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Pseudopanax crassifolius (A. Cunn.) C. Koch. is a strongly heteroblastictree indigenous to New Zealand. Changes in the morphology andanatomy of leaves are described for seedling, juvenile, transitionaland adult phases of development. Seedlings produce five leaftypes; all are relatively small, thin, anthocyanic, have a lowspecific weight, and are anatomically comparable to the leavesof many shade plants. Juvenile leaves are long, linear, deflexed,coriaceous and sharply-toothed. They have a high specific weight,a thick, ornamented cuticle, a multiseriate hypodermis composedof collenchyma, well developed palisade and many spongy mesophylllayers. Juvenile leaves are strong relative to adult leavesand to the leaves of other species. Leaf strength is providedby fibres associated with the midrib. Adult leaves are shorter,broader and less massive than juvenile leaves, and are orientedhorizontally. Transitional leaves are morphologically intermediatebetween juvenile and adult leaves. The anatomy of juvenile,transitional and adult leaves is similar. The heteroblasticseries may be associated with changes in leaf construction costs,light interception and heat dissipation.Copyright 1993, 1999Academic Press Lancewood, Pseudopanax crassifolius (A. Cunn.) C. Koch., leaf heteroblasty, anatomy, morphology, structural adaptations  相似文献   

Genital asymmetry is relatively common and widespread throughout the animal kingdom. The functional significance of genital asymmetry is however, poorly understood for most species. Male praying mantids of the genus Ciulfina are remarkable in possessing complex and directionally asymmetric genital phallomeres in some species, and chirally dimorphic/antisymmetric genitalia in others. Here we explore the chiral dimorphism in male genitalia of Ciulfina baldersoni which appear to exhibit genital antisymmetry. We test whether genital orientation influences mating success, copulation duration and the attachment duration of spermatophores. Additionally we investigate genital interactions between male and females using x-ray micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Lastly we assess whether genital asymmetry is associated with non-genital morphological asymmetry of a range of traits. Our results highlight the complex functional morphology of genitalia in this praying mantis species and yet demonstrate no functional difference between dextral and sinistral morphs other than the direction of attachment with both morphs enjoying equal levels of mating success. Chiral morphs also did not strongly associate with any other forms of asymmetry. We therefore conclude that genital chirality in Ciulfina baldersoni is a likely case of antisymmetry with no functional significance to genital orientation, and is likely to be selectively neutral.  相似文献   

Vasopressin neurons, responding to input generated by osmotic pressure, use an intrinsic mechanism to shift from slow irregular firing to a distinct phasic pattern, consisting of long bursts and silences lasting tens of seconds. With increased input, bursts lengthen, eventually shifting to continuous firing. The phasic activity remains asynchronous across the cells and is not reflected in the population output signal. Here we have used a computational vasopressin neuron model to investigate the functional significance of the phasic firing pattern. We generated a concise model of the synaptic input driven spike firing mechanism that gives a close quantitative match to vasopressin neuron spike activity recorded in vivo, tested against endogenous activity and experimental interventions. The integrate-and-fire based model provides a simple physiological explanation of the phasic firing mechanism involving an activity-dependent slow depolarising afterpotential (DAP) generated by a calcium-inactivated potassium leak current. This is modulated by the slower, opposing, action of activity-dependent dendritic dynorphin release, which inactivates the DAP, the opposing effects generating successive periods of bursting and silence. Model cells are not spontaneously active, but fire when perturbed by random perturbations mimicking synaptic input. We constructed one population of such phasic neurons, and another population of similar cells but which lacked the ability to fire phasically. We then studied how these two populations differed in the way that they encoded changes in afferent inputs. By comparison with the non-phasic population, the phasic population responds linearly to increases in tonic synaptic input. Non-phasic cells respond to transient elevations in synaptic input in a way that strongly depends on background activity levels, phasic cells in a way that is independent of background levels, and show a similar strong linearization of the response. These findings show large differences in information coding between the populations, and apparent functional advantages of asynchronous phasic firing.  相似文献   

Nathan Muchhala 《Biotropica》2008,40(3):332-337
What causes flowers to diverge? While a plant's primary pollinator should strongly influence floral phenotype, selective pressures may also be exerted by other flower visitors or competition with other plants for pollination. Species of the primarily bat‐pollinated genus Burmeistera (Campanulaceae) frequently cooccur, with up to four species in a given site, and broadly overlap in flowering phenology, typically flowering throughout the year. The genus displays extensive interspecific variation in floral morphology in the degree that the reproductive parts (anthers and stigma) are exserted outside of the corolla, and species can be roughly classified as either long or short‐exserted. I tested two hypotheses regarding the functional significance of such variation: (1) exsertion lengths correspond to pollination by bat species of different sizes; and (2) variation serves to partition pollinator's bodies spatially and thus reduces interspecific pollen transfer. I captured bats in Ecuador to evaluate the identity and location of the Burmeistera pollen they were carrying. Results show that exsertion does not correspond to specialization on different pollinators; different bat species carried pollen of both flower types just as frequently. In support of the second hypothesis, pollen from flowers of different exsertion lengths was found to occur on different regions of bats' heads. This may serve to reduce competition for pollination among coexisting Burmeistera.  相似文献   

This paper is focused on quantification (morphometry) and modeling of neuronal morphological complexity. First, computer-aided methods for reconstruction, processing, and analysis of raw morphological data are reviewed. Then, topological and metrical measures are touched upon. Fractal measures (together with the extension of multiscale fractal dimension) are presented more explicitly. Models of neuronal arborizations are differentiated between reconstruction models and growth models (stochastic or mechanistic). The growth model approach is discussed in more detail. The methods presented are applied to several types of neurons and shown to have considerable discriminative power. Recent developments stress the importance of these methods for optimizing virtual neuronal trees in view of functional characteristics of the neurons. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 366–372, July–August, 2008.  相似文献   

All staminodes in an androecium fail to produce viable pollen grains and cannot contribute directly to male fitness. Staminodes are identified in the flowers of approximately 54% of known genera representing >32% of all angiosperm families. The functional morphology and biochemistry of staminodes differs significantly from stamens with fertile anthers. In the absence of sperm production, some staminodes evolved novel adaptations contributing to the reproductive success of their flowers. We subdivided these staminodes into eight functional types: 1) Staminodes offering visual/olfactory cues; 2) Staminodes offering edible/inedible rewards; 3) Staminodes that deceive pollinators with false rewards; 4) Staminodes facilitating or directing the movements of pollinators in flowers;5) Stami nodes that facilitate stigma movement; 6) Staminodes functioning as secondary pollen presenters; 7) Staminodes that protect other floral organs; 8) Staminodes that prevent mechanical self pollination (autogamy). As a component within a flower, the majority of staminodes function as promoters of reproductive success by interacting directly with the pollinator to increase pollination efficiency (both pollen dispersal and deposition). Therefore, it is not surprising that one staminode may have more than one function over the flower′s lifespan and is closely associated with the size, abundance, behavior and taxonomic diversity of pollinators, floral predators and thieves. To correctly evaluate the function of staminodes, multi disciplinary approach using a range of protocols, equipment and materials is suggested. This approach allows us to compare the roles different staminodes play in the reproductive success of both closely and distantly related angiosperms, then uncover their evolutionary significance in angiosperm diversification.  相似文献   

Two points are evident from a review of the literature describingfeeding territoriality in aquatic insects. First, feeding territorialityis much more common in this group than was previously recognized.Second, most of the examples involve species that have smallforaging areas and harvest rapidly renewing resources, suchas filterable particles and attached microalgae. To interpretthese patterns, I discuss how the net benefits of territorialdefense vary as a function of several components of food availability. I present the results of recent laboratory and field experimentstesting cost-benefit models that predict patterns of territorysize and defense frequency. Feeding-territory size in grazingcaddisfly larvae increases with the resident's body size andis inversely related to food abundance, which agrees with thepredictions of several models of optimal territory size. Twokinds of stream insects that rely on food items delivered bywater currents (i.e., surface-feeding water striders and filter-feedinglarval black flies) respond to increases in food abundance byreducing their allocation of time to territorial defense.Inblack flies, complex interactions between competitor densityand food abundance also influence the amount of time spent defendinga territory. I consider several connections between territorial behaviorand interspecific competition. The distribution and abundanceof both territorial species and their competitors may dependin part upon how the costs and benefits of feeding territorialityvary along resource abundance gradients. The tendency of someterritorial grazers to settle preferentially near conspecificsmay occur because animals living in groups exclude interspecificcompetitors more efficiently than isolated individuals, whichsuggests some simple tests of optimal group size models. I conclude by summarizing the strengths and weaknesses of thesestudy systems, both as a source of new and broader theoriesof feeding territoriality, and as a testing ground for thosetheories. An important strength of these consumer-resource systemsis the ability to conduct realistic experimental studies examiningthe causes and consequences of territoriality. One importantweakness is the lack of information on the time-energy budgetsof these insects. The acquisition of such information deservesa high priority, since it will permit more rigorous tests ofcost-benefit models that evaluate the adaptive significanceof territorial behavior.  相似文献   

In biostatistics, more and more complex models are being developed. This is particularly the case in system biology. Fitting complex models can be very time‐consuming, since many models often have to be explored. Among the possibilities are the introduction of explanatory variables and the determination of random effects. The particularity of this use of the score test is that the null hypothesis is not itself very simple; typically, some random effects may be present under the null hypothesis. Moreover, the information matrix cannot be computed, but only an approximation based on the score. This article examines this situation with the specific example of HIV dynamics models. We examine the score test statistics for testing the effect of explanatory variables and the variance of random effect in this complex situation. We study type I errors and the statistical powers of this score test statistics and we apply the score test approach to a real data set of HIV‐infected patients.  相似文献   

The duration of voluntary holding of external breathing (VHEB) on inspiration or expiration was measured in 300 18- to 22-year-old subjects of both sexes at rest and during bicycle ergometer exercise, in a sitting position or in the float posture, on land or immersed in water. The length of expiratory VHEB was found to depend on the residual lung volume, whereas inspiratory VHEB correlated with the functional residual lung capacity. Physical exercise increased the oxygen uptake and accelerated the consumption of lung oxygen reserves available on inspiration or expiration and decreased the duration of VHEB. Special formulas were proposed for calculating the theoretical length of VHEB and for its comparing the result with corresponding experimental values, as well as for determination of the lung volumes and oxygen consumption.  相似文献   

短时程突触可塑性的功能意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
短时程的突触可塑性是突触可塑性的一种重要表现形式,对实现神经系统的正常功能起着重要作用.突触的短时程可塑性能够加强突触传递的确定性,调节大脑皮层兴奋和抑制之间的平衡,形成神经活动的时间、空间特性,形成并调节皮层丘脑网络的同步振荡.突触的短时程可塑性可能也参与了注意、启动效应、睡眠节律和学习记忆等神经系统高级功能的实现.  相似文献   

Abstract The living terebratellid brachiopod Bouchardia rosea (Mawe), from the southeast Atlantic Ocean, has an unusual internal morphology; both valves are so heavily thickened posteriorly as almost to fill the space, leaving room only for the pedicle, its posterior adjuster muscles and the diductor muscles. These structures are here described in functional terms for the first time and, with the help of partial dissection of the soft tissues, the true nature of the musculature is revealed. Despite its unusual aspects, cardinalial structures of the dorsal valve can be interpreted in terms of those more commonly found in terebratellids. Copyright © 1996 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. While chewing is not unique to mammals, it is oneof their most distinctive characteristics. Historically, studiesof food processing in mammals were intended to provide evolutionaryinsights, but more progress has been made in understanding mechanisticaspects. Mastication is considered under five headings. (1)Interaction of teeth with food.Knowledge of comparative dentalanatomy and function is advanced in comparison to understandingof foods and how they are broken down. (2) Chewing force andits resistance by the skull. The traditional assumption thatocclusal force is maximized is not always justified, and experimentalresults suggest that skull loading is far more dynamic and variablethan had been envisioned from theoretical analyses. (3) Howthe jaw moves. The most important masticatory movement is thatof the power stroke, and in most but not all species this isinfluenced more by the inclined planes of the teeth and jawjoints than by the musculature. (4) The role of muscles in producingboth force and movement. The most fundamental distinction amongjaw muscles is whether they have a rostral or caudal directionof pull, as this determines their role in transverse jaw movements.Reliance on anatomical names tends to obscure functional similaritiesand differences among species. (5) Intraoral structures. Becausethey are difficult to study, the actions of the tongue and pharynxare still debated. Even the fundamental question of whethermammals can breathe and swallow at the same time has not beendefinitively answered.  相似文献   

Functional Morphology of Stylophoran Echinoderms   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The life orientation and mode of life of stylophorans are a subject of much ongoing debate. Examination of the ornamentation occurring both on the arm and theca in several cornutes and mitrates strongly supports the view that the life orientation was similar in all stylophorans and was ‘flat‐surface down’. The presence of an asymmetrical ornamentation adapted to hinder, or minimize, back slippage of the organism in all stylophorans gives strong support to their interpretation as mostly sessile organisms, feeding with the arm facing the current and the theca downstream. The examination of a wide array of thecal morphologies and sculpture patterns displayed by the various groups of cornutes and mitrates allows the identification of three main modes of life in stylophorans: (1) an epibenthic mode of life, with the theca as main anchor to the substrate (e.g. asymmetrical cornutes, Diamphidiocystis); (2) an epibenthic mode of life, with the arm as main anchor to the sediment (e.g. symmetrical cornutes, Peltocystis, primitive Mitrocystitida, some Kirkocystidae); (3) an infaunal mode of life, with the theca buried in a slightly inclined attitude (e.g. some Kirkocystidae, Mitrocystitida with cuesta‐shaped ribs). The partially buried mode of life of Lagynocystis is intermediate between 2 and 3.  相似文献   

目的:统计抽动障碍住院患儿相关实验室检查,分析其对于抽动障碍诊断与鉴别诊断的意义。方法:抽取2013年1月至2014年9月在上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院中医科住院治疗的98例抽动障碍患儿各项主要实验室检查结果进行统计分析。结果:抗"O"异常率为17.35%,与对照组比较P0.05,铜蓝蛋白均值为0.2719±0.0477,与对照组比较P0.05,血沉异常率为4.08%,与对照组比较,P0.05。炎症因子均存在一定异常,异常率最高为IL-2r达14.29%,免疫球蛋白只有Ig M存在1例(1.02%),T细胞亚群各项均存在异常,其中CD4/CD8异常率达25.51%,CD3异常率为12.24%。肝肾功能、血尿常规各项异常率统计基本正常,仅仅少数存在少量异常;结论:抗"O"、血沉和铜蓝蛋白等对TD的诊断和鉴别诊断具有重要意义,同时也应该关注患儿的免疫情况。肝肾功能、血尿常规等项目的监测对选择用药具有指导意义。  相似文献   

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