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During pregnancy, the placenta regulates the transfer of oxygen, nutrients, and residual products between the maternal and fetal bloodstreams and is a key determinant of fetal exposure to xenobiotics from the mother. To study the disposition of substances through the placenta, various experimental models are used, especially the perfused placenta, placental villi explants, and cell lineage models. In this context, nanotechnology, an area of study that is on the rise, enables the creation of particles on nanometric scales capable of releasing drugs aimed at specific tissues. An important reason for furthering the studies on transplacental transfer is to explore the potential of nanoparticles (NPs), in new delivery strategies for drugs that are specifically aimed at the mother, the placenta, or the fetus and that involve less toxicity. Due to the fact that the placental barrier is essential for the interaction between the maternal and fetal organisms as well as the possibility of NPs being used in the treatment of various pathologies, the aim of this review is to present the main experimental models used in studying the maternal–fetal interaction and the action of NPs in the placental environment.  相似文献   

Two-way communication between the conceptus and the mother during early pregnancy is essential if the pregnancy is to survive. In this review, our primary focus is on biochemical communication between the conceptus and mother in the ruminant ungulate species. We emphasize, in particular, the role played by interferon-tau (IFNT) in triggering maternal responses in cattle and sheep and how maternal factors intervene to up-regulate IFNT gene (IFNT) expression in trophoblast. However, we also consider the possibility that different signaling cytokines or the physical presence of trophoblast may induce a partial IFN response in endometrium of those species where there is no evidence for large scale trophoblast IFN production. Conceivably, disparate signaling mechanisms trigger common downstream events necessary to secure a successful pregnancy.  相似文献   

Placental hormones are produced by one genetic individual (the fetus) to act on the receptors of another genetic individual (the mother). Mothers are probably able to extract some information from placental hormones, but this information may be limited to a crude measure of fetal vigor. Placental hormones are most easily interpreted as fetal attempts to manipulate maternal metabolism for fetal benefit. An evolutionary model is presented for a hypothetical hormone that increases the nutrient content of maternal blood. The model predicts that, at an evolutionary equilibrium, the hormone will be produced solely by the mother or solely by the placenta, but not by both. If the gene for the hormone is subject to genomic imprinting, the paternally-derived allele will be active and the maternally-derived allele will be silent. Hormone production benefits the members of the mother's current litter at some cost to future litters. Therefore, paternity changes between litters increase the level of hormone production. On the other hand, offspring that produce less of the hormone than litter-mates share the benefits but have lower costs. Therefore, multiple paternity within litters reduces the level of hormone production.  相似文献   

Well-orchestrated maternal–fetal cross talk occurs via secreted ligands, interacting receptors, and coupled intracellular pathways between the conceptus and endometrium and is essential for successful embryo implantation. However, previous studies mostly focus on either the conceptus or the endometrium in isolation. The lack of integrated analysis impedes our understanding of early maternal–fetal cross talk. Herein, focusing on ligand–receptor complexes and coupled pathways at the maternal–fetal interface in sheep, we provide the first comprehensive proteomic map of ligand–receptor pathway cascades essential for embryo implantation. We demonstrate that these cascades are associated with cell adhesion and invasion, redox homeostasis, and the immune response. Candidate interactions and their physiological roles were further validated by functional experiments. We reveal the physical interaction of albumin and claudin 4 and their roles in facilitating embryo attachment to endometrium. We also demonstrate a novel function of enhanced conceptus glycolysis in remodeling uterine receptivity by inducing endometrial histone lactylation, a newly identified histone modification. Results from in vitro and in vivo models supported the essential role of lactate in inducing endometrial H3K18 lactylation and in regulating redox homeostasis and apoptotic balance to ensure successful implantation. By reconstructing a map of potential ligand–receptor pathway cascades at the maternal–fetal interface, our study presents new concepts for understanding molecular and cellular mechanisms that fine-tune conceptus–endometrium cross talk during implantation. This provides more direct and accurate insights for developing potential clinical intervention strategies to improve pregnancy outcomes following both natural and assisted conception.  相似文献   

Using molecular dynamics simulations of fully hydrated proteins and analysis of crystal structures contained in the Protein Data Bank, we develop a transferable set of perpendicular radial distribution functions for water molecules around globular proteins. These universal functions may be used to reconstruct the unique three-dimensional solvent density distribution around every individual protein with a modest error. We discuss potential applications of this solvent treatment in protein x-ray crystallographic refinements and in theoretical modeling. We also present a fast, grid-based algorithm for construction of the perpendicular solvent density distributions. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 45: 469–478, 1998  相似文献   

A claimed, specific interaction of tetrodotoxin with cholesterol monolayers could not be repeated. An observed expansion of cholesterol monolayers on a subphase of the toxin in citrate and phosphate buffer was shown to be time dependent and probably due to a surfactant impurity of the phosphate salts.  相似文献   

Whereas the critical roles of innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) in adult are increasingly appreciated, their developmental hierarchy in early human fetus remains largely elusive. In this study, we sorted human hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells, lymphoid progenitors, putative ILC progenitor/precursors and mature ILCs in the fetal hematopoietic, lymphoid and non-lymphoid tissues, from 8 to 12 post-conception weeks, for single-cell RNA-sequencing, followed by computational analysis and functional validation at bulk and single-cell levels. We delineated the early phase of ILC lineage commitment from hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells, which mainly occurred in fetal liver and intestine. We further unveiled interleukin-3 receptor as a surface marker for the lymphoid progenitors in fetal liver with T, B, ILC and myeloid potentials, while IL-3RA lymphoid progenitors were predominantly B-lineage committed. Notably, we determined the heterogeneity and tissue distribution of each ILC subpopulation, revealing the proliferating characteristics shared by the precursors of each ILC subtype. Additionally, a novel unconventional ILC2 subpopulation (CRTH2 CCR9+ ILC2) was identified in fetal thymus. Taken together, our study illuminates the precise cellular and molecular features underlying the stepwise formation of human fetal ILC hierarchy with remarkable spatiotemporal heterogeneity.Subject terms: Innate immunity, Haematopoietic stem cells  相似文献   

As human populations continue to expand across the world, the need to understand and manage wildlife populations within the wildland – urban interface is becoming commonplace. This is especially true for large carnivores as these species are not always tolerated by the public and can pose a risk to human safety. Unfortunately, information on wildlife species within the wildland – urban interface is sparse, and knowledge from wildland ecosystems does not always translate well to human‐dominated systems. Across western North America, cougars (Puma concolor) are routinely utilizing wildland – urban habitats while human use of these areas for homes and recreation is increasing. From 2007 to 2015, we studied cougar resource selection, human–cougar interaction, and cougar conflict management within the wildland – urban landscape of the northern Front Range in Colorado, USA. Resource selection of cougars within this landscape was typical of cougars in more remote settings but cougar interactions with humans tended to occur in locations cougars typically selected against, especially those in proximity to human structures. Within higher housing density areas, 83% of cougar use occurred at night, suggesting cougars generally avoided human activity by partitioning time. Only 24% of monitored cougars were reported for some type of conflict behavior but 39% of cougars sampled during feeding site investigations of GPS collar data were found to consume domestic prey items. Aversive conditioning was difficult to implement and generally ineffective for altering cougar behaviors but was thought to potentially have long‐term benefits of reinforcing fear of humans in cougars within human‐dominated areas experiencing little cougar hunting pressure. Cougars are able to exploit wildland – urban landscapes effectively, and conflict is relatively uncommon compared with the proportion of cougar use. Individual characteristics and behaviors of cougars within these areas are highly varied; therefore, conflict management is unique to each situation and should target individual behaviors. The ability of individual cougars to learn to exploit these environments with minimal human–cougar interactions suggests that maintaining older age structures, especially females, and providing a matrix of habitats, including large connected open‐space areas, would be beneficial to cougars and effectively reduce the potential for conflict.  相似文献   

Changes in species distributions open novel parasite transmission routes at the human–wildlife interface, yet the strength of biotic and biogeographical factors that prevent or facilitate parasite host shifting are not well understood. We investigated global patterns of helminth parasite (Nematoda, Cestoda, Trematoda) sharing between mammalian wildlife species and domestic mammal hosts (including humans) using >24,000 unique country‐level records of host–parasite associations. We used hierarchical modelling and species trait data to determine possible drivers of the level of parasite sharing between wildlife species and either humans or domestic animal hosts. We found the diet of wildlife species to be a strong predictor of levels of helminth parasite sharing with humans and domestic animals, followed by a moderate effect of zoogeographical region and minor effects of species’ habitat and climatic niches. Combining model predictions with the distribution and ecological profile data of wildlife species, we projected global risk maps that uncovered strikingly similar patterns of wildlife parasite sharing across geographical areas for the different domestic host species (including humans). These similarities are largely explained by the fact that widespread parasites are commonly recorded infecting several domestic species. If the dietary profile and position in the trophic chain of a wildlife species largely drives its level of helminth parasite sharing with humans/domestic animals, future range shifts of host species that result in novel trophic interactions may likely increase parasite host shifting and have important ramifications for human and animal health.  相似文献   

Samples of the shovelnose guitarfish Pseudobatos productus were collected on board a vessel and at landings of artisanal commercial fisheries in the Gulf of California from May 2004 to June 2007. Samples of 650 females, 2047 embryos and 484 uterine eggs were examined. The reproductive cycle is annual, ovulation and parturition occur in July, the uterine eggs are in diapause for 9 months (July–March) before an accelerated growth of embryos of 3 months. Histological analyses of the uterine wall of pregnant females suggested that no secretions were used for embryo nourishment. The standard percentage of water content was 48·6% in fertilized eggs and 80·75% in full‐term embryos. Dry mass loss during embryonic development was 16·3% and the chemical balance of development was 0·84. This indicates that P. productus is a strictly lecithotrophic, viviparous species, that makes no maternal contribution of nutrients during embryonic development.  相似文献   

The early cell cycles of preimplantation embryo development are unique in the scheme of mitotic cell proliferation as cell division is not coupled to cell growth, leading to a halving of blastomere volume with each cleavage event. Among the early mouse embryonic divisions, the fi rst two are particularly different, lasting almost twice as long as subsequent divisions. The third cell cycle is marked by the transition of a four‐cell embryo into an eight‐cell embryo, and represents the fi rst complete cell cycle occurring after activation of the zygotic genome. The G2/M phase of the third cell cycle is highly variable, lasting between 2–5 hours, and heterogeneity between blastomeres within the same embryo may occur as a part of normal development. The embryo in this image is actively undergoing cleavage from the four‐ to the eight‐cell stage, and blastomeres are captured in multiple phases of the cell cycle, as visualized by chromatin structure (DNA, blue) and microtubule staining (α‐tubulin, green). Two blastomeres sit in interphase with decondensed chromatin masses and a mesh‐like microtubule network, while the remaining blastomeres are actively undergoing mitosis. Of the latter, one is in metaphase, one in early anaphase, and the last in late anaphase. All together, the diversity in cell cycle stages reveals the inherit asynchrony existent within individual blastomeres of a cleavage stage embryo. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 80: 1–1, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The opioid polypeptide beta-endorphin is present in fetal blood but it is not clear whether its source is the fetus or the placenta. We therefore measured beta-endorphin in extracts of fetal femoral arterial and umbilical venous blood plasma in sheep by radioimmunoassay to determine whether the fetus or the placenta is the major source of beta-endorphin in the fetal circulation. Chromatographic analysis of extracts of fetal arterial plasma showed that beta-lipotropin and other precursors of beta-endorphin made only a minor contribution to the immunoreactivity detected. Concentrations of immunoreactive beta-endorphin were higher in the femoral artery than in the umbilical vein in fetal sheep between 113 and 128 days of pregnancy. Therefore the placenta removes beta-endorphin or a closely related polypeptide of fetal origin from the umbilical circulation in sheep at this stage of gestation. Acute hypoxaemia and hypoglycaemia increase the concentrations of immunoassayable beta-endorphin in blood plasma of adult and fetal sheep, but little is known about the effects of chronic hypoxaemia or hypoglycaemia on the circulating levels of beta-endorphin and related polypeptides in the fetus. Therefore we also measured immunoreactive beta-endorphin in blood plasma from fetal sheep in which growth retardation in association with restricted placental growth was produced by removal of endometrial caruncles before mating. Intra-uterine growth retardation was accompanied by chronic hypoglycaemia and chronic hypoxaemia in the fetuses. This was not associated with higher concentrations of beta-endorphin-like immunoreactivity in fetal arterial or umbilical venous plasma, but was accompanied by significantly increased placental extraction of fetal immunoreactive beta-endorphin from the umbilical circulation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In mammals, imprinted genes have an important role in feto-placental development. They affect the growth, morphology and nutrient transfer capacity of the placenta and, thereby, control the nutrient supply for fetal growth. In particular, the reciprocally imprinted Igf2-H19 gene complex has a central role in these processes and matches the placental nutrient supply to the fetal nutrient demands for growth. Comparison of Igf2P0 and complete Igf2 null mice has shown that interplay between placental and fetal Igf2 regulates both placental growth and nutrient transporter abundance. In turn, epigenetic modification of imprinted genes via changes in DNA methylation may provide a mechanism linking environmental cues to placental phenotype, with consequences for development both before and after birth. Changes in expression of imprinted genes, therefore, have major implications for developmental programming and may explain the poor prognosis of the infant born small for gestational age and the wide spectrum of adult-onset diseases that originate in utero.  相似文献   

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