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Abstract— The composition of sphingolipids and phospholipids of mouse brain during myelination was determined in normal animals and in mice with a genetically-determined disorder of myelin formation. Myelination was normally characterized by a two-fold increase in total phospholipids of brain, a four-fold increase in total sphingolipids, and a six-fold increase in cerebrosides. The Jimpy mutant, with defective formation of myelin in the central nervous system, demonstrated a marked deficiency of cerebrosides and a significantly lower content of total sphingolipids, without alteration of the composition of phospholipids. The increasing content of cerebrosides in the brains of the leucodystrophic mutant at the time in development when myelination is most active and the subsequent relative deficit suggest that the failure of myelin formation is not the result of a defect in biosynthesis of cerebrosides.  相似文献   

Abstract— The fatty acid composition of cerebrosides, sulphatides and ceramides has been determined at 20 days postpartum in the brains of Quaking mutant mice and of littermate controls. There was a significant deficit in the proportion of long-chain fatty acids (C22-C24) affecting both normal and a-hydroxy fatty acids of the cerebrosides. The proportion of normal but not the a-hydroxy long-chain fatty acids of the sulphatides was also decreased. Striking and disproportionate deficits of the C24:1 and C24 h:1 fatty acids of cerebrosides, sulphatides and ceramides characterized the brain of the Quaking mutant, and an increased proportion of C23 h:O fatty acid was found in the cerebrosides and sulphatides of the brain of this mutant. We compared these data with findings on the Jimpy mutant which has been examined by the same techniques. The deficiency of long-chain fatty acids which was found in the cerebrosides and sulphatides of both mutants was less extensive but more selective in the Quaking mutant.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of cerebrosides, sulphatides and ceramides was determined at 15-16 days post partum in the brain of the Jimpy mutant and in littermate controls. There was a marked deficit in the long chain fatty acids (C22-C24) of cerebrosides and sulphatides of Jimpy brain, with the unsubstituted fatty acids affected more than the alpha-hydroxy fatty acids. A decrease of long chain normal fatty acids was also found in the ceramides of Jimpy brain. The deficit of long chain fatty acids in these sphingolipids of the Jimpy brain was more severe than that found in the Quaking mutant which has a less extensive disorder of myelin formation.  相似文献   

The synthesis of lipids and their assembly into subcellular membrane fractions of the myelin deficient Quaking mutant and control brains was studied in 18-, 24- and 41-day-old animals using a double label methodology with14C and 3H acetate as precursors. As a general procedure, Quaking mutants were injected intracranially with 50 μCi [14C]acetate and their littermate controls with 300 μCi [3H]acetate. The animals were killed 3 h post-injection, their brains were pooled and subcellular fractions prepared from the common homogenate. An 80-90% decrease in the incorporation of acetate into eleven lipids of myelin in the Quaking mutant was found. This occurred in the face of apparent normal incorporation (relative to microsomes) into lipids of the other main subcellular fractions (nuclear. mitochondrial and synaptosomal) with the exception of decreased incorporation into the myelin-like fraction at 18 and 24 days. Cholesterol and cerebroside were less readily incorporated into Quaking myelin than the other lipids. Although the microsomal synthesis of cholesterol and cerebroside was depressed by about 30% in the Quaking mutant, the incorporation of cholesterol into nuclear, synaptosomal and mitochondrial fractions was unaffected in the mutant. This indicates that sufficient cholesterol is synthesized for the normal assembly of these organelles. In contrast the incorporation of acetate into cholesterol and cerebroside of Quaking myelin was decreased much more than microsomal synthesis. This latter result is consistent with a defect in the process of myclin membrane assembly  相似文献   

Abstract— The proportions of esterified cholesterol and phosphatidyl ethanolamine in lipids of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from children were found to be lower than the corresponcling values for adult CSF. The fatty acid patterns of the cholesterol ester, triglyceride + non-esterified fatty acids and phospholipid fractions all displayed low proportions of linoleate; palmitate and oleate were the principal acids present. The fatty acid composition of these lipid classes for CSF derived from children was similar to that from adult subjects. Degradation of CSF lecithin by snake-venom phospholipase A2 revealed the saturated acids to be located predominantly in the 1-position with the unsaturated ones mainly in the 2-position.  相似文献   

Abstract— Myelin was isolated from the brains of adult Quaking mice, a mutant showing a deficiency of myelin in the central nervous system, and normal controls. The mutant myelin was found to have a higher flotation density than that of the control and showed marked differences in lipid composition. The myelin from Quaking mice was found to be deficient in cerebroside and ethanolamine phospholipid. Acrylamide gel electrophoresis of total myelin protein demonstrated a pronounced deficiency of proteolipid protein. The activity of cyclic 2',3'-AMP phosphohydrolase was normal.  相似文献   

Morphological parameters of maturation of the cerebral pallium in rabbit fetuses ranging between 20 days of gestation (d.g.) and the early neonatal stage are expressed semi-quantitatively and correlated with progressive changes in the brain lipids, glycolipids and nucleic acids. Dual expression of the chemical values, using as referents both the dry weight of the tissue and the DNA unit, reveal the crucial stage in brain development when rapid cell proliferation is replaced by rapid cell growth; this stage in rabbit fetuses occurred between 28 and 30 d.g. Between 20 d.g. and the early neonatal phase the RNA decreased moderately when expressed per unit of DNA. Even at the time of term birth the cortical nerve cells of the rabbit showed signs of immaturity including a relatively small nuclear volume. On the dry weight basis, the lipids of the cerebral pallium exhibited little change in composition during fetal development; however, cerebrosides rose substantially between 30 d.g. and the early neonatal phase. When expressed per unit of DNA, all lipids and glycolipids continued to increase progressively in a pattern characteristic of growth throughout the prenatal period studied. This increase was also apparent when the lipid constituents were expressed per total pallium at the progressive gestational stages. The molar ratios of phospholipids:cholesterol:cerebrosides in the pallium of rabbits of different ages were as follows: in adult rabbits-2.9: 2.6: 1.0, in the newborn-2.9: 1.3: 0.2 and in the 30 d.g. fetuses-3.0: 1.2:0.44. These values reflect the fact that during maturation the content of phospholipids changes little, whereas that of cholesterol and especially erebrosides increases markedly.  相似文献   

本文采用单向硅胶薄层色谱对“红星1号”(抗风品系)和“9-110”(抗寒品系)两种无性系天然橡胶胶乳脂质的磷脂组成进行定性分析,分离出8种磷脂组分,已检出6种,发现两种是从来没检出过的磷脂组分,此外用薄层色谱扫描和“吸光度比例系数校正法”对两种品系天然胶乳总脂,橡胶相和底层脂质中各种磷脂组分的分布进行了快速定量分析。  相似文献   

Abstract– In control rats and in rats rendered epileptic by insertion of cobalt slivers into the cerebral cortex, total free fatty acids, free cholesterol, esterified cholesterol, triglycerides and phospholipids were measured in normal and lesion areas of cerebral cortex. The cortical lipid profile of the adult rat resembled that of the whole brain of very young rats rather than that of adult whole brain, with the principal differences from whole adult brain being lower total lipid content, increased proportions of phosphatidyl choline in the phospholipid fraction, and higher levels of cholesterol esters. Cobalt-induced epilepsy was associated with significant changes in cerebral cortical lipids in the area of the lesion and in the non-necrotic tissue adjacent to the lesion. The total lipid in the area of the lesion decreased sharply as a result of reductions in free cholesterol and total phospholipids. The levels of cholesterol esters and triglycerides increased in the area of the lesion, and cholesterol esters were also increased in the adjacent tissue. In addition there were decreases in the proportion of phosphatidyl ethanolamine in the phospholipids from the lesion site and adjacent tissue and decreases in the proportions of oleic, arachidonic and nervonic acids (unsaturated acids), and an increase in the proportions of lignoceric acid in the phospholipids. In the site of the lesion only, we observed a decrease in phospholipid palmitic acid and an appreciable increase in the proportions of an unidentified long-chained fatty acid.  相似文献   

Two fractions of thylakoid membranes (TMF) have been isolated from disrupted (French press) algal cells by using a discontinuous sucrose gradient. TMF-II consists mostly of thylakoid membranes still partially organized in grana; it contains also fragments of chloroplast envelope, pyrenoid tubules, and starch granules; thus it amounts to a fraction of chloroplast fragments which have lost practically all matrix components. TMF-I consists of smaller chloroplast fragments and is contaminated to a larger extent than TMF-II by other subcellular components, primarily mitochondria. TMF-II accounts for about 12% of the protein and 30% of the chlorophyll of the whole cell; it contains cytochrome 554 and carotenoids in the same ratio to chlorophyll as the latter, and shows photosystems I and II activities but lacks enzymatic activities characteristic of the dark reactions. During the greening of the y-1 mutant of Chlamydomonas, TMF's have been isolated over a range of chlorophyll concentrations from 5 to 25 µg/107 cells. The results showed that during this period the ratios of chlorophyll to cytochrome 554 and of chlorophyll to carotenoids, and the relative concentrations of individual carotenoids were continuously changing. The findings support the view that during greening, thylakoid membranes are produced by multistep assembly.  相似文献   

The activity of plasmalogenase, which hydrolyzes the vinyl ether linkage of the plasmalogen molecule, increased markedly in control mouse brains during the period of most active myelin deposition. Only a slight increase in plasmalogenase activity was found in brains from jimpy mice. At all ages studied, the jimpy mouse brains had less plasmalogenase activity than the littermate control brains and this disparity increased with increasing age. By 25 days of age the jimpy brains contained only 43% of the activity observed in control brains. Adult quaking mouse brains also had significantly less plasmalogenase activity when compared to littermate controls. Thus, the plasmalogenase activities correlate well with the degree of myelination.  相似文献   

Abstract— When exchange between liposomal phosphatidylcholine and that in a whole myelin fraction from guinea-pig brain was studied, very little exchange was observed. In order to investigate the reason for this phenomenon, myelin lipids in the Ca2+ form were prepared and subjected to sonication under the same conditions usually used to study phosphatidylcholine exchange. Despite the high cholesterol content in these extracts, this treatment produced liposomes of a size (12 nm Stoke's radius) similar to that of pure phosphatidylcholine liposomes. In this form, myelin total lipids were capable of undergoing exchange, and this was only demonstrable in the fraction containing phosphatidylcholine and that containing phosphatidylinositol. Since the level of acidic phospholipids in these total lipid extracts is potentially capable of producing 40% inhibition of phosphatidylcholine exchange (H ellings et al , 1974; B rammer & S heltawy , 1975), control experiments were carried out to ensure that the observed phosphatidylcholine exchange in the myelin lipid extract was not due to the loss of phosphoinositides. This was found to be the case, and it was concluded therefore that total myelin lipids, in the Ca2+ form, are capable of phosphatidylcholine exchange and that the observed lack of it in the whole myelin is due either to the effect of myelin proteins or the compact structure of the myelin membrane.
Calculations based on the difference between the rate of phosphatidylcholine exchange in the myelin liposomes and in the sonicated phosphatidylcholine liposomes indicated that the phosphatidylcholine is asymmetrically distributed in the myelin liposomes. Almost all the phosphatidylcholine seems to be present in the outer half of the bilayer.  相似文献   

黑曲霉突变株葡萄糖淀粉酶中一型GAI舍糖量为17.6%。氨基酸分析表明,天门冬氨酸和谷氨酸(包括酰胺)占20.3%,苏氨酸和丝氨酸占25.1%,三种碱性氨基酸占6%。紫外光谱在278nm和250nm处分别有最大和最小吸收;其荧光光谱的最大激发波长和发射波长分别为284nm与342nm;远紫外CD谱表现为一双负峰;在溶液中的构象是α-螺旋10.6%,β折叠16.3%和无规卷曲73.1%。  相似文献   

Abstract— The incorporation in vivo of [U-14C]glucose into the galactolipids of the brain of control and Jimpy mutant mice was examined. Over a 24-h period of incorporation there was no indication of an increased rate of turnover of brain galactolipids in the mutant. The Jimpy mutant was identified at ages prior to and at the inception of myelination (7–10 days post partum) with a coat marker (Tabby). There was similar total radioactivity in galactolipids of the Jimpy at these ages but a reduction to 13 per Cent of control at 13 days and to 6 per cent at 16 days of postnatal age. This devetopmental pattern of galactolipid synthesis in Jimpy brain is not in accord with a primary defect in the biosynthesis of cerebrosides and sulphatides.  相似文献   

Abstract— By means of crossed Immunoelectrophoresis the concentrations of 7 brain-specific antigens have been investigated during the ontogenic development of normal and Quaking mice. Two proteins, the glial fibrillary acidic protein and the brain-specific membrane protein D5 were found to be strongly increased in mutant brains. The synaptosomal antigen synaptin (Cl), the 14-3-2 protein of neuronal cytoplasm, and the neuronal membrane antigens D1, D2 and D3 were all present at normal levels in mutant brains.  相似文献   

—Quantitative analyses performed on the lipids of cerebral grey matter from brains of a normal child and a child with Tay-Sachs (T-S) disease were compared with such analyses on the brain of a 6-year-old, non-Jewish male with systemic GM2-gangliosidosis of a late infantile type (GM2-LI). Analysis of gangliosides showed a 3·5-fold increase of total gangliosides in the GM2-LI brain and a six-fold increase in the T-S brain, compared to normal brain. Both pathological brains had similar distribution patterns for gangliosides, with the GM2-ganglioside component constituting more than 80 per cent of the total. Lipid components in the T-S brain were below normal values except for lecithin and cholesterol, while in the GM2-LI brain there were increases in sulphatides, cerebrosides, sphingomyelin and cholesterol. Approximately twice as much ceramide trihexoside was present in the T-S brain as in the GM2-LI brain, and none could be detected in the normal brain. The clinical, pathological and biochemical data support the conclusion that this case represents a new variant of systemic late-infantile gangliosidosis in which there is an accumulation of the GM2-ganglioside like that in Tay-Sachs disease.  相似文献   

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