HCN2 also had normal transduction currents. Lastly, we found that mice exposed to the dominant-negative mutant form of HCN2 had normal transduction currents as well. Taken together, the evidence suggests that HCN subunits are not required for mechanotransduction in hair cells of the mouse inner ear.  相似文献   

Inhaled irritants can cause respiratory depression by simulating trigeminal nerves in the nasal cavity. This decrease in inhalation rate results in a decrease in the rate of the irritant gases flowing to the stimulated nerves, creating a complex feedback response. Previously, a model was created to describe how the presence of formaldehyde affects respiration in the rat. This ordinary differential equation model incorporated a model of the physiology of the upper respiratory tract of the rat and a model of the neurological control of the respiration rate due to signaling from the stimulated nerves in the nasal cavity. However, an optimal fit to data was not fully established. In the current study, the fit of the previously established model is reevaluated while incorporating the recovery of the ventilation rate after the end of exposure. Additionally, the dose-dependence of the adaptation time allowed by the previous model is more fully quantified, and the updated model predicts formaldehyde data well. Not only are the results of the previous study improved, the model is also shown to predict ventilation decrease in response to other irritants, specifically acrolein, ammonia, and sulfur dioxide. The model is expected to translate to predictions of other irritants with minor parameter changes.  相似文献   

In experiments on the somata of sensory neurons isolated from the spinal and trigeminal ganglia of rats, we characterized three subclasses of proton-gated currents differing from each other in their kinetics of desensitization and characteristics of stationary desensitization (but not in the characteristics of stationary activation). A voltage clamp technique in the whole cell configuration and intracellular perfusion were used. Expression of the channels providing currents of each subclass depended on the soma diameter but not on anatomical localization of the neuron. Proton-gated channels of type I were characterized by mono- or biexponential kinetics of current desensitization with the duration of complete decay within a 1 to 15 sec range; the mean pH50 of the curve of stationary desensitization was 7.21 ± 0.02. Channels of type II possessed mostly monoexponential desensitization kinetics with the duration of decay within a 1 to 3 sec range; their pH50 of the stationary desensitization curve was 7.11 ± 0.02. Channels of type III showed mostly biexponential desensitization kinetics; the complete current decay lasted about 5 sec, while the mean pH50 was about 6.78 ± 0.02. Channels of type I were typical of small neurons (soma diameter 10-20 m), while those of types II and III were found mostly in large cells (35-60 m).  相似文献   

Carolina bays are depression wetlands of high conservation value that occur across the Southeastern Coastal Plain of the United States. Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) is one rare carnivorous plant that grows in open habitats on the rims of Carolina bays. Without frequent burning, vegetation on bay rims becomes dominated by evergreen shrubs and Venus flytrap populations decline. This project examined the utility of mechanical mowing, soil clearing, transplanting, and seeding as an approach to restoring populations of Venus flytraps when fire is precluded. Mowing of patches on bay rims produced open sites with little ground‐layer vegetation. After two growing seasons, adult Venus flytraps transplanted to mowed patches showed high survivorship and relatively high leaf number/plant. Suppressed Venus flytraps existing on‐site quickly initiated growth in response to mowing. These volunteers and the transplants had higher flowering percentages than plants in reference populations. Seeds of Venus flytraps were scattered in mowed and cleared plots. Seedling establishment was low, but seedlings persisted into the second growing season. Mowing created suitable habitat for growth and flowering of adult Venus flytraps and facilitated establishment of two other carnivorous species, Sundew (Drosera capillaris) and Bladderwort (Utricularia subulata). But, mowing and clearing also facilitated invasion by four species of grasses and rushes; evergreen shrubs resprouted quickly after mowing. Maintaining persistent openings by mowing the rims of Carolina bays will be an ongoing challenge due to availability of potential invaders and rapid regrowth of shrubs.  相似文献   

一种从毛发中提取DNA 的简易方法   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
赵春江  李宁 《遗传》2003,25(1):69-70
用PCR 缓冲液及蛋白酶K 在PCR仪上对单支毛囊进行消化, 可获得用于PCR反应的足量的DNA。还对几种从毛发中提取DNA的不同方法进行了比较,并对从毛干中提取线粒体DNA进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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