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D. J. Pearson 《Ibis》1984,126(1):1-15
Moult data were collected during 1967–80 from some 6900 Little Stints in the southern Kenyan rift valley.
Adults typically moulted from summer to winter body and head plumage during September and early October, soon after arrival. The complete pre-winter wing and tail moult began in most adults between mid-September and early October. Some birds finished by December, but others continued until February and March. Individual duration was usually between 100 and 150 days. Adults which completed this moult early often remoulted outer primaries between January and early April.
Young birds acquired first-winter body plumage during October and early November. Some 90% had a complete pre-winter wing and tail moult. This usually began between December and early February, and finished during March or early April, taking about 70–100 days. In about 10% of young birds, flight feather moult was restricted to the outer primaries and inner secondaries. Birds adopting this strategy typically began moult late, during January or February. Short periods of suspension were common during pre-winter wing moult, particularly in adults. The difference in moult speed between adult arid first-winter birds was attributable in the primary, secondary and tail tracts to differences in numbers of growing feathers.
Practically all birds completed a pre-summer moult involving the entire body and head plumage, most of the tertials, some or all of the tail feathers and many wing coverts. Most birds began this moult between early February and late March, and finished between mid-April and early May. It was typically later and more rapid in first-year birds than adults. In late birds, the onset of pre-summer moult was linked to the final stages of pre-winter moult.
The wing moult of the Little Stint in different wintering areas is discussed. First-winter moult strategy is compared with that in other small Calidris species.  相似文献   

We describe the sequence and extent of the complex and little understood post-juvenile and post-breeding moults of Savi's Warblers Locustella luscinioides . In contrast to previous studies, the post-juvenile moult occurred in at least 44% of the birds, 5% of which moulted some or all tertials and greater coverts. The timing of overlap between the filling and the post-juvenile moults, and the fact that later-moulting birds had no post-juvenile moult, strongly suggests that the moult extent is dependent on fledging date. From July onwards, all adult males overlapped breeding and moult, whereas only 11% of the females did so. The start of moult varied from 6 June to 25 August, and was significantly earlier in males. Only 18% of the birds completed the moult, whereas the remaining individuals retained a variable number of inner primaries and/or secondaries. Interestingly, not only was the number of retained primaries positively associated with the date of moult, but so too was the primary number of birds in which the moult started. We view this as an adaptation allowing the replacement of the most important feathers for flight when the time available for moult is short. Body condition did not vary with the progress of moult when date was taken into account, but fat reserves still tended to decrease and then increase. The body condition was correlated positively with the wing raggedness, so Savi's Warblers do not compensate for an increasing wing load during moult.  相似文献   

D. J. Pearson 《Ibis》1981,123(2):158-182
Some 5700 Ruffs were ringed in the southern Kenyan rift valley during 1967–79, mainly at Lakes Nakuru and Magadi. These have produced 15 recoveries outside East Africa, 14 in Siberia between 73° and 154°E and one in India. Adult males returned to Kenya mainly during August, and females during late August and early September. Females greatly outnumbered males at all times. Most wintering males departed late in March and early in April, but females not until about a month later. First-year birds appeared from the end of August, but remained in low numbers until late October or November. Most departed during April and May, but a few females oversummered. First-year birds typically accounted for about 25% of the wintering Nakuru females, but about 50% of those at Magadi. At both sites they accounted for a higher proportion of male birds than females. Most of the birds at Nakuru throughout late August to May appeared to be local winterers, and many individuals remained in the area for many months each year. Retrapping indicated that approximately 60% of each season's birds returned the following season. Adult males and most adult females commenced pre-winter wing moult before arrival, but completed most of it in Kenya. Males moulted 3–4 weeks ahead of females, and most had finished before December. Females typically finished during December and early January. Most second year birds timed their pre-winter moult similarly to older adults. Suspension was recorded in over 15% of all moulting birds examined. Adult pre-summer moult involved most or all of the tertials, some or all of the tail feathers, most of the inner wing coverts and the body and head plumage. It occurred mainly during January to March (males) or February to April (females), although tertial renewal commonly began a month earlier. Males showed no sign in Kenya of the supplementary prenuptial moult. First-year birds moulted from juvenile into first winter body plumage during late September to November. They underwent a pre-summer moult similar in extent and timing to that of adults, and again about a month earlier in males than females. Spring feathers acquired were often as brightly coloured as those of adults. About 15% of first-year birds renewed their outer 2–4 pairs of large primaries during January to April. Adult and first-year birds fattened before spring departure, commonly reaching weights 30–60% above winter mean. Weights of adult males peaked early in April, those of adult females early in May, and those of first-winter females later in May. Weights were relatively high also during August and September. This was due to the arrival of wintering birds carrying ‘spare’ reserves, and also apparently to the presence of a late moulting fattening passage contingent. The wing length of newly moulted adults was about 3 mm longer than that of newly arrived first-year birds, but there was no evidence of an increase in the wing kngth of adults with successive moults. Adult wing length decreased by 4–5 mm between the completion of one moult and the middle stages of the next. The migrations and annual timetable of Kenyan wintering Ruffs are discussed, and their moult strategy is compared with that of other Holarctic waders.  相似文献   

Sequence, rate and duration of moult were studied in captive bred European Quail Coturnix coturnix coturnix. The founder population originated from southwest France. The study was conducted between 1986 and 1989 on birds aged from 1 day to 2 years, exposed to a seasonal photoperiod corresponding to latitude 16°N during autumn and winter and latitude 48°N during the remainder of the year. Under these conditions, adult quail showed two annual moults with only the post-breeding one being complete. The pre-breeding moult essentially involved the throat feathers. Large interindividual variation was observed in the duration, timing and development of the post-breeding moult: 60% of the studied birds suspended moult when they developed migratory restlessness and then finished renewing their feathers during the winter. The post-juvenile moult was also suspended when 7–9 weeks old (3–6 primaries and 1–10 secondaries renewed). After this suspension, the length of which was related to the hatching date, the moult continued up to p7. The three outer primaries were kept for the first year and were replaced only during the post-breeding moult. Based on the examination of wing patterns, our study provides reliable criteria for discriminating between age classes. The numbers of primaries and secondaries simultaneously in growth or renewed were different between the age classes. The secondaries of adults were renewed later in the moult stage than were the secondaries of juveniles. These criteria provide field researchers with a guide that enables them to age quail with reasonable accuracy.  相似文献   

D. D. B. Summers 《Ibis》1972,114(1):79-88
Japanese Quail were kept in small cages under controlled conditions of temperature and light, and their pterylography and moult are described. There are 10 primaries, 14 secondaries and corresponding numbers of greater upper and lower wing coverts. The alula has four feathers and the tail from five to six pairs of feathers. There is an apterium in the dorso-pelvic tract similar to that in other quail genera. The arrangement of feathers in the ventral and cervical tracts appears to differ from that described for some North American quail.
The chicks hatch with a covering of natal down. Pre-juvenile moult can be seen when the chicks are three days old. Juvenile body plumage is complete in about 30 days; the sides of the face, around the eyes, are the last places to acquire feathers. The tenth and last juvenile primary to grow is mature when the chicks are 41 days old.
The moult in which the juvenile plumage is replaced overlaps the post-natal moult and in part of the ventral tract natal down is replaced by the first adult feathers. This makes it possible to sex the quail at 14 days old. The first adult moult is complete, in the body tracts, by the time the birds are five to six weeks old. The dropping of juvenile primaries commences at about three weeks old and ceases when about eight weeks old. Only from three to six primaries are replaced; most birds studied replaced five. The significance of this difference from other Galliformes is discussed; it is thought to be associated with the species' migratory behaviour. Quail which remained in the controlled laboratory environment did not undergo any further moult. All birds moulted when both temperature and light period were reduced and most birds moulted when the light period alone was reduced. Adult birds housed in small cages in an unheated, unlit shed underwent a complete moult between August and December in which all primaries were replaced. This moult took 8–14 weeks to complete.  相似文献   

Trade‐offs between moult and fuelling in migrant birds vary with migration distance and the environmental conditions they encounter. We compared wing moult and fuelling at the northern and southern ends of migration in two populations of adult Common Whitethroats Sylvia communis. The western population moults most remiges at the breeding grounds in Europe (e.g. Poland) and migrates 4000–5000 km to western Africa (e.g. Nigeria). The eastern population moults all remiges at the non‐breeding grounds and migrates 7000–10 000 km from western Asia (e.g. southwestern Siberia) to eastern and southern Africa. We tested the hypotheses that: (1) Whitethroats moult their wing feathers slowly in South Africa, where they face fewer time constraints than in Poland, and (2) fuelling is slower when it coincides with moulting (Poland, South Africa) than when it occurs alone (Siberia, Nigeria). We estimated moult timing of primaries, secondaries and tertials from moult records of Polish and South African Whitethroats ringed in 1987–2017 and determined fuelling patterns from the body mass of Whitethroats ringed in all four regions. The western population moulted wing feathers in Poland over 55 days (2 July–26 August) at a varying rate, up to 13 feathers simultaneously, but fuelled slowly until departure in August–mid‐September. In Nigeria, during the drier period of mid‐February–March they fuelled slowly, but the fuelling rate increased three‐fold in April–May after the rains before mid‐April–May departure. The eastern population did not moult in Siberia but fuelled three times faster before mid‐July–early August departure than did the western birds moulting in Poland. In South Africa, the Whitethroats moulted over 57 days (2 January–28 February) at a constant rate of up to nine feathers simultaneously and fuelled slowly from mid‐December until mid‐April–May departure. These results suggest the two populations use contrasting strategies to capitalize on food supplies before departure from breeding and non‐breeding grounds.  相似文献   

Some theories about moult strategies of Palaearctic passerine migrants assume that birds adapt timing of moult to environmental conditions such as rainfall on their African wintering grounds. Species wintering in the northern tropics should limit moult to the period shortly after their arrival at the end of the rainy season. Passerine migrants wintering in West Africa should also moult more rapidly compared to related species or conspecific populations that moult elsewhere. We investigated the moult of melodious warblers Hippolais polyglotta, willow warblers Phylloscopus trochilus and pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca wintering in Comoé National Park, Ivory Coast, between October 1994 and April 1998. In contrast to previous studies we did not restrict our analyses to moult of flight feathers but also included moult of body feathers. The results differed partially from the general assumptions of previous authors. Melodious warblers moulted twice: a complete moult shortly after their arrival, and a moult of body feathers and in some cases some tertials and secondaries in spring. Willow warblers moulting flight feathers were found between December and March with the majority moulting in January and February. Primary moult was not faster compared to populations moulting in central Africa and South Africa. Body feather moult varied strongly among individuals with birds in heavy moult between December and April. Pied flycatchers moulted body feathers and tertials between January and April. Birds with growing feathers were found throughout the whole period including the entire dry season. Moult strategies are thus not readily related to a few environmental factors in general and our results show that factors other than mere resource availability during certain times on the wintering grounds are likely to govern the timing of moult.Communicated by F.Bairlein  相似文献   

Here we investigate the change in feather quality during partial post‐juvenile and complete post‐breeding moult in great tit Parus major by measuring the change in the number of fault bars and feather holes on wing and tail feathers. Feathers grown during ontogeny usually are of lower quality than feathers grown following subsequent moults at independence. This is reflected by higher number of fault bars and feather holes on juveniles compared to adults. Fault bars are significantly more common on tail and proximal wing feathers than on the distal remiges, indicating a mechanism of adaptive allocation of stress induced abnormalities during ontogeny into the aerodynamically less important flight feathers. On the contrary, feather holes produced probably by chewing lice have a more uniform distribution on wing and tail feathers, which may reflect the inability of birds to control their distribution, or the weak natural selection imposed by them. The adaptive value of the differential allocation of fault bar between groups of feathers seems to be supported by the significantly higher recapture probability of those juvenile great tits which have fewer fault bars at fledging on the aerodynamically most important primaries, but not on other groups of flight feathers. The selection imposed by feather holes seems to be smaller, since except for the positive association between hatching date, brood size and the number of feather holes at fledging, great tits' survival was not affected by the number of feather holes. During post‐juvenile moult, the intensity of fault bars drops significantly through the replacement of tail feathers and tertials, resulting in disproportional reduction of the total number of fault bars on flight feathers related to the number of feathers replaced. The reduction in the number of fault bars during post‐juvenile moult associated with their adaptive allocation to proximal wing feathers and rectrices may explain the evolution of partial post‐juvenile moult in the great tit, since the quality of flight feathers can be increased significantly at a relatively small cost. Our results may explain the widespread phenomenon of partial post‐juvenile moult of flight feathers among Palearctic passerines. During the next complete post‐breeding moult, the total number of fault bars on flight feathers has remained unchanged, indicating the effectiveness of partial post‐juvenile moult in reducing the number of adaptively allocated fault bars. The number of feather holes has also decreased on groups of feathers replaced during partial post‐juvenile moult, but the reduction is proportional with the number of feathers moulted. In line with this observation, the number of feather holes is further reduced during post‐breeding moult on primaries and secondaries, resulting in an increase in feather quality of adult great tits.  相似文献   

Raymond  Hewson 《Journal of Zoology》1973,171(2):177-187
The moults of captive Scottish ptarmigan were studied at Banchory, north-east Scotland from December 1968 to February 1971. In the autumn moult (June to September) which included the primaries, cock ptarmigan moulted earlier and more completely than hens. In the winter moult (September to February) hens moulted earlier and both sexes moulted more completely than in spring. In the spring moult (February to June) cocks moulted more rapidly to begin with but by mid-April hens had caught up and thereafter moulted at least as rapidly as cocks. When kept indoors at slightly higher temperatures ptarmigan grew more pigmented feathers during the winter moult. In a colder winter the birds became whiter than in a milder one. First-winter ptarmigan completed the winter moult later than older birds. Birds from the Cairnwell hills had more dark feathers in winter than those from the eastern Cairngorms. There was no correlation between the start or finish of egg-laying and moulting.  相似文献   

P. A. PRINCE  S. RODWELL  M. JONES  P. ROTHERY 《Ibis》1993,135(2):121-131
We recorded the age of individual wing and tail feathers of Black-browed and Grey-headed Albatrosses Diomedea melanophris and D. chrysostoma of known age and breeding status at Bird Island, South Georgia. Breeders and non-breeders of both species moult their rectrices annually. Non-breeders moult primaries biennially. In the first year of a cycle, the outer three and some inner primaries are moulted descendantly; in the next year the inner primaries are moulted ascendantly, starting from primary seven. There is a general progression to moulting equal numbers of primaries in each half of the cycle by the time breeding starts at about 10 years of age. Grey-headed Albatrosses usually moult fewer primaries than Black-browed Albatrosses, particularly as 3-year-olds, when they undertake substantial plumage change in body moult. Most secondaries in Black-browed Albatrosses have been replaced once by age 4 years. Breeding Black-browed Albatrosses continue the moult pattern established as immatures whether they fail or not, as do failed Grey-headed Albatrosses. Successful Grey-headed Albatrosses, which breed again 16 months later, moult their three innermost primaries after breeding in the remainder of the current year and, after a period when moult is interrupted, renew the remaining primaries the following year. Comparisons between species and between failed and successful birds within species indicate that moult rate is not closely linked to the length of the interval between breeding attempts. Interspecies differences are better explained by breeding latitude, with tropical albatrosses moulting twice as fast as sub-Antarctic species, possibly reflecting food availability outside the breeding season.  相似文献   

Fault bars are translucent bands produced by stressful events during feather formation. They weaken feathers and increase their probability of breakage, and thus could compromise bird fitness by lowering flight performance. It has been recently suggested ('fault bar allocation hypothesis') that birds could have evolved adaptive mechanisms for reducing fault bar load on the feathers with the highest function during flight. We tested this hypothesis by studying first-year individuals of the long-distance migratory, aerial forager barn swallow Hirundo rustica . We predicted that fault bars should be less abundant on the outermost wing and tail feathers, but more frequent on the tail than on the outermost wing feathers. Accordingly, we found that fault bars occurred more often in tertials than in primaries or secondaries. Tail feathers had fewer fault bars than tertials, but more than primaries. Within the tail, the distribution pattern of fault bars was W-shaped, with the highest fault bar load occurring on the streamers and on the two central feathers. Because streamers are the most important tail feathers for flight performance, this finding seems to contradict the 'fault bar allocation hypothesis'. However, flight performance is much less sensitive to changes in the shape of the tail than of the wings, which could explain why evolutionary forces have not counteracted the increase of fault bars associated with feather elongation during the recent evolution of streamers in the tail of hirundines.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 85 , 455–461.  相似文献   

Seabird moult is poorly understood because most species undergo moult at sea during the non-breeding season. We scored moult of wings, tail and body feathers on 102 Mediterranean Cory's Shearwaters Calonectris diomedea diomedea accidentally caught by longliners throughout the year. Primary renewal was found to be simple and descendant from the most proximal (P1) to the most distal (P10) feather. Secondaries showed a more complex moulting pattern, with three different asynchronous foci: the first starting on the innermost secondaries (S21), the second on the middle secondaries (S5) and the latest on the outermost secondaries (S1). Rectrix moult started at a later stage and was simple and descendant from the most proximal feather (R1) expanding distally. Although a few body feathers can be moulted from prelaying to hatching, moult of ventral and dorsal feathers clearly intensified during chick rearing. Different moulting sequences and uncoupled phenology between primary and secondary renewal suggest that flight efficiency is a strong constraint factor in the evolution of moulting strategies. Moreover, moult of Cory's Shearwaters was synchronous between wings and largely asynchronous between tail halves, with no more than one rectrix moulted at once. This result is probably related to the differential sensitivity of wings and the tail on flight performance, ultimately derived from different aerodynamic functions. Finally, Cory's Shearwater females renewed feathers earlier and faster than males, which may be related to the lower chick attendance of females.  相似文献   

Summary Complete summer moult in the Great Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus a. arundinaceus) is a rare phenomenon, and only two cases have so far been reported for Europe. In 5 years of summer ringing in Val Campotto, Northern Italy, 12 different individuals were found in complete moult. Only the two innermost primaries are generally renewed, with more advanced stages of moult involving up to 6 primaries, the tertials and the first secondaries. A single bird controlled in three subsequent years was always found at a similar degree of primary moult.  相似文献   

Graham M.  Lenton 《Ibis》1984,126(2):188-197
Moult in Malayan Barn Owls Tyto alba was studied in two pairs of wild collected captive birds and from feathers taken from nest sites throughout peninsular Malaysia.
Post-juvenile captive birds moulted nearly to completion prior to first breeding, beginning with P6 at a mean age of 301.5 days. This contrasted with the only other study of moult in captive Barn Ow-Is in Germany when moult began at an age of 400 days, and then continued for a protracted period of two years separated by a suspension of moult during the normal breeding season.
The complex sequence of moult in primaries and secondaries both in the Malayan and German birds was similar.
Moult among adult Malayan birds in the wild showed a broad and somebyhat irregular seasonal trend With lower incidence during peak breeding periods.  相似文献   

M. Herremans 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):332-343
Steppe Buzzards breed in Eurasia and spend the non-breeding season in Africa. Adults moult some flight feathers during the breeding season and some during the non-breeding season. Moult is arrested during migration. The extent of moult of flight feathers in adults is highly variable between individuals in southern Africa, with the renewal of two primaries, three secondaries and five rectrices as the most frequently encountered pattern. Time spent on the non-breeding grounds in South Africa is too short to allow for a sequential moult. Moult of flight feathers is restricted to the almost synchronous dropping of a number of feathers upon arrival, with few being replaced subsequently. Any of the flight feathers can be replaced in southern Africa, and the pattern of renewal in primaries and secondaries cannot be distinguished from random. Tail feathers are replaced in an alternating (transilient) pattern. Moult in the non-breeding areas may primarily be complementary to moult on the breeding grounds, but these two partial moults per year are insufficient to renew all flight feathers annually. Middle secondaries and central tail feathers are regularly carried over to a third moult, but this is rare for primaries.  相似文献   

The seasonal timing of moult in migratory birds is an adaptation to cope with time constraints in the annual cycle. Kiat and Izhaki analysed moult patterns in Palaearctic passerines and rejected the proposition that seasonally divided moult is an endogenously controlled strategy. Instead, they advocated the view that it occurs due to a flexible and opportunistic timing of moult. In contrast, we argue that Kiat and Izhaki’s analysis is flawed and that they overlooked several important facts about moult in the Barred Warbler Sylvia nisoria and other species showing seasonally divided moult. These include the facts that juveniles replace a few secondaries already in their first winter, and that the moult sequences of primaries and secondaries are decoupled compared with the typical passerine complete moult sequence. We argue that seasonally divided moult is an adaptive strategy that is largely under endogenous control.  相似文献   

The functional life span of feathers is always much less than the potential life span of birds, so feathers must be renewed regularly. But feather renewal entails important energetic, time and performance costs that must be integrated into the annual cycle. Across species the time required to replace flight feather increases disproportionately with body size, resulting in complex, multiple waves of feather replacement in the primaries of many large birds. We describe the rules of flight feather replacement for Hemiprocne mystacea, a small, 60g tree swift from the New Guinea region. This species breeds and molts in all months of the year, and flight feather molt occurs during breeding in some individuals. H. mystacea is one to be the smallest species for which stepwise replacement of the primaries and secondaries has been documented; yet, primary replacement is extremely slow in this aerial forager, requiring more than 300 days if molt is not interrupted. We used growth bands to show that primaries grow at an average rate of 2.86 mm/d. The 10 primaries are a single molt series, while the 11 secondaries and five rectrices are each broken into two molt series. In large birds stepwise replacement of the primaries serves to increase the rate of primary replacement while minimizing gaps in the wing. But stepwise replacement of the wing quills in H. mystacea proceeds so slowly that it may be a consequence of the ontogeny of stepwise molting, rather than an adaptation, because the average number of growing primaries is probably lower than 1.14 feathers per wing.  相似文献   

Moult strategies in the Common Whitethroat Sylvia c. communis trapped in northern Nigeria in April 1999 are analysed. Differences in the extent of moult between age and sex classes are presented. The secondary moult of adult birds is considered to belong to a new pre-breeding moult or an arrested moult, beginning at the normal starting positions on the wing, and not as a continuation of a suspended post-breeding moult. Eccentric moult of primaries was found in nearly 19% of the yearling birds, a pattern that is unusual for Western Palearctic passerines. Some individuals showed resemblance to the split moult pattern described for the Barred Warbler S. nisoria .  相似文献   

Migrating passerines moulting in the breeding quarters before autumn migration sometimes end up with less time than needed for a normal moult. To deal with this the birds could for example suspend moult or moult faster. In this paper we investigate the effect of an induced time-constraint on the moult of Lesser Whitethroats Sylvia curruca . The time-constraint was induced through a shift in light regime large enough to transfer the birds to a date when, under normal conditions, they already should have started moulting. Time-constrained birds moulted faster and also grew shorter wing feathers, resulting in a shorter wing, compared to control birds. Only one individual responded by interrupting moult and retained a number of inner primaries unmoulted. The observed adjustments of moult, and the higher fuel loads towards the end of moult, are consistent with the ideas that time is an important factor in bird migration, affecting not only migration but also the events preceding it.  相似文献   

Edmund  Wyndham 《Ibis》1981,123(2):145-157
In captive Budgerigars Melopsitticus undulatus moult of primaries started in the middle of the tract and moved progressively inwards and outwards, the inner feathers being replaced faster than the outer ones. Full replacement of primaries took six to eight months and a new cycle of moult usually started before completion of the old cycle. Moult of secondaries followed no clear pattern and occurred less frequently than moult of primaries. Moult of rectrices started with the middle pair and moved progressively outwards on both sides. Complete moult of rectrices took about six months and a new cycle often started before completion of the old. Moult of the head and body occurred intermittently throughout the year. Birds fledged in juvenal plumage, they passed into first basic plumage with a partial moult (head and body feathers) and into definitive basic plumage with a moult of all contour feathers.
In the field in inland mid-eastern Australia, there were some birds replacing feathers and some with complete plumage in most months of the year. Birds with complete plumage may have been between moults or within a moult and between replacement of feathers. The proportion of birds in moult did not increase in intensity after breeding, or cease during breeding or before movements. Some birds of both sexes with gonads in a reproductive condition were replacing feathers. Rirds that were replacing feathers had similar lipid deposits to birds that had a complete plumage.  相似文献   

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