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A new species of microsporidium, Nolleria pulicis, is described and named here from the cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis. The genus Nolleria is created and placed within the family Chytridiopsidae. The family is slightly modified to accommodate certain features of intracellular development seen in N. pulicis, which is otherwise very similar to other species in the family Chytridiopsidae. Sporulation is described from ultrastructural analysis of infected midgut epithelial cells of adult C. felis. The term “multiple division by vacuolation” is proposed for describing sporogony as it occurs in this species and certain related species of microsporidia. The probable mode of transmission and apparent absence of merogony are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Microfilum lutjani n. g., n. sp. (Microsporida) was found on the gill filaments of Lutjanus fulgens (Teleost) inhabiting the coasts of Senegal. This microsporidium forms xenomas distinguished by the microvilli covering the plasma membrane. At all stages of development individuals have isolated nuclei and are in direct contact with the host cytoplasm. Merogony is binary and sporogony is tetrasporoblastic. the spore (4.75 times 2.60 μm)) is characterized by a manubrium inserted on a laterally offset anchoring disc and extending into a very short, noncoiled polar filament (no longer than 500 nm) in the form of a hook. This type of polar filament has not been described previously in the Microsporida.  相似文献   

不同寄主植物上马铃薯甲虫种群生长发育的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马铃薯甲虫Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say)是马铃薯Solanum tuberosum等茄科作物上的一种毁灭性害虫。为了探明寄主植物对新疆马铃薯甲虫种群生长发育的影响, 本研究通过非选择性试验测定了马铃薯、 茄子Solanum melongena和番茄Lycopersicon esculentum 3种栽培寄主及野生寄主中亚天仙子Hyoscyamus pusillus对马铃薯甲虫种群生长发育、 存活、 繁殖及生命表参数的影响。结果表明: 马铃薯甲虫幼虫虽然能够取食番茄, 但幼虫的发育历期长、 存活率低且蛹不能羽化, 表明番茄不是新疆马铃薯甲虫种群的适宜寄主。马铃薯、 茄子、 中亚天仙子3种寄主植物对该虫卵、 幼虫、 蛹的存活率和发育历期及成虫产卵前期没有显著影响, 但对蛹重和繁殖力影响显著。取食不同寄主植物后, 该虫蛹重和繁殖力从大到小的次序为: 马铃薯>茄子>中亚天仙子; 种群的净增殖率(R0)、 内禀增长率(rm)和种群趋势指数(I)从大到小依次为: 马铃薯>茄子>中亚天仙子。因此马铃薯为新疆马铃薯甲虫种群的最适宜寄主, 其次为茄子和中亚天仙子, 而番茄为不适宜寄主。  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Nosema (Microsporida: Nosematidae) are described from the Mexican bean beetle, Epilachna varivestis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and their life cycle stages studied by light and electron microscopy. Both species are monomorphic and disporous: they develop in direct contact with the cytoplasm of host cells and the nuclei of all stages are diplokaryotic. The more virulent species produces systemic infections most extensively in the adipose tissue, muscles, and Malpighian tubules of larvae and also invades the reproductive tissues of adult beetles. During merogonic development, it forms chains of diplokaryotic meronts. The fine structure of the sporoblast nuclei shows clumped material in the pole of each nucleus opposite their common plane of apposition. Spores are straight to slightly curved and ovocylindrical in shape and they measure 5.3 ± 0.13 × 2.1 ± 0.03 μm. The less virulent species also invades most host tissues but does not develop in the midgut epithelium; the Malpighian tubules are the principal site of its development and it also invades the ovaries and testes of adult beetles. Merogony occurs exclusively as the result of binary fission of diplokaryotic meronts. The plasmalemma of the meronts is covered with a thin deposit of exospore material upon which are located closely packed tubules that encircle the body transversely. A thickened deposit of exospore material on the surface of the diplokaryotic sporonts later obscures these tubules. Other tubules occur free in the host cell cytoplasm or attached to the plasmalemma of meronts and sporonts. Secretory granules also occur free or in chains in the host cytoplasm and are probably produced from the surface of the sporoblasts. Sporoblasts also contain an unusual cup-shaped organelle associated with a dense body, which is apparently involved in the formation of the polar tube and its associated organelles in the anterior part of the spore. Spores are ellipsoidal to slightly pyriform and measure 4.7 ± 0.06 × 2.6 ± 0.03 μm.  相似文献   

Colorado potato beetle (CPB) is the important pest of potato throughout the world. The study showed the effects of vermicompost on nutritional indices, digestive enzyme activities and intermediary metabolism of the larvae and the adults of CPB. Vermicompost affected significantly the efficiency of conversion of ingested food (ECI) and efficiency of conversion of digested food (ECD) in addition to activities of carbohydrases and proteases in both larvae and adults. Amount of total phenol compounds increased in the leaves of the potatoes grown on the soil containing 30% of vermicompost compared to control and it were amended by 15% of vermicompost. In case of intermediary metabolism, activities of aspartate aminotransferase and γ-glutamyl transferase showed no significant differences in the control and the treated larvae, but those were fluctuated upper and lower when 15% of vermicompost was added into growth plots. The amount of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density lipoproteins (HDL) in the larvae of CPB showed no significant differences among treatments. However, the amounts of LDL, HDL, glycogen and protein of the adults significantly increased using 30% of vermicompost. Results of the current study clearly revealed significant effects on some physiological processes in CPB fed on the plants grown in the different vermicompost treatments.  相似文献   

Stilbene optical brighteners were first investigated to protect biological control agents such as viruses, fungi, and nematodes against ultraviolet light. Some are known to enhance the activity of insect viruses in Lepidoptera. In this work, one stilbene brightener, Tinopal LPW, also increased mortality of gypsy moth and Colorado potato beetle larvae when treated with bacteria/optical brightener combinations. This increase in mortality, however, did not occur for every bacteria/insect combination. In gypsy moth, a significant increase in larval mortality was observed only with Bacillus thuringiensis combined with Tinopal LPW. In Colorado potato beetle, however, the addition of Tinopal LPW increased larval mortality with all bacteria tested (B. thuringiensis, Serratia marcescens, Photorhabdus luminescens, and Chromobacterium sp.). The brightener also decreased the time to kill for these pathogens. This decrease in LT50 was observed not only for bacteria+Tinopal LPW combinations, but also for combinations of Chromobacterium sp. toxin+Tinopal LPW. The mechanism for increase in bacterial toxicity by optical brighteners is compatible with mechanisms proposed for enhancement based on viral/lepidopteran/optical brightener systems that are not dependent on replication.  相似文献   

Host response of two penaeid species, Penaeus aztecus and P. setiferus, from the Gulf of Mexico to the pathogenic fungus Fusarium sp. isolated from the California brown shrimp, P. californiensis, was studied in vivo. The hemocytic response to this fungus was traced histologically in the gills. Both species showed complete resistance to infection by the fungal spores when normal or wounded shrimp were held in seawater containing the spores or when spores were injected directly into the shrimp in low concentrations. Complete melanization and encapsulation of the micro- and macroconidia were observed. Spore dosages of 3.2 × 106 or more were lethal, apparently due to mechanical blockage of the blood sinuses of the gills.  相似文献   

In this research work, the susceptibility of egg and four larval instars of Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Col.: Chrysomelidae) to Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs) compounds (lufenuron 25% EC and fenoxycarb 25% WP) was determined. Different larval instar groups were separated by measuring the head capsule width and were used in all bioassays. The data were analysed with log-probit transformation using the SPSS software. The LC50 for egg was determined by dipping egg masses in different concentration of either compound for 10 s, and LC50 values for each group of larvae was estimated by using treated potato plants. The LC50 values of lufenuron on egg, first, second and third instars of larvae were 682.65, 40.58, 47.83 and 261.38 ppm, respectively, and for fenoxycarb, these were estimated as 897.50, 35.60, 57.91 and 355.23 ppm, respectively. The LD50 values of lufenuron and fenoxycarb on second instar larvae were 139.56 and 228.42 ppm, respectively.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The microsporidium Nadelspora canceri n. g., n. sp., is described from the striated musculature of the Dungeness crab ( Cancer magister ) in Oregon, USA. The needle-shaped spores were rounded anteriorly, tapered to a posterior point and measured 7.1–11.8 × 0.2–0.3 μm in fixed preparations. The extremely narrow spore diameter prevented observation of morphological details at the light microscopic level and ultrastructural details of mature spores were difficult to resolve. Meronts were not observed and the monokaryotic merozoites and sporonts were not contained within either parasitophorous or sporophorous vesicles. Sporonts were disporoblastic and gave rise to monokaryotic sporoblasts that became narrow and elongate as they developed into immature spores with a developing polar filament. The nucleus was not clearly resolved in mature spores and may have been surrounded by the lamellar polaroplast. The polar filament was of nearly uniform diameter throughout most of its length and ended abruptly about three-fourths of the distance from the anterior end of the spore. Unusual spherical non-membrane bound granules surrounded the polar filament in a spiral arrangement. The new microsporidium resembles members of the family Mrazekiidiae, but differs in lacking a diplokaryon at any stage. It is probably most closely related to Baculea daphniae from which it differs primarily by spore shape and size. The familial relationships of the genus Baculea have not been determined and it is proposed to include it with Nadelspora in the new family Nadelsporidae.  相似文献   

The microsporidium Nudispora biformis n. g., n. sp., a parasite of a larva of the damsel fly Coenagrion hastulatum in Sweden, is described based on light microscopic and ultrastructural characteristics. Merogonial stages and sporonts are diplokaryotic. Sporogony comprises meiotic and mitotic divisions, and finally eight monokaryotic sporoblasts are released from a lobed plasmodium. Sporophorous vesicles are not formed. The monokaryotic spores are oval, measuring 1.4–1.8 × 2.8–3.4 μm in living condition. The thick spore wall has a layered exospore, with a median double-layer. The polaroplast has two lamellar parts, with the closest packed lamellae anteriorly. The isofilar polar filament is arranged in 6 (to 7) coils in the posterior half of the spore. Laminar and tubular extracellular material of exospore construction is present in the proximity of sporogonial stages. In addition to normal spores teratological spores are produced. The microsporidium is compared to the microsporidia of the Odonata; its possible relations to the genus Pseudothelohania and to the Thelohania-like microsporidia are discussed. The new genus is provisionally included in the family Thelohaniidae.  相似文献   

[目的]马铃薯甲虫Leptinotarsa decemlineata是我国重要的检疫性害虫,对茄科植物危害严重.本研究旨在明确出现倒春寒短时低温对马铃薯甲虫种群增长的影响.[方法]马铃薯甲虫卵在8℃下分别处理1,3和5d,以27℃下饲养的卵作为对照,调查卵孵化率及孵化后幼虫的生长发育和成虫繁殖情况,用种群参数评估短时低...  相似文献   

Petitpierre E  Garnería I 《Genetica》2003,119(2):193-199
The chromosomes of ten species of Cyrtonus and the genome sizes of six are surveyed. Among the total of 15 chromosomally studied species, 11 have 2n=28 chromosomes and a 13+Xyp male meioformula, three have 2n=40 and 19+Xyp and one 2n=46 and 22+Xyp. All but one species with 28 chromosomes show only metacentric or submetacentric chromosomes, whereas the species with 40 and 46 chromosomes display some telocentrics or subtelocentrics, that are probably derived from the former by centric fissions. However, since the number of major chromosome arms is strikingly higher in these latter species (NF=70 and 78) than in the 28-chromosome species (mostly NF=56), other chromosomal rearrangements such as pericentric inversions or heterochromatin accretions could also be involved. The genome sizes display a narrow range, from 1C=0.6–1.22pg, and they are not significantly correlated with the chromosome numbers. Some possible factors implied in the rough chromosomal evolution of Cyrtonus are discussed in relation to a few other genera of the subfamily Chrysomelinae.  相似文献   

温度对马铃薯甲虫生长发育的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了进一步明确温度对马铃薯甲虫Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say)生长发育的影响, 在恒温条件, 研究了温度对马铃薯甲虫实验种群生长发育的影响。结果表明:温度对马铃薯甲虫各虫态的发育历期、存活率及种群的繁殖力有显著的影响。发育历期随温度的升高而缩短, 发育速率与温度呈显著的正相关。马铃薯甲虫世代存活率由大到小的顺序为27℃23℃19℃31℃15℃27℃时成虫的产卵量最高, 单雌平均卵量为729.7粒;其次为23℃, 单雌平均卵量为639.2粒。并测得马铃薯甲虫卵、1龄幼虫、2龄幼虫、3龄幼虫、4龄幼虫、幼虫期、蛹期及全世代的发育起点温度分别为9.14, 10.50, 8.17, 10.28, 9.04, 9.59, 10.23和10.90℃, 有效积温分别为73.26, 43.22, 39.23, 34.05, 161.97, 273.02, 100.38和542.58日·度。据此认为温度对马铃薯甲虫实验种群的生长发育、存活和繁殖影响明显。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A new microsporidian parasite of the Artemia intestinal epithelium has been studied. The microsporidium developed within a membranous parasitophorous vesicle from the host rough endoplasmic reticulum consisting of two membranes, with the proximal one usually lacking ribosomes.
All developmental stages had isolated nuclei. Unikaryotic meronts developed into merogonial plasmodia. Merogonial division occurred by binary fission and rosette-shaped fragmentation. In young sporonts, an electron-lucent space, corresponding to the developing endospore, was immediately observed between both the plasmalemma and the exospore primordium. Sporogonial division occurred also by rosette-shaped fragmentation, resulting in at least eight sporoblasts that developed directly into spores. Fresh spores were 1.7 × 0.9 μm in size and oval-shaped. The 8–11 coil isofilar polar filament was arranged in two rows. The polaroplast was bipartite. The nature of the parasitophorous envelope, host-parasite interaction, developmental cycle and taxonomy are discussed.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of microsporidia, Ovavesicula popilliae n. g., n. sp., is described from the Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica, on the basis of studies by light and electron microscopy. Parasite development primarily occurs within the Malpighian tubules of larvae, and spores are formed in a sporophorous vesicle. Meronts have diplokaryotic nuclei, develop in direct contact with the host cell cytoplasm, and divide by binary fission. Sporonts have unpaired nuclei, develop within a thick sporophorous vesicle, and undergo synchronous nuclear divisions producing plasmodia with 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 nuclei. Cytokinesis of sporogonial plasmodia does not occur until karyokinesis is complete with 32 nuclei. Intact sporophorous vesicles are ovoid, containing numerous secretory products, and are surrounded by a persistent two-layered wall. The uninucleate spores are regularly formed in groups of 32, and the polar tube in each has six coils.  相似文献   

We studied the spore morphology and molecular systematics of a novel microsporidian isolate from Phyllobrotica armata Baly collected in China. The spores were long-oval and measured 4.7 × 2.6 μm on fresh smears. Ultrastructure of the spores was characteristic for the genus Nosema: 13-14 polar filament coils, posterior vacuole, and a diplokaryon. The complete rRNA gene sequence of the isolate was 4308 bp long. The organization of the rRNA gene was 5′-LSU rRNA-ITS-SSU rRNA-IGS-5S-3′, which corresponds to that of the Nosema species. Phylogenetic analysis based on the rRNA gene sequence indicated that this isolate, designated as Nosema sp. PA, is closely related to Nosemabombycis and is correctly assigned to the “true” Nosema group.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A new species of Amblyospora , a parasite found in wild populations of the predacious Australian mosquito Culex halifaxi , was investigated with light and electron microscopy. This species was found to be heterosporous with two concurrent sporulation sequences in the host larvae, both arising from diplokaryotic meronts and ending with haploid spores. One sequence was dominant and involved meiosis to produce eight thick-walled, broadly oval meiospores in a sporophorous vesicle (SV). The other sequence involved nuclear dissociation to produce lanceolate, thin-walled spores in a subpersistent SV. Horizontal transmission to the mosquito host, by one or both of two distinctly different pathways (one via an intermediate host, the other by cannibalism of infected individuals) and by vertical transmission, are postulated but have not been demonstrated. A new species, Amblyospora trinus , is proposed and its affinities to other heterosporous microsporidia in mosquitoes are discussed.  相似文献   

【目的】昆虫气味结合蛋白(OBPs)在昆虫嗅觉行为中发挥着重要作用。马铃薯甲虫Leptinotarsa decemlineata是马铃薯上一种最主要的毁灭性害虫。为阐明该虫嗅觉识别分子机制,本研究对马铃薯甲虫26个OBP基因序列特征及组织表达谱进行研究。【方法】基于马铃薯甲虫触角转录组测序数据,利用生物信息学方法及qRT-PCR技术,分别对马铃薯甲虫26个LdecOBPs (LdecOBP1-LdecOBP26)的系统进化及基因的组织表达谱进行分析。【结果】除LdecOBP26基因外,其余25个LdecOBPs基因序列均具有完整的开放阅读框,编码120~255个氨基酸残基,预测的蛋白分子量为13.66~29.38 kD,等电点为4.12~8.42,它们属于两个亚家族,其中13个为Classical-C OBPs, 12个为Minus-C OBPs。除LdecOBP3和LdecOBP26外,其他24个LdecOBPs的N端均由16~23个氨基酸组成的信号肽序列。不同的OBPs亚家族均具有各自典型保守的Cys残基。LdecOBPs之间高度分化,氨基酸序列一致性在3.20%~41.91%。系统进化树分析表明,LdecOBPs与沙葱萤叶甲Galeruca daurica的GdauOBPs亲缘关系最近。基因表达谱分析显示,26个LdecOBPs基因在马铃薯甲虫的不同组织中表达,其中有12个LdecOBPs基因(LdecOBP2, LdecOBP4, LdecOBP6, LdecOBP9, LdecOBP10, LdecOBP12, LdecOBP13, LdecOBP16, LdecOBP20-22和LdecOBP24)在触角中高表达,2个LdecOBPs基因(LdecOBP5和LdecOBP17)在足中高表达,其他12个LdecOBPs基因(LdecOBP1, LdecOBP3, LdecOBP7, LdecOBP8, LdecOBP11, LdecOBP14, LdecOBP15, LdecOBP18, LdecOBP19, LdecOBP23, LdecOBP25和LdecOBP26)在触角、头(去除触角)、胸、腹、足和翅这些组织中均表达。【结论】本研究结果为进一步研究马铃薯甲虫嗅觉识别分子机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The microsporidium Chytridiopsis trichopterae n. sp., a parasite of the midgut epithelium of larvae of the caddis fly Polycentropus flavomaculatus found in southern Sweden, is described based on light microscopic and ultrastructural characteristics. All life cycle stages have isolated nuclei. Merogonial reproduction was not observed. the sporogony comprises two sequences: one with free spores in parasitophorous vacuoles, the other in spherical, 5.6-6.8 μm wide, sporophorous vesicles which lie in the cytoplasm. the free sporogony yields more than 20 spores per sporont. the vesicle-bound sporogony produces 8, 12 or 16 spores. the envelope of the sporophorous vesicle is about 82 nm thick and layered. the internal layer is the plasma membrane of the sporont; the surface layer is electron dense with regularly arranged translucent components. Both spore types are spherical. They have an ~ 35-nm thick spore wall, with a plasma membrane, an electron-lucent endospore, and an ~ 14-nm thick electron-dense exospore. the polar sac is cup-like and lacks a layered anchoring disc. the polar filament is arranged in two to three isofilar coils in the half of the spore opposite the nucleus. the coupling between the polar sac and the polar filament is characteristic. the surface of the polar filament is covered with regularly arranged membraneous chambers resembling a honeycomb. There is no polaroplast of traditional type. the cytoplasm lacks polyribosomes. the nucleus has a prominent, wide nucleolus. the two spore types have identical construction, but differ in dimensions and electron density. Free living spores are about 3.2 μm wide, the diameter of the polar filament proper is 102-187 nm, the chambers of the honeycomb are 70-85 nm high, and the polar sac is up to 425 nm wide. Living spores in the vesicle-bound sporogony are about 2.1 μm wide, the polar filament measures 69-102 nm, the chambers of the honeycomb are about 45 nm high, and these spores are more electron dense. Comparisons of cytology (especially the construction of the spore wall and the polar filament and associated structures) and life cycles reveal prominent differences among the Chytridiopsis-like microsporidia, and close relationships between the families Chytridiopsidae and Metchnikovellidae.  相似文献   

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