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The question of how tetrapod limbs evolved from fins is one of the great puzzles of evolutionary biology. While palaeontologists, developmental biologists, and geneticists have made great strides in explaining the origin and early evolution of limb skeletal structures, that of the muscles remains largely unknown. The main reason is the lack of consensus about appendicular muscle homology between the closest living relatives of early tetrapods: lobe‐finned fish and crown tetrapods. In the light of a recent study of these homologies, we re‐examined osteological correlates of muscle attachment in the pectoral girdle, humerus, radius, and ulna of early tetrapods and their close relatives. Twenty‐nine extinct and six extant sarcopterygians were included in a meta‐analysis using information from the literature and from original specimens, when possible. We analysed these osteological correlates using parsimony‐based character optimization in order to reconstruct muscle anatomy in ancestral lobe‐finned fish, tetrapodomorph fish, stem tetrapods, and crown tetrapods. Our synthesis revealed that many tetrapod shoulder muscles probably were already present in tetrapodomorph fish, while most of the more‐distal appendicular muscles either arose later from largely undifferentiated dorsal and ventral muscle masses or did not leave clear correlates of attachment in these taxa. Based on this review and meta‐analysis, we postulate a stepwise sequence of specific appendicular muscle acquisitions, splits, and fusions that led from the ancestral sarcopterygian pectoral fin to the ancestral tetrapod forelimb. This sequence largely agrees with previous hypotheses based on palaeontological and comparative work, but it is much more comprehensive in terms of both muscles and taxa. Combined with existing information about the skeletal system, our new synthesis helps to illuminate the genetic, developmental, morphological, functional, and ecological changes that were key components of the fins‐to‐limbs transition.  相似文献   

The discovery of a largely complete and well preserved specimen of Poposaurus gracilis has provided the opportunity to generate the first phylogenetically based reconstruction of pelvic and hindlimb musculature of an extinct nondinosaurian archosaur. As in dinosaurs, multiple lineages of basal archosaurs convergently evolved parasagittally erect limbs. However, in contrast to the laterally projecting acetabulum, or “buttress erect” hip morphology of ornithodirans, basal archosaurs evolved a very different, ventrally projecting acetabulum, or “pillar erect” hip. Reconstruction of the pelvic and hindlimb musculotendinous system in a bipedal suchian archosaur clarifies how the anatomical transformations associated with the evolution of bipedalism in basal archosaurs differed from that of bipedal dinosaurs and birds. This reconstruction is based on the direct examination of the osteology and myology of phylogenetically relevant extant taxa in conjunction with osteological correlates from the skeleton of P. gracilis. This data set includes a series of inferences (presence/absence of a structure, number of components, and origin/insertion sites) regarding 26 individual muscles or muscle groups, three pelvic ligaments, and two connective tissue structures in the pelvis, hindlimb, and pes of P. gracilis. These data provide a foundation for subsequent examination of variation in myological orientation and function based on pelvic and hindlimb morphology, across the basal archosaur lineage leading to extant crocodilians. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The patterns of spatial differentiation of the Early Mesozoic terrestrial biota in Eastern Europe and Australia-Tasmania demonstrate that the tetrapod faunal recovery following the Permian extinction was characterized by both global and regional heterogeneity. Local distinctions observed in the development of Early Triassic tetrapod assemblages of European Russia allow the recognition of the following realms: (1) the central and northern regions of the East European Platform (Moscow-Mezen Syncline) and the Timan-North Ural Region; (2) the southern Fore-Urals, including the Obshchii Syrt Plateau; and (3) the southern regions of the East European Platform (the slope of the Voronezh Anticline). Climatic conditions at the initial stage of the development of local communities were characterized by an increase in aridity and seasonal contrasts of climate. Therefore, terrestrial assemblages mostly concentrated in the aquatic and coastal biotopes. Accordingly, vertebrate assemblages of the region were dominated everywhere by aquatic amphibians and semiaquatic reptiles, while the accompanying palynomorph assemblages show the predominance of hygrophilous vegetation indicative of swampy mangrove setting. With respect to amphibians, a peak of local biogeographic differentiation falls on the onset of the Early Triassic and, in the case of reptiles, on the end of this time span. This change conforms to the increasing role of reptiles in the overall taxonomic diversity with time. Among the three main biogeographic units of the region, the Southern Fore-Ural Realm is distinguished by the maintenance of distinct faunal links with Gondwanan regions. The Southern Realm shows a connection with the Germanic Basin and more western Euramerican areas, which is documented for the Late Olenekian and occurred under influence of coastal marine conditions.  相似文献   

Microbial eukaryotes living in low oxygen environments often have novel physiological and morphological features that facilitate symbiotic relationships with bacteria and other means for acquiring nutrients. Comparative studies of these features provide evidence for phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary history. Postgaardi mariagerensis, for instance, is a euglenozoan that lives in low oxygen environments and is enveloped by episymbiotic bacteria. The general ultrastructure of P. mariagerensis was described more than a decade ago and no further studies have been carried out since, mainly because these cells are difficult to obtain. Postgaardi lacks the diagnostic features found in other major euglenozoan lineages (e.g., pellicle strips and kinetoplast-like mitochondrial inclusions) and no molecular data are available, so the phylogenetic position of this genus within the Euglenozoa remains unclear. We re-examined and reconstructed the ultrastructural organization of the feeding apparatus in Postgaardi by serial sectioning an existing block of resin-embedded cells. Postgaardi possesses distinctive finger-like projections within the feeding apparatus; this system has only been found in one other highly distinctive flagellate, namely the symbiontid Calkinsia. Detailed comparisons of the cytoskeleton in Postgaardi and in two symbiontids, Calkinsia and Bihospites, provided new evidence for phylogenetic relationships and character evolution in all three genera.  相似文献   

Some odontocetes possess unique features of the hyolingual apparatus that are involved in suction feeding. The hyoid bone and associated musculature generates rapid, piston‐like retraction, and depression of the hyoid and tongue. “Capture” suction feeders (e.g., Globicephala) use suction for capturing and swallowing prey. “Combination” feeders (i.e., Lagenorhynchus) use both raptorial feeding (to capture prey) and suction (to ingest prey). In “capture” suction feeders, features of the hyoid and skull have been attributed to creating suction (i.e., large surface area and mandibular bluntness). In addition to odontocetes, a mysticete, the gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus), is considered a benthic suction feeder. However, anatomical studies of purported suction‐feeding structures of the gray whale are lacking. In addition, few studies have utilized evolutionary approaches to understand the history of suction feeding in cetaceans. This study incorporates quantitative and qualitative hyoid and cranial data from 35 extant and 14 extinct cetacean species into a multivariate principal component analysis and comparative phylogenetic analyses. Conclusions from these analyses are that some commonly attributed features (i.e., ventral throat grooves and mandibular bluntness) and one principal component are significantly correlated with suction feeding. Finally, ancestral state reconstructions indicate that suction feeding likely evolved once, early in cetacean evolutionary history.  相似文献   

It is at present difficult to accurately position gaps in sequence alignment and to determine substructural homology in structure alignment when reconstructing phylogenies based on highly divergent sequences. Therefore, we have developed a new strategy for inferring phylogenies based on highly divergent sequences. In this new strategy, the whole secondary structure presented as a string in bracket notation is used as phylogenetic characters to infer phylogenetic relationships. It is no longer necessary to decompose the secondary structure into homologous substructural components. In this study, reliable phylogenetic relationships of eight species in Pectinidae were inferred from the structure alignment, but not from sequence alignment, even with the aid of structural information. The results suggest that this new strategy should be useful for inferring phylogenetic relationships based on highly divergent sequences. Moreover, the structural evolution of ITS1 in Pectinidae was also investigated. The whole ITS1 structure could be divided into four structural domains. Compensatory changes were found in all four structural domains. Structural motifs in these domains were identified further. These motifs, especially those in D2 and D3, may have important functions in the maturation of rRNAs.  相似文献   

The rich Levantine fauna and flora were shaped by millions of years of migration across the region, from Africa to Eurasia and vice versa. Most large-scale processes that led to this diversity have been relatively well studied. However, small-scale processes, and details such as the area of origin of particular groups, and the route and time of dispersal are often not as clear. This is the case with the endemic Levantine representatives of the fish family Cichlidae. In this work we combine genetic, palaeontological and geological data in an attempt to understand the dispersal of the cichlid fish Astatotilapia flaviijosephi (Lortet, 1883) from sub-Saharan Africa to the Levant. A. flaviijosephi is unique among the Levantine cichlids in being the only non-tilapiine. It is also the only haplochromine cichlid to be found out of Africa. A partial sequence of the control region of the mitochondrial DNA was used to determine A. flaviijosephi 's phylogenetic relationships with other African haplochromines, and to estimate its time of divergence from this group. Combining our findings with palaeontological and geological data, we suggest that A. flaviijosephi separated from the other haplochromines during the middle to late Pliocene (2.5–3.3 Mya) and probably dispersed from Africa to the Levant via the Nile.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 82 , 103–109.  相似文献   

One of the most widely recognized generalizations in biology is Bergmann's rule, the observation that, within species of birds and mammals, body size tends to be inversely related to ambient temperature. Recent studies indicate that turtles and salamanders also tend to follow Bergmann's rule, which hints that this species-level tendency originated early in tetrapod history. Furthermore, exceptions to Bergmann's rule are concentrated within squamate reptiles (lizards and snakes), suggesting that the tendency to express a Bergmann's rule cline may be heritable at the species level. We evaluated species-level heritability and early origination of Bergmann's rule by mapping size-latitude relationships for 352 species onto a tetrapod phylogeny. When the largest available dataset is used, Bergmann's rule shows significant phylogenetic signal, indicating species-level heritability. This represents one of the few demonstrations of heritability for an emergent species-level property and the first for an ecogeographic rule. When species are discretely coded as showing either Bergmann's rule or its converse, parsimony reconstructions suggest that: (1) the tendency to follow Bergmann's rule is ancestral for tetrapods, and (2) most extant species that express the rule have retained this tendency from that ancient ancestor. The first inference also generally holds when the discrete data or size-latitude correlation coefficients are analyzed using maximum likelihood, although the results are only statistically significant for some versions of the discrete analyses. The best estimates of ancestral states suggest that the traditional adaptive explanation for Bergmann's rule-conservation of metabolic heat-was not involved in the origin of the trait since that origin predates the evolution of endothermy. A more general thermoregulatory hypothesis could apply to endotherms and some ectotherms, but fails to explain why salamanders have retained Bergmann's rule. Thus, if thermoregulation underlies the origin of a Bergmann's rule tendency, this trait may have been continuously maintained while its cause changed. Alternatively, thermoregulation may not underlie Bergmann's rule in any tetrapod group. The results also suggest that many extinct groups not included in our analyses followed Bergmann's rule.  相似文献   


The morphology of both crowns and tooth-roots reflects dietary specialisation in mammalian carnivores. In this article, we analyse the tooth-root morphology of maxillary teeth from CT scans of living bears (Ursus arctos, Ursus americanus, Ursus maritimus, Ursus thibetanus, Melursus ursinus, Helarctos malayanus, Tremarctos ornatus and Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in order to make inferences about the diet and feeding behaviour of the extinct cave bear (Ursus spelaeus sensu lato). Specifically, we investigate two major mitochondrial clades of extinct cave bears recognized by previous authors: Ursus ingressus and Ursus spelaeus (U. spelaeus spelaeus, U. spelaeus ladinicus, U. spelaeus eremus). Our results indicate a close association between tooth-root surface area and feeding behaviour in all living bear species. Tooth-root surface area values of cave bears suggest that they relied more on vegetative matter than living brown bears (Ursus arctos) but subtle differences between these species/subspecies could also indicate different feeding strategies among the members of cave bear complex.  相似文献   

Sauropodomorpha represents an important group of Mesozoic megaherbivores, and includes the largest terrestrial animals ever known. It was the first dinosaur group to become abundant and widespread, and its members formed a significant component of terrestrial ecosystems from the Late Triassic until the end of the Cretaceous. Both of these factors have been explained by their adoption of herbivory, but understanding the evolution of sauropodomorph feeding has been hampered by the scarcity of biomechanical studies. To address this, the jaw adductor musculature of the basal sauropodomorph Plateosaurus and the sauropod Camarasaurus have been reconstructed. These reconstructions provide boundary conditions for finite element models to assess differences in structural performance between the two taxa. Results demonstrate that Camarasaurus was capable of much greater bite forces than Plateosaurus, due to greater relative adductor muscle mass and shape changes to the mandible. The skull and mandible of Camarasaurus are also ‘stronger’ under static biting. The Plateosaurus mandible appears to compromise structural efficiency and force transmission in order to maintain relatively high jaw closure speed. This supports suggestions of facultative omnivory in basal sauropodomorph taxa. The expanded mandibular symphysis and ‘lateral plates’ of sauropods each lead to greater overall craniomandibular robustness, and may have been especially important in accommodating forces related to asymmetric loading. The functional roles of these characters, and observed general shape changes in increasing skull robustness, are consistent with hypotheses linking bulk‐herbivory with the origin of Sauropoda and the evolution of gigantism.  相似文献   

Here we analysed the role played by breeding systems and pollinators in the evolution of heterostyly by testing whether evolution towards heterostyly is associated with style polymorphism and changes in pollinator proficiency or breeding system variation (Darwinian hypothesis). We studied pollinators, pollen-transfer efficiency, and incompatibility systems in all seven species of Narcissus sect. Apodanthi for which we also obtained chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) sequences from three spacers to infer phylogenetic relationships. Five species are self-incompatible and within-morph cross-compatible. Heterostylous (Narcissus albimarginatus) and style-dimorphic (Narcissus cuatrecasasii) species that have a high degree of reciprocity in stigma and anther height are primarily pollinated by solitary bees. The style-monomorphic species (Narcissus watieri) and the style-dimorphic species with the least stigma-anther reciprocity (Narcissus rupicola) are both self-compatible and pollinated by butterflies, moths and hover flies. Phylogenetic reconstruction of character transitions indicates that the shift from style dimorphism to distyly is associated with a shift to bee pollination. Pollination by lepidopterans and flies is associated with stable style dimorphism and monomorphism. Evolution and maintenance of style polymorphisms in this group of species are independent of incompatibility systems. Taken together, our results strongly support the pollinator-based model for evolution of heterostyly and style length polymorphisms in general.  相似文献   

The cranial osteology of the aquatic reptile Mesosaurus tenuidens is redescribed on the basis of new and previously examined materials from the Lower Permian of both southern Africa and South America. Mesosaurus is distinguished from other mesosaurs in exhibiting an absolutely larger skull and possessing relatively longer marginal teeth. The teeth gradually angle outwards as one progresses anteriorly in the tooth row and become conspicuously procumbent at the tip of the snout. The suggestion that mesosaurs used their conspicuous dental apparatus as a straining device for filter feeding is based upon erroneous reconstruction of a high number of teeth in this mesosaur. Reinterpretation of the morphology and the organization of the marginal teeth of Mesosaurus suggests that they were used to capture individually small, nektonic prey. General morphological aspects of the skull support the idea that Mesosaurus was an aquatic predator and that the skull was well adapted for feeding in an aqueous environment. The anatomical review permits critical reappraisal of several cranial characters that have appeared in recent phylogenetic analyses of early amniotes. Emendation of problematic characters and reanalysis of amniote phylogeny using a slightly modified data matrix from the literature strengthens the hypothesis that mesosaurs form a clade with millerettids, procolophonoids and pareiasaurs within Reptilia.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 146 , 345–368.  相似文献   

We explored the evolution of morphological integration in the most noteworthy example of adaptive radiation in mammals, the New World leaf‐nosed bats, using a massive dataset and by combining phylogenetic comparative methods and quantitative genetic approaches. We demonstrated that the phenotypic covariance structure remained conserved on a broader phylogenetic scale but also showed a substantial divergence between interclade comparisons. Most of the phylogenetic structure in the integration space can be explained by splits at the beginning of the diversification of major clades. Our results provide evidence for a multiple peak adaptive landscape in the evolution of cranial covariance structure and morphological differentiation, based upon diet and roosting ecology. In this scenario, the successful radiation of phyllostomid bats was triggered by the diversification of dietary and roosting strategies, and the invasion of these new adaptive zones lead to changes in phenotypic covariance structure and average morphology. Our results suggest that intense natural selection preceded the invasion of these new adaptive zones and played a fundamental role in shaping cranial covariance structure and morphological differentiation in this hyperdiverse clade of mammals. Finally, our study demonstrates the power of combining comparative methods and quantitative genetic approaches when investigating the evolution of complex morphologies.  相似文献   

Summary The kinetics of water replacement with heavy water (deuterium oxide) in the gastrocnemius and sartorius muscles of the frog under isotonic conditions, studied both gravimetrically and by infrared photometry, reveals three water compartments: (i) non-exchangeable ( 80 ml/kg fresh weight), (ii) slowly exchanging ( 500 ml/kg fresh weight), (iii) rapid exchanging — extracellular ( 200 ml/kg fresh weight). Exposure to both glycerol and glutaraldehyde increases the permeability coefficients and the amount of rapid exchanging water; glutaraldehyde also increases the amount of nonexchangeable water. Approximately 90% of the water is kept in the tissue only by weak intermolecular forces, the energies of which amount to 1 kcal/mol. The amount of non-exchangeable water is equivalent to about six continuous adsorption layers covering the myofilaments. Approximately 70 % of the tissue water appears to be replaced by glutaraldehyde during standard fixation.  相似文献   

By means of a new method of measurement which defines a total of eight measuring points along the median sagittal plane of the skull, methodical aspects are explained. The advantages of this method consist in its easy use and exact reproducibility of the calculated data thus obtained. On account of the fact that it permits to obtain the median sagittal plane of the skull by means of points of a cartesian system of coordinate, phylogenetic comparison, standardisable on optional points of reference respectively planes of reference is possible. The specific trigonometric construction enables extensive interpretation of single angles, distances and parts of surface, the amount of detail of which exceeds that of method in use.  相似文献   

Cranial musculature, dental function and mandibular movement patterns in Eremotherium laurillardi were reconstructed from the examination of crania and dentitions. Size, shape and pattern of muscle divisions were reconstructed from the examination of bony rugosities indicating muscle attachments. Details of masticatory muscle structure and function were based on dissections of the tree sloths Bradypus and Choloepus. Among sloths, masticatory muscles in E. laurillardi demonstrate a different synergist–antagonist pattern, reflecting greater emphasis on mediolateral mandibular movements. Eight cranial character complexes (anterior facial, zygomatic arch, superficial masseter, deep masseter–zygomaticomandibularis, pterygoid, temporal, occipital and occlusal) determined by interrelated contributions of each component made to group functions were identified. An elongate anterior face and predental spout in E. laurillardi allowed protrusion of a long narrow tongue at small degrees of gape, reflecting a probably ancestral xenarthran condition. Gape minimisation, in conjunction with the mediolaterally directed masticatory stroke in E. laurillardi, was a unique solution to increase masticatory efficiency by permitting molariform tooth shearing surfaces to remain in or near occlusion for a greater percentage of each chewing cycle.  相似文献   

Large and medium size undecalcined joints were embedded in methylmethacrylate resin. Sections of 600 μm prepared from polymethylmethacrylate blocks show minimal distortion and are suitable for surface staining and three-dimensional reconstruction. The 5 μm sections prepared from these slabs retain good cytological detail. This method permits the examination of musculoskeletal organ systems at both macroscopic and microscopic levels.  相似文献   

The nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum, is an obligate suction feeder that preys on benthic invertebrates and fish. Its cranial morphology exhibits a suite of structural and functional modifications that facilitate this mode of prey capture. During suction‐feeding, subambient pressure is generated by the ventral expansion of the hyoid apparatus and the floor of its buccopharyngeal cavity. As in suction‐feeding bony fishes, the nurse shark exhibits expansive, compressive, and recovery kinematic phases that produce posterior‐directed water flow through the buccopharyngeal cavity. However, there is generally neither a preparatory phase nor cranial elevation. Suction is generated by the rapid depression of the buccopharyngeal floor by the coracoarcualis, coracohyoideus, and coracobranchiales muscles. Because the hyoid arch of G. cirratum is loosely connected to the mandible, contraction of the rectus cervicis muscle group can greatly depress the floor of the buccopharyngeal cavity below the depressed mandible, resulting in large volumetric expansion. Suction pressures in the nurse shark vary greatly, but include the greatest subambient pressures reported for an aquatic‐feeding vertebrate. Maximum suction pressure does not appear to be related to shark size, but is correlated with the rate of buccopharyngeal expansion. As in suction‐feeding bony fishes, suction in the nurse shark is only effective within approximately 3 cm in front of the mouth. The foraging behavior of this shark is most likely constrained to ambushing or stalking due to the exponential decay of effective suction in front of the mouth. Prey capture may be facilitated by foraging within reef confines and close to the substrate, which can enhance the effective suction distance, or by foraging at night when it can more closely approach prey. J. Morphol., 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Characteristics of the small arteries (with a diameter of 200-250 μm) feeding the medial gastrocnemius muscle and diaphragm were studied. Recording of the mechanical activity of ring segments under isometric conditions demonstrated that, similar to other arteries feeding the muscles with a high content of slow fibers, the diaphragm arteries are highly sensitive to adrenoceptor agonists and acetylcholine. The differences in the endothelium-dependent relaxation in response to acetylcholine were retained in the presence of L-NAME and diclofenac. The diaphragm and gastrocnemius arteries similarly responded to serotonin. On the other hand, a high innervation density was characteristic of the diaphragm arteries unlike the arteries of other slow muscles. The density of adrenergic nerve plexus in the diaphragm arteries was considerably higher than in the gastrocnemius arteries. The results suggest that the characteristics of small diaphragm arteries are determined not only by the oxidative capacity of diaphragm muscle fibers, but also by the fact that this is a respiratory muscle.  相似文献   

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