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The Escherichia coli UvrD protein (helicase II) is an SF1 superfamily helicase required for methyl-directed mismatch repair and nucleotide excision repair of DNA. We have characterized quantitatively the self-assembly equilibria of the UvrD protein as a function of [NaCl], [glycerol], and temperature (5-35 degrees C; pH 8.3) using analytical sedimentation velocity and equilibrium techniques, and find that UvrD self-associates into dimeric and tetrameric species over a range of solution conditions (t相似文献   

The roles of UvrD and Rep DNA helicases of Escherichia coli are not yet fully understood. In particular, the reason for rep uvrD double mutant lethality remains obscure. We reported earlier that mutations in recF, recO or recR genes suppress the lethality of uvrD rep, and proposed that an essential activity common to UvrD and Rep is either to participate in the removal of toxic recombination intermediates or to favour the proper progression of replication. Here, we show that UvrD, but not Rep, directly prevents homologous recombination in vivo. In addition to RecFOR, we provide evidence that RecA contributes to toxicity in the rep uvrD mutant. In vitro, UvrD dismantles the RecA nucleoprotein filament, while Rep has only a marginal activity. We conclude that UvrD and Rep do not share a common activity that is essential in vivo: while Rep appears to act at the replication stage, UvrD plays a role of RecA nucleoprotein filament remover. This activity of UvrD is similar to that of the yeast Srs2 helicase.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli UvrD helicase is known to function in the mismatch repair and nucleotide excision repair pathways and has also been suggested to have roles in recombination and replication restart. The primary intermediate DNA structure in these two processes is the Holliday junction. UvrD has been shown to unwind a variety of substrates including partial duplex DNA, nicked DNA, forked DNA structures, blunt duplex DNA and RNA-DNA hybrids. Here, we demonstrate that UvrD also catalyzes the robust unwinding of Holliday junction substrates. To characterize this unwinding reaction we have employed steady-state helicase assays, pre-steady-state rapid quench helicase assays, DNaseI footprinting, and electron microscopy. We conclude that UvrD binds initially to the junction compared with binding one of the blunt ends of the four-way junction to initiate unwinding and resolves the synthetic substrate into two double-stranded fork structures. We suggest that UvrD, along with its mismatch repair partners, MutS and MutL, may utilize its ability to unwind Holliday junctions directly in the prevention of homeologous recombination. UvrD may also be involved in the resolution of stalled replication forks by unwinding the Holliday junction intermediate to allow bypass of the blockage.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli UvrD is a non‐ring‐shaped model helicase, displaying a 3′—5′ polarity in DNA unwinding. Using a transverse magnetic tweezer and DNA hairpins, we measured the unwinding kinetics of UvrD at various DNA‐destabilizing forces. The multiform patterns of unwinding bursts and the distributions of the off‐times favour the mechanism that UvrD unwinds DNA as a dimer. The two subunits of the dimer coordinate to unwind DNA processively. They can jointly switch strands and translocate backwards on the other strand to allow slow (~40 bp/s) rewinding, or unbind simultaneously to allow quick rehybridization. Partial dissociation of the dimer results in pauses in the middle of the unwinding or increases the translocation rate from ~40 to ~150 nt/s in the middle of the rewinding. Moreover, the unwinding rate was surprisingly found to decrease from ~45 to ~10 bp/s when the force is increased from 2 to 12 pN. The results lead to a strained‐inchworm mechanism in which a conformational change that bends and tenses the ssDNA is required to activate the dimer.  相似文献   

The effect of two structural elements of a replication DNA fork substrate, the length of the 3' arm of the fork and the stability of the double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) part, on the kinetics of the dsDNA unwinding by the Escherichia coli hexameric helicase DnaB protein has been examined under single turnover conditions using the rapid quench-flow technique. The length of the 3' arm of the replication fork, i.e. the number of nucleotides in the arm, is a major structural factor that controls the unwinding rate and processivity of the helicase. The data show the existence of an optimal length of the 3' arm where there is the highest unwinding rate and processivity, indicating that during the unwinding process, the helicase transiently interacts with the 3' arm at a specific distance on the arm with respect to the duplex part of the DNA. Moreover, the area on the enzyme that engages in interactions has also a discrete size. For DNA substrates with the 3' arm containing 14, or less, nucleotide residues, the DnaB helicase becomes a completely distributive enzyme. However, the 3' arm is not a "specific activating cofactor" in the unwinding reaction. Rather, the 3' arm plays a role as a mechanical fulcrum for the enzyme, necessary to provide support for the advancing large helicase molecule on the opposite strand of the DNA. Binding of ATP is necessary to engage the 3' arm with the DnaB helicase, but it does not change the initial distribution of complexes of the enzyme with the DNA fork substrate. Stability of the dsDNA has a significant effect on the unwinding rate and processivity. The unwinding rate constant is a decreasing linear function of the fractional content of GC base-pairs in the dsDNA, indicating that the activation of the unwinding step is proportional to the stability of the nucleic acid.  相似文献   

Kinetics of the double-stranded (ds) DNA unwinding by the Escherichia coli replicative helicase DnaB protein has been examined under single-turnover conditions using the chemical quench-flow technique. The unwinding reaction proceeds through an initial conformational transition followed by the unwinding catalytic steps and the release of the single-stranded (ss) DNA. Analyses of the reaction as a function of the number of base-pairs in the dsDNA reveal that the number of catalytic steps is not strictly proportional to the length of the dsDNA. As the helicase approaches the end of the substrate, the remaining approximately 11 bp of the DNA melts without catalytic participation of the enzyme. The kinetic step-size of the DnaB helicase, i.e. the number of the base-pairs unwound in a single catalytic step is only 1.4(+/- 0.2). The low value of the step-size indicates that the helicase unwinds a single base-pair in a single catalytic step. Thus, the DnaB helicase unzips the dsDNA in a reverse process to the zipping mechanism of the non-enzymatic double helix formation. The protein is a fast helicase that at 25 degrees C unwinds approximately 291 bp/s, much faster than previously thought, and the unwinding rate can be much higher at higher temperatures. However, the ATP-state of the enzyme has an increased dissociation rate, resulting in only a moderate unwinding processivity, P = 0.89(+/- 0.03), little dependent on the temperature. The conformational transition of the DnaB helicase-DNA complex, preceding the unwinding, is an intrinsic transition of the enzyme from the stationary conformation to the ATP-state of the helicase.  相似文献   

RecQ family helicases are highly conserved from bacteria to humans and have essential roles in maintaining genome stability. Mutations in three human RecQ helicases cause severe diseases with the main features of premature aging and cancer predisposition. Most RecQ helicases shared a conserved domain arrangement which comprises a helicase core, an RecQ C-terminal domain, and an auxiliary element helicase and RNaseD C-terminal (HRDC) domain, the functions of which are poorly understood. In this study, we systematically characterized the roles of the HRDC domain in E. coli RecQ in various DNA transactions by single-molecule FRET. We found that RecQ repetitively unwinds the 3′-partial duplex and fork DNA with a moderate processivity and periodically patrols on the ssDNA in the 5′-partial duplex by translocation. The HRDC domain significantly suppresses RecQ activities in the above transactions. In sharp contrast, the HRDC domain is essential for the deep and long-time unfolding of the G4 DNA structure by RecQ. Based on the observations that the HRDC domain dynamically switches between RecA core- and ssDNA-binding modes after RecQ association with DNA, we proposed a model to explain the modulation mechanism of the HRDC domain. Our findings not only provide new insights into the activities of RecQ on different substrates but also highlight the novel functions of the HRDC domain in DNA metabolisms.  相似文献   

A single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase activity, consisting of two subunits of 83 kDa (p90) and 68 kDa (p70), was previously purified from HeLa cells (Vishwanatha, J.K. and Baril, E.F. (1990) Biochem 29, 8753–8759). Homology of the two subunits of single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase with the human Ku protein (Caoet al. (1994) Biochem 33, 8548–8557) and identity of the Ku protein as the human DNA helicase II (Tutejaet al. (1994) EMBO J. 13, 4991–5001) have been reported recently. Using antisera raised against the subunits of the HDH II, we confirm that the Hela single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase is the HDH II. Similar to the activity reported for Ku protein, ssDNA-dependent ATPase binds to double-stranded DNA and the DNA-protein complex detected by gel mobility shift assay consists of both the ATPase subunits. The p90 subunit is predominantly nuclear and is easily dissociated from chromatin. The p70 is distributed in cytosol and nucleus, and a fraction of the nuclear p70 protein is found to be associated with the nuclear matrix. Both the p90 and p70 subunits of the ATPase are present in G1 and S phase of the cell cycle and are rapidly degraded in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle.Abbreviations ssDNA single-stranded DNA - dsDNA double-stranded DNA - ATPase adenosine triphosphatase - HDH II human DNA helicase II - PGK 3-phosphoglycerate kinase  相似文献   

Escherichia coli UvrD protein is a 3' to 5' SF1 DNA helicase involved in methyl-directed mismatch repair and nucleotide excision repair of DNA. Using stopped-flow methods we have examined the kinetic mechanism of translocation of UvrD monomers along single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) in vitro by monitoring the transient kinetics of arrival of protein at the 5'-end of the ssDNA. Arrival at the 5'-end was monitored by the effect of protein on the fluorescence intensity of fluorophores (Cy3 or fluorescein) attached to the 5'-end of a series of oligodeoxythymidylates varying in length from 16 to 124 nt. We find that UvrD monomers are capable of ATP-dependent translocation along ssDNA with a biased 3' to 5' directionality. Global non-linear least-squares analysis of the full kinetic time-courses in the presence of a protein trap to prevent rebinding of free protein to the DNA using the methods described in the accompanying paper enabled us to obtain quantitative estimates of the kinetic parameters for translocation. We find that UvrD monomers translocate in discrete steps with an average kinetic step-size, m=3.68(+/-0.03) nt step(-1), a translocation rate constant, kt=51.3(+/-0.6) steps s(-1), (macroscopic translocation rate, mkt=189.0(+/-0.7) nt s(-1)), with a processivity corresponding to an average translocation distance of 2400(+/-600) nt before dissociation (10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.3), 20 mM NaCl, 20% (v/v) glycerol, 25 degrees C). However, in spite of its ability to translocate rapidly and efficiently along ssDNA, a UvrD monomer is unable to unwind even an 18 bp duplex in vitro. DNA helicase activity in vitro requires a UvrD dimer that unwinds DNA with a similar kinetic step-size of 4-5 bp step(-1), but an approximately threefold slower unwinding rate of 68(+/-9) bp s(-1) under the same solution conditions, indicating that DNA unwinding activity requires more than the ability to simply translocate directionally along ss-DNA.  相似文献   

Bloom 综合症(BLM)解旋酶是RecQ家族DNA解旋酶中的一个重要成员,参与了DNA复制、修复、转录、重组以及端粒的维持等细胞代谢过程,在维持染色体的稳定性中具有重要的作用.BLM解旋酶的突变可导致Bloom综合症,患者遗传不稳定易患多种类型癌症.本研究运用荧光偏振技术研究BLM解旋酶催化核心(BLM642-1290)与双链DNA(dsDNA)的相互作用,分析其相关特征参数,了解BLM642-1290解旋酶与dsDNA的结合和解链特性.结果表明,BLM642-1290解旋酶与dsDNA的结合和解链和dsDNA3’末端的单链DNA(ssDNA)长度有关;解旋酶优先结合于dsDNA底物的ssDNA末端,且每分子解旋酶可结合9.6 nt的ssDNA;dsDNA3’末端ssDNA的长度为9.6 nt时,解旋酶的解链效率达到最大且不再随其长度而变化.另外,BLM642-1290解旋酶也能够结合和解链钝末端dsDNA,但其结合亲和力和解链效率低于有3’末端ssDNA的dsDNA.推测BLM642-1290解旋酶在与dsDNA底物结合和解链时是单体形式,可能以尺蠖的形式解开dsDNA.这些结果可为进一步研究BLM解旋酶的功能特征提供理论基础.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage SPP1 G40P hexameric replicative DNA helicase unidirectionally translocates with a 5'-->3' polarity while separating the DNA strands. A G40P mutant derivative lacking the N-terminal domain (containing amino acid residues 110-442 from G40P, G40PDeltaN109) was purified and characterized. G40PDeltaN109 showed an ATPase activity that was dependent on the presence of single-stranded (ss) DNA. Unlike G40P, G40PDeltaN109 was shown to bind with similar affinity both ssDNA arms of forked structures by nuclease protection assays. In a pH-dependent manner, G40PDeltaN109 unwound a branched double-arm substrate preferentially with a 3'-->5' polarity. Our results show that the linker region and the C-terminal domain of G40P are sufficient to render an enzyme capable of encircling the ssDNA tails of the forked DNA and to unwind DNA with both 5'-->3' and 3'-->5' polarity. The presence of the N-terminal domain, which does not play an essential role in helicase action, might be required indirectly for strand discrimination and polarity of translocation.  相似文献   

Processive DNA helicases are able to translocate along single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) with biased directionality in a nucleoside triphosphate-dependent reaction, although translocation is not generally sufficient for helicase activity. An understanding of the mechanism of protein translocation along ssDNA requires pre-steady state transient kinetic experiments. Although ensemble experimental approaches have been developed recently for the study of translocation of proteins along DNA, quantitative analysis of the complete time-courses from these experiments, which is needed to obtain quantitative estimates of translocation kinetic parameters (rate constants, processivity, step sizes and ATP coupling) has been lacking. We discuss three ensemble transient kinetic experiments that can be used to study protein translocation along ssDNA, along with the advantages and limitations of each approach. We further describe methods to analyze the complete kinetic time-courses obtained from such experiments performed with a series of ssDNA lengths under "single-round" conditions (i.e. in the absence of re-binding of dissociated protein to DNA). These analysis methods utilize a sequential "n-step" model for protein translocation along ssDNA and enable quantitative determinations of the rate constant, processivity and step size for translocation through global non-linear least-squares fitting of the full time-courses.  相似文献   

Pre-steady-state chemical quenched-flow techniques were used to study DNA unwinding catalyzed by Escherichia coli UvrD helicase (helicase II), a member of the SF1 helicase superfamily. Single turnover experiments, with respect to unwinding of a DNA oligonucleotide, were used to examine the DNA substrate and UvrD concentration requirements for rapid DNA unwinding by pre-bound UvrD helicase. In excess UvrD at low DNA concentrations (1 nM), the bulk of the DNA is unwound rapidly by pre-bound UvrD complexes upon addition of ATP, but with time-courses that display a distinct lag phase for formation of fully unwound DNA, indicating that unwinding occurs in discrete steps, with a "step size" of four to five base-pairs as previously reported. Optimum unwinding by pre-bound UvrD-DNA complexes requires a 3' single-stranded (ss) DNA tail of 36-40 nt, whereas productive complexes do not form readily on DNA with 3'-tail lengths 相似文献   

RecQ helicases are a ubiquitous family of DNA unwinding enzymes required to preserve genome integrity, thus preventing premature aging and cancer formation. The five human representatives of this family play non-redundant roles in the suppression of genome instability using a combination of enzymatic activities that specifically characterize each member of the family. These enzymes are in fact not only able to catalyze the transient opening of DNA duplexes, as any other conventional helicase, but can also promote annealing of complementary strands, branch migration of Holliday junctions and, in some cases, excision of ssDNA tails. Remarkably, the balance between these different activities seems to be regulated by protein oligomerization. This review illustrates the recent progress made in the definition of the structural determinants that control the different enzymatic activities of RecQ helicases and speculates on the possible mechanisms that RecQ proteins might use to promote their multiple functions.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli UvrD is a 3′–5′ superfamily 1A helicase/translocase involved in a variety of DNA metabolic processes. UvrD can function either as a helicase or only as an single‐stranded DNA (ssDNA) translocase. The switch between these activities is controlled in vitro by the UvrD oligomeric state; a monomer has ssDNA translocase activity, whereas at least a dimer is needed for helicase activity. Although a 3′‐ssDNA partial duplex provides a high‐affinity site for a UvrD monomer, here we show that a monomer also binds with specificity to DNA junctions possessing a 5′‐ssDNA flanking region and can initiate translocation from this site. Thus, a 5′‐ss–duplex DNA junction can serve as a high‐affinity loading site for the monomeric UvrD translocase, whereas a 3′‐ss–duplex DNA junction inhibits both translocase and helicase activity of the UvrD monomer. Furthermore, the 2B subdomain of UvrD is important for this junction specificity. This highlights a separation of helicase and translocase function for UvrD and suggests that a monomeric UvrD translocase can be loaded at a 5′‐ssDNA junction when translocation activity alone is needed.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, the DnaG primase is the RNA polymerase that synthesizes RNA primers at replication forks. It is composed of three domains, a small N-terminal zinc-binding domain, a larger central domain responsible for RNA synthesis, and a C-terminal domain comprising residues 434-581 [DnaG(434-581)] that interact with the hexameric DnaB helicase. Presumably because of this interaction, it had not been possible previously to express the C-terminal domain in a stably transformed E. coli strain. This problem was overcome by expression of DnaG(434-581) under control of tandem bacteriophage lambda-promoters, and the protein was purified in yields of 4-6 mg/L of culture and studied by NMR. A TOCSY spectrum of a 2mM solution of the protein at pH 7.0, indicated that its structured core comprises residues 444-579. This was consistent with sequence conservation among most-closely related primases. Linewidths in a NOESY spectrum of a 0.5mM sample in 10mM phosphate, pH 6.05, 0.1M NaCl, recorded at 36 degrees C, indicated the protein to be monomeric. Crystals of selenomethionine-substituted DnaG(434-581) obtained by the hanging-drop vapor-diffusion method were body-centered tetragonal, space group I4(1)22, with unit cell parameters a=b=142.2A, c=192.1A, and diffracted beyond 2.7A resolution with synchrotron radiation.  相似文献   

How the cellular amount of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is regulated under normal conditions and in the presence of genotoxic stress is less understood. We demonstrate that the inefficient mtDNA replication process of mutant yeast cells lacking the PIF1 DNA helicase is partly rescued in the absence of the DNA helicase RRM3. The rescue effect is likely due to the increase in the deoxynucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs) pool caused by the lack of RRM3. In contrast, the Pif1p-dependent mtDNA breakage in the presence and absence of genotoxic stress is not suppressed if RRM3 is lacking suggesting that this phenotype is likely independent of the dNTP pool. Pif1 protein (Pif1p) was found to stimulate the incorporation of dNTPs into newly synthesised mtDNA of gradient-purified mitochondria. We propose that Pif1p that acts likely as a DNA helicase in mitochondria affects mtDNA replication directly. Possible roles of Pif1p include the resolution of secondary DNA and/or DNA/RNA structures, the temporarily displacement of tightly bound mtDNA-binding proteins, or the stabilization of the mitochondrial replication complex during mtDNA replication. X. Cheng, Y. Qin contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which Escherichia coli RecBCD DNA helicase unwinds duplex DNA was examined in vitro using pre-steady-state chemical quenched-flow kinetic methods. Single turnover DNA unwinding experiments were performed by addition of ATP to RecBCD that was pre-bound to a series of DNA substrates containing duplex DNA regions ranging from 24 bp to 60 bp. In each case, the time-course for formation of completely unwound DNA displayed a distinct lag phase that increased with duplex length, reflecting the transient formation of partially unwound DNA intermediates during unwinding catalyzed by RecBCD. Quantitative analysis of five independent sets of DNA unwinding time courses indicates that RecBCD unwinds duplex DNA in discrete steps, with an average unwinding "step-size", m=3.9(+/-1.3)bp step(-1), with an average unwinding rate of k(U)=196(+/-77)steps s(-1) (mk(U)=790(+/-23)bps(-1)) at 25.0 degrees C (10mM MgCl(2), 30 mM NaCl (pH 7.0), 5% (v/v) glycerol). However, additional steps, not linked directly to DNA unwinding are also detected. This kinetic DNA unwinding step-size is similar to that determined for the E.coli UvrD helicase, suggesting that these two SF1 superfamily helicases may share similar mechanisms of DNA unwinding.  相似文献   

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