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Cetaceans (dolphins and whales) are born into the aquatic environment and are immediately challenged by the demands of hypoxia and exercise. This should promote rapid development of the muscle biochemistry that supports diving, but previous research on two odontocete (toothed whales and dolphins) species showed protracted postnatal development for myoglobin content and buffering capacity. A minimum of 1 and 1.5 years were required for Fraser’s (Lagenodelphis hosei) and bottlenose (Tursiops truncatus) dolphins to obtain mature myoglobin contents, respectively; this corresponded to their lengthy 2 and 2.5-year calving intervals (a proxy for the dependency period of cetacean calves). To further examine the correlation between the durations for muscle maturation and maternal dependency, we measured myoglobin content and buffering capacity in the main locomotor muscle (longissimus dorsi) of harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena), a species with a comparatively short calving interval (1.5 years). We found that at birth, porpoises had 51 and 69 % of adult levels for myoglobin and buffering capacity, respectively, demonstrating greater muscle maturity at birth than that found previously for neonatal bottlenose dolphins (10 and 65 %, respectively). Porpoises achieved adult levels for myoglobin and buffering capacity by 9–10 months and 2–3 years postpartum, respectively. This muscle maturation occurred at an earlier age than that found previously for the dolphin species. These results support the observation that variability in the duration for muscular development is associated with disparate life history patterns across odontocetes, suggesting that the pace of muscle maturation is not solely influenced by exposure to hypoxia and exercise. Though the mechanism that drives this variability remains unknown, nonetheless, these results highlight the importance of documenting the species-specific physiological development that limits diving capabilities and ultimately defines habitat utilization patterns across age classes.  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of marine mammals involved marked physiologicaland morphological modifications to change from terrestrial toaquatic locomotion. A consequence of this ancestry is that swimmingis energetically expensive for mammals in comparison to fish.This study examined the use of behavioral strategies by marinemammals to circumvent these elevated locomotor costs duringhorizontal swimming and vertical diving. Intermittent formsof locomotion, including wave-riding and porpoising when nearthe water surface, and prolonged gliding and a stroke and glidemode of propulsion when diving, enabled marine mammals to increasethe efficiency of aquatic locomotion. Video instrumentationpacks (8-mm camera, video recorder and time-depth microprocessor)deployed on deep diving bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus),northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris), and Weddellseals (Leptonychotes weddellii) revealed exceptionally longperiods of gliding during descent to depth. Glide duration dependedon depth and represented nearly 80% of the descent for divesexceeding 200 m. Transitions in locomotor mode during divingwere attributed to buoyancy changes with compression of thelungs at depth, and were associated with a 9–60% reductionin the energetic cost of dives for the species examined. Bychanging to intermittent locomotor patterns, marine mammalsare able to increase travelling speed for little additionalenergetic cost when surface swimming, and to extend the durationof submergence despite limitations in oxygen stores when diving.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variability in body oxygen reserves, muscle buffering capacity, diving metabolic rate, and diving behavior were examined in recently captured juvenile and adult muskrats. Allometric scaling exponents for lung (b=1.04), blood (b=0.91), and total body oxygen storage capacity (b=1.09) did not differ from unity. The concentration of skeletal muscle myoglobin scaled positively with mass in 254-600-g juveniles (b=1.63) but was mass-independent in larger individuals. Scaling exponents for diving metabolic rate and calculated aerobic dive limit (ADL) were 0.74 and 0.37, respectively. Contrary to allometric predictions, we found no evidence that the diving abilities of muskrats increased with age or body size. Juveniles aged 1-2 mo exhibited similar dive times but dove more frequently than summer-caught adults. Average and cumulative dive times and dive&rcolon;surface ratios were highest for fall- and winter-caught muskrats. Total body oxygen reserves were greatest in winter, mainly due to an increase in blood oxygen storage capacity. The buffering capacity of the hind limb swimming muscles also was highest in winter-caught animals. Several behavioral indicators of dive performance, including average and maximum duration of voluntary dives, varied positively with blood hemoglobin and muscle myoglobin concentration of muskrats. However, none of the behavioral measures were strongly correlated with the total body oxygen reserves or ADLs derived for these same individuals.  相似文献   

Summary The oxygen storage capacity and partitioning of body oxygen reserves were compared in summer-and winter-acclimatized muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus). Blood volume, blood oxygen capacity, and skeletal muscle myoglobin content were higher in December than in July (P<0.02). Total lung capacity increased only slightly in winter (P>0.05). The oxygen storage capacity of a diving muskrat was calculated at 25.2 ml O2 STPD · kg-1 in July, compared to 35.7 ml O2 STPD · kg-1 in December. Blood comprised the major storage compartment in both seasons, accounting for 57% and 65% of the total oxygen stores in summer and winter, respectively. Based on available oxygen stores and previous estimates of the cost of diving, the aerobic dive limit (ADL) increased from 40.9 s in July to 57.9 s in December. Concurrent behavioral studies suggested that most voluntary diving by muskrats is aerobic. However, the proportion of dives exceeding the calculated ADL of these animals was shown to vary with the context of the dive. Only 3.5% of all dives initiated by muskrats floating in the water exceeded their estimated ADL. Provision of a dry resting site and access to a submerged food source increased this proportion to 18–61%, depending on the underwater distance that foraging muskrats were required to swim. Serial dives exceeding the estimated ADL were not accompanied by extended postdive recovery periods.Abbreviations ADL acrobic dive limit - Hb hemoglobin - Hct hematocrit - Mb myoglobin - PaO2 arterial O2 tension - STPD standard temperature and pressure, dry  相似文献   

Marine mammals exhibit multi-level adaptations, from cellular biochemistry to behavior, that maximize aerobic dive duration. A dive response during aerobic dives enables the efficient use of blood and muscle oxygen stores, but it is exercise modulated to maximize the aerobic dive limit at different levels of exertion. Blood volume and concentrations of blood hemoglobin and muscle myoglobin are elevated and serve as a significant oxygen store that increases aerobic dive duration. However, myoglobin is not homogeneously distributed in the locomotory muscles and is highest in areas that produce greater force and consume more oxygen during aerobic swimming. Muscle fibers are primarily fast and slow twitch oxidative with elevated mitochondrial volume densities and enhanced oxidative enzyme activities that are highest in areas that produce more force generation. Most of the muscle mitochondria are interfibriller and homogeneously distributed. This reduces the diffusion distance between mitochondria and helps maintain aerobic metabolism under hypoxic conditions. Mitochondrial volume densities and oxidative enzyme activities are also elevated in certain organs such as liver, kidneys, and stomach. Hepatic and renal function along with digestion and assimilation continue during aerobic dives to maintain physiological homeostasis. Most ATP production comes from aerobic fat metabolism in carnivorous marine mammals. Glucose is derived mostly from gluconeogenesis and is conserved for tissues such as red blood cells and the central nervous system. Marine mammals minimize the energetic cost of swimming and diving through body streamlining, efficient, lift-based propulsive appendages, and cost-efficient modes of locomotion that reduce drag and take advantage of changes in buoyancy with depth. Most dives are within the animal’s aerobic dive limit, which maximizes time underwater and minimizes recovery time at the surface. The result of these adaptations is increased breath-hold duration and enhanced foraging ability that maximizes energy intake and minimizes energy output while making aerobic dives to depth. These adaptations are the long, evolutionary legacy of an aquatic lifestyle that directly affects the fitness of marine mammal species for different diving abilities and environments.  相似文献   

Six locomotory muscles of wild common coots, Fulica atra, were analyzed histochemically. Capillarity and fiber-type distributions were correlated to the functional implications and physiological needs of each muscle. Leg muscles exhibit three unevenly distributed fiber types, a pattern that reflects the great variety of terrestrial and aquatic locomotory performances that coots are able to develop. Aerobic zones are presumably recruited during steady swimming and diving, while regions with anaerobic characteristics may be used for bursts of activity such as sprint swimming or during take off, when coots run along the water's surface. Fiber types and capillarization in wing muscles have a marked oxidative trend. High wing beat frequencies, short and broad wings, and the long distance migrations that these birds perform indicate that the presence of high numbers of oxidative fibers and the well developed capillary supply are needed for enhanced oxygen uptake. The pectoralis muscle, except in its deep part, has exclusively fast oxidative fibers with a very high staining intensity for succinate dehydrogenase assay as compared to the same fiber type of other muscles. Its predominant role in flapping flight justifies these characteristics that are typical of fibers with high aerobic metabolism. The deep part of the pectoralis muscle presents a low proportion of an unusual slow anaerobic fiber type. These fibers could play a role during feeding dives when the bird presses the air out of the feathers by tightening the wings against the body. A linear relationship between capillary and fiber densities in all coot muscles studied reflects an adjustment between fiber diameter and vascularization in order to obtain the oxygen for mitochondrial supply. This strategy seems a suitable way to cope with the rigid aerobic constraints that flying and diving impose upon the coot's physiology. J. Morphol. 237:147–164, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Shallow‐diving, coastal bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and deep‐diving, pelagic pygmy and dwarf sperm whales (Kogia breviceps and K. sima) will experience vastly different ambient pressures at depth, which will influence the volume of air within their lungs and potentially the degree of thoracic collapse they experience. This study tested the hypotheses that lung size will be reduced and/or thoracic mobility will be enhanced in deeper divers. Lung mass (T. truncatus, n = 106; kogiids, n = 18) and lung volume (T. truncatus, n = 5; kogiids, n = 4), relative to total body mass, were compared. One T. truncatus and one K. sima were cross‐sectioned to calculate lung, thoracic vasculature, and other organ volumes. Excised thoraxes (T. truncatus, n = 3; kogiids, n = 4) were mechanically manipulated to compare changes in thoracic cavity shape and volume. Kogiid lungs were half the mass and one‐fifth the volume of those of similarly sized T. truncatus. The lungs occupied only 15% of the total thoracic cavity volume in K. sima and 37% in T. truncatus. The kogiid and dolphin thoraxes underwent similar changes in shape and volume, although the width of the thoracic inlet was relatively constrained in kogiids. A broader phylogenetic comparison demonstrated that the ratio of lung mass to total body mass in kogiids, physeterids, and ziphiids was similar to that of terrestrial mammals, while delphinids and phocoenids possessed relatively large lungs. Thus, small lung size in deep‐diving odontocetes may be a plesiomorphic character. The relatively large lung size of delphinids and phocoenids appears to be a derived condition that may permit the lung to function as a site of respiratory gas exchange throughout a dive in these rapid breathing, short‐duration, shallow divers. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Swimming and diving abilities of two syntopic species of water shrews, Neomys anomalus and Neomys fodiens, were tested in aquaria using video recordings taken from three views (lateral distant, lateral close and dorsal). The frequency and total duration of diving, as well as the mean duration of diving and floating bouts, were significantly higher in N. fodiens than in N. anomalus. Frequency of paddling during surface swimming was lower in N. fodiens than in N. anomalus. N. fodiens dived mainly for long distances at the bottom of the aquarium and performed a wider range of dive profiles than N. anomalus, which preferred rather short and shallow dives. The two species differed also significantly in their fineness ratios (describing how streamlined their bodies are) when diving. When swimming, N. fodiens had a relatively wider body and performed narrower movements with its tail than N. anomalus. These results show quantitatively and qualitatively for the first time that N. fodiens is more proficient at swimming and diving than N. anomalus. The results also help to explain the inter-specific differences in efficiency of underwater foraging, and support the idea of segregation of ecological niches of these species based on their different foraging modes (diving vs. wading).  相似文献   

The physiological and behavioural development of diving was examined in Australian fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) pups to assess whether animals at weaning are capable of exploiting the same resources as adult females. Haematocrit, haemoglobin and myoglobin contents all increased throughout pup development though total body oxygen stores reached only 71% of adult female levels just prior to weaning. Oxygen storage components, however, did not develop at the same pace. Whereas blood oxygen stores had reached adult female levels by 9 months of age, muscle oxygen stores were slower to develop, reaching only 23% of adult levels by this age. Increases in diving behaviour corresponded to the physiological changes observed. Pups spent little time (<8%) in the water prior to moulting (age 1–2 months) whereas following the moult, they spent >27% of time in the water and made mid-water dives (maximum depth 35.7 ± 2.9 m) with durations of 0.35 ± 0.03 min. By 9 months (just prior to weaning), 30.5 ± 9.3% of all dives performed were U-shaped benthic dives (maximum depth 65.0 ± 6.0 m) with mean durations of 0.87 ± 0.25 min, significantly shorter than those of adult females. These results suggest that while Australian fur seal pups approaching the age of weaning are able to reach similar depths as adult females, they do not have the physiological capacity to remain at these depths for sufficient durations to exploit them to the same efficiency.  相似文献   

Diving animals must endeavor to increase their dive depths and prolong the time they spend exploiting resources at depth. Results from captive and wild studies suggest that many diving animals extend their foraging bouts by decreasing their metabolisms while submerged. We measured metabolic rates of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) trained to dive to depth in the open ocean to investigate the relationships between diving behaviour and the energetic costs of diving. We also constructed a general linear model to predict the oxygen consumption of sea lions diving in the wild. The resultant model suggests that swimming distance and depth of dives significantly influence the oxygen consumption of diving Steller sea lions. The predictive power of the model was tested using a cross-validation approach, whereby models reconstructed using data from pairs of sea lions were found to accurately predict the oxygen consumption of the third diving animal. Predicted oxygen consumption during dives to depth ranged from 3.37 L min− 1 at 10 m, to 1.40 L min− 1 at 300 m over a standardized swimming distance of 600 m. This equated to an estimated metabolic rate of 97.54 and 40.52 MJ day− 1, and an estimated daily feeding requirement of 18.92 and 7.96 kg day− 1 for dives between 10 and 300 m, respectively. The model thereby provides information on the potential energetic consequences that alterations in foraging strategies due to changes in prey availability could have on wild populations of sea lions.  相似文献   

Diving physiology and at-sea behavior of a juvenile leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonyx) were opportunistically measured in the Antarctic Peninsula during winter 2002. Total body oxygen stores were estimated from measures of hematocrit, hemoglobin, myoglobin, and total blood volume and were used to calculate an aerobic dive limit (ADL). Movement patterns and diving behavior were measured by equipping the seal with a Satellite Relay Data Logger that transmitted data from 8–31 August 2002. The seal remained in a focal area, in contrast to crabeater seals tracked simultaneously. The seal displayed short, shallow dives (mean 2.0±1.4 min, 44±48 m) and spent 99.9% of its time within the estimated ADL of 7.4 min. The shallow diving behavior contradicts previous diet research suggesting Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) is the primary prey of leopard seals during the winter months as krill were found at deeper depths during this period. These measurements of diving and movement of a leopard seal provide valuable preliminary data necessary to develop future research on the at-sea behavior of an apex predator in the Antarctic ecosystem.  相似文献   

Cetaceans exhibit an exceptionally wide range of body mass that influence both the capacities for oxygen storage and utilization; the balance of these factors is important for defining dive limits. Furthermore, myoglobin content is a key oxygen store in the muscle as it is many times higher in marine mammals than terrestrial mammals. Yet little consideration has been given to the effects of myoglobin content or body mass on cetacean dive capacity. To determine the importance of myoglobin content and body mass on cetacean diving performance, we measured myoglobin content of the longissimus dorsi for ten odontocete (toothed whales) and one mysticete (baleen whales) species ranging in body mass from 70 to 80000 kg. The results showed that myoglobin content in cetaceans ranged from 1.81 to 5.78 g (100 g wet muscle)(-1). Myoglobin content and body mass were both positively and significantly correlated to maximum dive duration in odontocetes; this differed from the relationship for mysticetes. Overall, the combined effects of body mass and myoglobin content accounts for 50% of the variation in cetacean diving performance. While independent analysis of the odontocetes showed that body mass and myoglobin content accounts for 83% of the variation in odontocete dive capacity.  相似文献   

The diving and foraging behaviours of Adélie penguins, Pygoscelis adeliae, rearing chiks at Hukuro Cove, Lützow-Holm Bay, where the fast sea-ice remained throughout summer, were compared to those of penguins at Magnetic Island, Prydz Bay, where the fast sea-ice disappeared in early January. Parent penguins at Hukuro Cove made shallower (7.1–11.3 m) but longer (90–111 s) dives than those at Magnetic Island (22.9 m and 62 s). Dive duration correlated with dive depth at both colonies (r 2 = 0.001 ∼ 0.90), but the penguins atg Hukuro Cove made longer dives for a given depth. Parents at Hukuro Cove made shorter foraging trips (8.1–14.4 h) with proportionally longer walking/swimming (diving < 1 m) travel time (27–40% of trip duration) and returned with smaller meals (253–293 g) than those at Magnetic Island, which foraged on average for 57.2 h, spent 2% of time walking/swimming ( < 1 m) travel, and with meals averaging 525 g. Trip duration at both colonies correlated to the total time spent diving. Trip duration at Hukuro Cove, but not at Magnetic Island, increased as walking/swimming ( < 1 m) travel time increased. These differences in foraging behaviour between colonies probably reflected differences in sea-ice cover and the availability of foraging sites. Received: 3 November 1995/Accepted: 29 May 1996  相似文献   

Harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) pups begin diving within hours of birth, stimulating the development of the blood oxygen (O2) stores necessary to sustain underwater aerobic metabolism. Since harbor seals experience a brief nursing period, the early-life development of these blood O2 stores is necessary for successful post-weaning foraging. If mothers and pups become prematurely separated, the pup may be transported to a wildlife rehabilitation center for care. Previous studies suggest that the shallow pools and lack of diving in rehabilitation facilities may lead to under-developed blood O2 stores, but diving behavior during rehabilitation has not been investigated. This study aimed to simultaneously study the diving behaviors and blood O2 store development of rehabilitating harbor seal pups. Standard hematology measurements (Hct, Hb, RBC, MCV, MCH, MCHC) were taken to investigate O2 storage capacity and pups were equipped with time-depth recorders to investigate natural diving behavior while in rehabilitation. Linear mixed models of the data indicate that all measured blood parameters changed with age; however, when compared to literature values for wild harbor seal pups, rehabilitating pups have smaller red blood cells (RBCs) that can store less hemoglobin (Hb) and subsequently, less O2, potentially limiting their diving capabilities. Wild pups completed longer dives at younger ages (maximum reported <25 days of age: 9 min) in previous studies than the captive pups in this study (maximum <25 days of age: 2.86 min). However, captivity may only affect the rate of development, as long duration dives were observed (maximum during rehabilitation: 13.6 min at 89 days of age). Further, this study suggests that there may be a positive relationship between RBC size and the frequency of long duration dives. Thus, rehabilitating harbor seal pups should be encouraged to make frequent, long duration dives to prepare themselves for post-release foraging.  相似文献   

Rapid changes in sea ice cover associated with global warming are poised to have marked impacts on polar marine mammals. Here we examine skeletal muscle characteristics supporting swimming and diving in one polar species, the narwhal, and use these attributes to further document this cetacean's vulnerability to unpredictable sea ice conditions and changing ecosystems. We found that extreme morphological and physiological adaptations enabling year‐round Arctic residency by narwhals limit behavioral flexibility for responding to alternations in sea ice. In contrast to the greyhound‐like muscle profile of acrobatic odontocetes, the longissimus dorsi of narwhals is comprised of 86.8%± 7.7% slow twitch oxidative fibers, resembling the endurance morph of human marathoners. Myoglobin content, 7.87 ± 1.72 g/100 g wet muscle, is one of the highest levels measured for marine mammals. Calculated maximum aerobic swimming distance between breathing holes in ice is <1,450 m, which permits routine use of only 2.6%–10.4% of ice‐packed foraging grounds in Baffin Bay. These first measurements of narwhal exercise physiology reveal extreme specialization of skeletal muscles for moving in a challenging ecological niche. This study also demonstrates the power of using basic physiological attributes to predict species vulnerabilities to environmental perturbation before critical population disturbance occurs.  相似文献   

We present data on the diving behaviour and the energetics of breeding little penguins in Tasmania, Australia. Using an 18 m long still water canal in conjunction with respirometry, we determined the energy requirements while diving. Using electronic devices measuring dive depth or swimming speed, we investigated the foraging behaviour at sea. Cost of Transport was calculated to be minimal at the speed the birds prefer at sea (1.8 m/s) and averaged 11.1 J/kg/m (power requirements at that speed: 20.0 W/kg). Metabolic rate of little penguins resting in water was found to be 8.5 W/kg. The externally-attached devices had no significant influence on the energy expenditure.
Foraging trips can be divided into four distinct phases with different diving behaviours. A mean of 500 dives was executed per foraging trip lasting about 18 hours with 60% of this time being spent swimming. The total distance travelled averaged 73 km per day, although foraging range was about 12km. Mean swimming speed of little penguins at sea was 1.8 m/s, maximum swimming speed was 3.3 m/s. More than 50% of all dives had maxima not exceeding 2 m. Maximum depth reached was 27 m. Mean dive duration was 21 s. There were inter-sex differences in diving behaviour as well as changes in foraging behaviour over the breeding period. Aerobic dive limits (ADL) in the wild were estimated between 42 and 50 s. From the swim canal experiments we derived an ADL of 44 s. Total oxygen stores were calculated to be 45 ml O2/kg. Only 2% of all dives exceeded the ADL. FMRs at sea were calculated to be between 1280 and 1500 kJ/kg/d according to chick size. The yearly food requirements of a breeding little penguin amount to 114 kg.  相似文献   

The diving capacity of marine mammals is typically defined by the aerobic dive limit (ADL) which, in lieu of direct measurements, can be calculated (cADL) from total body oxygen stores (TBO) and diving metabolic rate (DMR). To estimate cADL, we measured blood oxygen stores, and combined this with diving oxygen consumption rates (VO2) recorded from 4 trained Steller sea lions diving in the open ocean to depths of 10 or 40 m. We also examined the effect of diving exercise on O2 stores by comparing blood O2 stores of our diving animals to non-diving individuals at an aquarium. Mass-specific blood volume of the non-diving individuals was higher in the winter than in summer, but there was no overall difference in blood O2 stores between the diving and non-diving groups. Estimated TBO (35.9 ml O2 kg?1) was slightly lower than previously reported for Steller sea lions and other Otariids. Calculated ADL was 3.0 min (based on an average DMR of 2.24 L O2 min?1) and was significantly shorter than the average 4.4 min dives our study animals performed when making single long dives—but was similar to the times recorded during diving bouts (a series of 4 dives followed by a recovery period on the surface), as well as the dive times of wild animals. Our study is the first to estimate cADL based on direct measures of VO2 and blood oxygen stores for an Otariid and indicates they have a much shorter ADL than previously thought.  相似文献   

The energetic costs of swimming at the surface (swimming) and swimming underwater (diving) are compared in tufted ducks (Aythya fuligula) and three species of penguins, the gentoo (Pygoscelis papua), the king (Aptenodytes patagonicus), and the emperor (Aythya forsteri). Ducks swim on the surface and use their webbed feet as paddles, whereas penguins tend to swim just below the surface and use their flippers as hydrofoils, the latter being much more efficient. Penguins are more streamlined in shape. Thus, the amount of energy required to transport a given mass of bird a given distance (known as the cost of transport) is some two to three times greater in ducks than in penguins. Ducks are also very buoyant, and overcoming the force of buoyancy accounts for 60% and 85% of the cost of descent and remaining on the bottom, respectively, in these birds. The energy cost of a tufted duck diving to about 1.7 m is similar to that when it is swimming at its maximum sustainable speed at the surface (i.e., approximately 3.5 times the value when resting on water). Nonetheless, because of the relatively short duration of its dives, the tufted duck dives well within its calculated aerobic dive limit (cADL, usable O(2) stores per rate of O(2) usage when underwater). However, these three species of penguins have maximum dive durations ranging from 5 min to almost 16 min and maximum dive depths from 155 to 530 m. When these birds dive, they have to metabolise at no more than when resting in water in order for cADL to encompass the duration of most of their natural dives. In gentoo and king penguins, there is a fall in abdominal temperature during bouts of diving; this may reduce the oxygen requirements in the abdominal region, thus enabling dive duration to be extended further than would otherwise be the case.  相似文献   

Physical environment and physiological characteristics of marine mammals potentially affect the duration and depth of diving. Härkönen (1987b) proposed a hypothesis that the harbor seal would gain maximum energy by foraging at intermediate depths. To investigate this hypothesis, we studied diving behavior of the Pacific harbor seal (Phoca vitulina ricbardii) during 1995 through 1997 in Monterey Bay, California. Dive depths (n = 13,063 dives) were recorded via time‐depth recorders. Approximately 80% of recorded dives were classified as square dives (type I), which typically were associated with foraging in pinnipeds. Approximately 11% of dives were V dives (type II; 1,402 dives), and the remainder (1,225 dives) were skewed dives (type III and IV). The deepest recorded dive was 481 m, while the greatest duration was 35.25 min. Body mass explained the variability of durations of long dives for females (95th percentile; D95♂=‐5.47 + 0.18 × (mass♀), r2= 0.91, 95% CI for slope = [0.08, 0.28], n= 5) and for males (D95♂=‐5.86 + 0.18 × (mass♀), r2= 0.83, 95% CI for slope = [0.12, 0.24], n= 11). The large proportion of variability in deep dives, however, was explained by body mass only for males (95th percentile; Z95♂=‐363.9 + 6.05 × (mass♀), r2= 0.83, 95% CI for slope = [3.93, 8.17], n= 11) and not for females (Z95,♂=?148.1 +3.11 × (mass♀), r2= 0.58, 95% CI for slope = [‐1.7, 7.9], n= 5, 95% CI for slope= [?1.7, 7.9]). Median depths of presumed foraging dives of harbor seals in the Monterey Bay area were between 5 and 100 m, which were within the range of the previously reported depths for other areas (< 100 m). Our findings generally supported Härkönen's hypothesis that harbor seals forage in the intermediate depth in their environment.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that the crocodilian M. diaphragmaticus extends the duration of dives by disabling this muscle in a group of juvenile American alligators and comparing the duration of their dives to the duration of the dives of animals in which the muscle remained intact. We studied the groups while they were fasting, 1 h after they had eaten a meal with a density that was either greater or less than water, and at 22 and 28 °C. We found that the duration of dives was longer for the control group compared to animals without a functional M. diaphragmaticus, both when fasting and after having consumed the denser meal. The warmer temperature significantly decreased the duration of the dives for both groups, as did eating in general. The preponderance of these data indicates that transection of the diaphragmaticus reduced time spent underwater, but the mechanism for this reduction is unknown. Lack of a functional diaphragmaticus could impair the animals’ ability to inspire sufficient air to support the dive, but we think this explanation is unlikely because both groups were able to float at the surface and thus needed to reduce lung volume to dive. An alternative explanation is that the effect on duration is a consequence of an impairment of a locomotor rather than ventilatory function of the muscle.  相似文献   

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