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Background. Little is known about the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in Sri Lanka and nothing is known about its prevalence in children. Therefore the prevalence of H. pylori in a group of school children in Sri Lanka was determined. Materials and Methods. The presence of H. pylori colonisation was determined by detection of faecal antigen and salivary antibody (IgG) by enzyme immuno assay, in 184 children aged between 5 and 19 years, in the Western Province‐Colombo district of Sri Lanka. Results. Overall, only 12/184 (6.5%) had detectable H. pylori antigen in their stools and were considered infected with H. pylori, while 51/184 (27.7%) had H. pylori IgG in saliva. H. pylori salivary IgG declined with age while H. pylori antigen detection increased with age. H. pylori infection, as determined by salivary antibody (66%), was greater in children living in overcrowded conditions, although this was not statistically significant. Conclusion. The prevalence of H. pylori among school children in Sri Lanka was 6.5% by detection of faecal antigen and 27.7% by detection of salivary antibody, respectively. Initial infection with H. pylori appeared to occur in early childhood whilst active disease began in late childhood. Overcrowding appears to facilitate the transmission of the organism. Overall the prevalence of H. pylori was low in Sri Lanka compared with other countries in South‐east Asia.  相似文献   

Infant mortality in Sri Lanka declined substantially between 1961 and 1980, the reduction being higher during the post-natal period. 3 distinct phases were identified: 1) a declining trend in the face of several fluctuations; 2) a sharp reversal of the trend and then an increase; and 3) a more consistent decline. Between the periods 1961-65 and 1976-80, deaths from exogenous and endogenous causes were reduced considerably and nearly equally. The probabilities of survival increased in every age group, proportionally more in the 1st week of life. There was no evidence that changes in national income or total food supply were factors, but protein calorie availability appeared to affect the rate. Distribution of free supplementary food, increase in public health personnel, more immunization, and a rise in the number of institutional births appeared to have initiated and sustained the more recent decline in infant mortality. Increasing levels of female education also augmented these developments. Further efforts to improve living conditions, access to safe water and flush or water-seal toilets, and motivating women to deliver in institutions and extend their postnatal stay, would probably result in a further decline, as well as general strategies such as integrating public health and medical services and improving health education programs.  相似文献   

Two hundred and ninety-three strains of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from clinical specimens were tested for enterotoxigenicity by the Optimum Sensitivity Plate (OSP) method. Thirty-nine per cent produced enterotoxins A, B, C, D or E. Enterotoxin B was detected more often than the others. The OSP technique was found to be satisfactory for the detection of enterotoxigenic staphylococci.  相似文献   

Exploring Confrontation: Sri Lanka: Politics, Culture and History. Michael Roberts
"Who Is He, What Is He Doing": Religious Rhetoric and Performances in Sri Lanka during R. Premadasa's Presidency (1989-1993).  相似文献   


Social Scientists’ Association, ETHNICITY AND SOCIAL CHANGE IN SRI LANKA, Karunaratne & Sons, Colombo, 1984, 202 pp., 25 Rs.  相似文献   

D P Smith 《Social biology》1985,32(1-2):90-101
Provided that women report the dates of their children's births with reasonable accuracy, it is possible to derive good estimates of the duration of breastfeeding from women's breastfeeding status at the time of the interview. This paper illustrates the application of conventional regression techniques to the analysis of breastfeeding rates derived in this manner. Construction of current status rates is explained and a comparison between open interval, closed interval, and current status breastfeeding life tables is presented, indicating the extent of bias to which tables of the former types are open. Birth-weighted rates are used for WFS data from Sri Lanka; the variables entered into the regression equation include parity, educational level, residence, work experience since marriage and use of contraception since the birth. Contraception is not found to influence net breastfeeding rates in the 1st interval (1-16 months), although it is about as prevalent as in later intervals. The positive coefficients at intervals beyond the 1st also imply that contraceptive use is not a substitute for lactation in Sri Lanka or not a predominant one. Lifetime urban residence is associated with short durations of breastfeeding, and being an urban migrant is associated with intermediate durations relative to those of rural women. The effects of residence on breastfeeding are especially pronounced in the 1st interval. By parity as by contraception, differences in breastfeeding rates are not significant at short durations but become so with time as lower parity women reach pregnancy. Patterns by age are similar, but less sharp. Middle school attendance and work at home are both strongly associated with with lactation behavior, the former negatively and the latter to about an equal degree positively. Working outside the home seems not to influence breastfeeding to any great extent. In the multiple attribute regressions, middle schooling depresses breastfeeding durations about as strongly as lifetime urban residence relative to women who are rural and uneducated. Being at parity 5 or above or working at home almost as sharply increases durations. The use of contraception has slightly smaller positive effects. The patterns suggest that as Sri Lankan women become increasingly well educated and urban, and as family sizes decline, durations of breastfeeding will decline. Equally important however, even among better educated urban wives, breastfeeding continues longer than is typical of western countries.  相似文献   

An account is given of samples of houseflies taken from various natural populations in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) to investigate the number of evolutionary forms of housefly that may occur on the island. The results are related to the formal taxonomy of the genus Musca.  相似文献   

Abstract Two new species of Ephemera are described, Ephemera supposita Eaton is redescribed, and Rhoenanthus posticus Banks is transferred to Ephemera and redescribed. A key to the imagos of Ephemera from Sri Lanka is included.  相似文献   

During its Malaria Eradication Programme (1958-1964) Sri Lanka spectacularly reduced its malaria incidence from around half a million per year to 17. Regrettably, this magnificent achievement could not be maintained, and malaria once again reached epidemic proportions in some areas. Of particular concern however, has been the emergence of new foci of malaria around the hill capital, Kandy, discussed here by Manel Wijesundera. The new outbreaks seem intimately related to hydrological changes brought about by major irrigation and hydroelectric schemes on the Mahaweli river. The priority for such schemes is not, of course, to flush out the pools where mosquito larvae thrive, but to divert water for irrigation and power generation. In parallel, human migration between malaria endemic and non-endemic areas - stimulated by the resettlement required by the dam reservoirs - has contributed to increased malaria transmission. In a sense therefore, this story is a classic of health impact overlooked in favour of agricultural and industrial development. But whereas most documented cases relate to extensive flooding causing an increase in vector breeding sites and so exacerbating disease transmission, this story is just the opposite. Here, it is reduction in water flow that has promoted an increase in vector breeding.  相似文献   

Nearly all twin registers are based in developed countries and there is no twin register in the developing world. Our objectives were to initiate the process of establishing a nationwide twin register in Sri Lanka by starting a volunteer register first and working towards a population-based register. Regular newspaper advertisements, feature articles, radio talks, and television programmes were used to publicise a competition for twins, their parents/relatives and friends requesting them to participate by sending in details of twins. The competition ran from 28 March 1997 for a period of 3 months. It offered prizes for three winners selected by drawing lots. Advertisements highlighted the objective of the competition as establishing a twin register for future research and emphasised that informed consent would be obtained for individual research projects. Those who registered comprise 4602 twin pairs (same sex: male--1564, female--1885; different sex--1153), 80 sets of triplets (same sex: male--17, female--31; different sex--42) and two sets of quadruplets (different sex). The oldest twins, triplets, quadruplets are 85, 46, and 5 years old, respectively; 88.0% of twins are less than 30 years old. Although others have previously used media publicity to enrol twins in twin registers, we believe this to be the first time that twins have been enrolled through competition. We have more young twins, and our gender and zygosity proportions after applying Weinburg's rule do not match the proportions expected from a volunteer twin sample. Establishing a twin register for research purposes has proved possible in a developing country.  相似文献   

Buddhist Fundamentalism and Minority Identities in Sri Lanka. Tessa J. Bartholomeusz and Chandra R. de Silva. eds. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1998. 212 pp.  相似文献   

The mycoflora of dried-salted fish from markets in Kandy, Sri Lanka was studied with emphasis on visibly spoiled dried fish. A total of 61 fungal isolates from 25 dried-fish were isolated and identified. The most prevalent fungus wasAspergillus niger. Species ofAspergillus flavus, A. fumigatus, A. glaucus, A. restrictus, Aureobasidium spp.Basipetospora halophila (a genuinely halophilic fungus)Cladosporium herbarum, Gliomastix, spp.,Penicillium chalybeum andPenicillium expansum were present. The isolated fungi did not grow in synthetic media containing more than 30% sodium chloride.Aureobasidium spp. andGliomastix spp. did not grow on dried-fish under laboratory conditions. The protective exoskeleton appeared to prevent fungal growth on dried shrimp. TheA. flavus strains isolated were not aflatoxigenic.  相似文献   

Upper pleistocene fossil hominids from Sri Lanka   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Between 1978 and 1983 hominid skeletal remains were collected from the cave sites of Batadomba lena and Beli lena Kitulgala in Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon). These are the most ancient specimens of anatomically modern Homo sapiens found thus far in South Asia, radiocarbon dates placing them in the Upper Pleistocene. Morphometric analysis of the remains of some 38 individuals from the two sites indicates that these populations were characterized by medium stature, moderate to pronounced cranial and postcranial robusticity, medium-size permanent tooth crown measurements, prognathic alveolar facial proportions, and low incidence of osseous and dental pathological conditions. Comparisons of these ancient Sri Lankans with other prehistoric skeletal series from South Asia and elsewhere support the hypothesis that muscular-skeletal robusticity was a significant physical adaptation of earlier hunting-foraging populations. A trend towards reduction of sexual dimorphism and development of more gracile body form and smaller teeth appears to have accelerated with the socioeconomic transition to food-production strategies involving agriculture and pastoralism and refinement of technologies for food procurement and preparation, as documented by morphometric studies of later prehistoric inhabitants of South Asia.  相似文献   

Koch, J. 1982. Some lignicolous marine fungi from Sri Lanka. – Nord. J. Bot. 2 : 163–169. Copenhagen. ISSN 0107–055X.
Twenty–seven marine fungi are reported from intertidal wood collected in the Indian Ocean at Sri Lanka. One new genus Nimbospora and two new species Nimbospora effusa and Halosarpheia bentotensis are described. A new combination Savoryella paucispora is proposed. Obervations are presented on some poorly known and interesting species.  相似文献   

A total of 1520 ornamental fish of 13 species from 26 export farms in Sri Lanka were collected between October 1999 and March 2000 and examined for parasites. Fish species examined were guppy Poecilia reticulata, goldfish Carassius auratus, platy Xiphophorus maculatus, molly Poecilia sphenops, angel Pterophyllum scalare, swordtail Xiphophorus helleri, tetras Hyphessobrycon species, barbs Capeota and Puntius spp., gourami Colisa sp., carp Cyprinus carpio, fighters Betta spelendens and others (Brachydanio and Astronotus spp.). Nine species of monogenean trematodes (Dactylogyrus extensus, Dactylogyrus cf. extensus, D. vastator, Dactylogyrus cf. vastator Dactylogyrus spp., Gyrodactylus turnbulli, G. katherineri, Gyrodactylus cf. katherineri, Gyrodactylus spp.), 7 protozoan species (Trichodina nigra, Trichodina spp., Tetrahymena corlissi, T. pyriformis, Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, Ichthyobodo necator, Piscinoodinium spp.), 3 species of copepod arthropods (Lernaea cyprinacea, Ergasilus ceylonensis, Argulus foliaceus), 1 metacercarial stage of a digenean trematode (Centrocestus spp.) and 1 nematode (Capillaria spp.) were identified. Parasites were found in fish from 23 of the 26 farms with an overall prevalence of parasitism in 45.3% of fish. The variation in farm prevalence among different parasites was significant (p < 0.01). Fish infection rates with monogenean trematodes, protozoans, copepod crustaceans, digenean trematodes and nematodes were 28.3, 18.4, 4.8, 0.8 and 0.4%, respectively. In all, 50 out of 590 (50/590) guppies were infected with Tetrahymena, compared with 13/930 for all other species, which is a statistically significant result (p < 0.01). Similarly, 13/44 and 18/44 carp were infected with Argulus foliaceus and Lernaea cyprinacea, compared with 7/1476 and 15/1476, respectively, for all other species combined (p < 0.01). Capillaria spp. was found only in guppies (4/590) and angel fish (3/92) while Centrocestus spp. was found in goldfish (12/153) only.  相似文献   

Summary In situ measurements of nitrogenase activities in some rice soils, representing three different agroclimatic zones of Sri Lanka, demonstrated that there is a great potential for nitrogen fixation in these paddy soils, provided that they are continuously flooded and that nitrogenous fertilizer levels are relatively low. Under such conditions cyanobacterial (blue-green algal) fixation predominates. In certain areas of the wet zone, with highly organic soils, cyanobacterial fixation could probably meet a great part of the N-fertilizer input recommended. Heterotrophic rhizosphere fixation may also be significant, especially in the dry zone. Low concentrations of fertilizer-N were found to stimulate cyanobacterial numbers and total nitrogen fixation, at one site (dry zone), whereas high levels negatively affected total fixation at all sites investigated. In the absence of N-fertilizers, inoculation as well as additions of Mo, increased cyanobacterial numbers, nitrogen fixation activity and available ammonia levels substantially at the investigated site (dry zone). Rice grain yields did not vary significantly between treatments, because of too large a heterogeneity in the field with respect to water management.
Resumen Medidas in situ de las actividades nitrogenàsicas de algunos suelos arroceros representativos de tres zonas agroclimáticas distintas de Sri Lanka demostraron que existe un potencial considerable para la fijación de nitrógeno en estos suelos encharacados siempre y cuando permanezcan bajo el agua y la fertilización nitrógenada se mantenga relativamente baja. En estas condiciones la fijación predominante es la realizada por cianobacterias (algas verdeazules). En algunas areas de la zona húmeda con suelos muy orgánicos la fijación mediante cianobacterias podría suministrar una gran parte del aporte en nitrógeno recomendado. La fijación heterotrófa en la rizosfera puede también representar un aporte significativo, especialmente en la zona seca. Bajas concentraciones de fertilizante nitrogenado estimularon el número de cianobacterias y la fijación de nitrógeno total en uno de los suelos estudiados (zona seca) mientras que niveles elevados afectaron negativamente a la fijación en todos los suelos estudiados. En ausencia de fertilizantes nitrógenados la inoculación así como adiciones de Mo incrementaron sustancialmente el número de cianobacterias, la actividad fijadora de nitrógeno y los niveles de amonio disponibles en el suelo estudiado (zona seca). La cosecha de arroz no varió significativamente entre los distintos tratamientos debido a la excesiva heterogeneidad en el uso del agua.

Resumé Des mesuresin situ d'activité de nitrogénase dans quelques sols de rizière, représentant trois zones agro-climatiques différentes du Sri Lanka, ont démontré qu'il y a une grande potentialité pour la fixation d'azote dans ces sols, pourvu qu'ils soient continuellement inondés et que le niveau de fertilisation azotée soit relativement bas. Dans ces conditions, la fixation par les cyanobactéries (algues bleu-vertes) prédomine. Dans certaines régions de la zone humide, aux sols à forte teneur en matière organique, la fixation par les cyanobactéries puet probablement satisfaire une grande partie du besoin recommandé en fertilisant azoté. La fixation par la rhizosphère hétérotrophe peut, elle aussi, être significative, surtout dans la zone sèche. Des concentrations faibles en fertilisant azoté ont révélé stimuler le nombre de cyanobactéries et la fixation totale d'azote, sur un site (zone sèche), tandis que des teneurs élevées affectaient négativement la fixation totale sur tous les sites étudiés. En absence de fertilisant azoté, l'inoculation ainsi que l'ajout de Mo ont augmenté le nombre de cyanobactéries, l'activité fixatrice d'azote et le niveau d'ammoniaque disponible, de manière substantielle sur le site étudié (zone sèche). Le rendement en graines de riz n'a pas varié de manière significative d'un traitment à l'autre, à cause d'une hétérogénéité trop grande sur le champ en matière de gestion d'eau.

《Mammalian Biology》2008,73(1):2-13
We studied the ranging patterns of 10 elephants in and around the Yala protected area complex, southern Sri Lanka, using VHF radio telemetry. All tracked elephants displayed similar ranging patterns. The observed home ranges were small (mean=115.2±64.0 km2) relative to reported home ranges in India, possibly in response to high habitat productivity and abundant perennial water sources. Elephants showed high fidelity to their ranges. Home ranges had relatively large core areas, suggesting intensive use of habitat. No geographically distinct seasonal ranges or migratory behavior was observed. Home range overlap was high, and territoriality was absent. Male musth ranges were considerably larger than non-musth ranges and may signify mate searching. Most elephants ranged both in and outside protected areas, suggesting that resources outside protected areas were important for their survival. Thus, translocating and restricting elephants to protected areas will be detrimental to their survival, as it limits resource access. The ranging patterns of Asian elephants suggest that conservation of the species requires their management both in and outside protected areas.  相似文献   

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