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The ability to organize a four-link operant food-procuring habit in a multiple alternative maze using the free-choice method was studied in albino rats. Three types of animals were observed which were different in the character of learning. The learning curve of 20% of rats had of exponential character (type I). Some animals (37%) acquired the skill through "insight" and the process of learning in these cases could be described by a logistic regression function (type II). The remaining rats (43%) refused from solving the intricate task and were able to acquire only the simplest form of a response, i.e., running to feeders. It is suggested that learning differences between the I and II types of animals may be associated with different strategies of problem solving: "procedural" (algorithmic) and "conceptual" (semantic).  相似文献   

New strains of rats, preferent (HAP) and non-preferent (NAP) for ethanol were selectively outbred from a Wistar stock. The strains have now been raised to the F13 generation. The F9/10 animals, selected for this behavioural investigation, exhibited a significant phenotypic drinking behaviour and/or ethanol consumption. During a free choice between tap water and 10% ethanol solution (v/v), the mean daily alcohol intake for male and female HAP rats was 8.42 +/- 0.69 g/kg/24 h (n = 20 o) and 11.50 +/- 0.42 g/kg/24 h (n = 20 o), for male and female NAP rats 0.74 +/- 0.09 g/kg/24 h (n = 20 o) and 1.76 +/- 0.20 g/kg/24 h (n = 20 o), respectively. The NAP rats exhibited a strong aversion to the 10% ethanol solution when it was the only source fluid. In the open-field test (OFT), as compared to the NAP rats, male individuals of the HAP strain showed a lower motility in the first minute, in penetration into the inner squares, showed a longer latency to start exploration (latency to leave the center), exhibited larger rearing and grooming activity and shorter latencies to start these activities. The defecation rate was smaller and latency to defecation prolonged. Female HAP rats showed higher activity scores in penetration of outer and inner squares and a shorter latency to start exploration. They also had higher rearing but smaller grooming activity. The females exhibited identical defecation but different urination behaviour in comparison to the males. The time-to-emerge latencies of HAP rats were longer than in NAP individuals.  相似文献   

In spontaneously hypertensive (strain SHR) and normotensive (strain WKY) rats was studied the elaboration of conditioned reflex of active avoidance in shuttle box. In case when the shuttle box was divided by a partition the SHR rats learned worse than WKY rats. In shuttle chamber without partition the SHR rats, on the contrary, learned better that WKY ones. Such character of interlinear differences can be connected with properties of formation of the instrumental habit of deliverance from electropainful stimulus, because the presence of partition significantly hampered its fulfillment. The obtained results, compared with literature data, testify to the fact that differences of SHR and WKY rats in elaboration of conditioned reflexes are explained basically by the properties of their unconditioned activity and not of the associative processes.  相似文献   

It is shown, that rats, bred in conditions of intraspecies isolation are able to competition for water in the kin group, having usual experience of intraspecies intercourse. At the same level of drinking motivation in conditions of competition for water the intraspecies activity is significantly higher in rats, bred in isolation in comparison with grouped animals. Rats-isolants significantly more often than the grouped animals use extraordinary tactics of intraspecies behaviour, which increase their competitive ability in conditions of limited access to water.  相似文献   

In rats with active type of behaviour in "open field" and "forced swimming" tests in response to weak stress (handling) both the rate of local blood flow (RLBF) and free oxygen tension level (pO2) in the brain are increased, and in rats with passive type of behaviour RLBF is increased, but the pO2 level is decreased. The character of pO2 level changes in the brain under stress is significantly (r = -0.74, p less than 0.001) connected with the level of depressiveness (time of passive swimming) and is nonsignificantly connected with the level of the motor activity. Indices of the active type of behaviour (the number of crossed squares, rearings, comings out to the center of the field and the time of extinction of the motor activity) positively correlate with succinate dehydrogenase (SDG) activity and negatively with NADH-dehydrogenase (NADH-DG) activity and the index of the passive type of behaviour (time of passive swimming) positively correlates with NADH-DG activity and negatively--with SDG activity.  相似文献   

As a contribution to quantitative analysis of exogenous stress action, the role of probability learning (probability stress, probability affirmation) for selected cardio-vascular functions was studied in 25 albino rats and 8 dogs. It has been shown in the rats learning with probability stress that a dependence exists between stress probability, on the one hand, and conditional-reflectory processes and systolic blood pressure rise, on the other, that is, the pathogenic action of probability stress increases from a probability of p = 1.0 to p = 0.5. An analogous picture was found with the probability affirmation being applied in dogs. While a probability affirmation with p = 1.0 promoted adaptational processes, a value of p = 0.5 led to experimental neurosis, tachycardia and ECG alterations. The results obtained are discussed in context with the information entropy and information theory of emotions.  相似文献   

Rats with spontaneous hypertension (strain SHR) reveal retarded somatic growth at early stages of ontogenesis. However, in further postnatal life, after transition to self-feeding, these animals exhibit larger body mass. Significant correlation was found between the arterial pressure and body mass. Some peculiarities in the behaviour of rats from the strain SHR were found already at early stages of ontogenesis. In 2-month animals, the brain exhibits some unusual features: lateral ventricles are enlarged, the corpus callosum is thinner, the volume of the pyramids in the dorsal hippocamp (field CA3) is less than in normal rats, the structure of the lateral hypothalamus being also different. It is suggested that unusual behaviour of hypertensive strain is due to the observed structural differences, as well as to changes in noradrenergic system of the brain.  相似文献   

Wallis JD 《Neuron》2011,71(6):959-961
Fundamental to behavior is the capacity to distinguish beneficial from detrimental environmental stimuli. In this issue of Neuron, a new study by Morrison et?al. shows that underlying these processes are qualitatively different dynamical interactions between brain structures involved in processing the value of environmental stimuli.  相似文献   

Destruction of locus coeruleus (LC) was conducted in adult rats (male rats of the Wistar line, 250-300 g) electrolytically or by means of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA). Behaviour of the intact animals sham-operated and of rats with destructed LC was evaluated before and every week after the operation during 5 weeks. Statistically significant alterations in the behaviour were revealed only in the initially low-active rats. These animals were characterized firstly, by low motor and exploratory activity in all tests (open field and automated devices), disturbance of the reactivity to novelty--only in one week after the operation with subsequent compensation of shifts; secondly, by low level of investigatory activity in the open field and absence of habituation to the repetitive tests--from the 21-st day after the operation.  相似文献   

Behavioral manifestations of spreading depression (SD) were compared with SD electrophysiological characteristics in these structures. Carbon electrodes were suitable for recording DC slow potential changes in freely moving animal. It was shown that short (0.1 s) high-frequency (200 Hz) electrical stimulation of thalamus and hippocampus with intensity 50-300 microA easily triggered SD wave in these structures in narcotized and awake rats. The threshold of SD occurrence in dorsal hippocampus was the same or sometimes lower than that of the primary afterdischarge. Penetrating SD into ventral hippocampus provoked long latency seizure discharge and wet-dog shakings in awake rats. Intensity of locomotor activity accompanying bilateral hippocampal SD exceeded orienting response significantly. Contrary to hippocampus, thalamic SD was usually subseizure and unilateral phenomenon and had a clear tranquil effect on the rat locomotor activity. It was found that the rats didn't change the compartment preference after 20-45 SD waves in the thalamus or in the hippocampus.  相似文献   

Dynamics is studied of visual images recognition in patients with schizophrenia under the influence of small doses of ionizing radiation used with therapeutic purpose. Functional state of the brain is evaluated by amplitude-temporal parameters of visual and auditory EPs. After conducted therapy no changes in responses to light flashes are found, and in auditory EPs in a part (the first group) of patients there is an increase of the component N1 amplitude in the frontal area. The same group is characterized by lower parameters of visual images recognition. Conclusion is made about the presence of non-specific changes of visual gnosis in patients with schizophrenia and about involvement of the associative frontal structures in pathologic process. Possible mechanisms of disturbance of the perceptive learning and memory processes in schizophrenia are discussed.  相似文献   

Monoamineoxidase activity was studied in minks of three behavioural groups--those bred for absence of aggression towards man, those bred for high aggression to man, and those of non-selected population. Breeding for the absence of aggression was accompanied by a decrease of MAO-B activity with unchanged MAO-A activity. The minks bred for aggressive behaviour towards man, as compared to those bred for the absence of aggression, were characterised by increased MAO-A and MAO-B activities in the brain stem. The effect of emotional stress on MAO-A and MAO-B was similar in aggressive, non-aggressive and unselected minks and was expressed in a decrease of both MAO-A and MAO-B activity. The MAO activity of cerebral hemispheres remained unaffected both by selection for behaviour and by the emotional stress.  相似文献   

Some features of learning in Morris water test were studied in gray rats after a long-term selection for elimination (tame strain) and enhancement (aggressive strain) of aggressiveness towards human. The content of plasma corticosteroids was estimated at different stages of learning. It was shown that tame rats were better in performance of a special Morris task than aggressive ones. The time of search for invisible platform was increased in aggressive rats owing to the fact that they spent more time near the pool walls. Also, time of rearing at the platform was higher in tame rats compared to aggressive animals. In the retention test, rats of both strains spent significantly more time in the target quadrant than they did in other quadrants. Rats of both strains did not differ in time of search for invisible platform when it was replaced to the opposite quadrant. After the first day of learning, the corticosteroid plasma level was lower in tame rats than aggressive animals. During the following days of training, the content of the hormone increased in tame rats and did not differ from aggressive rats. It is supposed that, in tame rats, low emotionality and stress response facilitated learning in Morris water test.  相似文献   

As a result of selection of rats possessing a high threshold of neuro-muscular exitability in comparison with rats possessing a low threshold of neuro-muscular exitability, certain changes take place in the structures that are connected with the learning process: the visual cortex is wider, volumes of the pyramidal cells in the fields CA1 and CA3 of the hippocampus are increased, density of the glial elements in the fornix is essentially increased and that of neurons in the septal nucleus is decreased.  相似文献   

A selection of laboratory animals for complex behavioural experiments is of a significant importance for obtaining objective results. The problem of the selection seems to be solved by means of the proposed assessment of vertical learning of an habitable space. The assessment test is based on investigative activity of the animals under conditions of a new surrounding. The test allows to divide the rats into four types.  相似文献   

In studying of dogs behaviour in coordinates system "Requirements and probability of their satisfaction" it has been established that selection of behaviour strategy is closely connected with individual typological properties of animals. In experiments with equally-probable alimentary reinforcement a direct correlation was found between the strength parameter of the nervous system and the strategy of dogs behaviour. Animals of strong types manifested the character of reaction which consisted in determination and goal-directedness, while the animals of the weak type manifested other character, having features of uncertainty, indefinition, hesitations. In conditions of conflict between probability and value of reinforcement the dogs manifested two opposite strategies of behaviour: orientation to highly probable events (choleric and phlegmatic) and to low-probable events (sanguinic and melancholic) what is connected with individual properties of functioning and the character of interaction of four brain structures (frontal cortex, hippocampus, hypothalamus, amygdala).  相似文献   

Male and female rats were treated with estradiol benzoate in the 5 degrees day of life. The avoidance conditioning, tested after 65 days, was significatively impaired in males treated with estradiol, a significative retardation was observed in females treated, but no significant end-difference versus no-treated females. It is supposed that a hormone induced synaptic shaft/spines ratio in preoptic area may be involved in avoidance conditioning.  相似文献   

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