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1. A more detailed study has been made of the influence of thesefactors on fat formation by Aspergillus nidulans, Penicilliumspinulosum, and Penicillium javanicum. 2. The effect of halving the glucose, while keeping the ammoniumnitrate concentration constant, lowered the yield of fat onsugar used in A. nidulans and P. spinulosum but not in P. javanicumcultures. 3. Keeping the same N: C ratio and raising the glucose concentrationfrom ro to 20 per cent. showed that to per cent. glucose wasmore efficiently converted to fat by A. nidulans and P. javanicum. 4. The iodine values of the extracted fats were higher, in general,with increased length of incubation. Low ammonium nitrate concentrations,however, tended to give low iodine values. 5. The results have been applied on a larger scale by growthin Roux bottles, Glaxo flasks, and a flat stainless-steel tank.  相似文献   

1. Forty-three strains of moulds, selected from ten species,were examined to ascertain their capabilities as producers offat, when grown in four different solutions of nutrient inorganicsalts together with sucrose. The three highest yields of feltwere given by Penicillium javanicum van Beyma, P. Soppi Zaleski,and Aspergillus nidulans Eidam, in that order. The fat contenton felt weight was maximal at 34·8 per cent, with P.Soppi, at 28·4 per cent. with Fusarium lini(1), and at25·8 per cent. with A. nidulans; on sugar utilized itwas maximal at 11·4 per cent. with P. Soppi, at 7·9per cent, with A. nidulans, and at 5·6 per cent. withF. lini(1). 2. Other moulds considered worthy of further trial were P. spinulosum,P. aurantiobrunneum, F. graminearum, A. flavus, F. oxysporum,A. clavatus, and P. oxalicum.  相似文献   

周志权  廖咏梅  李锋   《广西植物》1991,11(3):274-277
经初步研究,罗汉果果实病害主要有炭疽病(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides(Penz) Sacc)、黑斑病(Alternara tenuis Ness)和腐烂病(Fusarium heterosporum Ness)3种,它们多见于成熟期前后。其中炭疽病为害期长,危害严重,在果实成长过程中,可用70%甲基托布津1000—1500倍液来防治。  相似文献   

  1. A study has been made of the relationships between the synthesesof carbohydrate, protein, and fat by Penicillium lilacinum Thomin presence of different amounts of sodium nitrate us a definedsucrose salts medium.
  2. Under the defined experimental conditionsincreases in the concentrationof NO2 in the medium werefollowed by increases in therates at which nitrogen and sugarwere taken up by the fungus,in the quantities assimilated,and in total and protein nitrogenin the felt. These conditionsprevailed so long as unassimilatedsugar was available.
  3. Mediaof lower NO3 concentration (for example, 0·32or 0·64 per cent. (w/v) NaNO2;) yielded feltsricher in carbohydrate than were those grown in media of higherNO2; content (0·96 or 1·28 per cent. (w/v)NaNO3 The carbohydrate content of the felts increased graduallyuntil the sugar in the medium was exhausted; carbohydrate contentthen decreased.
  4. Media of lower NO3; concentration weremore conduciveto fat synthesis than those of higher NO3;content.

北塘河口浮游动物生态的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
北塘河口位于天津新港东北15公里处。是典型的潮汐河口。氯度变化于3.5—19.1克/升之间,按照Redeke的方法分类,属于中盐水至海水范围。 本次调查共获浮游动物54种。分为4个生态类群:即淡水种、海水种、河口种和近岸低盐种。其中以河口种和近岸低盐种为主体类群。 自Ⅰ一Ⅵ站,随着盐分的降低,浮游动物的种类从33种降至19种。浮游动物的数量自Ⅰ—Ⅳ站逐渐降低,而Ⅴ、Ⅵ站又突然增加。这是因为不同种群对盐分适应能力的差异所致。Acartia pacifica是Ⅰ—Ⅳ站的优势种类,Schmarkeria poplesia是Ⅴ、Ⅵ站的优势种类。 本文讨论了Ⅳ站浮游动物数量减少与盐分和污染的关系。并提出Schmarkeria poplesia和Centropages sinensis可作为河口的指示种。  相似文献   

The influence of phosphate concentration in the medium on therelative amounts of fat, protein, and carbohydrate synthesizedby Penicillium lilacinum Thom has been studied. In a sucrose salts medium in which the C:N ratio was high (65:1)and conducive to fat synthesis, the carbohydrate content ofthe felt was decreased and the fat content increased when theconcentration of sodium dihydrogen phosphate in the medium wasraised from 0.73 to 1.46 per cent. w/v. In a similar mediumin which the C:N ratio was low (65:2) this effect was not observed.In the medium of high C:N ratio with phosphate at the higherlevel, fat accumulated over a longer period than in any othercase. Felts grown with the high C:N ratio and with phosphate at thehigher concentration were richer in protein and in total nitrogenthan were felts developed with the high C:N ratio and less phosphate.This effect was still more pronounced in the medium of low C:Nratio. Change in the initial concentration of nitrate in themedium exercised more marked effects on the metabolism of themould than did change in the initial phosphate level.  相似文献   

一.1954年3—10月,在长沙市初步调查蚊虫,共採得蚊种9属26种。其中有按蚊属1种、拟三翅蚊属1种、Uraunotaenia属2种、Orthopodomyia属1种、番蚊属1-种、曼蚊属1种、阿蚊属土种、蚊属3种及库蚊属15种(其中2种未定名)。所採得的9属26种蚊虫中,有树竹拟三翅蚊、Uranotaenia bimaculata、Orthopodo-myia anopheloides及罗宗番蚊4种,在湖南尚系首次报告。 二.长沙市蚊种的分佈,郊區有25种、中心區有13种。较为常见者有致乏库蚊、三 带喙库蚊、中华按蚊、白纹伊蚊貪食库蚊及骚扰阿蚊六种。 三.”长沙市各种成蚊的停歇处,主要是山陵、住宅、郊野及猪、牛栏。 四.在长沙市所发现的蚊虫中,只发现17种幼虫。各蚊种幼虫孳生地的范围是有差别的。致乏库蚊及贫食库蚊范围最广;Uranotaenia bimaculata、othopodomyiaanopheloides、黑足伊蚊的幼虫,只在树洞渍水中发现。 五.各蚊种幼虫间共生情况,已在文中讨论。 六.在调查的过程中,发现黑足伊蚊在傍晚时吸吮人血。 七.将湖南省已肢知蚊虫编为俭索表,以便有关工作人员之参考。  相似文献   

对我国云南和海南龙脑香科植物的天然原始林和人工林AM真菌资源进行了调查,对从46处龙脑香林采回的19种龙脑香科树种的根系和根际土壤样品,分别进行显微观察和分离AM真菌的孢子,发现在所调查的19个树种中,所有树种的根系都有不同程度的AM真菌的侵染,高者可达50%,平均为21%,其中在大多数根样中发现有泡囊生成;对土壤样品的分析,分离到大量的孢子,其孢子密度从7~132个/20ml土样不等,平均为58个。对所分离到的孢子进行鉴定,发现无梗囊霉属和球囊霉属的孢子占大多数,其频度和相对多度分别为33.25和46.89;18.04和30.80。研究结果表明,龙脑香科不仅仅能够形成外生菌根,而且也能象大多数热带林木一样能够广泛的形成丛枝菌根。  相似文献   

前 言 为了预防疟疾,流行性乙型脑炎及其他蚊类传染的疾病,作好“除四害”的工作,必须首先了解当地蚊种、滋生地点及越冬情况等生态学的问题,才能制定出切实可行,经济有效的灭蚊计划。过去我国文献关于保定蚊类情况,尚少报导,所以我们在1954—1955年作了一些调查工作,可以作为今后进一步研究的基础。  相似文献   

湖南省蝗虫的初步调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
魏凯  印象初 《昆虫学报》1986,(3):295-301
湖南省蝗虫方面的资料报道甚少,夏凯龄先生在中国蝗科分类概要一书中记载分布于湖南的6种(冠以△号)。1983年我们将近年来采集的蝗虫标本进行了鉴定,计39属,50种,隶属2总科,4科,13亚科。其中2种系新种,现分别记述于下。模式标本保存于中国科学院西北高原生物研究所(西宁)。  相似文献   

1981年在福建省三明福建农学院牧场和河南省汝南县牛,马体上调查采集得吸血蝇5种。两地均以厩螯蝇为优势种,分别占93.4%和81.6%,气温16.5-31℃条件下,南螯蝇卵期2天,幼虫期19天,蛹期11天,螯蝇成蝇一天中以下午活动最频繁。一只厩螯蝇平均每次可吸血19.3mg。吸饱血后体重增加2.322倍。在河南省汝南县兽医院临床所见,吸血蝇对家畜危害病例有贫血,骚扰、过敏性皮炎等。应用敌敌畏杀灭吸血蝇成蝇效果好,但因毒性高,在畜舍内使用易发生中毒事故。  相似文献   

中华按蚊类型的问题,过去已有学者作过研究,早在1935年姚、吴二氏曾指出南京的中华按蚊有宽底和窄底两种类型存在(Yao等,1935)。Reid氏在1953年报告马来亚的中华按蚊类型已有7种(Reid,1953)。1958年冯兰洲等报告了杭州中华按蚊有“大型”与“小型”两种类型。继后有张本华、刘维德等和浙江卫生实验院都对这一问题有研究报告  相似文献   

河西走廊啮齿动物地理分布的初步调查   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
河西走廊位于甘肃省的西北部,为历史上通往我国新疆及中亚大陆的交通要道,以丝绸之路而闻名于世界。19世纪末,一些外国学者及旅行家曾对河西走廊作过动物学方面的调查。解放后,中国科学院甘青调查队于1958-1960年对河西地区的兽类进行了调查。随着自然疫源地普查工作的深入开展,省、地、县的有关卫生防疫专业机构,对河西走廊的部分地区和县(市)做过一些动物学方面的工作,但专门对啮齿动物地理分布进行较大范围的调查还不多。我们于1982年4-8月对河西走廊的马鬃山、安西、敦煌、金塔等地进行了调查,现报道如下。  相似文献   

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