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The anatomical structure of internal sacs for embryonic incubation was studied using SEM and light microscopy in three cheilostome bryozoans-Nematoflustra flagellata (Waters,1904), Gontarella sp., and Biflustra perfragilis MacGillivray, 1881. In all these species the brood sac is located in the distal half of the maternal (egg-producing) autozooid, being a conspicuous invagination of the body wall. It consists of the main chamber and a passage (neck) to the outside that opens independently of the introvert. There are several groups of muscles attached to the thin walls of the brood sac and possibly expanding it during oviposition and larval release. Polypide recycling begins after oviposition in Gontarella sp., and the new polypide bud is formed by the beginning of incubation. Similarly, polypides in brooding zooids degenerate in N. flagellata and, sometimes, in B. perfragilis. In the evolution of brood chambers in the Cheilostomata, such internal sacs for embryonic incubation are considered a final step, being the result of immersion of the brooding cavity into the maternal zooid and reduction of the protecting fold (ooecium). Possible reasons for this transformation are discussed, and the hypothesis of Santagata and Banta (Santagata and Banta1996) that internal brooding evolved prior to incubation in ovicells is rejected.  相似文献   

Summary Nest defence is a frequent and widespread parental behaviour which enhances brood survival. We have found that in a Spanish Magpie population which is heavily parasitized by the brood parasitic Great Spotted Cuckoo, Magpies defend (1) unparasitized more frequently than parasitized nests, and (2) at the end of the nestling period more frequently than in other stages of the breeding cycle. Great Spotted Cuckoos are brood parasites, which means that their eggs are incubated and their nestlings are raised by members of a host species. Brood parasites are not thought to take care of their own offspring. However, we have found that Great Spotted Cuckoos sometimes scolded us on our regular visits to parasitized magpie nests (but never on those to unparasitized nests). Frequency of nest defence by cuckoos differed significantly among years, being significantly higher at the beginning of the study. Although sporadic observations of adult brood parasites feeding juveniles have been recorded, nest defence has not previously been suggested for any brood parasite.
Nestverteidigung von durch den Häherkuckuck(Clamator glandarius) parasitierten und unparasitierten Nestern bei Elstern(Pica pica)
Zusammenfassung Nestverteidigung ist ein häufiges und weit verbreitetes elterliches Verhalten zur Erhöhung des Bruterfolges. In einer spanischen Elsterpopulation, die sehr intensiv vom Häherkuckuck parasitiert ist, wurden unparasitierte Nester häufiger verteidigt als parasitierte, und zum Ende der Nestlingsperiode wurden Nestern häufiger verteidigt als zu früheren Phasen des Brutzyklus. Häherkuckucke sind Brutparasiten, deren Eier von den Wirtseltern bebrütet und die Nestlinge von ihnen aufgezogen werden. Solche Brutparasiten kümmern sich im allgemeinen nicht selbst um ihre Nachkommen. Manchmal jedoch haßten Häherkuckuck auf uns, wenn wir parasitierte Nester der Elster kontrollierten, während an unparasitierten Nestern ein solches Hassen niemals erfolgte. Die Häufigkeit dieser Nestverteidugung der Kuckucke variierte zwischen Jahren und war signifikant häufiger zu Beginn unserer Untersuchung. Zwar wurde gelegentlich schon Füttern der Jungvögel durch elterliche Brutparasiten beobachtet, die hier festgestellte Nestverteidung ist bisher aber von keinem Brutparasiten beschrieben.

The development and allometric growth patterns of the ariid catfishes Cathorops spixii and Cathorops agassizii were studied from neurula embryos to juveniles. The ontogenetic sequence revealed that prior to hatching, embryos of both species are well developed, and their axial and appendicular skeletons are well ossified. Embryos of both species grow slowly longitudinally, but positively allometric growth (growth coefficient, β1 > 1) was observed in head width and eye diameter. It is hypothesized that these growth patterns might be related to functional priorities for the development of sensory organs, such as the inner ears (otoliths), the Weberian apparatus, eyes and nostrils, during the embryonic period. The first appearance of vertebrae and otoliths, as well as the ossification of otoliths and the Weberian apparatus, occur earlier in embryos of C. agassizii than in embryos of C. spixii. After hatching, mouth‐brooded free embryos of both species grow isometrically. Negatively allometric growth was observed in head width and eye diameter during the yolk‐sac period, which is expected given that the sensory organs are already formed. Free embryos of C. agassizii are distinguishable from those of C. spixii by their larger eyes, longer snouts, longer heads and heavier yolk sacs. The end of the yolk‐sac period is characterized by a direct change from free embryo to juvenile, without a true larval period. The juveniles of the two species can also be distinguished from each other by the larger eyes of C. agassizii compared with C. spixii, as in adult fishes.  相似文献   

Cost of reproduction is associated with a reduction in subsequent survival or future breeding success. A decrease in survival rate of parents during or after reproduction reduces the probability of their future reproduction. However, few studies have demonstrated such survival costs to parents. Females of Armadillidium vulgare hold their eggs in a marsupium and brood these until the young hatch. Caring for eggs in a marsupium seems to place a large burden on brooding females, and it restricts their predator avoidance behaviour. As such, costs of care may increase the mortality rates of brooding females. To reveal the costs of parental care, we examined the effects of egg brooding on behaviour and predation risk. Egg‐brooding females decreased speed of locomotion and rolling duration, and were killed by predators at a higher rate. Our results indicate that egg brooding in A. vulgare has costs in the form of predation risk.  相似文献   

The heart urchin Abatus cavernosus shows sexual dimorphism characterized by the development of external brood pouches and the enlargement of gonopores in brooding females. Relationships between body size, gonopore size, and gonadal maturation in each sex were examined for inflection points using piecewise regression models (PRM). Opening of the gonopore occurred at 15.5 mm test length. Inflection points in the gonadal growth and gonopore diameter trajectories were clustered at smaller sizes in males (23 and 24.2 mm, respectively) than in females (25.1 and 25.9 mm), indicating sex‐specific differences in sexual maturation. Gonopore growth showed positive allometry at pre‐adult stages of development in both sexes, but isometry and negative allometry in adult females and males, respectively. Gonadal growth was initiated at smaller sizes and proceeded at a higher rate with increasing body size in males than in females. Identification of inflection points in gonopore and gonadal growth trajectories, using objective PRM, allows the determination of life stages and sexual maturation for individuals, thus providing a complementary tool for population studies.  相似文献   

This study aimed to confirm sex change in Tegillarca granosa to determine whether this species is a sequential hermaphrodite. Samples of bivalves were divided into two groups, namely, a 1+ year class (14 months) and a 2+ year class (26 months), for analysis. At the beginning of the study, 44.3% of T. granosa were female, and after one year, this increased to 53.9% in the same population. The increase of females in the population was greater in the 1+ year class (12.3%), when compared with the 2+ year class (6.5%). Overall, a sex change ratio of 15.1% (n = 104/688) was recorded for T. granosa. The sex change ratio of the 1+ year class (17.8%) was higher than that of the 2+ year class (12.1%), and displayed the tendency of being higher in the males (21.2%), than the females (6.2%). The results of this study indicate that T. granosa is a sequential hermaphrodite.  相似文献   

Many vertebrates form monogamous pairs to mate and care for their offspring. However, genetic tools have increasingly shown that offspring often arise from matings outside of the monogamous pair bond. Social monogamy is relatively common in coral reef fishes, but there have been few studies that have confirmed monogamy or extra‐pair reproduction, either for males or for females. Here, long‐term observations and genetic tools were applied to examine the parentage of embryos in a paternally mouth‐brooding cardinalfish, Sphaeramia nematoptera. Paternal care in fishes, such as mouth‐brooding, is thought to be associated with a high degree of confidence in paternity. Two years of observations confirmed that S. nematoptera form long‐term pair bonds within larger groups. However, genetic parentage revealed extra‐pair mating by both sexes. Of 105 broods analysed from 64 males, 30.1% were mothered by a female that was not the partner and 11.5% of broods included eggs from two females. Despite the high paternal investment associated with mouth‐brooding, 7.6% of broods were fertilized by two males. Extra‐pair matings appeared to be opportunistic encounters with individuals from outside the immediate group. We argue that while pair formation contributes to group cohesion, both males and females can maximize lifetime reproductive success by taking advantage of extra‐pair mating opportunities.  相似文献   

Parental nutrient contribution of two closely related, sympatric pipefish species was investigated following exposure to mid-range environmental concentrations of the polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) mixture Aroclor 1254 (mean ± s . e . = 52·89 ± 2·12 μg l−1). This study tested the hypothesis that differential nutrient supplementation during development predicts interspecific sensitivity to environmental stressors. Specifically, paternal PCB exposure was predicted to affect Syngnathus fuscus development because embryos depend on paternally derived nutrient sources in the brood pouch. Conversely, changes in Syngnathus floridae egg production were expected following maternal PCB treatment as a nurse-egg system generates the nutrient-rich pouch fluid. Lipid concentrations in adult blood plasma were significantly elevated following Aroclor 1254 treatment in S. floridae gravid females and post-brooding S. fuscus males ( P < 0·001) which suggested mobilization from body tissues in response to metabolic demands. Aroclor 1254 treatment also resulted in decreased protein concentrations in S. fuscus pouch fluid ( P < 0·05). These changes were not translated into significant exposure-related effects in the nutrient reserves of eggs and fry or fry size. Overall S. fuscus demonstrated a general sensitivity to disturbances from laboratory exposure conditions. Whereas a previous investigation of field-collected pipefishes showed comparable interspecific pouch fluid and fry nutrient concentrations and egg size, here, nutrient levels and egg diameter decreased in both laboratory-mated control and PCB-exposed S. fuscus . This study demonstrates the potential physiological effects of PCB exposure on parental nutrient allocation in syngnathids and the general sensitivity of S. fuscus to environmental disturbances.  相似文献   

Parental care of eggs by male upland bullies Gobiomorphus breviceps was studied in the field and in the laboratory, with special emphasis on the effect of infection by trematode cysts. In the field, the proportion of old eggs in the nest affected the time taken by males to return to their nest after being chased away, but only in one year of the study. No effects of male size, male parasite load, number of eggs per nest or nest characteristics were observed. In the laboratory, heavily-infected males spent more time fanning their eggs than lightly-infected ones. Smaller males also tended to spend more time fanning than large males. Male size, parasite load and number of eggs per nest had no measurable effect on the aggressiveness of guarding males towards intruders, weight loss in males or egg incubation time. Parental investments did not vary as a function of age of the eggs. All males cannibalized some of their eggs, and there appeared to be a threshold brood size below which males consumed their entire brood. Overall, results were not consistent with those of studies on other fish species, and indicate that rules of investment in parental care may be different for fish inhabiting harsh, unpredictable environments.  相似文献   

Regulation of brood size in a biparental burying beetle, Nicrophorus tomentosusWeber, was studied by providing pairs with one of two sizes of mouse carcasses in the laboratory. For a given carcass size, there was an inverse relationship between number and mass offspring in a brood. The requirement for regulation was that brood size was adjusted such that mean mass of individual larvae was constant for carcasses of different size. Brood size was regulated if parents were present but regulation did not occur if parents were removed prior to hatching of larvae. Pairs bred in quick succession on two carcasses raised fewer than the regulated number of young in the second reproductive attempt. Reasons for regulation of brood size in this genus are discussed.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory studies were conducted to clarify the processes contributing to the size-assortative nest use by males of a paternal brooding blenny Rhabdoblennius ellipes . The use of natural and artificial nests by males in the field was highly size-assortative; males used smaller nests even when larger nests were available. Aquarium nest choice experiments without a competitive male strongly suggested that the size-assortative nest use by males is not the result of male–male competition for larger nests, but male preference for size-matched nests. Males were likely to choose nests on the basis of the nest entrance size rather than nest length and volume, suggesting that the size-assortative nest preference in this species is an adaptation to predation pressure against eggs and resident males.  相似文献   

Production of successive clutches within the same breeding season has received less attention than many other aspects of avian reproduction. Waders are of particular interest because in these birds, multiple clutches are associated with at least three different breeding systems: double-clutching (uniparental care), monogamous double-brooding (biparental care) and polyandry (uni- or biparental care). Data from eight species and twelve breeding populations suggest that early second clutches, and thus brood overlap, are associated with parental role division and uniparental care, whereas species or populations with biparental care tend to have long intervals between successive clutches. We suggest that ecological factors influencing the relative timing of the second clutch will have consequences for the parental care system. In particular, conditions that favour early laying of the second clutch (large brood overlap) are likely to lead to parental role division, as found in double-clutching species. Factors determining the timing of second clutches are discussed, as are possibilities for testing these ideas.  相似文献   

We present maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference relative time‐tree analyses of aligned gene sequences from a worldwide collection of craniiform brachiopods belonging to two genera, Novocrania and Neoancistrocrania. Sequences were obtained from one mitochondrial and three nuclear‐encoded ribosomal RNA genes from varying numbers of specimens. Data‐exploration by network (splits) analyses indicates that each gene identifies the same divergent clades and (with one minor exception) the same inter‐clade relationships. Neoancistrocrania specimens were found only in the Pacific Ocean, near Japan, on the Norfolk and Chesterfield Ridges, and near the Solomon Islands. The Novocrania clades, in approximate order of increasing distance from the root comprise 1. a ‘Northern’ clade of animals collected in the NE. Atlantic, W. Mediterranean and Adriatic; 2. a ‘Tethyan’ clade comprising animals from the E. Mediterranean, Cape Verde islands and the Caribbean (Belize and Jamaica); 3. a ‘NE. Pacific’ clade containing animals from Vancouver Island and from localities near Japan and south of Taiwan; 4. a ‘Southern’ clade that contains two widely separated subclades, one from New Zealand and the other with an extraordinarily wide distribution, ranging from near Japan in the north to the Chesterfield Ridge and Solomon Islands in the West, and in the East to the Galapagos Islands, the coast of South America (Chile) and Richardson seamount (off South Africa) in the South Atlantic. To the South, members of this clade were found in the Weddell, Scotia and Bellinghausen Antarctic Seas. The root of the extant craniid radiation was previously found (by relaxed‐clock analysis) to lie on the branch connecting the two genera so that, in effect, the one clade of Neoancistrocrania serves to polarise evolutionary relationships within the several clades of Novocrania. As previously suggested, all results confirm that Neoancistrocrania is sister to the ‘Northern’ Novocrania clade, and this leads to a proposal that Neoancistrocrania represents one extreme of a wide range of variation in ancestral ventral valve mineralisation, speciation (~90 Ma) resulting from competitive exclusion in rapidly‐growing reef environments. To the extent possible, the identified molecular clades are correlated with named species of Novocrania. The reproductive and population biology of craniid brachiopods is not well known, but from available evidence they are considered to have low‐dispersal potential and, except in enclosed localities such as cold‐water fjords, to have small effective population sizes, features which are consistent with the observed divergent populations in well‐separated localities. Exceptionally slow craniid molecular (rDNA) evolution is suggested by the short branch of Novocrania where it has been used as an outgroup for large‐scale analyses of metazoans. Slow molecular evolution is also indicated by the existence of a distinct Tethyan clade, reflecting restricted dispersal at former times, and by the uniform, short, genetic distances and exceptionally wide geographical distribution of the Southern clade. Thus, the geographical distribution and phylogenetic divergence of craniid brachiopods is an example of phylotectonics, in which relationships revealed by phylogenetic analyses reflect opportunities for dispersal and settlement that were created by tectonic plate movements associated, in this case, with opening and closure of Tethys and the breakup of Gondwana. Molecular dating of craniid divergences and radiochemical dating of tectonic events thus illuminate one another. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The prolonged brood care model rests on the assumption thatretaining an offspring through the winter months in the faceof a limited food supply should have a cost for parents. Wetested this idea with a New World permanent-resident bird,the tufted titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor). Using DNA fingerprinting,we assessed the degree of relatedness between adult and juvenilebirds in 17 winter groups, finding that in 8 of the groups no young bird was the offspring of the territorial pair. We comparedthe nutritional condition of territorial adult birds in smallforest fragments from which their own offspring and other younghad been removed with the nutritional condition of controlbirds from unmanipulated fragments. Contrary to the model'sassumption, the nutritional condition of adults in treatment groups (young removed) appeared to be worse, not better, thanin groups where a related juvenile was present. These resultssuggest that the prolonged brood care model may not be universalin its application and that under some ecological conditions,retaining offspring through the winter can result in a netbenefit for territorial adults despite the necessity of sharing resources.  相似文献   

Eleven microsatellites were isolated in the freshwater snail Bulinus forskalii, intermediate host for the medically important trematode Schistosoma intercalatum. Characterization in 60 snails from three populations of B. forskalii from Cameroon revealed 4 to 18 alleles per locus. Low observed heterozygosity but higher expected heterozygosity, high FIS estimates, significant departures from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium and genotypic linkage disequilibria all indicate that B. forskalii is a preferential selfer. High FST estimates suggest that effective dispersal is limited and genetic drift is an important determinant of genetic structure. The potential utility of the microsatellite primers in other closely related Bulinus species was explored.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Nesting female beetles righted brood balls (so as to replace the egg or larva in the uppermost position) and repaired damaged balls. This behaviour required the presence of an egg or larva in the ball, or of a short-lasting material found just after oviposition. The shape of the ball was also a righting stimulus since artificial ellipsoids were stood on end.
2. Balls containing dichloromethane extracts of C.lunaris brood were righted and repaired. Eggs and larvae of several other Scarabaeidae did not release these responses but were destroyed.
3. Righting behaviour was released when brood was absent from the top of the ball. The beetle then crawled vertically downwards and, if it encountered the displaced apex, a novel rolling action followed which automatically turned the ball towards the correct position.
4. An opening made in the nest was repaired with soil excavated from the chamber floor. Clunaris adults and Aphodius fossor larvae were attacked if they were encountered in the nest.  相似文献   

Optimal allocation of parental resources is an important life history trait. However, it has been rarely investigated empirically. We tested aspects of optimal allocation theory in a digger wasp, the European beewolf. Investment allocation theory assumes (1) a trade‐off between investment per offspring and offspring number and (2) a convex relationship between investment per offspring and fitness returns. From mis relationship an optimum amount of investment per offspring can be derived and parents are predicted to provide each offspring with this optimum amount of investment. We used the number of bees in a brood cell as a measure of parental investment. Offspring fitness was quantified as both survival until emergence and success as adults. There is evidence for a trade‐off between current and future reproduction, suggesting that the first assumption is met. In contradiction to the second assumption, one mortality factor, parasitism, increased proportionally with the number of bees in a brood cell. However, overall mortality until emergence significantly decreased with the number of bees in a brood cell as assumed by the theory. The determination of the optimum amount of investment per offspring is complicated because the sexes possibly differ in their relationship between amount of investment and fitness. Individual males received considerably fewer bees (2.2 ± 0.8) than females (3.8 ± 0.5). Two independent estimates of the investment specific survival suggested that sons with two bees had the highest fitness returns per single bee and, consistent with the prediction, most sons were provisioned with two bees. For daughters, four bees is probably the optimum amount and most daughters were provisioned with this number. In both sexes the variation of investment per offspring was less than expected by a Poisson distribution with the same mean. These findings support the view that parental investment is allocated in a way that optimizes the trade‐off between offspring number and investment per offspring. However, variation contradicting the hypothesis still occurred. This might be explained either by adaptive variation in the amount of investment per offspring, constraints in the adjustment of the optimum amount of investment, or problems in measuring parental investment.  相似文献   

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