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The concept of Intelligent Mechanical Design (IMD) is presented to show how a mechanical structure can be designed to affect robot controllability, simplification and task performance. Exploring this concept produces landmarks in the territory of mechanical robot design in the form of seven design principles. The design principles, which we call the Mecha-Telligence Principles (MTP), provide guidance on how to design mechanics for autonomous mobile robots. These principles guide us to ask the right questions when investigating issues concerning self-controllable, reliable, feasible, and compatible mechanics for autonomous mobile robots. To show how MTP can be applied in the design process we propose a novel methodology, named as Mecha-Telligence Methodology (MTM). Mechanical design by the proposed methodology is based on preference classification of the robot specification described by interaction of the robot with its environment and the physical parameters of the robot mechatronics. After defining new terms, we investigate the feasibility of the proposed methodology to the mechanical design of an autonomous mobile sewer inspection robot. In this industrial project we show how a passive-active intelligent moving mechanism can be designed using the MTM and employed in the field.  相似文献   

In this paper a new reactive mechanism based on perception-action bionics for multi-sensory integration applied to Un-manned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) navigation is proposed.The strategy is inspired by the olfactory bulb neural activity observed inrabbits subject to external stimuli.The new UAV navigation technique exploits the use of a multiscroll chaotic system which isable to be controlled in real-time towards less complex orbits,like periodic orbits or equilibrium points,considered as perceptiveorbits.These are subject to real-time modifications on the basis of environment changes acquired through a Synthetic ApertureRadar (SAR) sensory system.The mathematical details of the approach are given including simulation results in a virtual en-vironment.The results demonstrate the capability of autonomous navigation for UAV based on chaotic bionics theory in com-plex spatial environments.  相似文献   

In research on small mobile robots and biomimetic robots,locomotion ability remains a major issue despite many advances in technology.However,evolution has led to there being many real animals capable of excellent locomotion.This paper presents a "parasitic robot system" whereby locomotion abilities of an animal are applied to a robot task.We chose a turtle as our first host animal and designed a parasitic robot that can perform "operant conditioning".The parasitic robot,which is attached to the turtle,can induce object-tracking behavior of the turtle toward a Light Emitting Diode (LED) and positively reinforce the behavior through repeated stimulus-response interaction.After training sessions over five weeks,the robot could successfully control the direction of movement of the trained turtles in the waypoint navigation task.This hybrid animal-robot interaction system could provide an alternative solution to some of the limitations of conventional mobile robot systems in various fields,and could also act as a useful interaction system for the behavioral sciences.  相似文献   

##正## Nonverbal and noncontact behaviors play a significant role in allowing service robots to structure their interactions withhumans.In this paper, a novel human-mimic mechanism of robot's navigational skills was proposed for developing sociallyacceptable robotic etiquette.Based on the sociological and physiological concerns of interpersonal interactions in movement,several criteria in navigation were represented by constraints and incorporated into a unified probabilistic cost grid for safemotion planning and control, followed by an emphasis on the prediction of the human's movement for adjusting the robot'spre-collision navigational strategy.The human motion prediction utilizes a clustering-based algorithm for modeling humans'indoor motion patterns as well as the combination of the long-term and short-term tendency prediction that takes into accountthe uncertainties of both velocity and heading direction.Both simulation and real-world experiments verified the effectivenessand reliability of the method to ensure human's safety and comfort in navigation.A statistical user trials study was also given tovalidate the users'favorable views of the human-friendly navigational behavior.  相似文献   

An Attraction Pheromone from Heads of Worker Vespula germanica Wasps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vespula germanica is a social wasp that efficiently exploits food resources. Odor cues, derived from substances located in wasp heads, have been proved to be central in conspecific attraction in this species. However, it remains unknown whether this attraction is related to foraging or defense responses. In this study we analyze conspecific attraction under two different contexts: at the nest entrance (defense) and under foraging conditions. We also test wasp response with two dosages of head extract and crosschecked the attractiveness of extracts obtained from different populations. We found no evidence of alarm response to head extracts either at the nest entrance or under foraging conditions. Moreover, no differences in attractiveness were found to both doses tested. Head extracts attract similarly in the same or a different population suggesting that conspecific attraction is not restricted to colony nestmates.  相似文献   

Robots designed to track chemical leaks in hazardous industrial facilities1 or explosive traces in landmine fields2 face the same problem as insects foraging for food or searching for mates3: the olfactory search is constrained by the physics of turbulent transport4. The concentration landscape of wind borne odors is discontinuous and consists of sporadically located patches. A pre-requisite to olfactory search is that intermittent odor patches are detected. Because of its high speed and sensitivity5-6, the olfactory organ of insects provides a unique opportunity for detection. Insect antennae have been used in the past to detect not only sex pheromones7 but also chemicals that are relevant to humans, e.g., volatile compounds emanating from cancer cells8 or toxic and illicit substances9-11. We describe here a protocol for using insect antennae on autonomous robots and present a proof of concept for tracking odor plumes to their source. The global response of olfactory neurons is recorded in situ in the form of electroantennograms (EAGs). Our experimental design, based on a whole insect preparation, allows stable recordings within a working day. In comparison, EAGs on excised antennae have a lifetime of 2 hr. A custom hardware/software interface was developed between the EAG electrodes and a robot. The measurement system resolves individual odor patches up to 10 Hz, which exceeds the time scale of artificial chemical sensors12. The efficiency of EAG sensors for olfactory searches is further demonstrated in driving the robot toward a source of pheromone. By using identical olfactory stimuli and sensors as in real animals, our robotic platform provides a direct means for testing biological hypotheses about olfactory coding and search strategies13. It may also prove beneficial for detecting other odorants of interests by combining EAGs from different insect species in a bioelectronic nose configuration14 or using nanostructured gas sensors that mimic insect antennae15.  相似文献   

目的 全球视力受损或失明人数已超2亿,长期以来各类人工视觉系统被广泛研究。人工视觉系统的研发主要有两种技术路径,第一种是各类植入式人工视觉装置,第二种是各类非植入式、可穿戴装置。本文展示了一种非植入式、基于可穿戴头部触觉激发装置的系统原型,能够帮助盲人和视觉障碍者完成行走等复杂任务。方法 该系统采集受试者周边环境图像信息并无线传输到后台,操作人员分析处理图像信息后,将指令以触觉编码形式无线传输到头套等可穿戴装置,由驱动电路激发多点位头部触觉,从而为受试者提供准确的行动指令。系统并辅助以语音信息,让其了解更多道路状况和环境信息。结果 用原型系统对5名(2男3女)在读大学生健康志愿者和1名年轻盲症患者(男)进行实验。结果表明,原型系统充分利用了头部对前后左右的天然区分能力和对触觉的快速反应,具备直行、左右调整、转弯等明确指令功能。受试者对指令的响应时间约0.5 s,直线行走约7 m距离的偏差量标准差平均值相比未佩戴装置的情况下降低到(16±10)cm。结论 该系统可隐蔽、准确地提供环境图像信息,有效帮助视觉障碍人士完成行走、避让障碍物、上台阶、进入咖啡厅等公共场所、桌上取物等日常活动,达到了预期目标。今后对原型系统作进一步完善,特别是小型化、智能芯片化,把触觉装置制成颈环、腰带、手环、脚环等,将能够广泛应用于盲人出行辅助、夜间野外旅行、深海潜水等多种工作场景。  相似文献   

Legged robots relying on dry adhesives for vertical climbing are required to preload their feet against the wall to increase contact surface area and consequently maximize adhesion force. Preloading a foot causes a redistribution of forces in the entire robot, including contact forces between the other feet and the wall. An inappropriate redistribution of these forces can cause irreparable detachment of the robot from the vertical surface. This paper investigates an optimal preloading and detaching strategy that minimizes energy consumption, while retaining safety, during locomotion on vertical surfaces. The gait of a six-legged robot is planned using a quasi-static model that takes into account both the structure of the robot and the characteristics of the adhesive material. The latter was modelled from experimental data collected for this paper. A constrained optimization routine is used, and its output is a sequence of optimal posture and motor torque set-points.  相似文献   

Language barriers can impede the dissemination of research findings, restrict collaboration and exclude non-English-speaking researchers from the global scientific community. To overcome this challenge, we explore the potential of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) text generators to assist non-anglophone researchers in producing high-quality academic texts for publication in scientific journals, with a focus on the field of ecological research. These tools can produce grammatically correct, coherent and contextually appropriate text, improving scientific communication quality. Improving scientific communication is vital in Ecology, where research findings can have important implications for the environment and public policy. GenAI text generators can generate summaries of research findings, abstracts and social media posts promoting research findings. Nonetheless, researchers must exercise caution and use these tools together with human review and editing to ensure accuracy and clarity. As natural language processing and machine learning continue to evolve, the use of GenAI text generators in scientific communication is poised to become increasingly important.  相似文献   

目前,人工肝支持系统正在成为急性肝衰竭患者体外有效的肝支持治疗手段,其中以生物人工肝为主附加血或血浆灌流组成的体外组合型人工肝辅助装置最为人们关注,主要包含肝酶类、肝细胞成分、肝组织片及培养肝细胞系统等,其中又以对肝细胞培养系统的研究最为广泛。本文综述了国内外有关肝细胞的来源、培养方式、所需肝细胞数量等问题的研究进展。  相似文献   

Ablation of cavotricuspid isthmus flutter and atrial tachycardia in a complex substrate has never been reported using remote navigation via superior approach. Venous access was obtained via right internal jugular for ablation and left subclavian for duodecapolar catheter placement into the coronary sinus. In a posttransplant patient presenting with both regular and irregular tachycardia, both cavotricuspid isthmus flutter in the donor and atrial tachycardia in the recipient was mapped using a two catheter approach. Successful ablation of typical atrial flutter and anastomotic block was achieved. This is the first report of successful ablation of cavotricuspid isthmus flutter and posttransplant atrial tachycardia using magnetic navigation via superior approach. Using only two catheters, this approach is logical and feasible in complex substrates with interrupted inferior venous access.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of lake mixing, due to artificial hypolimnetic aeration, on the succession and ecological composition of selected phytoplankton species in Tegeler See, Berlin. Special attention is given to Microcystis, a nuisance bloom-forming blue-green algae and its competitor (in this lake) Ceratium, a dinoflagellate. Due to the installation configuration, the aerators frequently destratified the lake, especially when the stratification was weak. Five years representing three different operating schemes of the 15 aerators (continuous aeration, non-aeration and surge aeration) in this lake were used to determine possible aeration strategies in controlling Microsystis. In order to ease correlation of the mixing status in the lake with its yearly successions of phytoplankton growth a non-dimensional parameter called the Lake number was utilised. This parameter represents a balance between: i) forcing due to wind and aerator discharge and ii) potential energy acquired from the stratification of the lake. The results indicate that surged operation of the aerators is effective in suppressing massive growth of Microcystis. Due to their ability to adapt to the mixing/stability state of the water column, prolonged aeration or prolonged stable stratified conditions have little effect in controlling this algae.  相似文献   

The paper presents the experimental study of the effect of scrap tire rubber leachates on the production characteristics of two ecological groups of water plants, the phytoplankton Monochrysis lutheri, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, and Exuviaella pusilla and the macrophytes Ulva rigida, Polysiphonia sanguinea, P. denudata, and Ulothrix sp. Data are presented on the dynamics of leachate (zinc, copper, oil products, paraformaldehyde, and acetone) diffusion into the environment from tire rubber preexposed to seawater for various periods of time. The data on leachate effects on the phytoplankton and macrophytes in the Black Sea are discussed. Leachates from fresh (not preexposed to seawater) rubber were found to have the largest impact on the production parameters of water plants. Leachates from rubber preexposed to water for various periods of time produced a significant effect on the production parameters at the initial stages of rubber exposure to water. Taking this into account, the authors argue that scrap tire utilization in artificial fouling substrate construction in heightened trophicity waters should be cautiously controlled to prevent the waters from secondary contamination.  相似文献   

Recently we found that a single administration of T-2 toxin (T-2), a trichothecene mycotoxin, into mice induced DNA fragmentation, a biochemical hallmark of apoptosis, in the thymus.1) In this study, we investigated the effective chemical structure(s) of T-2-derived metabolites capable of inducing thymic apoptosis in vivo in mice. Metabolic conversion of T-2 to 3′-hydroxy-T-2 toxin (3′-OH-T-2) (Fig. 1) did not diminish the apoptosis-inducing activity, since essentially the same level of fragmented DNA was detected in the thymus taken from mice injected with either T-2 or 3′-OH-T-2. In contrast, hydrolysis of T-2 and 3′-OH-T-2 at the carbon-4 (C-4) position to HT-2 toxin (HT-2) and 3′-hydroxy-HT-2 toxin (3′-OH-HT-2), respectively, greatly decreased the level of DNA fragmentation. Similarly, hydrolysis of T-2 at the carbon-8 (C-8) position to neosolaniol strongly diminished its ability to induce DNA fragmentation. T-2 tetraol, having no ester groups, was unable to induce apoptosis. Based on the data presented in this study, we concluded that both the acetyl group at the C-4 position and the isovaleryl or 3′-hydroxyisovaleryl group at the C-8 position of the T-2 molecule are important for inducing cell death through apoptosis in the thymus.  相似文献   

Recently, various kinds ofbiomimetic robots have been studied. Among these biomimetic robots, water-running robots that mimic the characteristics of basilisk lizards have received much attention. However, studies on the performance with respect to different geometric parameters and gaits have been lacking. To run on the surface of water, a water-running robot needs suffi- cient force with high stability to stay above the water. We experimentally measured the performance of the foot pads with different geometric parameters and with various gaits. We measured and analyzed the forces in the vertical direction and rolling angles of five different foot pad shapes: a circular shape, square shape, half-spherical shape, open half-cylinder shape, and closed half-cylinder shape. Additionally, the rolling stabilities of three kinds of gaits: biped, trotting, and tripod, were also empirically analyzed. The results of this research can be used as a guideline to design a stable water-running robot.  相似文献   

采用Fmoc固相合成法合成了解淀粉芽孢杆菌Q-426群体感应系统Com X信息素的前体五肽。利用反向半制备色谱(RP-HPLC)和液质联用仪(LC-MS)对合成的五肽进行了分离纯化及纯度分析。建立了检测游离氨基酸的新方法,并详细考察了合成条件对树脂上肽链连接效率的影响。结果表明,新型NNA试剂(茚三酮+正丁醇+乙酸溶液)可替代传统的Kaiser试剂用于Fmoc固相合成中游离氨基的检测;在35℃下,使用DCM和DMF对树脂交替溶胀1h后,树脂上肽链的连接效率最高。合成的Com X信息素前体五肽粗品产率为98%,纯度为58.60%;经半制备型高效液相纯化后,纯度达99%。抑菌实验表明,Com X信息素前体五肽具有明显的生物活性。  相似文献   

Yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clones were ordered for thephysical mapping of rice chromosome 2, the last of the 12 ricechromosomes to be assigned YACs by the Rice Genome ResearchProgram. A total of 128 restriction fragment length polymorphismmarkers and 4 sequence-tagged site (STS) markers located onour high-density genetic map were used for YAC clone landing.By colony/Southern hybridization and polymerase chain reactionscreening, a total of 239 individual YACs were selected fromour YAC library of 6934 clones covering six genome equivalents.The YACs located on the corresponding marker positions in thelinkage map formed 43 contigs and islands and were estimatedto encompass about 50% of the length of rice chromosome 2.  相似文献   

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