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杭州西溪河浮游动物生态研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
西溪河位于杭州市西郊的一个自然村落内 ,是一条迂回、浅水的自然河流。径流面积 5~ 6km2 ,平均深度 2 .13m ,自然景色古朴 ,很少受外界的影响 ,目前被杭州市政府列为旅游风景资源开发的地区。但西溪河由于不合理的养鱼且疏于管理 ,随着村落经济的发展河流污染日趋严重 ,生物群落结构遭到一定的破坏。浮游动物是水体重要的生物群落 ,研究浮游动物生态及其与环境之间的关系 ,对西溪河的渔业生产、水环境监测和生物治理等均有积极的指导意义。1 材料与方法在西溪河的进水处章家塘、河中段秋雪庵和出水处交芦庵设置 3个浮游动物采样点 ,19…  相似文献   

Seventy-eight poliovirus strains isolated from river water and sewage in Toyama Prefecture, Japan, during 1993 to 1995 were characterized by the PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) method and by partially sequencing the VP3 and VP1 regions of the viral genome. Of these isolates, 36 were identified as Sabin vaccine strains, and 42 were identified as vaccine variant strains that had less than 1.4% nucleotide divergence from the Sabin strains, including 7 isolates with patterns different from those of Sabin strains as determined by PCR-RFLP analysis. These findings suggest that wild-type poliovirus was not circulating in Toyama Prefecture.  相似文献   

An investigation of the chemical environment of the Linggi River Basin was carried out at 15 main and 27 supplementary stations between January 1983 and January 1984. Spatial and temporal changes in pH, specific conductivity, alkalinity, chloride, ammonia-nitrogen, nitrite-nitrogen, nitrate-nitrogen, orthophosphate, dissolved oxygen, BOD, and diurnal variations were studied in relation to influence of various kinds of pollutants. The chemical composition of natural water analysed at a few undisturbed forest stream stations in the basin can be considered very good. A drastic change in river water quality was noticed in downstream polluted stations. The pH in the basin varied from 4.05 to 10.5 units, conductivity from 23.0–1,500 umhos/cm, alkalinity from 6.0–1,388 mg/l, chloride from 0.9–160.9 mg/l, orthophosphate from 0.5–5.21 mg/l, ammonia-N from 0.001–53.75 mg/l, nitrite-N from 0.0–8.2 mg/l, nitrate-N from 0.03–6.77 mg/l and BOD3, from 0.32–384.0 mg/l and COD from 0.02 to 79.2 unit. Among all the rivers, very high values were recorded at Kundor, Simin and Linggi (sensu stricto).  相似文献   

The Linggi River Basin is one of the most polluted river basins in Malaysia and drains an area of about 1,399km2 in the state of Negri Sembilan. An extensive multidisciplinary research was carried out to develop a predictive mathematical model to manage the Linggi River basin effectively. This paper reports only the morphometry and other physical environmental conditions of the Linggi River Basin which was carried out between January, 1983 and January, 1984. Topography, vegetation, landuse pattern, general geology and lithology, population distribution and water usage by the people are discussed. In addition, physical information such as air and water temperatures, precipitation, sunshine, discharge, suspended solids and dissolved solids data collected before and after the study period are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

In the 63-month period from January 1988 to March 1993, monthly levels of adenoviruses, enteroviruses (coxsackie B, polio, echo) and reoviruses in the urban river water in Nara Prefecture, Japan were in the range 0-25, 0-190 and 0-325, plaque forming units per liter (PFU/liter), and the average levels were 2.4, 40.6 and 56.2 PFU/liter, respectively. The peak reovirus level was found in winter during the cold weather months (Nov. to Mar.). The peak enterovirus level was found in summer (May to Sept.) but continued to be found in autumn-winter (Oct. to Jan.) from 1991 to 1993. The levels of adenoviruses were low throughout all 5 years, as compared to those of reoviruses and enteroviruses. Polioviruses were isolated following the administration of vaccine. Although a changing pattern of serotype prevalence was seen with the coxsackie B viruses and echoviruses from 1988 to 1993, this is not so for polioviruses, which remained almost unchanged for the five-year period. Adenoviruses were isolated throughout all five years, though in small numbers. Reoviruses were isolated most frequently throughout five years.  相似文献   

The wastewater from freshwater fish farming is responsible for important water quality modifications in receiving ecosystems. These point source pollution cause local problems for the management of the freshwater environment, especially in salmon rivers. The aim of this paper is to study the relationship between plant communities and environmental factors in two rivers basins on which seven fish farms are located and to assess the relative part of water pollution compared to other environmental factors involved in water plant distribution. The disturbance due to fish farming wastewater increased both richness and diversity of aquatic plant communities and modified the distribution of 11 aquatic macrophytes. Nevertheless, the main factors involved in the aquatic plant distribution in the whole data set were not the location upstream or downstream from one point source pollution but the belonging to one river system and the habitat physical features. Relevant prediction of macrophytic communities is a useful tool for bioindication purposes but several groups of variables that manifest themselves at different spatial levels must be considered.  相似文献   

The species composition, distribution and abundance of the Tubificidae (8 spp.) and Naididae (at least 4 spp.) in the Guangzhou reach of the Lower Pearl River were investigated. Limnodrilus spp. (particularly L. hoffmeisteri) constitutes the greatest part in nearly all samples, which were taken in both clean and polluted parts of the reach. In the polluted sites, total oligochaete densities reach values of up to 700 000 ind. m–2. The importance and problems of using oligochaetes as indicators of organic pollution are discussed.  相似文献   

Many assessments of water pollution in aquatic ecosystem have focused mainly on physical and chemical characteristics. However, until recently, biological aspects have been given little attention. Although physical and chemical methods of assessing water pollution are relatively simple to interpret, biological assessments have many strong merits. Therefore an attempt was made to use periphyton productivity (in terms of biomass ash‐free dry weight, AFDW) and chlorophyll‐a content (measured from periphyton colonized on glass microscope slides) to assess water pollution in the Linggi river. The Linggi River is a tropical lotic system in the country of Malaysia. As a result of increased nutrient enrichment due to sewage and agro‐industrial wastes, analyses of accumulated periphyton on glass slides showed increased biomass AFDW from an unpolluted upstream reach to the highly polluted downstream reach of the river. In contrast to biomass, the chlorophyll‐a content of the accumulated periphyton was not always directly related to the AFDW of the biomass. Though the highly polluted Station 4 showed high biomass AFDW and chlorophyll‐a, due to increased nutrient enrichment. The chlorophyll‐a values at slightly polluted Station 2 were lower than at the unpolluted Station 1. Meanwhile, the mean chlorophyll‐a content observed in Linggi river was relatively high as compared to previous studies carried out in Malaysia. When the Water Quality Index (WQI) was calculated using key chemical parameters linked to organic pollution, there was a significant correlation between chemical parameters, biomass AFDW, and chorophyll‐a. Though the chlorophyll‐a content increased with decreases in the WQI, similar to the biomass AFDW, the chlorophyll‐a values were found to be lower in slightly polluted Station 2 than unpolluted Station 1. Therefore it was not necessary that an increase in the biomass AFDW, due to nutrient enrichment, would always increase the chlorophyll‐a in accumulated periphyton (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

污染生态学的三级相关关系的原理夏北成(中山大学环境科学研究所,广州510275)ThePrinciplesofthreeInterrelationsinPolutionEcology.XiaBeicheng(InstituteofEnvironmen...  相似文献   

With a view to clarifying the actual state of inapparent infection of tsutsugamushi diseases, inhibitants of endemic and nonendemic areas were screened for anti-Rickettsia tsutsugamushi antibody (anti-Rt antibody) by the indirect immunofluorescence test. The anti-Rt antibody-positive rate in the inhabitants of the endemic area (about 50%) was statistically significantly higher than that in the nonendemic area (14.7%). The antibody titer in the inhabitants of the endemic area was 10-160, and the number of inhibitants showing a high antibody titer was 2-4 times larger than that of the nonendemic area. A total of 257 volunteers in the endemic area were analyzed for the changes in anti-Rt antibody titer over 1.5-2 years on an individual basis. An increase in the antibody titer was found in 20 inhabitants. There was no difference in the anti-Rt antibody-positive rate between male and female in either the endemic or the nonendemic area. The positive rate was also compared as to the distribution by 10 years of age. In the endemic area, there were no significant differences in the positive rate between any pair of 10-year age groups from 30s to 60s, whereas in the nonendemic area, the positive rate in the teen-age group was significantly lower than those in the age groups of 20 years or older. In Yamada district, the numbers of serum samples obtained from each age group were about the same, and the distribution of the positive rates showed a normal distribution. The nurse students having their homes in Toyama Prefecture were plotted on the map as for their anti-Rt antibody and geographical distribution. The results showed that many of them having homes in the endemic area were positive for the antibody, while some antibody-positives were scattered all over Toyama Prefecture.  相似文献   

蚕豆根尖微核技术监测南通市濠河水质污染的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用蚕豆根尖细胞微核技术监测南通市濠河水质污染状况,结果表明全部受试水样均能引起微核率显著升高,其中灰堆坝河段的微核率为1861‰,和平桥、三元桥、长桥、跃南桥、北濠桥河段的微核率分别为1322‰、1230‰、1173‰、1005‰、699‰,提示水体中含有遗传毒性物质。此外本文还对造成水质污染的可能原因以及防治对策的选择、微核率与化学耗氧量的关系进行了讨论  相似文献   

黄河水灌溉水稻根系及植株生态效应的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沿黄稻区是一个水稻新区 ,具有独特的生态类型。由于黄河水携带有大量泥沙并含有一定量的营养物质 ,使得在黄河水灌溉条件下水稻根系及植株的生育状况与井水灌溉有较大不同。从目前的报道来看 ,对井灌条件下水稻根系及根系对地上部发育的影响进行了较多研究 ,从不同角度探讨了水稻根系的发育规律及其对产量的影响。川田信一郎曾对不同水分条件下根的发育形态以及施用堆肥对水稻“浅层根”分布进行了研究[10 ],番场宏治研究了土壤水分条件对水稻根分布的影响[9],山崎耕宇研究了水稻根系的形成及其与产量的关系[8]。于贵瑞等研究了高产水稻群…  相似文献   

Sang Qi 《Hydrobiologia》1987,155(1):199-208
Densities of the 8 most important species or genera of the 15 taxa found at a series of stations along the Guangzhou Reach of the Pearl River are given. Shannon-Weaver diversity index values were low throughout the area studied. No clear correlations were found between oligochaetes and NH3-N or a combination of 6 chemical factors (COD, NH3-N, NO3-N, Cr, Pb, Hg). However, when the main groups of the benthos, including the oligochaetes, were taken together, and a BPI (Biological Pollution Index) approach used, a correlation between the macroinvertebrate community and the combined chemical factors was noted.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic mechanisms of non-O 1 Vibrio cholerae were investigated using strains from the environment and those from fish in Toyama Prefecture. None of the 93 non-O 1 V. cholerae strains produced a detectable level of choleratoxin-like-enterotoxin (CT-like-enterotoxin) in Syncase medium, while 23 strains showed a distinct fluid accumulation in the rabbit ileal loop test (RIL). These RIL-positive strains neither produced CT-like-enterotoxin in vitro in the other four kinds of media which are considered suitable for CT production, nor in vivo in the ligated ileal loop. Approximately one-third of RIL-positive strains produced a fluid accumulating factor (FAF) which was not neutralized with anti-CT serum. FAF of a representative strain (Strain 79-9-2) was inactivated by heating at 100 C for 10 min, and has a molecular weight within the range of 50,000 to 100,000 daltons. Most accumulated fluids in RIL after inoculation with whole cultures of RIL-positive strains contained both hemolytic and cytotoxic principles. Desquamation of epithelial cells, inflammatory edema, neutrophile infiltration, loss of goblet cells and frequent hemorrhages were observed in sections of ligated ileal loop inoculated with whole cultures or concentrated culture filtrates of CT-like-enterotoxin-negative but RIL-positive strains. In contrast, neither desquamation of epithelial cells nor hemorrhage was observed in sections after inoculation with those of a CT-like-enterotoxin positive strain (Strain E 8498). These results indicated that most RIL-positive non-O 1 V. cholerae strains from the environment and fish isolated in Toyama Prefecture produce little CT-like-enterotoxin, but some of them produce FAF with cytotoxic activities.  相似文献   

Sixty-nine species and four varieties that belong to 28 genera of terrestial fungi were recovered from polluted and non-polluted water and mud samples on glucose and cellulose-Czapek's agar at 28°C. The most common species from the two substrates on the two types of media were Aspergillus flavus, A. fumigatus, A.niger, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Fusarium oxysporum, Mycosphaerella tassiana and Penicillium chrysogenum. Twenty-six species belonging to 14 genera were isolated from polluted (26 species and 14 genera) and non-polluted (17species and 10 genera) mud samples on Sabouraud's dextrose agar at 28°C. The most prevalent species were Acremonium retiulum, Alternaria alternata, Aspergillus flavus, Aphanoascus fulvescens, A. terreus, Aphanoascus sp., Penicillium funiculosum and Stachybotrys chartarum.  相似文献   

Despite expenditures of more than 1 billion dollars annually, there is little information available about project motivations, actions, and results for the vast majority of river restoration efforts. We performed confidential telephone interviews with 317 restoration project managers from across the United States with the goals of (1) assessing project motivations and the metrics of project evaluation and (2) estimating the proportion of projects that set and meet criteria for ecologically successful river restoration projects. According to project managers, ecological degradation typically motivated restoration projects, but post‐project appearance and positive public opinion were the most commonly used metrics of success. Less than half of all projects set measurable objectives for their projects, but nearly two‐thirds of all interviewees felt that their projects had been “completely successful.” Projects that we classified as highly effective were distinct from the full database in that most had significant community involvement and an advisory committee. Interviews revealed that many restoration practitioners are frustrated by the lack of funding for and emphasis on project monitoring. To remedy this, we recommend a national program of strategic monitoring focused on a subset of future projects. Our interviews also suggest that merely conducting and publishing more scientific studies will not lead to significant improvements in restoration practice; direct, collaborative involvement between scientists, managers, and practitioners is required for forward progress in the science and application of river restoration.  相似文献   

The concentrations of selected heavy metals in sediments and waters in Baychebagh copper mine were determined using ICP-OES. Except for Co, the average concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in sediments from the Ghalechay River in the district exceed the world-average shale and continental upper crust value. Enrichment factors for Pb, Cu, and Cd were significantly enriched in sediments, indicating environmental contamination. Geoaccumulation index calculated for different sampling stations indicates that the sediments are unpolluted with respect to Co and Zn while unpolluted to moderately polluted with Cu and highly polluted with Pb and Cd. The Sediment Quality Guidelines (SQGs) suggest that Cd and Pb may pose the highest risk for the environment. Sequential extraction analyses of sediments revealed that Cu, Co, Pb, and Zn bound to extractable, carbonate, reducible and oxidizable fractions are lower than residual fraction. About 10% of the total Pb was associated with the exchangeable fraction, indicating remobilization, while Cd (89%), Pb (73%) Co (58%), Cu (76%), and Zn (68%) closely associated with the residual and oxidizable fractions, resulting in their environmental immobility. The residual forms are not expected to be released under normal conditions in the river and could be considered an inert phase.  相似文献   

不同生态环境榆耳酯酶同工酶的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
榆耳(GloeostrumincarnatumS.Ito&Imai)是东北地区特有的一种食用兼药用野生高等真菌,它不仅可以食用,而且民间常被用来治疗痢疾,是一种经济及应用价值极高的真菌。通过几年的野外调查,从东北地区不同的生态环境条件下,分离到10株...  相似文献   

大川河鱼类区系及其群落生态结构的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周仰jin  吴万荣 《生态学杂志》1991,10(2):20-24,71
鱼类区系及其群落生态结构,在理论和实践上都有十分重要的意义。但是,关于鱼类区系的生态结构问题,还未见详细报道。本文通过对大川河鱼类区系及其群落生态结构的分析,探讨鱼类区系及其群落生态结构的规律。  相似文献   

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