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The West African lungfish (Protopterus annectens) performs benthic, pelvic fin‐driven locomotion with gaits common to tetrapods, the sister group of the lungfishes. Features of P. annectens movement are similar to those of modern tetrapods and include use of the distal region of the pelvic fin as a “foot,” use of the fin to lift the body above the substrate and rotation of the fin around the joint with the pelvis. In contrast to these similarities in movement, the pelvic fins of P. annectens are long, slender structures that are superficially very different from tetrapod limbs. Here, we describe the musculoskeletal anatomy of the pelvis and pelvic fins of P. annectens with dissection, magnetic resonance imaging, histology and 3D‐reconstruction methods. We found that the pelvis is embedded in the hypaxial muscle by a median rostral and two dorsolateral skeletal projections. The protractor and retractor muscles at the base of the pelvic fin are fan‐shaped muscles that cup the femur. The skeletal elements of the fin are serially repeating cartilage cylinders. Along the length of the fin, repeating truncated cones of muscles, the musculus circumradialis pelvici, are separated by connective tissue sheets that connect the skeletal elements to the skin. The simplicity of the protractor and retractor muscles at the base of the fin is surprising, given the complex rotational movement those muscles generate. In contrast, the series of many repeating segmental muscles along the length of the fin is consistent with the dexterity of bending of the distal limb. P. annectens can provide a window into soft‐tissue anatomy and sarcopterygian fish fin function that complements the fossil data from related taxa. This work, combined with previous behavioral examination of P. annectens, illustrates that fin morphologies that do not appear to be capable of walking can accomplish that function, and may inform the interpretation of fossil anatomical evidence. J. Morphol. 275:431–441, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The pectoral fin girdle was the first element of the fins to develop in Sparus aurata. By 3·1mm L N (notochord length) the cleithrum was ossified and the cartilaginous caracoid-scapula was present. The fin was fully developed at 11·6 mm L S (standard length) and by 16·0 mm L S most elements of the fin were ossified. The pelvic fins were the last pair to develop and rudiments of these were first detected at 7·9 mm L S. The pelvic fin and girdle were completely formed and ossified at 16·0 mm L S. The development of dorsal and anal fins began at c. 6·5–7·0 mm L S with the formation of 10 cartilaginous dorsal proximal radials and eight cartilaginous ventral proximal radials. The three cartilaginous predorsals (supraneurals) appeared at 7·7 mm L S and the ossification of dorsal and anal proximal and distal radials began, respectively, at 10·5 mm L S and 11·3 mm L S. Ossified structures in the fins were also classified according to their origin, as being either dermal or endochondral. Finally the chronology of appearance of fin structures in S. aurata was compared with that reported for other Sparidae, Engraulidae and Haemulidae.  相似文献   

Blennioid fishes show a highly differentiated pectoral fin, which they use to cling to the substrate. The lower part of the pectoralis, comprising about four to six fin rays, forms a hook-field with specific anatomical features: (1) the rim of the fin web has a saw-like appearance, because it extends from the tip of a fin ray to the shaft ofthe upper of two neighbouring fin rays, (2) the outer half of the bony fin ray carries a lepidotrichal cord composed of fibrocytes, collagen, elastic fibres and acidic GAGS, (3) the epidermis overlying the lepidotrichal cord is differentiated in terms of cyto-architecture and forms a conspicuous cuticle. The upper part of the pectoral fin does not show any obvious specializations and is used for swimming and undulation. The vascularization of the fin originates from a stem vessel which gives rise to five branches, each supplying two or three neighbouring fin rays. Each fin ray is accompanied by a single arterial vessel at its upper edge. No vessels are found in the space between the bony fin ray halves. The morphology of the shoulder girdle and pectoral fin shows only little variation among the four species of Blenniini studied. Most remarkable is the fusion of the coracoid with the cleithrum, loss of one element of the suspensorium and the absence of branched fin rays. The possible relevance of the Blennioid pectoral fin as a model for the origin of morphological novelties in connection with functional specializations is discussed.  相似文献   

The midwater fangtooth Anoplogaster cornutum eats large prey items whole. To eat prey the fish distends the opercula and spreads the gill arches apart. The pectoral fins are then used to fan water over the gills until ingestion is completed.  相似文献   

Batoids are a diverse clade of flat cartilaginous fishes that occur primarily in benthic marine habitats. The skates and rays typically use their flexible pectoral fins for feeding and propulsion via undulatory swimming. However, two groups of rays have adopted a pelagic or bentho‐pelagic lifestyle and utilize oscillatory swimming—the Myliobatidae and Gymnuridae. The myliobatids have evolved cephalic lobes, anteriorly extended appendages that are optimized for feeding, while their pectoral fins exhibit several modifications that likely arose in association with functional optimization of pelagic cruising via oscillatory flight. Here, we examine variation in fin ray distribution and ontogenetic timing of fin ray development in batoid pectoral fins in an evolutionary context using the following methods: radiography, computed tomography, dissections, and cleared and stained specimens. We propose an index for characterizing variation in the distribution of pectoral fin rays. While undulatory swimmers exhibit symmetry or slight anterior bias, we found a posterior shift in the distribution of fin rays that arose in two distinct lineages in association with oscillatory swimming. Undulatory and oscillatory swimmers occupy nonoverlapping morphospace with respect to fin ray distribution illustrating significant remodeling of pectoral fins in oscillatory swimmers. Further, we describe a derived skeletal feature in anterior pectoral fins of the Myliobatidae that is likely associated with optimization of oscillatory swimming. By examining the distribution of fin rays with clearly defined articulation points, we were able to infer evolutionary trends and body plan remodeling associated with invasion of the pelagic environment. Finally, we found that the number and distribution of fin rays is set early in development in the little skate, round stingray, and cownose ray, suggesting that fin ray counts from specimens after birth or hatching are representative of adults and therefore comparable among species.  相似文献   

The role of the pectoral fins in body trim of sharks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a large aquarium the leopard shark Triakis semifasciata , sand tiger shark Odontaspis taurus , sandbar shark Carcharhinus plumbeus , and spiny dogfish Squalus acanthias cruised steadily at 0·1-0·7 body lengths s-1. Relative to the trajectory of the shark, the pectoral fins were maintained at a positive angle of ttack regardless of vertical direction. For level swimming the mean angle of attack for the pectoral fin was 11±1·7, 10·1±1·3°, 9·3±1·3°, and 15·0±0·0 for T. semifasciata , C. plumbeus , O. taurus , and S. acanthias , respectively. The long axis of the body was canted at an angle of attack for T. semifasciata and S. acanthias , but trim was maintained during level swimming for C. plumbeus and O. taurus . Hydrodynamic analysis of the body and fin design of T. semifasciata indicated that the pectoral fins could develop suffcient pitching moment to maintain depth and keep the body in trim. Demonstration of positive angles of attack support the hypothesis that lift is generated in the anterior body to counterbalance the lift produced by the heterocercal tail.  相似文献   

Aquatic propulsion generated by the pectoral fins occurs in many groups of perciform fishes, including numerous coral reef families. This study presents a detailed survey of pectoral fin musculoskeletal structure in fishes that use labriform propulsion as the primary mode of swimming over a wide range of speeds. Pectoral fin morphological diversity was surveyed in 12 species that are primarily pectoral swimmers, including members of all labroid families (Labridae, Scaridae, Cichlidae, Pomacentridae, and Embiotocidae) and five additional coral reef fish families. The anatomy of the pectoral fin musculature is described, including muscle origins, insertions, tendons, and muscle masses. Skeletal structures are also described, including fin shape, fin ray morphology, and the structure of the radials and pectoral girdle. Three novel muscle subdivisions, including subdivisions of the abductor superficialis, abductor profundus, and adductor medialis were discovered and are described here. Specific functional roles in fin control are proposed for each of the novel muscle subdivisions. Pectoral muscle masses show broad variation among species, particularly in the adductor profundus, abductor profundus, arrector dorsalis, and abductor superficialis. A previously undescribed system of intraradial ligaments was also discovered in all taxa studied. The morphology of these ligaments and functional ramifications of variation in this connective tissue system are described. Musculoskeletal patterns are interpreted in light of recent analyses of fin behavior and motor control during labriform swimming. Labriform propulsion has apparently evolved independently multiple times in coral reef fishes, providing an excellent system in which to study the evolution of pectoral fin propulsion.  相似文献   

Kinematic data of high spatial and temporal resolution, acquired from image sequences of adult long-finned squid, Loligo pealei, during steady swimming in a flume, were used to examine the role of fins and the coordination between fin and jet propulsion in squid locomotion. Fin shape and body outlines were digitized and used to calculate fin wave speed, amplitude, frequency, angle of attack, body deformation, speed, and acceleration. L. pealei were observed to have two fin gait patterns with a transition at 1.4-1.8 mantle lengths per second (Lm s-1) marked by alternation between the two patterns. Fin motion in L. pealei exhibited characteristics of both traveling waves and flapping wings. At low speeds, fin motion was more wave-like; at high speeds, fin motion was more flap-like and was marked by regular periods during which the fins were wrapped tightly against the mantle. Fin cycle frequencies were dependent on swimming speed and gait, and obvious coordination between the fins and jet were observed. Fin wave speed, angle of attack, and body acceleration confirmed the role of fins in thrust production and revealed a role of fins at all swimming speeds by a transition from drag-based to lift-based thrust when fin wave speed dropped below swimming speed. Estimates of peak fin thrust were as high as 0.44-0.96 times peak jet thrust in steady swimming over the range of swimming speeds observed. Fin downstrokes generally contributed more to thrust than did upstrokes, especially at high speeds.  相似文献   

Kinematic data of high spatial and temporal resolution, acquired from image sequences of adult long-finned squid, Loligo pealei, during steady swimming in a flume, were used to examine the role of fins and the coordination between fin and jet propulsion in squid locomotion. Fin shape and body outlines were digitized and used to calculate fin wave speed, amplitude, frequency, angle of attack, body deformation, speed, and acceleration. L. pealei were observed to have two fin gait patterns with a transition at 1.4-1.8 mantle lengths per second (Lm s-1) marked by alternation between the two patterns. Fin motion in L. pealei exhibited characteristics of both traveling waves and flapping wings. At low speeds, fin motion was more wave-like; at high speeds, fin motion was more flap-like and was marked by regular periods during which the fins were wrapped tightly against the mantle. Fin cycle frequencies were dependent on swimming speed and gait, and obvious coordination between the fins and jet were observed. Fin wave speed, angle of attack, and body acceleration confirmed the role of fins in thrust production and revealed a role of fins at all swimming speeds by a transition from drag-based to lift-based thrust when fin wave speed dropped below swimming speed. Estimates of peak fin thrust were as high as 0.44-0.96 times peak jet thrust in steady swimming over the range of swimming speeds observed. Fin downstrokes generally contributed more to thrust than did upstrokes, especially at high speeds.  相似文献   

Bamboo sharks (Chiloscyllium plagiosum) are primarily benthic and use their relatively flexible pectoral and pelvic fins to rest on and move about the substrate. We examined the morphology of the pectoral fins and investigated their locomotory function to determine if pectoral fin function during both benthic station-holding and pelagic swimming differs from fin function described previously in leopard sharks, Triakis semifasciata. We used three-dimensional kinematics and digital particle image velocimetry (DPIV) to quantify pectoral fin function in five white-spotted bamboo sharks, C. plagiosum, during four behaviors: holding station on the substrate, steady horizontal swimming, and rising and sinking during swimming. During benthic station-holding in current flow, bamboo sharks decrease body angle and adjust pectoral fin angle to shed a clockwise fluid vortex. This vortex generates negative lift more than eight times that produced during open water vertical maneuvering and also results in an upstream flow that pushes against the posterior surface of the pectoral fin to oppose drag. In contrast, there is no evidence of significant lift force in the wake of the pectoral fin during steady horizontal swimming. The pectoral fin is held concave downward and at a negative dihedral angle during steady horizontal swimming, promoting maneuverability rather than stability, although this negative dihedral angle is much less than that observed previously in sturgeon and leopard sharks. During sinking, the pectoral fins are held concave upward and shed a clockwise vortex with a negative lift force, while in rising the pectoral fin is held concave downward and sheds a counterclockwise vortex with a positive lift force. Bamboo sharks appear to sacrifice maneuverability for stability when locomoting in the water column and use their relatively flexible fins to generate strong negative lift forces when holding position on the substrate and to enhance stability when swimming in the water column.  相似文献   

The skull of Spathicephalus mirus Watson, an amphibian from the Namurian, basal Upper Carboniferous, of Scotland is described. It shares with the Loxommatoidea a closed palate, palatal ornament and antorbital vacuities, and the family Spathicephalidae is recognized as the sister group of the Loxommatidae. A new diagnosis of the Loxommatoidea is presented together with one of the Spathicephalidae. An analysis of the functional morphology of the Spathicephalus skull suggests that it was incapable of rapid jaw closure required for catching fish. Instead it is proposed that Spathicephalus was a sluggish bottom-dwelling filter-feeder of small, soft invertebrates.  相似文献   

Brightness‐modulated ultrasonography, continuous‐wave Doppler, and pulsed‐wave Doppler‐echocardiography were used to analyze the functional morphology of the undisturbed heart of ball pythons. In particular, the action of the muscular ridge and the atrio‐ventricular valves are key features to understand how patterns of blood flow emerge from structures directing blood into the various chambers of the heart. A step‐by‐step image analysis of echocardiographs shows that during ventricular diastole, the atrio‐ventricular valves block the interventricular canals so that blood from the right atrium first fills the cavum venosum, and blood from the left atrium fills the cavum arteriosum. During diastole, blood from the cavum venosum crosses the muscular ridge into the cavum pulmonale. During middle to late systole the muscular ridge closes, thus prohibiting further blood flow into the cavum pulmonale. At the same time, the atrio‐ventricular valves open the interventricular canal and allow blood from the cavum arteriosum to flow into the cavum venosum. In the late phase of ventricular systole, all blood from the cavum pulmonale is pressed into the pulmonary trunk; all blood from the cavum venosum is pressed into both aortas. Quantitative measures of blood flow volume showed that resting snakes bypass the pulmonary circulation and shunt about twice the blood volume into the systemic circulation as into the pulmonary circulation. When digesting, the oxygen demand of snakes increased tremendously. This is associated with shunting more blood into the pulmonary circulation. The results of this study allow the presentation of a detailed functional model of the python heart. They are also the basis for a functional hypothesis of how shunting is achieved. Further, it was shown that shunting is an active regulation process in response to changing demands of the organism (here, oxygen demand). Finally, the results of this study support earlier reports about a dual pressure circulation in Python regius. J. Morphol., 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

重庆市6种常见园林植物功能性状对城乡生境梯度的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
功能性状作为联系植物、环境与生态系统的桥梁,对研究植物适应不同生境的策略意义重大。本研究以重庆主城区中华蚊母树(Distylium chinense)、鸡爪槭(Acer palmatum)、檵木(Loropetalum chinense)、构树(Broussonetia papyrifera)、银杏(Ginkgo biloba)、玉兰(Magnolia denudata)为对象,遴选植物功能性状及生物量分配指标,定量分析了其在不同城市环境下的差异性,旨在考查植物对于城市生态环境的适应策略。结果表明:除比叶面积和生物量分配比例外,其他功能性状包括营养器官和生殖器官随乡-郊-城环境梯度发生显著变化(P<0.05),表现为其数值随环境梯度显著下降;除鸡爪槭外,其余5种植物分配给繁殖器官的资源最多,分配给茎的资源最少;根据植物功能性状主成分分析,将6种植物分为3类:营养器官和生殖器官基本未受城市环境影响类,营养器官未受影响而生殖器官受损类,以及营养和生殖器官均受损类;植物功能性状综合评价显示,在森林公园中植物性状表现最好,郊区公园次之,城市公园中最差。  相似文献   

Leiodidae are the second largest subterranean radiation of beetles at family rank. To explore morphological trends linked with troglobiontic habits and characters with potential phylogenetic significance, the head of the cave-dwelling species Troglocharinus ferreri (Cholevinae, Leptodirini) was examined in detail. Overall, the general pattern is similar to what is found in Catops ventricosus (Cholevini). Shared apomorphic features include a fully exposed anterolateral concavity containing the antennal socket, a distinct bead above this depression, a bilobed lip-like structure anterad the labrum, a flat elevated portion of the ventral mandibular surface, and a ventral process at the proximomesal edge of this mandibular area. The tentorial structures are well-developed as in C. ventricosus, with a large laminatentorium and somewhat shortened dorsal arms. The mouthparts are largely unmodified, with the exception of unusually well-developed extrinsic maxillary muscles. Features of T. ferreri obviously linked with subterranean habits are the complete lack of compound eyes, circumocular ridges, and optic lobes. A series of characters is similar to conditions found in other genera of Leptodirini: the head capsule completely lacks a protruding ocular region, a distinct neck is missing, the transverse occipital crest is indistinct, and the antennae are elongate and lack a distinct club. Two different trends of cephalic transformations occur in troglobiontic Leptodirini, with some genera like Troglocharinus and Leptodirus having elongated head capsules and antennae, and others having broadened, more transverse heads. In contrast, the modifications are more uniform in the closely related Ptomaphagini, with a pattern distinctly differing from Leptodirini: the head is transverse, with a distinctly protruding ocular region, a distinct transverse occipital crest, and a very narrow neck region.  相似文献   

The Rhizodontida are an extinct order of large, predatory, lobe-finned fishes, found world-wide in Devonian and Carboniferous freshwater deposits. They are thought to be basal members of the tetrapod lineage. In this paper the pectoral fin skeleton of Rhizodus hibberti , a derived member of the group, is described in detail for the first time. It shows that muscular processes of the humerus (the deltoid and supinator processes) may have appeared later in tetrapod evolution than previously thought. The rhizodontids share an unusual fin-ray morphology, with highly elongated basal hemisegments, overlapping extensively with the endoskeleton. This morphology raises the possibility that segmentation and endoskeletal overlap share some common upstream genetic control during lepidotrichial development. The relative size of the lepidotrichia and the complexity of the endoskeleton does not fit with a 'clockface' model of limb developmental evolution.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(12):1716-1725
The dorsal fin is one of the most varied swimming structures in Acanthomorpha, the spiny‐finned fishes. This fin can be present as a single contiguous structure supported by bony spines and soft lepidotrichia, or it may be divided into an anterior, spiny dorsal fin and a posterior, soft dorsal fin. The freshwater fish family Percidae exhibits especially great variation in dorsal fin spacing, including fishes with separated fins of varying gap length and fishes with contiguous fins. We hypothesized that fishes with separated dorsal fins, especially those with large gaps between fins, would have stiffened fin elements at the leading edge of the soft dorsal fin to resist hydrodynamic loading during locomotion. For 10 percid species, we measured the spacing between dorsal fins and calculated the second moment of area of selected spines and lepidotrichia from museum specimens. There was no significant relationship between the spacing between dorsal fins and the second moment of area of the leading edge of the soft dorsal fin.  相似文献   

Several paired groups of neurosecretory cells (NS) were identified in the dorsal cortical neurons of the optic lobes of the brain of Lycosa tarentula (Araneae). Two large bottle-shaped cells (NS A1, A2) and a cluster of ca. 20 smaller cells (NS B) were found between the lamina and medulla of the anterior median eyes (AM). The forward oriented bundles of NS B axons run alongside large fibres linked to the synaptic zones of the indirect eyes. In front of the arcuate body, an islet of about 10 fusiform cells (NS C1) sends short axons close to the internal cortical border. Other large cells (NS C2, C3) are found from the medulla of the AM to the anterior border of the central body. Their long axons end deeply in the brain neuropil. NS B and C1 function synchronously. The secretory cycles of NS A1 and A2 seem to be in opposition. The activity of these three types of NS depends on the phase of the day. Anatomical relationships of NS A, B and C1 with visual afferent/efferent fibres via synaptic buttons indicate a role of these cells in the modulation of circadian rhythms of visual and locomotor activity. On the other hand, NS C2 and C3, the functioning of which is not synchronous, might be involved in the modulation or control of the elementary movements of L. tarentula when active or at rest.  相似文献   

Ülo Niinemets 《Plant Ecology》1996,124(2):145-153
Variation in leaf size (area per leaf) and leaf dry weight per area (LWA) in relation to species shade- and drought-tolerance, characterised by Ellenberg's light (ELD) and water demand (EWD) values, respectively, were examined in 60 temperate woody taxa at constant relative irradiance. LWA was independent of plant size, but leaf size increased with total plant height at constant ELD. Canopy position also affected leaf morphology: leaves from the upper crown third had higher LWA and were larger than leaves from the lower third. Leaf size and LWA were negatively correlated, and leaf size decreased and LWA increased with decreasing species shade-tolerance. Mean LWA was similar for trees and shrubs, but trees had larger leaves than shrubs. Furthermore, all relationships were altered by plant growth-form: none of the qualitative tendencies was significant for trees. This implies the considerably lower plasticity of foliar parameters in trees than those in shrubs. Accordingly, shade-tolerance of trees, having relatively constant leaf structure, may be most affected by the variability in biomass partitioning and crown geometry which influence foliage distribution and spacing and finally determine canopy light absorptance. Alteration of leaf form and investment pattern for construction of unit foliar surface area which change the efficiency of light interception per unit biomass investment in leaves, is a competitive strategy inherent to shrubs. EWD as well as wood anatomy did not control LWA and leaf size, though there was a trend of ring-porous tree species to be more shade-tolerant than diffuse-porous trees. Since ring-porous species are more vulnerable to cavitation than diffuse-porous species, they may be constrained to environments where irradiances and consequently evaporative demand is lower.  相似文献   

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