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Population founding and spatial spread may profoundly influence later population genetic structure, but their effects are difficult to quantify when population history is unknown. We examined the genetic effects of founder group formation in a recently founded population of the animal-dispersed Vaccinium membranaceum (black huckleberry) on new volcanic deposits at Mount St Helens (Washington, USA) 24 years post-eruption. Using amplified fragment length polymorphisms and assignment tests, we determined sources of the newly founded population and characterized genetic variation within new and source populations. Our analyses indicate that while founders were derived from many sources, about half originated from a small number of plants that survived the 1980 eruption in pockets of remnant soil embedded within primary successional areas. We found no evidence of a strong founder effect in the new population; indeed genetic diversity in the newly founded population tended to be higher than in some of the source regions. Similarly, formation of the new population did not increase among-population genetic variance, and there was no evidence of kin-structured dispersal in the new population. These results indicate that high gene flow among sources and long-distance dispersal were important processes shaping the genetic diversity in this young V. membranaceum population. Other species with similar dispersal abilities may also be able to colonize new habitats without significant reduction in genetic diversity or increase in differentiation among populations.  相似文献   

Yang S  Jongejans E  Yang S  Bishop JG 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e26094
In contrast to secondary succession, studies of terrestrial primary succession largely ignore the role of biotic interactions, other than plant facilitation and competition, despite the expectation that simplified interaction webs and propagule-dependent demographics may amplify the effects of consumers and mutualists. We investigated whether successional context determined the impact of consumers and mutualists by quantifying their effects on reproduction by the shrub Vaccinium membranaceum in primary and secondary successional sites at Mount St. Helens (Washington, USA), and used simulations to explore the effects of these interactions on colonization. Species interactions differed substantially between sites, and the combined effect of consumers and mutualists was much more strongly negative for primary successional plants. Because greater local control of propagule pressure is expected to increase successional rates, we evaluated the role of dispersal in the context of these interactions. Our simulations showed that even a small local seed source greatly increases population growth rates, thereby balancing strong consumer pressure. The prevalence of strong negative interactions in the primary successional site is a reminder that successional communities will not exhibit the distribution of interaction strengths characteristic of stable communities, and suggests the potential utility of modeling succession as the consequence of interaction strengths.  相似文献   

Six strains of a new species, Legionella sainthelensi, were isolated from freshwater in areas affected by the volcanic eruptions of Mt. St. Helens in the state of Washington. Strains of L. sainthelensi are culturally and biochemically similar to other legionellae. They grow on buffered charcoal yeast agar but not on media that lack cysteine. They are gram-negative, nonsporeforming, motile rods that are positive in reactions for catalase, oxidase, gelatin liquefaction, and beta-lactamase. They are negative in reactions for urease, hydrolysis of hippurate, reduction of nitrates, fermentation of glucose, and blue-white autofluorescence. Their cell wall fatty acid composition is qualitatively similar to those of other legionellae, with 50 to 62% branched-chain fatty acids. They contain the isobranched-chain 14- and 16-carbon acids and anteisobranched-chain 15- and 17-carbon acids and relatively large amounts of straight-chain 16-carbon acid. All strains of L. sainthelensi contain approximately equal amounts of ubiquinones Q9, Q10, Q11, and Q12, a pattern similar to those of Legionella bozemanii, Legionella dumoffi, and Legionella longbeachae. Serological cross-reactions were observed between L. sainthelensi, both serogroups of L. longbeachae, and Legionella oakridgensis. Three strains of L. sainthelensi were greater than 90% related by DNA hybridization. The type strain of L. sainthelensi, Mt. St. Helens 4, was 36% related to the type strain of L. longbeachae and 3 to 14% related to the other nine described Legionella species.  相似文献   

Six strains of a new species, Legionella sainthelensi, were isolated from freshwater in areas affected by the volcanic eruptions of Mt. St. Helens in the state of Washington. Strains of L. sainthelensi are culturally and biochemically similar to other legionellae. They grow on buffered charcoal yeast agar but not on media that lack cysteine. They are gram-negative, nonsporeforming, motile rods that are positive in reactions for catalase, oxidase, gelatin liquefaction, and beta-lactamase. They are negative in reactions for urease, hydrolysis of hippurate, reduction of nitrates, fermentation of glucose, and blue-white autofluorescence. Their cell wall fatty acid composition is qualitatively similar to those of other legionellae, with 50 to 62% branched-chain fatty acids. They contain the isobranched-chain 14- and 16-carbon acids and anteisobranched-chain 15- and 17-carbon acids and relatively large amounts of straight-chain 16-carbon acid. All strains of L. sainthelensi contain approximately equal amounts of ubiquinones Q9, Q10, Q11, and Q12, a pattern similar to those of Legionella bozemanii, Legionella dumoffi, and Legionella longbeachae. Serological cross-reactions were observed between L. sainthelensi, both serogroups of L. longbeachae, and Legionella oakridgensis. Three strains of L. sainthelensi were greater than 90% related by DNA hybridization. The type strain of L. sainthelensi, Mt. St. Helens 4, was 36% related to the type strain of L. longbeachae and 3 to 14% related to the other nine described Legionella species.  相似文献   

Early primary succession on Mount St. Helens,Washington, USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The north slope of Mount St. Helens was sampled with 141 circular 100-m2 plots to describe vegetation and environmental patterns 13 yr after the 1980 eruption. At least 114 vascular plant taxa were encountered. We recognized four habitat types: Refugia, Pumice barrens, Pyroclastic surfaces and Drainages. A fifth category, Lupine patches, includes samples on primary surfaces that were rapidly colonized. Refugia provided small enclaves where underground portions of several species survived the eruption. They retained an inconsistent array of forest understory species and contained 86 species (mean = 20.8 per plot). Refugia are dominated by woody species such as Penstemon cardwellii, Rubus spp., Ribes spp. and Alnus sinuata, with herbs such as Agrostis diegoensis, Luzula parviflora and Anaphalis margaritacea. Anaphalis represents a suite of species that invaded Refugia after the eruption. Diversity (N2 and H′) is significantly greater in Refugia than in any other habitat. No plants survived on primary sites, which remain sparsely vegetated and dominated by readily dispersed taxa. Total richness ranges from 36 species (9.9 per plot) on pyroclastic surfaces, through 42 species (11.2 per plot) in drainages, to 66 (11.7 per plot) on Pumice barrens. H′ and N2 of the three habitats do not differ significantly. Lupine-dominated vegetation occurs sporadically in Pyroclastic and drainage habitats. Lupine patches are characterized by high Lupinus cover and a suite of invaders. These sites have high cover and 52 species (12.6 per plot). H′ and N2 scores were significantly lower than any other habitat due to strong lupine dominance. Canonical Correspondence Analysis showed that site history and slope contributed most to species composition. Geographic effects accounted for 10 25 % of the explained species-environment relationship. Forest understory species have migrated only short distances and have made negligible contributions to vegetation development. A few species common in Refugia, including Agrostis diegoensis and Carex mertensii, have invaded barren surfaces, but most have not. Refugia also have been invaded by open site species abundant on the Pumice Plain. The heterogeneity of plots within habitat types and small statistical linkage of vegetation to environmental and spatial factors suggests that stochastic events have played a leading role in early primary succession.  相似文献   

Vegetation development on pumice at Mount St. Helens, USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study explores early vegetation development on pumice at Mount St.Helens. We monitored species annually in a grid of 200 contiguous100-m2 plots between 1989 and 1999. Of interestwere how vegetation changed and if it became more homogeneous over time.Speciesrichness and cover increased annually. Diversity(H) stabilized by 1996 and began to decline aslong-livedstress-tolerant species such as Agrostis pallens, Carexmertensii and Penstemon cardwellii began todominate. Protected sites had more species and higher cover than did exposedones. Plots next to relict vegetation had more species and cover than diddistant plots. The vegetation initially was dominated by species with gooddispersal, but subsequently those with poor dispersal became dominant. Wecompared species expansion patterns to a model based on random colonization.Theresults implied that populations with poor dispersal derived from a fewcolonists that then produced seeds for local expansion. Detrendedcorrespondenceanalysis showed a pronounced shift in species composition. This analysis alsoshowed that species composition was becoming more homogeneous over time.However, significant heterogeneity remained and some plots are diverging fromothers. As yet, this vegetation is not developing towards a regional vegetationtype. Rather, an unusual community with Agrostis spp.,Carex spp., Penstemon cardwellii, Lupinuslepidus, Anaphalis margaritacea and Salixcommutata has developed. The accumulation phase of primarysuccessionis nearly complete. The next phase, in which vertical structure develops asSalix and conifers mature, has scarcely begun. It shouldbemarked by the invasion of forest understory species and loss of subalpinemeadowspecies. Assembly rules based on biotic interactions may then become evident.  相似文献   

Lakes lying within the blast zone of Mount St. Helens showed dramatic increases in heterotrophic bacterial numbers after the eruption of 18 May 1980. The total microscopic counts of bacteria in some of the most severely affected lakes were more than 107 cells per ml, an order of magnitude above the counts in outlying control lakes. Likewise, the numbers of viable bacteria reached levels of more than 106 cells per ml, compated with fewer than 104 cells per ml in control lakes. The CPS medium used for enumeration provided growth of up to 81.5% of the bacteria during sampling of one of the blast zone lakes. The high numbers of bacteria and the efficacy of the viable enumeration procedure are evidence that the lakes have been transformed rapidly from oligotrophy to eutrophy due to the eruption and its aftermath. Organic material leached from the devastated forest vegetation is thought to be responsible for the enrichment of heterotrophs. Total coliform bacteria were found in all of the blast zone lakes, and some lakes contained fecal coliform bacteria. Klebsiella pneumoniae was the predominant total coliform and was also identified as one of the fecal coliform bacteria, although Escherichia coli was the predominant species in that category. Our data indicate that bacterial populations peaked in the outer blast zone lakes in the summer of 1980 and in most of the inner lakes during the summer of 1981.  相似文献   

Question: Does the relative importance of stochastic and deterministic factors change during primary succession? Location: Small depressions (potholes) located on Mount St. Helens, Washington (46°13′51″N, 122°09′10″W, 1290 m). Methods: Pothole vegetation was described in 1993, 1997 and from 2001 to 2008. Explanatory variables included location and elevation (spatial factors), soil factors and Lupinus lepidus cover from prior years (a fertility surrogate). RDA assessed species‐variable relationships. DCA calculated β diversity and within‐year heterogeneity. Flexible sorting classified the vegetation. Species composition, richness, cover, H′ and evenness were also calculated. Results: Vegetation cover increased through 2001, and then fluctuated due to changes in L. lepidus cover. Richness peaked in 2005, after which pioneer species began to decline as persistent evergreen species increased. The six CTs recognized in 2008 were more scattered than were the six different CTs from 2001. DCA demonstrated that woody and rhizomatous species increased as pothole vegetation became less variable. RDA revealed weak spatial relationships in 1993, 1997 and 2001; thereafter, environmental and biological factors became important. The species‐explanatory data relationship increased during this study from 10.2% to 36.0%, leaving 64.0% of the variation unexplained. Conclusions: This is the first temporal study to demonstrate that deterministic control of vegetation development increases during succession. Pothole vegetation has converged somewhat due to deterministic factors, but the initial effects of chance, local disturbances and history remain large and may prevent strong convergence.  相似文献   

On the volcanically devastated Pumice Plain of Mount St. Helens, plant species colonized microsites differentially. Peak colonization did not occur in the same microsites as peak establishment and growth. In addition, observed microsite colonization patterns differed between years. Two studies were conducted. The first assessed seedling establishment and growth from seeds sown at different microsites. The second assessed colonization into four microsite types that were constructed on the Pumice Plain. Hypochaeris radicata was the most common species to survive when the same number of seeds of four species were planted; however, Anaphalis margaritacea was the most common colonizer of microsites. Microsites with the largest biomass plants in the first study generally had the highest colonization in the second study. Sites that do not possess features to trap seeds, such as flats and ridges, are not opportune places for a plant to grow since there is little microclimatic or substrate amelioration. Thus, flat microsites had low biomass in the establishment experiment due to the lack of amelioration and contained few plants in the colonization experiment due to a lack of seed trapping mechanisms. These results show that in the primary successional landscape of Mount St. Helens microsites are critical to revegetation dynamics. Changes in the pattern of microsite colonization between years emphasizes the dynamic nature of the landscape and the important influences of climate, substrate amelioration and seed rain to plant establishment.  相似文献   

Abstract. We examined the factors that control seedling establishment on barren substrates on the pyroclastic flows from Mount St. Helens. From June to September in 1993, we monitored seedling and microhabitat changes in 240 20 cm × 20 cm quadrats on the Pumice Plain. Seedlings emerged in 104 quadrats (43.3 %). The most abundant species were Anaphalis margaritacea, Hypochaeris radicata, Lupinus lepidus and Epilobium angustifolium. Measured site characteristics included topography, particle size distribution, ground surface movements, soil water content, organic matter, pH, and presence or absence of dead lupines. Quadrats with seedlings had higher cover of dead lupines, higher amount of rock and gravel substrate, and a greater cover of rills. More seedlings emerged where eroded material accumulated. Compared to coarse-textured surfaces, silt surfaces had higher organic matter, held more water, and showed higher pH. However, seedlings became established more frequently on coarse-textured surfaces. In greenhouse experiments, a higher percentage of Hypochaeris seeds germinated on silt than on sand or gravel. The germination of Anaphalis and Epilobium did not differ with soil texture, but was higher at higher moisture levels. Seedling colonization is more dependent on ground surface microtopography, particle size, and ground movement than on the chemical status of these volcanic deposits.  相似文献   

Questions: Have predictable relationships between environmental variables and vegetation developed in primary succession following a volcanic eruption? Has the rate of succession changed? Have vegetation trajectories converged or diverged? Location: The Abraham Plain of Mount St. Helens, Washington, USA (46°12′42″N, 122°08′27″W, elevation 1360 m), was sterilized in 1980 by a blast, scoured by lahars and buried by pumice. Method: We monitored 400 100 m2 contiguous permanent plots annually (1988–2008), and classified each plot from every year into ten community types (CTs). We characterized the terrain by topography and surface features. Redundancy analysis assessed relationships between vegetation and possible explanatory variables, which included sample location. We used detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) to assess successional rates and trends. Results: Relationships between species composition and explanatory variables were only significant after 1996, when position and presence of rills became significant. By 2006, explained variation remained low (13%) but significant. Species accumulated slowly, restricted by stress and isolation. Changes in mean DCA position slowed. Composition shifted from pioneer to persistent species and vegetation became more stable with time. Species accumulated for two decades and then stabilized, while cover has continued to increase. Diversity increased and then declined slightly as dominance developed and pioneer species became less common. Conclusions: We demonstrate weak but increasingly predictable trends in species composition using environmental variables. The rate of succession slowed and trajectories formed a reticulate network of transitions dominated by divergence. Convergence was not evident because vegetation responded distinctively to minor topographic features that allowed alternative stable communities to develop.  相似文献   

How isolation affects primary succession remains unresolved. Our hypotheses are: 1) the rate of succession is slowed within 50 m from sources and 2) dominance increases more rapidly if the growing season is longer. We sampled lahar vegetation near conifer forests on Mount St. Helens 23 years after the eruption using transects (Muddy) and grids (Butte Camp, BC). Transects were compared to isolated plots of the same age, while grids were compared to vegetation that was 400 years older. Cover declined with distance and with elevation on the Muddy due to denser seed rain near forests and shorter growing seasons at higher elevation. On BC-1, next to a forest, richness measures increased with distance, while cover decreased with elevation. On BC-2, more exposed than BC-1, mean richness and cover declined with elevation, but increased towards seed sources. Equitability increased with distance and with elevation on more stressful transects and on BC-1. Percent similarity (PS), a measure of floristic heterogeneity, declined with elevation on Muddy-SW. BC-1 PS decreased with both distance and elevation. Data from grids collected since 1987 showed that both sites became more homogeneous through time. Directional changes on BC-1 were greater than on BC-2, while annual variation of DCA scores declined only on BC-2. These differences are related to conifer dominance patterns. Succession is influenced by isolation, which controls the seed rain, and by stress, which controls establishment, the rate of biomass accumulation, and the spread of immigrants. Although community development is governed by environmental factors, this study shows that the effects of dispersal that result from distance factors can persist and may be a source of unexplained variation in mature communities.  相似文献   

The 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens deposited new substrates upon which wetlands are now developing. We collected soil from five wetlands south of Spirit Lake, Mount St. Helens, Washington, to examine the seed banks. Seedling emergence density in the top 5 cm was highly variable, and ranged from (mean±s.d.) 15,700±15,200 to 38,000±31,500 per m2. Seedling emergence from soil at 5 to 10 cm depth varied from 800±600 to 18,000±24,800 per m2, and averaged 1/3 as many seeds as the surface. The high proportion of buried seeds may be due to continuing deposition of upland sediments. We identified 17 taxa from the wetland soil samples withEpilobium ciliatum, Juncus bufonius, Agrostis exarata andJuncus ensifolius being the dominant species. Wetland vegetation was dominated byEquisetum arvense, Salix sitchensis, Typha latifolia and the four dominant species in the seed bank. Correlations between vegetation and seed bank were not significant for four of the five wetlands, and the dominance byTypha latifolia in two wetlands contributed to the low correlations. Thus, vegetation of these early successional wetlands generally was not similar to seed bank composition. Canonical correspondence analysis was used to relate soil parameters to vegetation and seed bank data. The vegetation was correlated primarily with soil particle size and secondarily to water temperature, while the seed bank was correlated to pH, texture and temperature.  相似文献   

The invasion pattern on a barren plain on the eastern flank of Mount St. Helens, Washington, devastated by the 1980 volcanic eruption was monitored between 1988 and 1992. All vascular plants on a grid consisting of 400 contiguous 100-square-meter quadrats were recorded with a cover score. The substrate was initially homogeneous, but significant heterogeneity had developed by 1988. Vascular plant species richness increased from 24 in 1988 to 41 in 1992. Mean species richness per quadrat increased from 0.44 to 5.71, mean cover increased from 0.04% to 0.51%, and mean diversity index (H') increased from 0.08 to 1.56. A variance/mean test of species richness pattern showed that invasion occurred sporadically since plots tended to have either several or no species. By 1992, mean species richness was more evenly distributed. Most seedlings continue to result from long-distance dispersal, but reproductive colonies of species are developing. Seedling distributions are controlled by microsites. Eleven common species strongly and similarly preferred safe-sites created by small rocks, undulations, or rills. However, many apparent safe-sites are empty, suggesting that seeds are scarce and that even the most favorable microsites are marginal. The niches of these species seem to overlap broadly. The Plains of Abraham is in the earliest stage of primary succession. The detailed invasion pattern permitted us to distinguish species still dependent on immigration from those now locally established. Pronounced microsite preferences emphasize that physical amelioration (e.g., nutrient input and erosion) must occur before further succession can commence. We have observed the early stages of succession where an inhospitable site is gradually and heterogeneously changed into a habitat where safe-sites do not limit succession, but where stochastic factors remain important.  相似文献   

Abstract. An intense lateral blast devastated Mount St. Helens in 1980, but forest understory species survived in some north‐slope ‘refugia’. We explored the effects of refugia on colonization of barren pumice in 1997 and 1998, 18 yr after the eruption. The seed rain of 23 colonizers came mostly from populations that had previously established in refugia. Parachutists had small, vagile seeds, parasailors had winged seeds, and tumblers were blown along the ground. The latter two groups are heavier and dispersed more slowly, but are more likely to survive. The proportion of the vegetation represented by wind‐dispersed species increased with distance from refugia. Parachutist's density declined with time and proximity to refugia. As vegetation adjacent to refugia developed, populations of parasailors and tumblers expanded, foreshadowing their dominance in more remote pumice. Refugia played a critical role in determining the rate and course of succession by providing fertile islands that permitted pioneers and dry meadow species to establish near barren pumice. Species that survived in refugia played a negligible role in colonization. This study showed that when refugia contrast sharply with new substrates, they accelerate recovery by facilitating the invasion of pioneer species.  相似文献   

龙骨星蕨(Microsoriummembranaceumvar. carinatum)是新近发表的一个变种,从形态特征看,它与原变种膜叶星蕨(M. membranaceumvar. membranaceum)可以很容易地区分。但将龙骨星蕨与另外 3种国产星蕨属 (Mi crosorium)植物叶绿体基因组中rbcL、rps4基因和trnL trnF、rps4 trnS基因间隔区进行PCR扩增和序列分析,并与已经发表的真蕨类的相应序列进行比较发现,龙骨星蕨与膜叶星蕨在所研究的 4个DNA片段中均未表现出序列差异(除了trnL trnF区的一个 2bp长度差异外 ),而所比较的其他真蕨类变种间的相应DNA片段均存在一定的差异。因此DNA序列证据不支持龙骨星蕨变种的成立。  相似文献   

Primary succession is controlled by a combination of landscape and habitat factors whose actions may be stochastic or deterministic. The 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington spawned a massive lahar that now supports a mosaic of vegetation. Our goals were to describe vegetation patterns after 28 growing seasons, determine the factors associated with these patterns, and to contrast the effects of stochastic and deterministic processes. We described species composition and explanatory factors that included location and habitat features in one hundred and fifty one 200-m2 plots. We classified these plots into nine community types (CTs) that were distinguished quantitatively by variations in dominant species. We used multiple regressions, redundancy analysis (RDA), and Mantel tests to compare the vegetation relationships with explanatory factors. Plots in different CTs mingled spatially and in multivariate space. Species patterns were weakly related to explanatory variables by RDA (31.6% of the species variation). RDA indicated that vegetation was most strongly related to elevation, latitude, and isolation, which are primarily landscape factors. Mantel tests confirmed that factors associated with elevation were most closely associated with vegetation. The effects of arrival order were suggested by the dominance of different colonizers in similar environment and by plots with similar vegetation found in different habitats. We concluded that species composition cannot be predicted well from the data available, suggesting that there were no prominent deterministic assembly rules.  相似文献   

Three spoils from Bold Moss Tip, St. Helens, and one from Neston, England were collected for experiment to find the problems and solutions to reclaim the coal-mine lands of Bold Moss Tip, from seeds and tillers of Agrostis stolonifera, A. capillaris and Hocus lanatus. Low pH (3.0 to 6.8), deficient in nutrient, especially N (0. 24 to 0. 28 ppm), P(0. 016 to 6.1 ppm). and excess of Mg(>1000ppm), Na(84 to 325ppm), and Fe (>20 000ppm)were found in the spoils of Bold Moss Tip, which was supposed to be the most difficult problems of restoration. Tillers of A. stolonifera and A. capillaris could not be planted directly to the bare spoils of Bold Moss Tip, but those of vegetated spoils (Site 2 and Site 3) could support the growth of tillers. The pH value was found to be the key factor to control seed germinations of the three species, below pH 3, there were no germination. A. stolonifera and A. capillaris germinated with the highest rates (97% and 96%) at pH 5 and pH7(p<0. 01)respectively. The application of lime stone could increase spoil pH significantly (p<0. 001), from 2.2 to 7. 3, when 40 t·ha-1 lime stone was added. Lime stone had the best effect to the four spoils. Lime stone +NP significantly increased the yield of dry matters of Site 2 (p<0. 001); The highest yield, 735.6 g · m-1, was gained from the treatment of spoils of Neston with lime stone + N; Lime could also increase the yield of Site 1 from 0 to 125. l g·m-1(p<0. 05). Gypsum had some effect to spoils of Site 2 and Neston, compared with the bland treatment, but did no influence to the spoils of Site 1. Washing had minimum effect toward the spoils of Site 2, and showed no effect to Site 1 and Neston; Throughout the 8-weed% experiment there was little change in the pH of Site 1, even though the spoils were washed everyday. Fertilisers alone had no effect to the bare spoils of Bold Moss Tip, and Neston, but they could enhance the growth of seedling of Site 2, however together with lime stone, the role of fertilisers were significant (p<0. 001). Both nitrogen and phosphorus were essential to the spoils of Bold Moss Tip . Without top-soils, the bare of Bold Moss Tip can be revegetated only by application of lime stone, but better effect coult be obtained by addition of nitrogen and phosphorus. The rates of 20 to 60 t·ha-1, 75 kg N ha-1 and 50 kg P ha-1 of lime stone, nitrogen, phosphorus respectively, are suggested for application.  相似文献   

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