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Yeast ribosomal protein S33 is encoded by an unsplit gene.   总被引:4,自引:8,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The structure of the gene coding for ribosomal protein S33, - a protein which escapes the coordinate control of ribosomal protein synthesis in rna 2 mutant cells -, was determined by sequence analysis. The gene comprises an uninterrupted coding region of 204 nucleotides encoding a protein of 8.9 kD. Like for other yeast ribosomal protein genes that have been sequenced so far, a relatively strong codon bias was observed. By S1 nuclease mapping the 5' end of the S33 mRNA was shown to be located at 11 to 15 nucleotides upstream from the initiation codon.  相似文献   

Yeast DNA topoisomerase II is encoded by a single-copy, essential gene   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
T Goto  J C Wang 《Cell》1984,36(4):1073-1080
The gene TOP2 encoding yeast topoisomerase II has been cloned by immunological screening of a yeast genomic library constructed in the phage lambda expression vector, lambda gt11. The ends of the message encoded by the cloned DNA fragment were delimited by the Berk and Sharp procedure (S1 nuclease mapping) for the 5' end and mapping of the polyA tail portion of a cDNA fragment for the 3' end. The predicted size of the message agrees with the length of the message as determined by Northern blot hybridization analysis. The identity of the gene was confirmed by expressing the gene in E. coli from the E. coli promoter lac UV5 to give catalytically active yeast DNA topoisomerase II. Disruption of one copy of the gene in a diploid yeast creates a recessive lethal mutation, indicating that the single DNA topoisomerase II gene of yeast has an essential function.  相似文献   

E E Biswas  P E Joseph  S B Biswas 《Biochemistry》1987,26(17):5377-5382
The DNA primase from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been purified 9200-fold to homogeneity. The yeast DNA primase is a monomeric protein of molecular weight 59,000, and under conditions described in this report, it is stable at 4 or -80 degrees C. The primase does not bind to DEAE-cellulose, is not inhibited by a high concentration of alpha-amanitin (4 mg/mL), and is capable of synthesizing small (up to 15 nucleotides in length) ribo or ribo-deoxy mixed initiator RNA primers. The primer synthesis is stimulated by ATP; however, other ribonucleotides could be replaced by deoxynucleotides without any measurable effect on the overall DNA synthesis. Thus, the purified primase is distinct from the RNA polymerases of S. cerevisiae. Immunoblot analysis of the polypeptides in a crude cell extract using a mouse polyclonal antibody prepared against the highly purified primase indicates that the 59-kilodalton polypeptide is the native form and not a degraded form of a larger polypeptide; however, primase is degraded rapidly to smaller polypeptides by yeast proteases especially in the absence of protease inhibitors.  相似文献   

ADP ribosylation factor (ARF) is a ubiquitous 21-kDa GTP-binding protein in eucaryotes. ARF was first identified in animal cells as the protein factor required for the efficient ADP-ribosylation of the mammalian G protein Gs by cholera toxin in vitro. A gene (ARF1) encoding a protein homologous to mammalian ARF was recently cloned from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sewell and Kahn, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 85:4620-4624, 1988). We have found a second gene encoding ARF in S. cerevisiae, ARF2. The two ARF genes are within 28 centimorgans of each other on chromosome IV, and the proteins encoded by them are 96% identical. Disruption of ARF1 causes slow growth, cold sensitivity, and sensitivity to normally sublethal concentrations of fluoride ion in the medium. Disruption of ARF2 causes no detectable phenotype. Disruption of both genes is lethal; thus, ARF is essential for mitotic growth. The ARF1 and ARF2 proteins are functionally homologous, and the phenotypic differences between mutations in the two genes can be accounted for by the level of expression; ARF1 produces approximately 90% of total ARF. Among revertants of the fluoride sensitivity of an arf1 null mutation were ARF1-ARF2 fusion genes created by a gene conversion event in which the deleted ARF1 sequences were repaired by recombination with ARF2.  相似文献   

DNA ligases are grouped into two families, ATP-dependent and NAD-dependent, according to the cofactor required for their activity. A surprising capability of both kinds of ligases to complement for one another in vivo has been observed. Bacillus subtilis harbours one NAD-dependent ligase, YerG, and two ATP-dependent ligases, YkoU and YoqV, this last one being encoded by the 134 kb lysogenic bacteriophage SPβ and consisting of a single adenylation domain typical of ATP-dependent ligases. Because the genetics of ligases in B.subtilis had not been studied previously, the genes encoding for one ligase of each kind, yerG and yoqV, were investigated. We found that the yerG gene was essential in B.subtilis. This suggests that none of the ATP-dependent ligases was able to complement the yerG defect. In addition, the ATP-dependent ligase encoded by yoqV, when cloned on a plasmid under appropriate expression signals, was unable to rescue a yerG mutant strain. The two B.subtilis ligase genes yerG and yoqV were also introduced in an Escherichia coli strain encoding a thermosensitive ligase (ligts), and whereas yoqV did not complement the ligts defects, yerG fully complemented the growth and UV sensitivity defects of the lig mutant. We propose to rename the yerG and yoqV genes of B.subtilis ligA and ligB respectively.  相似文献   

RNA (guanine-7-)-methyltransferase is the enzyme responsible for methylating the 5' cap structure of eukaryotic mRNA. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae enzyme is a 436-amino-acid protein encoded by the essential ABD1 gene. In this study, deletion and point mutations in ABD1 were tested for the ability to support growth of an abd1 null strain. Elimination of 109 amino acids from the N terminus had no effect on cell viability, whereas a more extensive N-terminal deletion of 155 residues was lethal, as was a C-terminal deletion of 55 amino acids. Alanine substitution mutations were introduced at eight conserved residues within a 206-amino-acid region of similarity between ABD1 and the methyltransferase domain of the vaccinia virus capping enzyme. ABD1 alleles H253A (encoding a substitution of alanine for histidine at position 253), T282A, E287A, E361A, and Y362A were viable, whereas G174A, D178A, and Y254A were either lethal or severely defective for growth. Alanine-substituted and amino-truncated ABD1 proteins were expressed in bacteria, purified, and tested for cap methyltransferase activity in vitro. Mutations that were viable in yeast cells had either no effect or only a moderate effect on the specific methyltransferase activity of the mutated ABD1 protein, whereas mutations that were deleterious in vivo yielded proteins that were catalytically defective in vitro. These findings substantiate for the first time the long-held presumption that cap methylation is an essential function in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pneumoniae is a major human pathogen that causes high mortality and morbidity rates and has developed resistance to many antibiotics. The genome of S. pneumoniae has recently been completely sequenced revealing many genes encoding hypothetical proteins of unknown function. We have found that the gene encoding one such conserved protein, SP14.3, is essential for growth of S. pneumonia. Since it is essential, SP14.3 represents a potential target for drug discovery. Here, we describe the three-dimensional solution structure of SP14.3 as determined by NMR spectroscopy. The structure consists of two domains each with an alpha/beta-fold. The N-terminal domain contains two alpha-helices and a three-stranded beta-sheet, while the C-terminal domain is composed of one alpha-helix and a five-stranded beta-sheet. The N-terminal domain of the protein contains a highly negatively charged surface and resembles the fold of the N-terminal domain of Thermus thermophilus ribosomal protein S3. The C-terminal domain has a protein fold similar to human small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Sm D3 and Haloarcula marismortui ribosomal protein L21E. The two domains of the protein tumble in solution overall as a whole with an overall molecular rotational correlation time (tau(m)) of 12.9 ns at 25 degrees C. The relative orientation of the two domains is not defined by the nuclear Overhauser effect data. Indeed, residual dipolar couplings and the structure calculations indicate that the relative orientation of the two domains is not rigidly oriented with respect to one another in solution.  相似文献   

Type III protein-arginine methyltransferase from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (RMT2) was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to apparent homogeneity. The cytosolic, ribosomal, and ribosome salt wash fractions from yeast cells lacking RMT2 were used as substrates for the recombinant RMT2. Using S-adenosyl-l-methionine as co-substrate, RMT2 methylated a protein in the ribosome salt wash fraction. The same protein in the ribosomal fraction was also methylated by RMT2 after pretreating the sample with endonuclease. Amino acid analysis affirmed that the labeling products were delta-N-monomethylarginines. The methylated protein from the ribosomal or the ribosome salt wash fraction was isolated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and identified as ribosomal protein L12 by mass spectrometry. Using synthetic peptides, recombinant L12, and its mutant as substrates, we pinpointed Arg(67) on ribosomal protein L12 as the methyl acceptor. L12 was isolated from wild type yeast cells that have been grown in the presence of S-adenosyl-l-[methyl-(3)H]methionine and subjected to amino acid analysis. The results indicate that L12 contains delta-N-monomethylarginines.  相似文献   

A A Sneddon  P T Cohen    M J Stark 《The EMBO journal》1990,9(13):4339-4346
Two genes (PPH21 and PPH22) encoding the yeast homologues of protein serine-threonine phosphatase 2A have been cloned from a Saccharomyces cerevisiae genomic library using a rabbit protein phosphatase 2A cDNA as a hybridization probe. The PPH genes are genetically linked on chromosome IV and are predicted to encode polypeptides each with 74% amino acid sequence identity to rabbit type 2A protein phosphatase, indicating once again the extraordinarily high degree of sequence conservation shown by protein-phosphatases from different species. The two PPH genes show less than 10% amino acid sequence divergence from each other and while disruption of either PPH gene alone is without any major effect, the double disruption is lethal. This indicates that protein phosphatase 2A activity is an essential cellular function in yeast. Measurement of type 2A protein phosphatase activity in yeast strains lacking one or other of the genes indicates that they account for most, if not all, protein phosphatase 2A activity in the cell.  相似文献   

We have identified an abundant ribonucleoprotein particle from Schizosaccharomyces pombe with properties related to those of the vertebrate signal recognition particle (SRP), including cytoplasmic localization, association with microsomes and ribosomes at low, but not high, salt concentrations and high resistance to micrococcal nuclease. The 256-nucleotide RNA component carries a 5'-triphosphate group and shows close secondary structure, and limited primary sequence homology to vertebrate 7SL RNA. 7SL-like RNAs were also detected in a number of other fungi. The single copy gene (SRP7) encoding S.pombe 7SL was disrupted by insertion of a transposon carrying the selective marker LEU2, and the disrupted gene was used to replace one chromosomal SRP7 gene in a diploid strain. Haploid srp7[unk] strains fail to germinate.  相似文献   

During mRNA synthesis, the polymerase of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) copies the genomic RNA to produce five capped and polyadenylated mRNAs with the 5'-terminal structure 7mGpppA(m)pApCpApGpNpNpApUpCp. The 5' mRNA processing events are poorly understood but presumably require triphosphatase, guanylyltransferase, [guanine-N-7]- and [ribose-2'-O]-methyltransferase (MTase) activities. Consistent with a role in mRNA methylation, conserved domain VI of the 241-kDa large (L) polymerase protein shares sequence homology with a bacterial [ribose-2'-O]-MTase, FtsJ/RrmJ. In this report, we generated six L gene mutations to test this homology. Individual substitutions to the predicted MTase active-site residues K1651, D1762, K1795, and E1833 yielded viruses with pinpoint plaque morphologies and 10- to 1,000-fold replication defects in single-step growth assays. Consistent with these defects, viral RNA and protein synthesis was diminished. In contrast, alteration of residue G1674 predicted to bind the methyl donor S-adenosylmethionine did not significantly perturb viral growth and gene expression. Analysis of the mRNA cap structure revealed that alterations to the predicted active site residues decreased [guanine-N-7]- and [ribose-2'-O]-MTase activity below the limit of detection of our assay. In contrast, the alanine substitution at G1674 had no apparent consequence. These data show that the predicted MTase active-site residues K1651, D1762, K1795, and E1833 within domain VI of the VSV L protein are essential for mRNA cap methylation. A model of mRNA processing consistent with these data is presented.  相似文献   

Abstract The identity of the product of the melA gene from Shewanella colelliana with the enzyme p -hydroxyphenylpyruvic dioxygenase is shown. Cloning of the melA gene endowed Escherichia coli with the capacity to synthesize melanin-like pigments from L-tyrosine. E. coli contained transaminases that transforms L-tyrosine into p -hydroxyphenylpyruvate. This keto acid was detected in the cultures. On the other hand, E. coli containing melA was able to go further in the catabolic pathway, releasing a great amount of homogentisic acid. This acid can spontaneously polymerize giving the pigment. Furthermore, p -hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase activity was detected in this system. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence revealed a high homology with the p -hydroxyphenylpyruvate deoxygenase enzyme from different organisms.  相似文献   

J Hu  R F Troxler    L Bogorad 《Nucleic acids research》1991,19(12):3431-3434
The 180-, 120- and 38-kDa polypeptides found in highly purified maize plastid RNA polymerase preparations are encoded by the maize plastid genes rpoC2, rpoB, and rpoA, respectively [Hu, J. and Bogorad, L. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 87, pp. 1531-1535]. These genes have segments that specify amino acid sequences homologous to those of E. coli RNA polymerase subunits. The plastid gene products are designated b", b and a, respectively. We report here that the amino-terminal amino acid sequence of a 78-kDa polypeptide also found in highly purified maize plastid RNA polymerase preparations matches precisely the sequence deduced from the maize plastid rpoC1 gene which has segments homologous to the 5' end of the E. coli rpoC gene. Thus, the 78-kDa polypeptide is likely to be a functional component of maize plastid DNA-dependent RNA polymerase. This polypeptide is designated subunit b'. Three polypeptides unrelated to RNA polymerase have also been identified in this preparation.  相似文献   

Yeast histone mRNA is polyadenylated.   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文

A nearly full-length cDNA clone isolated from the rat pheochromocytoma cell line, PC12, revealed extensive nucleotide sequence similarity between the rat cDNA and the Drosophila melanogaster hsp70 gene. The rat recombinant clone encodes a 71,000-dalton protein that is 70% identical with the dipteran hsp70 protein. Remarkably, a truncated segment of this cDNA clone was originally isolated by immunoreactivity with antisera raised to catecholamine-synthesizing enzymes, suggesting that this heat shock protein and these catecholamine enzymes shared antigenic determinants. The rat hsp70-related mRNA is responsible for the production of a constitutive hsp70 protein, because it is present in abundant amounts in various tissues at normal growth temperatures and is only minimally induced by hyperthermia. The rat hsp70-related sequence is part of a multigene family that extends across species to mice and humans.  相似文献   

The MPS1 gene has been previously identified by a mutant allele that shows defects in spindle pole body (SPB) duplication and cell cycle control. The SPB is the centrosome-equivalent organelle in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and it nucleates all the microtubules in the cell. We report the isolation of the MPS1 gene, which encodes an essential protein kinase homolog. The MPS1 open reading frame has been fused to those that encode the LexA protein or the GST protein and both of these constructs function in yeast. The fusion proteins have been affinity-purified from yeast extracts and the GST chimeric protein has been found to be a phosphoprotein. Both proteins have been used to demonstrate intrinsic in vitro protein kinase activity of Mps1p against exogenous substrates and itself (autophosphorylation). A mutation predicted to abolish kinase function not only eliminates in vitro protein kinase activity, but also behaves like a null mutation in vivo, suggesting that kinase activity contributes to the essential function of the protein. Phosphoamino acid analysis of substrates phosphorylated by Mps1p indicates that this kinase can phosphorylate serine, threonine and tyrosine residues, identifying Mps1p as a dual specificity protein kinase.  相似文献   

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