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We studied the factors affecting the accuracy of the neighbor-joining (NJ) method for estimating phylogenies by simulating character change under different evolutionary models applied to twenty different 8-OTU tree topologies that varied widely with respect to tree imbalance and stemminess. The models incorporated three evolutionary rates—constant, varying among lineages, varying among characters—and three evolutionary contexts concerning patterns of character change relative to speciation events—phyletic, speciational, and punctuational. All combinations of the rate and context models were studied. In addition, three different absolute rates of change were investigated. To measure the accuracy, the strict consensus index was computed between the estimated tree and the tree topology along which the data had been generated. The results were analyzed by analysis of variance and compared to a previous study that evaluated UPGMA clustering and maximum parsimony (MP) as phylogenetic estimation techniques. We found evolutionary context and tree imbalance to be the most important factors affecting the accuracy of the NJ method. NJ was more accurate than UPGMA or MP in terms of the average strict consensus index over all treatments. However, no one method was more accurate than the other two for all combinations of treatments. Higher absolute rate of change generally resulted in higher accuracy for all three methods.  相似文献   

A simulation study was carried out to investigate the relative importance of tree topology (both balance and stemminess), evolutionary rates (constant, varying among characters, and varying among lineages), and evolutionary models in determining the accuracy with which phylogenetic trees can be estimated. The three evolutionary context models were phyletic (characters can change at each simulated time step), speciational (changes are possible only at the time of speciation into two daughter lineages), and punctuational (changes occur at the time of speciation but only in one of the daughter lineages). UPGMA clustering and maximum parsimony (“Wagner trees”) methods for estimating phylogenies were compared. All trees were based on eight recent OTUs. The three evolutionary context models were found to have the largest influence on accuracy of estimates by both methods. The next most important effect was that of the stemminess × context interaction. Maximum parsimony and UPGMA performed worst under the punctuational models. Under the phyletic model, trees with high stemminess values could be estimated more accurately and balanced trees were slightly easier to estimate than unbalanced ones. Overall, maximum parsimony yielded more accurate trees than UPGMA—but that was expected for these simulations since many more characters than OTUs were used. Our results suggest that the great majority of estimated phylogenetic trees are likely to be quite inaccurate; they underscore the inappropriateness of characterizing current phylogenetic methods as being for reconstruction rather than for estimation.  相似文献   

Comparisons are made of the accuracy of the restricted maximum-likelihood, Wagner parsimony, and UPGMA (unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages) clustering methods to estimate phylogenetic trees. Data matrices were generated by constructing simulated stochastic evolution in a multidimensional gene-frequency space using a simple genetic-drift model (Brownian-motion, random-walk) with constant rates of divergence in all lineages. Ten differentphylogenetic tree topologies of 20 operational taxonomic units (OTU's), representing a range of tree shapes, were used. Felsenstein's restricted maximum-likelihood method, Wagner parsimony, and UPGMA clustering were used to construct trees from the resulting data matrices. The computations for the restricted maximum-likelihood method were performed on a Cray-1 supercomputer since the required calculations (especially when optimized for the vector hardware) are performed substantially faster than on more conventional computing systems. The overall level of accuracy of tree reconstruction depends on the topology of the true phylogenetic tree. The UPGMA clustering method, especially when genetic-distance coefficients are used, gives the most accurate estimates of the true phylogeny (for our model with constant evolutionary rates). For large numbers of loci, all methods give similar results, but trends in the results imply that the restricted maximum-likelihood method would produce the most accurate trees if sample sizes were large enough.  相似文献   

We developed a simulation model of phylogenesis with which we generated a large number of phylogenies and associated data matrices. We examined the characteristics of these and evaluated the success of three taxonomic methods (Wagner parsimony, character compatibility, and UPGMA clustering) as estimators of phylogeny, paying particular attention to the consequences of changes in certain evolutionary assumptions: relative rate of evolution in three different evolutionary contexts (phyletic, parent lineage, and daughter lineage); relative rate of evolution in different directions (novel forward, convergent forward, or reverse); variation of evolutionary rates; and topology of the phylogenetic tree. Except for variation of evolutionary rates, all the evolutionary parameters that we controlled had significant effects on accuracy of phylogenetic reconstructions. Unexpectedly, the topology of the phylogeny was the most important single factor affecting accuracy; some phylogenies are more readily estimated than others for simply historical reasons. We conclude that none of the three estimation methods is very accurate, that the differences in accuracy among them are rather small, and that historical effects (the branching pattern of a phylogeny) may outweigh biological effects in determining the accuracy with which a phylogeny can be reconstructed.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variation is abundant in all types of systematic characters but is rarely addressed in simulation studies of phylogenetic method performance. We compared the accuracy of 15 phylogenetic methods using simulations to (1) determine the most accurate method(s) for analyzing polymorphic data (under simplified conditions) and (2) test if generalizations about the performance of phylogenetic methods based on previous simulations of fixed (nonpolymorphic) characters are robust to a very different evolutionary model that explicitly includes intraspecific variation. Simulated data sets consisted of allele frequencies that evolved by genetic drift. The phylogenetic methods included eight parsimony coding methods, continuous maximum likelihood, and three distance methods (UPGMA, neighbor joining, and Fitch-Margoliash) applied to two genetic distance measures (Nei's and the modified Cavalli-Sforza and Edwards chord distance). Two sets of simulations were performed. The first examined the effects of different branch lengths, sample sizes (individuals sampled per species), numbers of characters, and numbers of alleles per locus in the eight-taxon case. The second examined more extensively the effects of branch length in the four-taxon, two-allele case. Overall, the most accurate methods were likelihood, the additive distance methods (neighbor joining and Fitch-Margoliash), and the frequency parsimony method. Despite the use of a very different evolutionary model in the present article, many of the results are similar to those from simulations of fixed characters. Similarities include the presence of the "Felsenstein zone," where methods often fail, which suggests that long-branch attraction may occur among closely related species through genetic drift. Differences between the results of fixed and polymorphic data simulations include the following: (1) UPGMA is as accurate or more accurate than nonfrequency parsimony methods across nearly all combinations of branch lengths, and (2) likelihood and the additive distance methods are not positively misled under any combination of branch lengths tested (even when the assumptions of the methods are violated and few characters are sampled). We found that sample size is an important determinant of accuracy and affects the relative success of methods (i.e., distance and likelihood methods outperform parsimony at small sample sizes). Attempts to generalize about the behavior of phylogenetic methods should consider the extreme examples offered by fixed-mutation models of DNA sequence data and genetic-drift models of allele frequencies.  相似文献   

The method of evolutionary parsimony--or operator invariants--is a technique of nucleic acid sequence analysis related to parsimony analysis and explicitly designed for determining evolutionary relationships among four distantly related taxa. The method is independent of substitution rates because it is derived from consideration of the group properties of substitution operators rather than from an analysis of the probabilities of substitution in branches of a tree. In both parsimony and evolutionary parsimony, three patterns of nucleotide substitution are associated one-to-one with the three topologically linked trees for four taxa. In evolutionary parsimony, the three quantities are operator invariants. These invariants are the remnants of substitutions that have occurred in the interior branch of the tree and are analogous to the substitutions assigned to the central branch by parsimony. The two invariants associated with the incorrect trees must equal zero (statistically), whereas only the correct tree can have a nonzero invariant. The chi 2-test is used to ascertain the nonzero invariant and the statistically favored tree. Examples, obtained using data calculated with evolutionary rates and branchings designed to camouflage the true tree, show that the method accurately predicts the tree, even when substitution rates differ greatly in neighboring peripheral branches (conditions under which parsimony will consistently fail). As the number of substitutions in peripheral branches becomes fewer, the parsimony and the evolutionary-parsimony solutions converge. The method is robust and easy to use.   相似文献   

We conducted a simulation study of the phylogenetic methods UPGMA, neighbor joining, maximum parsimony, and maximum likelihood for a five-taxon tree under a molecular clock. The parameter space included a small region where maximum parsimony is inconsistent, so we tested inconsistency correction for parsimony and distance correction for neighbor joining. As expected, corrected parsimony was consistent. For these data, maximum likelihood with the clock assumption outperformed each of the other methods tested. The distance-based methods performed marginally better than did maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood without the clock assumption. Data correction was generally detrimental to accuracy, especially for short sequence lengths. We identified another region of the parameter space where, although consistent for a given method, some incorrect trees were each selected with up to twice the frequency of the correct (generating) tree for sequences of bounded length. These incorrect trees are those where the outgroup has been incorrectly placed. In addition to this problem, the placement of the outgroup sequence can have a confounding effect on the ingroup tree, whereby the ingroup is correct when using the ingroup sequences alone, but with the inclusion of the outgroup the ingroup tree becomes incorrect.  相似文献   

The nucleotide substitution matrix inferred from avian data sets using cytochrome b differs considerably from the models commonly used in phylogenetic analyses. To analyze the possible effects of this particular pattern of change in phylogeny estimation we performed a computer simulation in which we started with a real sequence and used the inferred model of change to produce a tree of 10 species. Maximum parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML), and various distance methods were then used to recover the topology and the branch lengths. We used two kinds of data with varying levels of variation. In addition, we tested with the removal of third positions and different weighting schemes. At low levels of variation, MP was outstanding in recovering the topology (90% correct), while unweighted pair-group method, arithmetic average (UPGMA), regardless of distances used, was poor (40%). At the higher level, most methods had a chance of around 40%-58% of finding the true tree. However, in most cases, the trees found were only slightly wrong, with only one or a few branches misplaced. On the other hand, the use of a "wrong" model had serious effects on the estimation of branch lengths (distances). Although precision was high, accuracy was poor with most methods, giving branch lengths that were biased downward. When seeded with the true distance matrix, Fitch and NJ always found the true tree, while UPGMA frequently failed to do so. The effect of removing third positions was dramatic at low levels of variation, because only one MP program was able to find a true tree at all, albeit rarely, while none of the others ever did so. At higher levels, the situation was better, but still much worse than with the whole data set.  相似文献   

Empirical data sets of Artiodactyla (Antilocapridae, Bovidae, Cervidae, Suidae), Carnivora (Mustelidae) and Rodentia (Sciuridae, Cricetidae, Arvicolidae, Muridae), obtained by horizontal starch el electrophoresis of 15–34 isoenzyme sstems, were used to calculate genetic distances and to construct phylogenetic trees by the following methods: Nei's D (corrected for small sample sizes) - UPGMA, FITCH, KITSCH (out of Felsenstein's PHYLIP-package); Rogers -distance - distance-Wanger tree; maximum likelihood approach (cavalli -Sforza -Edwards ); maximum parsimony method (wagner ); Hennigian cladogram. The results were re-examined using the statisticar methods of jackknife and bootstrap. The following problems became apparent and were studied in more detail: inconstancy of molecular evolutionary rate among taxa, non-uniformity of evolutionary rate among isoenzymes, possible convergence of alloenzymes, different evolutionary histories of taxa (radiations/bottlenecks), methodological influences sample sizes / rare alleles, comparability of data sets). The results show, that many branches of the various phylogenetic trees are fairly constant. The ambiguous position of the remaining OTU's is due to insufficient evidence in the primary data rather than to theroperties of cluster algorithms. However, since these problematic cases are also uncertain in phylogenies based on morphological characters and palaeontological results, even an increased data set may not lead to a cyear decision unless additional taxa of crucial importance are examined. Molecular evolutionary rate among taxa seems to be accelerated in some cases, possibly due to random fixation of different alleles during bottlenecks, when a highly polymorpic ancestral form underwent a series of adaptive radiations. Isoenzymes can be divided into groups with different evolutionary rates. Thus, data sets are only comparable with respect to genetic variability and differentiation, when they contain a similar amount of representatives of each of these categories.  相似文献   

The use of parameter-rich substitution models in molecular phylogenetics has been criticized on the basis that these models can cause a reduction both in accuracy and in the ability to discriminate among competing topologies. We have explored the relationship between nucleotide substitution model complexity and nonparametric bootstrap support under maximum likelihood (ML) for six data sets for which the true relationships are known with a high degree of certainty. We also performed equally weighted maximum parsimony analyses in order to assess the effects of ignoring branch length information during tree selection. We observed that maximum parsimony gave the lowest mean estimate of bootstrap support for the correct set of nodes relative to the ML models for every data set except one. For several data sets, we established that the exact distribution used to model among-site rate variation was critical for a successful phylogenetic analysis. Site-specific rate models were shown to perform very poorly relative to gamma and invariable sites models for several of the data sets most likely because of the gross underestimation of branch lengths. The invariable sites model also performed poorly for several data sets where this model had a poor fit to the data, suggesting that addition of the gamma distribution can be critical. Estimates of bootstrap support for the correct nodes often increased under gamma and invariable sites models relative to equal rates models. Our observations are contrary to the prediction that such models cause reduced confidence in phylogenetic hypotheses. Our results raise several issues regarding the process of model selection, and we briefly discuss model selection uncertainty and the role of sensitivity analyses in molecular phylogenetics.  相似文献   

Phylogenies are often thought to be more dependent upon the specifics of the sequence alignment rather than on the method of reconstruction. Simulation of sequences containing insertion and deletion events was performed in order to determine the role that alignment accuracy plays during phylogenetic inference. Data sets were simulated for pectinate, balanced, and random tree shapes under different conditions (ultrametric equal branch length, ultrametric random branch length, nonultrametric random branch length). Comparisons between hypothesized alignments and true alignments enabled determination of two measures of alignment accuracy, that of the total data set and that of individual branches. In general, our results indicate that as alignment error increases, topological accuracy decreases. This trend was much more pronounced for data sets derived from more pectinate topologies. In contrast, for balanced, ultrametric, equal branch length tree shapes, alignment inaccuracy had little average effect on tree reconstruction. These conclusions are based on average trends of many analyses under different conditions, and any one specific analysis, independent of the alignment accuracy, may recover very accurate or inaccurate topologies. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian, in general, outperformed neighbor joining and maximum parsimony in terms of tree reconstruction accuracy. Results also indicated that as the length of the branch and of the neighboring branches increase, alignment accuracy decreases, and the length of the neighboring branches is the major factor in topological accuracy. Thus, multiple-sequence alignment can be an important factor in downstream effects on topological reconstruction.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the accuracy of three different approaches to phylogenetic estimation was made on simulated data with differing rates of change in different lineages. The three approaches were maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony, and phenetic clustering. The data were generated by simulating genetic drift with different population sizes over a simple four-species tree topology. Although the accuracy of all three approaches was found to be dependent on the number of loci (characters), maximum likelihood was found to perform considerably and consistently better than maximum parsimony or phenetic clustering.  相似文献   

A major assumption of many molecular phylogenetic methods is the homogeneity of nucleotide frequencies among taxa, which refers to the equality of the nucleotide frequency bias among species. Changes in nucleotide frequency among different lineages in a data set are thought to lead to erroneous phylogenetic inference because unrelated clades may appear similar because of evolutionarily unrelated similarities in nucleotide frequencies. We tested the effects of the heterogeneity of nucleotide frequency bias on phylogenetic inference, along with the interaction between this heterogeneity and stratified taxon sampling, by means of computer simulations using evolutionary parameters derived from genomic databases. We found that the phylogenetic trees inferred from data sets simulated under realistic, observed levels of heterogeneity for mammalian genes were reconstructed with accuracy comparable to those simulated with homogeneous nucleotide frequencies; the results hold for Neighbor-Joining, minimum evolution, maximum parsimony, and maximum-likelihood methods. The LogDet distance method, specifically designed to deal with heterogeneous nucleotide frequencies, does not perform better than distance methods that assume substitution pattern homogeneity among sequences. In these specific simulation conditions, we did not find a significant interaction between phylogenetic accuracy and substitution pattern heterogeneity among lineages, even when the taxon sampling is increased.  相似文献   

Likelihood, parsimony, and heterogeneous evolution   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Evolutionary rates vary among sites and across the phylogenetic tree (heterotachy). A recent analysis suggested that parsimony can be better than standard likelihood at recovering the true tree given heterotachy. The authors recommended that results from parsimony, which they consider to be nonparametric, be reported alongside likelihood results. They also proposed a mixture model, which was inconsistent but better than either parsimony or standard likelihood under heterotachy. We show that their main conclusion is limited to a special case for the type of model they study. Their mixture model was inconsistent because it was incorrectly implemented. A useful nonparametric model should perform well over a wide range of possible evolutionary models, but parsimony does not have this property. Likelihood-based methods are therefore the best way to deal with heterotachy.  相似文献   

Yang Z 《Systematic biology》1998,47(1):125-133
The effect of the evolutionary rate of a gene on the accuracy of phylogeny reconstruction was examined by computer stimulation. The evolutionary rate is measured by the tree length, that is, the expected total number of nucleotide substitutions per site on the phylogeny. DNA sequence data were simulated using both fixed trees with specified branch lengths and random trees with branch lengths generated from a model of cladogenesis. The parsimony and likelihood methods were used for phylogeny reconstruction, and the proportion of correctly recovered branch partitions by each method was estimated. Phylogenetic methods including parsimony appear quite tolerant of multiple substitutions at the same site. The optimum levels of sequence divergence were even higher than upper limits previously suggested for saturation of substitutions, indicating that the problem of saturation may have been exaggerated. Instead, the lack of information at low levels of divergence should be seriously considered in evaluation of a gene's phylogenetic utility, especially when the gene sequence is short. The performance of parsimony, relative to that of likelihood, does not necessarily decrease with the increase of the evolutionary rate.  相似文献   

The relationship between phylogenetic accuracy and congruence between data partitions collected from the same taxa was explored for mitochondrial DNA sequences from two well-supported vertebrate phylogenies. An iterative procedure was adopted whereby accuracy, phylogenetic signal, and congruence were measured before and after modifying a simple reconstruction model, equally weighted parsimony. These modifications included transversion parsimony, successive weighting, and six-parameter parsimony. For the data partitions examined, there is a generally positive relationship between congruence and phylogenetic accuracy. If congruence increased without decreasing resolution or phylogenetic signal, this increased congruence was a good predictor of accuracy. If congruence increased as a result of poor resolution, the degree of congruence was not a good predictor of accuracy. For all sets of data partitions, six-parameter parsimony methods show a consistently positive relationship between congruence and accuracy. Unlike successive weighting, six-parameter parsimony methods were not strongly influenced by the starting tree.  相似文献   

The problem of testing for congruence between phylogenetic data has long been debated among phylogeneticists, but reaches a critical point with the availability of large amount of biological sequences. Notably in prokaryotes, where the amount of lateral transfers is believed to be important, the inference of phylogenies using multiple genes requires testing for incongruence before concatenating the genes. On another scale, incongruence tests can be used to detect recombination points within single gene alignments. The incongruence length difference test (ILD), based on parsimony, has been proved to be useful for finding incongruent data sets, but its application remains limited to small data sets for computational time reasons. Here, we have adapted the principle of ILD to the BIONJ algorithm. This algorithm is based on a tree length minimisation criterion and is suitable to replace parsimony in this test when used with uncorrected distance (model-free approach). We show that this new test, ILD-BIONJ, while being much faster, is often more accurate than the ILD test, especially when the alignments compared are simulated under different evolutionary models.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The construction of evolutionary trees is one of the major problems in computational biology, mainly due to its complexity. RESULTS: We present a new tree construction method that constructs a tree with minimum score for a given set of sequences, where the score is the amount of evolution measured in PAM distances. To do this, the problem of tree construction is reduced to the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). The input for the TSP algorithm are the pairwise distances of the sequences and the output is a circular tour through the optimal, unknown tree plus the minimum score of the tree. The circular order and the score can be used to construct the topology of the optimal tree. Our method can be used for any scoring function that correlates to the amount of changes along the branches of an evolutionary tree, for instance it could also be used for parsimony scores, but it cannot be used for least squares fit of distances. A TSP solution reduces the space of all possible trees to 2n. Using this order, we can guarantee that we reconstruct a correct evolutionary tree if the absolute value of the error for each distance measurement is smaller than f2.gif" BORDER="0">, where f3.gif" BORDER="0">is the length of the shortest edge in the tree. For data sets with large errors, a dynamic programming approach is used to reconstruct the tree. Finally simulations and experiments with real data are shown.  相似文献   

Direct optimization frameworks for simultaneously estimating alignments and phylogenies have recently been developed. One such method, implemented in the program POY, is becoming more common for analyses of variable length sequences (e.g., analyses using ribosomal genes) and for combined evidence analyses (morphology + multiple genes). Simulation of sequences containing insertion and deletion events was performed in order to directly compare a widely used method of multiple sequence alignment (ClustalW) and subsequent parsimony analysis in PAUP* with direct optimization via POY. Data sets were simulated for pectinate, balanced, and random tree shapes under different conditions (clocklike, non-clocklike, and ultrametric). Alignment accuracy scores for the implied alignments from POY and the multiple sequence alignments from ClustalW were calculated and compared. In almost all cases (99.95%), ClustalW produced more accurate alignments than POY-implied alignments, judged by the proportion of correctly identified homologous sites. Topological accuracy (distance to the true tree) for POY topologies and topologies generated under parsimony in PAUP* from the ClustalW alignments were also compared. In 44.94% of the cases, Clustal alignment tree reconstructions via PAUP* were more accurate than POY, whereas in 16.71% of the cases POY reconstructions were more topologically accurate (38.38% of the time they were equally accurate). Comparisons between POY hypothesized alignments and the true alignments indicated that, on average, as alignment error increased, topological accuracy decreased.  相似文献   

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