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The 23-kDa nuclear-encoded heat-shock protein (HSP) of Chenopodium rubrum L. is regulated by light at the posttranslational level. Higher light intensities are more effective in inducing the accumulation of the mature protein under heat-shock conditions. Based on this and other properties the protein was considered to belong to the group of small chloroplastic HSPs. However, we have now obtained the following evidence that this 23-kDa HSP is localized in the mitochondria: (i) Immunogold-labelled protein was almost exclusively restricted to the mitochondria in electron microscope thin sections. (ii) Using purified, isolated mitochondria from potato tubers the in-vitro-synthesized translation product of 31 kDa was readily transported into mitochondria where it was processed to the 23-kDa product. (iii) The protein could be detected by Western blotting in a preparation of washed mitochondria of Chenopodium, while under the same conditions no signal could be obtained in a preparation of isolated chloroplasts. (iv) Finally, sequence comparison with the published sequences of mitochondrial proteins by Lenne et␣al. (1995, Biochem J 311:805–813) and LaFayette et␣al. (1996, Plant Mol Biol 30:159–169) showed clearly that the 23-kDa protein is considerably more similar to these two proteins than to the group of plastid small HSPs. From these data we infer that mitochondria are involved in the response of the plants to high light stress under heat-shock conditions. Received: 11 July 1996 / Accepted: 24 August 1996  相似文献   

Red-violet cell suspension cultures of Chenopodium rubrum were found to accumulate the betacyanins amaranthin, celosianin and betanin and the betaxanthins vulgaxanthin I and vulgaxanthin II. Under a 16-h daylight regime the cells accumulated 0.3–0.4% betacyanins on a dry mass basis after 2–3 weeks of cultivation on the growth medium. Experiments to define a production medium for betacyanins failed with this habituated line. The accumulation could however be increased up to 1% or 100 mg betacyanins/1 by feeding tyrosine and by adaptation of the inoculum size to the nutrient concentration.  相似文献   

The regulation of hypocotyl extension in light-grown Chenopodium rubrum L. seedlings by light analogous to dense vegetation canopy shade has been monitored. Hypocotyl extension was controlled by both the quantity and quality of the actinic light. At the higher of the two background photon fluence rates which were used (10.0 μmol m−2s−1 in the 400–700 nm waveband), increasing the proportion of phytochrome calculated to exist as Pfr resulted in greater inhibition of growth. At the lower photon fluence rate (1.0 μmol m−2s−1 in the 400–700 nm waveband), a biphasic response was observed in which minimum inhibition was observed at intermediate photoequilibria. Although photosynthesis was not directly involved in the photomorphogenetic responses, it did play an indirect quantitative role in determining the response.  相似文献   

A paraquat tolerant line of Chenopodium rubrum has been compared with paraquat susceptible cultures, in terms of growth, chlorophyll content, photosystem I partial reactions, and the activities of some enzymes involved in detoxification of harmful oxygen radicals. Results indicate that paraquat tolerance is manifested through increased activity of superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and catalase, in the tolerant line, only in the presence of paraquat. The behaviour of the paraquat tolerant. and susceptible cultures in the absence of paraquat is quite similar.  相似文献   

M. Masoner  G. Unser  H. Mohr 《Planta》1972,105(3):267-272
Summary Data are presented which indicate that the rate of synthesis and the pool size of photoconvertible protochlorophyll(ide) in the cotyledons of the mustard seedling are controlled by the active form of phytochrome (Pfr). Inductionreversion experiments show that formation of chlorophyll a through photoconversion of the protochlorophyll(ide) by repeated red pulses (5 min each) has no effect on synthesis of carotenoids and galactolipids. Since the protochlorophyll(ide)-converting activity of the standard far-red light used in this laboratory is very low, chlorophyll-a accumulation is very slow under continuous standard far-red light. It is concluded that photosynthesis (or photosynthetic phosphorylation) does not participate in the high irradiance reaction of photomorphogenesis.  相似文献   

Root removal enhances flowering in the short day plant Chenopodium rubrum. The extent of this effect depends on the de-rooting time with respect to photoperiodic induction. The largest promotive effect is observed when de-rooting coincides with the start of the inductive treatment or, to a lesser extent, when performed before it. De-rooting 24 h after induction has no effect on flowering. The flower-inducing action of de-rooting 24 h before the start of induction is increased by benzylaminopurine (BAP), whether applied simultaneously with de-rooting or 24 h later. At the beginning of darkness, BAP inhibits flowering slightly when applied simultaneously with de-rooting but inhibits it strongly when applied 24 h later. Flowering in plants de-rooted 24 h after induction is inhibited strongly by BAP. Root removal at the beginning of inductive darkness does not change the level of endogenous cytokinins in induced shoot explants, but under continuous light the level of cytokinins in shoot explants decreases during the same period compared with the level in the shoots of intact plants. BAP does not affect the level of endogenous cytokinins in light but causes an apparent increase in induced segments. Thus, two phases of the de-rooting effect and cytokinin treatment may be distinguished: one in which flowering is enhanced by both treatments and which is linked directly to photoperiodic flower induction, and the other in which both treatments are inhibitory to flowering and which is related to morphogenetic events following induction. The time courses of the effectiveness of de-rooting and BAP treatment differ slightly, suggesting that the effect of de-rooting cannot be attributed solely to cytokinin deprivation. Received February 27, 1998; accepted March 3, 1998  相似文献   

The activities of superoxide-dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD), and concentrations of glutathione and ascorbate have been studied during the first stages of germination in Chenopodium rubrum L. seeds. The highest CAT and SOD activity was found prior to radicle protrusion, while POD activity was maximal at the time of radicle protrusion and seedling development, new POD isozymes simultaneously appearing. The concentrations of total, reduced and oxidized glutathione showed similar changes during germination, the highest values being detected at the time of radicle protrusion. Ascorbic acid was present in the seeds in a detectable concentration only at the time preceding radicle protrusion, while its oxidized form dehydroascorbic acid was detected during the whole germination period studied. Gibberellic acid (GA3, 160 M) had no effect on germination percentage, but in presence of GA3, SOD and CAT activity notably increased prior to radicle protrusion, and oxidized glutathione concentration decreased in further germination.  相似文献   

Individual plants of Chenopodium rubrum were given differentnumbers of inductive cycles in a 12 h photoperiod and the patternof reproductive development was analysed after 40 d of growth.At least 2 inductive cycles are required to form any determinatereproductive organs and at least 12 cycles are required fornormal reproductive development. Individuals given a singleinductive cycle display a loss of apical dominance at thosenodes formed immediately after the treatment without the subsequentformation of any floral structures. Plants given between 2 and12 mductive cycles display both determinate reproductive organsand indeter minate vegetative shoots. The pattern of reproductivedevelopment on such plants depends upon the number of cyclesrelative to the developmental age of newly initiated primordia.It is suggested that the early events of floral induction mayinvolve a radical decrease in the ratio of auxin to cytokinin.  相似文献   

The construction and operation of a continuous culture system for the propagation of cell suspensions from Chenopodium rubrum under photoautotrophic conditions has been described. A dilution rate of 0.16/day gave an equilibrium culture density of 1,100,000 cells/ml and a mean doubling time of 150 hours. During continuous culture steady state conditions with respect to nutrient uptake, cell protein and chlorophyll content, starch accumulation, in vitro activities of enzymes related to different metabolic pathways could be established. Photosynthetic CO2 assimilation of steady state cells was about 100 mol CO2/mg chlorophyll x hour. Dark CO2 fixation was 3% of the light values.  相似文献   

Cytokinin (CK) levels in the short-day plant Chenopodium rubrum L. are known to fluctuate diurnally. The aim of this work was to investigate if the diurnal changes are brought about by changes in transport and/or metabolism of CKs. The effect of photo-period on cytokinin transport was studied by analysing CK concentrations in root, leaf and apical exudates, respectively, under constant light (CL), a 12-h photoperiod (DL) inductive for flowering, DL in which darkness was interrupted at the end of hour 6 by 15 min red light (R), or by 15 min R followed by 30 min far-red irradiation (R/FR). The concentrations of cytokinins (zeatin, zeatin riboside, isopentenyladenine, isopen-tenyladenosine) in all three types of exudates were significantly higher in the first 12-h period after the end of 12 h darkness than in CL. The R break almost fully negated the effect of darkness and its effect was reversed by FR, showing the involvement of phytochrome in the regulation of CK transport. In the next 12-h interval, i.e. 12–24 h after the end of darkness, the CK level remained high in the leaf exudate only, but to a much lower extent than in the previous 12 h. The highest CK concentration (increase by 108%) was observed in apical exudates during inductive darkness. A comparison of the CKs present in the individual exudates indicates that those arriving at the apical part are derived mostly from leaves with varying contributions by the xylem. The metabolism of applied [3H]-zeatin riboside (ZR) was studied using HPLC separation of the metabolites. Metabolism was found to be very rapid and different glucosides, adenine and adenosine were the main metabolites after 12 h incubation with labelled ZR in all regimes tested. The only metabolite that seems to be under photoperiodic control is ZR-5′-monophosphate. It is as yet not clear if photoperiod controls the phosphorylation or dephosphorylation reaction. The activity of the main cytokinin degradative enzyme, cytokinin oxidase, did not change during the photoperiodic regimes tested.  相似文献   

The α subunit of the cardiac sodium channel (Na(v)1.5) is an essential protein in the initial depolarization phase of the cardiomyocyte action potential. Post-translational modifications such as phosphorylation are known to regulate Na(v)1.5 function. Here, we used a proteomic approach for the study of the post-translational modifications of Na(v)1.5 using tsA201 cells as a model system. We generated a stable cell line expressing Na(v)1.5, purified the sodium channel, and analyzed Na(v)1.5 by MALDI-TOF and LC-MS/MS. We report the identification of arginine methylation as a novel post-translational modification of Na(v)1.5. R513, R526, and R680, located in the linker between domains I and II in Na(v)1.5, were found in mono- or dimethylated states. The functional relevance of arginine methylation in Na(v)1.5 is underscored by the fact that R526H and R680H are known Na(v)1.5 mutations causing Brugada and long QT type 3 syndromes, respectively. Our work describes for the first time arginine methylation in the voltage-gated ion channel superfamily.  相似文献   

When photoautotrophic Chenopodium rubrum L. culture cells were exposed to high photon flux densities for seven consecutive light periods a marked reduction in photochemical efficiency, chlorophyll (Chl) content and Chl a/b ratio occurred. These alterations were accompanied by distinct changes in the pigment and protein composition of the thylakoid membranes. In photosystem II (PSII) a reduction in the relative contents of proteins from the reaction center (D1 protein, D2 protein and Cyt b559) and the inner antenna (CP43 and CP47) was observed. In agreement with the reduction in the Chl a/b ratio an increase in the relative content of the major light-harvesting complex of PSII (LHCII) could be demonstrated. The minor chlorophyll-proteins of PSII were only slightly affected but PSI (quantified as total complex) showed a reduction upon chronic photoinhibition. The changes in protein composition were accompanied by a drastic increase in the contents of lutein and the xanthophyll-cycle pigments and by a reduction in the β-carotene content. The effects on lutein and xanthophyll-cycle pigment content were most pronounced in stroma thylakoids. Here, an increase in LHCII (which harbours these pigments) was clearly detectable. Considering the pigment content of LHCII, the change in its apoprotein content was not large enough to explain the pigment changes.  相似文献   

Development and acclimation of energy transduction were studied in seedlings of Chenopodium rubrum L. ecotype selection 184 (50° 10' N; 105° 35' W) in response to photomorphogenic and photoperiodic treatments. Dark respiration and photosynthetic capacity [nmol O2 (pair of cotyledons)−1 h−1] were measured with an oxygen electrode. Changes in chloroplast ultrastructure were analyzed concomitantly. After germination, seedlings were grown at constant temperature either in darkness or in continuous light (white, red, far-red and blue) or were subjected to diurnal cycles of light/dark or changes in light quality. Dark respiration was low in far-red light treated seedlings. In red light treated seedlings dark respiration was high and the mean value did not depend on fluence rate or photoperiod. Blue light stimulated transitorily and modulated dark respiration in photoperiodic cycles. Photosynthetic capacity was reduced by far-red light and increased by red light. In response to blue light photosynthetic capacity increased, with indications of a requirement for continuous energy input. Phytochrome and a separate blue light receptor seemed to be involved. In continuous red light a clear cut circadian rhythm of dark respiration was observed. Blue light had a specific effect on chloroplast structure.  相似文献   

T Weiser  F W Bentrup 《FEBS letters》1990,277(1-2):220-222
The effect of the acetylcholine antagonist and channel blocker (+)-tubocurarine on the calcium-dependent slow vacuolar (SV) cation channels in the tonoplast of suspension-cultured cells of Chenopodium rubrum L. was examined using the patch-clamp technique. In whole-vacuolar recordings the drug strongly suppressed the potassium conductance (EC50: 6 microM) and altered the kinetics of channel inactivation. In excised membrane patches (+)-tubocurarine evokes channel-'flickering' without affecting the single-channel conductance (approx. 80 pS).  相似文献   

Arginine decarboxylase (ADC), one of the key enzymes of polyaminemetabolism in plants, was investigated in Chenopodium rubrumL. seedlings under constant and alternating temperature andlighting conditions. With seedlings grown at constant temperature,ADC activity of the whole seedling increased rapidly betweenthe second and the third day after sowing. This effect was alwayshigher under continuous light than in continuous darkness. Fromthe third to the seventh day after sowing, there was a markeddecrease in ADC activity of the whole seedling almost down tothe level of the second day. Under "normal" lighting and temperatureconditions (32.5?C/10?C, light/dark) there was a marked increasein ADC activity when plants were transferred to 10?C and a rapiddecrease when they were transferred to 32.5?C. The same timecourse was observed when an "inverse" light-temperature program(32.5?C/10?C; dark/light) was applied. This means that the timecourse of ADC activity in the seedlings is slightly light-dependent,but strongly temperature-dependent. The data are discussed withrespect to the chronopathological effects of the "inverse" light-temperatureprogram. (Received March 5, 1985; Accepted October 2, 1985)  相似文献   

A method is described for growing cell suspension cultures of Chenopodium rubrum photoautotrophically for prolonged periods of time. By using a two-tier culture vessel the growth medium with the cells was separated from the CO2 reservoir. Definite CO2 concentrations were established by a K2CO3/KHCO3 buffer. Photoautotrophic growth in C. rubrum cell suspension cultures was correlated with the CO2 level. At 0.5% CO2 the cell cultures contained 68 μg chlorophyll/g fresh weight and showed an increase in fresh weight of about 80% in 18 days. At 1% CO2 an increase in fresh weight of 165% in 18 days was observed. The chlorophyll content rose up to 84 μg/g fresh weight. The photoautotrophic growth was also greatly influenced by the 2,4-D content of the medium. Cell growth was enhanced by lowering the auxin concentration. Best growth was attained (210% increase in fresh weight) at 10?8M 2,4-D. The photosynthetic activity of the cells was measured by the light dependent 14CO2 incorporation. At 0.5% CO2 the cell suspensions assimilated about 100 μmol CO2/mg chlorophyll × h. In the presence of 1% CO2 the light driven assimilation was raised up to 185 μmol CO2/mg chlorophyll × h. In both cases, the dark incorporation of CO2 was merely 1.8% of the values obtained in light.  相似文献   

The effect of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) on floweringand on endogenous levels of isoprenoid cytokinins wasinvestigated in explanted terminal shoots of Chenopodium rubrum cultivated in vitro. Themother plants were grown under continuous light andexplants were cut off when the 6th leaf primordiumoriginated at the shoot apex. The explants wereexposed to one dark period of 13 hours inductive forflowering or to continuous light on medium with orwithout BAP (0.05;0.2;0.4 mg.l-1). Undernon-inductive conditions no flowering was observedeither in the control or after BAP treatment. Afterreceiving one inductive dark period, the controlexplants flowered. However, BAP application either atthe beginning of the inductive dark period and/orduring the following light cultivation inhibitedflowering and stimulated initiation and growth of leafprimordia. In the case of the most efficient BAPconcentration (0.05 mg.l-1) flowering wasinhibited by 80% and the number of leaf primordia wasincreased by 3. Explantation caused a significantincrease in the total amount of endogenous cytokininsin the explants within first 13 h, provided they werekept in light. When explants were kept in darkness,only a slight increase in cytokinin levels wasobserved. BAP treatment had no influence on the levelsof endogenous cytokinins either in light or indarkness. We may thus conclude, that BAP applicationinhibited flowering of photoperiodically inducedterminal shoot explants and stimulated leaf primordiaformation with no significant effect on changes inlevels of endogenous isoprenoid cytokinins. This maysuggest the direct ability of BAP to regulate morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Physiological concentrations of ethylene in the growth medium of autotropic suspension culture Chenopodium rubrum L. cells reduced the activity of cell wall bound invertase by 25 – 47%, compared to controls. Northern blot analysis using homologous probe binding to total RNA preparations revealed that reduction in specific activity was paralleled by repression of the corresponding gene.  相似文献   

Extracellular or cell wall invertase is regarded as crucial to supply sink tissues with carbohydrates via an apoplastic pathway. A cell wall invertase from Chenopodium rubrum was purified to homogeneity and the corresponding cDNA encoding CIN1 was identified via peptide sequences. The CIN1 mRNA was found to be highly induced by physiological concentrations of both adenine- and phenylurea-derived cytokinins in suspension culture cells. This was paralleled both by a higher steady-state protein level and a higher enzyme activity of the extracellular invertase. The cytokinin-inducible accumulation of CIN1 mRNA in tissues of C. rubrum plants supports the physiological significance of this regulatory mechanism. In contrast to the extracellular sucrose cleaving enzyme, the mRNA levels of the two putative intracellular invertases CIN2 and CIN3 and of sucrose synthase were not elevated. In addition, it has been found that the accumulation of mRNA for one out of three hexose transporters present in the suspension culture cells is induced co-ordinately with the mRNA for extracellular invertase by cytokinins. It has been shown that this regulatory mechanism results in higher uptake rates both for sucrose, via the hexose monomers, and for glucose. The increased level of both extracellular invertase and hexose transporters and the resulting higher carbohydrate supply are discussed with respect to the control of carbohydrate partitioning by plant hormones and the molecular basis for known physiological cytokinin responses such as the stimulation of cell division.  相似文献   

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