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Sex allocation theory predicts that parents should adjust investment in sons and daughters according to relative fitness of differently sexed offspring. In species with female preference for highly ornamented males, one advantage potentially accruing to parents from investing more in sons of the most ornamented males is that male offspring will inherit characters ensuring sexual attractiveness or high-quality genes, if ornaments honestly reveal male genetic quality. Furthermore, in species where extra-pair fertilizations occur, offspring sired by an extra-pair male are expected to more frequently be male than those of the legitimate male if the latter is of lower quality than the extra-pair male. We investigated adjustment of sex ratio of offspring in relation to ornamentation of the extra-pair and the social mate of females by direct manipulation of tails of male barn swallows Hirundo rustica . Molecular sexing of the offspring was performed using the W chromosome-linked avian chromo-helicase-DNA-binding protein (CHD) gene while paternity assessment was conducted by typing of hypervariable microsatellite loci. Extra-pair offspring sex ratio was not affected by ornamentation of their biological fathers relative to the experimental ornamentation of the parental male. Experimental ornamentation of the parental males did not affect the sex ratio of nestlings in their broods. Female barn swallows might be unable to bias offspring sex ratio at hatching according to the quality of the biological father. Alternatively, fitness benefits in terms of sexual attractiveness of sons might be balanced by the cost of compensating for little parental care provided by highly ornamented parental males, if sons are more costly to rear than daughters, or the advantage of producing more daughters, if males with large ornaments contribute differentially more to the viability of daughters than sons.  相似文献   

Numerous hypotheses have been developed to explain sex allocation. In male-dispersing, female cooperatively breeding species, the local resource competition model predicts male-biased birth sex ratio, the local resource enhancement model predicts female-biased birth sex ratio, and the population adjustment model predicts that biased birth sex ratio should not be favored if the two sexes are equally costly to rear. The male quality model predicts that, in polygynous species, females in better physical condition will either produce more sons than daughters or invest more heavily in sons than in daughters. White-headed langurs are a female philopatry and female cooperatively breeding species. During a 11-yr study, a total of 133 births were recorded, among which birth sex ratio (M:F = 73:49) was significantly male-biased. This is consistent with the prediction of the local resource competition model. On the other hand, if mothers balanced their investment between the two sexes, according to Fisher's population adjustment model, males should be the less-costly-to-rear sex. However, we found no sex difference for infant mortality (12.3% in males and 12.2% in females), and sons induced slightly longer interbirth interval (son: 26.4 ± 1.1 mo, daughter: 24.1 ± 0.6 mo) and lactational period (son: 20.9 ± 1.0 mo, daughters: 19.6 ± 0.5 mo) for their mothers. Thus, the population adjustment model was not supported by this study. The local resource enhancement model was not supported because birth sex ratio did not bias to females who provided more reproductive assistance. On the individual level, probit regression showed no relation between birth sex ratio and group size. Because the group size was considered to be negatively related to female physical condition, our study did not support the male-quality model. We suggested several possibilities to explain these results.  相似文献   

Sex-allocation theory predicts that females should preferentially produce offspring of the sex with greater fitness potential. In socially monogamous animal species, extra-pair mating often increases the variance in fitness of sons relative to daughters. Thus, in situations where offspring sired by a female''s extra-pair mate(s) will typically have greater fitness potential than offspring sired by the within-pair mate, sex-allocation theory predicts that females will bias the sex of offspring sired by extra-pair mates towards male. We examined the relationship between offspring sex and paternity over six breeding seasons in an Illinois population of the house wren (Troglodytes aedon), a cavity-nesting songbird. Out of the 2345 nestlings that had both sex and paternity assigned, 350 (15%) were sired by extra-pair males. The sex ratio of extra-pair offspring, 0.534, was significantly greater than the sex ratio of within-pair offspring, 0.492, representing an increase of 8.5 per cent in the proportion of sons produced. To our knowledge, this is the first confirmed report of female birds increasing their production of sons in association with extra-pair fertilization. Our results are consistent with the oft-mentioned hypothesis that females engage in extra-pair mating to increase offspring quality.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory predicts adaptive adjustment in offspring sex ratio by females. Seasonal change in sex ratio is one possibility, tested here in two sister species, the Common sandpiper and the Spotted sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos and A. macularia. In the monogamous Common sandpiper, males are the most competitive sex. In each of 3 years, there was a change from mainly sons in early clutches to mainly daughters in late clutches. This seasonal adjustment of clutch sex ratio took place within the female before the eggs were laid, not by differential egg or chick survival. The sex of all eggs laid in the clutches used here was determined molecularly from chick blood taken at the time of hatching. The Spotted sandpiper in contrast is polyandrous, with partly reversed sex roles. There was no seasonal trend from sons to daughters in this species. When tested together, the two species differed significantly as predicted by the hypothesis of adaptive sex ratio adjustment by females.  相似文献   

Organisms are expected to adjust the sex ratio of their offspring in relation to the relative fitness benefits of sons and daughters. We used a molecular sexing technique that amplifies an intron of the CHD1 gene in birds to examine the sex ratio at egg-laying in socially monogamous tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor). We examined all individuals in 40 broods (210 young), including all unhatched eggs and nestlings. Thus, the sex ratio we measured was the same as the sex ratio at laying. Overall, the mean sex ratio per brood (+/- SD) was biased significantly towards males (57 +/- 2% male). Within broods, male-biased sex ratios were associated with females in better body condition, and these females were more likely to produce sons in better condition. Tree swallows have one of the highest known levels of extra-pair paternity in birds (38-76% extra-pair young), and, as a consequence, variance in male reproductive success is greater than that of females. Thus, in tree swallows, investment in sons has the potential for higher fitness returns than investment in daughters, assuming that sons in better condition have greater reproductive success.  相似文献   

The sex of 746 great reed warbler fledglings (from 175 broods) was determined by the use of single primer polymerase chain reaction. The reliability of the technique was confirmed as 104 of the fledglings were subsequently recorded as adults of known sex. The overall sex ratio did not differ from unity. Variation in sex ratios between broods was larger than expected from a binomial distribution. Female identity explained some of the variation of brood sex ratio indicating that certain females consistently produced sex ratios that departed from the average value in the population. The theory of sex allocation predicts that parents should adjust the sex ratio of their brood to the relative value of sons and daughters and this may vary in relation to the quality of the parents or to the time of breeding. In the great reed warbler, the proportion of sons was not related to time of breeding, or to any of five female variables. Of five male variables, males with early arrival date tended to produce more daughters. The sex ratio of fledglings that were a result of extra-pair fertilizations did not differ from that of legitimate fledglings. Hence, there is currently no evidence of that female great reed warblers invest in a higher proportion of sons when mated with attractive males.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that maternal undernutrition results in adjustment of the sex ratio at birth, favouring females. We tested this hypothesis using births during the Dutch Hunger Winter of 1944-1945, an acute severe famine of seven months' duration. There was no evidence of an excess of female births among deliveries of human infants exposed to famine in any period in gestation. Indeed, among deliveries to women maximally exposed to famine prior to conception, there was an excess (odds ratio = 1.31, 95% CI 1.09-1.58; p = 0.004) of male offspring. Our data do not provide any support for acute and severe maternal undernutrition as a trigger for an increase in female conceptions or in male foetal deaths in human populations.  相似文献   

The current study examined the long-term trend in sex ratio at birth between 1929 and 1982 using retrospective birth histories of 310 101 Chinese women collected in a large, nationally representative sample survey in 1982. The study identified an abrupt decline in sex ratio at birth between April 1960, over a year after the Great Leap Forward Famine began, and October 1963, approximately 2 years after the famine ended, followed by a compensatory rise between October 1963 and July 1965. These findings support the adaptive sex ratio adjustment hypothesis that mothers in good condition are more likely to give birth to sons, whereas mothers in poor condition are more likely to give birth to daughters. In addition, these findings help explain the lack of consistent evidence reported by earlier studies based on the 1944-1945 Dutch Hunger Winter or the 1942 Leningrad Siege.  相似文献   

The local-resource-competition hypothesis predicts that where philopatric offspring compete for resources with their mothers, offspring sex ratios will be biased in favour of the dispersing sex. This should produce variation in sex ratios between populations in relation to differences in the availability of resources for philopatric offspring. However, previous tests of local resource competition in mammals have used indirect measures of resource availability and have focused on sex-ratio variation between species or individuals rather than between local populations. Here, we show that the availability of den sites predicts the offspring sex ratio in populations of the common brushtail possum. Female possums defend access to dens, and daughters, but not sons, occupy dens within their mother's range. However, the abundances of possums in our study areas were determined principally by food availability. Consequently, in food-rich areas with a high population density, the per-capita availability of dens was low, and the cost of having a daughter should have been high. This cost was positively correlated with male bias in the sex ratio at birth. Low per capita availability of dens was correlated with male bias in the sex ratio at birth.  相似文献   

The attractiveness hypothesis predicts that females produce broods with male-biased sex ratios when they mate with attractive males. This hypothesis presumes that sons in broods with male-biased sex ratios sired by attractive males have high reproductive success, whereas the reproductive success of daughters is relatively constant, regardless of the attractiveness of their sires. However, there is little direct evidence for this assumption. We have examined the relationships between offspring sex ratios and (1) sexual ornamentation of sons and (2) body size of daughters in broods from wild female guppies Poecilia reticulata. Wild pregnant females were collected and allowed to give birth in the laboratory. Body size and sexual ornamentation of offspring were measured at maturity. Our analysis revealed a significant positive correlation between offspring sex ratios (the proportion of sons per brood) and the total length as well as the area of orange spots of sons, two attributes that influence female mating preferences in guppies. The sex ratio was not associated with the body size of daughters. These results suggest that by performing adaptive sex allocation according to the expected reproductive success of sons and daughters, female guppies can enhance the overall fitness of their offspring.  相似文献   

Hierarchies of wealth and ethnic prestige among East African herders present an opportunity to test the Trivers-Willard hypothesis that low socioeconomic status should correlate with female biases in parental investment. The Mukogodo are at the bottom of such a regional hierarchy due to their poverty and low status as former hunters. As a result of these factors, Mukogodo men have lower polygyny rates than their neighbors, and Mukogodo women have higher mean reproductive success than Mukogodo men. The data fulfill the prediction that there should be a bias in parental investment in favor of daughters. The sex ratio of the 0–4 age group and the reported sex ratio at birth are both female-biased. Although there is no evidence of infanticide, sons may be neglected in favor of daughters. Evidence from a dispensary and from a clinic run by a Catholic mission both show that the Mukogodo take daughters for treatment more often than they take sons. Also, daughters may be nursed longer than sons.  相似文献   

Parental investment theory has been put forward as a major evolutionary argument explaining male or female biased birth sex ratio, the Trivers-Willard (T-W) hypothesis, predicting that parents living in good circumstances will bias their investment to sons, whereas parents in poor circumstances will bias their investment toward daughters. Tests of the T-W hypothesis on human beings have shown limited evidence for parents appearing to differentiate their investment to sons or daughters according to the reproductive potential of each sex. The present study tests the T-W hypothesis among a large contemporary Polish sample using first birth interval and extent of breastfeeding as measures of parental investment, and economic status and level of parental education as measures of parental condition. The extents to which parental investment and markers of parental condition vary by sex of the child were examined using log-linear analysis. Weak support for the T-W effect is found among families where fathers were best educated, where a greater proportion of first-born boys are breastfed longer than girls, while the opposite trend is observed among families with fathers with lowest levels of education. Although the present study does not fully support the T-W hypothesis, it gives evidence of greater investment in female offspring at the lower extremes of income, and greater investment in males at higher levels of income.  相似文献   

The generalized Trivers-Willard hypothesis (gTWH) [Kanazawa, S., 2005a. Big and tall parents have more sons; further generalizations of the Trivers-Willard hypothesis. J. Theor. Biol. 235, 583-590] proposes that parents who possess any heritable trait which increases the male reproductive success at a greater rate than female reproductive success in a given environment have a higher-than-expected offspring sex ratio, and parents who possess any heritable trait which increases the female reproductive success at a greater rate than male reproductive success in a given environment have a lower-than-expected offspring sex ratio. One heritable trait which increases the reproductive success of sons significantly more than that of daughters in the ancestral environment is the tendency toward violence and aggression. I therefore predict that violent parents have a higher-than-expected offspring sex ratio (more sons). The analysis of both American samples and a British sample demonstrates that battered women, who are mated to violent men, have significantly more sons than daughters.  相似文献   



Natural selection should favour the ability of mothers to adjust the sex ratio of offspring in relation to the offspring''s potential reproductive success. In polygynous species, mothers in good condition would be advantaged by giving birth to more sons. While studies on mammals in general provide support for the hypothesis, studies on humans provide particularly inconsistent results, possibly because the assumptions of the model do not apply.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here, we take a subset of humans in very good condition: the Forbe''s billionaire list. First, we test if the assumptions of the model apply, and show that mothers leave more grandchildren through their sons than through their daughters. We then show that billionaires have 60% sons, which is significantly different from the general population, consistent with our hypothesis. However, women who themselves are billionaires have fewer sons than women having children with billionaires, suggesting that maternal testosterone does not explain the observed variation. Furthermore, paternal masculinity as indexed by achievement, could not explain the variation, since there was no variation in sex ratio between self-made or inherited billionaires.


Humans in the highest economic bracket leave more grandchildren through sons than through daughters. Therefore, adaptive variation in sex ratios is expected, and human mothers in the highest economic bracket do give birth to more sons, suggesting similar sex ratio manipulation as seen in other mammals.  相似文献   

The Trivers–Willard hypothesis (TWH) predicts that parents will bias their sex ratio toward sons when in good condition and toward daughters when in poor condition. Many human studies have tested the related hypothesis that parents' bias allocation of resources to existing sons and daughters according to the same principle. The present study used time diary and self-report data from the parents of 3200 children in the US to test the hypothesis that as status increases, parents will allocate more resources to sons vs. daughters. It finds no evidence that higher-status parents invest more in sons or that lower status parents invest more in daughters. This finding illustrates the specificity of situations in which the TWH effects should be expected. Only certain types of parental investment — such as protection and a bias in the sex ratio — may have been selected to vary according to parental condition. Optimal allocation of resources after the child is born, however, is achieved not by the simple bias predicted by the TWH, but by allocating resources among offspring in ways that yield the largest marginal inclusive fitness gains.  相似文献   

Wild G  West SA 《The American naturalist》2007,170(5):E112-E128
Tests of sex allocation theory in vertebrates are usually based on verbal arguments. However, the operation of multiple selective forces can complicate verbal arguments, possibly making them misleading. We construct an inclusive fitness model for the evolution of condition-dependent brood sex ratio adjustment in response to two leading explanations for sex ratio evolution in vertebrates: the effect of maternal quality on the fitness of male and female offspring (the Trivers-Willard hypothesis [TWH]) and local resource competition (LRC) between females. We show (1) the population sex ratio can be either unbiased or biased in either direction (toward either males or females); (2) brood sex ratio adjustment can be biased in either direction, with high-quality females biasing reproductive investment toward production of sons (as predicted by the TWH) or production of daughters (opposite to predictions of the TWH); and (3) selection can favor gradual sex ratio adjustment, with both sons and daughters being produced by both high- and low-quality mothers. Despite these complications, clear a priori predictions can be made for how the population sex ratio and the conditional sex ratio adjustment of broods should vary across populations or species, and within populations, across individuals of different quality.  相似文献   

Variation in birth sex ratios in primates can be accounted for by two hypotheses: the local resource competition hypothesis [Silk: American Naturalist 121:56–66, 1983] and the hypothesis of Trivers & Willard [Science 179:90–92, 1973] concerning the maternal effect on the quality of a male. We examined the effects of female dominance rank on aspects of reproduction in three well-established captive groups of long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis). High-ranking females produced a higher proportion of sons than low-ranking females, and factors other than rank did not have significant effects on birth sex ratios. Interbirth intervals following daughters were longer than those following sons, but they were independent of the mother's rank. The sons of high-ranking mothers had better survival prospects than sons of low-ranking mothers in some of the groups; no such difference was found for daughters. Overall, there was no sex difference in survival up to 5 years of age. These results support the Trivers-Willard hypothesis rather than the local resource competition hypothesis. An analysis of interbirth intervals suggested that the deviation in birth sex ratio is already established at conception.  相似文献   



Socio-economic conditions can affect the secondary sex ratio in humans. Mothers under good environmental conditions are predicted to increase the birth rates of sons according to the Trivers-Willard hypothesis (TWH). This study analyzed the effects of ownership and non-ownership of dwellings on the sex ratio at birth (SRB) on a Ugandan sample.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Our investigation included 438,640 mothers aged between 12 and 54 years. The overall average SRB was 0.5008. Mothers who live in owned dwellings gave increased births to sons (0.5019) compared to those who live in non-owned dwellings (0.458). Multivariate statistics revealed the strongest effects of dwelling ownership when controlling for demographic and social variables such as marital status, type of marriage, mothers’ age, mothers’ education, parity and others.


The results are discussed in the framework of recent plausible models dealing with the adjustment of the sex ratio. We conclude that the aspect of dwelling status could represent an important socio-economic parameter in relation to SRB variations in humans if further studies are able to analyze it between different countries in a comparative way.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that females should produce more sons when the reproductive success of sons is expected to be high, whereas they should produce more daughters, not daughters when the reproductive success of sons is expected to be low. The guppy (Poecilia reticulata) is a live‐bearing fish, and female guppies are known to produce broods with biased sex ratios. In this study, we examined the relationship between brood sex ratio and reproductive success of sons and daughters, to determine whether female guppies benefit from producing broods with biased sex ratios. We found that sons in male‐biased broods had greater mating success at maturity than sons in female‐biased broods when brood sizes were larger. On the other hand, the reproductive output of daughters was not significantly affected by brood sizes and sex ratios. Our results suggest that female guppies benefit from producing large, male‐biased brood when the reproductive success of sons is expected to be high.  相似文献   

Mathematical models suggest that reproducing females may benefit by facultatively adjusting their relative investment into sons vs. daughters, in response to population‐wide shifts in operational sex ratio (OSR). Our field studies on viviparous alpine skinks (Niveoscincus microlepidotus) document such a case, whereby among‐ and within‐year shifts in OSR were followed by shifts in sex allocation. When adult males were relatively scarce, females produced male‐biased litters and larger sons than daughters. The reverse was true when adult males were relatively more common. That is, females that were courted and mated by few males produced mainly sons (and these were larger than daughters), whereas females that were courted and mated by many males produced mainly daughters (and these were larger than sons). Maternal body size and condition also covaried with sex allocation, and the shifting pattern of sexual size dimorphism at birth may reflect these correlated effects rather than a discrete component of an evolved sex‐allocation strategy.  相似文献   

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