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The levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) were determined in the buffalo bull seminal plasma by double-antibody radioimmunoassay. The mean levels of FSH and LH ranged from 8.98 ± 3.08 to 18.40 ± 2.19 ng/ml and from 0.598 ± 0.200 to 1.22 ± 0.334 ng/ml, respectively. FSH and LH concentration was positively correlated with mass motility and sperm concentration of buffalo semen samples. Concentration of hormones did not differ significantly among bulls.  相似文献   

Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats, maintained under a controlled photoperiod of LD 14:10 (white lights on at 06:00 h, CST), were injected with lithium chloride and changes in the levels of plasma and pituitary homogenates of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and prolactin (PRL) were examined to evaluate the effects of this anti-manic drug on reproductive function. Two groups of rats were injected with lithium chloride intraperitoneally, twice daily at 09:00 and 16:00 h, for 2 and 7 days at a dosage of 2.5 meg/Kg body weight. Plasma and pituitary levels of LH, FSH and PRL were measured by radioimmunoassay. Plasma levels of LH were significantly (P<0.05) increased after 2 days of lithium treatment. In contrast, a significant (P<0.005) reduction in plasma levels of LH was evident when lithium injections were continued for 7 days. The plasma levels of FSH remained unaffected by lithium treatment by either time period. Lithium administered for 2 days did not bring about any significant alteration in the plasma levels of PRL, although there was a significant (P<0.002) reduction in plasma PRL levels after 7 days treatment. The concentrations of pituitary LH, FSH and PRL remained unchanged after 2 and 7 days of lithium treatment.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed to determine whether the reflexive LH pulses induced in male mice by exposure to a female are dependent upon the presence of the testes. B6D2F1 males were studied because, unlike most males, these hybrids remain sexually active indefinitely after castration, demonstrating that they still recognize females and are sexually arousable. We reasoned that if LH reflexes occur independently of the testes, then exposing castrated B6D2F1 males to a female should elicit a pulse. We observed female-induced pulses in 67% of intact, naive males and 80% of intact, sexually experienced males, but they were absent in castrated, sexually experienced males. Spontaneous pulses were too frequent in castrated, naive males to distinguish potential LH reflexes. Thus, the induction of LH reflexes depends upon the presence of the testes in these hybrid males. Secondarily we found more frequent spontaneous pulses in sexually naive than in experienced mice regardless of their gonadal status. These unexpected results imply that long-term mating activity slows the pace of spontaneous LH pulses in these hybrids. Considered together, the differential effects of the testes and sexual experience on both types of LH pulses suggest that two distinct pulse-generating mechanisms exist in male mice.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to assess the influence of prostaglandins (viz. PGE1, PGE2 and PGF) on plasma concentrations of FSH and LH in the female rhesus monkey. Monkeys were ovariectomized and treated with estradiol benzoate to suppress endogenous gonadotropin levels prior to these experiments. Femoral venous blood was taken at intervals following a single carotid arterial injection of the PG in anesthetized monkeys. FSH and LH concentrations, determined by radioimmunoassay, were not significantly altered in 4 control animals receiving saline (2) or ethanol-saline (2), the vehicles for PGF and for the E series PGs, respectively. PGE1 (5mg) effected dramatic elevations of LH within 5 min in 3 animals and the high plasma concentrations were maintained at least for 60 min. Similarly, 5.0 mg of PGE2 effected rapid elevation of LH concentrations, from 2- to 7-fold pre-injection levels in 3 animals. In contrast, FSH levels were not so markedly altered by PGE1 and PGE2, but in general, appeared to be somewhat decreased by these treatments. PGF had no effect on plasma FSH and LH concentrations. These data demonstrate the ability of PGs of the E series to elevate plasma LH concentrations in the rhesus monkey and support studies in other species suggesting a modulating role for PGs on gonadotropin secretion or release.  相似文献   

Naloxone produces large increases in serum luteinizing hormone (LH) levels in normal males and females, supporting a role for endogenous opioids (EOP) in the tonic inhibition of LH. Since the antagonist apparently exerts no important effects on the pituitary, the reasonable assumption has been made that it elevates gonadotropin levels by affecting the release of LH-releasing hormone (LHRH) from the hypothalamus. However, at present there is no direct in vivo evidence supporting this widely-held view. In an attempt to directly demonstrate that naloxone increases the secretion of LHRH, and thereby elevates serum LH levels, we examined whether a potent synthetic antagonist of LHRH ( [D-p Glu1, D-Phe2, D-Trp3,6]-LHRH, GPT-LHRH) blocked the effects of naloxone in male rats with a normal response to naloxone and in those with a markedly enhanced sensitivity to the drug induced by a brief period of morphine pellet implantation. Our results demonstrated that GT-LHRH antagonized equipotent doses of LHRH (100 ng/kg) and naloxone (0.5 mg/kg) over a similar time course with approximately the same AD50. Most importantly, however, we showed that the GPT-LHRH produced equivalent, parallel shifts to the right in the dose-response curves for LHRH and naloxone, indicative of competitive inhibition. We also found that GPT-LHRH completely abolished the enhanced response to naloxone's effects on LH which occurs in morphine-pretreated rats. Since we observed no competition between LHRH and naloxone for their binding sites in pituitary or brain, the only viable interpretation of our results is that naloxone increases LH by inducing the release of LHRH.  相似文献   

Changes in prolactin levels caused by luteinizing hormone releasing hormone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The acute effects of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) on the release of prolactin (PRL) were investigated in 12 normal cycling women and 42 women with various menstrual disorders. LHRH (100 micrograms) was bolusly injected intramuscularly and PRL levels were measured immediately before the injection and at 30 minutes and 60 minutes after the injection. LHRH elicited an increase of more than 25% in PRL levels in 15 cases (27.8%) at both 30 minutes and 60 minutes after the injection, whereas PRL levels were decreased by more than 25% in 7 cases (13.0%). The PRL response to LHRH seemed to be related to basal PRL levels. Especially when the PRL concentration was 20 ng/ml or more, LHRH decreased PRL levels in 7 cases out of 16. On the other hand, LHRH increased PRL levels in the majority of cases with a PRL concentration less than 20 ng/ml. In conclusion, the LHRH injection occasionally alters PRL levels in either a positive or negative manner, depending upon the basal PRL levels.  相似文献   

Plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) levels were determined at monthly intervals in intact and orchidectomized ground squirrels maintained in a constant 14L:10D photoperiod at a temperature of 23 +/- 2 degrees C. Animals were orchidectomized or sham operated at different ages and at different stages of the annual reproductive cycle. LH levels were elevated in orchidectomized as compared to intact males within 1 month, and often within 48 h, after orchidectomies performed either before or after the normal breeding season. LH levels tended to remain chronically elevated in long-term orchidectomized males. Although negative feedback regulation of LH by the testes was evident at most stages of the reproductive cycle, effects of orchidectomy on LH were most pronounced during the nonbreeding season when plasma LH titers of intact males were at their annual nadirs, and less pronounced or absent during the breeding season when levels were normally elevated in intact males. For most of the year male gonadal hormones exert negative feedback on LH release. We hypothesize that under the influence of a circannual timing mechanism, sensitivity to steroid feedback is reduced as the breeding season approaches and LH secretion increases despite the attendant rise in plasma androgen levels. These results contrast with data for female squirrels in which there is a seasonally restricted and characteristically brief elevation of plasma LH after ovariectomy; in females, but not in males, onset and termination of LH secretion appear to be regulated by a circannual clock that functions independently of gonadal secretions.  相似文献   

Intact and castrated male European starlings were held for about 2 years in a constant 12-hr photoperiod and constant temperature conditions. At 1- to 2-month intervals, testicular width was measured by laparotomy, and blood samples were taken for analysis of plasma luteinizing hormone (LH). Most of the control birds went through at least one circannual cycle of testicular width and plasma LH concentration. In the castrates, a similar proportion of birds went through circannual LH cycles with periods indistinguishable from those of the controls. It is concluded that the testes and their hormones are not essential components of the mechanism that generates circannual gonadal cycles in male European starlings.  相似文献   

The ability of equine luteinizing hormone (eLH) to promote follicular growth and maturation in hypophysectomized rats has been assessed. A single injection of equine LH has been shown to promote the growth of a large number of antral and preovulatory follicles. In addition, equine LH markedly increased serum estrogen levels and uterine weight. Furthermore, equine LH, like equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG; PMSG) was able to significantly enhance the incorporation of [3H]thymidine into ovarian DNA, an activity shown to be specific to hormones having follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) activity. Equine LH treated with an FSH antibody immunoaffinity column to remove any possible contamination still exhibited the above activity, demonstrating that the FSH activity is intrinsic to the eLH molecule. Equine LH has also been shown to be capable of inducing LH receptors in granulosa cells of ovaries of hypophysectomized rats, an activity specific to FSH-like hormones. From the doses required of eLH and the degree of response observed, it is concluded, however, that eLH in the hypophysectomized rat is less active than eCG as an FSH.  相似文献   

Serum levels of LH, FSH, Prolactin and Testosterone of 90 days old male rats androgenized soon after birth were determined by specific radioimmunoassay and were compared to untreated rats. LH and FSH levels were also determined in 90 days old female rats neo-natally treated with testosterone and compared with normal diestrus rats. Androgenization of male rats significantly increased serum FSH and Prolactin levels without producing changes in plasma LH and testosterone concentrations. Similar increase in the FSH levels were found in androgenized female rats although plasma FSH concentrations were lower than in the male groups. These results obtained in male rats give an additional evidence that androgens acting in the first days of life are responsible of the higher levels of FSH and Prolactin that characterize the male or tonic pattern of gonadotrophin secretion.  相似文献   

The plasma LH concentration is believed to be reasonably steady in normal male rats. We found that LH is released in a regular pulsatile fashion. The overall mean concentration of plasma LH in normal male rats was 46.6 +/- 4.4 (mean +/- SEM) ng/ml. The normal male rats showed periodic LH pulses: the mean pulse amplitude was 144.4 +/- 25.5 ng/ml and the inter-peak interval was 22.5 +/- 2.0 min. Each pulse lasted 9.7 +/- 0.8 min. When LH-RH (1 microgram/kg) was injected as a bolus, the peak concentration was attained in 10-30 min reaching a peak concentration of 279.4 +/- 39.6 ng/ml. Distinct pulsatile bursts of plasma LH were discernible during the period of elevated plasma LH concentration. When a higher dose of LH-RH (5 micrograms/kg) was administered, the LH concentration slowly increased to a peak concentration of 400.2 +/- 38.7 ng/ml in 20-40 min. The pulsatile nature of the LH concentration was recognizable with distinct bursts. We have observed that: (a) normal male rats release LH in a pulsatile fashion with an approximate 20-min inter-peak interval; (b) mean LH pulses last less than 10 min, and (c) the LH pulses are visible even with elevated LH and LH-RH concentrations in the general circulation.  相似文献   

Oxytocin (OXT) administered to rats induces several long-lasting physiological and metabolic effects. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of oxytocin treatment on plasma levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), free thyroxine (fT4) and free triiodothyronine (fT3). For this purpose, oxytocin or NaCl was administered intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) (0.3 micro g) or subcutaneously (s.c.) (1 mg/kg) once a day for 5 days to male rats. Five or ten days after the last injection, rats were decapitated, blood was collected and hormone levels were analyzed by fluoroimmunoassay. The oxytocin treatment i.c.v. decreased plasma levels of TSH (p<0.05), fT3 (p<0.01) and fT4 (p<0.05) when measured at day 5 after oxytocin treatment, whereas the effect was abolished when measured at day 10. Oxytocin treatment s.c. did not affect plasma levels of TSH, fT3 or fT4. Thus, the effect seems to have been mediated within the central nervous system, and TSH and the thyroid hormones may be involved in some of the metabolic effects in response to oxytocin.  相似文献   

Plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) levels were determined at monthly intervals in intact and ovariectomized squirrels maintained in a constant 14L:10D photoperiod at a temperature of 23 +/- 2 degrees C. LH was undetectable (less than 0.9 ng/ml) in plasma of intact females at all times of year. Females ovariectomized (OVX) at 9.5 months of age in March showed substantial increases in plasma LH in May and June but LH was undetectable between July and November. Females ovariectomized at 13 months of age in July first manifested detectable LH levels the following January and February (6-7 months post-ovariectomy). Very few adult females trapped in May and ovariectomized in August had detectable LH levels within 2 months of ovariectomy; however, females ovariectomized the following February had detectable LH titers 1 month later. Long-term studies of individual OVX squirrels indicated peak LH levels between March and June, 1980, relatively low or undetectable titers between August and December and elevated LH levels between January and March, 1981. The results are suggestive of a circannual rhythm of LH secretion which appears restricted to one season of the year and occurs independently of steroid feedback from the ovaries; ovarian steroids only modulate the levels of plasma LH during the brief annual period of hypothalamo-hypophysial activity. We suggest that onset and termination of LH release are mediated by central nervous system circannual clocks.  相似文献   

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