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We investigated to what extent the soil seed bank differed genetically and spatially in comparison to three consecutive life history stages (seedlings, mature plants, and fruiting plants) in a natural population of Atriplex tatarica. Representatives of particular life history stages from twenty subunits within a large population were randomly collected and subjected to allozyme analysis. Comparison of population polymorphism among various life history stages showed significant differences in observed heterozygosity (H(O)) and F statistics (F(IS) and F(ST)), but nonsignificant ones in the cases of number of alleles per polymorphic locus (A) and gene diversity (H(S)). These results indicate an increasing number of heterozygotes, a decreasing level of inbreeding and an increase of the partitioning genetic diversity among populations with increasing population age. Spatial autocorrelation was used to calculate f, the average co-ancestry coefficient between individuals within distance intervals of two meters along a 39 m long transect. Significant positive fine scale genetic structure was detected in mature and fruiting plants but not in soil seeds and seedlings stages. The results of the presented study on A. tatarica indicated that significant differences exist in genetic differentiation, differentiation in allele frequencies and spatial autocorrelation among early (soil seeds and seedlings) and late (mature and fruiting plants) life history stages but not within early and late ones. This pattern suggests that, rather than storing genetic variability in the soil or germination and establishment success, self-thinning might be the major microselective force in populations of A. tatarica.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The heterocarpic species Atriplex tatarica produces two types of seeds. In this study, how basic population genetic parameters correlate with seed germinability under various experimental conditions was tested.


Population genetic diversity was ascertained in eight populations of A. tatarica by assessing patterns of variation at nine allozyme loci. Germinability of both seed types from all sampled populations was determined by a common laboratory experiment under different salinity levels. Basic population genetic parameters, i.e. percentage of polymorphic loci, average number of alleles per locus and observed heterozygosity were correlated with observed population germination characteristics.

Key Results

Atriplex tatarica possesses a remarkable heterocarpy, i.e. one type of seed is non-dormant and the other shows different dormancy levels in relation to experimental conditions. Significant negative correlations have been detected between germination of both seed types and the coefficient of inbreeding, and a significant negative correlation between germination of dormant seeds and other population genetic parameters, i.e. percentage of polymorphic loci and average number of alleles per polymorphic locus. Moreover, populations from the region characterized by a shorter growing season manifested higher germinability, i.e. had lower dormancy, than those from the lower-latitude one.


In general, germination of non-dormant seeds is probably not under strong genetic control. Hence, they germinate as soon as conditions are favourable, thus ensuring survival in the short term, but populations risk local extinction if conditions become adverse (i.e. a high-risk strategy). In contrast, germination of the dormant type of seeds is under stronger genetic control and is significantly correlated with basic population genetic parameters. These seeds ensure long-term reproduction and survival in the field by protracted germination, albeit in low quantities (i.e. A. tatarica also adopts a low-risk strategy).Key words: Amaranthaceae, Atriplex, inbreeding depression, population genetics, seed dimorphism  相似文献   

We developed a virtual world to study the effect of predators on predator recognition. We trained a neural network to discriminate between the shapes of simulated aerial and terrestrial predators and non-predators. Then, the network's weighting values were fixed into the genomes of a set of autonomous agents. These animats were required to eat, avoid death due to starvation, and avoid predation, by fleeing from approaching predators. We systematically varied the predator's lethality, the mutation rate, the cost of fleeing a predator, and the presence or absence of aerial and terrestrial predators. We used ANOVA to analyse the average recognition ability (a measure of directional selection) and the standard deviation of recognition ability (a measure of relaxed selection) after 500 generations of selection. Mutation rate and the cost of flight had the greatest effect on both the average and standard deviation of recognition abilities. The loss of all predators relaxed selection on predator recognition abilities. The loss of specific predators had complex effects on recognition abilities. Persistence is largely influenced by escape costs.  相似文献   

Secondary pollen presentation is the relocation and presentation of pollen in floral structures (termed pollen presenters) other than the anthers. These pollen presenters are often found close to the stigma and have been hypothesized to increase the accuracy of pollen transfer, although no experimental studies have been done. We examined the function of the pollen presenter and its efficiency in pollen dispersal, female fitness, and the degree of interference created by self-pollen in the shrublet Polygala vayredae, an insect-pollinated species with secondary pollen presentation. Herkogamy, a mechanism generally involved in the reduction of self-interference, was also evaluated. Significant pollen was lost (49% of total pollen) during the secondary relocation in the pollen presenter. However, pollen was exported from the pollen presenter, and subsequent pollen losses were similar to those in species with primary pollen presentation. Despite the presence of a self-incompatibility system, the numbers of developed pollen tubes as well as fruit and seed production were significantly reduced by the self-pollen interference created at the stigmatic papillae level. The extent of herkogamy correlated positively with female fitness. The secondary pollen presentation mechanism may in fact be an accurate system for pollen transport, but it may also have its costs. Further comparative studies involving species with primary and secondary pollen presentation are needed to fully understand the advantages and disadvantages of secondary pollen presentation.  相似文献   

Berger  Rita  Bergström  Lena  Granéli  Edna  Kautsky  Lena 《Hydrobiologia》2004,514(1-3):243-248
During the last few decades the perennial seaweed Fucus vesiculosus L. has rapidly declined in large parts of the Baltic Sea. Indirect effects of eutrophication, such as increased turbidity, sedimentation, grazing and occurrence of filamentous algae, have generally been suggested as major factors causing the decline. It is only recently, however, that the effects of these factors have been experimentally tested and here we summarise these results in a new conceptual model. In many areas, it might be desirable to enhance the recovery of Fucus artificially, as the natural rate of re-establishment of this important macroalga is limited both in time and space. To be able to optimise and evaluate the potential of restoring Fucus belts in eutrophicated areas, we need to know how eutrophication affects critical steps in its life cycle, such as the attachment, germination and early growth of germlings. We suggest that more attention should be given to the survival of early post-settlement stages in Fucusas they are crucial for the maintenance and re-establishment of populations. We also stress that the two reproductive periods that the species exhibits are included in discussions concerning effects of eutrophication on Fucus, as it is likely that the outcome of reproduction will differ between the two reproductive periods. In the new conceptual model we distinguish between the effects on adult and juvenile life stages and we add the two reproductive strategies of Fucus.  相似文献   

We have recently generated a new mutant of cytochrome b(562) (cytb(562)) in which Met7, one of the axial heme ligands, is replaced by Ala (M7A cytb(562)). The M7A cytb(562) can bind heme and the UV-visible absorption spectrum is of a typical high-spin ferric heme. To investigate the effect of the lack of Met7 ligation on the structural integrity of cytb(562), thermal transition analyses of M7A cytb(562) were conducted. From the thermodynamic parameters obtained, it is concluded that the folding of M7A cytb(562) is comparable to the apoprotein despite the presence of heme. On the other hand, exogenous ligands such as cyanide and azide ions are readily bound to the heme iron, indicating that the axial coordination site is available for substrate binding. The peroxidase activity of this mutant is thus examined to evaluate new enzymatic function at this site and M7A cytb(562) was found to catalyze an oxidation reaction of aromatic substrates with hydrogen peroxide. These observations demonstrate that the Met7/His102 bis-ligation to the heme iron is crucial for the stable folding of cytb(562), whereas the functional conversion of cytb(562) is successfully achieved by the loose folding together with the open coordination site.  相似文献   

Tenascins are large glycoproteins found in embryonic and adult extracellular matrices. Of the four family members, two have been shown to be overexpressed in the microenvironment of solid tumours: tenascin-C and tenascin-W. The regular presence of these proteins in tumours suggests a role in tumourigenesis, which has been investigated intensively for tenascin-C and recently for tenascin-W as well. In this review, we follow a malignant cell starting from its birth through its potential metastatic journey and describe how tenascin-C and tenascin-W contribute to these successive steps of tumourigenesis. We consider the importance of the mechanical aspect in tenascin signalling. Furthermore, we discuss studies describing tenascin-C as an important component of stem cell niches and present examples reporting its role in cancer therapy resistance.  相似文献   

Background and Aims In Cactaceae, the areole is the organ that forms the leaves, spines and buds. Apparently, the genus Echinocereus develops enclosed buds that break through the epidermis of the stem adjacent to the areole; this trait most likely represents a synapomorphy of Echinocereus. The development of the areole is investigated here in order to understand the anatomical modifications that lead to internal bud development and to supplement anatomical knowledge of plants that do not behave according to classical shoot theory.Methods The external morphology of the areole was documented and the anatomy was studied using tissue clearing, scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy for 50 species that represent the recognized clades and sections of the traditional classification of the genus, including Morangaya pensilis (Echinocereus pensilis).Key Results In Echinocereus, the areole is sealed by the periderm, and the areole meristem is moved and enclosed by the differential growth of the epidermis and surrounding cortex. The enclosed areole meristem is differentiated in a vegetative or floral bud, which develops internally and breaks through the epidermis of the stem. In Morangaya pensilis, the areole is not sealed by the periderm and the areole meristem is not enclosed.Conclusions The enclosed areole meristem and internal bud development are understood to be an adaptation to protect the meristem and the bud from low temperatures. The anatomical evidence supports the hypothesis that the enclosed bud represents one synapomorphy for Echinocereus and also supports the exclusion of Morangaya from Echinocereus.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to explore the correlation between education and the results of five dementia screening tests. In a study of 551 consecutively enrolled psychogeriatric day care attendants individual differences in education explained only very small portions of variance (< or = 0.63%) in four tests (visual recognition memory, orientation, category fluency and alternating sequences) of the Amsterdam Dementia Screening Test, a standard neuropsychological battery. The only exception was graphical copying of two- or three-dimensional geometric designs, where education explained 6.25% of the variance in copying accuracy. The more education participants had (from incomplete or complete primary education, through extended primary education, lower technical and vocational training, and secondary to higher education), the better their copying performance was. There was however one exception, in that participants with secondary education copied designs significantly less accurately than participants with lower technical and vocational training. Differences in copying accuracy of subjects with higher versus lower educational attainment were largest for participants matched for high levels of cognitive function. More severe cognitive impairment attenuated education effects. Higher education did not protect against decline of copying performance as a consequence of increasing cognitive impairment. For each of three educational levels, premorbid copying performance was estimated by constructing a regression equation using an independent measure of cognitive functioning (in terms of visual recognition memory, orientation and category fluency) as the predictor variable. The results support the clinical utility of controlling for educational level when interpreting individual copying performance.  相似文献   

Whether seeds germinate or maintain dormancy is decided upon through very intricate physiological processes. Correct timing of these processes is most important for the plants life cycle. If moist conditions are encountered, a low dormancy level causes pre‐harvest sprouting in various crop species, such as wheat, corn and rice, this decreases crop yield and negatively impacts downstream industrial processing. In contrast, a deep level of seed dormancy prevents normal germination even under favourable conditions, resulting in a low emergence rate during agricultural production. Therefore, an optimal seed dormancy level is valuable for modern mechanised agricultural systems. Over the past several years, numerous studies have demonstrated that diverse endogenous and environmental factors regulate the balance between dormancy and germination, such as light, temperature, water status and bacteria in soil, and phytohormones such as ABA (abscisic acid) and GA (gibberellic acid). In this updated review, we highlight recent advances regarding the molecular mechanisms underlying regulation of seed dormancy and germination processes, including the external environmental and internal hormonal cues, and primarily focusing on the staple crop species. Furthermore, future challenges and research directions for developing a full understanding of crop seed dormancy and germination are also discussed.  相似文献   

We studied the activity and movements of a male and a female wolf during breeding in the Bieszczady Mountains, Poland. The female was less active and mobile and on average closer to the den than the male. The male was less active and mobile when the pack size was seven compared to a year when the pack consisted only of the breeding pair. We conclude that the roles played by breeding males and females rearing pups influence their activity, and that breeding males in larger packs move less during the nursing period because of help by other pack members.  相似文献   

A simple quantitative genetic model is proposed to explain the observed genetic correlation structure of a bruchid beetleCallosobruchus chinensis in terms of two underlying variables: the resource acquisition and the resource allocation. Heritabilities and genetic correlations among age-specific, fecundities are regarded as consequences of genetic variations of the two variables. Genetic correlations are predominantly positive in both predictions and observations. Nonetheless, comparison between observed and predicted values in heritabilities, genetic correlations, and genetic principal components suggested significant genetic variances both of the resource allocation and the resource acquisition. The prediction of the model is discussed in relation, to experimental tests of trade-off in life history evolution.  相似文献   

Core temperature (tympanic and rectal temperatures) is lowered for several hours under diurnal bright light exposure and its evening fall is inhibited under evening bright light exposure. Melatonin may be involved in the behavior of these core temperatures. Diurnal bright light exposure for several hours may make dressing behavior and thermal sensibility in the evening cold slower and dull, compared with diurnal dim light exposure. On the contrary, evening bright light exposure for several hours may make the dressing behavior and thermal sensibility in the evening cold quicker and sharper, compared with evening dim light exposure. The underlying physiological mechanisms for these findings are that the thermoregulatory set-point would be reduced more markedly in the evening under the influence of higher elevation of melatonin under the diurnal bright light exposure, and its evening decline would be inhibited by suppression of the nocturnal rise of melatonin under evening bright light exposure.  相似文献   

How do several characteristics adapt to gravity while mutually influencing each other? Our study addresses this issue by focusing on the terrestrial gastropod shell. The geometric relationship between the spire index (shell height/diameter) and outline (cylindricality) is theoretically estimated. When the shell grows isometrically, a high-spired shell becomes conical in shape and a low-spired shell becomes cylindrical in shape. A physical model shows that the lowest- and highest-spired shells are the most balanced. In addition, a cone shape is the most balanced for a low-spired shell, and a column shape is the most balanced for a high-spired shell. Spire index and cylindricality measured for freshwater gastropods follow the relationship estimated by the model, whereas those for terrestrial gastropods deviate from this relationship. This translates to a high shell being more cylindrical than a flat shell, except in the case of extremely high or low shells. This suggests that the shape of the most balanced shells (lowest and highest shell heights) is constrained by coiling geometry but that relatively unbalanced shells (intermediate shell heights) do not follow a coiling geometry, as a result of adaptation to enable the snail to carry its shell more effectively.  相似文献   

The degree of localization in the distribution of Australian scarabaeine (320 spp.), aphodiine (160 spp.), geotrupid (166 spp.) and dynastine (182 spp.) scarabs is analysed. Localization differs among these groups, appearing to increase marginally from the Dynastinae, to the Aphodiinae, to the Scarabaeinae, to the Geotrupidae, but with significant differences within groups, e.g. the scarabaeine tribes Onthophagini and Scarabaeini. However, the Australian fauna lacks the high proportion of widespread species characteristic of the West Palaearctic Scarabaeinae, Aphodiinae and Geotrupidae. This difference reflects the different ecological histories of the two regions.  相似文献   

Salsola ferganica L. (Chenopodianceae) is an annual halophytic species. Experiments were carried out in laboratory to determine the effects of temperature, perianths and various types of salinity on seed germination and germination recovery. Seeds were germinated at 6 levels of temperature with perianths, plus perianths and removed perianths in complete darkness for 9 days. The germination responses of the seeds without perianths at 25 °C were determined over a wide range of NaCl, NaHCO3 or NaCl–NaHCO3 mixed stress for 13 days. Perianths seriously affected germination as a barrier for seed germination and the optimal temperature was at 25 °C. Highest germination percentage was obtained under control and seed germination was progressively inhibited with the increase of salinity concentration. The negative effect of NaHCO3 at the same concentration on germination was stronger than that of NaCl and NaCl–NaHCO3 mixed. When substrate salinity was removed, seeds exposed to a high NaCl concentration (400–800 mM), NaHCO3 (50–200 mM) and NaCl–NaHCO3 mixed (100–400 mM) germinated well. Final germination of Salsola ferganica seeds was significantly affected by types of salt at the low salinity (?200 mM) and with increased salinity it was influenced mainly by salinity concentration for various proportion of salt–alkali mixed stress.  相似文献   

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