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Monoclonal antibodies raised against the rat liver glucocorticoid receptor were used to investigate receptors of wild-type and glucocorticoid-resistant variants of mouse lymphoma cells. Two of the variant types contained receptors of 'nuclear transfer deficient' (nt-) and 'increased nuclear transfer' (nti) phenotypes, respectively, while the third was of the 'receptorless' (r-) phenotype with negligible hormone binding activity. Three monoclonal antibodies of the IgM class and one of the IgG class reacted with both wild-type and nt- receptors but not with the steroid binding form of nti receptors. Some of the antibodies bound the wild-type and nt- receptors more efficiently after activation at 20 degrees C. By use of an immuno-competition assay we were able to detect cross-reacting material in considerable amounts in extracts of nti and r- cell variants. This material was further characterized by gel filtration and immunoblotting. The immunoreactive material of wild-type, nti and r- cells gave a major band of mol. wt. 94 000 upon SDS-gel electrophoresis while the steroid-binding polypeptides of wild-type and nti receptors have mol. wts. of 94 000 and 40 000, respectively. The data show that in S49.1 mouse lymphoma cells the products of two receptor alleles can be distinguished.  相似文献   

Heparin dramatically enhanced the rate of unbound glucocorticoid receptor inactivation in vitro in a concentration, time and temperature-dependent manner. Control specific binding decreased only about 25% after incubation for 6 h at 4°C. However in the presence of heparin (40 μg per ml cytosol) receptor binding decreased about 75%. At 25°C liver receptor specific binding was found to have a half0life of about 60 min in control cytosol. However, in the presence of heparin (40 μg per ml cytosol) the glucocorticoid receptor had a half-life of only 15 min at 25°C. Interestingly, 10 mM molybdate (with or without 5 mM dithiothreitol) greatly inhibited heparin-dependent receptor inactivation at 4°C. Dithiothreitol (alone) significantly stabilized receptor binding in control samples at 4°C, but provided no protection from heparin-dependent receptor inactivation. Heparin had no apparent inactivating effect on prebound glucocorticoid receptor complexes at 4°C. Interestingly however, heparin altered the sedimentation coefficient of prebound hepatic glucococorticoid-receptor complexes in low salt gradients from 7–8 S to about 3–4 S. When molybdate plus dithiothreitol were added with heparin, the sedimentation coefficient was found to be approx. 6—7 S. These results demonstrate that heparin, which is often used pharmacologically and which occurs naturally in animal tissues, has significant effects on liver glucocorticoid receptors in vitro.  相似文献   

The liver plays an important role in the clearance, by receptor-mediated endocytosis, of circulating glycoproteins. It has been demonstrated that tissue kallikreins, which are acid glycoproteins, circulate in plasma, where they are poorly inhibited by plasma proteins. We have shown that the liver is the main organ that clears tissue kallikreins from the circulation. We now report the identification of receptors involved in this clearance. Using a perfused rat-liver system, and as models, pig pancreatic (PPK) and horse urinary (HoUK) kallikreins, we have found that: (a) the binding of PPK to the perfused liver was inhibited by 50 mM methyl α-d-mannoside and 20 μM mannan, was partially inhibited by 50 mM mannose and was unaffected by 1.5 μM asialofetuin; (b) binding of HoUK to the perfused liver was inhibited by 1.5 μM asialofetuin, 50 mM galactose and 50 mM lactose and was unaffected by 50 mM mannose; (c) the clearance rate of both kallikreins followed the equation y = a·xb; (d) their binding was Ca2+-dependent and their clearance was inhibited by 3 mM chloroquine and 10 mM methylamine. Using isolated liver cells and tritiated HoUK, we calculated that 500 000 receptors/cell were present and the Scatchard plot showed that there were two apparent affinity constants: 0.24·109 1/M)(high-affinity) and 0.3·108 1/M (low-affinity). These results show that PPK is recognized by a liver mannose receptor and HoUK by the galactose receptor. The liver uptake of native and circulating tissue kallikreins thus emerges as a mechanism by which their levels in plasma are regulated.  相似文献   

Nuclease digestion of nuclei from glucocorticoid sensitive and resistant lymphoma cell lines was used to study the nuclear compartmentalization of wild type and variant glucocorticoid receptors. In comparison with wild type, the variant line (S49 143r) had an increased capacity to translocate to the nucleus (nti), but was more completely released from nuclei by nuclease digestion. Approximately 20% of the receptor in wild type nuclei was resistant to release by DNase I digestion, while only less than 5% of the receptor from nti nuclei was retained under the same conditions. Studies with wild type nuclei show that the nuclease resistant portion of receptors was also more resistant to release by increased ionic strength.  相似文献   

A mechanism which determines the difference in the ability of deoxycorticosterone (DOC) to inhibit the binding of 3H-triamcinolone acetonide (3H-TA) to glucocorticoid receptors of rat heart and liver cytosols was investigated. DOC was found to strongly inhibit the binding of 3H-TA by heart cytosol, but to exert only a slight inhibitory effect towards the live cytosol binding. This difference was not due to the influence of the enzymes sensitive to molybdate ions, the presence of DOC-degrading enzymes or contamination of liver cytosol by blood serum. The liver cytosol devoid of the glucocorticoid receptor activity by heating was found to contain a factor modifying the "in vitro" interaction of DOC with the heart cytosol glucocorticoid receptors (receptor modifying factor, RMF). This factor is coeluted with the high molecular weight fraction during gel filtration, is precipitated at 50-70% ammonium sulphate saturation, can be absorbed by DEAE-Sephacel from cytosol at pH 7.4 under hypotonic conditions and extracted at about 0.06 M KC1. The sensitivity to proteases and the lack of sensitivity to nucleases point to the proteinic nature of the factor. It was assumed that in terms of the interaction of some steroids with glucocorticoid receptors, the tissue specificity can, at least partly, be explained by the differences in RMF concentration.  相似文献   

Steroid hormone receptors can be divided into two subfamilies according to the structure of their DNA binding domains and the nucleotide sequences which they recognize. The glucocorticoid receptor and the progesterone receptor (PR) recognize an imperfect palindrome (glucocorticoid responsive element/progesterone responsive element [GRE/PRE]) with the conserved half-sequence TGTYCY, whereas the estrogen receptor (ER) recognizes a palindrome (estrogen responsive element) with the half-sequence TGACC. A series of symmetric and asymmetric variants of these hormone responsive elements (HREs) have been tested for receptor binding and for the ability to mediate induction in vivo. High-resolution analysis demonstrates that the overall number and distribution of contacts with the N-7 position of guanines and with the phosphate backbone of various HREs are quite similar for PR and ER. However, PR and glucocorticoid receptor, but not ER, are able to contact the 5'-methyl group of thymines found in position 3 of HREs, as shown by potassium permanganate interference. The ER mutant HE84, which contains a single amino acid exchange, Glu-203 to Gly, in the knuckle of ER, creates a promiscuous ER that is able to bind to GRE/PREs by contacting this thymine. Elements with the sequence GGTCAcagTGTYCT that represent hybrids between an estrogen response element and a GRE/PRE respond to estrogens, glucocorticoids, and progestins in vivo and bind all three wild-type receptors in vitro. These hybrid HREs could serve to confer promiscuous gene regulation.  相似文献   

The effects of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) and insulin were compared in wild-type human insulin receptors (HIRc cells) and human insulin receptors lacking 43 COOH-terminal amino acid residues (HIR delta CT cells). TPA increased total phosphorylation of the wild-type insulin receptor and inhibited insulin-stimulated autophosphorylation by 32 +/- 10% in HIRc cells. TPA inhibited insulin-stimulated autophosphorylation by 46 +/- 14% in HIR delta CT cells and also caused a 65% decrease in basal phosphorylation. Insulin-stimulated tyrosine kinase activity for poly(Glu4/Tyr1) was inhibited by TPA in HIRc and HIR delta CT cells by 50 and 40%, respectively. TPA decreased insulin-stimulated glucose incorporation into glycogen by 50% in HIRc cells and to near basal levels in HIR delta CT cells; this inhibitory effect of TPA was reversed in both cell lines by staurosporine. In conclusion, 1) TPA-induced inhibition of insulin receptor tyrosine autophosphorylation was linked to concomitant inhibition of the biological effects of insulin in cells expressing either wild-type or COOH-terminal truncated insulin receptors; and 2) the inhibitory effects of TPA were not dependent upon phosphorylation of COOH-terminal residues and furthermore appeared to be independent of phosphorylation of any insulin receptor serine/threonine residues. These findings suggest a novel protein kinase C mechanism that results in altered insulin receptor function without increasing phosphorylation of the receptor.  相似文献   

In cultured lines of mouse lymphoma cells, resistant to glucocorticoids is frequently associated with the occurrence of glucocorticoid receptors with an abnormally low affinity (nt-) or an abnormally high affinity (nti) for nuclei and DNA. We have investigated whether the abnormal affinities for DNA are correlated with alterations in charge and surface properties of the receptors, that would be revealed through the partition coefficient in aqueous dextran/poly(ethylene glycol) two-phase systems. We have found that none of the receptor variants is defective in the activation step per se, and that only the nti receptors are abnormal in partition properties. Partial proteolysis of wild-type and nt- receptors with alpha-chymotrypsin produces forms which are indistinguishable from the nti receptors with respect to partition coefficients. Upon alpha-chymotrypsin treatment the wild-type receptors attain DNA-binding properties identical to those of the nti receptors, while the nt- receptors, in spite of some increase in DNA affinity, still bind less firmly to DNA than the alpha-chymotrypsin-treated wild-type receptors. alpha-Chymotrypsin treatment of the various receptor types also produces an increase in the binding to dextran sulphate, but the dextran sulphate affinity is higher and varies less between different receptor types than the DNA affinity. Trypsin-treated receptors were found to be devoid of affinity for DNA and dextran sulphate.  相似文献   

The rat liver nuclear glucocorticoid receptor has a molecular weight of 90 000. Using antibody bound to the stationary matrix, the cytosol and nuclear glucocorticoid receptors from rat liver were purified. The translocation of glucocorticoid receptor from rat liver cytosol into the nucleus was studied using immunoaffinity chromatography. Immediately after the intraperitoneal injection of rats with the hormone, the receptor translocation started and was complete within 10 min. The 90 000 dalton nuclear receptor component is identical to the 90 000 dalton cytosol component. They have identical molecular weights in the same gel electrophoresis system and produce identical peptide fragments after digestion with Staphyolococcal aureus V8 protease. The receptor component enriched by immunoaffinity chromatography from cytosol of adrenalectomised rats contained mainly a 45 000 dalton component.  相似文献   

In rat brain cortex synaptosomes insulin stimulated the phosphorylation of its own receptor beta-subunit (94 kDa) as identified by immunoprecipitation with anti-insulin or anti-receptor antiserum. The receptor alpha-subunit (115 kDa) was characterized by specific labeling with 125I-labeled photoreactive insulin. These observations indicate that: (i) insulin receptors in brain are composed of alpha-subunits which bind insulin, and beta-subunits, the phosphorylation of which can be stimulated by insulin; (ii) the size of alpha-subunits in brain is significantly smaller than in other tissues (115 vs 130 kDa), whereas beta-subunits (94 kDa) are identical. We suggest that brain insulin receptors represent a subtype regarding their binding function, whereas their enzyme function is more conserved.  相似文献   

The D(3) dopamine receptor is endocytosed through a heterologous mechanism mediated by phorbol esters. Here, we show that following this endocytosis the D(3) dopamine receptors fail to recycle and are instead targeted for degradation through an interaction with the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR)-associated sorting protein-1 (GASP-1). Furthermore, we identified a specific binding motif in the C terminus common to the D(3) and D(2) that confers GASP-1 binding. shRNA knockdown of GASP-1 delayed post-endocytic degradation of both the D(2) and D(3) dopamine receptors. In addition, mutation of the D(2) and D(3) receptor C termini to resemble the D(4), which does not interact with GASP-1, not only inhibited GASP-1 binding but slowed degradation after endocytosis. Conversely, mutation of the C terminus of the D(4) to resemble that of the D(2) and D(3) facilitated GASP-1 binding and promoted post-endocytic degradation of the mutant D(4) receptor. Thus, we have identified a motif that is both necessary and sufficient to promote GASP-1 binding and receptor degradation. In addition, these data demonstrated that GASP-1 can mediate post-endocytic degradation of dopamine receptors that have been endocytosed not only as a consequence of dopamine activation but also as a consequence of activation by phorbol esters.  相似文献   

The fluorescent dye 10-N-nonyl acridine orange (NAO), known as specifically associated with mitochondria, has been reported to have a cytotoxic effect when high doses were applied to cells. Presently, the biochemical basis of its toxicity was investigated on isolated rat liver mitochondria. At low concentrations, NAO strongly inhibited state 3 respiration and ATP synthesis. At high concentrations, electron transport, ATP hydrolysis, Pi-transport and adenine nucleotide activities were also decreased. All these inhibitions can be explained by probe-cardiolipin interactions which could induce the collapse of energy conversion and/or the modification of membrane fluidity.  相似文献   

Alcohol ingestion stimulates glucocorticoid secretion in animals and normal men. It is generally believed that this effect is mediated through the pituitary-adrenal axis. To investigate its mechanism, we focussed on the effects of ethanol on cortisol binding to plasma proteins and to glucocorticoid receptors, and on cortisol uptake by erythrocytes. Addition of ethanol (up to 800 mg/dl) decreased cortisol binding to albumin and corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG), causing an increase in the plasma unbound component. Ethanol also decreased cortisol binding to glucocorticoid receptors in normal human peripheral lymphocytes. The uptake of cortisol by erythrocytes was not affected at ethanol concentrations as high as 2000 mg/dl. These results provide new insight to ethanol effects in vivo. The stimulatory effect of ethanol on the pituitary-adrenal axis appears to be attributable in part to a relative ineffectiveness of cortisol in cortisol-responsive cells consequent to ethanol's ability to diminish cortisol binding to glucocorticoid receptors. A compensatory increase in ACTH secretion in response to the relative hypoglucocorticoid state perceived by corticotrophs would result in maintenance of elevated plasma unbound cortisol and cytosol cortisol levels. We conclude that altered interactions of cortisol with its receptors and transport proteins could be pathophysiological components of the changes in adrenocortical function induced by ethanol ingestion.  相似文献   

The physicochemical properties of complexes formed between the glucocorticoid antagonist, RU38486, and the glucocorticoid receptor in rat thymus cytosol were investigated and compared with those of complexes formed with the potent agonist, triamcinolone acetonide. The equilibrium dissociation constant for the interaction of [3H]RU38486 with the molybdate-stabilized glucocorticoid receptor was lower than that for [1,2,4-3H]triamcinolone acetonide at 0 degree C but higher at 25 degrees C, suggesting that hydrophobic interactions play a major role in the binding of RU38486. Differences in equilibrium constants were reflected in corresponding differences in dissociation rate constants; association rate constants for the two steroids were similar. The rate of dissociation of [3H]RU38486 from the glucocorticoid receptor was higher in the absence of molybdate than in its presence both at 0 degree C and at 25 degrees C, suggesting that molybdate modifies the physical state of the antagonist-receptor complex, but other physical properties were similar both in the presence and in the absence of molybdate. The rate of inactivation of the unoccupied glucocorticoid receptor at 25 degrees C in the absence of molybdate was lower in phosphate buffer than in Tris-HCl buffer but the rate of dissociation of [3H]RU38486 was the same in both buffers. The binding of RU38486 afforded little, if any, protection against inactivation in either buffer; [3H]RU38486 dissociated irreversibly from the inactivated receptor at the same rate as from the non-inactivated complex but molybdate had no effect on the dissociation kinetics of the inactivated complex. It is concluded that RU38486 interacts with the ground state of the glucocorticoid receptor in a manner which neither promotes receptor transformation nor prevents receptor inactivation.  相似文献   

A rat model of ovariectomy-induced voiding dysfunction was established and the effects of ovariectomy and subsequent estrogen replacement on the affinity of muscarinic receptors in the rat bladder were determined. Voiding frequency and spatial distribution patterns were documented in sham-operated (control), and ovariectomized (placebo- or estrogen-treated) rats. The ovariectomized rats had a significantly different urinating pattern, i.e. higher voiding frequency and less peripheral voiding than the sham-operated group, suggestive of urge incontinence. Using this model of voiding dysfunction, negative logs of dissociation constants of carbachol of the rat detrusor muscarinic receptors were then determined indirectly using the Furchgott's double-reciprocal method. Receptor affinities were not significantly different in all groups compared to control females. In conclusion, a model of ovariectomy-induced voiding dysfunction in ovariectomized rats was established, where bladder dysfunction occurred with no significant changes in the affinity of muscarinic receptors.  相似文献   

Time and temperature dependence of the binding of 3H-dihydroalprenolol (3H-DHA) to beta-adrenergic receptors in rat cerebral cortex is described. The kinetic data obtained suggest that 3H-DHA binding proceeds through a two-step reaction scheme consisting of a bimolecular association step followed by an unimolecular internal conversion of the radioligand receptor complex (isomerisation). Equilibrium thermodynamic analysis provided evidence that the over-all binding process is associated with a small decrease in enthalpy and a substantial increase in entropy. Within the framework of the two-step binding kinetics, the evaluation of the temperature dependence by the van't Hoff analysis resulted in values for thermodynamic parameters for the single equilibrium steps. The data suggest that the association step can be considered as a bimolecular hydrophobic interaction which is mainly entropy-driven due to the release of structural water, while the isomerisation step is accompanied by a large negative change in both enthalpy and entropy. The large negative change in the activation entropy for the forward reaction of the isomerisation step, obtained from evaluation of Arrhenius plots, indicates an internal conversion to a highly ordered receptor-ligand complex, while the low activation energy points to a small threshold energy for reaching this structure. Thus, these result support a previous assumption that the hydrophobic center of an adrenergic antagonist interacts with the receptor by entering a pocket (Cherksey et al. 1981).  相似文献   

γ-Aminobutyric acid type A receptors (GABA(A)Rs) in the spinal cord are evolving as an important target for drug development against pain. Purinergic P2X(2) receptors (P2X(2)Rs) are also expressed in spinal cord neurons and are known to cross-talk with GABA(A)Rs. Here, we investigated a possible "dynamic" interaction between GABA(A)Rs and P2X(2)Rs using co-immunoprecipitation and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) studies in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells along with co-localization and single particle tracking studies in spinal cord neurons. Our results suggest that a significant proportion of P2X(2)Rs forms a transient complex with GABA(A)Rs inside the cell, thus stabilizing these receptors and using them for co-trafficking to the cell surface, where P2X(2)Rs and GABA(A)Rs are primarily located extra-synaptically. Furthermore, agonist-induced activation of P2X(2)Rs results in a Ca(2+)-dependent as well as an apparently Ca(2+)-independent increase in the mobility and an enhanced degradation of GABA(A)Rs, whereas P2X(2)Rs are stabilized and form larger clusters. Antagonist-induced blocking of P2XRs results in co-stabilization of this receptor complex at the cell surface. These results suggest a novel mechanism where association of P2X(2)Rs and GABA(A)Rs could be used for specific targeting to neuronal membranes, thus providing an extrasynaptic receptor reserve that could regulate the excitability of neurons. We further conclude that blocking the excitatory activity of excessively released ATP under diseased state by P2XR antagonists could simultaneously enhance synaptic inhibition mediated by GABA(A)Rs.  相似文献   

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